The ByLaws of the National Puzzlers’ League
1. Additions and Amendments
- Additions and amendments shall be made only by a majority
of those voting in a mail ballot of the entire membership.
- Any addition or amendment to these bylaws approved by a
majority at the annual business meeting or a majority vote of
the Board of Trustees shall be placed on the next mail
2. Board of Trustees
- The Board of Trustees shall not add to nor amend these
bylaws, nor restrict in any way the privileges herein granted
to members.
- Nothing in the bylaws shall be construed as restricting the
powers of the Board of Trustees to take emergency actions on
behalf of the membership.
3. Dues
Annual dues shall be $18, which shall include a subscription
to The Enigma. The Board of Trustees may, at its discretion,
alter these dues in special cases, such as to cover the cost of
overseas and large print subscriptions and to reduce dues for
students and persons with limited incomes.
4. Business Meetings
A business meeting shall be held
each summer at the annual convention. The order of business at the meeting shall
be as follows: reading of the minutes of the previous meeting; reading
of the names of members who have died since the previous meeting,
and a moment of silence in their honor; reports from the
treasurer, and from other officers, individuals, and committees,
as appropriate; unfinished business; new business, including presentation of offers to
host future conventions, and election of the same; miscellaneous announcements; adjournment.
5. Rules of Order
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised
shall govern the League in all cases to which they are
applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the
bylaws or the special rules of order of the League.
6. Conventions
- A convention of the membership shall be
held each summer. The sites of future conventions shall be decided at the annual
business meetings, and a business meeting shall not be adjourned
if sites have not been elected for both of the two subsequent years’
conventions, unless the assembly has authorized, by majority vote, a
committee to select the site(s) at a later date.
- At a business meeting, any member may present to the
assembly an offer to host a future convention. When all offers for a
particular year’s convention have been presented, and after appropriate
debate, a motion may be entertained to vote to select a convention site
from among the offers presented.
- In the event that, after a convention site has been elected
by the business meeting, the site becomes unavailable, the
Board of Trustees shall become a de facto convention-site
selection committee.
7. Vice Presidents
- All candidates for the vice presidencies will be placed
together on the ballot; each member will vote for at most two,
and the first and second highest vote-getters will become First
and Second Vice-Presidents, respectively.
- The winning candidates may agree to switch positions after
the election.
- In the event that there are only two candidates for the
vice presidencies, the assignment of offices will be made by
the incoming board.
This page was last updated on Thursday, June 18, 2015. /webmaster