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Corrigenda for the Enigma -- 2006




Nobody has brought any errata to my attention for March! This is a first in the history of my editorship.


Apparently all the errata that would have been in March decided to be in April instead. With thanks to Treesong, Wabbit, Philana, Groucho, and Cazique:


With thanks to Crax, Pebbles, and Kapry Korn:


The last few issue numbers have been all mixed up. It's not rubrical for anything!


With thanks to Crax:

X-2 is missing a clue:

15+1 Cirrus clouds with a long slender flowing appearance (5' 5)


Hi all –

With thanks to Newrow, one erratum in July:
F-3: In square 1, clue 4 should read “Possibly massless particles.”

With thanks to Kapry Korn:
The piecemeal square is a repeat from June. My apologies!


Some errata, with thanks to Geneal, Loquacious, Paul Levande, Luciver, Aleph, and Philana: 12: Apparently ERR is in at least some 11Cs. 14: WHOLE in the first line should be WHOLEs. Flats #38 and 50 are duplicates. This is not rubrical for anything. X-2: First number in the enumeration should be 6, not 5.

One flat in August contains TETCBN.

Also, the following announcement from was intended for the August issue, but your editor managed to leave it out.

Greetings! At 12:00 noon EST, Monday September 4th, I'll be posting a 12-puzzle 'ganza online at The timing might give you a clue to the theme. There's a (modest) prize for the first person to solve everything. Hope many of you play!

See more Labor Intensive /

11—My thanks to Paul Levande for pointing out [August]’s erratum, namely, that Bill Cosby has an Ed.D., not a Ph.D. His thesis was apparently on the use of Fat Albert in the classroom!


With thanks to Crax, Philana, Spiel, aleph, Newrow, Paul Levande, Jeffurry, and Wrybosh:


With thanks to CipherStomp, Philana, Tinhorn, Panther, Aleph, Hot, Joker, and Wabbit:

2:A brain-blip by your editrix led to the wrong version of this flat being printed. The one we wanted to run was this:

While hiking through the German Alps,
I paused and set my SEASICK down.
Some rotten SIX appeared and stole it.
Gearless, I returned to town.

52: Not an erratum, but a clarification: there is an apostrophe after the second quotation mark.
X-2: The trigram HYO is extraneous.
X-4: 17D is not in all NI2s.


Some errata, with thanks to Badir, Philana, Btnirn, and Aleph:

2: The O in the rubric should be green.
11: 3 = findable.
23: This is indeed a PHONIGMATIC REBUS, not a PHONIGMATIC REUBS. This is a typo, not a rubric.
63: TEN = 3 7.

Also, Fuldu wishes to apologize for not changing Dyeti's original title for C-7, which he feels was inappropriate in the circumstances.

Color Flats in November

2. The O in the rubric is green; the N in the rubric is red.

5. The roughly rectangular area of the rubric between the two horizontal lines (the area in which the C is located) is shaded yellow.

35. The D in ENIGMDTIC REBUS is red.

39. Four sets of letters in each line are red. They are, in order, line by line: forth, a, tain, sian; Geor, aids, this, cus; on, he's, and, ty; Hails, near, U, ci; der, Thus, mi, tion; On, la, co, ra; ters, to, con, tion; And, spark, keen, duc.

45. The top half of the L in the rubric is green; the bottom of the L and all of the Y are red (Actually, the bottom of the L is orange, not red – Tahnan).

49. The 'ding' in 'recordings' is a sort of blue, but not a pure, prototypical blue; an intuition towards “green” is a good one.

51. In the second stanza, the f in “sefack” and the f in “Cafird ” are red.

59. Every character in the title, enumeration, tag, verse and byline is yellow, except for the Es and Is (upper and lower case).

C-4. In order, the letters are: redorange/green, green, orange, black, blue/red, red/green, green/black, orange/blue, orange/black, green, orange/green, green/black, red/green, blue/red, green/black, blue/orange, orange, green/red, green/blue, green, green/blue, red/blue, orange/blue, green/black, black/orange, red/blue, green, orange/red, red, black, blue, blue, green, orange/blue, orange/black, green, orange/blue, orange, blue, orange, red/blue, black/green, black/green, blue, green, blue/red, green/blue, blue/red, green/black, green/blue, green, red/green, green/red, red/green, red, green, black/red, black, orange/blue, orange/blue, green, blue/red, green/red, orange/red, orange/red, black, green/blue, green/black, green/red, orange/blue, green/orange, green/black, red/green, red, red/orange, blue, red/black, green/black, orange/blue, orange/black, orange/red, green/red, blue, green/red, blue/red, green/blue.

C-6. Each color is that color, i.e., “orange” is orange, “GREEN” is green, “YELLOW” is yellow, “BLUE” is blue, “RED” is red, and “PURPLE” is purple.


With thanks to Wrybosh, Witz, and Pebbles:

26—Reversed fourth-letter change.
29—Change “you’re” to “your”.
61—The tag should say ”non-MW usage of NI3 word in reading”.
In the solution for Oct. C-7, the 10th word should be “scyphi”, not “scypti”.