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Changing the appearance of Form Friend

Changing the font

Form Friend's initial font settings are 28 point Monospaced Bold. You may find this font too big, especially if you are working with large forms. To change the font, select Display→Form Font . . . from the menu. The following dialog will appear:

Choose the font you want to use, and click OK or Apply. Form Friend will update the image of the form accordingly.

Note that the list of fonts you see in this dialog will depend on what is available on your system.

You can save your preferred font selections so that they will be used whenever you run Form Friend. To do this, choose “File→Save settings as defaults”. Note that this saves all settings, including form shape and size, and colours.

Changing colours

There are five possible colours that can be changed in Form Friend:

To change one of these, choose Edit→Colours and then choose the appropriate selection from the menu. The following dialog will appear:

There are three tabs: Swatches, HSB and RGB. Each provides the same colour selections, presented differently. Experiment until you find a colour you like, then choose OK to have Form Friend update the image of the form.

You can save your preferred colour selections so that they will be used whenever you run Form Friend. To do this, choose “File→Save settings as defaults”. Note that this saves all settings, including form shape and size, and fonts.

Reverting to system defaults

If you want to temporarily or permanently revert to the system default settings, choose “File→Reset all settings to the system defaults”. This will change the font, colour and form preferences to the initial default values. If you want to make all your current settings permanent, choose “File→Save settings as defaults” from the menu.

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Form Friend version 2.02 copyright © 2000, 2001 by