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krewe:webhow [NPL Wiki]

NPL Web Sites and Email Services

If you have any further questions after reading this page, please feel free to email the webmaster.

NPL Web Sites

The NPL web sites currently consist of four components

  • krewe.puzzlers.org - Main site for members, logins, and downloads.
  • enigma.puzzlers.org - Site for The ENIGMA, the magazine published by the League for its members. You can download copies of the current and previous issues. You may need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view downloaded issues.
  • con.puzzlers.org - Site for the annual NPL convention.
  • This web site - Additional public content and resources, archival content, and some home pages owned by our members (in the process of being decommissioned).

Web Site Access and Passwords

All members automatically have a login for the NPL web sites. To login, visit krewe.puzzlers.org. When you join, the Treasurer provides you with your initial login information. If you've already chosen a nom, or you choose one later, your login will be your nom. If your nom uses non-standard characters (e.g., Greek letters), the email from the Treasurer may include an alternate way to enter your nom to make it easier for you. If you change your nom, your web site login will change to match your new login, but your password will not change.

Once you set your own password, it is known only to you; it cannot be retrieved by the webmaster. If you need to reset your password, go here. If you never received an initial password, or the password reset system does not work for you, contact the Treasurer.

NOTE: The login system for this web site is independent. It is no longer necessary to login to this web site for any purpose.

New Members and Noms

Within the League, we generally use Noms rather than names. When you are choosing a nom, you should check with the Treasurer whether it is available, or not. Many new members use their name for a while, and choose a nom later. If you do not yet have a nom, your initial web site login will be your full name.

@puzzlers.org Email Aliases

The NPL provides its users the benefit of an email alias, your-nom@puzzlers.org, which can be set to forward email to any email address you choose. Note that this is not an email account — you don't receive any email at puzzlers.org, and you cannot use the web site to check your email — the alias is just a “forwarding address” that you can always give out, that will remain constant if your actual email address changes. If your nom uses non-standard characters (e.g., Greek letters), your @puzzlers.org email address will be an alternate form of your official nom.

To get @puzzlers.org email address, send an email to the postmaster. Please include your nom and specify the email address to which the alias should forward. You can then list this address as your email address in the League directory.

The alias address will be your-nom@puzzlers.org, with your-nom replaced by your actual nom. The postmaster will send you an email when your mail forwarder has been created. If you change your nom, your mail forwarder will not be updated automatically—you must email the postmaster.

NPL mailing lists

The npl-folk mailing list is a general discussion list for matters NPL- and puzzle-related (and sometimes a little off-topic). New members might want to lurk for a while to get a feel for the list before posting.

The npl-announce mailing list is a low-traffic list for important general announcements, including information about The Enigma, conventions, and League business. It is recommended that all League members belong to npl-announce. All members of npl-folk are automatically members of npl-announce, so you do not need to join both mailing lists.

You can subscribe to a mailing list by sending an email to the corresponding address:

  • npl-folk-request@puzzlers.org
  • npl-announce-request@puzzlers.org

Make the subject SUBSCRIBE and, in the body, put your nom and where you'd like the email to go (normally, mailing list messages go your @puzzlers.org alias). Contact the postmaster for mailing list issues.

There are also mailing lists for the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area (|nynjaNPL, the Boston area (hub-krewe, contact a Boston-area member), and Seattle (contact Qoz). These lists vary greatly in how often they are used.

Graffiti on the Sphinx (GotS) available online

NPL member Treesong makes his Graffiti on the Sphinx newsletter, a monthly publication of member comments about The Enigma and other puzzles and other topics, available on enigma.puzzlers.org. If you have questions about GotS, please send email to Treesong.

krewe/webhow.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/10 21:45 by qoz
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