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krewe:start [NPL Wiki]

The NPL Krewe

The Unofficial Coat of arms for the NPL

The Krewe is a collective noun for the members of the National Puzzlers' League (the NPL). This website provides services to the Krewe, and promotes membership in the League. A large amount of the information on the website is open to the public including Convention plans, Nom and member stories and our Guide to the Enigma.

Some information, including copies of the The Enigma and Graffiti on the Sphinx (GotS), the list of emails and Brutus, the cryptogram solver, are only available to NPL members Password required, and you will be prompted for your userid and password when you access them. If you are an NPL member, but do not have a userid and password (or have forgotten them), email the NPL Treasurer.

Feel free to look around at our Member Basics, Rules for Various Games, and League Membership (Joining and Renewing). We hope you find something enjoyable and/or memorable.


krewe/start.txt · Last modified: 2007/05/13 03:51 by kite
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