Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/home/34/13/8201334/tmp/sess_70a5c70b8be961d498d2d7eef1280874, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /home/nas1r0/34/13/8201334/web/dokuwiki/inc/init.php on line 102
Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: open(/home/34/13/8201334/tmp/sess_70a5c70b8be961d498d2d7eef1280874, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /home/nas1r0/34/13/8201334/web/dokuwiki/doku.php on line 75
Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/home/34/13/8201334/tmp) in /home/nas1r0/34/13/8201334/web/dokuwiki/doku.php on line 75
====== Rowen ======
===== Recruitment =====
I joined partly because I'd been receiving invitations to [[Aesop]]'s game parties (though I'd never been able to go),
and partly because [[Ucaoimhu]] asked me why I hadn't joined every time I saw him. But the driving reason was when I
realized I'd started trying to convince a friend to join - and I still hadn't joined myself. So I gave in.
===== Recruits =====
===== Nom =====
Rowen is a modification of the name of one of my aunts. She lived at a time when spelling was fairly ad-lib, and often
looking at a puzzle diagram will bring to mind thoughts of her letters to her husband.
==== Combinoms ====
No data.
===== Offices =====
No data.