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I first heard about the NPL in an article WILLz wrote in Games in the '80s; I gather from previous posts it may have been 1989. At any rate, I filed it away in a cobwebbed corner of my mind until a couple of years ago, when I began taking note of the convention announcement in the Games calendar and pondering whether it was feasible for vacation. When the con came to Chicago, it was too close to pass up…and now I'm hooked.

WILLz —> Ember

(Like Squonk on his first pass, the Enigma leaves me cold…or rather, flat…for which reason, though I've resolved to plan for the con each year, I'm not technically a member. I keep hoping no one will notice.)

Source: npl-folk email from Ember.

First Issue: Not a member until Aug 1997




My nom's a double-meaning. My real-life monogram is EMB, hence EMB'er; it also denotes “not quite a member,” since I'm not.
