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====== Dragonfly ====== ===== Recruitment ===== I read an article about the 2000 con in the San Francisco Chronicle. I couldn't get into The Enigma on my own, however, and just threw the magazine into a file for the whole first year. Then I saw [[Hot|Hot's]] name on the NPL roster - I'd known him in a former incarnation. I came to an Enigma-solving brunch at his house in October 2001 and was totally hooked. //First Issue//: July 2000 ===== Recruits ===== * [[Tennaqist]] ===== Nom ===== I am happiest out in nature, and I enjoy the creatures I see there. Dragonflies are symbols of many things, including transformation. At the time I joined the League, I was changing in some dramatic ways. ==== Combinoms ==== * Dragonbyrd: Dragonfly/[[earlebyrd|Earl E.Byrd]] * Dragrenfly: Dragonfly/[[Grendel]] * Grendragon: [[Grendel]]/Dragonfly * Drip: Dragonfly/[[Quip]] * Pollyfly: [[Polly]]/Dragonfly * Jokerfly: [[Joker]]/Dragonfly ===== Offices ===== Picture puzzle coordinator