{{images:alert.gif}} The E-nigma is still a work in progress here. Some important things (like the solving) aren't working right, yet. / webmaster ====== The e-Nigma ====== {{krewe:e-nigma:e-sphinx.gif|Crax's groovy e-Sphinx drawing}} {{krewe:e-nigma:the.gif|the}}\\ {{krewe:e-nigma:e-nigma.gif}} -----
Welcome to The e-Nigma, the webzine for puzzles too nerdy and computer-oriented for The Enigma. (You probably won't understand what in blazes I'm talking about unless you are already a member of the National Puzzlers' League.)
The e-Nigma is a hyperdocument. I'll try to make sure it looks decent under recent versions of Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, but I can't promise that everything will be perfect using other browsers. Text-only folks will have a rough go on some of the puzzles. There are a number of links to far-flung sites whose longevity I can't guarantee--caveat surfor. Be warned that many of the puzzles require knowledge of computerese and of specific systems I'll try to point these out in the Puznotes where appropriate.