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====== Oak ======
===== Recruitment =====
Like [[Philana]] and [[Mercury]], I wrote to the address in the People's Almanac back in 1976.
Best investment in a stamp I've ever made.
I bought it in paperback in 1976 and mailed off to (then) editor [[Nightowl]] for more info on
NPL. I joined immediately along with a friend ([[Lionheart]]) who only lasted one year or so
(but he went on to win a potful of money on Jeopardy!)
//First Issue//: May 1976
===== Recruits =====
===== Nom =====
I used my nickname at the time I joined. I received it from my fellow basketball teammates, and
it refers to my mobility on a basketball court.
==== Combinoms ====
No data.
===== Offices =====
No data.