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====== Quiz ======
===== Recruitment =====
I submitted a cryptic to //GAMES// magazine and got a letter from [[WILLz]] that said "Thanks for your
interest, but unfortunately you're submitting your puzzle just as our magazine is folding. Why don't
you look into the National Puzzlers League?" It included [[Sibyl]]'s name and address, and I signed up
almost immediately thereafter.
Source: npl-folk email from Quiz.
//First Issue//: May 1990
===== Recruits =====
===== Nom =====
No data.
==== Previous Noms ====
* Deacon,
* Beacon.
==== Combinoms ====
* Beamdown: Beacon/[[100down]]
===== Offices =====
* VP 94 (while nom'd Beacon; don't know if it was first or second VP, //cf// [[Eric]])