Table of Contents

The 1976 Convention


The Official Con Photo

Who was there ...

Note: The definition of a “Row” is somewhat loose. Do your best to find the correspondence between this listing and the photo.

  1. Back Row: faRO, Sigmasexspring, Zer-0, Ajax, unidentified, Blackstone, Merlin, Mr. Kanter, Dada, Osaple, Gimlet, Mr. My My
  2. Next Row: FAro, Wede, Treesong, Freddie, Ubiq (Mrs. Dada), Carlie (Mrs. Blackstone), Viv (Freddie's niece)
  3. Seated on Sofas: Ginger Ella, Graydol, Hap, Nightowl, Kamel, Ann Dhow, My My, Rho
  4. Front Row: Mangie, Willz, Hart King, Gumdrop (Penny Kanter)