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krewe:noms:jaelti [NPL Wiki]



Senor —> Jaelti —> Cork.

One day on the roof, having drinks after the Games-sponsored tournament at NYU.

First Issue: Jul 1985




There's nothing too mysterious about my nom. At the time, I was a high school librarian, and I wrote what seemed like hundreds of passes everyday for kids to come and go - especially “go”. It was JLT. JLT, all day long. So it seemed only natural to be Jaelti. I actually considered another nom, based on my last name (Tintle). I was going to be “Title”, on the presumption that no “Nu's” was good news; also, the book connection. But I decided it was too obscure.


No data.


No data.

krewe/noms/jaelti.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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