====== National Puzzlers' League -- 1988 Convention ====== **Pictures From the 1988 Convention** * 1988 Convention photo. * 1988 Convention photo (quarter size). Here is the list of noms and names for the photo: **Front row:** Atlantic, Trazom, Willz, Ulk, Te-Zir-Man, Droid, Hot, Sam, Alice, Coffee, Under Groth, Treesong, Banterweight, Fraz **Row 2:** Hudu, Shrdlu, Avidan, FAro, Eric, Junebug, En, Hap, Jo The Loiterer
**Row 3:** Ginger Ella, Millipede, Evita, Mangie, Visitor, Eos, Dada, Poi, Famulus, Ditto, Ubiq, Pap Ndrome, Ruthless, Philana, Windjammer, Eileen Petitto, Minimus, Merlin, Nina Kurzban, Munro, Nightowl, Ai, Stitch, Sluggo **Row 4:** Mehitabel, Alf, Pen Gwyn, Senor, Joker, Tweaser, Quip, Ajax, Daz, Momus, Manx, Qaqaq, FaRO, Smaug, Panache, Ronnie Allen, George Groth with Colin Richards **Camera shy:** Sibyl