~~NOCACHE~~ ===== —OBSOLETE—: Enigma Corrigenda ===== Main Entry: **cor·ri·gen·dum** \\ Pronunciation: "kor-&-'jen-d&m, "kär- \\ Function: //noun// \\ Inflected Form(s): //plural// **cor·ri·gen·da** /-d&/ \\ Etymology: Latin, neuter of //corrigendus//, gerundive of //corrigere// to correct: an error in a printed work discovered after printing and shown with its correction on a separate sheet From [[http://m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=corrigenda&x=13&y=12|Mirriam-Webster's Online Dictionary]]. **Corrigenda are only available for August 1997 to December 2009 (the note below is incorrect). Corrigenda for current and recent issues are available at:** [[http://engima.puzzlers.org]] ~~NPL_CORRIGENDA:solving:corrigenda~~