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====== Pen Gwyn ======
===== Recruitment =====
Recruiting was a long process, starting with seeing a write-up in the met life house organ about the woman I had seen
doing the final puzzles in [[misc:acpt1998|Stamford]]--so I called her and she was kind enough to fill me in on NPL,
it was [[En]], of course. But [I] didn't do anything until I borrowed [[Ditto]]'s 'Nig to look through at the NYU
x-word tourney--what was that called anyway? and [[Senor]] gave me a [[mini:start|minisample]], so all were involved.
//First Issue//: Aug 1984
===== Recruits =====
* [[jotheloi|Jo The Loiterer]],
* [[Loophole]].
===== Nom =====
[I] just have always been a penguin fancier--even went to Patagonia to band some of the little flightless dears with the
NY zoological assoc. So [I] looked up the derivation and found it came from two Welsh words meaning white headland, and
probably based on misidentification of auks--but this derivation is now being disputed.
==== Combinoms ====
No data.
===== Offices =====
No data.