Users can setup their own account and password using the [login] or [profile] buttons at the bottom of the screen. This removes the need for a password change screen from /secure/krewe/password.php.
The treasurer no longer needs to add everyone's account; instead, we use a “group” of Krewe to permit access to The Members Only Area.
Some guidelines?
If you needed a password for it on the old website, it is almost certainly under The Members Only Area now.
In the title bar, click on the “backlinks” link ie. [[webmaster:moved_items]] above.
You'll get a list of all the pages that point to the OLD page and you want to point to the NEW location.
Open each listed page in a new tab or window1) (or you may need to come back to this list often)
Edit the page and alter the links to move the IDs to the new location.
Note: There is a plugin that should allow us to eliminate almost all of these steps if can get thing upgraded to the current Wiki Version.