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cons:2003:photos [NPL Wiki]

IndyCon 2003 Photos

The 164th Convention of
The National Puzzlers' League
Indianapolis, IN
July 10-13, 2003

The Offical Con photo

The website has the photo in 4 sizes Members only.  Password Required:

Who was here?

Note: The definition of a “Row” is somewhat loose. Do your best to find the correspondence between this listing and the photo.

  • Back Row: Anomaly, Vroo, Ms. Spade, Stax, Cramerica, Murdoch, Jypsy, Wrybosh, Minimus
  • Row 12: ¢, Dandr, IRBS, Soul Toast, Jangler
  • Row 11: G Natural, Spelvin, Artistry, Manx, Quest, Wanderer, Qaqaq
  • Row 10: Tablesaw, Dart, 100 Down, Neuromancer, Vebrile, Lyric, Al De Suda, Ken, Sue++, Wombat, atoz, Trazom
  • Row 9: zebraboy, Fuldu, Atlantic, Teki, Quip, Panther, Wampahoofus, Lilith, Saxifrage, T McAy
  • Row 8: Vu, Tahnan, Nubianamy, Cazique, roy, Crax, Toonhead!, Karen, Laura, Rastelli
  • Row 7: Brijmix, Philana, Mercury, Uncanny, Willz, Poi, Pen Gwyn, Phantom, Codex, Feral
  • Row 6: Mehitabel, Rebel, Minipearl, Br&on, Over Groth, George Groth, PDP
  • Row 5: Kray, D. Ness, Treesong, A-Plus, Ulk, The Foole, Mooncalf, Xemu
  • Row 4: ESPN, dev/joe, Emanon, Fair-E-Girl, B1, Bartok, ln sin t, Miscellanea, Avidan, Ditto, Tyger
  • Row 3: Sidhe, Noam, Coach, Hooligan, Ucaoimhu, Hot, Arachne, Eedoc
  • Row 2: Ember, Kegler, Elfman, Bluff, JrMan, Sew Do I, Asobi, Hathor, Fraz, Banterweight, Jo the Loiterer, Charts, Famulus
  • Front Row: Slik, Lunch Boy, Otherwise, Clean Reef, Sunrae, Geneac, Sprout, En, Eric, Last Minute, Val-U, Ai, Brillig, Loophole


Official Announcements

Indy Con Links

cons/2003/photos.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/04 23:47 by roy
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