====== Other Organizations and Resources ======
There are other sites and organizations that may be of interest to puzzlers. These include:
===== Web Links =====
* An article from the National Public Radio (NPR) quiz show "[[http://www.npr.org/programs/waitwait/features/2001/011116.limerick.html|Wait, wait, don't tell me]]" about writing limericks with a missing last word. These limericks are a sort of flat.
* the official site of the [[http://www.cryptogram.org|American Cryptogram Association]] or ACA; their [[http://www.und.nodak.edu/org/crypto/crypto/|old site]],
* [[http://www.scrabble-assoc.com|The US National Scrabble(tm) Association]]
* [[http://www.absp.org.uk|The Association of British Scrabble(tm) Players]]
* the [[http://www.rec-puzzles.org|rec.puzzles website]] at [[http://www.rec-puzzles.org|www.rec-puzzles.org]],
An NPL member, Xyzzy, maintains a site that provides [[http://www.fleetingimage.com/wij/xyzzy/dictionary.html|help on
how to use the Merriam-Webster online Collegiate Dictionary]].
An eclectic collection of games and stuff can be found on [[http://eblong.com/zarf/cave/games.html|Zarf's Home]]
(by [[erkyrath@eblong.com|Andrew Plotkin]]) including some obscure and interesting ones. See the [[http://eblong.com/zarf/sitemap.html|sitemap]] for some help.
The website [[http://www.primepuzzles.net/|http://www.primepuzzles.net/]]
hosts puzzles specifically related to prime numbers. They have a link
to [[http://barryispuzzled.com/|The Puzzling World of Barry R. Clarke]]
and to [[http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~Michael.Winckler/PUZ_bas.html|Michael Winckler's pages]].
[[http://www.fools-errand.com/|The Fool's Errand]] //et al.// offers downloads, free of charge, of the classic puzzle games //The Fool's Errand//, //At the Carnival//, and //3 in Three// for both
[[http://www.microsoft.com|Microsoft Windows]](tm) and [[http://www.apple.com|Apple Macintosh]](tm).
[[http://www.cruciverb.com|Cruciverb-L]] is a privately maintained subscription list for discussions about crossword puzzles. Unlike the
rec.puzzles.crosswords news group, focus is primarily on non-cryptic puzzles.
There is a site that is devoted to the yearly [[http://www.crosswordtournament.com|crossword competition]] at Stamford, which many NPL members attend. That site also contains a [[http://www.crosswordtournament.com/links|page of links]] which you may find interesting. Another recently created site is [[http://www.puzzability.com|Puzzability]], two of whose three creators
(G,Ames and Manx) are members of the NPL. Jed Hartman maintains a wordplay page called [[http://kith.org/logos/words/words.html|Words & Stuff]].
[[http://www.primate.wisc.edu/people/hamel/|Ray Hamel's home site]] contains a page with hundreds of links to crossword puzzle sites, and includes an excellent quote from 1929 about constructing crosswords.
Sue Gleason's website, [[http://www.doublecrostic.com|www.doublecrostic.com]] is dedicated to online acrostics. A challenging puzzle by NPL member Panache is currently (was?) featured (Oct 2003).
The "[[http://www.toptenlinks.com/cat.php/Recreation%3AGames%3APuzzles|Puzzle review page]]" is maintained at the "toptenlinks" site. There is also a set of links to puzzle pages at [[http://thinks.com/webguide/wordpuzzles.htm|Thinks.com]].
[[http://members.aol.com/gulfhigh2/words.html|A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia]] is a compilation of odds and ends, such as the longest word in various languages, and words which derive from people's names, such as shrapnel.
[[http://www.alphasleuth.com/|Alpha Sleuth™ Word Logic Puzzles]] combine the best features of Scrabble®, Sudoku, Jumble®, Crossword & Crypto-Quip into a novel solving challenge! They host a FREE weekly [[http://www.alphasleuth.com/pages/solving-contest.php|Solving Contest]].
Puzzle books freely available online:
*[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Dudeney|Henry Ernest Dudeney]], //[[http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/16713|Amusements in Mathematics]]// (plain text, HTML, and Plucker format at Project Gutenberg)
*Henry Ernest Dudeney, //[[http://djm.cc/library/Amusements_in_Mathematics_Dudeney_edited02.pdf|Amusements in Mathematics]]// (PDF at djm.cc)
*Henry Ernest Dudeney, //[[http://djm.cc/library/The_Canterbury_Puzzles_Dudeney_edited.pdf|The Canterbury Puzzles, and Other Curious Problems]]// (PDF at djm.cc)
*[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Loyd|Sam Loyd]], //[[http://www.mathpuzzle.com/loyd/|Cyclopedia of Puzzles]]//, New York: Lamb Publishing Company, c1914 (page images at mathpuzzle.com)
*Sam Loyd, //[[http://djm.cc/library/Cyclopedia_of_Puzzles_Loyd.pdf|Cyclopedia of Puzzles]]// (PDF at djm.cc)
==== Some Topical Blogs ====
* [[krewe:krewehomes]]
* [[http://havemacwillblog.com/2009/04/11/10-words-you-dont-know/|10 words you don't know]]
* [[http://havemacwillblog.com/2009/04/21/10-very-long-words-you-dont-know/|10 very long words you don't know]]
===== News Groups =====
News groups are part of a system called Usenet. They carry, amongst //many// other topics:
* rec.puzzles.crosswords news group,
* rec.puzzles news group.
You may also be interested in information on [[misc:rec.puz.arch|how to search the rec.puzzles archive]]. This is a repository of definitive solutions to classic logic and other puzzles, such as the one about the farmer trying to get a goose, some corn, and a fox safely across a river in a small boat. You can download an index file listing all the items, or specific items, from any of the "mirror" sites around the world.