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cons:2007:announcements [NPL Wiki]

Michicon 2007 Announcements

The State of the Con 2007

-April 15, 2007 — by Neuromancer

My fellow Krewe, this year’s NPL Convention will be held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 12–15. Here are some details concerning hotel reservations, transportation, Con fee and what you might like to do outside of MichiCon.


Our Hotel will be Four Points Sheraton Ann Arbor. We have our own group page online for making hotel reservations: www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/Puzzlers. This site is for reservations during our block of nights, July 11–14. If you plan on coming early or staying late, please phone our really nice sales manager, Teresa Fee, and she will take care of you: (734) 929-3405, e-mail: teresa.fee@fourpointsannarbor.com.


Our airline of choice is Northwest, since Detroit is one of their largest hubs. To use our group code do the following: Go to www.nwa.com. Under the Deals and News column and the Flights tab, click on “NWA Discount Travel E-Cert Redemption,” which is located at the bottom. On the Flight Search screen, click Login. Enter your WorldPerks number (if you have one) or continue to login as a Guest. Complete the Flight Search section and navigate to the bottom, where you will see “Do you have an E-Cert Fare, electronic voucher or meeting agreement?” Select type “Meeting agreement” and then enter the WorldFile number NYU8W NYUBW in the Meeting WorldFile Number box and complete your transaction. Please use the code when making your reservation. We need to have at least 10 people book flights this way. The earlier you make your reservations, the larger the discount — 7% if booked 30 or more days in advance, 5% within 30 days.

Ground Transport

We are located at the Four Points Sheraton Ann Arbor.

There is another Sheraton right at Detroit Metro airport. Please do not just ask a cab for a Sheraton or you will end up back where you started.

For transportation to the hotel, the following is the best-recommended and cheapest service in Ann Arbor: www.a2airportshuttle.com. If you are allergic to maize and blue color schemes, go to the airport page instead, www.metroairport.com/transportation, to find other taxi and shuttle services. For those driving, directions will be posted on www.puzzlers.org as well as in the Con packet.

Once you have arrived (hopefully early), we intend to start off puzzling early with the pre-Con party on Wednesday night, daytime activities downtown, and possibly some day trips. There are plenty of interesting attractions, restaurants, bookstores and parks for everyone to explore, and of course we’re working on some walking puzzles to tie them all together. Also, please check www.puzzlers.org in the 2007 Con section. We will be posting a survey concerning day trips and menu choices to make sure as many people get to do what they want as possible.

League members Members only can use Travel Planning and Convention Attendance to find people for ride sharing, too.

Con Fees

Con registration: This year’s Con fee will be $180. Please make your check out to National Puzzlers’ League and send it to:

      NPL Con 2007
      !! This address has been removed !!

And we cannot stress enough — Send It Now!
We look forward to seeing everyone! Your hosts,
nubianamy, Neuromancer and 4.

Kick-Off Con 2007

-July, 2006

As announced at the business meeting (San Antonio, TX, 2006), the 2007 convention will be held July 12-15 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Our hotel is the Sheraton Four Points, 3 miles from downtown and right off I-94. It's a beautiful hotel with lots of amenities, including a huge ballroom, a snazzy hospitality suite on the first floor, free wireless Internet, a free shuttle bus, free parking, good food and only $95/night. More here: http://www.sheratonannarbor.com/

A big thank-you to Rebel for a fabulous 2006 convention! I am, as always, impressed by all the hard work people do on behalf of the NPL. We're looking forward to hosting.

-nubianamy, Neuromancer and 4

Other Information

cons/2007/announcements.txt · Last modified: 2009/07/08 12:02 by kite
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