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====== Qoz ======
Pronounced pretty much like it's spelled - kóz
===== Recruitment =====
Recruited by his brother, [[Vroo]], and [[Gordot]].
//First Issue//: Apr 2002
===== Recruits =====
[[Valkyrie]], [[ranKed]], [[you]]
===== Nom Story =====
Qoz is a simple, mathematically-equivalent transformation of Roy. It's short, and worth 21 points in Scrabble and 15 points in WIM.
My original nom (see below) was invented before I'd ever met a member of the NPL. While appropriate to me, it seemed less appropriate to the NPL.
===== Previous Noms =====
**July 2007 - July 2008**
This combines the first two letters of my first name (pronounced /reg/ and can be transliterated as (R) if the ® symbol isn't available).
**2002 - July 2007**
Ambigrams are words or phrases which can be read in more than one direction. Some ambigrams read the same phrase in all
directions, other read one phrase one way and a different phrase another way. Some trivial examples: "pod" rotated 180
degrees is still "pod"; "up" rotated 180 degrees is "dn" (common on boxes); and MOM in a mirror is still MOM. I
started creating ambigrams more than 20 years ago and have created hundreds of them, so when I was trying to pick a nom,
it was natural for me to do something with ambigrams (especially, since I've never come up with an anagram for my
name that I liked).
My normal ambigram for my name uses 180-degree symmetry:
But using it would mean that my nom was just my name. So, I decided to refine the mirror-image ambigram that
I had done and create one that would fit well with a san-serif font such as Helvetica or Arial, so it would
look appropriate in normal usage.
In normal text, my ambigram nom was written as: roy
* large GIF,
* small GIF
* Acrobat PDF: [[http://www.royleban.com/nom/roy-mirror.pdf]]
* Other ambigrams I've created [[http://www.royleban.com/ambigrams.html]]
* A third "roy" ambigram can be seen in the blog header at [[http://www.thistangent.com]]
==== Combinoms ====
No data.
===== Offices =====
No data.