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====== Jypsy ====== ===== Recruitment ===== [[Tyger]] ---> Jypsy/GVB. Source: email from [[Tyger]]. //First Issue//: May 1994 ===== Recruits ===== None. ===== Nom ===== Re-joined following [[cons:2003:photos|Indycon (2003)]] using the nom Jypsy as a refereence Stripper Sweet Gypsy Rose Lee... and a nickname given to me in highschool after being in the play Gypsy. Source: email from Jypsy Re: the previous nom "GVB": //My daughter, real name Rose, often complains about the name I chose for her. Her father said he doesn't want to hear it because of the silly noms she picks -- first Smedley, a silly name her father calls her, then GVB which is short for Goofball von Boofball, also a silly pet name her father calls her.// //Source//: npl-folk email from [[Tyger]]. ==== Combinoms ==== None ==== Previous Noms ==== * Smedley * GVB ===== Offices ===== None