For work on his aspell spell checker program, took at look at the words that are not currently in the DICT database. Here are his results. These are prime candidates for initial entries in FILE.
From: “Kevin Atkinson”
Subject: [dict-beta] Possibe words for FILE
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 21:23:04 -0500
The following list is a list of 1184 words which:
It sounds like a good canadent for words to include in FILE for me.
(However there are still words which are simple affection of common root words as ispell is not perfect)
Hope you can find it useful. This list is in the public domain however I would appreciate credit for my work.
absentia accessors actinide actions addressability advize aficionado agents agriculturalists airbag airfare airhead airmass airmen airplay alerted alginate allocated allotments amaretto aminobenzoic amorality anesthetically anisotropy annum anticompetitive antidisestablishmentarianism antimatter antisera antisymmetry anytime aplenty appraisals archipelagoes arcsine arctangent areawide armload arrangeable articulable ascriptive assigns assimilationist assistantship assn associativity assurances asteria atemporal attainably attendee attenuator audiologist autodial axiomatize axion azimuths backfill backorder backplane backstabber backstabbing backwood badland bandpass bans barfly bartend bas baseman beasties bellicosity bellum bely beman benefitted beribbon berths bestseller bicep biconnected bids biennium bijective biker bilayer bindle biometric biomolecule biophysical bioscience biosphere births bistable bistate bladdernut blatting blindside bluegrass boatyard bodyweight bogeymen boilermaker bona bonjour bookkeep boomtown boos boosterism bootable booths bootstrapped bootstrapping bopping boroughs boughs bows boxtop bras breakpoint breakthroughs breaths breathy bremsstrahlung brickmason brows buffered bugging bunkhouse bursty buses bushmaster buzzy cacciatore caldera calibrator caliphs callee campesinos cannel canner canonicalization canonicalize casbah catao cavalrymen cavemen cetera characterizable chateaux chiefdom childrearing chinning cholinesterase chromatograph chugging churchwoman circa citations classifieds classwork cleans clearinghouse clusters coded coder codeword coeditor coliform collaborative collectivities collinearity colloquia columnize combinatoric comedic comeuppance comfortability commutativity compactor componentry computability computerese concertmaster configurable conformal conformational connectionless connectivity conquistadores consolidates constance constitutes constructibility constructible constructions contacted contrapositive converts coppersmiths cored coroutine corralled countably counterargument counterintuitive covariate covary cowpunch crabapple craftspeople crawlspace crewcut criss critter crossable crossarm crosspoint cruddy cryptanalyst cryptologic curiae curs customizable customization cuttlebone cyclohexanol cytochemistry czarism daffy dammit daresay dataset deadweight deallocate deassign deaths decaffeinate decompile decomposability decorates decouple decrypt deemphasis defenestrate defocus degradable deja delegable delicti demagnify demultiplex denotational densitometric deoxyribonucleic deployable depreciable depths dequeue determines deterministically deters detonable detune deus diagrammed dials dices diem differentiability diffractometer dipodic directions disagreeing dispell dispersement displayable dn dodecahedra doggone dogleg doldrum doles dopant doubted downlink downplay downside downspout downtrend dragger dreamboat drywall ductwork duopolist duopoly dutchess dwarves dystrophy earthmover earths eave eavesdropped ei eigenfunction eigenstate electroencephalography electromyographic electroweak elevens eliminator ellipsometer ellipsometry embarcadero embraceable embrittle emittance empath employability encephalographic encrypted endgame endnote enforceability enjoinder enlists enqueue entrapment entrepreneurship enzymology epiphenomena epitaphs epitaxial epitaxy epochs ergodic ergodicity erodible erosible escadrille ethnomethodology eunuchs euphemist evaluated eviller evocable exciton exclusivity exotica expansionist experimentalist exploitable extendibility extrema extremal eyeing fairgoer faiths fancily fanfold fanout farmworker fauxpas featherbrain fecundability fenced ferroelectric ferromagnet fide fiefdom fifths filename filmdom filmstrip fishmeal flabbergasting flack flatbed flows flubbed flubbing fluorimetric fluorinated folksong forcefield foregoes foresaw foreseeing forklift formability formant formations formatted formatter formulator fortiori fractions freon gallonage galls gasser gator generational generators gentrification geocentricism geochronology giddap gimpy girlie glycerinate goodie gosh gra graphs greenware grids grokked growly growths gunned habeas handbrake handymen hardwire harrumph headquarter heartland helluva henchmen hereunder hermitian heuristically hipster histochemical histochemistry historicism hobbing hoc hokey homebuilt homeomorphic homeomorphism hon hooray hors hotrod housewares hubba huh humidistat hurray hyacinths hydroxylate hypergamous hypergamy hypnotically hypothyroid icosahedra idealogical idempotency impactor implementable implementor implicant improvisational incant incept incorporable indeterminacy indexable inductee inequivalent infantrymen infinitum informational ingestible inhomogeneity initialized injunctive innuendoes insertions instantiated integrand interactivity interchannel intercity interconnectivity interferometric interferometry interframe intergeneration intergenerational intergovernmental intergroup intermetrics internetwork interoffice interpol interpretations interpretor interprocess interprocessor interquartile interregional interruptible intervenor interventionist interviewed intracity intraclass intraoffice intraprocess intubate invokable invokes ionospheric ions ipso irredeemably isocline isomorphically isotropically iss iterator jabbed janitorial jeon joey josh jugate jun jure kaboom kaleidescope kcal ke keypad keypunch keystroke kibbutzim kiddie kilohm kilojoule kinesics kk kludgey kneepad knick kpa kudo kurtosis labyrinths lackadaisic laissez laps laquer laughs lawmen layup leachate learns leftmost lengths lettermen licensor lidding lieut lightproof lightyear lithographs lithospheric litigatious litiginous loadable locational lockstep locomotory logout longword lookahead louden lowlight lybia macroeconomics maintainability maladjust mambo manipulable manipulatable maps marketability marriages matchmake matroid meadowland memoriam merchantability meritocratic metallurgists microamp microarchitecture microeconomic microinstruction microprocessing microprogram microsystems midlife midrange midyear millennia milliamp millijoule ming minimalist miniskirt ministrations misalign misbrand misclassified miscommunicate missions misspecification mistype miz modularity modularization modularize monarchs monies monoalphabetic monochromator monolithically monotonicity months monumentality morphism mortem motivator moulds mudding multicast multicollinearity multicomputer multidisciplinary multilayer multilevel multimillionaire multiuser multivariate multiversity musicology mutandis mutatis myers myths nabla nameable natality nationhood nauseum negated negator nematic neuropathology neuroses nia niagra nichts nio niod nm nominates nonbiodegradable nonconservative noncontiguous nondisclosure nondiscriminatory nondurable nonempty nonextensible nonferrous nonidempotent noninteracting nonintuitive nonlinearity nonlocal nonnegligible nonperishable nonzero noontime notational nouveau nouvelle nucleic nuclide nullary numerology nuremberg nutcrack nymphs obfuscatory oceanographic officio offload offramp oldy oligopolistic oligopoly opcode operandi opt opthalmology optimality optionality originals orthonormal otherworld ourself outperform outputting outshone outwitted outworn overcorrection overemphasized overextension overgrazing overlapped overpopulated overrepresented oversample overwritten ovulatory owly packages packs pairwise panicking paradoxic paragraphs paramedical parameterizable parameterization parameterize parametrized paratroop parenthesized pars passband passersby passivate patriarchs payments peccadilloes percentile percutaneous personalization petri petroglyph petter pf phenomenological photodiode photographs photolysis photorealism physiochemical physiotherapist picky piecewise pipet placeholder planarity playwriting pleas plebian plink pluggable plugs pointy polarograph policymaker polis polloi postcondition postdoctoral posteriori postsecondary potboil preallocate precollege precolonial precut preemployment preemptor preindustrial prepping preprepared preprocessed preproduction prestidigitate pretest priori prizes prodical prof profiler profitted profoundity prognoses programmability programmable programmed programs projective propos pros protestor provocateur psych psychidelic psychoacoustic psychobiology psychos psychosocial pulverable punditry putted pyrolysis quadrupole quadword quantile quantize queueing quizzes quo quonset radiochemical radiologic radionics rams rd reachability reacted readout realizes reanalyze reappraise recalibrate recappable recertification recirculate recode recompute reconfigurability reconfigure reconnect recontamination recta recurs redisplay reenactment referenda refocus reformat regionalism reinitialize reinvent reinvention rejigger relabel relativist relocatable rendevous renegotiate renumber renunciate reoccur repackage repartition repeatability repost reprogram resistable resistence resynchronize retardant retrain retrofit retrofitting retype reverify revved revving rewind rewound rhodolite rhyth ribonucleic ribosomal richen rightmost riverboat riverfront riverine robotic rodding rototill roundoff rr runnable runs salespeople salinger saloonkeeper sanatoria sandhill sanitate satisfiability saturates schedulable schoolwork scramming scrapped scrapping screwup scrollbar seatbelt selectable semantical sends serendipitous serializable servicemen settable settings severalfold shalom sharable shareable sharecrop sharecropping shibboleths shimming shippable shredder sideband sideman sidemen sidestepping sighs signalled siltation situ situational skyhook skyway sleighs slings slogging sloths smilies snakelike snippy socio sociodemographic sonofabitch southernisms sox sparky specularity spokespersons sportswriter sprayed spumoni sqrt squirmy st stalag starship stationarity steamily steeplebush stenotype stimulatory stochasticity stomachs storyboard stouten stratospheric strengths strobe stroboscopic stroganoff structuralist styli subareas subassembly subdistrict subexpression subfield subfile subgoal submachine submittal submodule subnational suboptimal subproblem subproject subrange subregion subregional subschema subscripted substantivity substring subtopic subtotal subtractor subtree sulfite summand summitry superblock superset superstructural supranationalism sured surges survivability survivalist swabby swappable swirly switchgear sycophantically symbiont sys systemwide szlk teas telegraphs telemetric telepathically tensorial tenths teratogenic testability tetrafluoride tetrahedra thermoforming thighs thinnest thyratron timeshare timestamp tinily tinnily tinplate tiptoeing toasty tobaggon tonk toodle toolkit tootsie tootsy topocentric topological torten toughs tows tradeoff transceive transcendentalists transconductance transect transferal transferor transfinite transshipping tribesmen tribulate trichloroethane tridiagonal trisodium tristate tritium triumphs troughs tsarism ttys turvy twas twirly twitchy typedef typological ultrasound uncomment uncool undelete undeliverable undercount underemployment undergoes underly underrepresented underwhelm unfaded unfelt unhesitant univariate unkink unmet unmount unpartisan unphysical unregister unsettling unwaivering unwrapping upcome upped upperclassman upslope upswing uptime uptrend urbanism urbanite usability vacationland vacuo valuate varistor vectorial vectorization verifiability versa viably viewable viscoelasticity vita vitae vitro vivo vocations vocoder voila vorticity wacko waiverable wakeup wally warmish wavelengths weighs whammy whee whirly whistleable whomever widthwise wilily wingtip wino wireman wiretapping wishy woodlot woodyard worths wraps yapping yeshiva yipping yup zapping zigged zipped zlotys
Kevin Atkinson