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krewe:noms:stilicho [NPL Wiki]



Merlin has encouraged David L. Silverman [. . .] to join The Krewe. We hope Mr. Silverman will choose a nom soon and become an active puzzler in The NPL. He is the editor of the “Kickshaws” department in WORD WAYS.

Source: email from Mercury, quoting the October 1970 Enigma.



No data.


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No data.


With the passing of Stilicho, the Krewe has lost one of its most innovative, witty composers; the world has lost a mathematical genius and a logophile without peer; and I have lost a dear friend. It was through STILICHO that I first heard of the NPL–in his Kickshaws column in Word Ways, he organized some correspondence word games, and Merlin and I were avid players. He told Merlin that I'd be a good candidate for the NPL–and I was. When I began editing Enigma, Stilicho started contributing puzzles regularly–some new types, products of his ever-ingenious mind, along with many of the cleverest rebuses seen in Enigma, and always with good verses.

Trite rhymes were not his style. He introduced the Charlinkade and the Knight's Tour Crypt to the pages of Enigma; both are standard puzzle fare today. Puns were a sheer delight to him, and it is fitting that his first Enigma puzzle appeared in the Kreweland Unusual section; this pun always amused his. It is with great sadness that I realize that his whimsy and wit will no longer be among the delights of my mailbox.

Source: email from Mercury, quoting Nightowl in the July 1978 Enigma.

krewe/noms/stilicho.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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