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join [NPL Wiki]

League Membership (Joining and Renewing)

Information about joining the NPL can be found on the current web site at http://www.puzzlers.org/joining


Members of the League enjoy access to many web site resources including downloadable copies of the League's monthly publication, The ENIGMA. Members may also have an @puzzlers.org email alias and access to the League's email lists (see NPL Web Sites and Email Services).

Membership in the National Puzzlers' League is $23 per year. Membership includes a subscription to The ENIGMA (12 monthly issues). A large print edition is available in North America for an additional $7. Members outside North America, add $7 for international postage. If you would like to forego the printed Enigma, there is a $8 discount on membership.

Send your check or money order, in US dollars payable to the National Puzzlers' League, to the treasurer:

Katie Hamill
National Puzzlers' League
6 Williams St
Arlington MA 02476

If you are willing to be contacted by email and/or by phone, please give your email address and phone number when you join.

You can also make memberships payments through PayPal through the links below. Include your home address in the message to vendor or a “ship to” box and we'll mail your subscription there. Or, send a message to the treasurer with full contact information, including email address, for the membership, along with any special instructions (this is especially important for gift memberships).

To renew your membership with your credit card, please use our new system:

* https://krewe.puzzlers.org/payments/membership-renewal

You must be signed in to renew and your membership will be renewed instantly with the new system.

If you do not have a credit or debit card, or you are a new member, we are still supporting Paypal for now:

$23 Regular membership

$30 International Membership (includes $7 surcharge)

$30 Large Print Membership (includes $7 surcharge)

$15 Online Only Membership (reflects $8 discount)

To donate to the League while joining or renewing your membership, click here and enter an amount greater than the membership dues in the “Price per item” box

To donate to the League, click here and enter your donation amount in the “Price per item” box

Help For New Members

Once you've sent off your first dues to the treasurer, you're going to wonder how this all starts.

Fairly quickly, you'll receive your welcome package with the latest three issues of The ENIGMA. Each issue has a two month solving window, so you can verify your solutions to the puzzles in the oldest issue with the solutions appearing in the most recent issue. Many members send in their solutions, either from solo or team solving, and track their solving statistics. Instructions on how to send in your solutions are in every issue.

join.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/20 13:22 by qoz
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