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solving:wordlists:about:cmudict_info [NPL Wiki]

Notes About the Carnegie-Mellon Univ. (CMU) wordlist

Date: 11-8-95

The Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary [cmudict.0.4] is Copyright© 1995 by Carnegie Mellon University. Use of this dictionary, for any research or commercial purpose, is completely unrestricted. If you make use of or redistribute this material, we would appreciate acknowlegement of its origin.

cmudict.0.4 is the fourth release of cmudict, first released as cmudict.0.1 in September of 1993.

See the README in this directory before you use this dictionary.

I would like to thank Bill Huggins at BBN; Bill Fisher at NIST; Alex Hauptmann, Alex Rudnicky, Jack Mostow, Lin Chase, Roni Rosenfeld, and Matthew Siegler at CMU; Doug Paul at MIT Lincoln Labs; Ben Serridge at MIT SLS; Murray Spiegel at Bellcore; Tony Robinson at Cambridge UK; David Bowness of CAE Electronics Ltd. and CRIM; Stephen Hocking; Jerry Quinn at BNR Canada, and Marshal Midden for bringing to my attention problems and inadequacies with the first three releases. I hope I have addressed most of the problems they uncovered.

I welcome input from users and will continue to acknowledge such input in subsequent releases. If I failed to acknowledge your input in this release, please remind me and I will update these comments. If I failed to fix things that you brought to my attention, please remind me and have patience. If I actually fixed things that you brought to my attention and you appreciate it, I wouldn't mind a pat on the back.

This version differs from previous releases of cmudict most significantly in the addition of new words from the common ARPA tasks for 1995.

There are undoubtedly still errors and inconsistencies in this dictionary so keep your eyes open for problems and mail them to me.

I hope this dictionary is an improvement over cmudict.0.3.

Bob Weide (weide@cs.cmu.edu)

solving/wordlists/about/cmudict_info.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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