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krewe:noms:reds [NPL Wiki]



In my case the late Alan Richardson, who composed a weekly cryptic for many years for the Montreal Gazette, referred me to Fraz.</p>

Source: npl-folk email from R/EDS.



R/EDS is simply a REBUS of my real name. The correct way to write it is:


this signifies R.ON D.IN.ES

Naturally the average editor is not too anxious to give me two full lines of type each time my nom appears, so the accepted version of R/EDS has become the norm. This (and various mutations) was suggested to me at my first convention in San Diego. I particulalrly remember the influence of Banterweight and Mr. Tex in the final version.

Pronunciation: REDS


No data.


No data.

krewe/noms/reds.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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