Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/home/34/13/8201334/tmp/sess_f4bf06d92df5968542666b5e79dfa9b8, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /home/nas1r0/34/13/8201334/web/dokuwiki/inc/init.php on line 102

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====== Loophole ====== ===== Recruitment ===== I came to the NPL as a result of a //Games// article about a crosswords tournament in New Jersey in the spring of 1988. The tournament was run by [[Famulus]] and followed by a dinner gathering where a principal subject of conversation was the NPL. I expressed interest and [[pengwyn|Pen Gwyn]] took my name and address. A few weeks later [[Senor]] sent me a [[mini:start|mini-sample]], on which I scored my first--and last--complete. //First Issue//: May 1988 ===== Recruits ===== None. ===== Nom ===== No data. ==== Combinoms ==== No data. ===== Offices ===== No data.