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krewe:noms:asobi [NPL Wiki]



A chance meeting at a picnic thrown by Cornell Alums (Princeton Area) we met Helene. It is Helene who deserves the credit for leading me down the road to sin..(I owe her 'big time' and she never lets me forget it!). After doing some puzzles for various publications she was involved in….sneakily she invited me to a soiree (actually several) at her home…where I met a lot of krewe…and she encouraged me to go to Stamford … where I met a lot more, and Treesong who convinced me life would not be complete without membership in the NPL.. Always willing to try anything at least once…I signed up for a year…then renewed for multiple years. Finishing last at Stanford in several attempts prepared me for membership, for I can only solve about 6-8 flats a month (if lucky) however I do enjoy reading about all those who have 'completes' My expertise in solving has made me the sole distributor of 16 1/2 cases of binders so I must have some value to the group.

First Issue: Dec 1990



Asobi (not Asobu). There is quite a difference.

A friend who saw I was always doing paper puzzles (etc) used the word 'asobi' when talking about me in his own language. I asked him what it meant, and he said “play, game, puzzle) Of course, this was the same person his American co-workers told HIM that in order to compliment a western woman you:

Pat them on the rear and say “nice buns”

Now…the explanation for ASOBU follows:

Asobu is Japanese for the verb 'to play' but its use is not limited to the meanings of the english 'to play.' With other references about the difference in the moral view of sex, it is not a far-fetched extension to understand that Japanese think of sex with the word for 'to play.' One friend explained that it was just like anything else to do with no moral connotations. Another told me that of course the parents knew their daughter was getting night visitors, just like if a westerner sent a kid upstairs to bed and s/he was reading a comic book under the sheets by flashlight… the parent doesn't do anything about it unless it gets out of hand.

The 'asobi' username has an 'i' instead of a 'u', which is one way to conjugate verbs to make them into nouns, so my username is more like 'the play' or 'the game' or 'the sport' rather than a verb for 'to play.'

Some uses of 'asobi' … In japanese a person can either 'do' tennis or 'play' tennis. My Japanese friends when they say they will go swimming translate that to english as 'Do you want to play swimming with me?” or “I like to play rock climbing.”


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krewe/noms/asobi.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/10 13:21 by kite
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