The Constitution of the National Puzzlers’ League 
 Article I. Name

The name of this nonprofit organization is The National Puzzlers’ League.

 Article II. Purposes

The purposes of this League shall be exclusively literary and educational, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to be accomplished by bringing together any who are interested in composing and solving word puzzles (primarily in verse). The Enigma, a monthly publication, shall be the official organ of the League.

 Article III. Distribution of Assets

In the event of the dissolution of the League, the disposition of any remaining assets after the outstanding bills are paid shall be determined by vote of not less than 20% of the membership at the time of dissolution, and shall take the form of a contribution to an organization or organizations exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

 Article IV. Membership

Any person who is actively interested in Puzzledom may become a member of this League upon payment of a subscription to The Enigma, this payment constituting annual dues. Membership shall cease if dues are not paid upon notification of expiration. A member shall be entitled to vote and to hold office, and to receive all issues of the official organ, and to contribute material thereto subject to acceptance by the Official Editor.

 Article V. Officers

The officers of the League shall be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Official Editor (each having the powers and responsibilities usual to such titles). It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary, with the help of the Vice Presidents, to ensure that every new member receive a letter of welcome, offering help with puzzling, and to provide such help if asked. These officers shall constitute, and hold the same offices in, the Board of Trustees, which shall conduct and control the powers, property, and affairs of the League in accordance with the bylaws elected by the membership of the League. Officers shall serve for the calendar year following their election. Any vacancy between elections shall be filled by the remaining Trustees for the unexpired term. It shall be the duty each year of the outgoing officers to forward to the Secretary or the Editor no later than September 1 their recommendations for their successors. Any member may also send his nomination for any office to the Secretary or the Editor by the same above date.

 Article VI. Elections

Officers shall be elected by an annual vote using official ballots mailed to each member with the October issue of The Enigma. Those ballots returned to the Official Editor, to be received no later than November 1, shall constitute the official election, results of which shall be included in the December issue of The Enigma. If the post of Official Editor is contested, the board, in consultation with the competing candidates, will name a third party to count the ballots.

 Article VII. Amendments

Any proposed amendment must be signed by three members and submitted to the full membership of the Board of Trustees. Those proposed amendments that are approved by at least four of the Trustees shall appear upon the next annual ballot for consideration by the full membership. A majority of votes cast shall be required for adoption.

This page was last updated on Thursday, June 18, 2015. /webmaster