Webmaster's Note: Due to the extremely large size of the Anagrammasia file, it can not be edited online. If you have errata, suggestions, or observations, send them to webmaster@puzzlers.org or just note them here and we'll amend the text as time permits.
The Webmaster
The Anagrammasia were compiled by Abstruse, a long time member of the league.
Source | Anagram | Author | Date | Notes |
abolitionist | I bias not toil | Anonymous | Jun 65 REL | |
aboma | am boa | Margaretta | Jul25 1906Co | 1916 |
absinthe | this bane | MCS | Jun 7 1898Co | |
abstinence | absence in't | Astral | Nov 1900 MT | |
accentuation | I can cut a tone | Randolph | Dec 1898 | |
acclamation | act on a claim | MCS | Feb 4 02Co | |
accountantship | counts at a pinch | MCS | Jul21 03Co | |
accurateness | scan true case | Kenneth | Sep26 99Co | 1919 |
acrimonious | I am sour in co. | Sphinx | Aug15 97Co | |
addition | I add it on | ROChester | Jul30 05NP | 1951 |
adventuresome | O, must even dare | WinWizard | Feb 1891 Me | |
adverse | ever sad | AnnieLaurie | Nov 4 1898MM | |
adversity | it very sad | EveningStar | Apr 8 1899GD | |
advertisement | men drive a test | Sphinx | Jul18 1897Co | |
advertisements | trades vest in 'em | Commodore | Aug24 1899AP | |
advertisements | vast merit's need | MCS | Sep 9 1899AP | |
advertisements | venders at times | Horatio | Apr 10 IMM | |
aeronautics | as one cut air | MCS | Sep17 09Co | |
aeronautism | use man to air | MCS | Jul11 06Co | |
agamist | I'm a stag | ArtyEss | Apr 4 06Co | |
agony | gay? no | RAre | Aug 4 06NP | 1950 |
alembic | a limbec | AlTTude | Not Dated | |
allegiance | a liege clan | MCS | Aug 7 00Co | |
allegretto | greet to all | Aspiro | Jul20 02EO | |
alligator, the | lithe lagarto | DCVer | Dec 1903 | 1941,1959,1968 |
almshouse, the | a homeless hut | DCVer | Dec 1898 | |
alterations | neat tailors | Anonymous | 1962 Wheat | |
amanuensis | a man's in use | GenENorre | Nov15 1895Th | |
amenities | is a tie, men | MCS | Jul10 1900Co | |
American | main race | Park | Jul 9 1905NP | |
American Indian, the | ah, a nice red man I - nit | Neophyte | 1896 Nonp | |
American Indian, the | ah, ain't I nice red man? | Neophyte | Dec 1903 | |
Americans, the | name this race | BeechNut | Jan 1899 HC | |
Amerind | red man, I | Nox | Aug21 15BI | |
anaesthetic | a scent I hate | BethB | Apr 10 IMM | |
anarchists | rash antics | Anonymous | Jun 1917 | |
ancestors | son traces | Kenneth | Mar 4 99GD | |
anemone | one name | Myrtle | Dec15 01EO | |
angered | enraged | Kenneth | Jan31 99Co | 1910 |
angina pectoris | I con great pains | Arcanus | Apr 3 07Co | |
animosity | is no amity | LordBaltimo+ | Feb 6 96My | 01,68,81 |
annihilates | slain in hate | PhilOSopher | Jan28 88St | |
anonym | any nom | DCVer | Dec 1898 | 1940 |
anonymous | no man's you | LewWard | Sep 86 OB | |
anonymousness | nay, uses no noms | Balmar | Jun 97 Di | |
Anopheles | ha! no sleep | Ellsworth | Mar 25 IRR | |
anti-Christians | ain't rich saints | TomCrestmore | Jul 2 99EO | |
anticipation | O, I can nip at it | Gwendoline | Apr10 97MA | |
anticipation | O, I can paint it | DelianBand | Oct17 99Co | |
antidotes | sent to aid | TheoLogy | May18 07NP | 1919 |
antiexpansionists, the | extension? I pass in that | Cadillac | Mar 3 00AP | |
anti-imperialism | it imperils amain | AFHolt | Nov18 03Co | |
anti-imperialists, the | militarists pain thee | RexFord | Mar31 00AP | |
antipathies | I paint hates | Balmar | Dec18 00Co | 24 |
antipathy | at thy pain | Hyperion | May29 00Co | |
antiquaries | air antiques | Ralph | Dec15 07AP | |
antiquated | quaint date | TheGopher | Mar15 05AP | |
antiqueness | quaint sense | Jason | Jun 8 99AP | |
apotheosis | so he is atop | Nelsonian | Aug11 01EO | 1933 |
appendicitis | I depict pains | FransFolks | Sep 1 02AP | |
appendicitis, the | this piece and tip | Balmar | Feb 3 00Pe | |
apposite | apt poise | TheGopher | Mar15 1905AP | 1938 |
appositely | I pose aptly | Nox | Aug16 17BI | |
apprehensively | never lies happy | Fireglow | Jan31 95My | |
appropriately | I lay pat, proper | Balmar | Mar 3 00GD | |
appropriateness | is apt, sane, proper | ROChester | 05 TT | 1939 |
appropriation | I apportion par | Ralph | May19 06NP | |
apt | pat | KingCarnival | 1905 TT | |
architect, an | a technic art | OldSoldier | Aug 1 03AP | |
aristocracy, the | art a rich coy set | Jamaica | Jan 99 Or | |
aristocracy, the | art society arch | Violet | Jun22 05NP | |
aristocracy, the | a rich Tory caste | EssEll | Jun 2 06NP | |
aspersion | no praises | Molemi | Jan 07 Or | 36,69,76 |
asseveration | as one avers it | Dew | Dec 06 Or | |
asseverations | an' so assertive | Balmar | Apr 7 00Pe | 36,69,76 |
assortment | ten sorts, Ma | MCS | Jul15 02Co | |
assurance | can assure | Primrose | Not Dated | |
astrologer | go, star lore | DaddyPost | Dec 1898 | |
astrologer | O, star ogler | Seer | Sep16 05NP | 23,78 |
astrologer, the | he got star lore | Peanuts | Oct 98 DC | |
astronomers | moon starers | Anonymous | 1821 FarmA | 14 |
astronomers | on more stars | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | 15 |
athletics | lithe acts | MabelP | Apr17 00EO | 24,66 |
atonement | men eat not | ArtyFishel | May27 86Mu | |
attorney at law, the | to that neat lawyer | HarlyQuin | Sep 98 DC | |
attorney at law, the | note lawyer at that | DCVer | Aug 4 00Pe | |
Auld Hornie | ho! run! a deil | AniseLang | Nov10 87Pe | |
auld lang syne | an eld lay sung | Primrose | Mar15 97Or | |
aurora borealis, the | true air halo, Boreas | JoMullins | Feb 9 99MM | |
autobiographer | a hero I to brag up | RAre | Feb 06 NP | |
autobiographies | hi! I boast our page | BeechNut | Oct15 87Jo | |
automobile | oil about me | TH | Mar27 05EO | 14,50 |
automobiling | moiling about | MCS | Apr18 06Co | |
Baltimore heater | a latrobe: I'm there | PastorPrese+ | Feb24 06TT | |
Baltimore heater | latrobe: no heat air | Resolute | Aug13 05NP | |
bargain counters | O, uncertain grabs | Rusticus | 05 TT | |
bargain counters, the | it be great crush anon | Violet | Nov18 05NP | |
Barmecide feast | i.e., embraced fast | Amaranth | Not Dated | |
barouche | our cab, eh? | Remardo | Jun30 06NP | |
bar-tailed godwit, the | hit wet bird: go eat, lad | Atello | Jan 4 87Ts | |
bartender, a | beer and art | Arcanus | Apr28 07NP | |
basso profundo | O, profound bass | Nypho | Aug 08 NP | |
bastard | sad brat | Molemi | Not Dated | 51 |
beefsteak | takes beef | Ralph | Feb 3 11Co | |
benedictions | cited benison | Arcanus | Dec 06 Or | |
bestriding | riding best | TomAHawk | May31 05Co | |
betrothal | heart bolt | Ralph | Oct 1 05AP | |
betrothal | both alert | AlecSander | Apr14 06NP | |
betrothal | both alter | Nox | Aug 9 13BI | |
beverage | gave beer | Ralph | Nov 03 NP | 19,41 |
bewilderment | men bet wilder | NecroMAncer | Nov28 88MA | |
billiardist, the | 'tis red ball I hit | Quebig | Jul28 06NP | |
billingsgate | tie glib slang | LAllegro | Mar19 01Co | |
billingsgate | tinges ill gab | JoMullins | Jul 24 IRR | |
blatherskite | hi! best talker | ArtyEss | May10 05Co | |
blithesome | tho' smile be | BeechNut | Jun15 05NP | |
blotting papers | blot page prints | FRederick | Jul 8 99GD | |
boardinghouse, the | this abode o' hunger | KosciuskoMc+ | Mar15 91St | |
breakfast | fat bakers | Anonymous | 1821 FarmA | 14 |
brewer, the | threw beer | MarieGold | Sep30 06NP | 74 |
breweries, the | where it's beer | Erien | Jan13 00MA | |
brotherly love, a | ever throb loyal | Amaranth | Nov23 02EO | |
burnishing | shining rub | SwampAngel | Jul31 08Co | |
butterfly | flutter by | Torfrida | Mar 8 98Co | 1932 |
cacoethes scribendi | eccentric ideas - bosh! | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
Caffraria | far Africa | Phil | Nov30 02EO | |
calculation | I call a count | Kenneth | Mar14 99Co | 14,18 |
Caledonian | O, cannie lad | Nox | Apr 9 15BI | 31 |
candidates | a candid set | MCS | Aug 2 12Co | |
carrier pigeons | racing o'er spire | Damaskus | Feb19 98MA | |
cast of characters | charts actor faces | Resolute | Mar10 06NP | |
castles in the air | as rich estate, nil | AlecSander | Oct15 06AP | 36 |
precipitation, a | pitpat o' rain, ice | Travv | Apr 1991 | |
catastrophe | scatter a hop | TH | Feb10 00AP | |
cathedrals | sacred: halt | Arcanus | Aug29 06Co | 33 |
Catherine wheels | can see thee whirl | Arcanus | May 8 98Or | |
censoriousness | coins sour sense | Maude | Jan 1 89MA | |
census enumerator, the | he recounts true names | PhilDown | Jun 91 Ke | |
census enumerator, the | he's true names counter | StGermaine | Jul 7 00Pe | |
census enumerator, the | counts names true here | StGermaine | Jul 7 00Pe | |
census enumerator, the | there's US name counter | StGermaine | Jul 7 00Pe | |
census enumerators, the | these surname counters | DCVer | Aug21 00Co | |
centenarians, the | I can hear ten tens | Balmar | Dec 1903 | |
cerebrations | brain core set | JEW | Dec25 90Th | |
certificates | I recite facts | RAre | Sep30 06NP | |
certitude | cited true | Arcanus | Aug 4 11Co | |
chaperone, a | O, near peach | GiGantic | Oct 24 IRR | |
character | race chart | WEStern | Dec 87 Jo | |
chariot | ho! I cart | Cincinnatus | Aug 98 MM | |
charitableness | I can bless Earth | Nelsonian | May23 06Co | |
charitableness | ah, blest in cares | RAre | Mar 9 07NP | |
chastisements | it scents shame | LordBaltimo+ | Mar15 96Or | |
chocolate creams | the coco caramels | ImaBlossom | Oct 6 00AP | |
Christian | rich saint | DickEns | Sep18 85Ms | |
Christianity | I cry that I sin | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | |
Christianity | 'tis in charity | Traddles | Dec30 82GD | 74 |
Christianity | charity's in it | ALS | Aug 1 05AP | |
Christianity | ay, Christ in it | Ralph | Apr 09 IMM | |
Christmas | its charms | PhilDown | Dec 86 OMM | |
Christmas carol | stars' calm choir | Atlas | Dec 1901 | |
Christmas present | prettiness charms | Amaranth | Dec15 11Co | |
Christmas tree | 'tis smart cheer | JimCRack | Jan 87 Sp | |
Christmas tree | Chris treats me | AniseLang | Dec 88 Mys | |
Christmas tree | reset its charm | MCS | Dec20 12Co | |
chrysanthemum | summer hyac'nth | WillUSmyle | Dec 1898 | |
chrysanthemum, a | charm me, thy name | CAH | Jul14 11Co | |
circumstantial evidence | can ruin a selected victim | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
circulation | la! on circuit | EssEll | Mar 3 06NP | |
circumstantial evidence | event: it accused criminal | Arcanus | Jun13 97Co | |
circumstantial evidence | clues evict and criminate | Myself | May11 05NP | |
clandestinely | indecent sally | Harry | Dec29 99EO | |
clandestinity | I intend sly act | Bolis | May 3 84GD | |
cleanliness | all niceness | Stocles | Jul 1 04AP | |
cloisteral | close trial | AniseLang | May 88 Mys | |
coagulations | O, clot us again | Dew | Oct 1 08AP | |
combination | mob in action | MCS | Dec26 99Co | |
comfortableness | calm rest of bones | Dew | Mar16 07NP | |
commendation | ado in comment | TH | Mar 9 02EO | |
commiserated | come 'mid tears | MCS | Aug 7 00Co | |
committees | cost me time | Enavlicm | Jan 5 07NP | |
compassionately | an' pity also comes | Spica | Nov16 04Co | |
compassionately | can also pity some | Dew | May 1 07AP | |
compassionately | so pity solace man | Remardo | Nov 16 FL | |
compensation | nice sop to man | Sphinx | Feb 07 Or | |
compensations | pass coin to man | Nox | Nov18 13BI | |
competition | come, top in it | Delian | Jan14 97Co | |
competition | O, I tempt coin | TH | Jan 1 07AP | |
complainant | O, can't man lip? | Ernest | Apr 1 03AP | |
complainants | calm not pains | MCS | Mar 1 98Co | |
complaisant | am compliant | MCS | Oct22 01Co | |
compliment | lip comment | Emeline | Mar 14 IRR | |
compound interest | to do sum in per cent | Remardo | Feb 08 Or | |
computation | O, I'm apt count | Amaranth | Oct 26 IRR | |
comradeship | I'm head corps | Primrose | Sep 98 HC | |
concentrates | cast on center | QyzKhyz | Mar 3 03Co | |
concessionaire, the | has seen nice Octroi | Kenneth | Jun 24 IRR | |
condemnation | no, damn it once | BeechNut | May23 97Co | |
condemnations | to damn sin once | WinWizard | Mar 90 Me | |
confirmation | firm on action | Rubra | Dec15 07AP | |
confirmed bachelor, a | I face no bold charmer | Amaranth | Jan29 04EO | |
Congregationalist | got a scant religion | Anonymous | 92 Walsh | 00,71 |
congregations | great co. in song | BeechNut | Oct 87 Mys | |
Connecticut Yankee, the | can't he cut city one keen? | Hesperus | May12 88GD | |
conscientiousness | since one scouts sin | TH | Jul26 05Co | |
conservativeness | I've so scant nerves | LordBaltimo+ | Jul 00 MT | |
conservatories | to store in covers | Tranza | Sep10 09Co | |
considerate | rated so nice | MCS | Jun15 93My | |
consideration | reason in it, Doc | Kenneth | Jul 99 Qu | |
consideration | I con on it, dears | Jason | Sep16 99AP | |
consideration | so rated in coin | MCS | Dec18 99EO | |
conspicuously | consciously up | TH | Aug 3 02EO | |
conspirators | pairs to scorn | TH | Nov13 04EO | |
consternation | one cannot stir | AniseLang | Oct 87 Maz | |
consternation | no, I cannot rest | FAEI | Sep 65 REL | |
continuation | I act, on, in, unto | Primrose | Mar19 09Co | |
continuous | I count us on | Primrose | Oct20 11Co | |
contradictoriness | critics don't reason | Nelsonian | Jul23 87St | |
contribution | no, I curb it not | Spica | Oct21 02Co | |
conventionality | not | Novel in a city | GraceNote | NP |
conversation | voices rant on | SamWeller | Dec 1898 | 35 |
conversationalist | 'tis one vocal strain | Nelsonian | Mar 87 Mys | |
coquetries | quest o' rice | Hyperion | Jun 8 04Co | |
corporal punishment | Pap trounces him lorn | Remardo | Jun 7 12Co | |
counterfeit money | men refute toy coin | TheGopher | Apr 06 Or | |
counterfeit money | me utter "foney" coin | Towhead | Aug 16 FL | |
court martial | O, am curt trial | Balmar | Dec 2 99AP | |
court plaster | lapt sorer cut | ArtyEss | Sep23 05NP | |
Creation, the | notice: Earth | DCVer | Sep 98 DC | |
Creation, the | action there | DCVer | Sep 98 DC | |
credulous | crude soul | MCS | Mar13 00Co | |
criminal lawyer, a | ay, law mincer, liar | Sylvia | Aug 4 06NP | |
criminologist, the | lo! sight into crime | Ralph | Not Dated | |
crinoline | inner coil | Anonymous | 92 Walsh | |
crocodile tears | coarse cold rite | RexFord | Nov11 03Co | |
crocodile tears | cries do act role | Jason | Jun 05 Or | |
Crusades, the | death curses | LAllegro | Jul21 01EO | |
customers, the | such met store | Tippecanoe | Aug31 99AP | |
daffadowndillies, the | whee! 'tis daffodil land | EssEll | Sep 4 08Co | |
daintily | lain tidy | Cincinnatus | Jan 5 99MM | |
deadly nightshade, the | thing had deathly seed | GiGantic | Feb 1 00GD | |
death sentence | scene at the end | Q | Apr 5 12Co | |
declaration | a clear "on dit" | PearlieGlen | Dec 1898 | |
decorations | O, I adorn sect | Kenneth | Jul 99 Qu | |
decorations | coronet aids | TH | Jun15 05AP | |
dedication | died, I act on | Primrose | Mar19 09Co | |
degeneration | none die great | Eureka | Not Dated | |
delegations | oiled agents | Remlap | Dec 1898 | |
deletitious | I let side out | Cincinnatus | Feb 99 BIm | |
delicate | lace-tied | Adelante | Apr 09 Or | |
delineation | I noted a line | Rex | Mar 3 00AP | |
delineation | neat do I line | WickOCincy | Oct 23 IRR | |
delirium tremens | let rum men die, sir | JackOLantern | Apr20 89GD | |
delirium tremens | rum's merited lien | Auctor | Dec 1898 | |
delirium tremens | men reel'd: it is rum | KingCarnival | Oct13 99GD | |
delirium tremens | rum tries idle men | BeechNut | Dec19 06Co | |
delirium tremens, the | eh? I'd reel, rum-smitten | Arcanus | Jun18 09Co | |
deliverance | vine cleared | Th | Oct 8 00EO | |
dementia | it e'en mad | Cincinnatus | Feb 9 99MM | |
denominate | it named one | IMWise | Mar16 01AP | |
denominates | endites a nom | FredDomino | Mar 10 IMM | |
denominative | in name I'd vote | AniseLang | 86 GP | |
dentist, the | dints teeth | DorothyDool+ | Apr 94 DP | 81 |
department store, a | mart to prate needs | AlecSander | 95 GD | |
department store, the | tempts trade on there | AbelEm | May 06 Or | |
depository, a | I do store pay | Jamaica | Jan15 09AP | |
depredatory | dared to prey | LMNTerry | Oct27 00MA | 42 |
desecration | no sacred tie | Randolph | Dec 1898 | |
desolation | do sit alone | PhilOSopher | Nov26 87Ms | 13,22 |
desolation | aid one lost | SansSouci | Mar 9 99MM | |
desolation | is a lone dot | TH | Jun 9 02EO | |
desperation | note despair | EveningStar | Sep22 88St | |
destination | it is to an end | Rizpah | Dec 1898 | |
destination | I end station | Musicus | May26 06NP | |
destine | I set end | Cincinnatus | Feb 99 BIm | |
destiny | dints ye | SwampAngel | Mar24 03Co | |
destitution | it suited not | ArtyFishel | Sep24 87St | |
detectives, the | detect thieves | Binks | Dec 1903 | 32 |
determination | I mean to rend it | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | |
determination | not tired, I mean | Marmion | Mar 84 NJP | |
determination | it meant ride on | TH | Feb24 01EO | |
determination | more intent aid | PastorPrese+ | Feb17 06TT | |
determined | I ended term | Kenneth | Mar 4 99GD | |
detonation | to note a din | AlecSander | May 5 06NP | |
detour | routed | Ellsworth | Not Dated | |
deuterogamists | 'tis get sour dame | JackOLantern | May19 88GD | |
deviltries | tried evils | Arcanus | Oct 07 Or | |
dictatorial | I, a lord, act it | TH | Apr 1 05AP | |
dictionary, the | I con it hard yet | Remardo | Apr13 09Co | |
dilatory | lo! I tardy | TheGopher | Feb10 06NP | |
dime Novel | men do evil | Molemi | Jan 9 07Co | |
dime Novels | vile demons | Arcanus | Jun 06 Or | |
diplomatic corps, the | do term politic chaps | Amaranth | Jan 27 IRR | |
directory | city order | TheCelt | Sep30 06NP | |
disappeared | rapped aside | Enavlicm | May25 07NP | |
discolorations | O, is color-stain'd | Arcanus | Jul 97 Or | |
disconsolate | I'd set on coals | DonOS | Dec 1 83GD | |
disconsolate | in sad cool set | ROVer | 84 PT | |
disconsolate | lone cot: is sad | NRJetic | Jul 96 Qs | |
disconsolate | is not solaced | Balmar | Nov20 00Co | |
disconsolateness | cool madness set in | Jason | Oct13 00AP | |
discontinued | I'd count is end | TheGopher | Jan20 06NP | |
discreetness | in secret's den | FredDomino | Oct29 09Co | |
discriminated | admit I discern | Dew | Apr14 07NP | |
disheartened | hearts denied | AfterAll | Nov22 05Co | |
disillusionment | 'tis so dull in mien | MCS | Jan11 05Co | |
disintegration | I to end it in rags | TH | Dec 7 05EO | |
disparagement | am anger'd spite | CSaw | May28 96My | |
dispirited | spirit died | Adelante | Sep16 11BI | 32 |
disproportionableness | rends able propositions | Jason | Aug17 99AP | |
disproportionate | it is not a proper do | Pygmalion | Oct23 86GD | |
disputation | a din to pit us | TH | Jan 6 05EO | |
dissatisfaction | O, sad fact: is it sin? | Gemini | Jul28 97GD | |
dissipation | is paid in sot | Roberta | Jan 5 99MM | |
dissipation | I do sip at sin | Dew | Dec15 07AP | |
dissipations | so I sit and sip | ArtyEss | Aug15 07AP | |
distillation | do it in a still | FredDomino | Oct29 09Co | |
disunite | is untied | Kenneth | Sep 8 00MA | |
diurnal | dial run | Kenneth | Not Dated | |
doctor of medicine | come in: direct food | Arcanus | Apr24 07Co | |
dolce far niente | after indolence | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
dominion, a | O, in domain | Balmar | Dec 2 99AP | |
dormitories | tried rooms, I | FredDomino | Oct29 09Co | |
dormitory | dirty room | TH | May 2 99Co | 18,38,50 |
double, a | O, be dual | Balmar | Mar 3 00GD | 15 |
dowagers | aged rows | MCS | Jul16 91St | |
dramatis personae | I personate dramas | TwoJohns | Aug 99 MT | |
dreamer, the | mere dearth | ICDimly | Nov 5 08AP | |
dromedarian | a nomad rider | Hercules | Not Dated | 27 |
drought, a | hot guard | AniseLang | Sep 6 90GD | |
dry goods store | O, try good dress | ArtyFishel | Mar 9 99MM | |
dubitation | a doubt in it | MCS | Oct15 01Co | 87 |
almighty dollar, the | my! I hate gold thrall | CountryLad | Apr27 89GD | |
almighty dollar, the | gold ally hath merit | MajorDomo | Nov 97 HC | |
amende honorable, the | oh, manner to be healed | Byrnehc | Sep 86 MC | |
dubitations | I sat in doubt | MCS | Aug25 00AP | |
duplicated | depict dual | Balmar | Apr 00 Qu | |
dynamite | I May dent | Francolin | Sep 4 15BI | |
ears, the | hearest | PollyGram | 1896 Nonp | 24 |
earthquakes, the | that queer shake | Dauntless | 08NP | 15 |
edge tools | good steel | Enavlicm | Jan12 07NP | |
editor, an | ad noter, I | Amor | Jun 25 IRR | |
editors | so tried | MCS | May 2 99Co | 49 |
effeminate | effete man, I | LewWard | Feb12 87St | 31 |
effortless | less of fret | SamSlick | Mar10 17BI | |
egotism | go, 'tis me | Balmar | Mar 3 00GD | |
Egyptian darkness | grasp at inky dense | Bolis | Apr15 89Th | |
electricity | yet circle it | Pequot | Jul 05 TT | |
electromagnetic telegraph | men got a great electric help | TomAHawk | Dec 1903 | |
eleemosynary | yes, ye almoner | Kenneth | Mar 7 99Co | 23,78 |
eleemosynary | yes, real money | Ellsworth | Oct 26 IRR | 26,62 |
elephant's-foot | the plant of Eos | Moonshine | Dec 1898 | |
elevated railroads, the | see th' odd aerial travel | PhilDown | Apr 91 Cr | |
elevated railroads, the | test a ride, all overhead | Resolute | Mar24 06NP | |
elevated railroad, the | I lead overhead rattle | RexFord | Jan15 01Co | |
elevated railroad, the | o'erhead travel detail | Neophyte | Jul 7 06NP | |
enamored | men adore | Aspiro | Dec 9 02Co | |
employment agencies, the | O, in them ye men get places | WickOCincy | Nov 23 IRR | |
encouragement | note: can urge me | Musicus | May25 07NP | 74 |
encouragement | mean "urge on", etc. | Amaranth | Not Dated | |
endearment | tender name | JoMullins | Sep23 99AP | 58 |
endurance | can endure | Primrose | Not Dated | |
engagement ring, the | gent, I got Ann her gem | Q | Aug26 11BI | |
Englishmen, the | then I mangle H's | Jason | Apr 6 01AP | |
Englishman, the | "H" entangles him | Nypho | Mar 1925 | |
Englishman, the | hint: 'e mangles "H" | Nypho | Mar 1925 | |
enigma | in game | HEve | 1896 Nonp | |
enigma | gain me | Binks | Aug11 00MA | |
enigmatical | a magic I lent | ThosIGibbons | Oct18 01EO | |
entomologist, the | I get moths - one lot | Atlantis | Jan 25 IRR | |
entrance | can enter | MCS | Jul10 00Co | 20 |
entreats | sent tear | Welred | Dec24 98GD | |
enucleation | note in a clue | Nyas | Mar14 95My | |
enucleations | O, a clue in nets | RTillery | Aug20 91My | |
enunciation | I announce it | EssEll | Aug11 07NP | 31 |
ephialtes | hit asleep | Jason | Jun 01 Sx | |
Episcopalian, the | 'tis a chapel I open | Balmar | Dec18 00Co | |
Episcopalianism | claim a Pope is sin | JCM | Dec 1898 | |
epistler | repliest | JoMullins | Dec12 14BI | |
epitomist | I post item | ArtyFishel | Feb24 06NP | |
equable | be equal | Kenneth | Sep19 99Co | |
equanimity | I quiet many | TH | Dec11 04EO | 23 |
equestrian | equine arts | Kenneth | May 99 Pu | |
equitable | be it equal | Cincinnatus | Aug10 99AP | |
equitable | equal bite | Ralph | Dec21 04Co | |
equivalents | is equal vent | BeechNut | Apr 96 ME | |
equivocating | quit vice an' go | Nyas | Aug 2 88Pe | |
esoteric | O, secret I | Amor | Nov 23 IRR | 56 |
evacuated | due vacate | Kenneth | Dec 2 99Pe | |
evangelist, the | list! get Heaven | LordBaltimo+ | Feb11 98Pe | |
evil | vile | Cincinnatus | 98 MM | 25 |
evil-minded | men did vile | PhilOSopher | Mar24 88St | |
evolution | O, to unveil | Spica | Nov20 00Co | |
exclamations | nix! scat! O! la! me | DCVer | Dec 1 07AP | |
exorbitant | bit on extra | MabelP | 98 EO | |
expatriation | an ex-patriot, I | Dew | Sep15 08AP | |
expedites | exit, speed | Kenneth | Sep19 99Co | |
explanation | O, plan an exit | Musicus | Jun 9 07NP | |
extricated | I extracted | Eureka | Aug 88 PP | |
eyes, the | they see | Anonyme | Jan15 96Or | |
fabricate | cater a fib | TheGopher | Dec27 05Co | |
fabricates | i.e., bars fact | Jamaica | May 05 Or | |
fabrications | coin a star fib | Osaple | Sep 24 IRR | |
facetiousness | finest o' sauces | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
faintheartedness | then it sends a fear | SubRosa | Jan 7 88St | |
fairy, the | their fay | Dauntless | Jun 1 05NP | |
faithless | false, this | Kenneth | Feb 7 99Co | |
faithlessness | shines falsest | MCS | Oct 6 00Pe | |
family tree, the | at my life there | ESCrow | Feb10 11Co | |
farfetched | hard effect | Nelsonian | Jan 90 MR | |
fashion, the | oh, fine hats | BeechNut | Feb18 88GD | |
fatalities | is fatal tie | LordBaltimo+ | Jan 8 98MA | |
favorites | set I favor | Delian | Apr 2 01Co | |
February | bare fury | DoubleUCaye+ | Sep23 93My | |
felicity | city life | Nyas | Jul27 88Pn | 74 |
ferment | men fret | MCS | Jun21 12Co | |
fervescent | scent fever | Balmar | Dec 1 00MA | |
filament | a film net | ChasIHouston | Apr12 87La | |
filibustering | if I be rustling | TH | Mar 4 97My | |
fillibuster | but fires ill | AniseLang | Jun 85 Pd | |
finger alphabet | after help in gab | MaudLynn | Oct22 87GD | |
fire escape | I creep safe | Anonymous or Pearson? | (not dated?) | 25,29 |
firebrands | fired barns | Remardo | Oct14 05NP | |
flatteries | false, trite | Delaware | Jul 05 TT | |
flautist | a flutist | HapMem90, ArtyEss | Apr14 06NP | 30 |
flirting | trifling | Hyperion | Dec 6 05Co | 64 |
flying machine, the | may hence in flight | PercyVere | Mar11 10Co | |
flying machines, the | can fly highest in 'em | Atlantis | Aug29 14BI | |
foolhardiness | I end rash fools | MCS | Feb 7 06Co | |
foolhardiness | heard fools sin | ChasIHouston | Jan25 87Ts | |
foolishly | O, his folly | MCS | Feb 97 Co | |
foolishness | fool's shines | PearlieGlen | Jan15 98MA | |
fool's errand, a | on falser road | Remardo | Jun 16 FL | |
football games, the | gambol of athletes | Molemi | Nov 11 IMM | |
forane | far one | Adelante | Jan30 15BI | |
forbidden fruit | O, duffer bit rind | ONEOne | Aug13 05NP | |
forester | for trees | Saxon | Apr22 02Co | |
forgetfulness | ruffles gent so | ArtyEss | Apr 7 11Co | |
fortitude | do fit true | Primrose | Dec31 97Pe | |
fortified | oft I fired | Arcanus | Jan23 00Co | |
fortunate | O turn, Fate | LieLey | Nov 98 HC | |
fortunetellers, the | e'en foretell truths | RaeKing | Jul28 98GD | |
forward | froward | Primrose | Mar23 01AP | |
Fourth of July | joyful fourth | KingCarnival | Jun29 99AP | |
fraternal societies, the | hear, secret ties fail not | Q | Jul 11 IMM | |
Frigid Zones, the | things die, froze | Cincinnatus | Aug 98 MM | |
gallantries | all great sin | Anonymous | 1821 FarmA | |
gallinippers, the | these nip, grip all | AfterAll | Jul15 04AP | |
galoche | a clog, he | Osceola | Feb25 99GD | |
galoshes | shoes, gal | NovusHomo | Jun 26 IRR | |
gambol | lamb go | Resolute | Apr27 01AP | 60,89 |
gendarme, the | armed gent, eh? | StGermaine | Aug17 99AP | |
geometrician | enigmatic ore | Nelsonian | Jun14 94My | |
germination | meant origin | Nelsonian | May 88 Maz | |
gingersnaps | Pan's niggers | MabelP | May 2 99Co | |
glaciere | glare ice | Jason | Nov11 05NP | |
gladiator | a lad o' grit | MCS | Dec 8 11Co | |
glissade, the | ah, set glides | Kenneth | Jun 26 IRR | |
gnosticism | mists incog. | Proteus | Oct30 96Pe | |
gold mines, the | thin gem lodes | Victor | Nov 4 98GD | |
golden weddings | sign long wedded | Johank | Feb 03 Eu | |
good | o' God | Primrose | Jul 24 IRR | |
Good Friday | I'd God for ay | TheoLogy | Apr 7 06TT | |
Good Friday | rid gay food | Enavlicm | Jan13 13Co | |
good-fellowship | of polished glow | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
gopher, the | he gropeth | Delian | Mar27 05Co | |
Gospel, the | so get help | Amaranth | IRR | |
grade crossing, a | cars go; is danger | Molemi | Jun 1 06AP | 38 |
granate | a garnet | Eureka | Apr 88 Mys | 77 |
graniferous | sure of grain | Comrade | Jun15 05AP | |
grape juice | a jug recipe | Remardo | Oct 4 12Co | 12 |
greyhound | hey, dog, run | KingCarnival | Dec 1898 | 58,77 |
grim reaper, the | prime gatherer | Amaranth | Jan 26 IRR | 79 |
grindstone, the | thins torn edge | Molemi | Sep 1 06 | 69 |
groceryman, the | name thy grocer | Balmar | Feb 98 MT | |
grotesquerie | rites so queer | ScanDaw | Jul 26 IRR | |
grotesque | queer togs | LewWard | Dec 1898 | 25 |
guardian spirit | I a guard in trips | CAH | Jul18 13Co | |
guardianship | had raising up | Enavlicm | Nov17 06NP | |
gusto | tug so | IvanONymn | Jul 7 06NP | |
half-seas over | she favors ale | Jason | Jun 2 00AP | |
hallucination | hail on lunatic | Balmar | Feb10 00Pe | |
ham sandwich | man chaw'd his | HammondBacon | Aug26 10Co | |
ham sandwich, a | I chaw and mash | HammondBacon | Aug26 10Co | |
hard-boiled egg, a | O, haggard edible | CrissCross | Jan 5 98GD | |
harlequinade | queer Hal and I | Torfrida | Nov23 97Co | |
hartebeest | beast there | Balmartelia | Feb24 00Pe | 25 |
headsman, the | death's man, he | Violet | Jan 08 NP | |
headstone | one's death | Jamaica | May10 03EO | |
heart-heaviness | ah, Heaven is rest | PhilOSopher | May 5 88St | |
hearthstone | one hath rest | Harry | 98 EO | |
heavenly bodies, the | hey! shine bold at eve | RAre | Jan14 06NP | |
heights | highest | Neophyte | Aug 4 06NP | |
heliostat | sol heat it | Arcanus | AP | |
hesitatingly | is halting yet | Molemi | Mar 9 07NP | 45,69 |
heterodoxy | exhort, do ye? | TH | May 1 08Co | |
Hibernianism | be in Irishman | Balmar | Mar 2 00Pe | |
Hibernianisms | be's in Irishman | Sphinx | Nov 1 06AP | |
Hibernicism | be nice Irish | Avocania | Mar24 00MA | |
hideous | O, hide us | MCS | May 2 99Co | |
hieroglyphics | I hog sly cipher | TheCelt | Nov 4 05NP | |
highwayman, a | away! hang him 81 | Hyperion | May15 00Co | |
highwaymen | why, I hang 'em | Palea | Dec 97 MT | |
historiography | hi! ho! grip a story | Jason | 05 GD | |
holidays | said holy | LewWard | Dec24 86St | |
holidays | ah, so idly | MCS | May 10 IMM | |
honeymooning | goin' on, O Hymen | MazyMasker | Jul18 97Co | |
honorable | ah, or noble 33 | TheGopher | Jul 7 06NP | |
honorable mention | in honor to able men | Teddy | Aug27 87GD | |
horseless carriages | agile as racer horses | Johank | Mar15 02AP | |
hostelries | hotels rise | Arcanus | Jul 4 00Co | |
hot waves | heat vows | MayEss | Aug 98 MM | |
house to let | hotel [to] use | MarkTapley | Dec 1898 | |
housebreaker, the | he's a hut rob'er eke | Neophyte | Aug 96Nonp | |
humoursomeness | shun morose muse | Mam | Aug 24 IRR | |
hurricanes | ruin's reach | Torfrida | Nov 4 03Co | |
hypocrite | the coy rip | DanDLyon | Mar14 95My | |
hypodermic needle, a | calmer: I needed hypo | DelmarIngle+ | Nov 1 06AP | |
hysterical | halty cries 28 | Ralph | Apr28 06NP | |
hysterical | la, thy cries | Eloise | Mar25 10Co | |
hysterics | his set cry | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | |
iceman, the | I cheat men 13 | AfterAll | Aug15 02AP | |
iconodulist | I count idols | Arcanus | Mar13 00Co | |
ideal | I lead 22 | KappaKappa | Oct 7 99AP | |
ideals | ladies | JoMullins | Jul27 99AP | |
identifies | see, I find it | UUscer | NP | |
ignis fatuus | is it a fungus? | Ralph | Nov15 06AP | |
ignorant | no rating 29 | EveningStar | Jun 05 TT | |
illuminated | a dim lune lit | AlecSander | Aug15 06 | |
illusions | so ill in us | MCS | May 2 97Co | |
imagination | O, I'm "nit" again | Spica | Sep 5 99Co | |
imagination, the | a thin image on it | Huguenot | Feb11 99GD | |
imagine | in image | Cincinnatus | Nov18 98MM | |
imitate | I mate it | EveningStar | May 05 TT | |
imitation | I am into it | MCS | 98 EO | |
immediate | I made time 78 | EveningStar | Apr 05 TT | |
impatience | I'm peace, nit | EveningStar | May 05 TT | |
impatient | Tim in a pet | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | |
impatiently | late? my! pin it | Anonymous | Not Dated | |
imperators | a prime sort | MCS | Feb12 01Co | |
impersonate | to ape men, sir | TheGopher | May 1 05AP | |
impertinent | men pert in it 33 | Kenneth | GD | |
implicated | implied act | Palea | Aug 1 03AP | |
imprecatory | crime to pray | Delian | Nov26 09Co | |
impresario | I'm opera, sir | Amaranth | Mar26 04EO | |
impresario, an | I opera man, sir 66 | Violet | Apr21 06NP | |
improvisatore | to rimes I vapor | SirUrian | Apr 4 99Co | |
impulse | impel us | MCS | May15 00Co | |
inaction | I, I cannot | DelianBand | Oct17 99Co | |
inanimate | it am inane | Zimmie | Sep30 05NP | |
income taxes | exact monies | Jemand | Not Dated | |
incomplete | one clipt me | MCS | Sep16 02Co | |
inconsiderateness | is in sense "don't care" | ArtyEss | Apr 5 05Co | |
incredulity | icily turned | Delian | Jun 5 00Co | |
incubator, the | I but hen actor | ONEOne | Oct13 06NP | |
indemnity | my end in it | Nelsonian | Apr10 07Co | |
Indian summer | in a dimmer sun | SansSouci | Dec 98 MT | |
Indian summer | in a dun simmer | MCS | Sep24 01Co | |
indigestion | dieting is on | Jason | Mar16 01AP | |
indiscretion | O, indirect sin | Nox | Mar 5 17BI | |
industries | din tries us | Arcanus | Sep 6 99Co | |
inebriate | a beer in it | Resolute | Sep30 05NP | |
infernal regions, the | long sin-fire era then | DCVer | Mar 99 MT | |
infernal regions, the | sing [the] real inferno | Ralph | Jun 9 00AP | |
infinitesimally | lay in fine limits | Atlas | Oct 24 IRR | |
inflammatory rheumatism | it am harmful misery to man | Johank | Mar31 01AP | |
inheritance | I enrich neat | Jamaica | Jan15 06AP | |
inheritance | thine in care | Ralph | Apr 10 IMM | |
innovations | vain notions | MCS | Dec22 01EO | |
innumerable | a number line | Balmar | May26 00AP | |
inquiry, the | I hint query | Balmar | Apr14 00MA | |
inroad | on raid 35,51 | Kenneth | Jun12 00MA | |
insane asylums | a sly man uses in | BeechNut | Feb 88 Mys | |
insane asylums, the | see a sly man shut in | Amaranth | Apr 7 11Co | |
insane asylums, the | sly mania thus seen | Amaranth | Not Dated | |
inspiration | O, I spin in art | Balmar | Jan 6 00Pe | |
inspiration, an | anon in a spirit | Jejune | Jun 97 MT | |
insubordinate | obdurate in sin | ONEOne | NP | |
insubordination | bad notions! I ruin | Nelsonian | Apr18 06Co | |
insurance | can insure | Revlos | Jun15 05NP | |
insurgent | gets run in | MCS | Feb28 99Co | |
insurgent | gent ruins | Balmar | May26 00AP | |
insurgent | I rent guns | Balmar | May26 00AP | |
insurrection | ruction risen | Balmar | Jan 6 00Pe | |
insurrectionist, the | he incites riot's turn | Esperance | Jul15 02AP | |
integral calculus | calculating rules | Ralph | Jun 3 02Co | |
intemperance | I can repent me | EZ2C | Nov10 87Ar | |
interpolations | tales in portion | Albania | Aug 1 06AP | |
interpolators | later portions | Albania | Aug 1 06AP | |
intonates | satin tone | Rex | Apr16 97Qu | |
intrusion | is to run in | MCS | Dec24 01Co | |
irate | I tear | DCVer | Aug 98 DC | |
Ireland | Erin, lad 61 | Anonymous | Oct18 51NQ | |
iron horse, the | ho! here I snort | Traddles | Nov 86 OMM | |
isolated | lot aside | Rusticus | Jun 4 09Co | |
issued | is used | Primrose | Apr21 00Pe | |
Italian | a Latin, I 15,22,55 | Welred | Feb 99 BIm | |
Japanese | a Jap seen | LiPi | Apr 6 99AP | |
Japanese iris | sir, I see Japan | Tranza | Aug28 08Co | |
jealousy | slue a joy | TH | Nov16 02EO | |
jeremiads | amid jeers | Arcanus | Oct 3 99Co | |
jeu d'esprit, a | aid pure jest | Arcanus | Sep 1 06AP | |
judiciaries, the | I hired a justice | Molemi | May 5 07NP | |
kindergartens | green kids rant 61 | ZigZag | Jun24 99GD | |
kleptomaniacs | palms take coin | LAllegro | Feb 3 01EO | |
kleptomaniacs | Ma nips a locket | LAllegro | Feb 3 01EO | |
kleptomaniacs | man stole a pick | LAllegro | Feb 3 01EO | |
kleptomaniacs | slam in a pocket | LAllegro | Feb 3 01EO | |
kleptomaniacs, the | oh, plastic men take | PSychiater | Jun 92 Lu | |
kleptomaniacs, the | oh, men pick at: steal | EveningStar | Jun25 99AP | |
kneebrushes | bees' hunkers | Hercules | Not Dated | |
laceration | lo, I can tear | MerryMack | Feb 10 IMM | |
lamentation | to an ailment | Musicus | Jun16 07NP | |
lamentations | listen at moan | ONEOne | Sep 2 07NP | |
landholder | landlord, he | Enavlicm | Feb 08 NP | |
landscape gardener, the | can grade her steep land | Remardo | Jun23 11Co | |
laughing gas | ha! I gag lungs | NecroMAncer | Jan28 89Me | |
lawbreakers | we balk arrest | Sylvia | NP | |
leadership | rip! he leads | Kenneth | Mar 4 99GD | |
legal profession, the | ah, I'll get proofs seen | BeechNut | Dec 5 97Co | |
legal profession, the | hint: pools large fees | BeechNut | Dec 5 97Co | |
legal profession, the | is one of largest help | WUpp | Dec 1898 | |
legal profession, the | sole great help of sin | SirUrian | Jul 5 98Co | |
legerdemain | mere leading | PhilOSopher | Apr20 89St | |
legerdemainists, the | see tried sleight men | Violet | May 5 07NP | |
legislature, the | I see legal truth | Ralph | May 01 Sx | |
lightheartedly | hit gladly there | BeechNut | Jan 91 PC | |
lily of the valley, the | thy lovely leaf lieth | JimCRack | Mar29 88Pe | |
Limburger cheese | e'er see milch grub? | Remardo | Mar27 15BI | |
limericks | slick rime 28 | Hexagony | Jun12 08Co | |
limited | time lid | Comrade | May 09 AP | |
lipothymous | youth so limp | DickC | May15 90MA | |
lips, the | lispeth | ONEOne | Feb 09 NP | |
liquidate | I quit deal 35 | OREgon | Jun22 99AP | |
loathe | lo, hate 83 | Neophyte | May26 06AP | |
local-option law, the | oh, la! call wet potion | Tranza | May15 08Co | |
locomotive, a | O, coal move it | DCVer | Oct16 97MA | |
lonesome | me so lone | Palea | May 01 Sx | |
lonesome | O, men lose | Gwendoline | Mar26 09Co | |
lonesomeness | O, solemn sense | MCS | Nov13 07Co | |
Lord's Day, the | add holy rest | Nibbs | Dec 1898 | |
Lord's Prayer, the | Drs., try real hope | NecroMAncer | Sep 86 OMC | |
Lord's Prayer, the | thy errors plead 51 | Ace | Mar21 98MA | |
Lord's Prayer, the | pester "old Harry" | Jason | May 01 Sx | |
Lord's Prayer, the | sorry heart pled | Remardo | Sep 16 FL | |
lowland | all down 19 | Enavlicm | Mar16 07NP | |
lowspiritedness | depression wilts | EfFen | Dec 1898 | |
lubrication | it can oil rub 79 | Remardo | Aug18 11Co | |
lubricators | oil cart rubs | Jamaica | Jan 01 MT | |
lugubriousness | sign us "our blues" | Phonog | Jul16 91My | |
lunar eclipse | pale relic sun | BVer | Mar 97 MT | |
madame | am dame | Cincinnatus | Jan 5 99MM | |
maelstrom | lame storm 80 | Primrose | Sep 96 Ca | |
maenad | mad ane 72 | IMWise | Aug19 99GD | |
magistrate | a grim state | EveningStar | Jun 05 TT | |
magistrate | I tag master | Duncan | Oct14 99GD | |
magnetic | magic net | Eureka | Nov 87 OMM | |
magnetical | a magic lent | Eureka | Nov 87 OMM | |
maidens | men's aid | Arcanus | Aug 1 97Co | |
malcontents | sent not cal | Nyas | May16 95My | |
malcontents | not calm nest | LAllegro | Feb10 01EO | |
malevolent | lament love | EveningStar | Jun 05 TT | |
malingerer | erring male | Enavlicm | Not Dated | |
malversation | evil arts, O man | Enavlicm | Sep 08 NP | |
mandatory | do try a man | IMWise | Jul 99 MT | |
manufactories, the | fast machine route | Violet | Aug18 06NP | |
maple sugar | real sap gum | CAR | Jun 6 13Co | |
marchioness, a | ah, so nice a Mrs. | Jason | Mar15 05AP | |
marriage | a grim era 27 | Nox | Aug 9 13BI | |
marriage, the | heart mirage | TomAHawk | Mar 1 08AP | |
martial law | I'm all at war | Victor | Dec 1898 | |
masquerade | queer as mad | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | |
masquerader, the | queer sham trade 13 | Lateo | Sep16 06NP | |
mass meeting | times men gas | Stocles | Dec24 08Co | |
master | a set Mr. | Jason | May15 05AP | |
masterpiece, a | see me, I cap art | DCVer | Nov 06 Or | |
matrimonial | anti-immoral | AlecSander | Jan 6 06TT | |
matrimonially | I, Mar lot, mainly | MCS | Dec19 99Co | |
matrimony | into my arm | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | 20 |
matrimony | I try? no, m'am | Gwendoline | Sep 5 97Co | |
measured | made sure | Enavlicm | Jun 08 NP | |
mechanical powers, the | machines to help a crew | ORange | Aug 91 Ke | |
mechanicians | I scan machine | Balmar | Jan20 00Pe | |
mediations | no, it aids me | EssEll | Apr21 06NP | |
meditation | I nod at time | CAH | Feb 12 IMM | |
meditations | O, in dim state | Ahmed | Dec24 87St | |
melancholies | a solemn chiel | JoMullins | Feb 9 99MM | |
Memorial Day | laid a memory | AnnieLaurie | May 93 Th | 33 |
Memorial Day | o'er a mild May | LieLey | Dec 1898 | |
Memorial Day | O, real 'mid May | Torfrida | Apr18 97Co | |
Memorial Day | a memory dial | Torfrida | May20 97My | |
book agent, the | tho' keen to gab | Sretaw | GD | |
merchant princes | scan pert rich men | Myself | Mar16 07NP | |
merchant tailor | man art clothier | Binks | Jan12 99MM | |
merchants | starch men | Remardo | Nov18 05NP | |
messieurs | sirs use me | Jason | Mar15 05AP | |
metamorphoses | more shapes, Tom | ROVer | Feb12 87St | |
metaphysicians | mystics in a heap | TH | Apr 2 01Co | |
Methodist | the modist | Balmar | Nov15 02MA | |
Methodist, a | at this mode | Balmar | Oct 4 02MA | |
midnight | dim thing | EZ2C | Dec 1898 | 23 |
midshipman | mind his map | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | |
mince pies | spice in 'em | Ithaca | Sep29 87Ar | |
minister | I, I'm stern | LewWard | Jun18 87St | |
minister | sin timer | Ralph | Dec15 01AP | |
minister, a | is rite man | Spud | Aug 23 IRR | |
ministers | remit sins | ONEOne | Apr20 05NP | |
minutes | time sun 29 | Resolute | 05 GD | |
mirage | imager | Kenneth | Oct 25 IRR | |
mirage | air gem | RaeKing | Jul28 98GD | |
misalliance | am in ill case | MCS | Jul14 03Co | |
misanthrope | spare him not | Anonymous | 1833 FarmA | |
misanthrope | hate romps in | Jason | Mar15 05AP | |
misanthrope, a | is po' man-hater | Balmar | May12 00AP | |
misanthrope, a | O, rip hates man | TheCelt | Jan20 06NP | |
misanthrope, the | hip! hate men sort | EveningStar | Aug15 89Mc | |
misanthropes, the | hi! stop! men-haters | LarryMcGuig+ | Aug18 00MA | |
misarranged | Mars reading | Nyas | Jul 6 88Pn | |
mischief-maker | mark if I scheme | Bolis | Nov 7 85GD | |
misericordias | O, sir, amid cries | AniseLang | Aug 9 88Pe | |
misrepresentation | Simon Peter in tears | RWHJr | Jul 65 REL | |
misrepresentation | met a pretension, sir | AniseLang | Jul13 86Ts | |
misrepresentation | sir, am I not pretense? | AniseLang | Dec15 02AP | |
misrepresentations | tire a missent person | MCS | Aug27 01Co | |
mistress | Mrs. is set | Jason | May15 05AP | |
misunderstood | so some did turn | DonOS | Nov 3 83GD | |
molars | morsal | AlTTude | Not Dated | |
moldiness | I'm oldness | AniseLang | Apr 91 Es | |
monasteries | amen stories | LordBaltimo+ | 96 GD | |
monasteries | is a rest, O men | RAre | Dec 8 06NP | |
monasteries, the | stern homes a tie | Victor | Jul 8 99GD | |
monastery | O, many rest | Saxon | Sep 9 02Co | |
monastery | my one star | FAEI | Sep 65 REL | |
monetary | money art | Ralph | Jul14 00AP | |
money-changer, a | one charge many | Phil | Aug23 03EO | |
monopolist | most in pool | TH | Sep 4 07Co | |
monument, a | on mute man | Hyperion | Mar23 04Co | |
moonlight | thin gloom 40,43 | Jason | Feb15 05AP | |
moonlight | night loom | Jason | May15 05AP | |
morganatically | all gay, romantic | Comrade | May 05 Or | |
mosquitoes | O, Moses! quit 20,40 | Tranza | Oct23 08Co | |
Mother Carey's chickens | con the merry sea-chicks | AniseLang | Jul31 87La | |
mother-in-law, a | the woman liar | Ralph | Mar31 00AP | |
mother-in-law, a | woman raileth | Balmartelia | May19 00Pe | |
mother-in-law, a | howler at man, I | AfterAll | NP | |
mothers-in-law | what roils men | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
mothers-in-law | show men trial | Nyas | Dec 1898 | |
mountebank | note: am bunk | Amaranth | Jan 24 IRR | |
mourning | O, grim nun | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | |
moustaches | mouth cases | ShooFly | Aug 96 Qs | |
Muscovites | Soviet scum | Hercules | Not Dated | |
muttering | emit grunt | Anonymous | Not Dated | |
mysterious | O, 'tis my ruse | Tryon | Oct 16 FL | |
murderous | rum-roused | Marmion | Jun 1 97MB | |
nanosomia | O, O, a nanism | AlTTude | Not Dated | |
nasturtiums | must train us | CAH | Nov17 11Co | |
negotiate | I get a note | Cincinnatus | Feb 9 99MM | |
neighbor | bore nigh | MabelP | Jun25 01Co | |
neoteric | O, I recent | AlTTude | Not Dated | |
Netherlands | stern land, eh? | MCS | Nov 5 01Co | |
neurasthenic | ache in unrest | Arcanus | Sep19 06Co | |
newspaper editors | we do print as peers | Molemi | Oct 1 06AP | |
newspaper editors, the | see order apt with pens | JohnnyJumpupAug15 89Mc | ||
newspaper reporter, a | newer reports appear | Binks | Dec24 98GD | |
newspaper reporters, the | top news preparers there | Jamaica | Jun 97 MT | |
night-blooming cereus, a | n.b., it graces gloom in hue Gemini | Nov 9 89GD | ||
night sweats | things waste | Arcanus | Apr 1 08AP | |
nightingales | la, the singing | BeechNut | Dec 1898 | 1923,1971 |
Nilghiri nettles | ill sting therein | Hercules | Not Dated | |
no admittance | can't admit one | DCVer | May 1897 Di | |
no trespassing | stop an ingress 4*P82 | DCVer | Dec 1898 | |
nom de plume, a | model name up | Victor | May13 99GD | |
nomenclators | control names | LMNTerry | Oct13 00AP | 1943,1977 |
nomenclature | lone curt name | MCS | Apr13 04Co | |
nominated | named on it | ONEOne | Apr 5 05NP | |
nominates | name it, son | Balmar | Jan 00 MT | |
nominating | on naming it | Balmar | Jan 01 MT | |
nostalgia | lost again | Ralph | Jan28 02Co | 1963 |
nursery rhyme, a | merry sun-ray, eh? | Enavlicm | Apr 7 07NP | |
obliterates | erase! blot it | ONEOne | Nov 09 NP | 1922,1943 |
obscurities | best curios, I | MCS | 1893 Obsc | |
obstinateness | obtain setness | TomAHawk | Sep 98 MM | |
odontalgia, the | a n.g. tooth ailed | Balmar | May12 00AP | |
old-fashioned | I on shelf? O, Dad! | Not Dated | ||
old maid, an | I'm no lad, Ma | Q | Mar 1 12Co | |
old maids, the | sad lot hid 'em | POStage | Dec 1898 | |
old masters | art's models | Traddles | Dec 1898 | |
old soldier | dose o' drill | Darby | Jul26 94My | |
old soldier | O, so drilled | Delian | Jan27 04Co | |
open sesame | ope: man sees | Remardo | Jan 6 06NP | |
opera glasses, the | ah, stop! sees large | EZ2C | Jan 89 PP | |
operations | O, I spare not | Fireglow | Apr12 94My | |
opinionately | I yelp a notion | Gemini | Jul23 87GD | |
orator | to roar | TH | Dec15 06AP | |
orchestration | art tones' choir | WEStern | May 01 Sx | |
orientalism | loiter in Siam | Remardo | May15 15BI | |
orientalist | riot in tales | Spica | Sep12 99Co | |
outsiders | ousted, sir | JackOLantern | Jun 25 IRR | |
overcoat, the | cover to heat | Kenneth | Dec 1903 | |
overcoatings | togs in a cover | AlecSander | Mar10 06NP | |
overcoats | as to cover | Arcanus | Sep 5 06Co | |
pain | a nip | Lyra | 1888 | Pz |
palmistry | I try palms | Arcanus | Apr24 08Co | |
palpitated | led pit-a-pat | AniseLang | Nov10 1889Th | 1919 |
paralysis | a palsy, sir | Eureka | Dec 1898 | |
parental | paternal | Jason | Sep15 02AP | |
parenthesis | set phrase in | Byrnehc | Dec 1898 | |
parliament | partial men | 62 Wheat | ||
parliament | apt men rail | Jason | Mar 3 00AP | |
partisan | raps anti | Jason | Jul 1 06AP | |
pasquiler | real quips | Binks | Dec 1898 | |
pasquinades | send as a quip | Alliteratic+ | Aug28 86GD | |
pastries, the | pies, tarts, eh? | Violet | Not Dated | |
patella | a platel | IMWise | Mar31 00Pe | |
patent medicines, the | death pits entice men | ESCrow | Aug24 11Co | |
paterfamilias | a familiar pest | Nox | Sep 9 11BI | |
pedantical | I plead cant | Sphinx | Apr 99 Or | |
pedestrial | stride, leap | EmmaLine | Apr 10 IMM | |
pedestrian, the | he trained step | ROChester | Sep 5 99Co | |
penetrated | entered pat | Remlap | Aug 98 MM | |
penetratingly | aptly entering | LieLey | Aug 98 DC | |
penetration | I open at rent | SwampAngel | Mar26 01Co | |
penetration | a point enter | TH | Jan26 02EO | |
penetration | Pa, to enter in | BeechNut | Nov10 06NP | |
penitentiary | ay, repent in it 4*P81 | Balmar | Apr 00 Qu | |
penitentiary | a rent in piety | TH | Mar 1 07AP | |
perambulation | a ramble up, into | Nutmeg | Jun 79 PO | |
penuriousness | pennies sour us | MCS | Oct 8 1901Co | 1919 |
penuriousness | no use in purses | MCS | Oct 8 01Co | |
perambulation | a ramble upon it | AniseLang | Oct 1 91St | |
perambulator | up to a rambler | TH | Jul 7 01EO | |
perambulators | our able tramps | Spica | Jul18 98Co | |
perambulatory | pray ramble out | MCS | Jun15 03AP | |
performance | prance for me | WildRose | Dec 1898 | |
perissological | sip real logic so | Rex | Mar 1880 MK | |
perpetual motion | a pet motor-lie pun | Towhead | Apr13 1888Pn | |
perpetual motion | I pump eternal, too | Stocles | Apr26 98Co | 1948 |
persecution | pierce us not | DCVer | Jun 1899 MT | |
persecution | pine to curse | TH | 1903 EO | |
personifications | O, can fit in pose, sir | AniseLang | Jul24 86GD | |
persuasion | no, I use raps | MCS | Nov 3 00AP | |
pessimist | Miss Spite | ArtyEss | Mar15 03AP | |
phantasmagoria | rap on: I am aghast | Leone | Nov 97 NC | |
phantasmagoric | has no magic part 42 | AniseLang | Oct23 86GD | |
phantasmagory | go any sham part | NecroMAncer | Feb 80 MK | |
pharisaicalness | a precisian's lash | DorothyDool+ | Oct 5 89HT | |
pharmaceutical | a chemical art up | Balmar | Aug19 10Co | |
pharmacist, the | ah, part chemist 28 | Alcyo | Apr15 89Th | |
philanderer | near'd her lip | LInconnu | Feb 1 08AP | |
philanderings | herald pinings | Rusticus | Oct27 11Co | |
philosopher's stone, the | th' sophister's lone hope | Pygmalion | Dec 1898 | |
picture postcards, the | th' art product species | Sphinx | Aug12 11BI | |
pigment, a | paint gem | Balmar | Apr 00 Qu | |
Pilgrims | grim lips | SansSouci | Oct16 00Co | |
pinafores | fie! | Aprons | Nox | Jul 4 14BI |
pioneer | I peer on 20 | Arcanus | Sep13 99Co | |
pirates | trip sea | KingCarnival | Nov25 05NP | |
pit-a-pat | a tip-tap | AfterAll | Aug 07 TT | |
plantation | a plant on it | Balmar | Jul 97 Di | |
platonic | no lip act | Anglo | Jan15 09AP | |
Platonic love | a cloven pilot | AbelEm | AP | |
plaudits | pits laud | Balmar | Apr 00 Qu | |
plenipotentiary | I, I plenty near top | Spica | Dec 3 02Co | |
poachers | cop hares | Nox | Jan27 17BI | |
poet laureate | a lute to a peer | Bolis | Feb 6 86GD | |
poetaster | Erato's pet? | Ernest | Jan 89 Mys | |
poetastry | poet stray | Nyas | Aug17 94My | |
poise | I pose 35 | Remardo | Dec16 05NP | |
poison gas | soon I gasp 82 | RayleRhoder | Oct 26 IRR | |
police department, the | a tried competent help | Amaranth | May 25 IRR | |
police force, the | lo, the fierce cop | RaeKing | May20 98GD | |
police station | O, cops in it late | Resolute | Dec23 05NP | |
policeman | menial cop | OWL | Oct11 85ML | |
policeman | 'elp a-comin' | Anonymous | Not Dated | |
policeman | Lena, I'm cop | Gemini | 95 GD | |
policeman | I'l name cop | Neophyte | May 97 MT | 79 |
porcupines | use pin crop | Arcanus | Mar30 07NP | |
porterhouse steak, a | He eats pure OK roast | Jason | Jul 1 06AP | |
portraits | I sport art | MabelP | Sep20 99Co | |
Poseidon | O, dips one | MCS | May 2 99Co | |
position | so I point | DelianBand | Oct17 99Co | |
pospolite | I spot Pole | LMNTerry | Sep 1 04AP | |
post-mortem examination | am expiration to most men | MaudLynn | Mar 88 Mys | |
postage | a PO gets | Enavlicm | Feb 17 FL | |
postage stamps | Sam's pet PO tags | Jamaica | Nov 98 MD | |
posterior nares | is port rear nose | Balmar | Nov 00 MT | |
postmaster, the | stamps thereto | SouCon | Oct28 16BI | |
postponement | me pent; no stop | Primrose | Apr16 09Co | |
practicable | be practical | Ralph | Jan 4 05Co | |
precaution | I put on care | Cincinnatus | Jun15 99AP | 73 |
precipitation | Pop, cite it rain | Musicus | Jul 08 NP | |
promises | imposers | SamSlick | May 1915 | |
precipitation | pet topic: I rain | Remardo | Jan 3 13Co | |
predestination | repent? 'tis no aid | Dew | Not Dated | |
predestination | I pertain to ends | LordElwood | Jul 7 07NP | |
predicament | pent 'mid care | Jason | Mar 08 Or | |
predication | a prediction | Nelsonian | Sep17 87St | |
preliminary | primary lien | TH | 03 EO | |
premeditations | at times I ponder 72 | Rusticus | Sep15 06AP | |
prerogative | I prove great | TH | Oct14 00EO | |
presentationalism | tops innate realism | IMWise | Jan12 01AP | |
prestidigitator | Great Spirit, do it | FritzBlitz | Apr 88 Mys | |
prestidigitator | I do stir great pit | Atlas | Dec 4 97MA | |
preternatural | unreal part art | Nelsonian | May 9 99Co | |
Prince of Darkness, the | arch-fiend sent pokers | Sphinx | Dec25 90St | |
printer's devil, a | pi-servant riled | OpieShaw | Nov27 86GD | |
privateersman, the | thrive, pert seaman | BeechNut | Apr 96 ME | |
proclamation | clamor a point | Jason | Dec 1903 | |
procrastination | nor is part action | LivRPool | Mar24 83GD | |
Procyonidae | a coon I'd prey | Balmartelia | Feb24 00Pe | |
prodigal son | O, plod in rags | Nox | Feb21 14BI | |
prodigal son, the | O, sporting lad, he | Bolis | Jan 8 87St | |
prodigal son, the | post on, glad heir | Arcanus | Nov21 06Co | |
prodigal son, the | lo, get his pardon 37 | RAre | Jan 08 NP | |
prodigal son, the | hi! a golden sport | Horatio | Aug23 13BI | |
prodigality | do trip gaily | Nelsonian | Sep 88 PP | |
produce | due crop | RosieMont | Jul15 02AP | |
profanity | any profit? | Delian | Jun 3 02Co | |
progressive | give or press | MayLeHosmer | Dec 1898 | |
progressiveness | sing, press ever so | WEStern | Oct15 87Jo | |
prohibition | no, I prohibit | GiGantic | Oct15 08AP | |
prohibitionist | son, I prohibit it | Q | Nov 3 11Co | |
prolegomenon | one long proem | Sphinx | Feb 99 Or | |
promissory note, a | payor remits soon | MajorDomo | Feb 98 HC | |
promissory note | not rosy promise | Ralph | Mar 01 Sx | |
pronunciamento | pronounce it, man | Balmar | May26 00AP | |
prophetess, a | prates hopes | Hercules | Not Dated | |
proposal, the | la, pops to her | Guidon | Dec 1903 | |
prosecution | pose in court 62 | Gwendoline | Jun 5 07Co | |
prosecutor | court poser 84 | Jason | Apr 1 07AP | |
prosperity | is property 11 | ArtyFishel | Oct22 86St | |
pseudonym, a | O, dupes many | Violet | NP | |
ptomaine | pain mote | Arcanus | Apr10 08Co | |
punishment | nine thumps 21 | 1821 FarmA | ||
quadrangles | square angl'd | Ralph | Jun 01 Sx | |
quartermaster | queer smart art | Nelsonian | May 89 MRe | |
questioner | one querist 40 | Margaretta | Jul 4 06Co | |
radiator, the | hot air trade | Wilhelmina | Dec 2 05NP | |
radio, the | air doeth | Eureka | Sep 24 IRR | |
railroad engineers, the | real heroes: danger in it | ROChester | Jan 7 05NP | |
railroads, the | O, shared trail | AChef | Nov 24 IRR | |
real estate agents | great at net leases | Binks | Jul 8 99GD | |
received payment | every cent paid me | DCVer | Jul14 97GD | |
receptacles | secret place | Ralph | Mar29 06Co | |
reception | on receipt | Ralph | Jul15 08AP | |
reception hall, a | la, nice portal, eh? | Atlantis | Not Dated | |
recipient | in receipt | Jason | Dec15 01AP | |
recommendation | I commend on rate 28 | Musicus | Jan 08 NP | |
recreations | no race tires | AniseLang | Sep12 85GD | |
recreations | no care: I rest | LordBaltimo+ | Jan13 00Pe | |
recriminations | sin! crime! O, I rant | Spica | Nov16 04Co | |
rectitude | true edict | Ralph | Jul20 02EO | |
recuperates | cures repeat | Spica | Aug25 00AP | |
red, white and blue | ah, we bled under it | Sphinx | Sep13 98Co | |
red, white and blue | ah, true wide blend | DCVer | Nov13 97MA | |
red, white and blue, the three-hued blend, I wat | Raymond | Jun29 99AP | ||
redintegration | torn, it regained | Nov25 86GP | ||
sentiment | it sent men | Pearson | ||
regulation | git on a rule | IMWise | Nov 00 MT | |
regulation | to gain rule | TheGopher | Jul 9 05NP | |
reiteration | on ear it tire | ICDimly | Aug14 08Co | |
reliance | real nice | MCS | Sep 8 03Co | |
religion | lo! I reign | Nyas | Jun15 93My | |
relinquishment | quits inner helm | Kenneth | Nov27 00Co | |
relinquishment | sinner, quit helm | Adelante | Oct18 09Co | |
remembrance | can remember 57 | MCS | Mar 1 02AP | |
remorse | some err | AnnieCoe | Nov10 89Th | |
remuneration | I am one return | LordBaltimo+ | Feb 99 Or | |
renewal | real new 42 | Primrose | Apr21 00Pe | |
renunciation | union I recant | DorothyDool+ | Mar 1 08AP | |
renunciation | I, I can turn one | Gwendoline | Nov20 08Co | |
repletion | O, plentier | CintiJr | Jan 93 MaM | |
representation | one art I present | AniseLang | Sep 86 AmP | |
representation | O, pretense in art | Musicus | Jan 09 NP | |
reprobate | bear toper | Balmar | Dec18 00Co | |
repulse | repel us 55 | Nox | Aug 5 16BI | |
reputations | pure station | LordBaltimo+ | Dec18 97MA | |
requiescat | quiets care 12,75 | Gwendoline | Dec 1 90St | |
requiescat in pace | peace's quiet cairn | Zoroaster | Sep12 97GD | |
requiescat | quiet acres | MabelP | Jun20 99Co | |
rescue | secure 16 | MissTRee | May 87 Ar | |
resident | is rented | MabelP | Feb23 01AP | |
resignation | I go in an' rest | Marmion | Nov10 83GD | |
resolutions | soul tries on | MCS | Jan21 02Co | |
resort | or rest | Osceola | Sep23 99GD | |
respiration | one air spirt | BeechNut | Mar 1 05AP | |
restaurant | runs a treat | TH | Jun21 05EO | |
restaurant, the | he ran eat trust | Violet | NP | |
restraining | a string rein | MCS | Dec26 99Co | |
retort, a | o'er tart | Delian | Sep18 00Co | |
retraction | or recant it | Balmar | Apr 7 00Pe | |
retribution | O, bitter ruin 42 | Nelsonian | Jan22 87St | |
retribution | ruin to tribe 20 | TH | Dec18 03EO | |
retribution | O, I return bit | Gwendoline | Jun12 07Co | |
revelations | reveal it, son 17 | Ralph | Mar15 05AP | |
revolutionary | one rivalry out | Quidam | Apr 05 TT | |
revolutionist | revulsion to it | AniseLang | Dec 1 86GP | |
rheumatism | hurts Mamie | MCS | Jul11 99Co | |
ridiculous | ludicrous, I 22,64,87 | Nelsonian | Aug 87 Mys | |
ridiculousness | son ridicules us | HarlyQuin | Jul 8 99GD | |
righteousness | one's right uses | MCS | Sep 5 97Co | |
robin redbreast | best bird; rare? no 79 | SamWeller | Aug13 81GD | |
robin redbreast | near or best bird | TH | Mar 11 Co | |
robin redbreast, the | Bert, hear bird notes | Hensal | May 9 85GD | |
robin redbreast, the | her best ornate bird | DCVer | Jan 99 MT | |
robin redbreast, the | best roan bird there | Sylvia | Jul21 06NP | |
robin redbreast, the | O, then, best rare bird | Arcanus | May13 10Co | |
rogues' gallery, the | leery toughs glare | Violet | Aug25 06NP | |
rosary, the | hear story | Balmar | Sep 1 11Co | |
sacerdotal | a sacred lot 71,88 | Nestor | Dec 1898 | |
sacerdotalist | total is sacred 28 | Balmar | Jan20 00Pe | |
sacerdotalist | 'tis a sacred lot | Balmar | Jan20 00Pe | |
sacred ibis, the | he is caste bird | GentleAnnie | May26 00MA | |
Saint Patrick's Day | Pat's act: drink aisy | Johank | Mar15 02AP | |
saleratus | a sure salt 85 | Not Dated | ||
salesladies | ideal lasses | Nox | Jul31 15BI | |
saleslady, a | ay, Ada sells | Neophyte | Apr25 05NP | |
sanctimoniousness | son, I scout sins: amen | Nelsonian | Jun 05 EO | |
saponaceous | O, can use soap | AniseLang | Oct 5 86Ts | |
sargasso | O, as grass | Ralph | Dec18 08Co | |
satisfaction | fits as a tonic | RABN | Nov 79 MK | |
sauciness | causes sin | Delian | Aug 7 00Co | |
schoolmaster | smote scholar | JackOLantern | Apr20 89GD | |
schoolmistress, a | O, to miss her class! | TwoJohns | Mar 4 99GD | |
scripture | true scrip | Balmar | May12 00AP | |
sea foam | am of [sea] | JoKing | Dec 97 HC | |
seance | a scene | Ralph | Nov 03 NP | |
searchlight, a | Ha! clear sight | Remlap | Dec 1898 | |
seaside, the | ah, see tides | DiamondBar | 95 GD | |
seclusion | close us in | Balmar | Jul28 00MA | |
sedimentary | many see dirt | Margaretta | Jan 1 01AP | |
seesawing | in wee sags | MazyMasker | Aug 8 97Co | |
self-defence | feels fenced | MCS | Jul10 00Co | |
self-importance | lo! man is perfect | SamWeller | Mar 3 83GD | |
self-preservation | sever no life parts | SamWeller | Dec 1898 | |
self-preservation | persons live after | MCS | Feb 7 06Co | |
self-seeking | see self-king | MCS | May27 02Co | |
semaphore | see arm hop | Amaranth | Mar 06 Or | |
semester | sees term | Not Dated | ||
sempiternal | PS, I'm eternal | Ralph | Mar15 05AP | |
senator | a Nestor 54 | Nelsonian | Feb13 07Co | |
sensation | as tension | TH | 99 EO | |
sensationalism | is almost insane | MCS | Aug24 04Co | |
separate | see apart 00,13,83 | ROChester | Jan 5 88Ms | |
separated | a tear sped | Not Dated | ||
separation | one is apart | Ralph | Jul 1 06AP | |
separatist | is set apart 16 | TH | May27 01EO | |
septentrional | tints near pole | Ahmed | Sep13 88St | |
septuagenarian | Nature's pain age | AbelEm | Dec 07 Or | |
serein, a | see rain 24 | Arcanus | Jul 97 Or | |
serenading | din enrages | MCS | Apr24 00Co | |
sergeant at arms, the | arrest them as a gent | Binks | Dec 1898 | |
seriousness | is sour sense | Primrose | Dec24 97Pe | |
shadow | how sad | DelianBand | Oct17 99Co | |
shadows | sad show | Adelante | Aug 04 Eu | |
shape | phase | Kenneth | Not Dated | |
sheepherders | shepherds e'er | Remardo | Oct20 06NP | |
shepherdess, the | she herd'st sheep | Ralph | May 01 Sx | |
shooting matches | haste! shot coming | Johank | Sep 1 01AP | |
shoplifter, a | has to pilfer | EssEll | Sep 4 08Co | 11,35,71 |
shoplifter, the | thief: her plots | Wilhelmina | NP | |
shoplifters | hosts pilfer 44 | Molemi | Feb 6 07Co | |
shrubbery | berry bush 45 | Remardo | Jun25 07NP | |
sign of the cross, the | he's right to confess | ALS | Jul15 05AP | |
signal | la, sign 26 | Binks | Jul 8 99GD | |
signaled | a sign led | Nox | Jul18 14BI | |
signature | a true sign 34 | Nelsonian | Dec29 88OM | |
silent majority, the | lament: 'tis their joy | Balmar | Apr 97 MIn | |
silent majority, the | let's join it, my heart | Sphinx | May15 91St | |
silver mine | I've minerals | Cincinnatus | Dec 2 99AP | |
simian | is I man? 70 | MCS | Aug 5 02Co | |
sinecure | sure nice 23,50 | Balmar | May26 00AP | |
sinister | tries sin | Arcanus | Aug 8 97Co | |
sinistrous | 'tis our sins | AniseLang | Aug10 86Ts | |
siren, a | I snare | Not Dated | ||
slanderous | done as slur | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
slaughter | chast rule | Proteus | Jun 90 PC | |
sleigh ride, the | here is delight | RosieMont | Jan 5 99MM | |
sleigh rides | he glides, sir | MCS | Jan 9 07Co | |
slipperiness | perils spines | Nox | Mar14 14BI | |
slot machines | cash lost in 'em | Molemi | Jun 1 06AP | |
slough of despond, the | fondled hopes go thus | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
smart set | stars met | Jason | May25 01AP | |
smithy | my! hits | Enavlicm | Mar30 07NP | |
sneak thief, a | he fain takes | CantTell | Sep26 97Co | |
sneak thieves | vie the snakes | RebusMyth | Nov 98 MM | |
society | O, icy set | CSaw | Feb18 98Pe | |
softheartedness | often sheds tears | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
solar system | ye sol'm stars | JACob | May27 99GD | |
solar system, the | lo! these my stars 13 | JackOLantern | Dec 8 92My | |
soldier of fortune, the | to hustle friend or foe | KosciuskoMc+ | Dec 1 04AP | |
soldierly | so ye drill 69 | Molemi | Nov 25 IRR | |
solemnity | O, my! silent | Enavlicm | Sep23 06AP | |
solitariness | 'tis alone, sirs | LAllegro | Jun18 96My | |
solitary confinement | O, crafty men sit lone in | Jamaica | Dec19 97Co | |
solitary confinement | crafty men so lone in it | Remardo | Feb 07 Or | |
soothsayers | so others say | Delian | Oct13 00Pe | |
soothsayers | oh, tyro asses | Delian | Oct13 00Pe | |
sound money | O, sunny mode | TH | Feb11 97My | |
sovereignty | yes, govern it | MCS | Nov 8 98Co | |
sovereignty | ye it governs 48 | Viking | Nov25 03Co | |
Spanish Inquisition, the | oh, pain is in this inquest | Lateo | Aug11 07NP | |
special delivery stamps | price speeds mail vastly | DCVer | Aug28 00Co | |
spectators | actors' pets | KingCarnival | 98 GD | |
speculation | acute slip on | Proteus | Apr30 97Pe | |
speculations | counts a pile | Sphinx | Feb20 00Co | |
speculation | peculations | Sphinx | Feb20 00Co | |
speculation | a silent coup | Sphinx | Feb20 00Co | |
speculation | unclose a tip | Sphinx | Feb20 00Co | |
speculators | to pass lucre | SNorters | Dec 1898 | |
spiritual-mindedness | a true mind dispels sin | WillIAm | May19 06NP | |
splatter-faced | flat red aspect | Jamaica | May 01 Sx | |
spontaneous | pause not, son | Nelsonian | Aug30 85ML | |
squab, a | as quab | Kenneth | Not Dated | |
staghound | a dog hunts 23 | Atlantis | Aug 1 05AP | |
Star-spangled Banner, the | bear pean: land's strength | DCVer | Dec 1898 | |
Star-spangled Banner, the | sent her grand pean blast | SamWeller | Dec 1898 | |
state criminals | a miscreant list | Ace | Feb 5 98MA | |
state penitentiary, the | yea, sent that I repent it | Atlas | Jul20 02EO | |
statement | testament 70 | AfterAll | Dec29 06NP | |
Statue of Liberty | a style [of] tribute | WUpp | Dec 1898 | |
Statue of Liberty | set for beauty lit | Tryon | Aug20 05NP | |
steadfastness | stands safe set | AniseLang | Apr 1 89Th | |
stealthy | at the sly | TheGopher | Aug13 05NP | |
stenographer | ane short pager | KingCarnival | Jan 6 06NP | |
stenographer | short pen rage | NecroMAncer | Mar 86 OMC | |
stenographer, the | her star pen goeth | Hercules | Sep 25 IRR | |
stereopticon | see torn topic | HIStory | Jan 5 89GD | |
stethoscope | to pose chest 84 | Ralph | Oct 1 05AP | |
stimulates | malt: its use | Enavlicm | Feb23 07NP | |
stonyhearted | hard testy one | Enavlicm | Sep16 07NP | |
straitlaced | a deal strict 23 | Enavlicm | 06 EO | |
stratagems | start games | Ralph | Apr 1 07AP | |
strenuousness | stuns our sense | MCS | Oct12 93My | |
stuttering | sing t-t-true | Towhead | May 16 FL | |
subordinates | it under a boss | Cincinnatus | Aug 98 MM | |
subsidiary | buys aid, sir | Balmar | Jan20 00Pe | |
substitution | no, but it suits | MCS | Jun 6 06Co | |
subterfuge | but refuges | Nypho | Not Dated | |
subtly | but sly | Kenneth | Jan25 99Pe | |
suggestion | it eggs us on | ArtyEss | Jun19 08Co | |
summer solstice | muse cites Mr. Sol | Tranza | May26 11Co | |
summertime | mute simmer | MCS | May 1 96En | |
sunrise, the | shines true | KTB | May 6 02Co | |
sunshine, the | thus in sheen | TheGopher | Jan 27 IRR | |
superficialness | spin surface lies | TH | May 99 EO | |
superior | or rise up | Arcanus | Sep13 99Co | |
superiority | O, purity, rise | Ultramundane | Jul31 08Co | |
supernaturalisms | unrealisms trap us | Jamaica | May 97 Or | |
superstitions | I trust in poses | Enavlicm | Not Dated | |
surgeon | go, nurse | 92 Walsh | ||
sweat | waste | Remlap | Nov18 98MM | |
sweetheart | the wee arts | AnnieM | Aug27 86St | |
sweetheart | she we treat | Guidon | Mar16 01AP | |
sympathetical | ah, calmest pity | Remardo | Oct14 11BI | |
sympathetically | my pathetic sally | MCS | Sep28 97Co | |
talebearer | be a relater | Poly | Oct 97 BIm | |
tantrums | must rant 19,27 | DCVer | Jun20 97GD | |
tatterdemalion | meant old attire 34 | Nelsonian | Apr 6 87Pm | |
tax collector | cert! coax toll | Amaranth | Mar26 04EO | |
taxicab, the | each tax bit | Primrose | Jul29 10Co | |
telegraph operators | poles gather a report | Atlas | May 26 IRR | |
telegraph operators | lo! great hero tappers | SansSouci | Mar 2 99MM | |
temperament | meant temper | MCS | Mar 7 06Co | |
tempestuous | seems put out | MCS | Feb 7 06Co | |
template | a templet | IMWise | Sep 1 00AP | |
temptations | to tempt a sin | Binks | May 99 Pu | |
temptations | O, attempt sin | Ralph | Dec15 01AP | |
Ten Commandments, the | can't mend the most men | JustaParson | May 97 Or | |
Ten Commandments, the | sect men damn them not | Jamaica | May 97 Or | 17 |
Ten Commandments, the | man, commend th' tenets | REve | May 97 Or | |
Ten Commandments, the | donts: cement them, man | LordBaltimo+ | May 97 Or | |
Ten Commandments, the | th' tenets command men | Comrade | May 97 Or | |
Ten Commandments, the | chats me'nt to mend men | Ace | Not Dated | |
Ten Commandments, the | tenants commend them | Sindbad | Mar 5 97Pe | |
tergiversation | is a reverting to | Rusticus | Sep15 06AP | |
tergiversation | O, 'tis a reverting | Adelante | Nov 7 06Co | |
termagant | target: man | TH | Jun 9 01EO | |
terpsichorean | rate nicer hops | ChasIHouston | Sep24 86St | |
testimonial | I mean it, lots | MCS | May14 01Co | |
thanatopsis | tho' 'tis a span | HattieHeath | May12 88St | |
theatricals | hit real acts 49 | MCS | Jul19 98Co | |
theatricals | real act, this | Comrade | Jun15 05AP | |
theatricals | act real hits 23 | Q | Apr 7 11Co | |
theic, a | tea? hic! | Hercules | Not Dated | 32 |
therapeutical | heal it: apt cure | EssEll | Feb 07 Or | 43 |
thereupon | here put on | Aspiro | Dec16 99Pe | |
thermos bottle, a | best real hot, Tom | JSeezer | Jun26 15BI | |
thundershower, a | one hard wet rush | Johank | Sep 1 01AP | |
thundershower, a | has wet 'round her | Donatello | Apr 09 AP | |
thunderstorm, a | thud tears morn | Dauntless | Oct 7 05NP | |
tiers etat | tri-estate | CSaw | May 99 Pu | |
tirade | I rated | DCVer | Aug 98 DC | |
tombstones | set on tombs | Amaranth | Jul30 01EO | |
tomfoolery | lo! toy for me | MazyMasker | Aug22 97Co | |
tornado, the | on to dearth | CAH | Dec22 11Co | |
tortoise-shell butterfly | O, it'll flutter by the roses | Asian | Nov19 91My | |
total abstinence | a bottle instance | NecroMAncer | Apr 88 OMC | |
touchstone | oh, unco test | Bolis | Aug 1 85GD | |
tourmaline | mineral out | DeRalf | Oct25 84GD | |
tradesmen | need | Marts | DCVer | Aug 4 06NP |
tragedian | egad! I rant | Nestor | Feb25 90Th | |
tragedies | tide rages | MazyMasker | May12 00Pe | |
train | it ran | LewWard | Aug27 87GD | |
train dispatcher, the | he directs [train] path | RexFord | Mar 2 99MM | |
trained nurses | endure strains | Rusticus | May15 08AP | |
trained nurses, the | tender hearts in us | Rusticus | May15 08AP | |
transitory | is tarry not | NecroMAncer | Mar16 87Pm | |
transportation | trots on in a trap | Amaranth | Aug11 01EO | |
traveling salesman, the | ah, even smart at selling | DCVer | Jul28 97GD | |
travelling salesman, the ha! | Marvel sent at selling | Ivanhoe | Nov 1 91St | |
treacherous | ruse or cheat | Nox | Jun 2 17BI | |
treasonable | O, rebel Satan | TH | Mar17 00AP | |
treasured | rated sure | MCS | Jul 5 94My | |
treasured | true dears | MCS | Jul 5 94My | |
tribulations | is but on trial | Avocania | May26 00Pe | |
troubadour, the | thou outre bard | Pygmalion | Nov 6 86GD | |
trustworthiness | truth's sworn ties | CSaw | May28 96My | |
turkey gobblers | rely OK, best grub | Gwendoline | Nov25 10Co | |
twilight | with gilt | Marmion | Jun 2 87St | |
typewriter, the | they write pert | Joaquin | Mar 99 PC | |
typewriter, the | write pretty, eh? | Primrose | May 6 99AP | |
ultimatum | I am tumult | ICDimly | Sep 03 Eu | |
unanimity | am in unity | Balmar | Dec 2 99 AP | |
uncertainties | insecure taint | Musicus | NP | |
unconventional | count no evil, Ann | Hyacinth | Sep 1 06AP | |
unfortunate | at no true fun | JackOLantern | Nov 91 Ke | |
uniformity | I form unity | Balmar | Dec 2 99 AP | 29,33 |
Unitarianism | a ruin in a mist | JCM | Aug25 87Ms | |
united | in duet | Anonymous | Not Dated | |
unmerciful | I'm cruel fun | LittleCasino | Dec 1898 | |
unrighteousness | guess then our sin | May16 85GD | ||
unrighteousness | rogue, shun set sin | LordBaltimo+ | Nov 99 MT | |
unrighteousness | hug sin: rot ensues | LordBaltimo+ | Nov 99 MT | |
unselfish | I shun self | MCS | May24 05Co | |
unshielded | is held nude | MCS | Dec 7 93Me | |
untutoredness | tut! no rudeness | Kenneth | Dec 1903 | |
upside down | dips due now | Arcanus | Mar 8 12Co | |
upwards | draws up | Towhead | Nov 25 IRR | |
valedictorian | lead in a victor | TwoJohns | Dec 1903 | |
valentine | vent a line | Shortfellow | Mar 9 88Pe | |
valetudinarian | a nature invalid | Nestor | Dec 1898 | |
valetudinarianism | I am Nature's invalid | Delian | Oct 6 00AP | |
valetudinarianism | is true: am an invalid | EssEll | Dec 08 IMM | |
vanities | vain ties | Tranza | Oct 06 Or | |
vegetable garden, a | and gave large beet | CAH | Aug11 11Co | |
versatility | it is let vary | MCS | Mar21 95My | |
versatility | variety list | Tranza | Jan12 00Co | 24,73 |
vindicate | act divine | Nelsonian | May26 87St | |
violet | love it | SubRosa | May 1 87La | |
violet | to live | Mack | Apr 6 89St | |
virulent | vile turn | Remardo | Dec 09 NP | 36 |
vociferations | strain of voice 16 | Nox | Sep18 15BI | |
vociferous | voice for us | Balmar | May12 00AP | |
volunteers | lure vets on | Park | Jan 5 07NP | |
waiting room, the | go in, Mother, wait | AfterAll | Mar10 06AP | |
wanderoo | O, a wonder | Nelsonian | Jul16 87St | |
water spaniels, the | we train leash pets | Arcanus | Nov28 99Co | |
water spaniels, the | [water] pets in leash | Arcanus | Nov28 99Co | |
waterside | is wet, dear | MCS | Feb27 07Co | |
waterspout | O, a wet spurt | Nox | Nov29 13BI | 20 |
wayfarer | wary fare | Kenneth | Jul 99 Qu | |
wearing apparel | I glean a wrapper | Amaranth | Jun30 01EO | |
imagination | I'm on it again | Pearson | ||
white feather | fear with thee | Arcanus | Jun 07 Or | |
widow's mite, the | how wee it 'midst | FransFolks | Aug 1 02AP | |
winsome | so win me | MCS | Aug 7 00Co | |
wireless telegraph, the | greet a ship: tells where | PolkaDot | May11 05NP | |
wireless telegraphy | we really greet ships | FransFolks | Feb 1 02AP | |
wireless telegraphy | we see ray spell right | CalOHill | Dec 1903 | |
withstander | sin thwarted | Kenneth | Nov 99 Pe | |
woman | am won | Primrose | Jan30 96My | |
womanliness | is no man's law | Jason | Jan 1 08AP | |
womanliness | wins men also | Jason | Jan 1 08AP | |
Yankee Doodle | eke one odd lay | Byrnehc | Jun12 87Pa | |
Yankee Doodle | ay, keen old ode | Proteus | Dec 1898 | |
Yankee Doodle | do a keen yodel | Esperance | Jun16 00AP | |
yellow fever | feel very low | RAre | Mar10 06NP | |
yellow jessamine | see lowly jasmine | JessAMine | Dec 1898 | |
yellow journalism | our jolly mail news | Arcanus | Oct11 98Co | |
yellow peril, the | who yet I'll repel | Rusticus | Sep 1 05AP | |
yeoman | O, ye man | Duncan | Oct14 99GD | |
zoological gardens, the | oh, gaze into droll cages | DCVer | Dec 1898 | |
zoological gardens, the | children also go to gaze | Amaranth | Aug15 08AP | |
abstemiousness | sins tab me souse* | Chet | Jan 1959 | |
abstemiousness | Si et a mess o' buns* | Hoosier | Apr 1937 | |
abnegation | it began a no | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
absent-mindedness | bad mind sent sense | Hoho | Jan 1953 | |
absent-mindedness | nets bad mind, sense | FredDomino | Apr 1952 | |
abstaining | it's a gin ban | Castet | Jul 1952 | |
abstention | I not absent* | Yercas | Aug 1939 | |
abstention | absent on it | Yercas | Aug 1939 | |
agnosticism | I can't go isms | FredDomino | May 1951 | |
afrite | fear it | AlecSander | Nov 1934 | |
aeromechanics | airmen coaches | AyeEyeKay | Mar 1942 | |
aisle, an | is a lane | AwlWrong | Dec 1939 | |
abecedary | ABC ye read | Damonomad | Apr 1931 | |
Mafioso, the | O, shame of it | Ulk | Feb 1991 | |
Aesculapian, the | heals acute pains | Hercules | May 1933 | |
aeronautics | cut air on sea | Grandmother | Jan 1925 | |
aeronautics | atone Icarus | AwlWrong | Nov 1937 | |
affection | O, fine fact | Amaranth | Jun 1928 | |
agglutination | ain't a gluing to* | Yercas | Jan 1931 | |
agrostologist | I go to grass lot | Larry | Feb 1931 | |
agrostologist, an | got a toil on grass | PChinn | Oct 1916 | |
aestheticist | cite his taste | Evergreen | Jun 1931 | |
African dominoes, the | this on a name for dice | Viking | Jul 1931 | |
African dominoes, the | name dice in for a shot | Viking | Oct 1963 | |
aeriform | air for me | Spica | Apr 1915 | |
agriculturist | git us rural cit | Stocles | Mar 1913 | |
aggregated | gaged great | EmmaLine | Mar 1914 | |
agronomist | moots grain | Tut | Aug 1976 | |
abstraction | art not basic | Kenneth | Aug 1962 | |
aberration, the | be hot in errata | Hoho | Nov 1973 | |
aborigines | base origin | Lateo | May 1926 | |
aborigines | origin, sabe? | Lateo | May 1926 | |
abominable | bon, amiable* | Yercas | Feb 1928 | |
abecedarian | near ABC idea | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
abecedarian, the | I read neat ABC, eh? | Bud | Nov 1927 | |
abecedary | ABC? ye read | Damonomad | Apr 1931 | |
ablutions | also in tub | Arcanus | Feb 1931 | |
absent-minded | tends dim "bean" | DanDLyon | Jul 1931 | |
abused | bad use | Anonyme | Oct 1913 | |
Abraham | ah, Abram | Ralph | Aug 1914 | |
abortion, the | oh, bear it not | AbStruse | Dec 1981 | |
abstract expressionism | recent art ism's basis? pox! Tut | Dec 1978 | ||
abortionist, the | O, I state, no birth! | Nightowl | May 1978 | |
abstemiously | moistly abuse* | Hap | Nov 1972 | |
actors | star co. | Eureka | Jul 1924 | |
actors | costar | Viking | Feb 1972 | |
adornment | ornament'd | AChem | Nov 1929 | |
adunation | union data | BlueHenChickJan 1930 | ||
adversaries | are advisers* | GiGantic | Jun 1926 | |
adversaries | read as viers | AbStruse | Nov 1982 | |
accomplice, the | catch me, police | Sol | Oct 1926 | 75 |
adjectives | avid, jet, sec, .. | Nypho | Apr 1912 | 36 |
Acadian, an | a Canadian | Hap | Oct 1987 | |
adventuress, the | tad she ventures | Grandmother | May 1927 | |
acetaminophen | the "no-pain" acme? | Nightowl | May 1988 | |
acidosis | is so acid | Larry | Aug 1927 | |
adding machine | nigh me I can add | Francolin | Mar 1916 | |
academicians, the | had aim at science | Amaranth | Dec 1927 | |
advertisement | I vend 'em treats | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
advertisements, the | state, vend merits, eh? | Pat | Jul 1928 | |
advertisement, an | re: Mad Ave's intent | TeZirMan | Dec 1987 | |
Adam's ale | a sad meal | Remardo | Jun 1918 | |
acroamatic | am acroatic | Larry | Dec 1928 | |
adept | apt, Ed | BeauNed | Jun 1931 | |
accountant | can count at | XCLent | Mar 1915 | |
acerbity | racy bite | Vesta | Sep 1919 | 23,77 |
adhesive plaster | adhere t' save lips | Flora | May 1920 | |
advertise | trade vies | DCVer | Aug 1920 | |
advantageous | do us a vantage | Vesta | Oct 1920 | |
adenoids | nose, add I | Enavlicm | Jun 1922 | |
adapted | dead pat | Jemand | Nov 1923 | |
admirable | I'm real bad* | JackOLantern | Apr 1936 | |
accelerator, the | let toe reach car | Viking | Mar 1963 | |
accelerator | O, let car race | ArtyEss | Apr 1952 | |
acid rain | I raid Can. | TeZirMan | Aug 1985 | |
adolescents | lads to scene | Damonomad | Aug 1935 | |
adolescents | enclose tads | DCVer | Apr 1935 | |
adolescent | olden caste* | DCVer | Jul 1934 | |
adolescent, an | can not see lad* | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | |
adolescent, an | O, scan teen lad | AbStruse | Feb 1980 | |
adolescents | cold as teens* | Hoho | Jan 1976 | |
adultress, the | there's a d--- slut! | Viking | Feb 1941 | |
adulteress, an | see a darn slut | Viking | Nov 1974 | |
adulteress, the | lust sated here | Viking | Mar 1973 | |
adulteration | do rule a taint | TheGink | Apr 1973 | |
adulteration | ain't true load | FredDomino | May 1951 | |
Administration, the | Demo, I rant anti this | Zer0 | Feb 1971 | |
Administration | admit, no rat is in | Cryptox | May 1946 | |
Administration | I admit, no strain | Cryptox | May 1946 | |
adulatory | laudatory | TheGink | Oct 1970 | |
admonition | I am in "do-not" | AChem | May 1970 | |
solitariness | sit alone, sirs | Pearson | ||
adulator | a loud "rat" | Katmat | Oct 1942 | |
adespoton | sad, no poet | Orion | May 1942 | |
admonished | did shame on | NatPal | Mar 1942 | |
admire | I dream | Tryit | Nov 1940 | |
administer | aid's in term | Viking | Apr 1940 | |
advertising | sign raved it | Reynard | Jul 1938 | |
admission | Min said so | WhizDum | Jun 1934 | |
acceleration | can Leo race it? | Kay | Nov 1962 | |
accreditation | a direct action | Hoodwink | Aug 1960 | |
acrobat, an | act on a bar | Hoho | Jan 1958 | |
achievement | I'm each event | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
accidental, the | chance dealt it | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
Adam's apple, the | pad palates hem | DCVer | Feb 1935 | |
accountant, the | att: he can count | SAmple | Jul 1934 | |
advertising agencies, the | hint: creative ad gigs seen | CornCob | May 1988 | |
advertises | advise rest | NoholdsBard | Jun 1988 | |
advertisements | I'm trade's events | DCVer | Nov 1932 | |
alarm clocks | calls rock AM | April'sChildAug 1980 | ||
alarm clock, an | clank! a clamor | Gemini | Aug 1924 | 48 |
alarm clock, an | a lorn AM clack | ESCrow | Jan 1914 | |
alarm clock, an | O, am call crank | Francolin | Jan 1917 | |
alarm clock, an | O, can | Mark call | AbStruse | Mar 1980 |
alarm clock | lack clamor* | DhumbbBhelle | Apr 1948 | |
almshouse | soul shame | Leip | Sep 1927 | |
alimentotherapy | ply a ration theme | Wehanonowit | Mar 1935 | |
alphabetically | I play all the ABC | DCVer | Sep 1928 | |
alphabetization | I? A, then a B-I-L-P to a Z | XSpecked | Jul 1942 | |
altisonant | is not an alt* | BlueHenChick | Jun 1929 | |
allochroous | lo, has colour | Ellsworth | Mar 1930 | |
alpine glacier | large ice in alp | Damonomad | Dec 1931 | |
alopecist, an | I tone a scalp | EmmoW | Jun 1934 | |
aloha | ah, a 'lo | ITappaKe | Dec 1931 | |
alphabet, the | that be a help 23 | Pearson | ||
alphabetic order | or, help read it ABC | AbStruse | Jul 1987 | |
alemongers | so, lager men | Hudu | Mar 1986 | |
alphabet soup | oh, a subtle pap | AbStruse | Jun 1988 | |
alter ego | get a role | LeeFrance | Oct 1980 | |
allegiance | la, ligeance | Arcanus | Dec 1944 | |
alpestrine | I enter Alps | Comrade | May 1926 | |
algebra | a garble* | Senor | Dec 1979 | |
almug | algum | Hap | Sep 1979 | |
alimentation | in a meal? not it!* | Tut | Jul 1979 | |
alimentation | oatmeal in tin | Tut | Aug 1977 | |
algefacient | fie, can't geal! | Rho | Feb 1977 | |
alligator | lot garial | Tav | Oct 1974 | |
Alencon | non-lace* | Hoho | Dec 1967 | |
also-rans, the | a harness lot | MULater | Oct 1964 | |
almightiness | I'm a less thing* | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | |
altercation | la, not ire act* | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | |
alibi | I bail | Cryptox | Dec 1949 | |
Aleutians, the | Attu an isle, eh? | Larry | Aug 1943 | |
aiguillette | utile aiglet | Ifandor | Oct 1979 | |
air pollution | oil, ruin LA top | Ruthless | Nov 1989 | |
amounts | not a sum* | Osaple | Apr 1924 | |
American Indian, the | I am in a thinned race | Hercules | Jul 1924 | |
American Indians, the | a hint: is a nice red man | Q | Aug 1912 | |
American Indian, the | hi, I am an ancient red | AbStruse | Mar 1987 | |
ambilateral | am bilateral | Sol | May 1928 | |
amyotonia | O, I am atony | BlueHenChick | May 1929 | |
ampersand, the | maps "and" there | Kenneth | Sep 1941 | |
ampersand, the | shape "and" term | AwlWrong | Aug 1942 | 77 |
ampersand, the | "and" stamp here | Merlin | Jan 1970 | |
ampersands, the | parse them "ands" | EmmoW | Mar 1931 | |
amanuensis | amass ennui | ESCrow | Nov 1931 | |
ambushed | bush made | Arcanus | Dec 1914 | |
amphitheater | hath a mere pit | Amaranth | Feb 1917 | |
ambiguity | I'm a bit guy | ImaLone | Nov 1923 | |
amateurish | is a true ham | Pacifico | Aug 1954 | 86 |
amplexus | s-x (male up) | Hap | Jul 1983 | |
amateurs | amuse art | Lateo | Jun 1916 | |
amateur | AAU term | Atlantic | Jan 1982 | |
amen corner, the | her moan center | FredDomino | Aug 1959 | |
ampersand sign, the | met reshaping "ands" | ElUqsor | Feb 1957 | |
ambuscade, the | cede at ambush | Hoho | Apr 1954 | |
ambition, an | bit! no mania | Gemini | May 1929 | |
ambitious | but so I aim | Ixaxar | Nov 1935 | |
ameliorative | aim love at ire | EmmoW | Feb 1938 | |
amorousness | as Romeo's sun | AwlWrong | Oct 1936 | |
amidships | maid's hips | DCVer | Jul 1934 | |
antiabortionist, the | a birth is neat in toto | Nightowl | May 1978 | |
animadversion | mad, on sin I rave | AyeEyeKay | Dec 1941 | |
animadversion | I rave, son, I damn | Nightowl | Dec 1977 | |
animadversion | aver sin domain | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
animadversion | I avoid manners | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
anecdotal | can do tale | FredDomino | Apr 1952 | 61,67,77 |
antacid | can't aid* | Osaple | Nov 1976 | |
antimilitarism | I am militant, sir* | DCVer | Dec 1934 | |
anacrhonistic | no, isn't archaic* | Tav | Aug 1976 | |
ante meridiem | time remained | Aristotle | Oct 1934 | |
anonymous | O, us? any nom | Hoho | Dec 1972 | |
anguish | is an "ugh" | Amor | Nov 1972 | |
ante meridiem | I determine AM | PABee | Feb 1933 | |
anhydrous | oh, a dry sun | Nightowl | Mar 1971 | |
antimacassar, the | a chair's mat's neat | Viking | Jan 1969 | |
antimacassar, the | chair mat sat sane | Hoho | Jan 1968 | |
angostura | a sour tang | Hoodwink | May 1966 | |
antonym, the | not thy name | NoholdsBard | Feb 1988 | |
antiques, the | quaint, these | Hoho | Mar 1966 | |
anglophiles, the | English, tho' pale | Hoho | Dec 1960 | |
anglophiles | pal o' English | Nypho | Feb 1949 | |
anglophiles | O, English pal | PatristocratApr 1942 | ||
ancestors | sons trace | TheGink | Nov 1960 | |
anchoretism | O, scan hermit | AwlWrong | Mar 1936 | |
antepast | pan taste | Pacifico | Mar 1960 | |
antagonism | O, 'gainst man | Ifandor | Feb 1960 | |
angriest | 'tis anger | ElUqsor | Feb 1957 | |
angriest | isn't rage* | ElUqsor | Feb 1957 | |
anagrammatical | a la magic art, man | FredDomino | Aug 1959 | |
anonymous, the | shy, no name, out | Hoho | Jul 1959 | |
anti-Scripturist, the | art spite-Christ unit | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
anti-Scripturists, the | stir up Christian test | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
Antipodes, the | 'neath topside | Nypho | Sep 1948 | |
anodyne | annoyed* | DhumbbBhelle | Nov 1947 | |
anticentrifugal | re: fault in acting | Wehanonowit | Mar 1942 | |
anterior | into rear* | Hoho | Apr 1939 | |
anyone | ay, none* | Enavlicm | Mar 1932 | |
anthropometry | thy report, O man | Wehanonowit | Nov 1932 | |
anagram, the | ah, an art gem | Guidon | Feb 1924 | |
anagrams, the | e.g., Amaranth's | Viking | Sep 1931 | |
anagrams | magna ars | DCVer | Nov 1931 | |
antiseptic | ain't | Septic | SkyLight | Sep 1926 |
antiseptics | I act in pests | EmmaLine | Mar 1913 | |
antigram, an | anagram? nit! | Grandmother | Dec 1926 | |
answer, the | wasn't here | Si | Aug 1937 | |
anaesthetic, an | net as anti-ache | Delaware | Jul 1928 | |
anthropomorphous | th' poor, poor humans | SineCura | Sep 1928 | |
anesthesis | it has sense* | Vulcan | Jan 1929 | |
antelope | note leap | NoholdsBard | Dec 1987 | |
antivivisectionism | it noises vain victim | Castet | Jan 1929 | |
anarchists | arch-saints* | Yercas | Jan 1931 | |
anti-American | I name Iran act | TeZirMan | Jun 1988 | |
Anopheles | slap one, eh? | EmmoW | May 1931 | |
anchorites | no rich eats | DCVer | Jun 1931 | |
anathema | a man hate | Lateo | Mar 1914 | |
antagonistic | anti-agnostic | Hoosier | Aug 1936 | |
antagonist | not against* 55,63,67,72,83 | Barnyard | Mar 1918 | |
ancient history | Cain in the story | Remardo | Feb 1919 | |
Antares | ane star | LeDare | Mar 1920 | |
Antares | star, nae* | DeeSweet | Aug 1985 | |
antipathetic | tip: it can hate | AlecSander | Mar 1920 | |
antipathetic | tip: I can't hate* | Merlin | Sep 1974 | |
antiquarian | hint a quaint era | DCVer | Apr 1920 | |
antigalactics | against lactic | Cicero | Jun 1922 | |
ancients | ten Incas 41 | Enavlicm | May 1923 | |
anthracite coal | lo, it can heat car | MCS | May 1921 | |
angina pectoris | a pang in cor site | Lateo | Dec 1931 | |
angina pectoris | pains? go (int.care) | Hap | Jan 1986 | |
angina pectoris | score giant pain | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | |
angina pectoris | coring pain eats | Arcanus | Oct 1942 | |
angina pectoris | O, reacting pains | AbStruse | Nov 1937 | |
angina pectoris | ire pang in costa | Hoho | Jun 1939 | |
angina pectoris | cite organ's pain | PoorRichard | Oct 1931 | |
angina pectoris | gets a pain in cor | YKnott | Jul 1928 | |
angina pectoris | pain acting sore | NoholdsBard | Nov 1987 | |
angina pectoris | O, creating pains | AbStruse | Jan 1988 | |
angina pectoris | one's tragic pain | Faro | Mar 1988 | |
angina pectoris, the | or get a pain in chest | Viking | Jan 1969 | |
angina pectoris, the | is cogent heart pain | Kenneth | Aug 1960 | |
angina pectoris, the | has to nag recipient | AbStruse | Jan 1988 | |
angina pectoris, the | get pinches in aorta? | Ulk | Sep 1989 | |
apartment houses, the | separate homes t' hunt | Vulcan | Feb 1928 | |
apartment houses | Pat rents us a home | BooJeeKay | Jun 1956 | |
Apostles' Creed, the | see th' staple credo | ESCrow | Aug 1929 | |
apartment | part meant | Primrose | Sep 1931 | |
appositeness | aptness I pose | ElDon | May 1917 | |
appropriate | A-I: apt, proper | Travv | Aug 1987 | |
apothecium, an | oh, I'm a neat cup | Travv | Aug 1986 | |
apartheid | rapid hate | Travv | Jan 1985 | |
apartheid | a dire path | Kamel | Jul 1980 | |
aponia | O, a pain* | Blackstone | Mar 1982 | |
aposiopesis | I, as I spe.. Oops! | Nightowl | Aug 1975 | |
apostrophe | a posh trope | Hap | Jul 1975 | |
apostrophes | perhaps "S", too | DCVer | May 1934 | |
apostrophes | apropos the "S" | DCVer | May 1934 | |
appreciation | a tip on a price | Pacifico | Feb 1956 | |
appreciations | coin apt phrase | AwlWrong | Feb 1943 | |
appropriately | a properly apt, I | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
appendicitis | pains? dip't ice! | JayTuefs | May 1938 | |
apricots | it's a crop | SirOrm | Mar 1932 | |
aperitif, the | after-pie hit* | AlGebra | Jun 1989 | |
artichokes | OK, rich eats | DiehlMWrightJan 1925 | ||
armaments | men-at-arms 27 | Pearson | ||
arcuations, the | to unite as arch | BlueHenChickMay 1928 | ||
archimime | hear mimics | Ellsworth | Jul 1928 | |
archimagus, the | sure hath magic | Nypho | Aug 1949 | |
archimage, the | ah, magic there | Ellsworth | Jul 1928 | |
articulation | I act oral unit | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
articulate | I utter "ca, la.." | AlecSander | Mar 1929 | |
artesian well, the | water seat in Hell? | HartKing | Dec 1984 | |
artesian wells, the | seen all this water 65 | Chris | Mar 1913 | |
artesian well | lineal waters | Atlas | Nov 1922 | |
artesian wells, the | water's in all these 36 | Viking | Dec 1933 | |
artesian well | water sale, nil | Qpkwins | Apr 1937 | |
artesian wells, the | see all thirst wane | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
armament | mean | Mart | Hoho | Aug 1939 |
armistice | I cite arms | Gee | Feb 1919 | |
aridity | dry at II | Quondam | Apr 1920 | |
Arabian | an Arab, I | Ralph | May 1922 | |
Arctic Regions, the | ice acres throng it | AwlWrong | Jun 1937 | |
arithmetic | a metric hit | Jay Tuefs | Aug 1936 | |
arithmetic | I+R+I, etc. (math) | Sphinx | Feb 1984 | |
arsenite | an ester, I | Elf | Dec 1984 | |
arriviste | a striver, I | Daz | Dec 1988 | |
arctoid | rd. coati | Travv | Mar 1977 | |
arise | raise | Anonyme | Dec 1913 | |
Armageddon | drama end; go! | AyeEyeKay | Mar 1942 | |
Armageddon | a modern Gad | Fanacro | Oct 1973 | |
Armageddon | mad god near | Fanacro | Oct 1973 | |
Armageddon | nomad raged | Fanacro | Oct 1973 | |
Armageddon | a demon drag | Fanacro | Oct 1973 | |
Armageddon | near-god mad | FredDomino | May 1951 | |
Armageddon | O, mad danger | PioloOpest | Jan 1981 | 91 |
Armageddon | raged on mad! | AbStruse | Aug 1987 | |
armies | i.e., | Mars | Hoho | Oct 1970 |
archeologist, the | he's got a hot relic | AlGebra | Oct 1963 | |
architect | I chart, etc. | Arcanus | Jan 1945 | |
archididascalos, the | I'd teach, aid scholars | Molemi | Jun 1960 | |
argumentativeness | sum it as anger event | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
argumentativeness | I use rant agent vs. 'em | FredDomino | May 1951 | |
artificialness | I scan if it's real | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
artisan, the | an artist, he | MULater | Sep 1940 | |
artistry | I try arts | JayTuefs | Apr 1942 | |
assuage | use a gas 31 | Jemand | Jun 1924 | |
aspiration | 'tis I on a par | Primrose | Jul 1924 | |
aspirations | on as a spirit | ESCrow | Jan 1928 | |
aspiration | I stop an air* | FrostERoman | Aug 1973 | |
asterion | one star, I | Ellsworth | Jun 1925 | |
aspirin | pain? sir! | Justinian | Jan 1939 | |
aspirin tablet, an | ain't pain blaster* | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
aspirin tablets | bests pain trial 57 | Marmion | Sep 1936 | |
aspirin tablet, an | able in pain start | Jun 1956 | ||
aspirin tablet | is pain battler 82 | AChem | Oct 1966 | |
aspirin tablet, the | I halt pains better | FredDomino | Jun 1957 | |
aspirin tablets | let pain stab, sir* | Wyvern | Apr 1983 | |
asperity | yet I rasp 30 | Amaranth | Aug 1926 | |
asperity | spy at ire | AwlWrong | Sep 1947 | |
asperity | raspy tie | AwlWrong | Sep 1947 | |
astragalus, the | has great talus | BlueHenChickMay 1928 | ||
astronomer, the | home star noter | Lateo | Jan 1921 | |
astronomers, the | there! moon, stars! | WrongFont | Mar 1930 | |
astronomer | star mooner | Merlin | Sep 1970 | |
astronomer, an | star, moon near | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | |
astrologaster, an | astral sage or not? | Viking | Feb 1931 | |
astrologaster | so log star rate | Damonomad | Feb 1931 | |
astronomically | I tally moon scar | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
astonished | so end a "hist" | Francolin | Sep 1916 | |
astounding | gain do stun | ArtyEss | Mar 1920 | |
astrologer, the | he's got real rot | AbStruse | Jul 1988 | |
astrologer, an | ogler on a star | AbStruse | Jul 1988 | |
astronaut | out 'n a star | Volar | Mar 1980 | |
astronaut | unto a star | CornCob | May 1985 | |
astronauts | to a star, sun | TheGink | May 1970 | |
asterism, an | I name stars | Senor | Jul 1980 | |
assurance | sure as can | Fiddle | Aug 1949 | |
asyndeton | no "ands" yet 80 | AwlWrong | Jun 1935 | |
ashtray, the | trashy heat | EmmoW | Jun 1952 | |
ashtray | ashy art | OCasey | Aug 1935 | |
asseveration | to aver is sane | Graydol | Sep 1976 | |
asseveration | a noise avers 't | BeauNed | Feb 1936 | |
asteria | i.e., a star | Viking | Mar 1972 | |
astraddle | saddle art | Molemi | Feb 1967 | |
anabolic steroids | boosts laid in race | AbStruse | Nov 1990 | |
asteroidal | O, I deal star | Hoodwink | May 1966 | |
asininity | is inanity | AlecSander | Jan 1934 | |
asinine | is inane 87 | Hoodwink | Dec 1958 | |
astronomy | O, my, in star | Midurndist | Oct 1955 | |
asteroids | O, stars die* | Midurndist | Oct 1955 | |
aurora borealis, the | O, a rare bolt hues air | Damonomad | Aug 1933 | |
auguries, the | I | Augur these | Jemand | Dec 1927 |
aureole, the | ee! true halo | BlueHenChickMay 1928 | ||
autoist, an | sat in auto | Vulcan | Jul 1928 | |
auscultation | list to an "a-cuu!" | EmmoW | Feb 1931 | |
autocrat, the | tote autarch | JayEstee | Dec 1931 | |
automobiles | O, miles about | MazyMasker | May 1942 | |
autoschediastically | O, as I haste, act lucidly | CSaw | Jul 1919 | |
atom bomb | O, bam! tomb | Wick | Dec 1945 | |
atom bombs | a mob's tomb | Molemi | Aug 1963 | |
atomic bomb | I combat mob | Osaple | Oct 1945 | |
atomic bomb, an | in "bam-boom" act | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
atomic bomb, an | I'm ban o' combat | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
auction bridge | got ace bid: ruin? | Kay | Jan 1963 | |
aureoles, the | see true halo | Viking | May 1967 | |
authoritativeness | have it: sure station | Acorn | May 1974 | |
at loggerheads | th' gals do agree* | AChem | Aug 1961 | |
auf wiedersehen | we freshen adieu | TheGopher | Jun 1958 | |
autobiographies | I harps about I: ego | MrRee | Oct 1949 | |
autobiography, an | O, any graph about I | FredDomino | Apr 1952 | |
automats, the | host ate at 'um | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | |
automats, the | oh, must eat at | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | |
auditory nerve, the | I very tuned to hear | Spreggs | Jan 1947 | |
auld lang syne | ye and all snug | Neon | Mar 1937 | |
axemaster | a Xmas tree | Alf | Dec 1985 | |
ayes, the | hate "yes"* | Hoho | Jul 1960 | |
atomise | is a mote | Hoho | Jan 1937 | |
atomizes | atom size | Hoho | Jan 1937 | |
auriphones | upon his ear | CSaw | Apr 1936 | |
aviatrice | air-active | NoholdsBard | Aug 1988 | |
avariciousness | rave is USA coins | FredDomino | Apr 1952 | |
arithmetic progression, an | can rig math series portion | Senor | Jan 1981 | |
artificial insemination | animal initiator (fine sci.) Volar | Mar 1980 | ||
athlete's foot | tale 'f hot toes | Volar | Apr 1979 | |
aerobic dancer | a nice bod carer | Ruthless | Aug 1986 | |
apple-pie order | proper pie deal | BeauNed | Dec 1931 | |
after-dinner speaker, theten diners hear pet freak | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | ||
after-dinner speaker, thethinkers prate, earn feed | Pat | Apr 1953 | ||
after-dinner speakers, the | here rank tripe ends feast | AwlWrong | Dec 1945 | |
after-dinner speakers, the | therein fakers end repast | AwlWrong | Dec 1945 | |
Adam and Eve | Eve, add a man | Guidon | Jun 1921 | |
Adam and Eve | Dad, even a Ma 35 | Spreggs | Aug 1929 | |
Adan and Eve | a man evaded | Molemi | Nov 1920 | |
apple of discord, the | food: it helped scrap | Hercules | Dec 1926 | |
assault and battery | lad, a tyrant beats us | Moonshine | Jul 1926 | |
animated cartoon | cinema and art, too | Pat | Jun 1953 | |
animated cartoons, the | hot art done at cinemas | FredDomino | Nov 1955 | |
almighty dollar, the | ah! merit all thy gold | TheGopher | Dec 1956 | |
act of God | good fact | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
animal kingdom, the | male goat, hind, mink.. | XSpecked | Oct 1941 | |
Australian echidnas, the a lunch? a diet? his are antsSpreggs | Jan 1947 | |||
archconspirator | chronic sap or rat | FredDomino | Nov 1960 | |
April fool, the | lo, prat foil, he | Merlin | Apr 1972 | |
April food jokes, the | OK, all for jest, I hope! | Nightowl | Apr 1972 | |
April Fool's Day | for a solid play | Retlaw | Oct 93 NP | |
bargain hunter | a nut in her garb | Atlas | Jul 1922 | |
bargain hunters | run, grab in haste | NJineer | Dec 1923 | |
bandolero | ladrone, bo | SherlockHol+ | Aug 1922 | |
basics | is ABCs 84 | Bronwyn | Feb 1980 | |
barbastelle | re: bat's label | Kamel | Oct 1980 | |
basset hound | the nub: so sad | Volar | Aug 1977 | |
ballerinas | are in balls | Oedipus | Apr 1967 | |
bangtails, the | tab lithe nags | TheGink | Nov 1962 | |
bangtails | nags! I blat | Hoho | Nov 1963 | |
bacteriological | O, go trace bacilli | Archimedes | Apr 1963 | |
battered child syndrome | bet scar medley hint'd "rod" Volar | Nov 1979 | ||
bargain counters, the | run! grab that coin, see! | Amor | Dec 1942 | |
balderdash | sadder blah | TheGink | Sep 1962 | |
badinage | idea 'n' gab | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
bathhouse | O, he has tub | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
bachelor | lo, he-crab | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
ballet dancer, a | alert, balanced | Pat | Nov 1949 | |
baby sitter | site by brat | Hoho | Aug 1949 | |
barytones | bray notes | Nypho | Aug 1943 | |
bartender, the | dern that beer! | Ixaxar | Jul 1942 | |
bartender, the | rend that beer | AwlWrong | Mar 1943 | |
barnyards, the | ah, rest beyond | Hoho | Oct 1942 | |
balances | ban scale* | Tryit | Nov 1940 | |
battleships | stab the slip | JayTuefs | Jul 1940 | |
balsamic | sic: a balm | Yercas | Jan 1939 | |
bargain | grab ain | AbStruse | Jan 1939 | |
base hit | hi! baste | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
base hits | bat shies | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
barbated | tab beard | AlecSander | Jan 1936 | |
battalion, the | in a hot battle | PABee | Dec 1933 | |
bathing suit | snug habit, it | Jemand | Jan 1924 | |
bathing suit | 'tis nigh tabu | TheGopher | Aug 1954 | |
baseball team | all "Babe" mates | Arcanus | May 1930 | |
baseball | Babe's all | ESCrow | Aug 1924 | |
ballyhoo | by halloo | AlecSander | Dec 1925 | |
balneotherapies, the | tip: baths e'er heal one | Blackstone | Oct 1980 | |
balneotherapeutics | bath cure, plain to see | Hercules | Dec 1925 | |
banditti, a | bad, I taint | TheGink | Dec 1970 | |
bandit | in't bad | TheGopher | Jan 1926 | |
bandit, a | ain't bad* | PABee | Jul 1928 | |
bashfulness | bans flushes* | Arcanus | Sep 1927 | |
bashfulness | fans blushes 36 | Arcanus | Sep 1927 | |
Barmecidal feast, a | tab facade meal, sir | Hardric | Feb 1982 | |
Barmecide's feast, the | sh! fabricated esteem | ESCrow | Sep 1927 | |
Barmecide's feast, the | he bids me taste: farce | Spica | Nov 1913 | |
Barmecide's feast, the | caters sham feed bite | AwlWrong | Jun 1937 | |
Barmecide feast | defer basic meat | BNatural | Apr 1935 | |
Barmecide feast, a | best Aramaic feed | JimBill | Aug 1934 | |
Barmecide feast, a | feed Arabic meats | JimBill | Aug 1934 | |
battle royal, a | ay, O all batter | Eureka | Jan 1928 | |
banishments | this bans men | Vulcan | Oct 1928 | |
barricade, the | it barred each | Vulcan | Dec 1928 | |
basso profundo | bud of sopranos | KapryKorn | Jan 1990 | |
backseat driver, the | the rest bark advice | Sol | Jan 1927 | |
backseat drivers, the | hark! bad steers: evict! | Hardric | May 1982 | |
balsam | as balm | SakrElBahr | Feb 1929 | |
bandolerismo | O, ladronism be 85 | Blackstone | Sep 1930 | |
baidarka | a bidarka | Ralph | Apr 1931 | |
balbuties | suit Babel | SakrElBahr | Oct 1931 | |
balance sheets, the | enable cash test, eh? | FredDomino | May 1955 | |
balance sheet | e'en cash table | Amaranth | Oct 1910 | |
bargain sales, the | she grabs at a line | SamSlick | Apr 1914 | |
bargain sale | an aisle grab | NJineer | Dec 1923 | |
barbastel | bat blears | Francolin | Apr 1916 | |
babe in arms | bairn beams | Enavlicm | Dec 1924 | |
baby carriage, the | ah, ye babe cart rig | Francolin | Jan 1917 | |
bayonets, the | they stab one 35 | LeDare | Sep 1919 | |
backslider, a | bad slacker, I | Remardo | Nov 1919 | |
babyhood | "ado" hobby | Enavlicm | Feb 1938 | |
babyhood | ho! bad boy | Enavlicm | Mar 1920 | |
barefooted | feared boot | Enavlicm | Apr 1920 | |
bay rum | may rub | Enavlicm | Nov 1926 | |
beseechingly | he begs nicely | Ellsworth | Jun 1924 | |
beauty contest | ay, bet on cutest | PollyChrome | Nov 1924 | |
bedclothing | be cold thing* | Arcanus | Jul 1927 | |
betaine | in a beet 74 | BlueHenChickAug 1928 | ||
betrothals | heart bolts | Arcanus | Jul 1913 | |
bethumps | the bumps | EmmaLine | Apr 1914 | |
belligerents | rebelling set 18,36 | Jemand | Sep 1915 | |
belligerent, a | real bile gent | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
benediction | don't I be nice | EmmaLine | Nov 1916 | |
betrothed | both treed | Enavlicm | Apr 1918 | |
bedroom | robedom | Enavlicm | Jul 1920 | |
beasts of burden | fond, base brutes | MCS | Sep 1921 | |
Bengali | Belgian* | Planton | Aug 1985 | |
best seller, a | trebles sale | AbStruse | Aug 1982 | |
benefactor, a | cater of bane* | Tav | Nov 1976 | |
beheadments | be men's death | Nightowl | Mar 1973 | |
bedwarmers | brew dreams | Genesian | Apr 1942 | |
bewailing | i.e., bawling | FredDomino | Aug 1938 | |
Beulah Land, the | ah, unbated hell* | BNatural | Mar 1935 | |
beasts | basest | Mars | Jan 1933 | |
beastliness | be less saint | Hoho | Jun 1970 | |
Bermuda triangle | turn! a dire gamble! | CornCob | Jan 1985 | |
bed of roses, a | so sad before | Katmat | Feb 1942 | |
bed of roses, a | see bars, food | Amor | Mar 1971 | |
bed of Procrustes, the | PS: [bed] cut for shorter | Arcanus | Jan 1935 | |
bed of Procrustes, the | debut for the corpses | AwlWrong | Jan 1936 | |
bed of Procrustes, the | crude sport of Thebes | AwlWrong | Jan 1936 | |
best food forward | bad to offer worst | AbStruse | Jan 1980 | |
matter of course | or some true fact | FredDomino | Jun 1950 | |
bibliophile, the | hi! Bible pilot he | Cincinnatus | Apr 1926 | |
billiard players | sir, I play red ball | Donatello | Aug 1911 | |
birthday cake | bak'd it each yr. | Ruthless | Apr 1985 | |
bistor, a | O, it's bar | AbStruse | Nov 1981 | |
bibliokleptomaniacs, the I'm a set liable t'pinch bookAChem | Jul 1970 | |||
billiards, the | red ball is hit | Pacifico | Dec 1953 | |
birthday suits | it's art hid by us | Pat | Jun 1953 | |
bicarbonate of soda | no acid barb; safe, too | FredDomino | Apr 1950 | |
bicarbonate of soda | so eat: no barb of acid | FredDomino | Dec 1938 | |
billingsgate, the | English gab title | Viking | Jan 1966 | |
billingsgate | ill gab gets in | Hoho | Sep 1965 | |
billingsgate | bilge slang, it 47 | AwlWrong | Oct 1936 | |
billingsgate | tags labeling | AwlWrong | Oct 1936 | |
billingsgate | is telling gab | Amaranth | Nov 1910 | |
blatherskite | this be talker 72,81 | AwlWrong | Jul 1935 | |
blatherskite | he talks 'er bit | Remardo | May 1918 | |
blatherskite | talks bit here | PhilOLoger | Nov 1923 | |
blatherskite, a | it leaks breath | Ellsworth | Mar 1924 | |
blatherskite, a | bet he talks air | NoholdsBard | Sep 1987 | |
blue Monday, a | la, one bum day | Remardo | Apr 1926 | |
blue Monday | bum one, lady | Rusticus | Nov 1912 | |
blue Monday | doubly mean | AbStruse | May 1988 | |
bluestockings, the | O, select think bugs | Tunste | Apr 1928 | |
blandish | bind! lash!* | Evergreen | Jun 1931 | |
blowhard, the | "blahed" worth | Viking | Jul 1931 | |
blouse | so blue | Enavlicm | Dec 1912 | |
blandishment | blinds the man | KeePon | Dec 1917 | |
blithesomeness | smiles on behest | AwlWrong | May 1942 | |
blithesomeness | net some bliss, eh? | Travv | Oct 1982 | |
blithesomeness | oh, it blesses men | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
blithesomeness | best smile shone | AwlWrong | Oct 1936 | |
blond, a | bald? no | Elf | Dec 1981 | |
bleaching | e.g., I blanch | LeeFrance | Jun 1980 | |
blockbuster, a | O, stack rubble | AbStruse | Jun 1980 | |
black rhinoceros, the | crash on, thick borele | ProfPampelm+ | Aug 1979 | |
black-crowned night heronno-neck bird: long watch her HartKing | Aug 1977 | |||
black diamonds | 'mid d--- coal banks | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
blunderings | bungler's din | AwlWrong | Dec 1943 | |
blowhards | blah words | ArtyEss | Mar 1932 | |
blowhards | drawl bosh | AwlWrong | Sep 1937 | |
bleachers, the | ah, cheer belts | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
boiled dinner | inedible: no, Dr.* | Acorn | Nov 1986 | |
Boston cream pies | come! "bon" pastries | TeZirMan | Dec 1988 | |
bombardon, a | bar, and boom! | Ulk | Oct 1989 | |
boardinghouse, the | oh, hot grub is a need | FredDomino | Jan 1956 | |
boatswain's chair | hoist swab in a car | Archimedes | Mar 1939 | |
boardinghouse reaches | oho! diners grab sauce, eh? | Blackstone | Jan 1940 | |
boardinghouse reach | oho! a nice rushed grab | Atlantic | Jun 1982 | |
bowling alley, a | we go in, lay ball | TheGopher | Jan 1924 | |
bowling alleys | will go by lanes | Larry | Feb 1968 | |
bothersome | bores me, tho' 34 | Remardo | Aug 1925 | |
Bostonian | not a snob, I* | Al | Nov 1925 | |
boundaries | aid bournes | AwlWrong | Apr 1927 | |
botherations | ah, no bit o' rest | AwlWrong | Mar 1936 | |
Bolshevism | H---'s vile mobs | Pat | Feb 1928 | |
Bolshevism | sh! mob's evil | DCVer | May 1919 | |
boasting | it's no gab* | Viking | Apr 1931 | |
borough | oho! burg | Livedevil | Oct 1935 | |
boisterous | use bout, sir | Sally | Apr 1913 | |
boisterously | O, I so blustery | Spica | Sep 1915 | |
truculence | uncle! truce!* | Atlantic | Nov 1990 | |
Bolsheviki | vile kibosh | Meno | Jan 1920 | |
department store, the | mart: spend, tote there | Wabbit | Dec 1990 | |
boisterousness | O, buster's noises | Towhead | Nov 1920 | |
boisterousness | soberness is out | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
boisterousness, the | these robust noises | Viking | Jan 1970 | |
bonehead | bad one, he | Enavlicm | Jan 1921 | |
bootleggers, the | these be grot lot | Jemand | Jul 1923 | |
bootleggeress, a | gal gets 'er boose | Winkie | Jul 1925 | |
boomerang | bang me 'roo | Hoho | Aug 1960 | |
boardinghouses, the | O, so I get burned hash | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | |
boiling point, the | being hot, I lip not | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
bogieman | O, big, mean | Nypho | Sep 1948 | |
bootless | to be loss | AwlWrong | Jan 1945 | |
bootless | so be lost | AwlWrong | Jan 1945 | |
bombardiers | bombers raid | Ralph | Sep 1942 | |
boa constrictor, the | cert, it's no cobra, tho' | SirOrm | Sep 1933 | |
boa constrictor | con it: cobra sort | DCVer | Nov 1934 | |
Boston baked beans | NB: boasted [beans] OK | Puzzlesmith | May 1934 | |
calentures, the | heat lent curse | NoholdsBard | Dec 1990 | |
Brobdingnagian | Ann: big, broad "nig" | RayleRhoder | Jun 1927 | |
Brobdignagians, the | band big hero giants | Tunste | May 1928 | |
Brobdingnagians, the | he giants and born big | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | |
Brobdingnagian, the | giant, he, and born big | Viking | May 1972 | |
Brobdingnagian, the | brand o' giant be nigh | Merlin | Oct 1971 | |
Brobdingnagian | born big an' gain'd | Mangie | Jun 1977 | |
Brobdingnagians, the | ho, brand giant beings | Travv | Aug 1981 | |
Brobdingnagian, the | oh, Ben! darn big giant! | Vesta | May 1920 | |
brasse | re: bass | Blackstone | Oct 1987 | |
brown coati, a | bow to narica | BlueHenChickDec 1929 | ||
brigantines | tars being in | Canbedun | Aug 1930 | |
brush | shrub | Viking | Sep 1931 | |
brokenheartedly | throb keenly, dear | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
breweries, the | where 'tis beer | LAger | Jul 1910 | |
breweries, the | beer wits here | LAger | Jul 1910 | |
breasts | bra's set | FFA | Jun 1989 | |
brod | drob | Treesong | Jul 1987 | |
breakfast food | OK staff o' bread | KappaKappa | Jan 1915 | |
ambulance chaser, the | hurt? he can blame (case) | Wabbit | Jan 1991 | |
brigandage | a big danger | LZH | Aug 1921 | |
bromide | I'm d--- bore | Ulk | May 1985 | |
bromide | I'd bore 'm | Witchword | Dec 1978 | |
break dancing | back in danger | Gecko | Jul 1984 | |
breakthrough, a | ah, barge thru OK | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
British Empire | bet Irish rip me | AbStruse | May 1982 | |
brushtailed porcupine, the | pipe such able rodent: I hurtViking | Oct 1972 | ||
brigands | bad rings | TheGink | Aug 1972 | |
brassiere, the | i.e., her breasts? | Viking | Oct 1970 | |
bromhidrosis | horrid BO, Miss | Viking | Jun 1969 | |
brushoff, the | huffs bother | Amor | Nov 1965 | |
broadcast | bad actors | Sourpuss | Oct 1947 | |
broadmindedness | robs, deadens mind* | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
tell it to the | Marines | so entitle that lie, Mr.! | AbStruse | Feb 1991 |
boradcasting station, thethen radio gabs: not static | DCVer | Feb 1933 | ||
daemonist | am deist? no! | Ulk | Jan 1991 | |
baseball umpires, the | simple: rabble hate us | AbStruse | Jan 1991 | |
dead reckoning | on-deck reading | Arepo | Jan 1991 | |
broadbill, the | O, label th' bird | Ixaxar | Dec 1954 | |
bruang, the | gun th' bear | BlueHenChickSep 1932 | ||
bystander, a | tad's nearby | AlTTude | Feb 1925 | |
burial ground, the | dub ghoul terrain | AwlWrong | Oct 1936 | |
burdensome | burden me so | PearlieGlen | Jan 1926 | |
butchers | cut herbs* | Sol | Jan 1926 | |
business | uses bins | Enavlicm | Sep 1927 | |
Buckingham Palace | ach! a bum place, King* | SuSan | Jun 1929 | |
bundobust, a | but as bound | BlueHenChickApr 1931 | ||
burgeoned | O, green bud 54 | Ellsworth | May 1931 | |
burnoose | no US robe | Viking | Jun 1931 | |
burying the hatchet | they curb the hating | Balmar | Jun 1910 | |
burying the hatchet | butchering thy hate | Remardo | Apr30 09Co | |
bubonic plague, the | huge bane to public | Enavlicm | Feb 1911 | |
burnishers | shiners rub | Moonshine | Sep 1919 | |
budgerigar, the | great huge bird* | Wabbit | Feb 1990 | |
budgerigars | birds rue gag | Hap | Jun 1977 | |
burnisher | rub shiner | Sigmasexspr+ | Aug 1973 | |
bumper stickers | be mucker strips | Larry | Apr 1973 | |
butcherliness | hiss cruel bent | Pacifico | Sep 1957 | |
burglaries | "grab" is rule | Arcanus | May 1955 | |
bundle, a | unbaled* | Larry | Nov 1952 | |
buck privates | pick'd us brave | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
buffoonery | O, fun forbye | AwlWrong | Feb 1944 | |
buttonholer, a | halt unto bore | Damonomad | Dec 1934 | |
bullbeggar, a | bugbear (gall!) | Travv | Oct 1987 | |
carpetbaggers, the | cheat, grab, get "reps" | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
cartoonist | O, con artist 28 | PChinn | May 1913 | |
campaign | a camping | Arcanus | May 1914 | |
canister, a | tea can, sir 39,49 | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
casting couch | such co-acting! | Sluggo | Apr 1988 | |
casting couch | got as a clue | Sluggo | Apr 1988 | |
Canadian | in Canada | Joaquin | Oct 1921 | |
cavities | it is cave | Fiddle | Sep 1949 | |
caption, the | niche at top | Hoho | Mar 1943 | |
carnadine | red in a can | Hoho | Jul 1942 | |
Castor | co-star | YKnott | Jun 1942 | |
caricatures, the | caustic art here | AwlWrong | Jul 1940 | |
candelabra | a candle bar | Arcanus | Feb 1940 | |
cantankerousness | so a nut; crank's seen | EmmoW | Feb 1938 | |
cantankerously | 'e's a cranky ol' nut | EmmoW | Feb 1938 | |
camelopard | calmer apod | AnnDhow | Oct 1966 | |
caste | a sect | AlecSander | Jun 1932 | |
caisse, a | is a case | BlueHenChickApr 1932 | ||
catamountain | a mountain cat | Yercas | Dec 1931 | |
caravaneer | a van career | BlueHenChickJun 1930 | ||
cachinnations | a chin act; no sin | Omar | Jun 1928 | |
castaways, the | stay, watch sea | Ellsworth | June 1925 | |
catalysis | is a sly act | SwampAngel | Jul 1924 | |
catachresis, a | "cart" as "chaise" | NoholdsBard | Mar 1988 | |
carrier pigeon, the | go then, air-piercer | Amaranth | Nov 1930 | |
cacoethes scribendi | one basic screed-itch | Chet | Oct 1947 | |
cacoethes scribendi | id est chronic A,B,C...see! | DirtyJack | Sep 1988 | |
cacoethes scribendi | ecod! ane scribe's itch | ESCrow | May 1927 | |
cacoethes scribendi | describe case on itch | Arcanus | Mar 1932 | |
cardinals, the | is red-hat clan | Molemi | Jun 1911 | |
cardinals, the | in cathedrals | Viking | Feb 1965 | |
carcinogens | go in cancers | Ixaxar | Feb 1955 | |
carcinogen | in go cancer | JayEstee | Feb 1975 | |
carcinogenesis | 'is cancer is gone* | Jerg | June 1984 | |
carcinogenesis | cancer is in, goes | Hoho | June 1963 | |
cabaret | a bar, etc. 84 | Hoho | Dec 1941 | |
calories | O, eclairs! | Atlantic | Mar 1982 | |
calories | close air | SirVare | Mar 1921 | |
cavernicole, a | race cave lion | Travv | Dec 1981 | |
cardiologist, the | it's heart doc I log | Senor | Sep 1981 | |
capriole | lo, I caper 80 | BlueHenChickJan 1930 | ||
calculation | I account all | Senor | Jul 1979 | |
calculation | a call, a count | Viking | Aug 1968 | |
catastrophes | chaos-spatter | Volar | Mar 1979 | |
catastrophe, the | top that as cheer* | AChem | Aug 1961 | |
caoutchouc | O, cut caucho | Travv | Oct 1978 | |
carbohydrates | O, starchy bread 43,4*P83 | Sol | Mar 1927 | |
carbohydrates | starch, dear boy | Mangie | Sep 1978 | |
carbohydrates | ye do bar starch* | Arcanus | Jul 1945 | |
calves | sc., veal | Hap | Feb 1978 | |
cantharides | a hard insect | DeanRelax | Jan 1934 | |
cantharides | hard insecta | Hardric | Sep 1977 | |
calesin, the | chaise lent | Larry | Apr 1977 | |
caricaturist, the | I cach true artist | Travv | Jan 1977 | |
caricaturists, the | caustic art, theirs | AwlWrong | Jul 1940 | |
caricaturists, the | their art's caustic | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | |
cafeteria, the | fact: I ate here | Q | Aug 1927 | |
cafeteria, the | fact: I eat here | Travv | Sep 1976 | |
cafeteria | if care, eat 50 | SherlockHol+ | Nov 1922 | |
cafeteria | care 'f I eat? | Hoosier | May 1930 | |
catacombs, the | tombs at cache | Viking | Feb 1975 | |
cacomistle, the | lithe cat comes | Nightowl | Nov 1974 | |
cantankerous | O, 'e's a nut, crank | EmmoW | Jul 1950 | |
cannot | no, can't 70 | Gee | May 1914 | |
cantankerous | note us a crank | Hoho | Jun 1970 | |
carriage | a race rig | Hoho | Mar 1969 | |
carburetors | car but sorer* | Hoho | Oct 1963 | |
caterwaulings, the | hunger set cat wail | Hoho | May 1963 | |
cartwheel | watch reel | Hoho | Jan 1962 | |
check is in the mail, theclaim "heck, I sent it (heh)"Wabbit | Apr 1991 | |||
castles in the air | H. is least certain | Arcanus | Jun 1936 | |
castles in the air | Hal's certainties* | Arcanus | Jun 1936 | |
castle in the air | a clear thin site | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
castle in the air | a realistic hent* | Alf | Jun 1982 | |
Cashmere sweater | chest warmer, ease | Ruthless | Nov 1986 | |
calla lilies | i.e., all lilacs* | Amaranth | Mar 1925 | |
census enumerators | are US's men counters | Larry | Feb 1951 | |
cerebrospinal meningitis score blistering pain in me | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | ||
centipedes, the | hie, | Decent pest! | Viking | Oct 1962 |
ceremonialists, the | ah, cite solemn rites | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
celibates, the | elite "bach" set | DCVer | Sep 1915 | |
cenesthesis | essence, this | Pat | Jun 1937 | |
cenesthesis | sense itches | Pat | Jun 1937 | |
cerebrasthenia | crease the brain | Arcanus | May 1934 | |
certificated | act certified | Nypho | Apr 1925 | |
cheetah | he cat, eh? | Ulk | Mar 1984 | |
chirurgeon | O, curer nigh | Travv | Oct 1981 | |
cheiloplasties | cite: so heal lips | Nightowl | Dec 1979 | |
charisma | is a charm 79 | Oedipus | Feb 1969 | |
chandeliers | candles hier | Travv | Aug 1977 | |
chandelries | candles hier | Travv | Aug 1977 | |
chiropodist, the | so chip third toe | QuiVive | Jun 1913 | |
chiropodist, the | I, Dr., chip hot toes | Spreggs | Aug 1941 | |
chiropodist | I doctor hips* 77 | HallieLooyahFeb 1924 | ||
chiropodist, the | I hitch, prod toes | Hoho | Sep 1947 | |
chemotherapeutically | come, tap cure healthily | Nightowl | May 1977 | |
charlatanisms | slant charisma | Hap | Jul 1976 | |
charlatanism | can trail sham | AwlWrong | Dec 1943 | |
charioteer | O hie, carter | Travv | Feb 1975 | |
Christianity | hit at sin, I cry | Faro | Jun 1974 | |
parishioners | I hire parsons | Fash 1835 | ||
chita | hi, cat | Merlin | Sep 1972 | |
chati | hi, cat | Merlin | Sep 1972 | |
Christian | rich at sin* | ElUqsor | Feb 1957 | |
Christians | rich saints | Larry | Sep 1972 | |
Christians | as in Christ | BooJeeKay | Jul 1956 | |
charismatic | a rich mastic | Fanacro | Jun 1971 | |
chivalrous | such valor, I | TheGopher | Nov 1966 | |
checkmating, the | theme: catch king 43 | Ixaxar | Dec 1935 | |
chilblains | I nab chills | Hoho | Jun 1964 | |
charities | I sate rich | Hoho | Nov 1963 | |
cheeseparing | pinches: agree? | Damonomad | Apr 1937 | |
cheeseparing | e'er cheap sign | Yercas | Feb 1937 | |
cheeseparings, the | e.g., their cheapness | AChem | Dec 1962 | |
chrysanthemum | the sun my charm | Hoho | Feb 1959 | |
chinwagger | chewing rag | Hoho | May 1958 | |
chuckles | he clucks | Pacifico | Nov 1957 | |
chapelgoers | reach gospel | Pacifico | Jul 1957 | |
champion | cap on him 34 | Enavlicm | Jan 1913 | |
chevalier, a | cavalier, he | Ralph | Apr 1914 | |
chagrined | sad grin, eh? | PuzLDure | Jul 1920 | |
chameleon | he no camel | Emeline | Jun 1921 | |
chastisement | means hits, etc. | AbSolver | Oct 1975 | |
chastisement | mean stitches | AbSolver | Oct 1975 | |
chastisement | can miss teeth | AbSolver | Oct 1975 | |
chastisement | it chastens me | Amaranth | Aug 1925 | |
chanticleer | hew cac'ler, it | Larry | Feb 1940 | |
championship, the | hi, Chip! he's top man | MrRee | Oct 1949 | |
chicken house, a | ah, cock, hen use I | Nypho | Sep 1948 | |
Chesterfieldian | lad, refine ethics | PatristocratMar 1943 | ||
chiseler, the | richest "heal" | AwlWrong | Nov 1942 | |
chivalrousness | uses Lochinvars | AwlWrong | Oct 1942 | |
checkmate | meek catch | Enavlicm | Feb 1938 | |
charitableness | I can bless heart | KappaKappa | Jul 1937 | |
chieftain, a | I ain't a chef* | GiGantic | Mar 1934 | |
chieftain | ain't chief* | PABee | Jul 1928 | |
chromotype, a | creamy photo | Evergreen | Apr 1932 | |
chastised | is scathed | Evergreen | Aug 1930 | |
choristers, the | steer th' choirs | PoorRichard | Oct 1928 | |
chipper | rich pep | Amaranth | Mar 1927 | |
chiropodist, the | O, Dr., chip this toe | Cincinnatus | Apr 1926 | |
Christmas carol, the | it sets choral charm | AbStruse | Dec 1987 | |
chastity belt | I, Betty's latch | Volar | Apr 1980 | |
child abuse | clue: I'd bash | Larry | Sep 1983 | |
Christmas tree, the | that merits cheers | AbStruse | Dec 1980 | |
Christmas present | PS: its charm enters | Arcanus | Dec 1939 | |
Christmas Day | am Christ's [day] | WilMar | Feb 1925 | |
Charley horse, a | oh, rarely aches* | Famulus | Nov 1983 | |
chocolate mousse | use coolest mocha | QGaw | Nov 1985 | |
chocolate sundae | cacao note held us | Rho | Mar 1977 | |
chocolate ice cream soda O, cold as rich; come Ace eatEek | Dec 1956 | |||
chain smoker, a | I'm a hacker, son | Atlantic | Oct 1981 | |
character assassination | a scan: stains a heroic star AbStruse | May 1984 | ||
Chinese restaurant, the | taste Hunan's rice there | GeorgeGroth | Aug 1982 | |
Chinese restaurant | has ten tea urns, rice | Oracy | Aug 1985 | |
Chinese restaurant, a | neat curt Asians here | Amaranth | Dec 1910 | |
chaise longue | each is lounge | ABizdad | May 1936 | |
children of Israel, the | fond race heils Hitler* | WickOCincy | Mar 1939 | |
children of Israel, the | clan flieth Herod's ire | DCVer | Jun 1930 | |
children of Israel, the | hello! traders-in-chief | LewZirn | Jun 1930 | |
children of Israel, the | fled Nile, a richer host | Gordonor | Jun 1930 | |
children of Israel, the | fill niche thro' Red Sea | Evergreen | Jun 1930 | |
children of Israel, the | thrill chief on Red Sea | Leip | Jun 1930 | |
chauvinism | is much vain | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
chairperson, a | he raps, or I can | Larry | Oct 1980 | |
clothespin, a | one clasp hit | FredDomino | Aug 1954 | |
character witness, the | re-etch wretch as saint | Pat | May 1953 | |
cathode rays, the | ye scath or death | Mars | Apr 1927 | |
chevalier of industry, the | evil rounder, shifty cheat | AwlWrong | Oct 1945 | |
cigarettes | I get traces* | MazyMasker | Aug 1945 | |
cigarettes | I grace test | Biff | Oct 1949 | |
cinematographer | grip on the camera | NoholdsBard | Oct 1987 | |
cinematograph | ping! hot camera | Travv | Mar 1977 | |
cigarillo | O, li'l cigar | SherlockHol+ | Nov 1922 | |
Cinderella | I'll dance 'er | PatristocratApr 1942 | ||
cinchona | con China | Osaple | Mar 1938 | |
ciphers | spheric | DCVer | Sep 1934 | |
circumstantial evidence | term casual incident vice | TheGopher | Dec 1964 | |
circumstantial evidence | cruel items can vindicate | MissileC | Feb 1964 | |
circumstantial evidence | a clue traces victim in end | FredDomino | Aug 1954 | |
circumstantial evidence | tact undeceives criminal | Pat | Jan 1953 | |
circumstantial evidence | clues 'n' vat indicate crime Evergreen | Sep 1927 | ||
circumstantial evidence | vice act misled: uncertain | Tunste | Mar 1935 | |
circumstantial evidence | actual crime isn't evinced | Amaranth | Dec 1910 | |
circumstantial evidence | verdict: I claim act unseen | Tryon | Jun 1917 | |
circumstantial evidence | active man's indirect clue | CSaw | Oct27 06NP | |
cigar-store Indian, the | a sign attired in ocher | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
city slicker, a | is tricky "Alec" | Spreggs | Dec 1940 | |
circuit riders, the | I cried true Christ | FredDomino | Feb 1952 | |
chain store, the | there to cash in | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | |
clumsiness | muscles' sin | Hap | Aug 1978 | |
clouds | lo, scud | Kenneth | Mar 1933 | |
cloudiness | I closed sun | Hoho | Jun 1970 | |
clepsydra | "dryp" scale | Hap | Mar 1978 | |
clepsydra, a | parcels day | AwlWrong | May 1938 | |
clodpate | pace dolt | Travv | Jun 1975 | |
clamorousness | sons rouse calm | Hoho | Jul 1952 | |
cloistered | closer tied | DCVer | Mar 1913 | |
clothespin | O, let's pinch | Remardo | May 1915 | |
clandestineness | and silent scenes | SamSlick | Jan 1917 | |
clearance | clean acre 45 | AlecSander | May 1931 | |
clapperdudgeon | pen up old codger | Whatzit | Dec 1944 | |
closemouthedness | so hold mute scenes | AwlWrong | Nov 1936 | |
clarinet, a | an article | Dorse | May 1930 | |
clairvoyance | airy conclave | PollyPry | May 1928 | |
closefisted | I'd flee costs | Tunste | May 1928 | |
cynosures | ye scorn us | Molemi | Jan 1923 | |
cyanide | i.e., candy* | DhumbbBhelle | Nov 1936 | |
cluster pine, a | pinaster clue 74 | AwlWrong | Jul 1941 | |
classified information | can I read? no, is off limitsMangie | Apr 1976 | ||
classified information, the | fiat for silence, admonish it | Pat | Jun 1953 | |
coagulating | ug, gain a clot | Tweaser | Nov 1982 | |
coastlines | slit oceans | AwlWrong | Jan 1937 | |
coastlines | con sea silt | AwlWrong | Jan 1937 | |
codfish aristocracy, the hard cast of rich society | AnnSThetics | Apr 1924 | ||
codfish aristocracy | ah, fascic scrod Tory, I | TheGink | Sep 1937 | |
cocklebur, the | heck, clotebur | Travv | Jul 1975 | |
cockroaches | choose crack | Viking | Apr 1970 | |
cockroach, the | cook, catch her! | Eureka | Oct 1924 | |
cognominate | to name incog. | SamSlick | Apr 1919 | |
cognomen, a | go con name 31,54 | Kenneth | Nov 1928 | |
colubrid, a | laud cribo | Travv | Jun 1975 | |
collegiate | at college, I | YKnott | Apr 1936 | |
collaborated | all brace to do | DCVer | Feb 1934 | |
college graduate | degree! clout! gala! | Moogie | Jun 1982 | |
college graduates | all got a USC degree | Qaqaq | Mar 1989 | |
class reunion | scan ole "ruins" | Volar | May 1981 | |
compliment, a | complaint, me* | Twisto | Jul 1936 | |
computer | O, CPU term | Sphinx | Nov 1984 | |
combative | mob active | Hoho | Jan 1976 | |
compassionately | pity came on a loss | AyayeKay | Jun 1943 | |
compassionate | to cap, is so mean!* | Hap | May 1975 | |
compassionateness | stamps one as so nice | ArtyEss | Jan 1947 | |
comatose | O, act some* | Arcanus | Dec 1960 | |
companionableness | soon be man's nice pal | FredDomino | Oct 1959 | |
companionable | combine on a pal | DCVer | May 1934 | |
companionable | boon pal came in 34,35 | Winkie | Nov 1922 | |
companionable | am nice boon pal | SuSan | Jan 1942 | |
competitiveness | moves in epic test | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
commendation | O, damn nice mot | SuSan | May 1930 | |
commendation | aim to condemn* | Ralph | Oct 1953 | |
commendations | nod, man! it comes | MGM | Jan 1939 | |
combustibleness | in select US bombs | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
comradeship | his pard come 52 | Plantagenet | Jun 1933 | |
comradeship | hi, compadres | SakrElBahr | Aug 1933 | |
competency, a | accept money | Jemand | Mar 1914 | |
commentaries | I cram me notes | FredLot | Apr 1917 | |
compensation | no coin pats me* | Atlantis | Sep 1928 | |
compensation | O, man, I pen cost | Xiphias | Feb 1919 | |
comfortableness | forms noble caste | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
comfortableness | sort of balm scene | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
competition | I come, pit not* | 33 | Jun 1936 | |
comfortable | cool farm, bet | Enavlicm | Apr 1932 | |
complications | comical points | Hoosier | Sep 1928 | |
competitors | price's motto | Evergreen | Apr 1928 | |
competed | met, coped | Moonshine | Nov 1927 | |
comedian | cinema ado | TryemAll | Jul 1927 | |
collector's item, a | relic cost me a lot | Viking | Oct 1963 | |
companionate | Marriage | O, mere paranoiac mating | DCVer | May 1928 |
companionate | Marriage | a pair, coming anear, met: O!PearlieGlen | Jul 1929 | |
compound interest | I do mount percents | DCVer | Mar 1929 | |
collective bargaining | giving labor client ace | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
conversationalist, the | 'e loves to chat in trains | AbStruse | Jun 1938 | |
conversationalist, the | 'tis on, O everlastin' chat | Spica | Oct 1913 | |
conversationalists, the | hist, let voices star anon | FredDomino | Oct 1959 | |
conversationalist, the | hast listener vocation | Nypho | Aug 1948 | |
convalescent, a | 'n can leave cots | Flora | Mar 1919 | |
convalescent | vents conceal | DhumbbBhelle | Jun 1958 | |
conversational | last voice ran on | PercyVere | Dec 1913 | |
conversational | one vocal strain | Jemand | Dec 1913 | |
conversion | cover no sin | EmmaLine | Sep 1914 | |
conversationally | trains one vocally | DCVer | Mar 1936 | |
congratulations | lo, rating us on act | AbStruse | Apr 1988 | |
congregation, the | note gathering co. | SkyLight | Aug 1927 | |
congelation | neat cooling | Damonomad | Dec 1931 | |
conjunctions, the | join, connect thus | AChem | May 1959 | |
congratulated | are glad, not cut | Viking | Apr 1935 | |
congratulated | laud gent or act | Viking | Apr 1936 | |
conglutinate | glue actin' on't | AyayeKay | Sep 1942 | |
conglutinate | cannot glue it* | Bebe | Jun 1932 | |
conglutinate | can't glue it on* | JackOLantern | Jul 1927 | |
conglomerated | coated mongrel | MazyMasker | Mar 1943 | |
conglomerations | is no mongrel coat* | Hoosier | Jun 1940 | |
conglomeration | O, mongrel action 38 | AlecSander | Jun 1925 | |
conglomeration | lot more can go in | Reel | Oct 1924 | |
conglomeration | get no main color | Wehanonowit | Dec 1934 | |
confusion | in no focus 63 | Artaxerxes | Aug 1946 | |
conflagrations, the | hot fires cannot lag | Arcanus | Sep 1955 | |
conflagration, the | hot fire cannot lag | Gemini | Apr 1916 | |
conflagrations | soon act flaring | AyayeKay | Aug 1942 | |
conflagration | lor! fagot in can | Archimedes | Jun 1939 | |
conflagrations, the | O, that fire! clang, son | CaptainTo | Jul 1930 | |
configuration | contour in a "fig" | TheGopher | Aug 1925 | |
conduit | no I duct | Famulus | Sep 1983 | |
condemnation | I connote "damn" 55 | AlecSander | Feb 1925 | |
condemnation | I damn not once* | HomeBrew | Aug 1939 | |
condemnations | note I damn cons | Damonomad | Apr 1932 | |
condemnation, a | one damn action | AlecSander | Jan 1928 | |
condemnation, a | O, it can damn one | Amaranth | Jan 1931 | |
condemnation | O, not damn nice 30 | JackOLantern | Aug 1927 | |
conditional | lid on action | Nypho | Jul 1947 | |
condensation, the | condense that ion | KRaps | Dec 1925 | |
concatenation | act on act in one | Viking | Mar 1970 | |
concoction, a | cocoa 'n' tonic | Hoho | Jun 1960 | |
concentration | not carin' one ct.* | Hoosier | Jan 1930 | |
concentrate | O, can't center* | ImaLone | Apr 1929 | |
conepatl, the | polecat then 90 | Yercas | Sep 1931 | |
Conestoga wagons | go West (Ca?) on no gas | TimBuckII | May 1984 | |
Conestoga wagons, the | can go West on hot sage | FredDomino | Apr 1956 | |
Conestoga wagons, the | oh, stage can go on West | FredDomino | Apr 1956 | |
confirmed bachelors | O, freedom bars clinch | Pat | Jun 1953 | |
confirmed bachelor, a | lo, am chance for bride* | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
corporal punishment | cane hurts po' lorn imp | Amaranth | May 1927 | |
corporal punishment | crones harm not pupil* | Volar | Aug 1978 | |
consubstantiate | it not a substance | Wehanonowit | Feb 1938 | |
consolidation | no dislocation | DCVer | Feb 1933 | |
consolidation | no solid action* | JackOLantern | Dec 1934 | |
consternation | no, not scare in't | DCVer | Jul 1934 | |
consternation | no, no scare tint | DCVer | Jul 1934 | |
conservatorium | music renovator | Hercules | Oct 1927 | |
consentaneity | content in "ayes" | Skylight | Aug 1927 | |
consecrated | sacred, etc.? no* | Ulk | Sep 1988 | |
consonant, a | scan not an O | Qaqaq | Mar 1989 | |
counterfeiting, a | true coining feat* | Arcanus | Mar 1930 | |
constipation | stop in action | Calicoh | Nov 1986 | |
constipation | can't it poison! | Yercas | May 1934 | |
considerate | care is noted | DCVer | Jun 1919 | |
consentaneous | at unco oneness | Ulk | Mar 1985 | |
consentaneousness | counts on sane sense | Primrose | Apr 1931 | |
conservatives | are not vs. vices* | Hap | Dec 1984 | |
conservative | c'n save it over | NedNats | Jan 1930 | |
conservationist, the | hi, content to save, sir | AbStruse | Mar 1984 | |
conservationist, a | O, cannot save it, sir* | NoholdsBard | Dec 1988 | |
constraint | cannot stir 83 | Nypho | Dec 1911 | |
consanguineous | as noun, e.g.: cousin | Hap | May 1979 | |
conscientiousness | u consist o' niceness | LKinSpark | Jan 1922 | |
conservateurs | seven curators | Tav | Jul 1976 | |
consignment, a | sent an' coming | TheGink | Apr 1974 | |
consolidates | one solid cast | Chris | May 1915 | |
consolidated | act did loosen* | Archimedes | May 1963 | |
consolidated | act done solid | EmmaLine | Sep 1916 | |
constellations, the | list Leo, then | Octans | TheGink | Oct 1962 |
consecration | can score on it | EmmaLine | Nov 1914 | |
conservation | I "vaste" no corn | RachelCEhrl | Mar 1919 | |
conservation | save it, Connor | Hoosier | Sep 1930 | |
conservation | not coin saver* | DCVer | Dec 1934 | |
contaminates | O, can't stain me* | Arcanus | Jun 1929 | |
contaminate | taint came on 43 | Remardo | June 1919 | |
contemptuously | spout contumely | Spica | Jul 1917 | |
contradiction | accord not in it 80 | Tryon | Jun 1913 | |
controversialists | tonsils crave riots | Hoho | Dec 1963 | |
controversialists | cross "it ain't" lovers | Viking | Jun 1964 | |
controversialist, a | soar, volant eristic | Travv | Oct 1976 | |
controversialist, a | O, vocalist strainer | SouCon | Jan 1915 | |
controversialist, the | has violent retort (sic) | AbStruse | Mar 1988 | |
controversialist, the | loves hot eristic rant | AwlWrong | May 1937 | |
continuity, a | action: unity | Travv | Feb 1975 | |
contrivances, the | inventor's cachet | AChem | Jan 1971 | |
contemplation | time to con plan 60 | AlecSander | Apr 1933 | |
contemplation | note calm point | Flora | Jul 1919 | |
contemplation | on mental topic | Remardo | Oct 1917 | |
controversial | corrals in veto | FredDomino | Oct 1959 | |
controversial | voice rants, lor! | Archimedes | Aug 1939 | |
contradistinction | contrast in diction | Hoodwink | Oct 1957 | |
contradistinction, a | contrast indication | Vulcan | Jul 1929 | |
contributes | tries but con | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
contemporaneous | unto one same crop | FredDomino | Jun 1952 | |
contemptuous | snoot, cut me up | AbStruse | Apr 1987 | |
contradistinctively | diction acts invertly | Wehanonowit | Jan 1933 | |
contrariness | it's near scorn | ArtyEss | Jan 1947 | |
contradictory | I try not accord | AyayeKay | Aug 1942 | |
contrariwise | aw, I scorn rite | Xquiq | Nov 1933 | |
continuous | O, no cut in us | DCVer | Dec 1930 | |
contraindication | I'm a contradiction | AlecSander | Apr 1929 | |
contraindications | I to Drs. "can I?" no I can'tDirtyJack | Mar 1989 | ||
contradistinguish | I can sight 'tis round | Moonshine | Oct 1926 | |
continuance | can continue | Cincinnatus | Nov 1925 | |
controversialist | O, I scorn rival sett | BVer | May 1900 | |
contagious diseases, the | I said"O so these can get us" | FredDomino | Oct 1959 | |
corporal punishments, the | hot lashes nip corrupt men | Viking | Aug 1963 | |
collector's item, a | Tom locates relic | Larry | Apr 1963 | |
feather in one's cap, a | I fasten panache o'er | AwlWrong | Aug 1936 | |
field of battle, the | death oft befell it | AwlWrong | Aug 1936 | |
Dionne quintuplets | sent done up in quilt | BenAmi | Mar 1935 | |
cock and bull story, a | block out sly canard | AwlWrong | Jan 1944 | |
cock and bull story, a | ask bold, occult yarn | SueDoe | Jun 1951 | |
copyist, the | echo typist | Kenneth | Nov 1924 | |
cordial | cold air* | Hoho | Feb 1966 | |
Coriolis force, the | fore! och! I slice to R | NoholdsBard | May 1989 | |
coronation | into corona | Arcanus | Jan 1960 | |
correspondent, a | O, can sent report | Xiphias | Jan 1914 | |
correspondents | spent on records | BNatural | Mar 1944 | |
correspondent | reports conned | Ixaxar | Aug 1942 | |
cornu, the | cute horn | Vulcan | Sep 1929 | |
costermonger, a | so grocer meant | Nightowl | Jan 1977 | |
costermonger | grocers? not me* | Mangie | Jan 1977 | |
cosmopolite | lo, composite | Arcanus | Sep 1924 | |
coordinance | in one accord | EmmaLine | Mar 1916 | |
cooperation, the | peace to honor it | Hoodwink | Dec 1962 | |
cowardly | cold, wary | Fiddle | Aug 1949 | |
cow-hearted | coward, thee | Hoho | Jan 1951 | |
covered wagons, the | end: hove cargo West | Nightowl | Aug 1976 | |
coup de grace | cue: cap, gored | Orion | Feb 1938 | |
cough syrup, a | ugh! cap yours! | SolJr | Nov 1954 | |
counterfeit money | oft true coin enemy | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
chapter one | opener chat | AbStruse | Jan 1990 | |
crybaby, a | ay, crabby | AbStruse | Mar 1984 | |
crocodile | docile orc* | Travv | Nov 1974 | |
crematoria, the | a char rite to me | Hoho | Sep 1973 | |
credibility gap | cap big dirty lie | Viking | Aug 1967 | |
criminal lawyers | all wary in crimes | Ralph | Mar 1934 | |
criminal, the | halt in crime* | Arcanus | Jan 1957 | |
crustation | a crust on it | Cris | Jun 1916 | |
cryptographer, the | that cypher groper | Hercules | Dec 1941 | |
creation | O, nice art | Hoho | Apr 1937 | |
cryptograms, the | got smart cypher | PAB | Feb 1927 | |
cryptogram, the | cypher-grot, 't am | Nypho | May 1929 | |
criminate | a crime in't | SakrElBahr | Jul 1929 | |
crotalus, the | rattles! ouch! | Ellsworth | Nov 1928 | |
crookedness | needs crooks | AwlWrong | Mar 1927 | |
crocodile tears | actor scored lie | AbStruse | May 1989 | |
crimen falsi | scan firm lie | PABee | Feb 1933 | |
crocodile tears | O, cried (acts role) | CornCob | Nov 1986 | |
crocodile tears, the | cried: cheater's tool | AChem | Dec 1962 | |
curtailment | cut terminal 42,78 | RayleRhoder | Jul 1926 | |
customers | store scum* | Neophyte | Feb 1977 | |
cuspadore, the | here's a cud pot | Viking | May 1932 | |
curtain-raisers, the | star act usherer-in, I | Pat | Nov 1949 | |
curse | cures* | Larry | Sep 1940 | |
culmination | I on calm unit | Primrose | Feb 1925 | |
curiousness | courses in us | Primrose | May 1924 | |
curtain lectures, the | tune carritches' lute | AwlWrong | Oct 1946 | |
curtain lecture, a | cruel acute rant, I | Moonshine | Sep 1926 | |
cat-o-nine-tails | ail, once it tans | LMNTerry | Feb 1921 | |
cat-o-nine-tails, the | notice it: neat lash | Francolin | Apr 1915 | |
custom tailor, the | a clothier utmost | AbStruse | Feb 1985 | |
daemonism | O, I'm madnes' | Travv | Apr 1986 | |
Daltonism | O, dim slant | AnnDhow | Oct 1966 | |
daylight saving time | la, it's giving them day | FredDomino | Aug 1954 | |
cafes, the | eats, chef | Ulk | Apr 1991 | |
dalliance | I dance all | Fiddle | Jul 1950 | |
damnosa hereditas | O, it's a darned shame | EmmoW | Jan 1949 | |
daredeviltry | dared try evil | BNatural | Jun 1946 | |
Davy Jones' locker | Joe sank, very cold | Enavlicm | Nov 1934 | |
dallier | la, idler | LMNTerry | Jan 1925 | |
dawning, the | night waned | Dreamer | Feb 1926 | |
daydreaming | dandy mirage | Remardo | Nov 1928 | |
damn | am d--n | DCVer | Apr 1930 | |
daydreams | dreamy? sad? | Enavlicm | Jan 1931 | |
daydreams | sad, my dear | Gwendoline | Jul 1920 | |
dangerous | nag: roused | Enavlicm | Dec 1931 | |
darkness | ark's dens | Enavlicm | Jun 1923 | |
daily double, the | duo bet: a dilly, eh? | Tweaser | Jun 1989 | |
daily newspaper, the | I related happy news | MrsMEBosley | Dec 1932 | |
daily newspaper | we read snappily | BillyGoat | May 1935 | |
daily newspaper, the | headlines warp type | AbStruse | Apr 1936 | |
daily newspapers, the | pert, waspy headlines | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
daily newspapers, the | we spy headline parts | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
daily newspaper, the | new tales: dire, happy | Numero | Nov 1957 | |
daily newspapers, the | read help news: it pays | Q | Oct 1912 | |
daily newspapers, the | we spy plain ads there | Remardo | Jun 1923 | |
daily newspapers, the | easy help: we print ads | Gemini | Oct 1924 | |
daily dozen, the | I, lazy, don't need | Enavlicm | Oct 1931 | |
Day of Resurrection, the Christ e'er for you at end | ISee | Aug 1951 | ||
danger signal, the | let a red sign hang | Amaranth | Feb 1911 | |
danger signal | and large sign | GiGantic | Sep 1923 | |
deviate | evade it | Travv | Sep 1986 | |
deviates | it evades | Hoho | Aug 1939 | |
dentures, the | durnes' teeth | Travv | May 1986 | |
detractor | carted rot | EmmoW | May 1931 | |
decolletage | ogle lace, Ted | CornCob | Feb 1986 | |
demarcation | trace domain | Oslo | Aug 1934 | |
dermatoglyphics | dye l.h. pictograms | Newrow | Feb 1985 | |
devil | d--- vile | Damonomad | Jan 1931 | |
de minimis non curat lex n-nix on dime claims? true! | Windjammer | May 1984 | ||
deferentially | leer defiantly* | Arcanus | Jan 1928 | |
defervescence | ecce: fever's end | Atlantic | Apr 1983 | |
decrepitude | Ute did creep | BlueHenChickJan 1929 | ||
derelicts | idlers, etc. | Atlantic | Oct 1982 | |
demoralised | re ado: misled | Xquiq | Nov 1933 | |
devilkin | 'n evil kid | Ulk | Sep 1982 | |
devilkin | evil kind | Hoho | Jun 1961 | |
decreased | as receded | Yercas | Nov 1930 | |
destroyer, a | ay, restored* | Larry | Oct 1981 | |
debase | bad, see? | Yercas | Nov 1930 | |
defenestration | rest in fate, done | Tut | Jun 1980 | |
defenestration | no, die, fate stern! | Tut | Jun 1980 | |
defenestration | it's need for a net | Tut | Jun 1980 | |
defenestration | after it, one ends | Tut | Jun 1980 | |
delicatessen | ensliced eats | Anonyme | Oct 1921 | |
delicatessen | dine cateless* | Hoho | Nov 1942 | |
delicatessen, a | deals nice eats 52 | ITappaKe | Sep 1933 | |
delicatessen | slices at need | LAllegro | May 1980 | |
delicatessen, the | select dish eaten | Faro | May 1973 | |
decapitation, the | cite it: no head; apt? | AbStruse | Apr 1979 | |
decapitation, the | head, it to pain, etc. | Hoho | Mar 1973 | |
debonair | I, drab one* | Ajax | Mar 1979 | |
debonnaire | bonnie, dear | TheGopher | Oct 1964 | |
demimondaine | I'm done-in dame 78 | AyayeKay | Sep 1942 | |
desperado | dope dares | Kenneth | Feb 1958 | |
desperado | 's dear dope* | Travv | Jul 1978 | |
denigrate | ride a gent | Irish | Nov 1977 | |
decimal point | I'm a pencil dot | Neophyte | May 1977 | |
decimal point | I'm dot in place | AChem | Aug 1928 | |
desperate | deep tears | Hoho | Oct 1976 | |
desperation | a rope ends it | AirRaid | Apr 1920 | |
desperation | at rope's end, I | AwlWrong | Jul 1936 | |
delectable | beet called: | Hap | Sep 1976 | |
Deuteronomist | I set out modern* | Hap | Jul 1975 | |
delusive | veiled us | Yercas | Nov 1930 | |
deteriorated | rate it eroded | Merlin | Apr 1975 | |
deteriorated | are rotted, die | Larry | Sep 1928 | |
dethroned | thro', ended | Amaranth | Apr 1925 | |
deteriorates | rot: a tree dies | FrostERoman | Jan 1974 | |
demonomania | O, I one mad man | JackOLantern | Oct 1927 | |
desideratum | I'd rede: a "must" | Not Dated | ||
deteriorations | I erode, stain, rot | DCVer | May 1931 | |
demonstrations | damn stone riots | TheGink | Dec 1972 | |
determination | O, end it in a term | BeauNed | Feb 1939 | |
determination | I mean to, I trend | TheGink | Aug 1972 | |
determination | I'm to rate in end | Hoodwink | May 1954 | |
determination | noted in a merit | Zoroaster | Feb 1935 | |
determination | dern it! I mean to | Remardo | Nov 1925 | |
determinations | O, tie a stern mind | Chris | May 1913 | |
delta, a | at lade | Viking | Aug 1970 | |
dentinasal | N is a dental | Oct 1930 | ||
desinential | a lie isn't "end" | AChem | Jun 1969 | |
desistance | isn't "ceased"* | AChem | Jun 1969 | |
deprecation | note: I carped | NoholdsBard | Apr 1988 | |
detonants | done as TNT | Hoho | Dec 1967 | |
desecration | I note sacred* | PoorRichard | Nov 1931 | |
desecration | i.e., not sacred 56,67,91 | Topsy | Aug 1930 | |
desolation | it's a lone do | Ixaxar | Oct 1951 | |
desolation | I, one sad lot | Hoodwink | Aug 1967 | |
desolation | no, isolated | FredDomino | Dec 1950 | |
demon, a | mad one | Baful | Jan 1966 | |
degustation, a | tongue aids at | Viking | Jun 1931 | |
demonstrating | mad Negro is TNT | Viking | Dec 1963 | |
demonstration | 'tis manner to do | EmmaLine | Jul 1913 | |
demonstration, a | men "sat in" at door | Viking | Sep 1965 | |
demonstration | to one smart din | Sally | May 1913 | |
demonstration, a | and man tries, too | SEArcher | Aug 1914 | |
devil-may-care | evil made racy | Hoho | Jun 1961 | |
devilish | live dish | Hoho | Jun 1961 | |
debutantes | neat bud set | DCVer | Sep 1931 | |
debutantes | bud at teens | PollyChrome | Dec 1924 | |
demonstrationist | I do one smart stint | FredDomino | Feb 1960 | |
derogation | O, I do rate n.g. | FredDomino | Feb 1960 | |
death rattle | dealt threat | Al | May 1926 | |
detours | d--- routes | Ralph | May 1923 | |
derogated | to degrade | AChem | Jun 1929 | |
deracination, a | an eradication 57 | SineCura | Oct 1930 | |
deracination | an action dire | AlecSander | Apr 1933 | |
desinence | I end scene 57 | AwlWrong | Feb 1939 | |
desegregation | Negroes get aid | Pacifico | Jul 1956 | |
desegregation | gets Negro idea | ArtyEss | Jan 1957 | |
depilatories, the | I stop (delete) hair | Arcanus | Jan 1957 | |
denominated | done named it | Gee | Jun 1913 | |
denominate | i.e., don't name* | Hoodwink | May 1955 | |
degradedness | greed's sad end | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
delirium tremens | rum diets rile men | Atlantis | Jul 1914 | |
delirium tremens | rum diet riles men | TheGopher | Jan 1955 | |
delirium tremens | lit men desire rum | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
delirium tremens | red rum limit seen | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
delirium tremens | I list mere rum end | DCVer | Mar 1931 | |
delirium tremens | rum lees tire mind | Hercules | Dec 1927 | |
delirium tremens | lit rummies' ender | Viking | May 1932 | |
delirium tremens, the | ere rum settled in him | Moonshine | Oct 1916 | |
deleteriousness | let's see: does ruin | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
degeneration | O, I get near end | Amaranth | Feb 1931 | |
denouements | see end mount | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
defense | fend! see? | Osaple | Nov 1952 | |
deficient | in defect, I | Sol | Jul 1926 | |
deipnosophists, the | oh, pet sophists dine | EmmoW | Oct 1952 | |
depreciation | I toned a price | Pacifico | Feb 1956 | |
depreciators | O, apt | Decriers | AlGebra | May 1934 |
depreciation | O, I dent a price | Amor | Nov 1944 | |
depreciations | no praise cited | Spica | Jun 1917 | |
dendrology | log done dry | DhumbbBhelle | Mar 1956 | |
department store, a | patrons meet, trade | Roscoe | Jul 1928 | |
department store, a | one-step trade | Mart | FredDomino | Nov 1955 |
devotionalist | I, no vocal deist* | Pacifico | Sep 1948 | |
devotionalist | O, divine to last | Pacifico | Sep 1948 | |
debentures | ensure debt 33,48 | Vulcan | Nov 1929 | |
destination | it is at no end* | Arcanus | Jun 1945 | |
demobilization, the | I mid hate zone, I bolt | XSpecked | Jan 1945 | |
departed | pert. "dead" | Viking | Dec 1944 | |
declamatory | am to lead cry | AyayeKay | Sep 1942 | |
dehydration | do dry in heat | Amaranth | Dec 1930 | |
dehydration | I'd dry on heat | AyayeKay | Mar 1942 | |
derelictions | credit lies on | Arcanus | Sep 1941 | |
derelictions | no credit lies* | Arcanus | Sep 1941 | |
defoliate | O, deleaf it | MULater | Sep 1940 | |
decorations | O, ornate disc | Archimedes | Mar 1940 | |
deceitfulness | set fecund lies | AwlWrong | Jan 1940 | |
derisiveness | vide: is sneers | AwlWrong | Dec 1939 | |
demiurgos | sure I'm god 39 | Grandmother | Jun 1931 | |
depreciates | see, cited par* | Reynard | Jul 1938 | |
deviator | I do avert | AwlWrong | May 1938 | |
demonstrable | noblest dream | Wehanonowit | Feb 1938 | |
desecration | O, created sin | AbStruse | Jun 1936 | |
department stores | most trade present | Amaranth | Nov 1910 | |
desecration | O, sin created 36 | PercyVere | Mar 1921 | |
desiderata | desire data 36 | Ellsworth | Nov 1928 | |
deflated | 'deed flat | GiGantic | Aug 1935 | |
desition | it is done | Damonomad | Jun 1931 | |
desition | O, it is end 35 | Damonomad | Jun 1931 | |
department stores, the | trades tempt her notes | QuiVive | Aug 1912 | |
department store, the | present trade to them | TheGopher | Oct 1921 | |
declaration | an oral edict | HelvaGoodmanMar 1916 | ||
demise | me dies | EmmaLine | Oct 1916 | |
devastates | saved state* | EmmaC | Oct 1918 | |
deliberately | dally, e'er I bet | Vesta | Mar 1920 | |
death | hated | Osaple | Aug 1922 | |
designation | is a denoting | AlecSander | Jul 1923 | |
declension | no | Declines* | AlecSander | May 1932 |
deglutition | I die glutton | IAGree | Sep 1932 | |
deprivation | anti provide | DCVer | Mar 1933 | |
desert oasis, the | does ease thirst | AbStruse | Jun 1936 | |
desert oasis, the | O, its trees shade | AbStruse | Jun 1986 | |
detour sign | go side turn | Neophyte | Jul 1977 | |
debt of nature, the | unto death bereft | AwlWrong | Mar 1937 | |
decollete gown | O, well, go | Decent | Francolin | Jan 1915 |
decollete gowns, the | gee, clothes let down | EmmoW | Feb 1953 | |
deadly nightshade | death's day led nigh | JoMullins | Jan 1922 | |
destroying angel, the | so death reign gently | CSaw | Apr 1919 | |
defamation of character | damn erratic chat of a foe | Moonshine | Oct 1927 | |
declaration of war | la! an edict for a row | Amaranth | Jun 1917 | |
dictatorship | chid patriots | DCVer | Aug 1934 | |
disruption, a | "torn up" I said | Viking | Oct 1964 | |
disagreement, a | met anger's idea | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
disagreements | meager dissent | Hoho | Jul 1960 | |
disagreement | see it drag men | TheGopher | Mar 1955 | |
discourteousness | O, is rude cuss's note | FredDomino | Feb 1960 | |
discourtesy, a | yes, is curt ado | Q | Sep 1925 | |
disproportionableness | lines not proper so: is bad | Evergreen | Jun 1952 | |
disproportionableness | aid no responsible sport | PhilOPena | Jul 1923 | |
dictatorship | hot drastic pi | RovingVic | May 1937 | |
diagnosis | signs o' aid | DhumbbBhelle | May 1958 | |
disadvantageousness | even against us, as odds | Moonshine | Jan 1927 | |
diversification | is varied diction 57 | PAB | Jan 1926 | |
divines | in dives* | Enavlicm | Dec 1925 | |
dissident | I'd dissent 54 | Ellsworth | Nov 1928 | |
dishearten | tens are hid | OShaw | Jan 1927 | |
disaster | sad rites | Amor | Jul 1947 | |
disaster | side star | Fiddle | Oct 1954 | |
distinguished | disguised thin | PollyPry | Oct 1926 | |
diet, a | I'd eat | Larry | Jan 1953 | |
distinguishability | it is hiding suitably* | Dreamer | Jan 1926 | |
disestablishmentarian | his line Dr bans state "I am"Evergreen | Jun 1952 | ||
disestablishmentarians | men air, stablish a dissent | Vesalius | Jul 1928 | |
disarmament | I'm at arms end | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
disarmament | amend it, | Mars | ESCrow | Mar 1927 |
disarmaments | tame | Mars' dins | DCVer | Mar 1931 |
disarmament | Mars inmated | Stocles | Jan 1922 | |
discontinuance | I can count is end | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
discontinue | I count is end | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
disbursements | d--- business term | Larry | Jul 1927 | |
disrespectable | I select bad "refs" | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
disseminates | as I send items | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
diabetes | Abe diets | YKnott | Aug 1934 | |
divertissement | I'm vested in rest | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
divertissement | 'tis even 'mid rest | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
Dime Novel, a | maiden love | FredDomino | Jun 1950 | |
Dime Novel, a | made in love | FredDomino | Jun 1950 | |
diatonic scale, the | teachin' la, si, do, etc. | DCVer | Sep 1934 | |
diatonic scale, the | it has nice do, la, etc. | DCVer | Sep 1934 | |
diatonic scale | can cite la, si, do | DCVer | Feb 1934 | |
diaries | reads "I, I" | Fiddle | Sep 1949 | |
disqualification | I fail'd so I can quit | Moonshine | Mar 1927 | |
disinterestedness | it's stressed in need | Chet | Sep 1947 | |
diatribe | bad rite, I | BeauNed | Feb 1937 | |
diatribes | baited sir | Katmat | Mar 1942 | |
disorientated | I trend east, I do* | Arcanus | Jan 1947 | |
diner-out, a | I eat 'round | AwlWrong | Jan 1945 | |
dishonest | snide shot | Katmat | Jan 1941 | |
dictation | diction at | MULater | Aug 1941 | |
discretion | consider it | Hoodwink | Aug 1940 | |
discretion | so in credit | Cincinnatus | Apr 1926 | |
discretion | is no credit* | Cincinnatus | Jun 1926 | |
diamonds | and so dim* | PatristocratJun 1940 | ||
diamonds | maid dons | Puzzeroo | Apr 1940 | |
disconsolate | lone, sad, stoic | Gemini | Nov 1937 | |
diaper | I drape 36 | GiGantic | Jun 1935 | |
district attorney, the | try th' tort case, indite | DeeGee | Dec 1955 | |
district attorney | try "state indictor" | AbStruse | Nov 1986 | |
district attorneys | assert, try to indict | Mangie | Feb 1978 | |
district attorneys, the | they, starters to indict | AbStruse | Sep 1988 | |
discounter | under cost, I | Ulk | Aug 1986 | |
dipsomania | I'm a soda nip | Bam | Oct 1972 | |
dipsomaniacal | I sip a cola: damn! | Stitch | Aug 1986 | |
dipsomaniac, the | I? chap I'd name sot | EffieCee | Aug 1929 | |
dipsomaniac | I'm soda panic | Hap | Jan 1977 | |
disintegration | a rotting inside | Archimedes | Feb 1940 | |
disintegration | darn it! it is gone 59 | ESCrow | Feb 1911 | |
disintegration | no, I grant it dies | FredDomino | Oct 1965 | |
disintegration | detrition gains | FredDomino | Oct 1965 | |
diurnally | day run ill | Kenneth | Nov 1926 | |
diseases | see, is sad | EmmaLine | Dec 1913 | |
disease | AIDS, see? | TeZirMan | Oct 1985 | |
dissatisfaction | in fact, it is so sad | Moonshine | Jul 1926 | |
diminutive | vidi: minute | Nightowl | Feb 1984 | |
diplomats | amid plots 34,51 | PollyPry | Jan 1927 | |
disappointments, the | not happiest mind-set | AbStruse | Oct 1987 | |
disappointment, a | impotent sad pain | AbStruse | Jun 1983 | |
disparagement | I'd get mean raps | Amaranth | Apr 1925 | |
disparagement | man, get praised* | Vulcan | May 1930 | |
disparagements | demean its grasp | NetaLyle | Aug 1923 | |
disintegrate | I tear 'n' digest | Nightowl | Jan 1981 | |
discotheque | sh! quiet code* | Volar | Nov 1979 | |
discontinuance, a | is an account I end | JackOLantern | Aug 1927 | |
discontinue | end it, cousin | Travv | Dec 1978 | |
diacetylmorphine | my tip: laced heroin | Travv | Sep 1978 | |
disheartened | treed in Hades | Damonomad | May 1934 | |
disheartened | I end sad there | DCVer | Mar 1934 | |
diaskeuast | dieu! 's a task | Mangie | Jan 1978 | |
diaskeuast | a task is due | Shyrene | Aug 1930 | |
dingmaul, a | gud animal* | Travv | Sep 1975 | |
distasteful | fault! desist! | Hap | Oct 1974 | |
discourteous | O, scout is rude | Gemini | Nov 1937 | |
discourteous | oi! rude scouts | SakrElBahr | Sep 1933 | |
discourteous | rude, I cuss, too | Merlin | Aug 1974 | |
discourteous | discourse? out! | Hap | Feb 1986 | |
diplomacy | mad policy* 73 | Jemand | Jan 1916 | |
diagnostication | O, ain't it a sign, doc | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
diagnostician, the | oh, gain in acid test | TheGopher | Nov 1965 | |
diastole | dilate so 69 | EmmoW | May 1936 | |
disproportionately | it openly drops ratio | Gordonor | Sep 1929 | |
disproportionately | O, ratio only stripped | Hoho | Mar 1969 | |
disproportionately | d--- ratio is plenty poor | Gemini | Feb 1938 | |
discouragement | re: me can do it, Gus* | MissileC | Feb 1969 | |
discouragement | it mends courage* | Arcanus | Feb 1935 | |
discouragement | O, can get us mired | AbStruse | Dec 1988 | |
discouragement, a | and courage smite | Arcanus | Feb 1935 | |
dilatoriness | no star is idle* | Baful | Aug 1966 | |
dilatoriness | Don is late, sir | Amaranth | Dec 1915 | |
dilatoriness | lo, tardiness, I | Mars | Mar 1928 | |
diathermy, the | I dry-heat them | Hoho | Mar 1966 | |
diathermy | I'm dry heat | Hoodwink | Aug 1960 | |
diathermanous | amid sun or heat | Orion | Sep 1934 | |
disagreeableness | see, I bear gladness* | AChem | Feb 1928 | |
disagreeableness | deals a gibe: sneers | Not Dated | ||
disagreeableness | deals a gibe: sneers | AChem | Feb 1928 | |
distastefully | is fully tasted* | Donatello | Jul 1928 | |
discourages | aids scourge | Gee | Sep 1928 | |
diamond ring, a | adorning maid 66 | FredDomino | Nov 1928 | |
dietotherapeutics | ethics: do eat it pure | SerpeggiandoMay 1929 | ||
disconsolation | sad I lost; no coin | Topsy | Aug 1930 | |
ditto | dot it | DCVer | Mar 1931 | |
dithyrambic | rabid, mythic | CSaw | Apr 1931 | |
dirigible, a | agile bird, I | DCVer | May 1931 | |
dilatation | at dilation 32 | Yercas | Jun 1931 | |
disrobes | I dress, bo* | JayEstee | Dec 1931 | |
dissertation, a | said on treatis | Viking | Nov 1932 | |
dispirited | spirit died | Yercas | Oct 1932 | |
divertimento | I to divert men | JayEstee | Jul 1932 | |
discriminate | I discern it, Ma | Vesta | Dec 1917 | |
disrepute | dire upset | Phil | Oct 1924 | |
dictionary | indicatory | Amaranth | Dec 1910 | |
dictionary | try con, I aid | DCVer | Nov 1915 | |
diabolicalness | I scale a bold sin | Donatello | Jun 1911 | |
dissimulates | it misleads us | Chris | Mar 1915 | |
disinterested | interests died | EmmaLine | May 1915 | |
discernment | mind's center | Spreggs | May 1915 | |
disastrously | 'tis sadly sour | SamSlick | Sep 1915 | |
distillery | i.e., dry still* | ESCrow | Mar 1919 | |
diagnose | I nag, dose | Meno | Jul 1920 | |
distributing | disturbing it | Emeline | Sep 1920 | |
disabled | bad sled, I | Enavlicm | Jan 1923 | |
dilatory | O, tardily | Ulk | Aug 1987 | |
dinosaur | is around* | Panache | Feb 1989 | |
dining-room table | mingle it on board | XSpecked | Oct 1941 | |
divorce suit, a | I advise court | Amaranth | Feb 1917 | |
displaced persons, the | races shipped: send lot | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
difference of opinion, a O, I find no peace in offer | BNatural | May 1956 | ||
difference of opinion, a fine, fine idea of pro-con | FredDomino | May 1959 | ||
diplomatic corps, the | charmed politic post | AwlWrong | Feb 1944 | |
diplomatic corps, the | lept. charms politico | AwlWrong | Feb 1944 | |
doughtiness | hid one's guts* | Tweaser | Jun 1984 | |
do-nothingness | O, send no things | Flora | May 1919 | |
double-crosser | bred cool ruses | AbStruse | Feb 1980 | |
dowser, the | he wets rod | AbStruse | Mar 1983 | |
dotterel | re: dottle | Travv | Nov 1982 | |
doubting Thomas | hi! man got doubts | Vesta | Jun 1920 | |
domesticality | docility, mates | ProfPampelm+ | Jan 1980 | |
domesticity | 'tis comedy, it | JoMullins | May 1922 | |
Domdaniel | old den am I | ProfPampelm+ | Mar 1981 | |
doberman pinscher | Mr. posh-bred canine | Volar | May 1978 | |
dornick, a | and I? rock! | Larry | Jul 1977 | |
do-it-yourself | you fit, solder | Seabee | Aug 1975 | |
domesticating | doc, I tame sting | Damonomad | Apr 1932 | |
domesticated | "tamed" so cited | Viking | Aug 1970 | |
dolichocephalism | his comic poll head | XSpecked | Sep 1931 | |
doomsayers, the | O, my, there! so sad | Larry | Jun 1969 | |
dolorous | dour solo | Hoho | Jul 1968 | |
double entendre, a | duo needle banter | Kenneth | Jul 1961 | |
double-breasted suits | be suitable, store duds | FredDomino | Mar 1956 | |
dockyard | a drydock | SolJr | Nov 1954 | |
doctrinaires | I scorn tirade* | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
doctrinaire | I edit rancor | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
dormitory | room I'd try | Barnyard | Dec 1913 | |
doorsteps | drops toes | Hoho | Jul 1949 | |
dog days, the | e.g., say d----d hot | Blackstone | Oct 1949 | |
downheartedness | sad woes then rend | AwlWrong | Jul 1947 | |
down East | and o. west* | Blackstone | Nov 1944 | |
dolce far niente | non-life created | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 | |
dolce far niente | recanted on life | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 | |
dolce far niente | idle, fare no cent | Damonomad | Nov 1934 | |
dolce far niente | idle, face no rent | Damonomad | Nov 1934 | |
dourness | ends sour | Amaranth | Apr 1925 | |
dog in the manger, the | heard me? get nothing | NoholdsBard | Sep 1989 | |
dog in the manger, a | I darn mean egg, tho' | Damonomad | Nov 1934 | |
dog in the manger, a | tag denier "man-hog" | Damonomad | Nov 1934 | |
domino set, a | O, I name dots | Piker | Jun 1927 | |
dormitories | tidier rooms* | Sally | Oct 1989 | |
do not disturb | bust, dint door | Larry | Mar 1972 | |
do not disturb | bust in d--- doors | Larry | Mar 1972 | |
double harness, a | horses' dual bane | Pacifico | Sep 1957 | |
doubting Thomas, a | doting about sham | Oedipus | Jan 1969 | |
doctors of medicine | docs I met for codein | Viking | Aug 1970 | |
domestic shorthair, the | this cat home-hider sort | Larry | May 1979 | |
draghound | dog had run | Travv | Oct 1985 | |
droughty | tough, dry | Viking | Nov 1934 | |
droughty | ug! dry, hot | Larry | Feb 1981 | |
driveway | yard view | Osaple | Apr 1977 | |
druggist, a | I tag drugs | Druh | Oct 1926 | |
drugstore, a | outrages Dr.* | Hoho | May 1969 | |
drachmae | dram each | Larry | May 1968 | |
draintile | it led rain | TheGink | Jan 1926 | |
dryasdust | A Dr.'s study | Hoho | May 1954 | |
dryasdust, the | hard-set study | Pacifico | Oct 1957 | |
drainage | in a grade | Pacifico | Oct 1957 | |
draught | hard tug | Pacifico | Sep 1957 | |
dramatis personae | O, me! stars in parade | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
dramatis personae | star in some parade | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
dramatis personae, the | a thespian-made poster | Pat | Mar 1950 | |
dreadnoughts, the | red-hot death guns | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
dreadnaughts, the | rated: had the guns | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
dromomania | I roam on mad | AwlWrong | Feb 1944 | |
dromedary, the | theme: dry road | Twisto | Jun 1936 | |
dromedaries, the | O, I am desert herd | Yercas | Dec 1934 | |
dromedaries, the | home: arid desert | Enavlicm | Dec 1917 | |
dromedaries, the | oh, am desert ride | Ulk | Jul 1988 | |
drunkards, the | drunk hardest | TryemAll | Jan 1928 | |
drowsily | rows idly | Envalicm | May 1924 | |
drinking bout, a | I do but rank gin | Hoho | Jan 1941 | |
drag bunt, a | gad! bat! run! | Larry | Oct 1979 | |
drug addiction | to dig durn acid | Viking | Aug 1971 | |
dulia | laud, I | Hap | Aug 1981 | |
dynamo | may nod* | CornCob | Apr 1986 | |
dynamite | may end it | Tut | Nov 1975 | |
dynamite | dainty me* | Tut | Nov 1975 | |
dynamited | a tidy mend* | Castet | Jul 1952 | |
dunt | tund | Ulk | Aug 1987 | |
durance vile | cured an evil | FredDomino | Jun 1931 | |
economy | c/o money | Sphinx | Feb 1986 | |
ebullition | i.e., it no bull* | CromoW | Jul 1931 | |
ebullition | I tie no bull | CromoW | Jul 1931 | |
ecdysiast, the | yes, shed it act | AbStruse | Nov 1983 | |
eidolon | one idol 81 | Jemand | Jun 1913 | |
earliest, the | latest here, I* | Larry | Aug 1972 | |
earliest | rise late* | Enavlicm | Aug 1925 | |
ebriose | i.e., sober* | AChem | Mar 1972 | |
ecclesiarch, the | chaste cleric, he | Kamel | Oct 1976 | |
egomaniac | O, Ace, I am n.g.* | Hoho | Jan 1976 | |
eftsoon | so often | Amor | Jun 1975 | |
eisteddfod | did ode fest | Nightowl | Aug 1972 | |
eavesdropper, the | peeps; overheard 't | Larry | Jun 1928 | |
eavesdropper | evades proper | Hoho | Jan 1961 | |
eavesdropper, the | he proved ear pest | Arcanus | Oct 1942 | |
ecumenicalism | "I calm men" is cue | Sas | May 1968 | |
ecumenicalism | cue's "I claim men" | Sas | May 1968 | |
ears, the | hear set 58 | Q | Aug 1911 | |
earthbred | drab there | Pacifico | Nov 1957 | |
earnestness | a stern sense | Amaranth | Sep 1924 | |
earthenhearted | aha! tender there | Pacifico | Nov 1957 | |
educator, the | to teach rude | NoholdsBard | May 1989 | |
editorials, the | I said lot there | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
egocentricity | cry "I", get notice | Hoho | Apr 1954 | |
editorial | lo, I read it 22,87 | Gem | Feb 1916 | |
economist | I'm one Scot | AwlWrong | Dec 1947 | |
editorials | ideals riot | DCVer | Jul 1913 | |
editors | so tired | Fiddle | Sep 1949 | |
editor, the | he tried to 43 | GiGantic | Feb 1938 | |
editor | do 'rite | KnutKrakr | Jun 1938 | |
egocentric | I, center cog | Hoho | Feb 1944 | |
Easter parade, the | hats are peered at | Viking | Jul 1937 | |
anarchists | in rash acts | Pearson | ||
economics | coin comes 27 | Ralph | May 1913 | |
effeminate | fame in feet | BlueJay | Sep 1923 | |
edict | cited | Arcanus | Dec 1914 | |
Easter bonnet, the | no better hat seen | AbStruse | Apr 1981 | |
Easter bonnet, the | enter one best hat | Amaranth | Aug 1913 | |
eave trough, the | heave ho: gutter | Hap | Jul 1978 | |
trial | Separation, a | tear liaison apart | MonaLisa | Dec 1977 |
Egyptian lotos | posy got at Nile | Viking | Jun 1968 | |
Egyptian darkness | ranks Stygian deep | AwlWrong | Sep 1947 | |
Egyptian darkness | gets an inky spread | Amaranth | Jun 1926 | |
edition de luxe | O, I exult indeed | SamSlick | Nov 1916 | |
easy chair, the | ay, it has cheer | Vesta | Sep 1920 | |
easy | Marks, the | shark meat? yes | Enavlicm | Dec 1931 |
endodontist, the | O, then note it: DDS | Nightowl | Nov 1983 | |
eleemosynaries | ye're on alms, I see | Cris | Sep 1917 | |
eleemosynars, the | almoners, they: see? | Atlantic | Oct 1982 | |
eleemosynary | almoner eyes "Y" | Nightowl | Oct 1971 | |
eleemosynary | ye almoners, ye | Nypho | Jan 1938 | |
eleemosynary | easy, rely on me | Castet | Oct 1926 | |
eleemosynary | almonry ye see | Tunste | May 1923 | |
electrocardiogram, the | medic heart trace or log | Nightowl | Sep 1973 | |
electrocardiogram, the | goal? I'm heart record, etc. | Nightowl | Sep 1973 | |
electrocardiograph | go record a heart clip | Viking | Jun 1964 | |
electrocardiography | a poor heart cycle grid* | Newrow | Apr 1981 | |
electrocardiographs, the heart pace record, this log | SolJr | Oct 1953 | ||
entrap | trepan 84 | TheGopher | Nov 1965 | |
entraps | pens rat | Enavlicm | May 1923 | |
entertainments | ten men train set | 33 | Jun 1936 | |
entertain | treat nine | Not Dated | ||
entertain | treat nine | LeeFrance | May 1980 | |
El Dorado, the | a red-hot lode | Travv | May 1976 | |
elucidator | I'd clear out | Chris | Sep 1915 | |
elucidates | details cue | FrostERoman | Nov 1974 | |
elucidate | act I elude* | Emeline | Mar 1918 | |
employment | lo! empty men* | Graydol | Jul 1974 | |
emigrations | site roaming | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
encouragement | augment! encore! | Hoho | Nov 1969 | |
elongate | a long tee | Winona | Apr 1962 | |
endangered species | speeds a generic end | AbStruse | Feb 1989 | |
emancipates | man escape it | Hoodwink | Dec 1962 | |
Enigma, the | gain theme | Minor | Apr 1921 | |
Enigma, the | thine egma | AwlWrong | May 1948 | |
Enigma, the | hi! neat gem | Nypho | Sep 1920 | |
Enigma, the | in thee, mag | Zer0 | Feb 1965 | |
Enigma, the | in the game 24,28,33,64 | SirA | May 1920 | |
Enigma, the | image then | Mystic | Dec 1933 | |
elucidation | I aid not clue* | Hoodwink | Aug 1955 | |
encyclopaedia | Cal, I need a copy | Grandmother | Dec 1926 | |
encyclopedias, the | con easy help cited | FredDomino | Oct 1959 | |
encephalitis | hi! I can't sleep* | Arcanus | Feb 1942 | |
encephalitis | chain sleep, it | Kenneth | Feb 1959 | |
encephalitis, the | it hath nice sleep* | Arcanus | Apr 1956 | |
enormity | more tiny* 31,59 | PearlieGlen | Apr 1929 | |
enigmatographers | O, men rage at griphs | TheGink | Jun 1958 | |
enigmatographers | O, I met sharper gang | ESCrow | Nov 1930 | |
enigmatographers | here's a gang I tromp | Evergreen | Apr 1958 | |
enthusiasm | I tune smash | DhumbbBhelle | May 1958 | |
enfilade | fine lead | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
enfilade | fine deal | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
elusive | use veil | Hoho | Aug 1949 | |
enneateric | erect a nine | AwlWrong | Dec 1949 | |
entente cordiale, the | dealt henotic entree | AwlWrong | Dec 1948 | |
entente cordiale | real | Decent tone, I | CSaw | Jun 1932 |
enucleation | intone a clue | Wehanonowit | Jan 1940 | |
enervates | eats nerve | TheGink | Jan 1926 | |
entomology | O, gloomy net | Alcyo | Feb 1927 | |
enchantress | sh' entrances | AlecSander | Feb 1925 | |
endeavoring | an' ever doing | NJineer | Mar 1927 | |
enunciator, the | O, I can utter "hen" | BlueHenChick | Jan 1928 | |
embargo | O, grab me | ImaLone | Jun 1928 | |
engineer, an | 'e ran engine | YKnott | Jul 1928 | |
enthusiast | as is the "nut" | AChem | Aug 1928 | |
emotionalist | I most elation | RebeRuss | Dec 1928 | |
embroider | I border 'em | SakrElBahr | Jan 1929 | |
electorates | able to select | DCVer | Apr 1929 | |
emigrants | I'm strange | Arcanus | Dec 1930 | |
enjoyments | ten joys, men | Yercas | Feb 1931 | |
energetically | all cite energy | Donatello | Feb 1911 | |
energetically | greet nice ally | EmmaLine | Jun 1916 | |
enlarged | largened | ESCrow | Jan 1914 | |
enriched | richened | Gee | Mar 1914 | |
enigmatically | ay, tell in magic | Spica | Sep 1915 | |
enumeration | u mention era | NetaLyle | Apr 1922 | |
emotional | O, I let moan | EmmaLine | Jul 1913 | |
elevators | serve a lot | Enavlicm | Feb 1922 | |
employment agencies, the | O, May get me sent nice help | Not Dated | ||
employment agencies, the | O, May get me sent nice help | AbStruse | Sep 1982 | |
energy crisis, the | cries hit erg yens | Tut | Feb 1974 | |
electric typewriter, an | clew: printer; race it yet! | Nightowl | Aug 1977 | |
electric toaster, an | slice-to-tan creator | Viking | May 1962 | |
encephalitis lethargica | a lethargic sleep-chain, it | Ralph | Apr 1932 | |
electric light, an | a cercle thing lit | Remardo | Apr 1917 | |
elevated railroad, the | I deal overhead rattle | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
elevated railroad, the | ideal rattle overhead | Al | Sep 1925 | |
elevated railroads, the | all state ride overhead | BNatural | Apr 1928 | |
end of the road | hated "done for" | Viking | Jun 1963 | |
eyewitnesses | we see sins yet | Hudu | Nov 1983 | |
eyewitnesses | yes, we sense it | Pat | Jan 1953 | |
eyewitness, an | yes, 'n' e'en saw it | AChem | May 1930 | |
erethic | tic here | AbStruse | Aug 1981 | |
exhilarate | air: exalt, eh? | Travv | Feb 1986 | |
examination | note: I am axin' | Osaple | Nov 1920 | |
examination | I exam nation | SAmple | Mar 1932 | |
exterminate | ain't extreme* | AbStruse | Sep 1983 | |
exasperates | apex teasers | NetaLyle | Apr 1922 | |
extermination | ax in on termite | Famulus | May 1983 | |
explanation, an | explain to Anna | Poly | Jul 1923 | |
Esperanto | neat prose | Rabbit | Sep 1977 | |
Esperanto | O, rates pen | SakrElBahr | Mar 1933 | |
ergataner | ant! agreer? | Travv | Jun 1977 | |
eschatologist | is theolog cast | Wehanonowit | Jan 1933 | |
E Pluribus Unum | US up in bum rule* | Meo | Nov 1976 | |
equivalent, the | even it th' equal | PoorRichard | Apr 1932 | |
epitaphs | happiest* | Hap | Jun 1973 | |
epitaph, an | I pen a path | PearlieGlen | Dec 1928 | |
establishment, the | blame this set, then | Viking | Aug 1970 | |
essonite, the | thee is stone | BlueHenChickApr 1932 | ||
estrangements | test men's anger | Oedipus | Jul 1952 | |
etaoin shrdlu | should retain* | Bodolph | May 1978 | |
equilateral | I'l rate equal | DCVer | Mar 1932 | |
exurbanite | Texan rube, I* | Treesong | Jun 1978 | |
erroneously | so you err, Len | PoorRichard | Apr 1932 | |
excavation | nix to a cave* | Travv | Jul 1975 | |
Eskimos | some ski | IDCipher | Feb 1932 | |
esotery | yes, rote* | Pacifico | Sep 1960 | |
eternal triangles, the | these let errant gal in | Viking | Nov 1931 | |
eternal triangle, the | three in later tangle | BNatural | Jul 1960 | |
eternal triangle, the | real tangle: three in't | TheGopher | Oct 1955 | |
eternal triangle, the | three in tangler tale | Nypho | May 1948 | |
evangelists | nag evil sets | Hoho | Mar 1969 | |
evangelists | as live gents | Hoosier | Jun 1940 | |
evangelist | i.e., TV's angel | TeZirMan | Oct 1987 | |
exemption, an | tax men opine | Arcanus | Sep 1960 | |
esoterics | so, secret I | Donatello | Dec 1928 | |
epicurean, the | punch ere I eat* | TheGopher | May 1956 | |
evisceration, the | is "carve into thee" | Molemi | Oct 1959 | |
epeisodion | I on episode | AwlWrong | May 1948 | |
epicures | curse pie | Lateo | Oct 1924 | |
estrif | strife | AwlWrong | Oct 1942 | |
entirety | eternity | FMarkHorn | May 1945 | |
everlasting | vale! resting | DCVer | Nov 1934 | |
everlasting | silent grave | FMarkHorn | May 1945 | |
everlasting | v.g.: is eternal | Twisto | Apr 1936 | |
explanatory note, the | or one help at any text | Viking | May 1964 | |
executive committee, an | men meet, voice a cut, exit | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
expiration date | neat period: ax it | TeZirMan | Jul 1987 | |
exterminators, the | or ax termites then | NoholdsBard | Nov 1988 | |
evil spirit | vile, it rips | PearlieGlen | Mar 1930 | |
equal rights | ha! girl quest | Ishmael | Mar 1982 | |
Eternal City | Italy center | Elf | Nov 1986 | |
eternal rest | enters later | Amaranth | May 1927 | |
Euclidian geometry | my rule: get cone idea | Nightowl | Dec 1985 | |
escape literature | recite a super tale | Amigo | Dec 1978 | |
everlasting peace | sleep in a grave, etc. | Viking | Jul 1971 | |
everlasting life, an | safe, eternal living | Viking | Sep 1934 | |
everlasting life, the | flesh at vigil eterne | Hoho | Nov 1939 | |
exaggeration, an | O, extra inane gag | AyayeKay | Jun 1943 | |
exaggerations | six are ten, agog | Bud | Apr 1928 | |
exodontist, the | exit ends tooth | YKnott | Jul 1941 | |
expectorations | O, spit once extra | Hoho | Apr 1940 | |
epopoeist | Poe, is poet | BlueHenChickApr 1931 | ||
epoist | is poet 38 | Ellsworth | Jun 1925 | |
estimable | bestial me* | Si | Nov 1937 | |
eremitical | Carmelite, I | DCVer | Apr 1935 | |
esclandre, an | ne'er scandal* | Arcanus | Dec 1934 | |
everlasting | it never lags | Arcanus | Feb 1915 | |
extravagance | craven taxage | Wehanonowit | Dec 1934 | |
eradication | a dire action | AlecSander | Apr 1933 | |
exemplification | I con it, if example | Yercas | Dec 1937 | |
eyesore, an | yes, one ear | Enavlicm | Nov 1922 | |
eyeglasses | see gals? yes | MGM | Jul 1936 | |
eyeballs | all see by | Francolin | Nov 1914 | |
extensiveness | sixes, even tens | DCVer | Oct 1934 | |
extirpated | exit! depart! | DCVer | May 1934 | |
eyestrain | tires an ey | ArtyEss | Dec 1922 | |
evildoer, the | O, devil there | Alcyo | Jun 1923 | |
expeditiousness | O, speed exist in us | Amaranth | Nov 1925 | |
Eucharist | this a cure | Martelia | May 1926 | |
estuary | sure tay | ScanDaw | Mar 1927 | |
esprit de corps | pep's its record | ArtyEss | Oct 1920 | |
evangelist | evil's agent* | HiKerr | Jun 1927 | |
evangelist, the | gets heaven-lit | DCVer | Aug 1914 | |
eremacausis | air causes me | BlueHenChickJan 1928 | ||
extraneous | no use, extra | Evergreen | Mar 1928 | |
eurhythmics | rhythm is cue | Evergreen | Apr 1928 | |
eurhythmic | I cue rhythm | Ralph | May 1931 | |
evaporation | I note a vapor | PoorRichard | Jul 1928 | |
extradite | rated exit | Limor | Jan 1931 | |
estrange | gets near* | Yercas | Jan 1931 | |
evaluates | set a value | PoorRichard | Nov 1931 | |
exactions | coin taxes 17 | Ralph | Mar 1913 | |
exclamations | notes a climax | EmmaLine | Sep 1915 | |
existence | exit scene* | EmmaLine | Sep 1915 | |
evening prayers | vesper yearning | Merlin | Jul 1974 | |
espionage agents | a neet gang o' spies | Travv | Feb 1985 | |
faintheartedness | ends hesitant fear* | Merlin | Mar 1974 | |
fainthearted | I end that fear* | FredDomino | Nov 1953 | |
fainthearted | e'en 'fraid that | Enavlicm | Sep 1931 | |
fainthearted | hinted at fear | SueDoe | May 1953 | |
fainthearted | defiant heart* | Vulcan | Sep 1928 | |
fascination | O, fanatic sin | Fanacro | Jun 1971 | |
famished | is ham fed* 64,70 | DiehlMWrightJul 1929 | ||
festival | fast, live* | BeauNed | Mar 1937 | |
festival | vast life | Hap | Mar 1977 | |
festival | vile fast* 77 | Enavlicm | May 1930 | |
felicity | I felt icy* | EmmaC | Jun 1917 | |
laudation | adulation | Pearson | ||
featherweight, the | he, that wee fighter 66 | Roscoe | Jul 1923 | |
featherweights | wee fight haters* | Hoho | Jan 1973 | |
featherweights | ware! these fight | JackOLantern | Mar 1926 | |
falsities | fit, as lies 68 | Damonomad | Feb 1934 | |
falderols | safe, droll | Hoho | Dec 1967 | |
fabricated | a fib traced | Enavlicm | May 1922 | |
fabrication | O, I ran fib act | Hoho | Dec 1961 | |
fabrication | Arab fiction | EmJay | Aug 1923 | |
fastidiousness | stained, so I fuss | CaptainTo | Feb 1958 | |
fastidiousness | is of a dustiness* | JackOLantern | Feb 1928 | |
fastidiousness | aid to fussiness | JackOLantern | Feb 1928 | |
fallaciousness | lo, in a false cuss | FredDomino | May 1956 | |
facts of life, the | teach [of] fit self | Molemi | Mar 1956 | |
Falstaffian | fast in a "laff" | FredDomino | Jan 1955 | |
fashionmonger, the | ah, then, grooms fine | FredDomino | Jan 1955 | |
false-hearted | fear these, lad | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
facetiousness | so it ceases fun* | Donatello | Jul 1928 | |
facetiousness | O, sees act is fun | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
fairway, the | fireth away | Arcanus | Dec 1950 | |
fashion plate, a | hail as neat fop | AwlWrong | Jul 1943 | |
favorite | ave for it | Katmat | Mar 1942 | |
fairy tales | art fay lies | Spreggs | Jun 1940 | |
fairy tales | are falsity | AbStruse | Feb 1940 | |
fairy tale | art fay lie 36 | XLCR | Jun 1911 | |
falsifier, the | if Father lies | Nollid | Apr 1939 | |
Father Time | a term thief | Damonomad | Mar 1934 | |
fabricates | I bare facts* | Vulcan | Sep 1928 | |
factiousness | uses factions | Ellsworth | Sep 1929 | |
fantastic | isn't a fact | Enavlicm | May 1931 | |
fantastic | fat antics | JackOLantern | Feb 1930 | |
festivities | I visit fetes | DCVer | Apr 1931 | |
fastidious | I, I do fuss at | DCVer | Dec 1931 | |
fastidiously | O, I fuss at idly | DCVer | Dec 1931 | |
facies | is face | Cris | Jul 1914 | |
families | life's aim | Enavlicm | Nov 1917 | |
faithfulness | false fun, this* | Emeline | Aug 1920 | |
fainted | end: a fit | Enavlicm | Nov 1922 | |
feathers | fast here | ESCrow | Dec 1919 | |
fame and fortune | often a fun dream | Ruthless | Apr 1989 | |
female impersonation | I meet man apt in role of sheViking | Aug 1935 | ||
female impersonations, the | here men fail not to ape missViking | Aug 1935 | ||
female impersonators, themen ape mates for this role | AChem | Nov 1935 | ||
female impersonators, themen to pass for Ethel, | Marie Atlantic | Mar 1981 | ||
female impersonator | see? I'm man, part of role | AbStruse | Jul 1986 | |
federal regulations | agreed: rules fail not | Wyvern | Jun 1986 | |
family reunions | Ma's only unifier | Volar | May 1979 | |
family tree, the | try a life theme | Kamel | Dec 1977 | |
family skeletons | kin seal me softly | DCVer | Feb 1929 | |
family skeleton, a | yea, fell mask on it | Remardo | Sep 1926 | |
false crowfoots, the | so flowers oft cheat | Viking | Apr 1972 | |
federal estate tax, the | text: re a last death fee | Merlin | Oct 1974 | |
federal income taxes, theloathed fee IRS men exact | Merlin | Apr 1971 | ||
fair-weather sailor, a | O, I, tar fear sea awhirl | AChem | Aug 1963 | |
family circle, the | rich, calm love yet | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
falling star | astral fling | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
false witness, a | wants safe lies | AwlWrong | Dec 1943 | |
fallen angels, the | all Gehenna's left | Viking | Dec 1933 | |
false testimony | test of many lies | Atlantis | Jun 1925 | |
feasts of Lucullus, the | let us full of such "eats" | Cincinnatus | Sep 1935 | |
faith healers, the | he's fat, healthier | SealGee | May 1922 | |
fat chance | fact: he can* | Ulk | Jun 1988 | |
angleworms | no warm legs | Arcanus | Aug 1927 | |
flapper, the | left her Pap | ThatGalNell | Aug 1929 | |
flapper, the | flat prep, eh? | Tweaser | Jul 1984 | |
forecaster | craft o' seer | AwlWrong | Apr 1937 | |
forcemeat | farce to me 84 | Travv | Dec 1976 | |
flotation | float on it | Amaranth | Apr 1925 | |
fopdoodle | d--- fool, dope | Travv | May 1982 | |
fiances | fancies | Ellsworth | May 1925 | |
filcher, the | cherl! thief! | Larry | Jun 1972 | |
fingerprint, a | fear printing | Arcanus | Sep 1927 | |
forestlike | of trees' ilk | ProfPampelm+ | Oct 1979 | |
formidable | I'm bold: fear! | Enavlicm | Mar 1927 | |
football | fall boot | PeteRoleum | Apr 1976 | |
fool, a | lo, oaf | Livedevil | Jun 1936 | |
fire and brimstone | bard's inferno item | Viking | Nov 1969 | |
fire and brimstone | tab men for dire sin | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
fiasco, the | face is hot | Hoho | Apr 1961 | |
forestry, the | for thy trees | SkyLight | Aug 1927 | |
flirter | trifler | Hoodwink | Mar 1966 | |
foundationers, the | note heirs to a fund | Viking | Oct 1964 | |
fourth dimension, the | in short, he found "time" | Viking | Aug 1963 | |
fortuneteller | "feller" not true | FredDomino | May 1961 | |
finagles | self-gain | FredDomino | Jan 1955 | |
filet mignon, a | in meal: no gift! | FredDomino | Jan 1955 | |
filling stations | fill gas into tins | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | |
filling station, the | thin gas fell into it | Hercules | Jul 1925 | |
flagitious | is of a guilt | FredDomino | Sep 1954 | |
flophouse, the | oh, hut of sleep | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
flabbergasted | gabber felt sad | JackOLantern | Mar 1930 | |
flabbergasted | feels bad t' brag | EmmoW | Feb 1953 | |
forbidden fruit, the | hid but rift for Eden | AwlWrong | Sep 1937 | |
forbidden fruit, the | both fed: inured rift | BNatural | Feb 1958 | |
forbidden fruit, the | both fed: rift, ruined | BNatural | Apr 1935 | |
foreign aid | I, a friend, go | Arcanus | Jan 1956 | |
forest primeval, the | live trees form path | DeeGee | Nov 1955 | |
fool's paradise | lo, dale for saps | Amanovlettus | Feb 1937 | |
fool's paradise, the | his fate's poor deal | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
fool's paradise, the | false hope's road, it | Hercules | Jul 1926 | |
flying saucers, the | they fling, scare us | DhumbbBhelle | Oct 1947 | |
flecker | freckle | AwlWrong | Oct 1946 | |
filibusterer, the | I hit free bluster | Grandmother | Apr 1933 | |
flibbertigibbet, a | I gabble bitter fib | AChem | Apr 1934 | |
footstool | lo, soft, too | Enavlicm | Jan 1928 | |
fortissimo | or, I'm soft, si?* | Ulk | Dec 1988 | |
forensic medicine | ID crime scene info | CornCob | Jan 1989 | |
forty-five | over fifty* | Philana | Apr 1989 | |
fortunate | turn o' Fate | BlueHenChickFeb 1928 | ||
formation | I on format | Primrose | Dec 1928 | |
filled | ill-fed* | Enavlicm | May 1930 | |
arabesques | square base* | Hap | HapMem 90 | |
foliature | a true foil | LAllegro | Sep 1916 | |
forget-me-not | forgotten me* | Minuta | Aug 1923 | |
fidelity | I'l defy it | DCVer | Jul 1913 | |
firefly, a | fairy elf | NoholdsBard | Oct 1987 | |
fit of anger | no rage, tiff* | Amigo | Feb 1983 | |
fourth dimension, the | time-shift unhonored* | PapNdrome | Sep 1986 | |
fortune cookies, the | O, OK, Chinese: oft true | AbStruse | Jul 1980 | |
forensic medicine | informed science, I | Volar | Jan 1980 | |
football game, the | a hot fleet gambol | Arcanus | Nov 1947 | |
football games, the | O, both get same fall | TreePal | Mar 1946 | |
football games, the | gambol of athletes | Molemi | Nov 1921 | |
football game | tale of gambol | XLCR | Aug 1911 | |
fishing tackle | flick sea thing | DeeGee | Aug 1955 | |
flat tires | st! air left | Molemi | Jan 1934 | |
final curtain, the | I halt fine act run | FredDomino | Mar 1959 | |
financial news | we scan in final | FredDomino | Feb 1951 | |
financial statement | net in late main facts | FredDomino | Jun 1950 | |
foreign affairs | as I reign far off | TheGopher | Nov 1954 | |
final | Decree | declare fine | Sol | Aug 1927 |
final | Decree | I free-lanced | Sol | Aug 1927 |
forest rangers, the | foresters rangeth | Not Dated | ||
forest rangers, the | foresters rangeth | Atlantis | Sep 1914 | |
fidus Achates | fact, he aids us | Primrose | Mar 1930 | |
fool's paradise, the | so I rode false path | AbStruse | Sep 1984 | |
fragile | e.g., frail 27,83 | HiKerr | Jun 1926 | |
frangibility | big in frailty | Hap | Nov 1977 | |
frangible | n.b., fragile 72 | TheGink | Oct 1927 | |
furbisher | I rub fresh | Sigmasexspr+ | Aug 1973 | |
freeway, a | ay, we fare | Molemi | Feb 1967 | |
furious | I rufous | Hoho | Nov 1961 | |
freaks of Nature | a faker's fortune | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
french fried potatoes | this near-perfect food* | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | |
fundamentalists, the | let us tend man's faith | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
fyllfot, a | fly aloft | Hoho | Feb 1944 | |
Francophiles, the | pet halo is French | Nypho | Feb 1949 | |
fusileers | use rifles 46 | Ixaxar | Dec 1935 | |
fractiousness | fusser's action | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
frontiersman, a | man is near fort | Arcanus | Feb 1936 | |
funebrial | urban life* | BlueHenChickJul 1939 | ||
frontispiece | is front piece | Amor | Mar 1926 | |
frontispieces, the | on first epic sheet | Nick | Dec 1928 | |
freebooters, the | free to rob, these | Vulcan | Jun 1928 | |
fraternity | rife tyrant* | Zoroaster | Oct 1931 | |
fragmental | rag left, man | ElDon | Nov 1920 | |
funeral | March | real fun, charm* | NoholdsBard | Dec 1988 |
flying machine, the | ha, fly me: nice thing | PercyVere | Jan 1911 | |
foul tip | flip out | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
fringe benefits | bring finest fee | Volar | Jan 1979 | |
fright disease, the | dig these fits, hear? | Elf | Jul 1986 | |
French cuisine | nice chef's ruin* | AbStruse | Dec 1980 | |
fraternal societies, the here's fine rites: act a lot | FredDomino | Jun 1955 | ||
funeral directors, the | charter life-end tours | FredDomino | Mar 1958 | |
free trade | deter fare* | Ralph | Mar 1913 | |
fried potatoes | eats, food: tripe!* | Enavlicm | Aug 1925 | |
Friday the thirteenth | if then thy dire threat | Arcanus | Feb 1937 | |
funeral procession | O, real fun in process* | EmmaLine | Mar 1916 | |
funeral procession, the | corpse: final tense hour | Spreggs | Jan 1941 | |
funeral processions | person's final course | Viking | Jun 1970 | |
funeral processions, the cop here if run's one's last Viking | Jul 1970 | |||
revolution | to love ruin | Masq 1797 | ||
telegraph | great help 20 | Masq 1797 | ||
funeral | real fun* 42,80 | Masq 1797 | ||
astronomers | no more stars* | Masq 179? | ||
Presbyterian | best in prayer 57 | Masq 179? | ||
festival | evil fast* | Masq 179? | ||
democratical | comical trade | Masq 179? | ||
sovereignty | 'tis ye govern | Masq 179? | ||
wealth | the law 26 | Masq 180? | ||
determination | I mean to rend it | Masq 180? | ||
penitentiary | nay, I repent it | Masq 180? | ||
poorhouse | O, sour hope 19 | Masq 180? | ||
sweetheart | there we sat | Masq 180? | ||
elections | no lies, etc.* | AA | May1860 | |
fashion | ah! of sin | AA | May1860 | |
ingredients | I get dinners | AA | May1861 | |
consternation | ten coons in tar | AA | May1861 | |
infidels | find lies | AA | May1861 | |
atheist | it hates | AA | Jul1862 | |
lawyers | sly ware 21 | Fash 1835 | ||
Christianity | it's in charity 20 | Fash 1835 | ||
catalogues | got as a clue 19 | Fash 1835 | ||
misanthrope | spare him not | Fash 1835 | ||
prognostications | stop, sir, I can't go on | Sphinx1812 | ||
predestination | noted in a priest | Sphinx1812 | ||
elegant | neat leg | Sphinx1812 | ||
nosegay | gay ones | Sphinx1812 | ||
attorney | no rat - yet | Sphinx1812 | ||
geisha | i.e., hags* | Ishmael | Jun 1982 | |
gendarme, the | armed gent, he 61,82 | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
gaskin, the | I get "shank" | Viking | Aug 1972 | |
gardener, the | green'd earth | Merlin | Apr 1971 | |
genocidal | go die, clan! | Nightowl | Oct 1975 | |
gematria | I, game art | Hoho | Aug 1973 | |
gainsay, to | so I tag "nay" | Kenneth | Feb 1962 | |
gamboling | go ambling | Sol | May 1928 | |
generalled | general led | Vulcan | Nov 1929 | |
generalities | see it in large | TheGink | Jan 1960 | |
Garden of Eden, the | need God fear then | TheGopher | Jan 1955 | |
gastroenteritis | gets at interiors | Pat | Jun 1953 | |
gastronomical | clings to aroma | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
gentleman of leisure | O, meet single flaneur | AwlWrong | Mar 1938 | |
gentleman of leisure, a | faineant role glues me | AwlWrong | Mar 1938 | |
gentleman of leisure | gee! non-restful male, I* | Not Dated | ||
gentleman of leisure, a | restful male in age, eon | BNatural | Mar 1956 | |
gentleman of leisure, a | flanerie tugs one male | AwlWrong | Oct 1938 | |
gentleman of leisure, a | meet snug anile loafer | BlueHenChickMay 1928 | ||
gentleman of leisure | feel no manliest urge | Amaranth | Jun 1928 | |
genealogist | got lineages 54 | Hercules | May 1934 | |
genealogist, a | O, tags lineage | AbStruse | Sep 1987 | |
genteelness, a | elegant sense | Pacifico | Aug 1954 | |
wishy-washy | why was I shy? | Jaelti | Mar 1991 | |
gate receipts | get seat price | Pat | Dec 1949 | |
gauleiter | I regulate | Quefanon | Dec 1944 | |
gammadion | man, I'm a god | Hoho | Feb 1944 | |
gag writer, a | gr-reat wag, I | Larry | Sep 1942 | |
Galahad | had a gal | Hoho | Jun 1941 | |
Germanizing | Nazi merging | Poly | Feb 1942 | |
generation | art o' engine | MaddaBoutem | Jan 1940 | |
gallivanters, the | even trail th' gals | EmmoW | Apr 1931 | |
gallivanter | a-travelling | AwlWrong | Oct 1938 | |
gainsayer | "nays" I rage | AwlWrong | May 1938 | |
gargoyle | gay ogler | EmmoW | Jun 1934 | |
generalissimo | M'ssolini? agree! | Twisto | Dec 1938 | |
gesture | greet us | BeauNed | Aug 1938 | |
gerent | regent | Oslo | Apr 1935 | |
Germanophilists, the | Hitler's soaping them | Arcanus | Nov 1934 | |
Germanophilist | is Hitler GOP man | Arcanus | Nov 1934 | |
Germanophilist, the | moping, hates Hitler* | Arcanus | Oct 1934 | |
gaintwist | a twisting | Ralph | May 1931 | |
gateway | get away 31 | DelMonte | Oct 1913 | |
gallinaceous | call guinea so | Winkie | Oct 1925 | |
germinates | grain teems | Vulcan | Apr 1930 | |
geologist | go get oils | Tweedledum | Jun 1927 | |
gentleman, a | elegant man | Nypho | Aug 1911 | |
gayety | yet gay | WEStern | Dec 1919 | |
gesundheit | heed in gust | Sluggo | Jun 1988 | |
gesticulation | cue to it: signal | NoholdsBard | Jul 1988 | |
gerund-grinder | re: ginn-drudger | Trash | Jan 1990 | |
general hospital, a | shall operate, gain | DhumbbBhelle | Sep 1958 | |
gentlemen's agreement | mangles entente, merge* | BNatural | Nov 1956 | |
general elections | select one in large | TheGink | Jan 1960 | |
generation gap | one age parting | Merlin | Dec 1969 | |
garbage disposal | grabs salad, pie: go! | Brutus | Aug 1978 | |
galley slaves | gyves seal all | Amaranth | Jun 1916 | |
gifola | filago | Senor | Aug 1980 | |
gleam | am gel | Rainbow | Jul 1984 | |
gonfalon | no flag on* | BlueHenChickOct 1940 | ||
gonfalon | flag? no, no! 86 | Larry | Jul 1938 | |
gonfalons | no flag, son* | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
gobbledygook | O, gelk bobo, dyg? | Tweaser | Sep 1982 | |
golden retriever, a | re: dog e'er in travel | Nightowl | Jun 1982 | |
glaciere | large ice | Ellsworth | Jun 1925 | |
glaciered | iced large 73 | Ixaxar | Oct 1951 | |
glaciered | ice glared | Baful | Aug 1966 | |
goblin, the | hint: bogle | Larry | May 1973 | |
Gideons | sing "Deo" | Larry | Jun 1962 | |
Gideons | sine God* | Larry | Jun 1962 | |
giddap | dip gad | XSpecked | Aug 1947 | |
giant | gnat, I* | Larry | Jul 1938 | |
glissade | slide, sag | Livedevil | Dec 1935 | |
gloaming, the | gleam o' night | AwlWrong | Apr 1937 | |
gourmet | O, get rum* | AbStruse | Dec 1936 | |
good-for-nothing, a | ho! "dog" of no rating | Damonomad | Jan 1934 | |
Goneril | one girl | Molemi | May 1958 | |
Artful Dodger, the | rough lad fetter'd | Chris | Nov 1915 | |
good-natured | true and good | Enavlicm | Jun 1931 | |
gnit, a | I, gnat | PercyVere | Jan 1921 | |
giboia, the | hi, I get boa | Blackstone | Nov 1987 | |
gold mine | lo, men dig | Amaranth | Dec 1911 | |
golf courses | fore! go! ('l cuss) | Paul&Virgin+ | Aug 1962 | |
goal crease, the | cage there also | Atlantic | Jun 1983 | |
golden years | no gay elders | Larry | May 1976 | |
glacial period, the | O, ice-grip: all death | Arcanus | Jan 1957 | |
Golden Rule, the | get no rude hell | LAllegro | Jul 1916 | |
gold digger, the | ged! gilt her god | Larry | Jan 1943 | |
gold digger, the | get! gild her god | Larry | Jan 1943 | |
God's acre | sod, grace | Molemi | Sep 1953 | |
Good Samaritan, the | I manage to do trash* | Xquiq | Aug 1934 | |
Good Samaritan, the | O, God's man at heart, I | Xquiq | Aug 1934 | |
Good Samaritan, the | met a sight on a road | Marmion | Aug 1937 | |
Good Samaritan, the | go aid that sore man | Marmion | Aug 1937 | |
Good Samaritan, the | raise that [good] man | Marmion | Aug 1937 | |
Good Samaritan, the | hero gat to man's aid | Marmion | Aug 1937 | |
Good Samaritan, the | a [good] man's heart, it | Marmion | Aug 1937 | |
Good Samaritan, the | at no stage do I harm | DeeGee | Sep 1956 | |
Good Samaritan, the | O, rate this man a god | FrostERoman | Feb 1975 | |
Good Samaritan, the | said, "oh, go treat man" | AbStruse | Dec 1981 | |
Good Samaritan, the | does aright to a man | LAllegro | Jul 1916 | |
gruesomeness | morgue's sense | Famulus | May 1984 | |
Great Beyond, the | go, enter by death 83 | SirOrm | Jul 1933 | |
Great Beyond, the | born, ye get death | Remardo | May 1917 | |
grapefruit | fat-purger, I | Volar | Aug 1981 | |
greenhouse effect, the | fret hot scene: huge fee | Sep 1988 | TeZirMan | |
grand finale, the | hear flat ending* | AbStruse | Jan 1981 | |
grand finale | a flaring end 49,78,90 | Phil | Jul 1913 | |
gustativeness | vin! guests! eats! | Ulk | Nov 1986 | |
gustativeness | tastes given us | AwlWrong | Mar 1940 | |
gurgoyle | ugly ogre | Travv | Apr 1982 | |
growler, a | lager row | Flora | May 1919 | |
guetapens | pen a guest | Oak | Jun 1981 | |
grim reaper, the | ha! prime regret | AbStruse | Aug 1939 | |
grim reaper, the | prima regret, he | Tut | Sep 1976 | |
greyhounds, the | he-dogs, they run | Damonomad | Jun 1935 | |
greyhounds | dogs run, hey? | Amor | May 1923 | |
greyhound, the | hunter dog, hey? | Vulcan | Dec 1928 | |
greyhound, a | ah, run ye dog | Amaranth | Apr 1913 | |
guillotines, the | I hit one's gullet | DCVer | Jun 1913 | |
grievances | vices anger | Hap | Nov 1974 | |
grotesqueries | got queer, sires | Hoho | Jun 1961 | |
grotesquerie | ergo, it's queer 74 | Gadzooks | Dec 1929 | |
grotesquerie | tries queer go | Katmat | Jan 1942 | |
graffiti, the | get h--- if art, if? | Hoho | Jul 1973 | |
greenyard, the | gardeny there | Merlin | Apr 1971 | |
greenswards | we're d--n grass | Viking | Jul 1970 | |
guttersnipe | pure St. gent, I* | AnnDhow | Sep 1972 | |
gratitude | gude trait | BeauNed | Jun 1932 | |
gymnosophist | spy him, no togs! | Rho | Nov 1976 | |
grindstone | grinds, note | Vulcan | Feb 1929 | |
grandisonous | sound soaring | Pacifico | May 1957 | |
grandisonous | is organ sound | Pacifico | May 1957 | |
grass widow, the | so right, was wed | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | |
gradient | treading | AwlWrong | May 1940 | |
grapline | grapnel, I | Sol | May 1928 | |
grammaticaster | masticate rag, Mr. | EmmoW | Jul 1932 | |
guttersnipes | sign up street | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
gyrovague | roguey vag | AbStruse | Nov 1935 | |
gripsack | packs rig | DCVer | Mar 1931 | |
graniferous | grain for use | SkyLight | Sep 1926 | |
guilty conscience, the | sent cloying ethic cue | Pat | Feb 1954 | |
guilty conscience | nocence tugs icily | Volar | Nov 1981 | |
grim reaper, the | ha! prime regret | AbStruse | Aug 1939 | |
great horned owl, a | large dawn hooter | Ai | May 1989 | |
great balls of fire | large bits [of] flare | Wyvern | Jan 1979 | |
great white heron, the | egret now hath it here | Francolin | Jan 1916 | |
great pyramids, the | Ra's earth, mid-Egypt | Nightowl | Sep 1975 | |
hallucinations, the | hatch neat illusion | AbStruse | Jun 1982 | |
hallucinations | I call hauntin' so | SuSan | Dec 1929 | |
habeas corpus | a process, a hub | Acorn | Dec 1981 | |
hay fever | ah, fevery | Francolin | Nov 1915 | |
hapax legomenon | an example: hongo | Newrow | Jul 1981 | |
hapax legomenon | a non-example: hog | Newrow | Jul 1981 | |
hand organ, the | hah! grand tone | Enavlicm | Oct 1921 | |
harbinger | hear! bring! | DeeSweet | Jan 1981 | |
harbinger | ah, bringer | AbStruse | Mar 1939 | |
hand-me-downs | do wash 'n' mend | Squirrel | Aug 1980 | |
harangue | argue? nah* 76 | Hoho | Oct 1947 | |
handicraftswomen, the | ah, want French modiste | Viking | Jun 1968 | |
haymakers, the | rake my heaths | OKay | Dec 1920 | |
haywire | I awry, eh? | Molemi | Jan 1934 | |
hailstone | la, hits one | TheGink | Sep 1962 | |
hamster | mesh rat | Winona | Apr 1962 | |
haranguer, the | ugh! a ranter, he | AChem | Jun 1959 | |
hairnet, the | 'neath it, her | Hoho | May 1958 | |
haberdashery, the | ah, derby hats here | EmmoW | Oct 1952 | |
hatemongers, the | hath men get sore | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
hardshell, a | hard as hell | Hoho | Jun 1941 | |
hallucinations | slain haunt loci | Archimedes | Oct 1938 | |
hallucinations | haunt a scion ill | Archimedes | Oct 1938 | |
hallucinations | hail no lunatics* | Arcanus | Dec 1934 | |
half-seas over | ale's far shove | AwlWrong | Apr 1937 | |
halfheartedness | fears lashed then | Arcanus | Jun 1935 | |
halfheartedness | has held sent fear | Arcanus | Jun 1935 | |
halfheartedness | then slashed fear | Arcanus | Jun 1935 | |
haberdasher, the | he hats bare herd | Damonomad | Aug 1933 | |
haste | he sat* | AlecSander | May 1932 | |
habiliment | ah, biliment | Yercas | Dec 1931 | |
halloo | oho, all | FredDomino | Jun 1931 | |
harebrained | barren head, I | Vulcan | Aug 1929 | |
halitosis | sh! is to ail | Molemi | Jan 1929 | |
halitosis | O la! this is | Hoosier | Oct 1928 | |
halitosis | so it is, Hal | Hoosier | Oct 1928 | |
halitosis | Lois has it | Hoosier | Oct 1928 | |
halitosis, the | so it is health* | ESCrow | Jan 1929 | |
hallucinated | held a lunatic | Hercules | Dec 1927 | |
harengiform | am of herring | SerpeggiandoSep 1926 | ||
ham omelet, a | meal at home | EdWard | Jun 1926 | |
ham omelette | meet hot meal | NotInsane! | Nov 1984 | |
handlebar mustache | ha! much beer lands at | Katbird | Nov 1979 | |
hardware stores, the | these trade harrows | FredDomino | Nov 1956 | |
harvest moon, the | 't shone over math | NetaLyle | Jan 1922 | |
ham sandwiches | mashed in chaws | Enavlicm | Jun 1926 | |
ham sandwiches | was minced hash | PercyVere | Nov 1910 | |
ham sandwiches | dish a man chews | Atlas | Nov 1910 | |
haunted houses | oh, a thud ensues | Amaranth | May 1925 | |
hail-fellows-well-met | allow them swell life | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
handwriting on the wall, the | ed warning that'll hint wo Viking | Jul 1969 | ||
handwriting on the wall | handle lot with warning | TheGopher | May 1961 | |
handwriting on the wall, the | then God warneth all within | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
handwriting on the wall, the | want in thronal weight held | Hercules | Jul 1946 | |
handwriting on the wall, the | drawn high to tell a new hintPrimrose | Oct 1927 | ||
handwriting on the wall, a | the warning! now all had it | Ellsworth | Jun 1924 | |
hearing aid | a hiding ear | Sphinx | Feb 1985 | |
hearing aid, the | ah, get hid in ear | TeZirMan | Oct 1988 | |
hearing aid | ear gain (hid) | Hoho | Jan 1976 | |
hearing aid, a | I heard again | Hoodwink | Dec 1950 | |
Herodian | ironhead | Travv | Jan 1982 | |
hectare | the acre* 77 | PamaPama | Oct 1970 | |
herpetologist, a | oho, tags reptile | Hercules | Jan 1928 | |
herpetologist | oh, got reptiles | AbStruse | May 1981 | |
herpetologist | ho, got reptiles | FINance | Jan 1930 | |
herpetologist, a | O, has got reptile | Ulk | May 1988 | |
herpetologists | go host reptiles | Pacifico | May 1957 | |
hearing | ear nigh | DCVer | Oct 1931 | |
headstrong | danger-shot | Hap | Sep 1973 | |
headstrong | Ned got rash | Sourdough | Mar 1950 | |
heartaches | ah, the cares 70 | Gee | Apr 1913 | |
hearers | her ears | Grandmother | Apr 1928 | |
heinous | O, sin hue | TheGink | Oct 1973 | |
hermaphrodite | aped 't him or her | Poly | May 1932 | |
hermaphrodite | opt, dear: him? her? | Mangie | Jun 1976 | |
heartbeats | heat breast | Hoho | Jan 1970 | |
hearthstone, a | heats another | Leip | Apr 1931 | |
hesitated | haste tied | Francolin | Jun 1916 | |
helianthus | hail the sun | Hoodwink | Dec 1959 | |
headwaters | a watershed | Pacifico | Feb 1954 | |
hereafter | there, fear | LordBaltimo+ | Apr 1921 | |
helicopters | pilots cheer | Larry | Oct 1953 | |
heart's-ease | ah, see a rest | Primrose | May 1923 | |
hearses, the | ashes there | Molemi | Sep 1953 | |
heart disease | easier deaths | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | |
headlights | held a sight | JackOLantern | Apr 1932 | |
hereafter | heart free | FMarkHorn | May 1945 | |
heresiarch, the | he, rash heretic | BlueHenChickNov 1940 | ||
heresiarchy | arch-heresy, I | AlTTude | Feb 1925 | |
hereditament | attend me, heir | Archimedes | Mar 1940 | |
heavens, the | haven, these | Arcanus | Nov 1939 | |
herald, a | hear lad | AbStruse | Aug 1938 | |
heinousness | one's sins' hue | AwlWrong | Feb 1938 | |
heresiology | O, I log heresy | Yercas | Jan 1938 | |
heterogeneousness | no one set guess here | FredDomino | Apr 1960 | |
heathendom | the Han mode | Wehanonowit | Jan 1937 | |
heteronymous | use y'other nom | Wehanonowit | Jan 1937 | |
headstones, the | deaths on these | AwlWrong | Nov 1936 | |
hedonist, a | hates doin' | Tartarin | May 1934 | |
heat prostration | hot tip: near-roast | JayEstee | Jul 1932 | |
headlines | lead! shine! | Enavlicm | Sep 1931 | |
helpmates | theme: pals | Enavlicm | Jun 1920 | |
head over heels | he, she: love, dear | Tweaser | Aug 1987 | |
hesitation | I? I haste not | NoholdsBard | Oct 1988 | |
hesitation | O, haste in it* | NoholdsBard | Oct 1988 | |
hen party, a | an' they rap | Jaelti | Feb 1990 | |
heteroclites | I select other | NoholdsBard | May 1988 | |
hearts of stone | are th' soft ones* | AChem | Apr 1946 | |
hearts of stone | aren't so soft, eh? | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
head of lettuce, a | touched, ate leaf | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | |
Hierosolymitan | O, in my hot Israel | Newrow | Aug 1984 | |
hibernation | I, in a berth? no | Val | Sep 1976 | |
hibernation, a | ah, no bear in it* | Hoosier | Apr 1934 | |
hibernated | bear hit den 56 | Viking | Mar 1934 | |
histrionical | actor is nihil* | Hoho | Jan 1969 | |
hirrient, the | I hint "R" there | Pacifico | Dec 1961 | |
hibernating | hinting bear | Arcanus | Feb 1951 | |
high-sounding | hiding no gush | AwlWrong | Feb 1939 | |
hiccups | cups (hic!) | YKnott | Apr 1936 | |
highest | set high 33 | Amaranth | Jan 1925 | |
hindrance, a | ran chained | SakrElBahr | Sep 1933 | |
highbrow, the | how bright, he | AlecSander | Apr 1926 | |
hibernate | be in earth | Quedpa | Jun 1940 | |
hibernates | the bear's in | PAB | Jan 1922 | |
Hispania | ah, Spain, I | Atlantis | May 1914 | |
higher mathematics | M.A. teaches him right | Ixaxar | Sep 1935 | |
higher mathematics | hah! arithmetic gems* | Nightowl | Dec 1985 | |
horse opera | a hero ropes | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | |
horse opera, the | hep hero's oater | UFO | Jan 1984 | |
hospital, a | at "ail" shop | Amaranth | Dec 1927 | |
hospital, a | ah, stop ail | Osaple | Jan 1921 | |
hospital, the | I, health spot | AbStruse | Feb 1981 | |
hospital, a | ah, ail spot | DhumbbBhelle | May 1958 | |
hospitality | a host, I ply it | Barnyard | Dec 1913 | |
hospitality | host, I play it 45,80 | DCVer | Jul 1919 | |
hospitality | ay, polisht it | MazyMasker | May 1930 | |
hospitality | hostility, Pa!* | Travv | Mar 1975 | |
hobbledehoy | behold he-boy | Irish | Aug 1977 | |
hobbledehoy | oh, boy beheld | DCVer | Dec 1931 | |
hobbledehoy, a | behold a boy, eh? | PhilOLoger | Jan 1913 | |
horn of plenty | thorny: no pelf* | Acorn | Apr 1976 | |
hooligan | hail, goon | Travv | Sep 1975 | |
holocausts, the | use th' hot coals | Hoho | Jun 1969 | |
horsewoman | show, on | Mare | Larry | Jan 1977 |
hoodwinker | hider now: OK? | Larry | May 1968 | |
horse-radish | hoarser dish | Hoho | Aug 1962 | |
homesteader, a | he roamed east* | FredDomino | Jan 1961 | |
housecoat | a oh, so cute | FredDomino | Jun 1958 | |
hostage, a | he's a goat | Hoho | Jan 1951 | |
horror-stricken, the | hint: terror shocker | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
horrified | fie, horrid | Yercas | Jun 1947 | |
honeymoon | oh, on money | Alcyo | Oct 1924 | |
honeymoons | no moony she* | Arcanus | Feb 1947 | |
horseman, a | has no | Mare* | Larry | Feb 1940 |
hostile | "lie!" shot | BeauNed | Feb 1939 | |
hot dog | doth go | BeauNed | Jul 1939 | |
hospitable | host, pal I be | Nypho | Apr 1939 | |
Homo sapiens | O, man, his pose | Yercas | Sep 1933 | |
Homo sapiens | hope man is so | Hoho | Sep 1938 | |
housewarming, the | thus rig a new home | AwlWrong | Nov 1937 | |
housewarming | using raw home | Yercas | Mar 1935 | |
honorable | ah! or noble | SakrElBahr | Aug 1933 | |
hostelries, the | there is hotels | Vulcan | Sep 1928 | |
hostelries | hotels, sire | Enavlicm | Feb 1921 | |
horse latitudes | oh, listed sea rut | Hercules | Oct 1925 | |
homoiousian | homoousian, I* | Al | Aug 1925 | |
howlet | the owl | Enavlicm | Dec 1912 | |
horripilations | roils hair on tip | Chris | Dec 1913 | |
hoarseness | ah, soreness | Vesta | Mar 1919 | |
hornet, the | hotter'n ----, eh? | Towhead | Sep 1923 | |
hoot owl, a | la, to-whoo | Ralph | Oct 1923 | |
Holy Grail | glory hail | AbStruse | Jun 1940 | |
hound-dog, the | he'd hunt good | JackOLantern | Jan 1935 | |
home plate, the | O, help the team | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
honorable discharge, an | heroes go; clan had brain | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
honorable discharge, an | rah! is clean honor badge | Yercas | Jul 1937 | |
homophone, the | hm, to pen "ho, hoe" | Larry | Nov 1987 | |
Hogarthian | a high art? no | Ixaxar | Nov 1987 | |
house of ill fame | O, O, shameful life | AbStruse | Feb 1989 | |
horse pistol | shot spoiler* | Amigo | Jul 1978 | |
holding one's tongue | silent enough? nod! go! | AChem | Sep 1969 | |
horseless carriage, a | oh, sir, see real gas car | Q | Oct 1912 | |
horseless carriage, a | so here is real gas car | Q | Dec 1920 | |
home computers | up comes the ROM | TeZirMan | Jan 1985 | |
horselaugh | oral gush, he | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
house of ill fame | O foul life, shame! | AbStruse | Jan 1937 | |
house mice, the | cheese him out | Blackstone | Nov 1959 | |
house of correction, the oh, to secure thief or con | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | ||
home permanent, a | ah, Mom, neat preen | Amor | Mar 1963 | |
hurricane | reach ruin 54 | Amaranth | Jun 1916 | |
hurricanes | re: such rain! | Volar | Jan 1980 | |
hurricanes | ruin arches | Amaranth | Jan 1925 | |
hurricanes, the | these churn air 59 | Viking | Oct 1931 | |
hurricanes, the | see th' air churn | AChem | Nov 1929 | |
hymenopter, a | yep, am hornet | Travv | Feb 1985 | |
hymenopterologist | I pet gloomy hornets | Newrow | Jun 1981 | |
hysterically | ill as they cry | Graydol | Jul 1976 | |
hysterically | hist! ye all cry | Wehanonowit | Mar 1941 | |
hysterically | heat: silly cry | Hank | Mar 1928 | |
hypochondriacs | cry "oh, doc, pain's h---!" | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
hypochondriac, a | oh, phony cardiac | Hap | Sep 1974 | |
hypochondriac | ah, dopy chronic | TheGink | Jul 1973 | |
hypochondriac | cry "ohh, doc...pain!" | Wabbit | Feb 1990 | |
hypocritical | "ah!" politic cry* | Hap | Nov 1973 | |
humanists | thus is man | Fiddle | Jul 1960 | |
hurt | ruth | Pacifico | Nov 1957 | |
hysterics | the "Sis" cry | Hoho | Nov 1939 | |
hyracoidean, the | ah, I had tree cony | Elf | Sep 1985 | |
hypercritic, a | itchy carper, I | AwlWrong | Jan 1937 | |
hunting | hint: gun | SakrElBahr | Sep 1931 | |
humdinger, a | I, human dreg* | BlueHenChickJun 1929 | ||
humanitarian, the | I hate an' I hurt man* | Vulcan | Apr 1928 | |
humanitarians, the | hint: Samaritan hue | Amaranth | Jun 1924 | |
human nature | man, a true Hun | MCS | Jul 1927 | |
hustlers | let's rush | Gemini | Jul 1924 | |
hustler | her? slut! | TeZirMan | Jul 1988 | |
hylotheism | me this holy* | Orion | Sep 1930 | |
hypnotism | st! I'm phony | Nypho | Aug 1925 | |
humiliation | I ail unto him | Francolin | Jun 1916 | |
hypocorism | "Mr. Poochy" is.. | NoholdsBard | Sep 1987 | |
human race, the | ah, her cute man | QuiVive | Mar 1913 | |
ignoramus, the | smart enough, I* 61 | Damonomad | Dec 1935 | |
ignoramus | I'm no Argus | QGaw | Dec 1985 | |
ignoramus | nor magus, I | Hap | Mar 1977 | |
ignoramus, the | I'm no huge star | DCVer | Apr 1935 | |
illegitimacy | I limit legacy | Kamel | Mar 1977 | |
ignorant | no rating | Arcanus | Oct 1929 | |
illustrate | it'll use art | Bronwyn | Mar 1980 | |
identification | a notice, I find it | Moonshine | Jun 1927 | |
identifications | O, inside fact in it | Arcanus | Sep 1956 | |
illegitimate | I time it, legal* | Hoodwink | May 1955 | |
idealist | I sat idle | MCS | Mar 1922 | |
identified | I defined it 34 | LaNoitan | Dec 1913 | |
identify | ye find it | SamSlick | Sep 1918 | |
idealism | I mislead 22 | Spica | Dec 1919 | |
icosahedron | I had score on | AyayeKay | Feb 1943 | |
illustrators, the | art lures this lot | AwlWrong | Aug 1948 | |
illustrators, the | art hustlers toil | AwlWrong | Aug 1948 | |
ill-humoredness | no smiles hurled | AwlWrong | Nov 1943 | |
ill-humoredness | I, men's dour shell | AwlWrong | Apr 1940 | |
ideologist | is to go idle | Wehanonowit | Sep 1935 | |
idler, an | I learn'd* | ITappaKe | Jun 1933 | |
identicalness | act ends in lies* | Primrose | Apr 1931 | |
identicalness | I in endless act | Primrose | Dec 1930 | |
impersonated | see 'm doin' part | Tartarin | Sep 1934 | |
impersonator | I'm on aper sort | AyayeKay | Aug 1942 | |
impersonator | or an imposter | AbStruse | Sep 1982 | |
impersonator, the | Mr., I ape not others* | Spreggs | Oct 1941 | |
impersonate | "pose" in a term | Viking | May 1940 | |
imprisonment | in pen, Mom: stir! | Quip | Jan 1981 | |
immediately | I'm time delay* 33 | Nypho | Feb 1927 | |
immediately | aid me timely | EmmaLine | Aug 1913 | |
immediately | aimed timely | DCBecker | Jan 1962 | |
imprisonment, the | I'm term, tho' in pens | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
impetus, the | meet it, push | Larry | Jan 1975 | |
impeachment | it pen Mecham? | Ulk | May 1988 | |
impulse, the | I let me push | Larry | Jan 1975 | |
imprecation | tip on a crime | EmmoW | Feb 1953 | |
impresario | promise air | Hap | Jan 1975 | |
impresario, the | I'm their opera's.. | Viking | May 1969 | |
impresario, the | hi, Mister Opera | DeeGee | Dec 1955 | |
impregnate | permeating 73 | AwlWrong | Sep 1937 | |
imprecation, the | I'm nice pert oath | Vulcan | Jul 1928 | |
imbroglio | or big moil | AnnDhow | Dec 1970 | |
impecunious | 'im use up coin | MissileC | Aug 1969 | |
immigration | I'm roaming it | YKnott | Jun 1926 | |
imperturbable | but abler prime | Oedipus | Jul 1968 | |
imposture | I'm top ruse | TheGink | Jul 1961 | |
importance | no prime act* | FredDomino | Jun 1943 | |
importantly | I'm not paltry | Winona | Mar 1962 | |
impression, the | is some print, eh? | Viking | Apr 1939 | |
impression, the | this one primes | Viking | Apr 1939 | |
impressionableness | sensible person's aim | Evergreen | Sep 1957 | |
impetuosity | O, my! I set it up | Spica | Sep 1916 | |
impenetrability | I try impale; I bent | Roscoe | Dec 1918 | |
imperfection | no, I'm perfect, I* | NetNats | Jan 1929 | |
imitation | I, I am not it | AleSander | May 1921 | |
brachyurans | yah! run! crabs! | NoholdsBard | Apr 1990 | |
diatribe, the | tirade bit, eh? | Ostrich | Apr 1990 | |
inactive | I can't vie | SEArcher | Apr 1917 | |
inamorato, the | a hint at Romeo | Hoho | Jul 1968 | |
inamorato, the | a Romeo in that | Viking | Jul 1968 | |
inarticulate | taciturn? a lie* | AChem | Apr 1968 | |
inarticulateness | utterance is as nil | Blackstone | Jan 1937 | |
inarticulateness | is in unclear state | Blackstone | Jan 1937 | |
inarticulateness | scan: is unliterate | Blackstone | Jan 1937 | |
inaction | I in no act | AlecSander | Nov 1934 | |
inarticulateness | is a turn at silence | JackOLantern | Apr 1928 | |
inanimation | am inanition | Al | Aug 1925 | |
incorporation, an | in pro rata on coin | TheGopher | Aug 1917 | |
incomprehensibility | no simplicity be in her 33 | Roscoe | Dec 1918 | |
incompatibleness | no pet bliss came in | BeauNed | May 1928 | |
incompatibleness | me not nice sib, pals | AyayeKay | Oct 1943 | |
incompatibleness | blest in companies* | SumSolver | Jan 1927 | |
incompatibility | I, I ply it in combat | PercyVere | Sep 1920 | |
incompatible | I be compliant* | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
incendiarism | sin and crime, I | Enavlicm | Jan 1922 | |
incendiaries | insane, I cried | PatristocratJul 1946 | ||
incompetents | inept men cost | AlecSander | Jul 1922 | |
inconsiderate | is not nice, dear 42,45 | LKinSpark | Jan 1923 | |
incarcerated | crated in care | Travv | Oct 1977 | |
incinerated | neat cinder, I | Hoho | Jan 1976 | |
incinerated | net: a cinder, I | Nypho | Jul 1947 | |
inconsequential | ---l! cite sine qua non!* | BNatural | Jun 1960 | |
inconsistent | N is, N is not, etc. | WrongFont | Dec 1943 | |
incontestable | no act best line | AyayeKay | Oct 1943 | |
incopresentable | lo, I can be present | EmmaW | Sep 1940 | |
incantations, the | I chant at "in" notes | Hoho | Oct 1939 | |
income | coin me | SakrElBahr | Apr 1935 | |
incognito | cognition* | Yercas | Dec 1931 | |
incurvature | I turn a curve | Damonomad | May 1931 | |
incomparable | no par be claim | DCVer | Feb 1931 | |
incomprehensible | problem in Chinese | Gemini | Jul 1929 | |
incomprehensibleness | simper, I belch nonsense | Moonshine | Oct 1927 | |
incitation | action in it | NoholdsBard | Jan 1988 | |
incrustation | rust in action | NoholdsBard | Aug 1989 | |
indetermination | I note a mind inert | SEArcher | Apr 1914 | |
indulgent | end in glut | Chris | Dec 1915 | |
indestructibility | I bide strictly unit | PercyVere | Sep 1920 | |
indestructible | built | Decent, sir | Archimedes | May 1938 |
indiscretion | no credit: I sin | ElLee | Nov 1920 | |
indoctrinate | train on edict | Tut | May 1976 | |
indiscreet | I din secret | Hap | Sep 1975 | |
indolence | idle nonce 60 | AbStruse | Feb 1940 | |
indefatigability | aged, I fail tiny bit* | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
indecorousness | con rude ones, Sis | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
indefatigableness | a blessing in defeat* | EmmoW | Nov 1952 | |
indistinguishableness | ibid., thing is unseen, lass Evergreen | Jun 1952 | ||
indistinguishable | is a thin, blind guise | ArtyEss | Feb 1952 | |
indistinguishableness | a blindness in this guise | Gemini | Oct 1926 | |
indiscriminately | is indirect, mainly | Arcanus | Jan 1948 | |
indiscretion | I discern? not I! | Yercas | Oct 1927 | |
indiscretion | is dirt nice? no | Hoho | Oct 1942 | |
indigestible | gist: inedible | Macropod | Mar 1940 | |
indigestible | giblet inside | Katmat | Dec 1941 | |
indigestible | gist: lie in bed | Katmat | Jul 1935 | |
indigestible | edible? I sting | Evergreen | Apr 1932 | |
indigestion | I get so, dinin' | Hoho | Jun 1941 | |
indeterminate | mind in a teeter | AwlWrong | May 1938 | |
indigenous | is one dug in | Yercas | Mar 1933 | |
indomitableness | endless ambition | CF | May 1929 | |
indomitableness | lessen'd ambition* | CF | May 1929 | |
indomitable | I'm in bed a lot* | Castet | Mar 1929 | |
indentation | neat dint, I, no? | Osaple | Mar 1925 | |
independence | dine: end pence* | Meno | Nov 1924 | |
inebriate | anti-beer, I* 38 | Amaranth | Jan 1916 | |
inefficient | fine, fit, nice* 75 | EmmaLine | Mar 1916 | |
inertia | I tear in* | Midurndist | Jul 1970 | |
ineluctability | clue t' inability* | EmmoW | Nov 1952 | |
inexpensiveness | six, seven pennies | DCVer | Jun 1931 | |
inebrious | I? I unsober | XSpecked | Oct 1930 | |
inebriety | I beery? nit!* | XSpecked | Sep 1930 | |
inextricableness | six crabs in eel net | Moonshine | Sep 1927 | |
infinitesimally | I tiny; I small, fine 31,38 | Arcanus | Nov 1912 | |
infinitesimal | mites in finial | Arcanus | Jun 1957 | |
infinitesimal | final in mites, I | Nypho | Aug 1949 | |
infinitesimal | is in final mite | Yercas | Jun 1933 | |
infection | fine tonic* | EmmaC | Sep 1916 | |
inferno, an | on fire, Ann | Livedevil | Oct 1935 | |
inferno | non-fire* 84,86 | Osaple | Apr 1978 | |
inferno | fire? n-no* | Cincinnatus | Apr 1934 | |
infamous | am fu' o' sin | Travv | Aug 1976 | |
infuriated | a "fired" nut, I | TheGink | Jul 1961 | |
in flagrante delicto | Ted, Ella fornicating? | Shrdlu | Mar 1989 | |
inferiority complex, an | plenty ironic: fear o' mix | DeeGee | Mar 1956 | |
inferiority complex, an | in fix, I learn to mope, cry | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
inferiority complex, an | poor me: certainly in fix | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
inferiority complex, an | a poor mixt cryin' feelin' | Mytho | Nar 1930 | |
infernal regions, the | fling heat o'er sinner | Amaranth | Oct 1925 | |
infernal regions, the | here for late sinning | Amaranth | Oct 1925 | |
infernal regions, the | nigh eternal fire, son | Amaranth | Oct 1925 | |
infernal regions, the | O, triflers in Gehenna | Amaranth | Oct 1925 | |
infernal regions, the | a long nether sin fire | DCVer | Mar 1930 | |
infernal regions, the | sinner loafing there | SirA | May 1917 | |
infernal regions, the | angel's throne in fire | AwlWrong | Dec 1935 | |
infernal region, the | far on nigrine Lethe | Hercules | May 1931 | |
infernal regions, the | Sheol, in fire regnant | Hercules | Jun 1931 | |
infernal regions, the | nether angel is in for | Hercules | Jun 1931 | |
infernal regions, the | no final resting here | Viking | May 1931 | |
ingesta | eatings 29,83,90 | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
ingredients | needing stir | AbStruse | Oct 1979 | |
ingrates | sin great | ElUqsor | Feb 1957 | |
inhumanism | I'm unmanish | PuzLDure | Aug 1920 | |
inheritances | heirs in a cent | Viking | Dec 1969 | |
inheritor, an | heir ran into | Arcanus | Jul 1948 | |
inhospitality | Pa in hostility | Vulcan | Nov 1928 | |
inheritances | nine heirs act | Gemini | Jul 1926 | |
inherit | heir in't | TheGopher | Aug 1925 | |
iniquities | i.e., I quit sin* 58 | JayTuefs | Apr 1940 | |
initials | A.I., N.I., I.T., I.S. | Enavlicm | Mar 1931 | |
innominate | no name in it 55 | Spud | Dec 1922 | |
innocents | non-scient | Hoho | Aug 1936 | |
innuendo, the | one nude hint | Vulcan | Jul 1929 | |
inroad | no raid* | Famulus | Apr 1985 | |
inroads | no raids* | Viking | Oct 1964 | |
insensate | anti-sense | Amaranth | Oct 1924 | |
insensate | set insane | Osaple | Aug 1925 | |
installment | 'tisn't all, men | Ellsworth | May 1925 | |
insectivore, an | vision a tenrec | Travv | Dec 1976 | |
insubordinate | irate in bounds | Barnyard | Jan 1922 | |
insubordinates | I under a boss? nit! | DCVer | Jan 1920 | |
insubordinately | ain't doin' by rules | AChem | Dec 1962 | |
insubordinations | sin abounds in riot | Empty | Dec 1939 | |
insubordination | bad riots in union | HomeBrew | Sep 1939 | |
insubordination | it is a no-bond ruin | Enigma | May 1928 | |
insurrectionist | is not in truce, sir* | Oedipus | Feb 1963 | |
insurrectionist, an | in Castro, I sent ruin | Viking | Mar 1963 | |
insurrectionaries, the | in case these riot, I-I run | NotInsane! | Oct 1984 | |
insurrection, the | hit, run: riot scene 82 | Damonomad | Mar 1931 | |
insurrectionaries | I curse a riot sinner | Zoroaster | Dec 1928 | |
insurrections | Erin's ructions | Grandmother | Dec 1925 | |
instigation | is it not "I nag"? | AbStruse | Jun 1982 | |
instrumentation | turn it into "means" | Viking | Apr 1973 | |
inseparately | is yet near pal | Viking | Jul 1968 | |
instrumentality | try until "means" it | TheGopher | Feb 1965 | |
inscrutable | bust in clear* | TheGopher | Feb 1965 | |
instrumentalist | 'tis a minstrel nut | Alcyo | May 1924 | |
instrumentalist | lutanist's in term | Viking | Feb 1964 | |
instrumentalist | I miss talent turn* | Oedipus | Sep 1963 | |
instrumentalist, the | strum in ten late hits | DTect | Sep 1949 | |
insupportable | unstable prop, I | HardCoal | Aug 1923 | |
instigates | sets in gait | TheGink | Nov 1960 | |
inspirational | a loan in spirit | FredDomino | Oct 1960 | |
instantaneously | Sonny, us ain't late | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
insolence | no silence | EmmoW | Jun 1952 | |
insurgents | sing unrest | DCVer | May 1930 | |
insurgent | unresting | Barnyard | Aug 1921 | |
inspection, an | scan it in open | AwlWrong | Apr 1938 | |
insanities | insane it is | Cincinnatus | Aug 1935 | |
instigator, the | O, he starting it | Evergreen | Apr 1932 | |
insinuation, the | i.e., hint: it's a noun | Sphinx | Aug 1984 | |
inserting | set in ring | Moonshine | Jul 1927 | |
insurmountable | unmountable, sir | Moonshine | Jul 1927 | |
interregnum | unreign term | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
interpolates | I present a lot | EmmaC | Jun 1918 | |
interpolates | tip: one alters | BNatural | Dec 1961 | |
interpretation | a reprint note, it | ElLee | Jun 1920 | |
interrogatory | it got any error? | Amaranth | Oct 1930 | |
interrogatives | I strive to anger | LKinSpark | Dec 1922 | |
intermission | is interim, son | SEArcher | May 1914 | |
intermission, the | one hint is "I'm rest" | Viking | Apr 1970 | |
interference | 'n' free rein, etc.* | Ulk | May 1986 | |
intertessellation | learn to set in tiles | Meo | Dec 1980 | |
integration | Negro in at it | Fiddle | Nov 1963 | |
integration | I taint Negro | AbStruse | Nov 1979 | |
integration | anti-Negro, it* | Hoodwink | Oct 1967 | |
interim, an | time ran in 68 | AwlWrong | Feb 1938 | |
interfaith | "father" in it | Hoho | Oct 1966 | |
intolerance | let in no race | Ajax | May 1926 | |
intolerance | can't rile one* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
intolerance | not real nice | Hoosier | Sep 1928 | |
interweavement | ever meant "twine" | Viking | Jan 1963 | |
intimation, the | I mean it to hint | TheGink | Oct 1962 | |
interlocutor, an | cite no oral turn | FredDomino | Apr 1961 | |
interlocutor, an | curt in oral tone* | FredDomino | Apr 1961 | |
integrated | tie granted | TheGink | Nov 1960 | |
intolerable | bear it? 'ell, no | BeauNed | Feb 1939 | |
intolerable | 'ell! I bear not | Spreggs | Jun 1930 | |
intolerable | one'll bear it* | AChem | Jun 1955 | |
intolerable | not reliable | Remardo | Jun 1930 | |
intolerable | at rebellion | Amaranth | Sep 1924 | |
intelligentsia | in lasting elite | Genesian | Apr 1942 | |
intelligentsia | in elegant list, I | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
interweaving | ever a twining | AwlWrong | Dec 1943 | |
intermediary | I try amend ire | AyayeKay | Jul 1943 | |
intransigentist | in 'gainst it stern | AyayeKay | Mar 1943 | |
international | n't an alien trio* | Quedpa | Jun 1940 | |
intoxicate | excitation 39 | Rex | Mar 3 00AP | |
interminable | ne'er nab limit | AwlWrong | May 1938 | |
interminable | n.b. ne'er a limit | AChem | Aug 1928 | |
intercourse | courier sent | DCVer | Feb 1936 | |
integrality | larg' entity, I | Wehanonowit | Sep 1935 | |
intimate | I meant it | AlecSander | Aug 1935 | |
interstitial | rate it in slit | AlecSander | Nov 1934 | |
interdenominationalism | I damn it not a lie in sermonTheMagician | Mar 1930 | ||
intermeddlesomeness | O, minds less me entered | TheMagician | Mar 1930 | |
intermediations | in re demi-station | Wehanonowit | Jan 1933 | |
intoxicated | d---! I-I can't toe X | EmmoW | Jul 1931 | |
interruptions | pert intrusion | Nypho | Oct 1929 | |
interwreathed | art twined here | Moonshine | May 1927 | |
intelligentness | let sense glint in | Moonshine | Aug 1926 | |
interdict, the | then credit it | Cincinnatus | Jun 1926 | |
intrigue | true gin, I | NJineer | Feb 1926 | |
inveiglements | evil in me, gents | Chris | Jan 1916 | |
investigator | visitor, agent | Travv | Mar 1978 | |
investigators | great on visits | Atlantis | Jul 1924 | |
investigations | visit: note gains | DeeGee | Aug 1955 | |
inveigling | giving line | FredDomino | Dec 1943 | |
invigorates | gives rain to | Merlin | Apr 1972 | |
invigorate | gave it iron | Gemini | Feb 1938 | |
inveigled | led: give in | DCVer | Oct 1934 | |
investigate | I've a testing | AlecSander | Jun 1932 | |
investigates | gives a test in | DCVer | Jan 1932 | |
invigoration | giv'n in air, too | PoorRichard | Jul 1928 | |
instantaneously | use only a' instant | NedNats | Dec 1931 | |
iteration | I ain't rote* | Senor | Mar 1984 | |
iterates | I restate | Kenneth | Jan 1926 | |
Israeli | Ariel is | Junior | Jan 1984 | |
irascible | rile? basic | Hap | Jul 1974 | |
irritated | trait: ired | Merlin | Aug 1974 | |
isothermal | is hot realm | Hoho | Mar 1966 | |
isolationist, the | I this: to sit alone | EmmoW | Apr 1945 | |
Ivernia | via Erin | Kenneth | Jun 1945 | |
iodeosin | so, iodine | Ralph | Apr 1931 | |
Irishman, the | Erin ham, this | Wetzel | Mar 1926 | |
irksome | I: smoker | Hap | Nov 1975 | |
Israelites | I see trials | Amaranth | Oct 1927 | |
isothere | e'er is hot | Yercas | Feb 1927 | |
infantile paralysis | spine fails any trial | Hoho | Mar 1939 | |
infantile paralysis | ain't fairly painless* | Arcanus | Sep 1951 | |
infantile paralysis | a palsy in life's train | DCVer | Mar 1933 | |
income tax, the | exaction them' | SueDoe | May 1951 | |
income tax | coin met ax 77 | SakrElBahr | Apr 1935 | |
iced tea | ace diet | Molemi | Oct 1945 | |
insane asylum, the | see! it has "luny" man | Zoroaster | Feb 1938 | |
insane asylum, the | male nuts in't? ah, yes | Spreggs | Jan 1940 | |
insane asylums, the | human sanity's lees | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
insane asylum, the | i.e., heals many nuts 4*P81 | Merlin | Oct 1969 | |
inside information | I infer on inmost aid | Pat | May 1953 | |
Industrial Revolution, the | lo, overturn hand utilities | DeeGee | Jan 1956 | |
instrumental music | is calm, strum in tone | FredDomino | Oct 1956 | |
intravenous injection | inset can join vein tour | Hoho | Jan 1968 | |
Indian summers, the | a sun is dimmer then | Viking | Jan 1971 | |
Indian reservation, the | hear no red natives in it* 85AbStruse | Sep 1983 | ||
Indian reservations | insiders: roan, native | TheGink | May 1974 | |
idem sonans | so'ndin' same | Hap | Sep 1978 | |
iambic pentameter | m...nice rime, apt beat | Uniqorn | Apr 1978 | |
interior | Decorator | I, creator into order | AbStruse | Sep 1980 |
iron mines | ore is in mn. | Nightowl | Nov 1977 | |
indecent exposure | er, expect no undies | AbStruse | May 1980 | |
jokester | jester, OK? | AbStruse | Feb 1988 | |
jewelers, the | jewels there | LaNoitan | Feb 1915 | |
jollifying | joy filling | Atlantis | Aug 1920 | |
jollity | lilt, joy 84 | AwlWrong | Aug 1937 | |
justificatory | if it cost a jury | ERacer | Jun 1928 | |
jeremiad | mad jeer, I | Hap | Feb 1979 | |
juvenile delinquents | quell us in d--n teen jive | Viking | Jun 1970 | |
juvenile delinquents, thehint: teens unquelled jive | Pat | Feb 1954 | ||
jalouse | jealous | AwlWrong | Nov 1945 | |
jocundity | induct joy | Viking | Aug 1934 | |
koniscope, the | oh, I note speck | OKay | Sep 1920 | |
kidding | kind dig | SakrElBahr | Jan 1933 | |
knockout | tuck on KO | AwlWrong | Jul 1942 | |
kidnaper, the | he parted kin | Hercules | May 1939 | |
kindergartens | rang: kids enter | Oedipus | Oct 1961 | |
kindergartens, the | get 'n' then rear kids | EmmoW | Feb 1931 | |
kindergartens, the | kids gather 'n' enter | RovingVic | Oct 1939 | |
kleptomaniacs | Nick stole a map | Vesta | Jan 1919 | |
kleptomaniacs | task policeman | Hercules | Mar 1927 | |
kleptomaniacs | O, man takes clip | ImaLone | Aug 1927 | |
kleptomaniacs, the | ah, pick men to steal | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
kleptomaniacs, the | steal 'n' pack it home | Hoodwink | Feb 1949 | |
kleptomaniac | I take, cop 'n' lam | Jerg | Feb 1989 | |
kitchen utensils | luck in these tins | Remardo | Jun 1927 | |
kitchen stove, a | heat! oven ticks | TheGopher | May 1924 | |
Kentucky cardinal, a | can lay: red Kaintuck | Druh | Apr 1931 | |
karate | re: kata | Kremlin | Feb 1986 | |
know-it-alls, the | we think so tall | Sphinx | Nov 1985 | |
kyoodle | OK, yodel | Tweaser | Dec 1983 | |
kaleidoscope | look! as pieced | Hap | Apr 1974 | |
Kingdom of Heaven, the | God-haven [of] them I ken | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
kiss of Judas, the | doth ask if Jesus | AwlWrong | May 1948 | |
kiss of Judas, the | hid task of Jesus | AwlWrong | May 1948 | |
kimono | I'm on OK | FredDomino | Aug 1938 | |
lachrymose | lo, has 'em cry | Ulk | Feb 1988 | |
lachrymose | Hal, cry some | FredLot | Mar 1919 | |
lachrymose | O, me! Hal crys | Vesta | Mar 1919 | |
lacrymose | some cry, Al | BeauNed | Mar 1934 | |
lacrymal | am all cry | SamSlic | Apr 1919 | |
lachrymals | all hams cry | Hap | Jan 1979 | |
lachrymatories | oh, Mal! I cry tears | Druh | Sep 1929 | |
law and order | no Red war, lad | Mystery | Jan 1920 | |
lachrymation, the | an' hath motile cry | BlueHenChickOct 1935 | ||
lateness | seen last | Barnyard | Oct 1920 | |
ladies | ideals | Guidon | Jan 1922 | |
ladies | i.e., lads* | Hoho | Mar 1966 | |
lamentation | let in at moan | Ixaxar | Jan 1939 | |
lamentations | let antis moan | Mam | Nov 1923 | |
lamentations | latest moanin' | Li'lGamin | Jan 1977 | |
lamentation | I, latent moan* | AlecSander | Jan 1935 | |
laryngitis | trying ails | Amaranth | Aug 1925 | |
laryngitis | try sing? ail! | TheSyndicateAug 1938 | ||
lactodensimeter, a | ideal test on cream | Hercules | Dec 1925 | |
lambasting | slam-bang it | AwlWrong | Mar 1938 | |
lambaste | beat, slam 34,83 | Kenneth | Mar 1926 | |
lambastings | it's slam, bang | AChem | Sep 1971 | |
lachrymosity | ah, mostly I cry | YKnott | Aug 1927 | |
laughing gas, the | ha, ha! nut giggles | Enavlicm | Mar 1928 | |
labefactation | banal face to it | BeauNed | Jun 1928 | |
laggard | drag, lad | Yercas | Nov 1930 | |
laughing-stock, the | gink got cult's he-ha! | Damonomad | Mar 1931 | |
larrikinalian | a-larkin' in lair | Skylight | Sep 1931 | |
lager beer | be regaler | DCVer | Mar 1932 | |
laughing hyenas, the | e'en ugly things ha-ha | Atlantis | Sep 1932 | |
last straw, the | shalt test war | DCVer | Oct 1934 | |
last straw, the | that lets wars | DCVer | Oct 1934 | |
last straw, the | wrath's latest | DCVer | Oct 1934 | |
last straw, the | la, tests wrath | MissileC | Jun 1966 | |
lacquered | queer clad | Wehanonowit | Feb 1935 | |
laundering | guard linen | BeauNed | Oct 1935 | |
laugh, a | gula "ha" | Osaple | Jun 1936 | |
lasciviousness | vice, as soul sins | Li'lGamin | Nov 1976 | |
lasciviousness | as vices in souls | Viking | Jul 1937 | |
ladies' man, the | anti-damsel, he* | Larry | Apr 1974 | |
ladies' man, the | laid ten? shame! | Twisto | Jun 1988 | |
ladies' man | nails dame 74 | AwlWrong | Apr 1938 | |
laundries, the | lather undies | Nypho | Dec 1938 | |
laboratories | labor to raise | Wehanonowit | Feb 1939 | |
lattermost | to term last | AwlWrong | Apr 1940 | |
lambel, a | am lable | AwlWrong | Nov 1941 | |
latitudinarianism | a mind is anti-ritual | AyayeKay | Feb 1943 | |
Laestrygonians | early giants, son | NatPal | Jul 1950 | |
last will and testament, the | man dies: let that tell wants | Viking | Jun 1952 | |
lapidates | a pelt aids | Viking | Jun 1968 | |
lamellibranchiates | herein I tab all clams | Viking | May 1972 | |
lamellibranchiate | able hint: real clam, I | Travv | Nov 1977 | |
labor pains | a pal is born | Bronwyn | May 1979 | |
last roundup, the | thus end tour, pal | AbStruse | May 1983 | |
last roundup, the | lo, death turns up | Marmion | Dec 1936 | |
lame-brain, the | I, mental bar, eh? | Larry | Jun 1985 | |
lame-brain, a | air able man* | Travv | Jun 1985 | |
ladies' room, the | it's a loo, Mr.: heed! | Ulk | Apr 1988 | |
lariat, a | riata? la! | Ulk | Dec 1988 | |
landscape gardener, the | and he graced tree plans | Francolin | Mar 1916 | |
landscape gardener, the | he planted ranged acres | Moonshine | Apr 1927 | |
landscape gardener, the | drean, then grade places | Roscoe | Apr 1927 | |
landscape gardener, the | re: hedge and plant cares | AChem | Apr 1931 | |
landscape gardener, the | had green acres planted | FredDomino | May 1950 | |
landscape gardener, the | see grand acre he'd plant | Viking | May 1964 | |
Labors of Hercules, the | lo, he lobs crusher feat | Zoroaster | Jun 1927 | |
Labours of Hercules, the | has Cerberus out [of] Hell | Nutmeg | Jul 1930 | |
Labors of Hercules, the | chore: flush stable o'er | AwlWrong | May 1940 | |
Labors of Hercules, the | or hashes bull [of] Crete | AwlWrong | May 1940 | |
Labors of Hercules, the | O, chore hustler's fable | AwlWrong | Jan 1936 | |
leprous, the | lepers, thou | Atlantis | May 1914 | |
leisured | idle? sure | Stocles | Mar 1920 | |
legislatures | I lag, set rules | TheGink | Nov 1962 | |
legislature | it legal? sure | PuzLDure | Jun 1920 | |
lealty | yet all | Guidon | Mar 1924 | |
leafless | sees fall | Amaranth | Apr 1925 | |
leadership | heads peril | Spreggs | May 1930 | |
lesion, a | ails one | Viking | Dec 1930 | |
legerdemainists, the | retain meed sleights | BNatural | Dec 1958 | |
legerdemainists, the | men aid terse sleight | Damonomad | Jan 1932 | |
legerdemainists | re: misleading set | Merlin | Jan 1971 | |
legerdemainist | i.e., Merlin staged | Xeipon | Feb 1985 | |
legitimately | I met legality | Arcanus | Sep 1935 | |
lead pencils | placed lines | SueDeNymme | May 1936 | |
left fielder, the | [left] field there | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
legal profession, the | trials help fees go on | AwlWrong | Jul 1942 | |
legal profession, the | get nol-pros, hail fees | AwlWrong | Jul 1942 | |
legal profession, the | hope to free snag ills | TheGopher | Oct 1955 | |
lemonade | demon ale* 73 | Plantina | Dec 1942 | |
leprechaun, the | he'l creep, haunt | EmmoW | Jun 1945 | |
lethal | the all | Pacifico | Oct 1957 | |
lethal dose | does the all | Pacifico | Oct 1957 | |
letters of recommendationread o'er lot finest comment | FredDomino | Dec 1958 | ||
leitmotif, the | theme I flit to | Hoho | Dec 1958 | |
levatores | elevators | TheGink | Feb 1971 | |
legal holidays | ay, shall go idle | Amigo | Sep 1979 | |
leopardess, the | see her dots, pal? | TeZirMan | Nov 1989 | |
literary masterpiece, a | say, cite rare, prime tale | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | |
life insurance | I rule finances | Jamaica | Oct 1910 | |
life insurance | is finance lure | BigDaddy | Dec 1968 | |
lion, the | Leo hint 74,84 | Francolin | May 1915 | |
lioness, the | she isn't Leo | TeZirMan | May 1987 | |
libel suit | I'll sue bit | Francolin | Dec 1915 | |
life insurance policy | I rescue folly, in panic | DanDLyon | Jan 1920 | |
life insurance policies, the | I police life insure net cash | Arcanus | Jul 1946 | |
life insurance policy, the | lo, I help finance security | AwlWrong | Feb 1936 | |
listener, a | I lent ears | LeDare | Jul 1919 | |
likeness | ilk's seen | DCVer | May 1920 | |
lightning conductor | conducing torn light | HelvaGoodmanOct 1920 | ||
lithesomeness | then see lissom | Spud | Jul 1923 | |
lithesomeness | these slim ones | JackOLantern | Nov 1923 | |
liberals | bare ills | Hap | Dec 1984 | |
lipothymous | O, thou limpsy | Primrose | Oct 1924 | |
listerize | sterilize | TheGink | Sep 1970 | |
lilacin | in lilac | Al | Aug 1925 | |
lighthouse keeper, the | O, he keepeth sure light | Grandmother | Oct 1925 | |
lipsticks | kist lips, C? | Enavlicm | Apr 1932 | |
lipstick | lick tips | TheGopher | Jan 1926 | |
librarians | brain rails | EdWard | Sep 1926 | |
life preserver, a | saver per relief | AChef | Feb 1928 | |
life rafts | safer lift | Osaple | Dec 1973 | |
lifeboat, a | I be afloat 85 | DCVer | Aug 1928 | |
licentiousness | sin entices soul | Vulcan | Jun 1929 | |
lipsanotheca | O, saint chapel | AbStruse | May 1936 | |
lipsanotheca | O, in chapel sat | Primrose | Sep 1929 | |
lifelessly | feels silly | BeauNed | Dec 1930 | |
lissom | so slim | EmmoW | May 1931 | |
lipper | ripple | Travv | Jul 1982 | |
licentiousness | O, lust is in scene | AwlWrong | Dec 1937 | |
listlessness | stills senses | AwlWrong | Feb 1938 | |
lime tree | mere teil 41 | AwlWrong | Jun 1940 | |
lion's share, the | a hint: loss here* | Katmat | Feb 1942 | |
lion's share, the | 'n' Leo has theirs | NoholdsBard | Jan 1990 | |
libellous | O, bull! lies! | Hoho | Sep 1947 | |
lightheartedness | hither stands glee | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
linguipotence | nice tongue, lip 54 | Ralph | Aug 1950 | |
lie detector, a | alert o' | Deceit | FredDomino | Feb 1960 |
liberty Bell | lilt by rebel | Acorn | Feb 1976 | |
loaf of bread, the | flat hobo fare, Ed | Enavlicm | Nov 1912 | |
lowlands, the | Holland's wet | Remardo | May 1915 | |
loquaciousness | O, coins us squeal | Bud | Mar 1928 | |
lowlands | all downs | Hoho | Jan 1950 | |
loneliness | one illness | Enavlicm | Dec 1919 | |
lowermost | term so low | Donatello | Aug 1929 | |
localities | O, all cities | Enavlicm | Apr 1931 | |
Lord's Prayer, the | err? do try as help | FredDomino | Feb 1952 | |
longshoreman, a | man along shore | SakrElBahr | Feb 1929 | |
lowmindedness | needs low minds | Donatello | Feb 1929 | |
loveliness | sloven lies* | BeauNed | Jun 1931 | |
loveliness | evil, no less* | Hoho | Aug 1963 | |
loveliness | lo, vileness* | Travv | Mar 1985 | |
loathsome | hate looms | AlecSander | Jun 1932 | |
lodestar, a | O, star, lead | PABee | Nov 1933 | |
lowest | low set | SAmple | Nov 1933 | |
longevity | loving yet | Katmat | Jan 1935 | |
loxopterygine | peel gory toxin | Orion | Feb 1938 | |
loudspeaker, the | pseudo-talk here | Reynard | Jul 1938 | |
long distance telephones sending tone, speech to all | FredDomino | May 1950 | ||
locomotives | O, move lot [sic] | RovingVic | Apr 1951 | |
lopsided | did slope | Osaple | Nov 1952 | |
lonesomeness | solo sense, man | DhumbbBhelle | Nov 1958 | |
logarithmetically | golly, Al! arithmetic | AChem | Sep 1968 | |
loitering | to linger, I | Viking | Feb 1969 | |
Lost Generation | lorn age, to stein | Atlantic | Nov 1984 | |
lubrications | oil acts in rub | Molemi | Feb 1911 | |
lubrication | can't I rub oil 59 | EmmaLine | Jan 1917 | |
lubrication | oil, but in car | Alouette | Jun 1948 | |
lumber | rumble | Travv | Apr 1983 | |
luxurity | luxury, it | Wick | Jun 1927 | |
lugubriousness | blues souring us 53 | Cincinnatus | Aug 1932 | |
lugubriousness | sour blue is sung | Wehanonowit | Feb 1933 | |
lugubriousness | bugs rule so in us | Wehanonowit | Oct 1939 | |
lunatic | laic nut | Winona | Apr 1962 | |
lubber fiends | elf rubbed nis | Blackstone | May 1987 | |
lyxose | xylose | Ralph | Apr 1931 | |
Louisiana Purchase, the | cheap sale thar in US? oui! | EBeam | Apr 1985 | |
Louisiana Purchase, the | hit a ruinous cheap sale | Amaranth | Aug11 01EO | |
matrimonially | I'm only | Marital | Remardo | Sep 1918 |
matrimony | yon trim Ma | ESCrow | Nov 1910 | |
matrimony | miry to man | DCVer | Jul 1920 | |
matrimony | O, trim many | Q | Oct 1910 | |
matrimony | riot, my man | Q | Nov 1914 | |
married | I'm drear | Q | Oct 1910 | |
married | err, maid | ESCrow | Nov 1910 | |
matrimonial | O, man, I'm trial | Lateo | Apr 1924 | |
matrimonial | ain't immoral | Hoho | Oct 1970 | |
marriage, the | aha, merger, it | AbStruse | Feb 1983 | |
married man, the | I'm her darn mate | Q | Oct 1910 | |
United States Navy, the | they tend vast sea unit | PatristocratDec 1940 | ||
masqueraders, the | hat am queer dress | BeeWilder | Jan 1943 | |
married woman | now I'm drear, Ma | Q | Apr 11 IMM | |
masquerade, the | hats made queer | Archimedes | Feb 1940 | |
manifest destiny | I find my nest east* | DirtyJack | Sep 1989 | |
manager, the | he great man | Nypho | Aug 1913 | |
manager | ran game | Viking | Nov 1967 | |
masher, the | sham there | Francolin | Jul 1915 | |
masterpiece | peer: it's acme | AChem | Aug 1969 | |
masterpiece | see prime act | DCVer | Nov 1915 | |
masterpieces | seem art epics | Orion | Apr 1925 | |
magnitude, the | and huge it met | Francolin | Sep 1916 | |
master of ceremonies, thehe seems finer actor to me | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | ||
master of ceremonies, thecome here to see first man | Moonshine | Oct 1916 | ||
master of ceremonies, theafter mess there I come on | TheGopher | Oct 1954 | ||
Machiavellianism | a la evil machinism | SkyLight | Sep 1931 | |
Machiavellianism | each is villain, Ma'm | Meno | Mar 1917 | |
Machiavellianism | chain miasmal evil | Livedevil | Oct 1935 | |
Machiavellian | laic evil Haman | Hoho | Jan 1969 | |
malingerers | men are girls | Enavlicm | Mar 1918 | |
mashed potatoes | shape most do eat | AlecSander | Nov 1918 | |
mainstay, a | ay, stamina | PuzLDure | Mar 1920 | |
mattress, the | that rests me | Hoho | Oct 1940 | |
mattress | mat rests | Gemini | Nov 1921 | |
mattress, a | mat as rest | AwlWrong | Oct 1935 | |
maestro | O, master 66 | SherlockHol+ | Nov 1922 | |
materialism | aim t' realism | Wehanonowit | Feb 1935 | |
materialism | Ma'm, i-it's real | TimIddity | Jul 1924 | |
masculine | "man" is clue | AlecSander | Jan 1925 | |
masculine | minus lace 89 | Hoho | Aug 1946 | |
maison de ville | O, idle man lives | Alcyo | Jan 1925 | |
marathoner | R. Mota ran, eh? | TeZirMan | Nov 1988 | |
maidenliness | lines in dames | Enavlicm | Dec 1925 | |
magicians, the | shine at magic | Grandmother | Feb 1926 | |
maledictions | malison cited | DCVer | Jul 1931 | |
malediction | elicit "O, damn!" | AlecSander | Mar 1926 | |
maledictions | lo, I cite damns | Merlin | Mar 1977 | |
malediction | O, I'm idle cant | Hoodwink | Apr 1967 | |
magistrate | gait master | Spud | May 1927 | |
maharaja | am a rajah | TryemAll | Sep 1928 | |
mariposa, the | trim sea opah | BlueHenChickNov 1928 | ||
materia medica | I medicate | Mara | ExcelCOrr | Jul 1930 |
manliness | man's lines | Yercas | Feb 1931 | |
marginate | rim: agnate | Arcanus | Nov 1934 | |
marginated | and get a rim | Damonomad | Apr 1931 | |
mastermind, a | I'm smart dean | Viking | Jul 1931 | |
mastermind, a | smart named, I | Hoho | Nov 1972 | |
Manchurian | U R Chinaman | Dracula | Sep 1931 | |
malefactions | I am felons' act | PoorRichard | Nov 1931 | |
malefactor | craft o' male | Katmat | Jan 1942 | |
mallemaroking | I'm lone gum lark | BlueHenChickSep 1932 | ||
malversation | am an evil sort | SuSan | Feb 1933 | |
Master of Arts | O, far smartest | Leip | Apr 1933 | |
Master of Arts, the | test for a smart he | Katmat | May 1935 | |
manouevers | moves near U | SAmple | Apr 1933 | |
martial law | am ill at war* | BeauNed | Apr 1933 | |
malevolent | mental love* 51 | Hoosier | Apr 1934 | |
malevolent | let man love* | RayleRhoder | Jan 1945 | |
maranatha, the | rath anathema | BlueHenChickJan 1941 | ||
materfamilias, the | a fertile Mama, this | Ulk | Mar 1987 | |
materfamilias | familiar mates | Wehanonowit | Feb 1935 | |
manducatory | O, man! try a cud | EmmoW | May 1935 | |
manducate | man ate cud | EmmoW | May 1935 | |
maternity | amen, try it | Hoho | Feb 1938 | |
marimba, the | hammer a bit | WrongFont | Feb 1938 | |
maladministration | mistrial, damnation! 39 | Moonshine | May 1926 | |
Mars | arms | Primrose | Jun 1940 | |
maypole, the | oh, play meet | PatristocratAug 1941 | ||
manifestation | a fantom ties in | AyayeKay | Oct 1943 | |
father confessor | hearer scoffs not | AbStruse | Apr 1990 | |
maidservant, the | I, man that served* | Arcanus | Dec 1943 | |
marmennill, a | merman, in all 82 | AwlWrong | May 1946 | |
mastered | met dares | Larry | Jul 1947 | |
masochist, the | he stomachs it | Ixaxar | Jun 1949 | |
magniloquence | claque goin', men | EmmoW | Jun 1952 | |
maliciousness | soul's nice aims* | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | |
massacre | Mars case | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
masseur | use arms! | DeeSweet | Feb 1988 | |
masseur | uses arm | Hoho | Jan 1964 | |
mannered | dern mean* | Viking | Sep 1964 | |
maritime | I mime tar | Hoho | Mar 1966 | |
malevolence | me clean love* | Hoho | Jan 1969 | |
malevolence | calm, e'en love* | Travv | Jul 1977 | |
maidenly | lady mien | Nightowl | Jul 1971 | |
maidenly | men? daily!* | Ulk | Feb 1990 | |
marlinspike, a | sailmaker pin | Viking | Nov 1971 | |
masticate, to | moist eat act | Viking | Aug 1972 | |
maitre d'hotel | doth meal rite | TheGink | Sep 1972 | |
magdalene | angel dame* | Nightowl | Nov 1972 | |
matriheritage | I, Ma, heir target | TheGink | Jun 1974 | |
Mausers | use arms | Papav | Mar 1988 | |
male chauvinist | a he uncivil at Ms. | Rho | Jun 1974 | |
male chauvinist pig | gal cues him: anti-VIP | Tut | Jan 1977 | |
maple syrup | m...purely sap | Brutus | Jul 1979 | |
manuscript | print us, Mac | Acorn | May 1981 | |
man-eater | near-tame* | Anemone | Aug 1984 | |
malted milk | kid'll eat! mm! | Hudu | Dec 1985 | |
Martian, the | it: earthman* | Sibyl | Sep 1986 | |
mermaids | mid-sea, Mr. | PatristocratOct 1940 | ||
melodrama | am mad role | Amaranth | Jan 1914 | |
melodramatic | a more mild act* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
melancholia | each moan ill | Oracles | Sep 1916 | |
melancholiness | O, chill meanness | SamSlick | Nov 1916 | |
medical profession, the | oh, see place in it for MDs | FredDomino | Jan 1959 | |
medical profession, the | a doctor's fine help is me | Francolin | Mar 1917 | |
medical profession, the | I'm force hospitals need | Viking | Apr 1933 | |
medical profession, the | doctors shape life in me | Viking | Apr 1933 | |
medical profession, the | it minds scope of healer | Viking | Apr 1933 | |
medical profession, the | find healers' composite | Viking | Apr 1933 | |
medical profession, the | I cede men for hospitals | AwlWrong | Aug 1941 | |
medicine man, a | acme Indian, me | Francolin | Apr 1917 | |
medicine man | I name nice MD | ProblemChildMar 1974 | ||
metamorphose | other pose, Ma'm | Cris | Jun 1917 | |
metamorphoses | more phases, Tom | Spica | Dec 1923 | |
megatherium | I get a hummer | Amaranth | Oct 1924 | |
merciless | less crime* | Cincinnatus | Nov 1925 | |
measure, the | meter has use | Kenneth | Nov 1925 | |
mechanicalness | cleans machines | Ralph | Oct 1926 | |
mercenary | meaner cry | Yercas | Apr 1927 | |
mediators | "aid me" sort | Enavlicm | May 1927 | |
methodicalness | the class in mode | Moonshine | Aug 1927 | |
mercifully | fly! I'm cruel* | AChem | Apr 1929 | |
mercifully | I full mercy | Yercas | Oct 1928 | |
meat loaf | oft a meal | Enavlicm | Nov 1928 | |
mechanotherapists | these charms to pain | Zoroaster | May 1929 | |
metaphors | sham trope* | Evergreen | Sep 1930 | |
metaphor | trope, ham? | Hap | Jul 1975 | |
merchandise | riches named | Enavlicm | Apr 1931 | |
medicaster, the | meet Dr.: is cheat | ESCrow | Nov 1931 | |
meretricious | O, I merit curse | Xquiq | Jul 1934 | |
meretricious | I'm o'er-cute, sir | FredDomino | Aug 1966 | |
messieurs | um...see "sirs" | SakrElBahr | May 1935 | |
medication | diet a-comin' | Enavlicm | Feb 1938 | |
medications | tonics aid me | Travv | Jan 1975 | |
mean-spirited | said in temper | Viking | Dec 1939 | |
mean-spirited | in a distemper | Viking | May 1940 | |
mean-spirited | it spied me, ran | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
mechanical drawing, a | ach, I can draw line, mag | TerryBull | Apr 1920 | |
Melancholy Dane, the | can heed only Hamlet 31 | DCVer | Jan 98 Qu | |
metropolis, a | is top o' realm | AbStruse | Mar 1940 | |
measurements | man uses meter | Katmat | Nov 1941 | |
melodramatics | actor's dilemma | DoubleH | Jul 1983 | |
melodramatics | I'm mad-act roles | AyayeKay | Jan 1943 | |
melodramatics | lad mimes actor | Baful | Aug 1966 | |
mendaciousness | a cussed sin, O men! | Hoho | Mar 1943 | |
mendaciously | ay, scum lied on | Hoodwink | May 1948 | |
megalomaniac, the | ego claimeth a man | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
menageries, the | their game seen | FredDomino | Dec 1952 | |
metaphysical | heap mystical | Hoho | Dec 1954 | |
meaninglessness | mingle sans sense | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
melodic | I'm dolce | Hoho | Oct 1960 | |
metathesis | it's the same* 79,84,89 | FredDomino | Dec 1963 | |
metronomical | cool timer, man | Viking | Aug 1964 | |
Mephistophelianly | O, ape the sly imp in h--l | Viking | May 1969 | |
melancholiousness | O, launches no smiles | AChem | Apr 1970 | |
meadows | as mowed | Larry | Jun 1973 | |
melancholy | cham lonely | Tav | May 1974 | |
megalomania | a main goal: me | Mangie | Oct 1976 | |
metamorphosis | shape man to sir | Hap | Nov 1976 | |
meter maid | timer-dame 4*P83 | Volar | Feb 1979 | |
Mediterranean fruit fliesinfiltrate: farm ruined, see?Elspeth | Oct 1981 | |||
megaliths | light as me* | Alf | Mar 1983 | |
merino, a | one ram, I | TeZirMan | Jul 1985 | |
Mesartim | me: I'm star | Nightowl | Mar 1986 | |
Pharisees | sharp I see | Pearson | ||
meadowlark | aw, medlar! OK? | Travv | Nov 1985 | |
mental institution, a | lo, nut inmate sat in it | AbStruse | Jul 1987 | |
memorial gardens, the | dig: mortals here (amen!) | Ulk | Oct 1988 | |
misrepresentation | mean person tries it | FredDomino | Oct 1963 | |
misrepresentations | one interprets amiss | AmanovlettusJun 1934 | ||
misrepresentation | misreport ain't seen* | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
misrepresentation | misreport in Senate | FredDomino | Jan 1965 | |
miscellanies | clean similes* | DCVer | Dec 1934 | |
misopedist, the | tot, despise him | Arcanus | Aug 1936 | |
misconstruable | isn't so clear, bum! | Tartarin | Dec 1936 | |
misconstruable | I'm obscure slant | Xquiq | Dec 1936 | |
misconstruable, the | this be most unclear | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
misogynist | no, Missy - git! | Shyrene | Dec 1927 | |
misogynist, the | he got Missy - nit!* | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
misogynists, the | miss not yet sigh | Hoho | Oct 1937 | |
misogynists, the | ye sight not miss | Hoho | Oct 1937 | |
misogynists, the | on mists ye sight | Hoho | Oct 1937 | |
misogynists, the | miss "yes" tonight* | Hoho | Oct 1937 | |
miracle, a | I am clear* | BeauNed | Apr 1939 | |
missish | his Ms. is | Eos | Sep 1980 | |
mistaken identity, the | attend ye! think it is me? | AbStruse | Dec 1979 | |
mistaken identity | d---! it isn't mine Katey | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
mistaken identity | I ken it isn't my "date" | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
micrometry | come, try rim | Wehanonowit | Oct 1939 | |
mirages, the | a mere sight | AbStruse | Jul 1980 | |
mirages | air gems | Evergreen | Mar 1941 | |
mimmation | I'm a mint o' "M" | AwlWrong | May 1942 | |
migratory | tarry? I'm "go" | AyayeKay | Nov 1942 | |
mini | I'm "in" | Twisto | Jul 1988 | |
mister | Mr. site | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 | |
misadventure | I've met sad run | Amor | Jul 1950 | |
misadventure | maid's venture | Hoho | May 1945 | |
minimifidians, the | I find I'm in atheism | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
minnows | non-swim* | FredDomino | Nov 1953 | |
miscellaneous | case, elm, oil, sun | Osaple | Oct 1954 | |
miniaturely | a rule: I'm tiny | Hoho | Jan 1955 | |
mineralogists, the | males sight tin ore | Viking | Mar 1965 | |
misanthropist | timonist harps | Travv | Aug 1982 | |
misanthropist, the | hates: I'm thin sport | TheGopher | Sep 1966 | |
miniaturists, the | thus is item in art | Viking | Aug 1971 | |
Mishna | Nashim 73 | AwlWrong | Dec 1942 | |
miscegenation | nice teaming so* | Mangie | Dec 1976 | |
miscegenates | a genetic mess | Hap | Aug 1973 | |
misocapnist | Pa's nicotism* | Acorn | Nov 1973 | |
minister, a | it: amen, sir | Osaple | Oct 1974 | |
micrometers | more metrics | Googol | Oct 1977 | |
miscalculation | I call a miscount 70 | Jason | Feb 1910 | |
miscalculation | I miscall a count | DCVer | Mar 1915 | |
miscalculation | account LL as MII | Acorn | Jan 1973 | |
mispronouncement, a | one can put misnomer | ArtyEss | May 1910 | |
misunderstood | do set our minds | Gwendoline | Mar 1913 | |
misanthrope | I sharp to men | Yercas | Oct 1932 | |
misanthrope | another simp | Tunste | Feb 1927 | |
misanthrope, a | man to rap is he | DCVer | Jun 1913 | |
misanthrope, a | ipso man-hater | LZH | Dec 1929 | |
misanthrope, the | hate men? pish! rot!* | Spreggs | Dec 1932 | |
misanthropes, the | so th' rips hate men | Hoho | Jun 1938 | |
misanthrope, the | his heart top, men* | Hoodwink | Jan 1962 | |
misanthrope | PS: I'm no hater* | CornCob | Aug 1985 | |
militarism | I limit arms* 27,31 | Barnyard | Jul 1917 | |
militarism | I limit | Mars* | AlecSander | Jun 1919 |
misunderstanding | sad grin: I'm stunned | ArtyEss | Sep 1919 | |
misunderstanding, a | damn snag is under it | NickTait | Jan 1952 | |
minaret | art in me | Enavlicm | Jan 1920 | |
minarets | trim, sane | Enavlicm | Nov 1922 | |
misdemeanant, a | 't is a mean man, Ed | Vesta | Apr 1920 | |
misdemeanants | am sin-sated men | AyayeKay | Jan 1943 | |
milestones | notes miles | Lateo | Jan 1924 | |
milestones | time lesson | LeeFrance | Jul 1980 | |
missing link, the | 'tis nigh men's ilk | DCVer | Dec 1926 | |
misfeasance | a sin faces me | OShaw | Nov 1927 | |
misinterpretations | men assert I trip on it | Archimedes | Oct 1938 | |
mirabile dictu | I dub it miracle 32,49 | Tunste | Jan 1927 | |
mistress, the | it's th' Mrs., see? | BlueHenChickMar 1929 | ||
missionary, the | met sin: ahoy, sir | AbStruse | Nov 1982 | |
misspelled | smelled pis | WrongFont | Mar 1931 | |
Middle Ages, the | these, e.g.: D-MLI AD | Ruthless | Jun 1985 | |
minyan | many in | Ralph | Apr 1931 | |
mixture | true mix | KappaKappa | Aug 1931 | |
miniature golf | i.e., I am runt [golf] | SkyLight | Sep 1931 | |
microradiometers | radiomicrometers | Evergreen | Aug 1932 | |
misfortune | it's more fun* | DCVer | Feb 1933 | |
misfortune | oft ruins me | DCVer | Feb 1933 | |
misfortune | stem of ruin | FredDomino | Dec 1952 | |
misfortune | oft ruins 'em | FredDomino | Dec 1952 | |
misdemeanors | made more sins | Mars | May 1933 | |
misdemeanor | deem as minor | AbStruse | May 1989 | |
Michelob beer | I be "belch more" | Nightowl | Feb 1976 | |
Budweiser's | suds (i.e., brew) | Ulk | Feb 1988 | |
dogged determination | it did dare to egg men on | FredDomino | Jun 1951 | |
Budweiser | I US-brewed | Famulus | Jan 1984 | |
mothers-in-law | O, her man wilts | CryptanalystJul 1936 | ||
mother-in-law, a | lo, I want her Ma | Q | Oct 1912 | |
mothers-in-law, the | we start h--l in home | Hercules | Jul 1927 | |
mothers-in-law | men trials: who? | JustaSmith | Mar 1936 | |
mother, a | ho, mater | Gee | Jul 1914 | |
mother, a | or "the Ma" | Viking | Dec 1970 | |
model, the | mold thee | Amaranth | Nov 1915 | |
mogilalia | "I-I'm a-a l-log" | Flora | Mar 1917 | |
modus operandi | i.e., d--- random opus* | BeauNed | Apr 1933 | |
modus operandi, the | I par on method used | Hoho | Nov 1961 | |
modus operandi, the | method is our end, Pa | Amaranth | Mar 1917 | |
motion picture, a | our top cinema, it | FredDomino | Dec 1952 | |
motion picture, a | Opiro in mute act | RachelCEhrl | Jun 1919 | |
motion pictures | nor is topic mute | Mystic | Apr 1934 | |
motion picture, a | "cinema" to our pit | Viking | Jan 1969 | |
motion picture, a | cinema? O, trip out! | TeZirMan | Mar 1989 | |
modulation | I am not loud | Remardo | Nov 1919 | |
moonshine | nose on him | Enavlicm | Dec 1919 | |
moonshine | I'm shone on | TheGink | Feb 1971 | |
monocarbonate | one carbon atom | Cicero | Jan 1922 | |
mouths, the | O, shut them | Osaple | Feb 1923 | |
monarch, a | O, arch man | Primrose | Aug 1923 | |
mountebankery | ay, not mere bunk* | SerpeggiandoOct 1926 | ||
monoplane, the | meant lone hop | Mars | Jul 1927 | |
motivated | moved at it | Enavlicm | Nov 1928 | |
moustache | mouth case | Arcanus | Jun 1931 | |
mountebank | bunko meant | Livedevil | Dec 1935 | |
mountebank | no bunk, mate* | FredDomino | May 1939 | |
mountebanks | bunko man set | Viking | Aug 1932 | |
mountebanks | meant bunkos | AyayeKay | Jul 1943 | |
monasteries | no mates, sire | SuSan | Dec 1932 | |
mountebank | to mean bunk 73 | MazyMasker | Jul 1945 | |
mountebanks | men at bunkos | Hoho | Jan 1952 | |
mountebank, a | mean at bunko | Hoho | Jul 1966 | |
mourning | grim noun | Yercas | Mar 1933 | |
monsieur | um...one "sir" | SakrElBahr | May 1935 | |
monopolies | monies' pool | Arcanus | Jun 1935 | |
moron | O, norm* | Ixaxar | Oct 1935 | |
monkeyshines | he inks my nose | JackOLantern | Oct 1935 | |
Mother Nature | true earth nom | AwlWrong | Aug 1938 | |
money | mo' yen | PatristocratSep 1940 | ||
monologuists, the | O, listen! mouths go | MULater | Aug 1941 | |
momentous | some mount! | Hoho | Aug 1939 | |
Morse Code, the | here come dots 51 | Si | Oct 1939 | |
monastic | stoic man | Katmat | Nov 1941 | |
monstrosities | O, it is monsters | Neoteric | Feb 1942 | |
mother lode | the ore mold | AwlWrong | Dec 1942 | |
mortality tables | stall my obit-rate | MrRee | Oct 1949 | |
moribund | unmorbid* | Hoho | Jul 1952 | |
mouthiness | mine shouts | Pacifico | Dec 1953 | |
motives | it moves! | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
motivation, the | I move it on that | BooJeeKay | Jun 1957 | |
mobilization | am I not oil biz? | DhumbbBhelle | Oct 1958 | |
mountaintop | up on to it, man! | Li'lGamin | Dec 1975 | |
most valuable player | truly above male pals | Hap | Jul 1983 | |
moderates | are modest | Hap | Dec 1984 | |
monarch butterfly | n.b., fluttery chroma | Nightowl | Dec 1984 | |
monastery | tera, my son | Travv | Dec 1986 | |
motivate | move at it | Travv | Oct 1986 | |
Mother's Day | to her my ads | Oedipus | Oct 1961 | |
Mother's Day | 's her [day], Tom | Travv | May 1985 | |
morning after, the | in great form then* 33 | Gemini | Oct 1925 | |
morning after, the | ante night reform | Archimedes | May 1952 | |
morning after, the | gent remain froth | Hoho | Aug 1961 | |
morning after, the | fret o'er night, man | TheGopher | Sep 1954 | |
Mount of Parnassus, the | oft Pan's or Muse's haunt | Hercules | Jun 1926 | |
moonlight serenades | hear olden-time songs | Donatello | Feb 1913 | |
moral rectitude | could rate merit | TheGopher | Aug 1957 | |
moonlight serenades | then Romeos sing lead | Viking | Jun 1934 | |
mutilators | 'tis a rum lot | Chris | Dec 1915 | |
musical comedies, the | I use comic themes, lad | Q | Apr 1920 | |
musical comedy, a | comic lady amuse | Arcanus | Sep 1929 | |
municipality | city in a lump, I 32 | PoorRichard | Jul 1928 | |
muleteers | steer mule | Donatello | Aug 1929 | |
mulligrubs, the | light, rum blues | BlueHenChickSep 1932 | ||
mucilage | i.e., lac gum | Tunste | Mar 1935 | |
musical comedy, the | my cuties hold acme | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
musical comedy, the | yum! catch melodies | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
must | stum | Larry | Jan 1972 | |
musicals, the | I hum, act less | Sigmasexspr+ | Oct 1973 | |
mule armadillo, the | hello! armed mulita | Tav | Nov 1976 | |
multiple sclerosis | I peril muscles? lots! | Hap | Nov 1978 | |
multiple personality | I mentally trio (supple) | DirtyJack | Aug 1988 | |
musical instruments | clans strum us in time | Ixaxar | Jul 1989 | |
mysteriously | sly is my route | DCVer | May 1931 | |
myrmidon, a | on mid army | Kenneth | Feb 1959 | |
myocardial infarction | I, in fact, a mild coronary | Volar | Dec 1979 | |
music of the spheres | ether's hums [of] epics | AyayeKay | May 1943 | |
naturalness | Nan, true lass | Winkie | Oct 1925 | |
natural sciences, the | see untechnical arts* | CSaw | Nov 1927 | |
nationality, a | Italy, a nation | SuSan | Oct 1928 | |
namby-pambyism | my! man-baby, simp | CSaw | May 1931 | |
nationalized | not Nazi ideal* | Tartarin | Jun 1934 | |
national debt, the | nab a tithe to lend | YKnott | Feb 1952 | |
national debt, the | ha! no latent debit | TheGopher | Jul 1954 | |
national debt, the | lean on that debit | TheGopher | Jul 1954 | |
name plate | metal pane | Hoho | Oct 1965 | |
nauseated | unease, tad | Amor | May 1972 | |
nabcheat | can be hat | Merlin | Feb 1975 | |
narcolepsies | in "acro-sleeps" | Hap | Dec 1976 | |
national schoolbus chromeah, no subtle HS camion colorMerlin | Aug 1986 | |||
narcotics dealer, the | re: LSD, cocaine threat | TeZirMan | Jun 1987 | |
national anthem, the | men note an' hail that | MayErr | Jun 1928 | |
national anthem, the | ah, then lamentation* | Arcanus | Dec 1943 | |
Neapolitans, the | in hot Naples eat | Atlantis | Aug 1911 | |
newspapers | press: we pan* 47 | Viking | Oct 1931 | |
newspapers, the | ah, pen-wet press | QuiVive | May 1913 | |
newspaper, a | appears new | Enavlicm | Sep 1924 | |
neighboring | or being nigh 71 | EmmaLine | Feb 1915 | |
newspaper editors | we do prate in press | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | |
newspaper editor, the | he re-edits town paper | Francolin | Jul 1916 | |
newspaper editors, the | top writers shape need | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | |
newspaper editors, the | pen their apt words, see? | Jun 1956 | ||
newspaper editors, the | ah, we speed to printers | AbStruse | Oct 1982 | |
Newgate frill | fringe all wet | Moonshine | Oct 1916 | |
negotiations | O, I get nations | EmmaC | Nov 1916 | |
surgical instruments | smart curing utensils | Francolin | Sep 1915 | |
New Year's resolutions | O, ye ruin not: swear less | PAB | Feb 1921 | |
New Year's resolutions | seriously earnest now | DCVer | Feb 1 07AP | |
New Year's resolutions | O, surely we are not sins | CAH | Jan 12 IMM | |
New Year's resolution, the | you swear "honest, I relent" Enavlicm | Feb 1918 | ||
New Year's resolution | you'l swear to ne'er sin | KosciuskoMc+ | Mar 88 Mys | |
New Year's resolution | yes, our new relations | BettyEss | Jan14 99GD | |
neroli | ne'r oil* | WEStern | Nov 1921 | |
nervous breakdown | overwork banned us | Amaranth | Apr 1924 | |
negation | get a "no" in | Yercas | Dec 1926 | |
neutralization | raze it unto a nil | Spreggs | Aug 1929 | |
ne'er-do-well, the | e'er wend to Hell | Damonomad | Aug 1934 | |
neophyte | they open | NJineer | Feb 1926 | |
nearsighted | and see right* | Arcanus | Dec 1934 | |
necropolis, a | O, corse plain | AwlWrong | Jun 1935 | |
necropolises | corpses lie on | EmmoW | Nov 1940 | |
negotiatory | I go on treaty | AwlWrong | Aug 1937 | |
neurasthenical | can I heal unrest? | Wehanonowit | Jun 1938 | |
New Testament, the | Matthew's entente | AwlWrong | Sep 1942 | |
nearing | in range | Hoho | Aug 1946 | |
neutralized | I turned zeal | Winona | Mar 1962 | |
necropsy, a | any corpse | Hap | Mar 1981 | |
neurypnologists, the | net sure hypnologist | Blackstone | Dec 1983 | |
Neanderthaler | a Netherlander* | Ulk | Aug 1989 | |
Nesselrode puddings, the splendid enough dessert | Hapowl | Sep 1978 | ||
near-miss, a | an air mess | Atlantic | Oct 1988 | |
neon signs, the | seen on nights | Cincinnatus | Jan 1932 | |
never say die | yes, I aver end* | AbStruse | Oct 1985 | |
nest of vipers, the | oft, serpents' hive | AbStruse | Sep 1988 | |
nectar and ambrosia | rancid aroma absent | Merlin | Dec 1977 | |
negative reaction | get naive "I care not" | Hoho | Sep 1963 | |
Chevrolet, a | love the car! 87 | Nightowl | Aug 1984 | |
Hilton, the | hint: hotel 83 | Atlantic | May 1982 | |
nickelodeon, a | one can idle OK | Francolin | Mar 1916 | |
nightingales | alt singing, eh? | Lester | Jul 1933 | |
nightingales | sight in a glen | Lester | Jul 1933 | |
nihilism | sh! I-I'm nil | Larry | Aug 1927 | |
nimbus, the | n.b., mist hue | Kenneth | Nov 1927 | |
nicknames | nine "Macks" | Enavlicm | Jan 1931 | |
nickel slot machine | a click in the lemons | Viking | Oct 1934 | |
nickel slot machine, a | "kale" on it? slim chance! | Viking | Oct 1934 | |
nightgowns, the | togs when night | Hoho | Jan 1943 | |
nivellate | even it all | Pacifico | Jul 1956 | |
nivellates | an' levels it | Merlin | Nov 1972 | |
nightmared | dream thing 71 | Arcanus | Dec 1960 | |
nipa palm, the | limn atap: hep? | Blackstone | Dec 1982 | |
nightmare | hating REM | Alf | Mar 1986 | |
nictitation | no, it ain't tic | Acorn | Feb 1983 | |
nipcheese | 'e? 'e pinches | JoTheLoiter+ | Mar 1989 | |
night watches | the watchings | Enavlicm | Apr 1927 | |
norwesters | we snorters | Hoho | May 1963 | |
nonpoisonous | poison us? no, no | Emeline | May 1918 | |
nominate | a mention | AlecSander | Jul 1919 | |
nominate | I name not* | Spud | Nov 1926 | |
no admittance | to a mendicant | Roscoe | Dec 1920 | |
no admittance | i.e., am "can't, don't" | Hoho | Jul 1949 | |
no loafing | final! go on | Osaple | Nov 1972 | |
no trespassing | sign "repass not!" | Arcanus | Aug 1942 | |
no trespassing | at "press on", sign* | Amaranth | Jun 1925 | |
no trespassing | [no] step in grass | XYZ | Jul 1930 | |
no trespassing | resting? pass on | Jason | Jun 1900 | |
no trespassing | step in on grass* 86 | Amigo | Sep 1979 | |
no trespassing | sign's near: stop | Volar | Jul 1979 | |
notated | noted at | NJineer | Feb 1926 | |
nomenclature | namer, not clue | IAGree | Jul 1932 | |
nomenclatures | no name cluster* | DCVer | Jan 1931 | |
nomenclature | curt name: Leon | MGM | Aug 1936 | |
nomenclature | re: cult on name | Hap | Sep 1973 | |
notice | no cite* | RedWood | May 1932 | |
non sequitur, a | quit unreason* | Sphinx | Oct 1984 | |
nostalgia | is not gala | AmanovlettusFeb 1934 | ||
nourishment | nurse him not* | Twisto | Jul 1936 | |
nosethirl | nostril, eh? | Tav | May 1976 | |
nonsubstantialism | but slant in no mass, I | Viking | Aug 1937 | |
Norwegians, the | ages we in north | Atlantis | Jul 1924 | |
novelette | love tenet | Alcyo | Jun 1924 | |
nought, a | hung at "O" | AwlWrong | Oct 1942 | |
Norwegian saltpeter, the nitrate (oh, see! plant grew)Atlantic | Jun 1983 | |||
noctivagators, the | O, cats rove at night | EmmoW | Jun 1945 | |
Norwegian elkhounds, the hale dogs, e'en work in hunt Atlantic | Apr 1982 | |||
no hunting | hint: [no] gun | Larry | Jul 1945 | |
noctivagous, the | a cove out nights | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
nonsegregation | set on Negro gain | FredDomino | Sep 1954 | |
nonessentials | a nonsense list | Molemi | Jun 1956 | |
non compos mentis | ten simps con moon | TheGink | Aug 1971 | |
nonsectarian | ran in caste? no | GingerElla | Aug 1973 | |
nuclear wastes | US: clean waters* | Hap | Sep 1981 | |
nutshell | hull nest | Enavlicm | Feb 1918 | |
nudist colony, a | con lady: no suit! | AbStruse | Jan 1984 | |
nudist colony, the | no untidy clothes | Ellsworth | Oct 1933 | |
nudist colony, the | no clothes: nudity | Lateo | Mar 1934 | |
nudist colonies, the | no clothes used in it | Twisto | Dec 1935 | |
nudist colony, a | don no lacy suit | Twisto | Dec 1935 | |
nudist colony, the | unclothed sit yon | Ulk | Dec 1989 | |
nudist colony, the | duty: in no clothes | DeeGee | Jul 1969 | |
nudist colonies, the | it is unclothed ones | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
nudists' colony, the | study in no clothes | Hercules | May 1939 | |
nullifidians, the | faith in nil led us | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
nutrias | rat in us | Viking | Dec 1970 | |
nuclear holocaust | O, ult. chaos; nul race | Volar | Jan 1979 | |
nubecula, the | th' cue: nebula | Blackstone | Mar 1983 | |
nuclear fusion | final US cure? no | Ruthless | Oct 1989 | |
no strings attached | a d--- straight consent | AbStruse | Nov 1988 | |
nomenclaturists | list no curt names* | Viking | Sep 1962 | |
noms de plume, the | me, NPL do use them | Alf | Nov 1983 | |
noli me tangere | "ire-me-not" angle | Nypho | Aug 1949 | |
Northwest Passage | wagers path's not SE | RandomWalk | Sep 1977 | |
North America | an heroic | Mart | Evergreen | Mar 1958 |
number pools, the | help moron bet us | Hoho | Mar 1939 | |
devil incarnate | can trade in evil | Merlin | Oct 1972 | |
oatmeal cookie, an | lo, a note: O, I'm a cake | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | |
obsecration | sober action | ICDimly | Jul 1911 | |
obliterations, the | enter to abolish it | Blackstone | Apr 1978 | |
obliterations | O, blots are in it | AwlWrong | Jun 1935 | |
obliterations | I blot a note, sir | Chris | Aug 1913 | |
obscenity | SOB nicety | Travv | Mar 1987 | |
obscenities | sob! niceties* | Travv | Jun 1985 | |
obtain | O, nab it | Anonyme | Dec 1913 | |
obmiss | mis (obs.) | Viking | Aug 1930 | |
obstructionist | cross, I butt into | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
obstructionist, an | no obscurantist, it* | Viking | Aug 1965 | |
obstruction, an | count it bar, son | Francolin | Dec 1915 | |
obstreperous | sour pest, bore | Not Dated | ||
obstreperous | sour pest, bore | Hoho | Jun 1939 | |
obstreperous | super-booster | Hap | Jan 1974 | |
obstetrician, the | birth: can see to it 79 | BenAmi | Feb 1943 | |
obstetrician | cite it as born | DhumbbBhelle | Aug 1958 | |
obstetricians, the | to set in birth case | FredDomino | Dec 1952 | |
obstetrician, the | see to act in birth | Kenneth | Sep 1961 | |
obdurateness | O, tense absurd | Meno | Jul 1918 | |
objurgates | get sour jab | Vesta | Jul 1920 | |
obstetrics | tribe costs | Hap | Jan 1977 | |
obsoleteness | loss to be seen | Ellsworth | Dec 1925 | |
obstupefaction | in fat obtuse cop | JackOLantern | Mar 1929 | |
obfuscates | a best focus* | Hoho | Oct 1946 | |
ocelot, an | cat (no Leo) | Ulk | Apr 1986 | |
ocelot, an | lo, one cat | Atlantis | Oct 1920 | |
ocelot, an | O, lone cat | TeZirMan | Nov 1987 | |
octogenarians, the | eight tens a corona | Roscoe | May 1928 | |
octogenarian | I can age or not 86 | QGaw | Aug 1985 | |
octogenarianism | is a gerontic moan | AwlWrong | Oct 1946 | |
obstetrician, an | I bear son intact | AbStruse | Feb 1988 | |
odoriferous | O, of dire, sour | Meno | May 1919 | |
odoriferous | sure of odor, I | Donatello | Oct 1928 | |
odontotherapy | a tooth-pry done | JoelHHint | Feb 1928 | |
odontologists, the | doing less to tooth* | NoholdsBard | Jan 1989 | |
oath | a "to h---!" | Viking | Dec 1930 | |
old masters, the | these mold arts | Nypho | Jan 1925 | |
old clothesman | sold mean cloth | DelMonte | Jun 1918 | |
oil spill | I'll spoil | Sibyl | Aug 1989 | |
oleaster | tree also | April'sChildMay 1980 | ||
olycook, the | t'hole cooky | Whatzit | Dec 1944 | |
olecranon | ancon role | AwlWrong | Jan 1940 | |
old maid, an | amid no lad | Twisto | Jul 1936 | |
old maids, the | is d--- he-mad lot* | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
old-fashioned | is end of a hold | DCVer | Nov 1934 | |
old-fashioned | I flash odd one | TheGopher | Jul 1955 | |
oleomargarine | a groan: mere oil | Enavlicm | Jan 1922 | |
oleomargarines | grease or oil, man! | FrostERoman | May 1974 | |
old soldier, the | he's too drilled | Viking | Jan 1970 | |
obclude | becloud | Nightowl | Jul 1989 | |
ocean liners, the | recline on th' sea | Leip | Apr 1933 | |
occupational therapy | ah, apply action to cure | Pat | Apr 1953 | |
obituary column, the | O, cloy human tribute | SourPuss | Jun 1940 | |
obituary columns | my count o' burials | AwlWrong | Nov 1943 | |
obituary columns, the | notes touch my burial | Viking | Apr 1963 | |
old bachelor, the | bad choler lot, he | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
old bachelor, an | ha! lone [old] crab | AmanovlettusFeb 1937 | ||
old wives' tales | lo, d--- stale views | AbStruse | Jan 1986 | |
on the go | gone to H--- | Viking | Mar 1931 | |
omphalopsychites | mopiest holy chaps | Hercules | Mar 1925 | |
omphalopsychite | pipe holy stomach | Nypho | Dec 1925 | |
omniarch | I, monarch | BlueHenChickJun 1930 | ||
omnipotence | no impotence 29 | Omar | Aug 1926 | |
omnipotent | impotent? no | SamSlick | May 1918 | |
omnipotents | 'tis men on top | AyayeKay | May 1942 | |
omnivagant | a moving ant | Poly | Nov 1920 | |
omission | O, so I'm sin | SuSan | Nov 1929 | |
one-sided | is e'en odd | Enavlicm | Oct 1931 | |
onus | on us | SakrElBahr | Oct 1931 | |
openheartedness | note he's a spender | Tunste | Jan 1928 | |
ophthalmologists, the | plot: oh, most heal sight | Nightowl | Mar 1977 | |
ophthalmologist | lo, oh lamp to sight | Meno | Jan 1916 | |
opposite | oppose it | Grandmother | Dec 1925 | |
ophthalmoscopist, the | he shoots th' optic lamp | EmmoW | Apr 1931 | |
Oriental carpets, the | care! step on lithe art | Hoho | Dec 1958 | |
ordinary seaman | O, a sandy | Mariner | Moonshine | Mar 1919 |
orations | O, so I rant 48 | TryemAll | Nov 1928 | |
orientalists | lorn, I sit east | NetaLyle | Apr 1922 | |
orchestration, an | chart notes on air | AwlWrong | Oct 1945 | |
orchestration | choir art notes | Meno | Jul 1918 | |
orchestrations | chart rot noises* | JayTuefs | Jul 1938 | |
orchestration | or I chart notes | AbStruse | Dec 1988 | |
orphan asylums, the | ay, th' hapless mourn | Amaranth | Dec 1912 | |
orpiment | orpin met | Donatello | Aug 1929 | |
ornaments | ten on arms | Atlas | Nov 1921 | |
orderliness | in less order* | Arcanus | Aug 1927 | |
osteocarcinoma | so I am cancer, too | Yards | Dec 1928 | |
osmiridium | iridosmium | Ralph | Jul 1928 | |
osteopath | he pats, too 47 | Amaranth | Oct 1924 | |
osteopaths | pats soothe | ISee | Sep 1947 | |
outdoors | to our sod | Joaquin | Mar 1927 | |
outlandishness | shun sane, stolid | Orion | May 1925 | |
outcasts | scat to us | Spreggs | Jan 1930 | |
overalls | save roll | OKay | Jun 1920 | |
overrode | drove o'er | Remardo | Nov 1924 | |
onerousness | or sense onus | Donatello | May 1929 | |
overpassionately | O, stay: a love ripens | Moonshine | May 1927 | |
overcomers, the | covers them o'er* | Limor | Mar 1930 | |
outboard motor, an | to roam boat 'round | Yercas | Dec 1937 | |
omnibus | mob in us | BeauNed | May 1934 | |
onomatechny | O, con thy name | AbStruse | Mar 1937 | |
onerous | sour one | EmmoW | Jul 1950 | |
onomatopoeia | taa, moo, noo, pie.. | Typia | Oct 1961 | |
omnium-gatherum | O, I'm rummage hunt | AbStruse | Nov 1981 | |
one-armed bandits, the | man needed bars to hit | Viking | Sep 1951 | |
one-armed bandits | rob dimes and ante | Volar | Jul 1979 | |
old-age pension, the | helps one in dotage | AwlWrong | May 1948 | |
old-age pension, the | helps one get on aid | FredDomino | Apr 1953 | |
old-age pension, the | a design to help one | TheGopher | Aug 1954 | |
old fogey | edgy fool | TheGopher | Aug 1954 | |
old fogy, an | agy d--n fool | Viking | Nov 1971 | |
ostium, the | mouth site | Ulk | Oct 1987 | |
openheartedly | yearned to help | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
opprobrium | "purp!" I boo Mr. | DiehlMWrightMar 1933 | ||
opprobrium | "rib" poor ump | DiehlMWrightMar 1933 | ||
opportunities | it's pure option | XSpecked | Jun 1948 | |
opportunities, the | I put on either spot | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
orthodontia | I adorn tooth | Hap | May 1977 | |
oral contraceptives | practise control, Eva | Nightowl | Apr 1976 | |
Orangeist | Erin's goat | Viking | Nov 1933 | |
orthodontist, the | he isn't Dr. to tooth* | YKnott | Aug 1941 | |
oratorio | I roar, too 48 | Pearson | ||
orthogonality | O, no, lay to right | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
ordnance, an | read: cannon | Tav | Aug 1974 | |
osculation | soul action | Sourpuss | Oct 1947 | |
orchestrate | score the art | DoubleH | Nov 1983 | |
otohemineurasthenia | eh? minutia: one ear shot | BurntSack | Oct 1974 | |
outhouse | O, O, use hut | Tav | Aug 1975 | |
outre | O, true | EmmaW | Sep 1940 | |
outrageous | a rogue to us | MrRee | Oct 1949 | |
ouster, the | there's out | Hoho | Aug 1962 | |
overseer, the | reeve sort, he | Ulk | Nov 1987 | |
overenthusiastic | this is no cute rave* | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
overbearing | O, I never brag* | EmmoW | Apr 1934 | |
overbearingness | a "noser's" big nerve | EmmoW | Apr 1934 | |
owl, the | howlet | Damonomad | Jul 1937 | |
open-heart surgery | peer organ rusty, eh? | Volar | Sep 1978 | |
on borrowed time | we're in tomb door | Graydol | Feb 1975 | |
on the warpath | oh, a pent wrath* | AChem | Aug 1975 | |
palmanasthesia | I tease Hans' palm | HomeBrew | Sep 1939 | |
pastimes | pass time | Nypho | Dec 1911 | |
pastime | I'm a pest* | AlecSander | Oct 1932 | |
paraclete | create pal | Neophyte | Jul 1976 | |
paupers, the | hate supper* | Vulcan | May 1929 | |
parables | able raps | ESCrow | Mar 1914 | |
pangerang, the | Pahang regent | BlueHenChickSep 1929 | ||
pastor | a sport* 32 | JackOLantern | Nov 1921 | |
panoply | apply on | AlecSander | Jan 1936 | |
pathetically | teach all pity | Remardo | Oct 1928 | |
Parisiennes | seen in Paris | Atlantis | Mar 1916 | |
palatschinken, a | la, pancake's thin | Merlin | Nov 1987 | |
parsonage, the | so pagan there* | Hoho | Oct 1960 | |
paterfamilias, the | a tip: father is male | Moonshine | Dec 1916 | |
paterfamilias | am a sire, fit pal | TheGink | Nov 1958 | |
paterfamilias | I'm far past a lie | OShaw | Dec 1926 | |
pantomimes | mimes on tap | Arcanus | Jun 1935 | |
pathologists | hospital togs | Archimedes | Aug 1939 | |
patternable | be a part lent | Meno | Dec 1916 | |
pasquinade | a quip as end | Vesta | Oct 1921 | |
pasquinade | a dean's quip | Enavlicm | Apr 1924 | |
paterfamilias | if a pal I master | Wehanonowit | Feb 1935 | |
pasquinader | ans.: read quip | TheGink | Dec 1972 | |
pasquinader, the | ah, tenders a quip | Viking | Jul 1962 | |
parliament | real man pit | Lateo | Oct 1917 | |
parliaments | are an MP list | DCVer | Mar 1934 | |
pachyderm | dermy chap | Vesta | Jan 1919 | |
parishioner | I hire parson | TheWanderer | Jan 1919 | |
Parkinson's Law | work's nil: a snap | Faro | May 1989 | |
palpitation | I'l' pit-a-pat on | Kenneth | Oct 1958 | |
palpitation, a | la, no pit-a-pat, I* | Arcanus | Feb 1960 | |
palpitation | lo, in pit-a-pat! 79 | KappaKappa | Apr 1900 | |
palpitation | I pit-a-pat, Lon | Damonomad | Apr 1932 | |
panstereorama, a | see art panorama | Tunste | Jul 1926 | |
patisserie | i.e., pastries 66 | Resolute | May 1920 | |
partridgeberry, the | I regard pretty herb | Amaranth | Sep 1924 | |
parsimoniousness | sun a miser's poison | AwlWrong | Feb 1948 | |
parsimonious | imprison a sou | Tunste | Oct 1920 | |
panties | a step-in | Spreggs | May 1932 | |
pathogenetic | pet toe aching | Vesta | Jan 1921 | |
paralysis | is a sly rap | Yercas | May 1934 | |
papeteries | paper, see it? | Atlantis | May 1921 | |
payments | pest many | Tartarin | May 1934 | |
palindromes | O, NPL admires | AbStruse | Dec 1985 | |
parsimonious | mon! I pair sous | Hoho | Dec 1937 | |
pathos | hot sap | BeauNed | Aug 1934 | |
Patagonian, the | ah, one giant (apt) | Nightowl | Mar 1985 | |
patrolman | la, on tramp | FredDomino | Jun 1938 | |
parachute | haut caper | Ruthless | Oct 1984 | |
parodontitis, the | in tooth site, pard | BlueHenCHickApr 1931 | ||
panter | trepan | Treesong | Apr 1984 | |
padrone, the | heed patron | AwlWrong | Jun 1940 | |
paraplegic, the | ah, get a cripple | Elf | Apr 1984 | |
paraplegics | "cripple" saga | Hap | Aug 1980 | |
passion | "soap" sin | Famulus | Nov 1983 | |
paleontologist | till top eons ago | Archimedes | Apr 1963 | |
paleontologists | O, log lines to past | Merlin | Jan 1981 | |
paleontologists | lot split eons ago | Archimedes | Jul 1952 | |
panegyric | crying "ape!"* | Hap | Jan 1980 | |
patent medicine, a | I'd menace patient* | Molemi | Nov 1922 | |
paramedic | came rapid | Volar | Aug 1979 | |
paradise | a despair* 68,79 | Hoho | Mar 1966 | |
panty hose | not Y-shape* | Ruthless | Jan 1989 | |
pandemic | panic (med.) | Hap | Apr 1979 | |
paisano, the | ho! I peasant | BlueHenChickJan 1930 | ||
parthenogenesis | see, no pater's nigh | Mangie | Aug 1976 | |
pancreatitis | re: static pain | Graydol | Nov 1975 | |
parasite | air a pest | Travv | Apr 1975 | |
parlance | clean "rap" | Viking | Jan 1972 | |
parenthesis | phrase set in | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
parenthesis | inset phrase | AChem | Sep 1971 | |
pantalets | late pants | Viking | May 1968 | |
parroted | rote, pard | Hoho | Nov 1967 | |
patriot | I, top rat* | Hoho | Sep 1967 | |
patina | a paint | AbStruse | May 1936 | |
patina | a pan, it | Osaple | Apr 1926 | |
partnership, a | pair spar then* | Hoodwink | Dec 1962 | |
pandemonium | mum! no! ape din | Lateo | Dec 1931 | |
pandemonium | no-nap medium | DeeGee | Aug 1955 | |
palatableness | plans eatables | Hoho | Oct 1954 | |
paternoster | enter pastor | Archimedes | Jul 1952 | |
paternoster | prater's tone | Viking | Mar 1938 | |
pawnbrokers, the | Hebrews rank top | Nypho | Aug 1949 | |
Euclidian geometry | my rule: get cone idea | Nightowl | Dec 1985 | |
penicillin | nip "lice" nil | Plantina | Jan 1946 | |
periastron, the | star point here | AwlWrong | Apr 1945 | |
Persian, the | Iran's pet, he | Blackstone | Nov 1944 | |
peregrinator | trip-goer near | AyayeKay | Dec 1941 | |
peremptorily | rile ye prompt | Hoho | Jun 1938 | |
peroration | poet in roar | Hoho | Dec 1937 | |
peroration | a prior note* | Yercas | Jun 1931 | |
pediculous | lice do us up 35 | SakrElBahr | Jun 1933 | |
pertinent | per intent | JackOLantern | Jun 1924 | |
personalities | air politeness* | Amaranth | Mar 1925 | |
Pelion | pile on | Al | Aug 1925 | |
Pegasus | pages us | Primrose | Jan 1926 | |
peroneus | peer on us | Ellsworth | Jun 1926 | |
perforation | for apertion | BenJMin | Mar 1927 | |
peristomes, the | ripe moss teeth | BlueHenChickFeb 1928 | ||
peanut | eat'n up | EdWard | Mar 1928 | |
pedestrian | read: in step | Ulk | Oct 1988 | |
pedestrian | PS: neat ride* | Limor | Mar 1930 | |
performance | caper for men | Topsy | Dec 1930 | |
persecute | cue: pester | Damonomad | Apr 1931 | |
pestiferous | pious fester | AlecSander | Nov 1932 | |
penetrated | entered (apt!) | DoubleH | Jul 1987 | |
peregrine falcons, the | aloft, in green perches | EBeam | Feb 1989 | |
perturbations | abrupt, stir one | AbStruse | Mar 1989 | |
personal advertisement | man desires love, apt. rent | Ruthless | Mar 1990 | |
perpetual motion | O, mop it up eternal | NetaLyle | Jan 1923 | |
pedestrianism | man strides; pie | Delaware | Jan 1928 | |
pedestrianism | I step; man rides 86 | Flora | Nov 1912 | |
pedestrianism | "I'd tramp" is seen | Viking | Jun 1970 | |
pedestrianism | damn, I see trips | Castet | Nov 1926 | |
pedestrianism | same tired pins | Castet | Nov 1926 | |
pedestrianism | rest amid pines | Castet | Nov 1926 | |
pedestrianism | insteps admire | Castet | Nov 1926 | |
penitentiaries | a site I repent in | Chris | May 1913 | |
penitentiary | ten year in pit | Tweedledumd+ | Jun 1927 | |
personifications, the | "copies another" fits in | AChem | May 1971 | |
perdition | O, in red pit | Amaranth | Dec 1915 | |
perdition | dire point | AlecSander | Dec 1925 | |
persuasion, the | Pa sure hits one | Viking | Aug 1963 | |
pessimist, the | is this pest me? | Travv | Apr 1976 | |
peregrination, the | get in on a trip here | Viking | Dec 1968 | |
peregrinations | e'er traipsing on 16 | Chris | Dec 1913 | |
peregrinations | re: one traipsing | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
persistence | 'tis presence | EmmaLine | Jan 1916 | |
persisting | rising step | DanDLyon | Jul 1916 | |
perseverate | repeat verse | Witchword | Jun 1978 | |
persiflage | eager flips | AlecSander | Apr 1917 | |
persiflage | flip? agrees | Hap | May 1976 | |
perfectionist, a | tip: act free o' sin | TheGopher | Dec 1964 | |
periscope | O, peep, Cris | Meno | Feb 1918 | |
periscope, the | its chore: peep | MissileC | Sep 1964 | |
perambulation | I put on a ramble | Hoho | Jan 1953 | |
perambulator, a | about real pram | Viking | Nov 1969 | |
perambulator | tour-ambler, Pa | AyayeKay | Jun 1942 | |
perambulations | I ramble upon a st. | Vesta | Oct 1918 | |
pelargonium | lop geranium 74 | Evergreen | Jun 1949 | |
pelargonium, a | pal o' geranium | Viking | Sep 1968 | |
penurious | I prune, son | Yercas | Dec 1937 | |
peasecod | pac' o' seed | Midurndist | Apr 1955 | |
peepholes, the | help to see: hep? | Larry | Dec 1966 | |
peascod | pod, case | Hap | Jun 1979 | |
pederast | rapes Ted | Senor | Oct 1977 | |
penetralia | prate a line | Flora | Mar 1919 | |
penetralia | a real pi-net | Reel | Aug 1923 | |
penetralian | at inner pale | Pacifico | Sep 1957 | |
permeates | term a seep | Osaple | Apr 1974 | |
penetrates | enters pate 52 | Vesta | Dec 1919 | |
penetrates | enter a step | Hoho | May 1964 | |
penetration | enter into, Pa | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
penetration | enter a point | Gee | Apr 1922 | |
pedestrial | I rest pedal* | Hoodwink | Feb 1960 | |
pedestrial | tries pedal | BlueHenChickJan 1930 | ||
pedestal | step deal | Paul&Virgin+ | Mar 1963 | |
pedestrian | needs a trip | AbStruse | Sep 1980 | |
pedestrian | I'd step near | Hoho | Nov 1967 | |
pedestrians | dear in steps | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
pedestrian, a | step aid near | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
pedestrian, the | tread in step, eh? | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
pedestrian | dare step in | JustaSmith | Mar 1936 | |
pedestrian | step in, dear | MGM | Jul 1936 | |
pedestrian, the | he pad in street | BeeWilder | Jan 1943 | |
pedestrian, the | then I dare step | Q | Sep 1925 | |
pedestrian, a | stride paean | Delaware | Jan 1928 | |
pergolas | lo, grapes | AbStruse | Oct 1983 | |
personification | in Aesop 'r fiction | TheGink | Oct 1982 | |
personification | I can pose or fit in | Hector | Apr 1928 | |
personality | style in a pro | Volar | Apr 1980 | |
personality | role pays "nit!"* | Hoodwink | May 1966 | |
pennoncel | non-pencel* | ProfPampelm+ | Feb 1980 | |
pejorative | VIP rate, Joe* | Fiddle | Jan 1964 | |
philoprogenitiveness | love the piping son, sire | Chris | Jan 1914 | |
philoprogenitiveness | in the spring I pose, love | Moonshine | Sep 1916 | |
philoprogenitiveness | pose the inspiring love | TheGopher | Dec 1956 | |
philoprogenitiveness | son, pipe the loving sire | SineCura | Feb 1928 | |
philoprogenitiveness | pipe it, sheer son loving | Macropod | Oct 1934 | |
philotherian, a | I hap lion hater* | Larry | Jul 1976 | |
phantasmagory | a nap ghost army | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
phantasma | an apt sham | AyayeKay | Dec 1941 | |
philanthropies | ah, pins help trio | Quedpa | Jul 1940 | |
phonetics | phonic set | AlGebra | May 1934 | |
picaroon, the | ho, con pirate | AChem | Mar 1931 | |
pi-meson, a | pion? same | Atlantic | Jun 1982 | |
picaresque | a queer "spic" | Hoho | Aug 1939 | |
picaresque | square epic* | Hap | Jun 1978 | |
piscatorialist | I cast; I top liars | Viking | Sep 1965 | |
pinguefactions, the | one such: I fatten pig | Viking | Mar 1963 | |
picadors, the | "he cats" do rip | Hoho | Aug 1961 | |
picturesque | quite spruce 56 | Pearson | ||
piemag | magpie | AwlWrong | Aug 1938 | |
pirouetting | U R tiptoeing | GiGantic | Feb 1936 | |
pinafored | if | Aproned | Arcanus | Nov 1934 |
pinnacle, the | cap line then | Kenneth | Jan 1928 | |
pianofortes | tap for noise | WrongFont | Mar 1931 | |
piffero | pro-fife | BlueHenChickJul 1932 | ||
phlegmatic | the calm pig | RovingVic | Oct 1952 | |
Pharisees | i.e., seraphs* | Wortgaukler | May 1969 | |
phantasmagoria | gas? air? a phantom? | Hap | Aug 1975 | |
phantasmagorias | reap ghost manias | Abakusan | May 1935 | |
phantasmagorias | as mirages on path | Abakusan | May 1935 | |
phantasmagoria | ah, a magian sport | Nutmeg | Jul 1930 | |
phantasmagoria | a panorama sight | Winkie | Dec 1922 | |
phantasmagoria | aha! groan at imps | Neophyte | Dec 1977 | |
phantasmagoria | has on rapt magic | DeeGee | Dec 1955 | |
phantasmagorias | 'tis a paragon sham | DCVer | Oct 1931 | |
phrasemakers | shape remarks | AbStruse | May 1979 | |
pittance | a cent tip 21,73 | TheDuke | Jun 1913 | |
pirouettes | I step 'er out | Vesta | Nov 1917 | |
pianoforte | O, fret! O, pain! | AlecSander | Nov 1918 | |
pianoforte | I rap fo' tone | BurntSack | May 1974 | |
pickerel, a | clear pike | Vesta | Jan 1919 | |
pioneer | opener, I | NJineer | Aug 1924 | |
pigeon-toed | O, peg toed in | EmJay | Dec 1923 | |
pigeonhearted | egad, hero inept | AnnDhow | Mar 1977 | |
Plantagenet | apt entangle | Plantina | Jun 1942 | |
planetariums, the | them: a star line-up | Ulk | Jul 1989 | |
plowshare | helps a row | Enavlicm | Nov 1912 | |
plainclothesman, the | cop has them all in net | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
plainclothesman, the | then policeman halts | Arcanus | Nov 1912 | |
playmates, the | team pals, they | Molemi | Oct 1961 | |
playmates | ay, pals met | Larry | Sep 1935 | |
playmates | my, a pal set | DCVer | Mar 1913 | |
playmates | pals, matey | DCVer | Jan 1920 | |
playmate | matey pal | FredDomino | Aug 1938 | |
playmates | palsy team | Hoho | Jul 1969 | |
plagiarist, the | Pa, I steal right | Jemand | Apr 1913 | |
plagiarist, the | lag this pirate | Travv | Sep 1989 | |
plagiarist, the | ha! I grasp title | Chris | Aug 1917 | |
plication | I con plait | AwlWrong | Feb 1939 | |
platitudes | stupid tale 14 | Pearson | ||
platform | flat prom | Spreggs | Apr 1932 | |
platonic | in-cot pal* | Ruthless | May 1985 | |
plethora, a | heap 'r a lot | Ulk | Dec 1983 | |
plaudit, a | I pat, laud | Hoho | Nov 1967 | |
plutocrat, the | that lucre pot | PatristocratApr 1946 | ||
platitudinously | in "dully", a tip to us | Viking | Jan 1935 | |
policeman, a | I am lean cop | Q | Dec 1911 | |
policeman, the | came in to help | Paul&Virgin+ | Aug 1962 | |
policeman | cop, nail me 40 | LarryBee | Aug 1932 | |
policeman | O, clap me in | Puzzeroo | Apr 1940 | |
Postmaster-General, a | as PO's letter manager | AwlWrong | Feb 1936 | |
postmaster-generalship | O, grasp, present the mails | Evergreen | Jun 1952 | |
point, a | to a pin | Chris | May 1915 | |
point | no tip* | Jemand | May 1924 | |
point | tip on 24 | DCVer | Sep 1919 | |
poculiform | for lo, I'm cup | Vesta | Nov 1917 | |
poculiform | lo, I form cup 54 | Whatzit | Dec 1944 | |
poinsettia | I set in a pot | Hoho | Jul 1942 | |
Polynesians | yon isles nap | PatristocratOct 1941 | ||
polychroites | I spy the color | Vesta | May 1918 | |
posthaste | hate stops 54 | Amaranth | Jun 1925 | |
posthaste | has to step | HSNut | Dec 1927 | |
postponements | pen stops me not | JayTuefs | May 1938 | |
poorhouse, the | O, hot soup here | AbStruse | Jun 1988 | |
policy | coy lip | Fiddle | Jul 1950 | |
poignant | an' got nip | Flora | Jun 1920 | |
post-marital | la, pots | Mar it | JayTuefs | Oct 1935 |
postpones | stops? nope* | Midurndist | Oct 1955 | |
postponed | stopped? no* | Towhead | Jan 1922 | |
poltergeist, the | pet ghost, it leer | Kenneth | Oct 1958 | |
poltergeists, the | let respite, ghost | Paul&Virgin+ | Apr 1967 | |
poltergeist | let go, sprite! 64,74,83 | Hoho | Aug 1961 | |
politician, the | tip: he can "oil" it | AbStruse | Apr 1982 | |
politician | I-I can pilot 50 | AlecSander | Feb 1936 | |
politician | in Capitol, I 43,75 | Nypho | Jan 1938 | |
politicians | is in Capitol 51 | Hermes | Sep 1929 | |
poultice | epulotic | RandomWalk | Sep 1980 | |
poetry | try Poe | Hoosier | Mar 1934 | |
potboiler | plot: I bore | AbStruse | Dec 1979 | |
postmaster | stamp store | SealGee | Jan 1927 | |
potholder, a | role: hot pad | Googol | Dec 1978 | |
postmasters | store stamps 61,89 | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
postman | no stamp* 30,77 | Pearson | ||
postman | stamp on | Ixaxar | Feb 1944 | |
poverty | very top* 77 | BeauNed | Feb 1933 | |
pomposity | so I'm toppy | EmmoW | Jun 1935 | |
pollers | h--l! lop trees | Larry | Oct 1972 | |
polychromatic | I'm patchy color | Nightowl | Oct 1972 | |
politeness | O, it's spleen* | Hoodwink | Apr 1972 | |
politeness | see not slip | Hoho | Mar 1940 | |
potvaliant | lap a tot vin | Oedipus | Aug 1969 | |
portico, the | tie to porch | Hoho | Mar 1969 | |
pompadour | pad our mop | Baful | Jan 1966 | |
pompadour | a proud mop | Hoho | Jul 1959 | |
porte-cocheres | o'er porches, etc. | Larry | Apr 1957 | |
porte-cocheres | O, erect porches | Larry | Apr 1957 | |
potations | nip at, O sot | Nypho | Nov 1925 | |
potations | O, sip not at | Nypho | Nov 1925 | |
potations | a pot to sin | Nypho | Nov 1925 | |
porphyrogenitus | rough propensity* | XSpecked | Jun 1928 | |
poetaster, the | thee star poet* | Vulcan | Jul 1929 | |
pottage | get a pot | Hermes | Sep 1929 | |
policewoman, a | I male cop? aw, no! | ADandy | Oct 1931 | |
postscript, a | PS: scrap to it | DCVer | Mar 1932 | |
polehead, the | he! he! tadpole | BlueHenChickApr 1932 | ||
postilion | is no pilot* | Enavlicm | Apr 1932 | |
pointed | tip done | AlecSander | Jun 1932 | |
potto | to top | Limor | Mar 1933 | |
postage stamps, the | PS: so tag, paste them | AbStruse | Mar 1988 | |
posse comitatus | come up to assist | NoholdsBard | May 1988 | |
pococurante | coup? care not | NoholdsBard | Nov 1988 | |
policewoman | male cop now, I* | NoholdsBard | Dec 1988 | |
pole vaulters | all set? up, over | AbStruse | Jun 1989 | |
policeman's whistle, a | its scope: hail lawmen | AbStruse | Sep 1989 | |
pons asinorum | "no pass" I mourn | NoholdsBard | Sep 1989 | |
poetic license | I select no epic | Remardo | Nov 1925 | |
potter's field, a | Fate's dire plot | Amaranth | Aug 1912 | |
procrastination | protraction a sin 49 | Scrutinizer | Apr 1933 | |
procrastination | no part action, sir | LoneFisherm+ | Mar 1921 | |
procrastination | rap, inaction rots | SEArcher | Apr 1914 | |
procrastination | parrots inaction | AbStruse | May 1982 | |
procrastination, the | is a protraction, then | AbStruse | Jun 1936 | |
procrastinate | can't stir a pore | SouCon | Aug 1914 | |
procrastinate | sap retraction | Tac | Apr 1935 | |
procrastinates | so pert, I ran acts | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | |
prestidigitator, the | presto: I get hid trait | SEArcher | Jan 1913 | |
prestidigitation | presto: a digit in it | Spud | Dec 1923 | |
prestidigitator, a | aspire to digit art | DCVer | Dec 1915 | |
prestidigitation | toting spirit idea | DeeGee | Dec 1955 | |
prestidigitator, the | top digit artist here | Nypho | Apr 1938 | |
proposal, the | Al pops to her | Q | Oct 1910 | |
proposal, the | pop real shot | ESCrow | Nov 1910 | |
prescription drug, the | right upon Dr.'s receipt | AbStruse | Aug 1989 | |
predilections | clip not desire | Hoodwink | Jun 1956 | |
presentation copy | sent, no price to pay | Moonshine | Dec 1919 | |
prestissimo | is tempo, sirs 90 | Hoodwink | Apr 1962 | |
weaker vessel, the | we valets seek her | Moonshine | Dec 1916 | |
predestination | I destine no part | SEArcher | Jan 1913 | |
predestinations | a spirit notes end | Hoho | Jul 1939 | |
prevarications | a crop in veritas* | Hoho | Jul 1959 | |
promissory note, a | or: pay soon, mister | Ulk | Apr 1990 | |
predomination | I'd remain on top | Chris | Jul 1913 | |
predominations | or in end I am "tops" | Viking | Mar 1941 | |
prematurely | term up early | BooJeeKay | Dec 1957 | |
pronunciamento, a | I announce to ramp | Xiphias | Nov 1913 | |
precipitation | pop it in a trice | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
primrose path, the | prime sport heath | Amaranth | Dec 1926 | |
practicalities | realistic pact, I | Kenneth | Feb 1959 | |
preservative, a | I ever save part | Francolin | Jul 1915 | |
promulgating | O, glum prating | EmmoW | Jun 1952 | |
profligate | go flip rate | ElDon | Jun 1917 | |
profligate | great flop, I | Hoodwink | May 1967 | |
primal scream therapy | "arr!!" | May help past crime | Minimus | Jul 1988 |
providential | divine portal | Della | Jun 1918 | |
profiteer, a | or, after pie? | AbStruse | May 1989 | |
prosecution | I open courts | DCVer | Dec 1919 | |
proofreaders, the | step head of error | FredDomino | Dec 1959 | |
proofreaders, the | defeat shop error | DCVer | Mar 1920 | |
prohibitionist | O, I inhibit sport | Nypho | Nov 1920 | |
prohibitionist | it is on hip: rob it* | Tunste | Nov 1920 | |
praenomen [2x] | pen Roman name opener | Nightowl | Nov 1973 | |
precariousness | so sure in capers* | RovingVic | Nov 1952 | |
prohibition | hi! no bit o' rip | Meno | Jan 1921 | |
prohibitions | inspirit hobo | BLueHenChickFeb 1928 | ||
prohibitions | inhibits poor | BlueHenChickFeb 1928 | ||
profundity | of punditry | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
president | rest pined | Puzzeroo | Apr 1964 | |
promenade, a | me on parade | Osaple | Feb 1921 | |
protagonist | go in, top star | Travv | Dec 1989 | |
prolonge | long rope 87 | BlueHenChickAug 1928 | ||
prognosis | signs: poor 86 | Hap | Jun 1975 | |
prosecutors, the | court pros, these | AChem | May 1967 | |
prosperous | PS: sure poor* 65 | Osaple | Mar 1925 | |
prosperous | 's super-poor* | Travv | Jun 1982 | |
prosperous | PS: US poorer* | Osaple | Mar 1925 | |
prosperous | poor-purses* 76 | Osaple | Mar 1925 | |
prairie schooner, the | ho! carrieth pioneers | Molemi | Jun 1927 | |
precaution | I put no care | Reynard | Jul 1938 | |
precaution | care upon it | LeeFrance | Mar 1980 | |
prophylaxis | rash, I ply pox* | Hap | Apr 1977 | |
preliminary, a | main play? I err | Travv | Feb 1977 | |
prosciutto | it's poor cut* | Hap | May 1979 | |
preposterous | "purse set" poor? | Hap | Feb 1976 | |
preposterous, the | e'er opposes truth | JackOLantern | Jun 1924 | |
premonition | in tip or omen | Travv | Dec 1975 | |
premonition | prime notion | Midurndist | Oct 1972 | |
premonition | O, I print omen | Arcanus | Oct 1929 | |
privateer, a | pirate? vera! | Travv | Sep 1974 | |
primate | it? Mr. Ape 89 | Spreggs | Aug 1941 | |
primate | trim ape | Sigmasexspr+ | Sep 1973 | |
procrastinator, the | I prone t' rash act? rot! | CornCob | Dec 1987 | |
procrastinator, the | top-notch as tarrier | Elf | Mar 1985 | |
Presbyterian | priest nearby* | Hap | May 1972 | |
premeditation | meant it! period! | Archimedes | Apr 1963 | |
premeditation | I'm portent idea | DeeGee | Dec 1955 | |
progenitress, a | i.e., gross parent | Viking | Jan 1969 | |
private | VIP rate | Viking | Aug 1965 | |
predatorily | lord, I at prey | Hoho | Aug 1962 | |
propagandists, the | stating sharp "dope" | FredDomino | Dec 1959 | |
prerequisite | quits ere ripe* | Hoho | Oct 1946 | |
prolegomenous | use o' long proem | AwlWrong | Mar 1944 | |
promenade, a | parade on me | DCVer | Nov 1942 | |
promenade | need a romp | Hoosier | Nov 1931 | |
privateersman, a | "pirate", avers man | Hoho | Dec 1940 | |
preadamites | midst ape era | HomeBrew | Oct 1940 | |
presentations | O, I sent parents | JayTuefs | Jul 1940 | |
pretentious | it's e'er put on | AwlWrong | Apr 1940 | |
pretentiousness | strut seen in pose | AwlWrong | Feb 1939 | |
prolegomena | or plan omega* | HarrieTwo | Jun 1939 | |
prestation | I pose a rent | AwlWrong | Dec 1938 | |
Protestantism | is Pat's torment | Hercules | Apr 1937 | |
prospector, a | taps ore crop | AwlWrong | Mar 1937 | |
preposterousness | props outre senses | AwlWrong | Apr 1936 | |
prestimonies | priest monies | Arcanus | Nov 1935 | |
proportionated | and it proper, too | Wehanonowit | Sep 1935 | |
proletariat, the | at the trail rope | Meno | Jul 1924 | |
precautions | it's upon care | PoorRichard | Oct 1929 | |
precaution | care upon it 80 | Osaple | Jan 1927 | |
precaution | O, put care in | Mars | Feb 1927 | |
protectionism | nice to imports | Hercules | Feb 1928 | |
protectionism | citer on impost | Hercules | Feb 1928 | |
procession, the | O, this creeps on | ESCrow | Jun 1929 | |
prophetess, a | prates hopes | Hercules | Mar 1930 | |
praiseworthy | so with prayer | Stella | Jul 1930 | |
premonitory | my prior note | DCVer | Dec 1930 | |
prude | d--- pure | Damonomad | Jan 1931 | |
prognostication | a cognition sport | DCVer | Feb 1931 | |
Presbyterianism | amen by priest, sir* | NoholdsBard | Feb 1988 | |
Protestant Reformation | no priest to treat for man | NoholdsBard | Aug 1988 | |
Protestant Reformation | to report anti-Roman fest | CornCob | Nov 1984 | |
private secretary | I a very secret path | Martelia | Dec 1921 | |
pseudo | so dupe | Arcanus | Apr 1914 | |
pseudonyms | spy nom used | DCVer | Oct 1933 | |
pseudonym | ye nom "Spud" | Puzzeroo | Mar 1939 | |
pseudonym | dupe, my son 25 | Vesta | Feb 1919 | |
pseudonym, a | dupe so many | DCVer | Jan 1927 | |
pseudonym, a | say! dupe nom | Dracula | Sep 1931 | |
pseudonym | spy due nom | Gee | Sep 1931 | |
psychotherapeutics | hope at psychist cure | BNatural | Oct 1954 | |
psychiatrist | I sit, spy, chart | Tut | Nov 1976 | |
psychiatrist | his act: sit, pry | Mangie | Nov 1976 | |
pseudologist, the | got up those d--- lies | Viking | Nov 1972 | |
psaltery | pert lays | ZerO | Feb 1971 | |
Psechridae | ech! a spider | Eos | Sep 1979 | |
psychoanalysis | physical? says no | Cincinnatus | Apr 1936 | |
psychoanalysis | any physical SOS* | Atlas | Jan 1928 | |
punishing | shining up | Della | Feb 1919 | |
punishment, a | am shut in "pen" | Nypho | Oct 1933 | |
punishment | hint: pensum | Pacifico | Sep 1960 | |
public relations | O, is crap bulletin | CornCob | Oct 1987 | |
punster | run! pest! 36 | Gemini | Mar 1922 | |
pugilist | tip: I slug 4*P83 | FrostERoman | Jul 1973 | |
pugilist, a | I tap, I slug 89 | Molemi | Nov 1945 | |
pugilists | I list pugs | Nypho | Apr 1925 | |
pugilist, the | his pug title | AwlWrong | Apr 1926 | |
Pulitzer | ult. prize 4*P83 | Nightowl | Dec 1976 | |
Puritaness | supersaint | Merlin | Jul 1976 | |
pussyfooted | soft you sped | Pacifico | May 1957 | |
purchases | cash purse | Archimedes | May 1952 | |
putrefaction | pue! rot in fact! | Viking | Mar 1938 | |
putridenous | no ruse: putid | Qpkwins | Sep 1937 | |
punters | run step | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
purchasing | ring up cash | DCVer | Sep 1933 | |
pussyfooter, the | tour soft step, eh? | Grandmother | Mar 1927 | |
pussyfooters | you press soft | DCVer | Aug 1928 | |
pyromaniac, the | O, a match in pyre | PatristocratMay 1942 | ||
Pythagorean theorem, the hah! pat on geometry there | Ixaxar | Nov 1939 | ||
Pythagorean theorem, the another geometry path, eh? | Wagstaff | Sep 1987 | ||
psellism, a | mal spiels | EmmoW | May 1935 | |
pseudonymousness | yes, dupes us on noms | Bam | Nov 1929 | |
psellismus, a | l-lisp amuses | EmmoW | May 1935 | |
ptomaines | pains to me | Lateo | Apr 1924 | |
piano bench, the | beneath Chopin | Manx | Sep 1985 | |
potter's field, a | fate: dier's plot | Travv | Feb 1978 | |
potter's field, a | sad: free plot, it | FredDomino | Aug 1960 | |
plane trigonometry | pen triangle (my root) | Nightowl | Dec 1985 | |
prairie schooner, the | ho! this pioneer racer | TheGopher | Jan 1965 | |
parliamentary procedure | cit, read many a proper rule | Nightowl | Jun 1974 | |
parliamentary procedure | rule, do! permit nary a caper | Mangie | May 1975 | |
police brutality | trite "cop a bully", I | Viking | Mar 1968 | |
pinch hitter | hint: pitcher* | Larry | Dec 1974 | |
population explosion, theanxious people in hot plot | TheGopher | Dec 1965 | ||
pons asinorum | pain us morons | Nightowl | Sep 1973 | |
poison ivies, the | tip: shoo! i.e., vines | CaptainTo | Mar 1966 | |
prison cell, a | clap loser in | MULater | Sep 1969 | |
prism binoculars, the | can up her orbs' limits | Viking | Mar 1970 | |
professional football | O, so fine a fall lob sport | Merlin | Sep 1970 | |
private schools | I've top scholars | TheGink | Sep 1971 | |
purse strings | stern grips, us | AnnDhow | Jul 1972 | |
paper chase | PS: pace hare | Ixaxar | Dec 1981 | |
psychedelic drug, a | LSD, ugh! creepy acid! | Nightowl | Dec 1981 | |
pepperoni pizza, a | zip! zap! one par pie | Tav | Jun 1976 | |
problem child, a | O, ill-bred champ | BNatural | Apr 1960 | |
picture postcards | scripted, cap tours | Amber | Jun 1980 | |
photo finish, a | I snap hoof hit | Clover | Oct 1980 | |
Pithecanthropus Erectus | eh, I can stretch up posture | Hap | Aug 1981 | |
pin money | O, I'm penny | Viking | Jul 1931 | |
pieces of eight | gift o' specie, eh? 76 | SuSan | Dec 1933 | |
population census, the | hint: counts USA people | AbStruse | Jul 1980 | |
public television | civil tube plies on | Amber | Oct 1981 | |
plastic surgeon, the | shapes non-cute girl | Hoho | Mar 1940 | |
plastic surgeon, a | la, I grasp, cut nose | Stitch | Jun 1986 | |
platinum blonde | a numb inept doll? | Famulus | Mar 1984 | |
Portuguese man-of-war | turn up a sea form, e.g. ow! Visitor | Dec 1984 | ||
prime time | i.e., merit PM | Gecko | Apr 1985 | |
police departments | pet crime-laden spot* | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | |
police departments | spotted crime panel | FredDomino | Oct 1960 | |
police department | toppled a crime net | AbStruse | Aug 1981 | |
police department | paled potent crime | Amigo | Apr 1979 | |
police departments | cops' detail: pert men | Nightowl | Jul 1976 | |
police departments, the | apt set help to end crime | Viking | Jan 1932 | |
Promised Land, the | oh, a splendid term | JackOLantern | Nov 1935 | |
printer's devil | delivers print | AbStruse | Dec 1936 | |
past master | set as apt Mr. | AwlWrong | Nov 1945 | |
past master | terms as apt | AwlWrong | Nov 1945 | |
parking spaces, the | paths keeping cars | Viking | Dec 1933 | |
Parthian shot | ha! partin' [shot] | SakrElBahr | Jan 1947 | |
particeps criminis | I'm sin pact price, sir | Hoodwink | Mar 1951 | |
penny arcade, the | and pay cent here | Blackstone | Jan 1948 | |
pernicious anemia | I sure come in a pain | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | |
pileated woodpeckers, thewe picked tree, do tap holes | Nightowl | Jul 1984 | ||
pileated woodpeckers, thecads, we poked hole tree tip Epod | Jul 1939 | |||
Pierian springs | PS: are inspiring | Larry | Nov 1943 | |
Pierian spring, the | here, tap inspiring | Ulk | May 1984 | |
post meridiem | isn't AM period | AChem | May 1970 | |
post meridiem | promised time | Aristotle | Apr 1938 | |
porterhouse steak, a | O, he's sure to partake | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | |
porterhouse steaks | he sure eats OK, sport | Epod | Jul 1939 | |
postage stamp | a PM gets at POs | Arcanus | Jun 1943 | |
Prince of Darkness, the | chief rank o' d--- serpents | AwlWrong | Dec 1938 | |
Prince of Darkness, the | Nick's Hades' front peer | AwlWrong | Feb 1943 | |
prima donnas | damn soprani | Nypho | Aug 1943 | |
practical jokes, the | japes clothe a trick | AwlWrong | Nov 1943 | |
practical jokers, the | lo, teach Jasper trick | FredDomino | Dec 1952 | |
Promised Land, the | home trip's end, lad | FredDomino | Feb 1952 | |
Promised Land, the | I'm Lord's Eden-path | ISee | Aug 1951 | |
Promised Land, the | hold! imparts Eden | AbStruse | Mar 1981 | |
portrait painters, the | in apt ritratto sphere | AwlWrong | Apr 1945 | |
private secretary, a | rare as active typer* | BNatural | Dec 1958 | |
private secretary | it's very apt career | TheGopher | Sep 1954 | |
public transportation | plot-point: car, bus, train | SueDoe | Apr 1954 | |
performing arts, the | spring from theater | Oedipus | Sep 1963 | |
physical examinations, the | hypothesis: exact all in man | BNatural | Aug 1961 | |
philosopher's stone | this helps poor ones | FredDomino | Aug 1960 | |
prepositional phrase | "at his proper pal" is one | Atlantic | Sep 1984 | |
prison term, a | no "rap", mister* | Larry | Apr 1976 | |
parental guidance | real! nude acting, Pa | Graydol | Apr 1976 | |
Playboy centerfold | perfect lady? bolon'y! | Witchword | Jan 1979 | |
Playboy centerfold | yon all-perfect body | Ruthless | Jul 1986 | |
Petrified Forest | pit of fired trees | Travv | Mar 1978 | |
polite society | O, it's elite copy | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
presidential elections | pit leaders in selection | FredDomino | Apr 1953 | |
presidential election | elect ideal person in it | MCS | Apr 1900 | |
presidential election | in point I select leader | Lucretia | Mar 12 IMM | |
presidential election | nation select ripe ideal | Nypho | Jul 1920 | |
presidential election, the | I elect the leader in points Adelante | Aug16 12Co | ||
presidential elections | I see politics enter land | Amaranth | Not Dated | |
presidential elections, the | then see ideal politics rent Jamaica | Feb15 97Or | ||
presidential elections, the | then see ire incited at pollsAmaranth | Nov 1912 | ||
postage meters, the | got stamp there, see? | FredDomino | Dec 1950 | |
prosecuting attorneys, the | persons in court that get ye Hardric | May 1977 | ||
pocket calculators | clack, total up score | Nightowl | Jun 1978 | |
plainclothes policeman | the mean local cop, in slip | MonaLisa | Apr 1978 | |
premeditated homicide, a | O, PM I dated the crime idea | Zordo | Jul 1954 | |
professional gambler, thehe'll bear profits on games | AbStruse | Jul 1984 | ||
professional gambler, thehe's gip,robs me at faro,nellFredDomino | Oct 1953 | |||
popular sovereignty | option: purge slavery | Atlantic | May 1982 | |
press corrector, the | scotches pert error | AwlWrong | Mar 1943 | |
polar circle, the | here poll Arctic | AwlWrong | Nov 1947 | |
polar circle, the | help Arctic lore | AwlWrong | Nov 1947 | |
penal servitude | evils rued at "pen" | FredDomino | Dec 1954 | |
penitential season | in Lent I eat peas, son | Atlas | Apr 1955 | |
penitential season, the | note it is a Lenten phase | DCVer | May 97 Di | |
penitential season, the | 'tis Lent: has eaten no pie | Remardo | Apr 1919 | |
penal servitude | rude slave pen, it | Remardo | Oct 1928 | |
petticoat government | torment o' captive gent | AFHolt | Jan29 01Co | |
Painted Desert, the | deep-tinted earths | Amaranth | Apr 1931 | |
practical jokers | cajolers trick Pa | Skylight | Apr 1931 | |
Pullman sleeping car, thehelp plunge in a calm rest | NJineer | Sep 23 IRR | ||
Pyramids of Egypt, the | pith of paged mystery | Medisu | 00EO | |
Pyramids of Egypt, the | thy prim tops defy age | FransFolks | Nov27 03EO | |
Egyptian Pyramids | pity any aged prism | ZerO | Jul 1967 | |
prodigal son, the | delight o' parson | Jemand | May 1926 | |
prodigal son, the | ignores old path | Jemand | May 1926 | |
prodigal son, a | solid paragon* | AbStruse | Oct 1982 | |
prodigal son, the | I help to don rags | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
prodigal son, the | handles pig root | Sherlac | Mar 1951 | |
prodigal son, the | this lodger on Pa | Atlas | Mar 1951 | |
prodigal son, the | O, glad he's in port | Atlas | Mar 1951 | |
prodigal son, the | go, spend, riot, Hal | PatristocratApr 1946 | ||
prodigal son, the | go older sin path | Marmion | Jan 1937 | |
prodigal son, the | O, rah! I spent gold | EmmoW | Apr 1934 | |
prodigal son, the | got rhino, lapsed | Enavlicm | Mar 1917 | |
prodigal son, the | oh, in pater's gold | Marmion | Jan 1937 | |
prodigal son, the | one pig's hard lot | Marmion | Jan 1937 | |
pounds sterling, the | English spotted run! | Viking | Jun 1968 | |
New Madrid fault, the | awful mid-earth dent? | Nightowl | Feb 1991 | |
pounds sterling, the | on pert English "dust" | Hoho | Nov 1969 | |
quadrisided | squared, I did | Kenneth | Dec 1925 | |
questionnaire | anon, it queries | Ixaxar | Nov 1942 | |
questionnaires | are in questions | Grandmother | Feb 1926 | |
questionnaires | ain't queries, son* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
questionnaire, the | ah, ten queries on it | AbStruse | Nov 1984 | |
questions | is on quest | Kenneth | Nov 1926 | |
questionnaire | a note inquires | Viking | Oct 1962 | |
questionnaires, the | here I test an IQ on us | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
questionnaire, the | queries one in that | DeanRelax | Jan 1936 | |
questioner | queries not* | Nypho | Mar 1932 | |
quietus | us quiet | Kenneth | Nov 1926 | |
question | Marks, the | askers quit on them | Ulk | Oct 1985 |
quiddities | id qui est id | DCVer | Dec 1930 | |
queen-size bed | be squeezed in* | HartKing | Nov 1983 | |
quietism | i.q., is mute | Nightowl | Jan 1975 | |
quiescent | quit scene | Winona | Jun 1962 | |
radiator, the | a torrid heat 17 | Francolin | Apr 1915 | |
radiance | air dance | EmmaLine | Feb 1916 | |
ratiocinations | into ratio I scan | XCLent | Sep 1918 | |
rapscallion, the | an ill cheap sort | Chris | Feb 1915 | |
rapscallion | lo, nip rascal | Travv | Jul 1987 | |
rapscallion, a | O, plain rascal 43,48,67 | Amaranth | Feb 1921 | |
radio, the | aero'd hit | DCVer | Mar 1932 | |
radio, the | I read hot | Primrose | Dec 1922 | |
radio, the | do hear it 75 | GiGantic | Jun 1923 | |
radio, the | O, heard it | Senor | Oct 1980 | |
raisonne | in reason | BenJMin | Aug 1925 | |
railroad crossing, the | hold car, sir: train goes | Ulk | Aug 1988 | |
ratiuncle | clear unit | Arcanus | Oct 1929 | |
raison d'etre | tried reason | Ralph | Apr 1930 | |
rapscallion, a | I no rascal, pal* | EmmoW | Jan 1931 | |
raspberries | spare briers! | SakrElBahr | Jan 1933 | |
rainwater | air ran wet | Kenneth | Mar 1933 | |
rampageousness | O, men! us saps rage | EmmoW | Feb 1938 | |
rainspout | a tin pours | AbStruse | Dec 1939 | |
rainspout, the | that rone is up | Travv | Mar 1986 | |
railroad stations, the | or a train leads to this | Amor | Apr 1946 | |
railroad station, the | O, her train loads at it | Merlin | Dec 1971 | |
rat poison | O, no! is trap! | Cryptox | Jul 1949 | |
ragtime | I'm great | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
rambunctious | but son, I'm a cur | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
rambunctious | our sin: act bum | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
raconteurs, the | sure no chatter* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
racetracks | cars! racket! | Larry | Dec 1954 | |
racehorse | O, he's racer | FredDomino | Dec 1955 | |
ratcatcher | charter cat | Hoho | Aug 1960 | |
radical | liar! cad! | Winona | Apr 1962 | |
ramshackle | charm? leaks! | Hap | Dec 1975 | |
razor-edge | ergo adzer | AnnDhow | Apr 1977 | |
raise havoc | chaos, I aver | Larry | Mar 1981 | |
railway station | trains toil away | SuSan | Apr 1930 | |
rag, tag, and bobtail, the | rabble to aid that gang 57 | Not Dated | ||
ragtime music | is gamut crime | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
ragtime music | i.e., magic strum | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
rainy season, the | any o' these rains | KappaKappa | Feb 1933 | |
rapid-fire gun, the | firing pure death | ESCrow | Apr 1915 | |
radiobroadcasting | I got bad cards on air | Marmion | Apr 1934 | |
radiobroadcasting | a big star did a croon | Marmion | Apr 1934 | |
radio broadcasting | good air band act, sir | Marmion | Apr 1934 | |
female impersonator | rip! see? not a male form* | Ulk | Mar 1991 | |
radio broadcasters, the | read booster's arid chat | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
radio broadcaster, the | ads to aid barter chore | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
tropics, the | cripes! hot-t! | Ulk | Mar 1991 | |
rain forest, the | trees, for a hint | TeZirMan | Oct 1989 | |
rain forest, the | fire's no threat | TeZirMan | Oct 1989 | |
rat race, the | career? that? | Ulk | Mar 1990 | |
rabbit stew | stab, brew it | Hudu | Sep 1988 | |
race suicide | accuser, I die | Gee | Apr 1913 | |
radiant energy, a | ray-generant aid | Ultramundane | Jul 1912 | |
radio tubes | our best aid | FredDomino | Jun 1959 | |
rapid transit system | trips in steady trams | Volar | Jun 1979 | |
railroad engineers, the | these do reign near rail | EmmaLine | Jul 1914 | |
relief pitcher, the | fierce hitter? help! | Larry | Nov 1974 | |
recreational | no real care, it | Hoodwink | Jun 1956 | |
recreating, a | in great care | Xiphias | Dec 1913 | |
recreation | career? not I! | Witchword | Dec 1977 | |
reprobate | a pert bore | Gee | Apr 1914 | |
requiescat in pace | cares quit [in] peace | Ralph | Apr 1914 | |
requiescat in pace | at a quiescence: RIP | TheGopher | Sep 1954 | |
requiescat in pace | quits race [in] peace 54 | Hoho | Dec 1936 | |
remunerated | return a meed | EmmaLine | Sep 1914 | |
remuneration | our men earn it | DeeGee | Apr 1957 | |
realistic | it is clear 32 | Chris | Nov 1914 | |
regulator | got a ruler 47 | Chris | Sep 1915 | |
recuperates | see part cure | TheGink | Aug 1973 | |
resignation | ire? not a sign | EmmaLine | Dec 1915 | |
resignation | I, star, in, gone | Primrose | Jul 1939 | |
resignation | anent "sir, I go" | TheGink | Feb 1974 | |
recuperation | I part cure one | EmmaLine | Mar 1916 | |
recuperation | O tire, nap cure | Hoodwink | Dec 1962 | |
recuperation | recoup near it | Yercas | Apr 1927 | |
reassurances | sans care, sure | Francolin | Jun 1916 | |
revelationist | reveals it? not I* | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
resolutions | tries no soul* | EmmaLine | Jul 1916 | |
resolution | O, 'tis no rule* | Travv | Feb 1987 | |
regulation | I tag no rule* | PoorRichard | Oct 1931 | |
regulation | got a rule in 86 | Cris | Jul 1917 | |
revelation | I reveal not* 25 | EmmaC | Nov 1919 | |
revelation, the | O, reveal it then | SuSan | Oct 1928 | |
revelations | tears no veil* | Lateo | Dec 1931 | |
revelations | are not veils | PoorRichard | Oct 1929 | |
resisting | is resting* 41 | Emeline | Sep 1917 | |
revolutionary | your in a revolt | Kenneth | Sep 1960 | |
revolutionary | lo, I overturn, ay! | Nightowl | Jul 1971 | |
Republican, the | I curb elephant | ESCrow | Nov 1917 | |
relinquishment, a | rash men quit line | Vesta | Dec 1917 | |
revolutions | revulsion to | Nypho | Nov 1927 | |
revolution | I love to run | Enavlicm | Apr 1918 | |
revolution, the | I love to turn, eh? | Vulcan | May 1928 | |
revolution | O, I love turn | Travv | Jul 1987 | |
responsibility, a | person's ability, I | SamSlick | May 1918 | |
responsibility, a | I press on ability | BooJeeKay | Jun 1957 | |
remonstrations | Mr. T reasons on it | Vesta | Oct 1918 | |
remonstrate | as men retort | FredDomino | Mar 1959 | |
respirator, a | rear air stop | Xiphias | Feb 1919 | |
Reaganomics | a con game, sir | Meo | Feb 1983 | |
regiments | get men, sir | Vesta | May 1919 | |
revision | Version I* | Hap | Jan 1981 | |
reprisal, a | is real rap | Vesta | Jul 1919 | |
retribution | O, bitter ruin | AyayeKay | Mar 1942 | |
retaliation | irate talion | EmJay | May 1924 | |
repudiation | I paid our net* | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
red, white and blue, the wait: three-hued blend | DanDLyon | Jul 1917 | ||
red, white and blue, the we hate Hitlered bund | AwlWrong | Sep 1942 | ||
refrigerator cars | great icers for a RR | Atlantis | Feb 1915 | |
research and development dope the MDs can ever learn | Wyvern | Aug 1983 | ||
read the riot act | O, direct a threat 87 | DavidShulmanMar 83 4*P | ||
revenge is sweet | we get even, sires | Wyvern | Nov 11978 | |
ready-made clothes | create shoddy male | Amaranth | Feb 1911 | |
reforestation | on to fair trees | Si | Jun 1934 | |
reprimand | remind, rap | TheGink | Nov 1972 | |
recognition | noticing o'er | DCVer | Aug 1934 | |
residence, the | here is den, etc. | Tartarin | Oct 1934 | |
reinforcements | is for recent men | FredDomino | Jul 1955 | |
reinforcements | rest! men in force | Travv | May 1977 | |
registered mail | real gems ride it | Hoodwink | May 1935 | |
registered letter, a | seal it, deter regret | Hoodwink | May 1935 | |
redactions | scan, editor | Viking | Jun 1968 | |
reproductions | copiers do turn | DCVer | Feb 1936 | |
reproductions | oo! crude prints* | TheGink | Feb 1971 | |
reiteration | O, trite in ear | EmmoW | May 1936 | |
resettlement | let me set rent | JayTuefs | Jul 1936 | |
reaction | I care not | Hoho | Aug 1936 | |
reconditeness, a | an esoteric's end | Pacifico | Sep 1960 | |
resuscitation | it is not a curse | Hoodwink | Jan 1937 | |
resuscitation, a | acts to use air in | Viking | Sep 1968 | |
recidivist, the | hit direst vice | Yercas | Mar 1937 | |
recidivist | I'd stir vice | Hap | Nov 1974 | |
regimentation | meet rationing | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
regimentation | go meet it in NRA | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
regimentation | O, meet training | AbStruse | Dec 1939 | |
rejection slip | jilt recipe, son | AbStruse | Jan 1938 | |
reticule, a | etui: clear? 81 | TheGink | Oct 1962 | |
reconciliation | ironical notice* | Archimedes | Oct 1938 | |
reupholster | help our rest | FredDomino | Mar 1960 | |
rebuttal | true blat | Hoho | Nov 1961 | |
renominated | renamed? not I!* | JayTuefs | Apr 1940 | |
reductions | cut, sir? done! | Puzzeroo | Apr 1940 | |
repulsiveness | super-vileness | Hoosier | May 1940 | |
rebidding | bridge din | DoubleH | Aug 1987 | |
refreshments | freshens term | XSpecked | Oct 1941 | |
repulsive | super-vile | Katmat | Nov 1941 | |
recidivism, a | crime is avid | Arcanus | Mar 1942 | |
regulate | get a rule 60 | Ixaxar | Jul 1942 | |
reasonable | sane or able 86 | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
reconditeness | so end in secret | AwlWrong | Feb 1944 | |
reasonableness | lo, bans sane seer* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
reasonableness | sane labors seen | Hoodwink | Dec 1958 | |
reasonableness | O, bans real sense* | Arcanus | Jun 1945 | |
reverberation, a | ever reboant air | Not Dated | ||
reverberation, a | ever reboant air | AwlWrong | Jun 1947 | |
retirements | men tire, rest | Fiddle | Aug 1949 | |
rei persecutoria | is recuperatorie | SakrElBahr | Jan 1949 | |
reasonable facsimile, a | O, man, I be as clear as lifeFredDomino | Jul 1951 | ||
remote control | lo, center motor* | Trash | Nov 1989 | |
reading between the linesseeing beneath wile trend | TheGopher | Aug 1957 | ||
rest upon one's oars | so turns on a repose | TheGopher | Nov 1955 | |
retirement benefits | it's better in free men | Kay | Nov 1962 | |
restaurant | run star eat | WillieWildw+ | Oct 1924 | |
restaurant | star tea urn | WillieWildw+ | Oct 1924 | |
restaurant | rats eat, run | FMarkHorn | May 1945 | |
red tag sale | great deals | Atlantic | Apr 1988 | |
rectilinearity | try cite air line | Gemini | Dec 1924 | |
restful | fluster* | Amaranth | Mar 1925 | |
reputation | rep to a nut, I | KRaps | Dec 1925 | |
reputation | O, put it near | KnutKrakr | Feb 1935 | |
redoubtable | ae, bold brute | Enavlicm | Dec 1925 | |
redoubtable | bade trouble | Yercas | Feb 1931 | |
remittances | nice matters | Enavlicm | Apr 1926 | |
resurrection | inter so recur | Fanacro | Jun 1971 | |
resurrection | rise not, curer* | Li'lGamin | Feb 1977 | |
resurrection | I score return | AbStruse | May 1985 | |
re-revision, the | Version Three, I | Kremlin | Dec 1988 | |
revised edition | edited revision | Jemand | Jul 1926 | |
rest in peace | escape, inert | AbStruse | Oct 1988 | |
reception | no receipt* | Yercas | Dec 1926 | |
resource | recourse | Amaranth | Dec 1926 | |
rehearsing | hear singer | NJineer | Feb 1927 | |
redfins, the | tender fish | Elf | Jun 1985 | |
representative | a rep ever sent it | Piker | Feb 1927 | |
reconsideration | reconnoiters aid | MazyMasker | May 1930 | |
redivivus | I survived | Ellsworth | Jun 1927 | |
repartimiento | mere partition | JackOLantern | Jul 1927 | |
relationship | I hale pert son | FrostERoman | Oct 1973 | |
reach-me-down | new arch mode | Tunste | Nov 1927 | |
reinstate | stet: are in | Kenneth | Jan 1928 | |
recommendations | no, no cads merit 'em | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
recommendation | O, condemn a merit* | Piker | Feb 1928 | |
recommendation | I read comment on | TheGink | Sep 1971 | |
recommendation | mention comrade | DeeGee | Aug 1955 | |
rehabilitates | i.e, alter habits | ESCrow | Jul 1928 | |
rehabilitates | I rate this able | Hoodwink | Jan 1937 | |
reforestation | for a tree is on't | BeauNed | Jan 1929 | |
reforestation | no fair to trees* | TeZirMan | Jan 1990 | |
reforestation | a ton o' fir trees | Rainbow | Nov 1985 | |
reality | liar, yet* | Primrose | Apr 1929 | |
Renaissance, the | art scene ashine | CornCob | Dec 1985 | |
reverberation, a | ever beat in roar | DCVer | May 1929 | |
rejuvenation | a | Junior event 63 | Hoosier | May 1929 |
respiration | nose rip't air | Vulcan | Jul 1929 | |
refurbish | I rub fresh | Zoroaster | Mar 1930 | |
reliable | a libeler* | Hoosier | May 1932 | |
reinsurance | cannier sure | Castet | Jul 1933 | |
regeneration | tone regainer | Yercas | Jun 1933 | |
Revolutionary War, the | rate valor with our yen | Tut | Jul 1977 | |
Revolutionary War, the | overthrew a royal unit | AbStruse | Feb 1982 | |
American Revolution, the ha! our men incite a revolt | Vulcan | Mar 1928 | ||
sulphur-bottom whales, the | helm put out "thar she blows"AwlWrong | Oct 1945 | ||
energy crisis, the | cries hit erg yens | Tut | Feb 1974 | |
Madison Avenue | O, use vain ad men! | HartKing | May 1977 | |
French Revolution | violence run forth | 62 Wheat | ||
French Revolution, the | even then riot of churl | Baful | Jan 1967 | |
Dame Fashion | fain has mode | AwlWrong | Jul 1936 | |
Revolutionary War, the | wrathy era to love ruin | CharlesWTribSep17 81GD | ||
righteous | sought ire* | AlecSander | Jun 1917 | |
ring shake | shrinkage | Phil | Oct 1924 | |
rimester, the | metrist here | Vulcan | Jan 1929 | |
righteousness | ho, sin's gesture* | SuSan | Feb 1932 | |
riposte | I so pert | Hoodwink | May 1935 | |
ridiculousnesses | sense is ludicrous | AlecSander | Feb 1936 | |
ringleader | a ringer led | EmmoW | Feb 1938 | |
riverside, the | dive there, sir | TheGink | Jul 1961 | |
rinnce fada | dancin' fare | Philana | Dec 1978 | |
right fielder, the | held free hit, girt | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
River Styx, the | try this: ever "X" | Not Dated | ||
River Styx, the | try this: ever "X" | Don | Apr 1931 | |
rich as Croesus | is cash or curse | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
rhetorician | re: hot air, inc. | Hap | Apr 1984 | |
Rhodesian ridgebacks | dogs: bark in dire chase | Atlantic | Apr 1982 | |
rheumatoid arthritis | I raised arm, tho' it hurt | Hap | Jul 1984 | |
rheumatoid arthritis | I distort area, hurt him | Kamel | Jan 1982 | |
rhinoplasties | "hip" nose trials | Hapowl | Nov 1979 | |
rhetoric | rich rote | Hap | Jul 1978 | |
Rhodes scholar, a | had rare schools | FredDomino | Sep 1956 | |
rhabdomancy | branch | May do | Archimedes | May 1952 |
rhinestones | note shiners | Donatello | Dec 1928 | |
rhadamanthine | I a hard man then | Wehanonowit | May 1934 | |
rhadamanthine | a hard man, thine | Ellsworth | Dec 1927 | |
rhadamanthine | hard man? he ain't* | Hardric | Jan 1983 | |
rheumatism, the | ah, me! it hurts me | YKnott | Sep 1926 | |
rheumatism | aim: hurts me | AbStruse | Jun 1980 | |
rogues' gallery, the | you're hell's tagger | Hercules | Jun 1931 | |
rogues' gallery | or, all yeggs rue | TyPWright | May 1928 | |
rogues' gallery, the | all our yeggs there | Amaranth | Jan 1917 | |
routine | one rut, I 38 | DCVer | May 1919 | |
robin redbreast, a | bare one star bird | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
robin redbreast, a | tabs one rare bird* | LeDare | May 1920 | |
robin redbreast | born as tree bird | Spreggs | Aug 1941 | |
robin redbreast | re: best roan bird | Ixaxar | Dec 1954 | |
robin redbreast, the | bird: berth's on a tree | NoholdsBard | Apr 1990 | |
rodent, a | one d--- rat 88 | Vulcan | Feb 1929 | |
rodentian | O, rat in den | Travv | Nov 1985 | |
royalist, a | Tory alias | DCVer | May 1933 | |
rodomontade | mood? O, ranted | SakrElBahr | Aug 1933 | |
rodomontade | O, damned "root"! | EmmoW | Jun 1952 | |
rolling stone, a | not long as lier | DCVer | Mar 1935 | |
rolling stone | lingers lot? no! | DCVer | Mar 1935 | |
rotundities | I set it round | Cincinnatus | Aug 1935 | |
routinely | lo, in ye rut | Hoho | Aug 1936 | |
routinely | in ye ol' rut | Ulk | Mar 1986 | |
Roisin Dubh | bound Irish | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 | |
Rock of Gibraltar, the | lick harbor-gate fort | DCVer | Aug11 00Pe | |
routinism | I'm so in rut | AwlWrong | Nov 1943 | |
rotacisms | O, miscast "R" | DhumbbBhelle | Oct 1947 | |
rounds of applause, the | spout-of-hand pleasure | Pat | Feb 1950 | |
round-trip ticket, a | pick a return, ditto | Hoodwink | Mar 1951 | |
roseola | lo, a sore | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | |
rondure | re: round | Hoodwink | Jul 1957 | |
rodenticide, a | O, rat died nice | FredDomino | Aug 1961 | |
rounder, a | darn roue | Molemi | Jan 1963 | |
Russian Revolution, the | result: Soviet Union, rah! | Yercas | Jul 1936 | |
ruined | I under | Arcanus | May 1914 | |
rusticity | is city rut* | PAB | Dec 1925 | |
rugosity, the | it's rough yet | Vulcan | Sep 1929 | |
rubefaction | rub face on it | BeauNed | Oct 1929 | |
Russia | I, a USSR 48 | Yercas | Jul 1934 | |
rumble | lumber | AwlWrong | Sep 1937 | |
Russ | USSR 83 | Primrose | Jun 1940 | |
Russophile, the | help to USSR, I, eh? | Nypho | Feb 1949 | |
Russian roulette | ruin t' loser at use | Volar | Nov 1978 | |
rosinante, the | antient horse | Atlantic | Jan 1984 | |
run the gauntlet, to | lunge thro' taut net | CSaw | Mar 1926 | |
Rocky Mountains | O, man! ski country! | Ruthless | Nov 1985 | |
rose water | orra sweet | AnnDhow | Dec 1978 | |
rosebushes | O, see shrubs 89 | AbStruse | May 1979 | |
roller coaster | terror's locale? | DoubleH | Dec 1984 | |
roller coasters, the | so call these "terror" | AbStruse | Jun 1982 | |
rousing cheer, a | his encourager | AbStruse | Dec 1982 | |
rob Peter to pay Paul | re: loot by pauper art | ZerO | Feb 1971 | |
roman-fleuve, the | me? "haute" | Novel (Fr.) | Ulk | Aug 1983 |
rogue elephant | huge loner: a pet? | JoTheLoiter+ | Aug 1989 | |
rough and tumble | ugh! damn trouble | TheGopher | Feb 1967 | |
rubedity | red: buy it? | Blackstone | Dec 1980 | |
Russian ballet, the | sure, then, it's a ball | TheGopher | Jan 1965 | |
Robin Goodfellow | wood elf or goblin | ArtyEss | Apr 1913 | |
round-tailed muskrat, therodent thus like a mud rat | Viking | Jul 1963 | ||
Roaring Twenties | "ring" era: so it went | Baful | Jan 1967 | |
Roaring Twenties | gin, sir? era not wet | Baful | Jan 1967 | |
sailor, the | lo, he is tar | Xiphias | Jul 1914 | |
sakeen, the | ah, tek seen | Atlantis | Feb 1914 | |
saint | at sin* | Livedevil | Sep 1934 | |
saint, a | I, Satan* | Sphinx | Feb 1985 | |
Sabra | 's Arab* | Senor | Jul 1983 | |
safety pins | yes, nip fast | Towhead | Apr 1915 | |
sacerdotalism | almost sacred, I | SamSlick | May 1915 | |
satisfaction | so fit is an act | SamSlick | Dec 1916 | |
salesladies | lassies deal | Enavlicm | Mar 1921 | |
satisfy | says fit | Poly | Oct 1934 | |
satisfied | is if sated | FredDomino | Dec 1923 | |
sardonic | acrid, son | Enavlicm | Jun 1924 | |
saintliness | least in sins | NJineer | May 1925 | |
saintliness | sin sine salt | Spreggs | Dec 1940 | |
saintliness | ain't sinless* | Viking | Dec 1963 | |
saintliness | entails sins* | Sphinx | Jun 1986 | |
satanic | act a sin | Al | Aug 1925 | |
satanic | C a saint | Hoosier | May 1932 | |
satisfactory | a fact: 'tis rosy | OShaw | Dec 1927 | |
sanctimonious, the | saint mush too nice | Hoho | Jun 1937 | |
sanctimonious | mass o' unction, I | Nypho | Aug 1949 | |
sanctimonious | O, I am not cussin' | SiouxCQ | Mar 1975 | |
sanctimonious | so count I am sin* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
sanctimoniousness | to cuss is no mean sin | MinnieMum | Feb 1928 | |
sanctimoniousness | to cuss mean is no sin* | MinnieMum | Feb 1928 | |
sandwich, the | and chew this | Nypho | Jul 1928 | |
sandwiches | snide chaws | DCVer | Mar 1934 | |
sagaciousness | so I scan a guess | Gordonor | Aug 1928 | |
sagaciousness | as I so can guess | Gordonor | Aug 1928 | |
Samaritan | I arm Satan* | Vulcan | Jul 1929 | |
saponifiers | if soap, rinse | TheGink | Jan 1960 | |
saponification | soap if in action | Yercas | Nov 1929 | |
saponification | into soap, if I can | Nightowl | Jul 1971 | |
sarip, the | ah, priest | CSaw | Mar 1930 | |
Saint Elmo's fire | its flare is omen | Viking | Nov 1941 | |
Saint Elmo's fire | is lit for seamen | Hercules | Mar 1931 | |
Saint Elmo's fire | see fila in storm | Jerg | Apr 1984 | |
Saint Elmo's fire | rises into flame | AbStruse | Apr 1989 | |
sarcophagi, the | high, at a corpse | Viking | Oct 1934 | |
sarcophagus | saps a grouch | Sherlac | Mar 1941 | |
Saturnalia | is a natural | Katmat | Mar 1936 | |
Saturnalian | a turn a la sin | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
sarabande | Arab danse | Hoho | Jan 1937 | |
sanctification | O, fact: I-I can't sin | Yercas | Dec 1937 | |
sarong | no rags* | Hoho | Jun 1941 | |
saboteur | O, a buster! 90 | Ixaxar | Nov 1942 | |
sabotage | go at base | Sourpuss | Jan 1943 | |
sailormen | lo! | Marines | Ixaxar | Feb 1944 |
saddlesoreness | lo, sadder senses | Pacifico | Dec 1953 | |
sachem, the | he's th' acme | Hoho | Jan 1955 | |
sacredness | sans creeds* | Winona | Jun 1962 | |
sandpiper | snipe, pard 65 | TheGink | Oct 1962 | |
safari, the | I haste far | Hoho | Jan 1941 | |
sanitary | air: nasty* | Tav | Jan 1976 | |
salmagundi, a | um! gain salad | Nightowl | Nov 1976 | |
Saturday night special, the | a gun they list as dirt-cheapViking | Oct 1972 | ||
Saturday night special | a dirt-cheap gun, it slays | Atlantic | Jul 1983 | |
salad days | a lad's [days] | SkyLight | Feb 1929 | |
salad days, the | a shy lad dates | AChem | Dec 1969 | |
sand trap, the | that ends par | Larry | Nov 1930 | |
scabies, the | base itches 28 | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
scabies, the | chases bite* | Vulcan | May 1930 | |
scoundrel, a | an old curse | Gee | Jun 1916 | |
scarpines, the | span heretics | Hercules | May 1924 | |
scurrilities | I list cur's ire | Spud | Jan 1927 | |
sciatica, the | is tacit ache | Kenneth | Jan 1928 | |
schoolmaster | the classroom | Molemi | Jan 1928 | |
schoolmaster, the | Mr. HS tool teaches | SAmple | May 1932 | |
scandalmongers, the | home's grandest clan* | HomeBrew | Oct 1940 | |
scandalmonger, the | can go slander them | EmmoW | Sep 1932 | |
scandalmonger | canard slog men | Epod | Jul 1939 | |
scandalmongers, the | men go chat slanders | Viking | Feb 1941 | |
scandalmongers, the | match gone slanders | DCVer | Nov 1942 | |
scandalmongers, the | chat no slander gems | FredDomino | Nov 1953 | |
scintillating | lilting in acts | Wehanonowit | Feb 1933 | |
scatterbrained | err, can't be staid | EmmoW | Apr 1945 | |
scatterbrained | aberrants cited | SuSan | Oct 1933 | |
scatterbrained | erratic bent, sad | Katmat | May 1935 | |
scrapepennies | spare pence? sin! | Arcanus | Apr 1937 | |
Scriptures, the | see crisp truth | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
Scriptures, the | precise truths | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
Scriptures, the | truth's recipes | TheGink | Sep 1962 | |
schmierkase, the | mark this cheese | AbStruse | Jan 1938 | |
scrod | cod, sr.* | YKnott | Aug 1941 | |
schism, a | is chasm | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
scimitar, the | arc smite, hit | Hoho | Nov 1969 | |
Schopenhauerism | such hope remains* | Nightowl | Dec 1981 | |
seaworthy | shy o' water* | Ulk | Sep 1985 | |
separatist | is set apart | Spica | Oct 1916 | |
self-preservation | so ever rapt in self | AwlWrong | Oct 1938 | |
self-preservative | save pervert's life | Moonshine | Nov 1918 | |
seraglios | girl oases | AbStruse | Apr 1979 | |
seraglios, the | gals there? O, si! | Ulk | Aug 1986 | |
seraglios, the | ah, to see girls | NoholdsBard | Sep 1988 | |
septuagenarian | is put near an age | SerpeggiandoJul 1926 | ||
septuagenarian | a nurse pet again | AirRaid | May 1920 | |
septuagenarian, the | near that supine age | Hercules | Jul 1924 | |
septuagenarians, the | teenagers? us? ha! inapt | Hardric | Mar 1982 | |
self-abasement | feel mean stabs | Orion | Sep 1934 | |
self-determination | me first-end it alone | WEStern | Jun 1920 | |
self-determination | listen in at freedom | TheGopher | Mar 1955 | |
self-condemnation | man's indecent fool | Spreggs | Apr 1932 | |
sensuality | I'se any lust | Kenneth | Feb 1924 | |
sensuality | aye, lust, sin | Travv | Feb 1978 | |
selection | cons elite | AlecSander | May 1926 | |
seditious | is outside | AlecSander | Dec 1924 | |
second-rater, a | no ace starred | Pacifico | Jul 1956 | |
selfish | flesh is | Petite | Sep 1928 | |
seaview | i.e., waves | Hoho | Jul 1968 | |
self-sterile | less fertile | TryemAll | Sep 1928 | |
sentimentalism | Len, I sat smitten! | Kamel | Dec 1975 | |
serpent, a | enter, asp | Vulcan | Nov 1928 | |
sententious | use one stint | Oedipus | Feb 1969 | |
seawater | wet areas 72 | Vulcan | Nov 1929 | |
sepiment | it pens me | ProfPampelm+ | Jan 1981 | |
sempiternally | simply eternal 64 | Ellsworth | Sep 1930 | |
sea lion | no seal, I* 85 | Blackstone | Oct 1930 | |
sepulcher, a | chapel? sure! | CSaw | Apr 1931 | |
sequestration | no rest as quiet | Yercas | Mar 1933 | |
semolina | is no meal* | DCVer | Jul 1933 | |
secularists | surest laics | Pacifico | May 1957 | |
sequestration | r't quiet season | Wehanonowit | Oct 1934 | |
segregationist, the | agrees "sit in ghetto" | Ulk | May 1988 | |
sensationalistic | no act is silent as I* | EmmoW | Feb 1937 | |
separator | so, a parter | MULater | Sep 1940 | |
segregation | I tag Negroes 60 | DhumbbBhelle | Sep 1948 | |
segregation | O, seat nigger | DhumbbBhelle | Sep 1948 | |
segregation | it ages Negro | UncleRebus | Jan 1966 | |
self-glorification | nice I go first of all | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
sesquicentennial | seen in CL antiques | XSpecked | Jan 1952 | |
school desegregation | O, go see! Negro child sat | Faro | May 1971 | |
scales of justice | if just, close case | TheGopher | Oct 1954 | |
score card, the | caseth record | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
score cards, the | cast records, eh? | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
scoreboard, the | O, record bats, eh? | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
Scotch whiskey | why is chest OK? C? | AuldReekie | May 1939 | |
scarlet woman, the | scan harlot we met | Amaranth | Dec 1930 | |
scot free | cost [free] | Sol | Jul 1928 | |
salt of the earth | he rates hat loft | TheGopher | Jul 1955 | |
safety razors, the | thy sort raze safe | PollyKrome | Dec 1924 | |
Saint Nicholas | 'las! ain't no sich | Bam | Jan 1933 | |
San Andreas fault | a star land, unsafe | Ruthless | Jan 1984 | |
San Pedro fish | opahs, friends 90 | ProfPampelm+ | Jun 1979 | |
Saint Lawrence River, thewaters enter in rich vale | Amaranth | Jul 1913 | ||
Saint Valentine's Day | leaves [saint] tiny Dan | Donatello | Feb 1913 | |
safety first | 'st! try if safe | Vesta | Dec 1920 | |
safety first | satisfy fret | TheGopher | May 1961 | |
setting sun, the | sent huge tints | Jemand | Jun 1919 | |
serial story | rosy tale, sir | Francolin | May 1915 | |
seasoning, the | hint: sage 's one | Blackstone | Dec 1987 | |
sea of matrimony, the | oh, tie for many mates | DeeGee | Nov 1955 | |
Sermon on the Mount, the O, men, Son [on] truth theme | FredDomino | Jan 1955 | ||
sea of troubles, a | O, soul beset afar | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
sea of troubles, a | O, abet soul's fear | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
separate maintenance | I mean a sentence apart | Pat | May 1953 | |
season ticket | TKO's nice seat | Amigo | Jun 1979 | |
service stations | one visit (cars set) | FredDomino | Sep 1956 | |
sexual harassment | a man's lust axes her | Clover | Sep 1980 | |
sense of humor, a | so 'e has more fun | AChem | Aug 1929 | |
shower bath | wash? bother! | NoholdsBard | Sep 1988 | |
shower bath, a | ho! bash water | TheGopher | Feb 1965 | |
shower bath, a | wash, O bather | Amaranth | Oct 1910 | |
shoplifters, the | thefts rile shop | Vulcan | Jun 1928 | |
shoplifter, the | h-lp! store thief | TheGink | Dec 1970 | |
shipwrecked | deck shew rip | Enavlicm | Aug 1922 | |
shortness | sets shorn | Primrose | Sep 1923 | |
shower, a | wash o'er | Eureka | Sep 1923 | |
shapeliness | shins please | Enavlicm | Apr 1926 | |
shipwreck, a | ha! crew skip | Yercas | Feb 1931 | |
sheiks | he kiss | Spreggs | Apr 1932 | |
shouting | sing out h--- | SAmple | Jan 1934 | |
shoulder | hold sure | Twisto | Nov 1935 | |
shortstops | short posts | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
sharp-witted | apt, shrewd, it | AwlWrong | Dec 1937 | |
shampooed | O, O, he's damp | Hoho | Jan 1943 | |
shampoo | oh, m'soap | Famulus | May 1983 | |
shortage, a | ah, so great* | Hoodwink | Jan 1948 | |
shoestrings, the | these thongs, sir | Arcanus | Jan 1957 | |
shadows, the | death shows | TheGink | Nov 1962 | |
shibboleth, a | ah, Bible shot | Oedipus | May 1969 | |
shuffleboard | brush-off deal | Kamel | Sep 1975 | |
shore leave | ho! sea revel* | Sibyl | Dec 1986 | |
shambles | blah! mess! | Ulk | Nov 1988 | |
shrinking violet | hint: risking love* | QGaw | Jan 1989 | |
shoelaces, the | ah, these close | AbStruse | Jul 1989 | |
shower curtain | or I shun wet arc | BillyTheKid | Dec 1989 | |
short-eared owls, the | shrewd late hooters | Amaranth | Mar 1924 | |
shooting gallery | I really shot gong | Amaranth | Dec 1910 | |
Shenandoah Valley | ah, so heavenly land | NJineer | Oct 1926 | |
shoot one's bolt, to | O, noblest shot, too | Pacifico | Jul 1957 | |
Shetland pony, a | shelty, no panda | Hoho | Oct 1960 | |
shuttle diplomacy | ply Mideast clout, H. | Mangie | Oct 1975 | |
short-wave radio | to hear words via | Amber | Sep 1980 | |
shotgun wedding, a | "no gag?" stud whined | Tut | Feb 1977 | |
shooting stars | night toss, soar | Evergreen | Aug 1932 | |
shotgun | Marriage, the | oh, agree t' rush mating | AbStruse | Apr 1981 |
sinecure, a | incur ease | Amaranth | Jan 1914 | |
sinapism, the | this pains me | Vesta | Nov 1920 | |
sideshow | is showed | Rhoda | Dec 1920 | |
sidewalk | is walked | Rhoda | Dec 1920 | |
sidelight | is lighted | Rhoda | Dec 1920 | |
sideboard | is boarded | Rhoda | Dec 1920 | |
simpleton | not simple* 30 | Vulcan | Dec 1928 | |
simpleton, a | let on I'm sap | Enavlicm | Apr 1931 | |
signboards, the | things bore ads | Vulcan | Mar 1929 | |
signature | i.e., U.S.Grant | Enavlicm | Mar 1931 | |
siderostat | I do set star | Spreggs | Apr 1932 | |
Sibiriak, the | Siberia kith | BlueHenChickJul 1932 | ||
sine die | i.e., is end | DCVer | Aug 1932 | |
simony | O, my sin | Krishna | Jul 1936 | |
singultus | suits lung | AbStruse | Oct 1938 | |
sinister | sin rites | HarrieTwo | Mar 1940 | |
sinister | I stern? si! | Travv | Sep 1988 | |
sight-seeing | GI sees thing | Osaple | Feb 1946 | |
Siamese, the | Thai sees 'em | Blackstone | Jan 1948 | |
sigillate | legal it is | Viking | Mar 1963 | |
silhouetting, a | it outlines hag | Hoho | Mar 1968 | |
silhouetting | outline sight | Hap | Apr 1976 | |
sirenian, a | I ran in sea | Viking | Feb 1969 | |
simian | is I man?* | Hoho | Aug 1970 | |
signboard | O, brings ad | AbStruse | Jun 1979 | |
significant other | cot: fine sharing it | Ergo | Aug 1989 | |
silent majority, the | majesty in their lot | Remardo | Apr 1912 | |
sit-down strikers, the | sitters end this work | Damonomad | Apr 1937 | |
sit-down strike | work stint dies | FredDomino | Jul 1955 | |
signs of the times | if set, sight omens | TheGopher | Feb 1967 | |
sight for sore eyes, a | go see this rosy fare | Squirrel | Oct 1983 | |
signed on the dotted linenote: thing sold needed it | HartKing | May 1983 | ||
singles bar, a | barge in, lass | Volar | Sep 1981 | |
Siamese twins | seems is twain | TheGopher | Jul 1964 | |
Siamese twins | same, we insist | AbStruse | Jul 1983 | |
sign of the cross, the | ghost [of] Christ seen | AwlWrong | Dec 1942 | |
signal of distress, a | it's SOS read in flags 36 | Viking | Feb 1932 | |
signal of distress, a | sad sign rises aloft | Amaranth | Nov 1931 | |
signal of distress, a | SOS fast relaid sign | TheGopher | May 1956 | |
skiascopes | O, I ask specs | Rhoda | May 1920 | |
skeptics | set picks | ITappaKe | Sep 1933 | |
slot machine | ha, coins melt | SakrElBahr | Apr 1939 | |
slot machine | slam the coin | Yercas | Feb 1937 | |
slot machine, a | has metal coin | Francolin | Apr 1916 | |
slacker, a | are lacks | XCLent | Sep 1918 | |
Slovak | Slav OK | DCVer | Dec 1921 | |
slantendicular | all is run canted | ArtyEss | Jul 1922 | |
slithered | slid there 32 | Amaranth | Apr 1925 | |
sleeplessness | lessens sleeps | Druh | Jun 1926 | |
sledge | e.g., sled | Yercas | Nov 1930 | |
slatternliness | trills neatness* | SuSan | Feb 1932 | |
slubberdegullion, the | he being true dull slob | Whatzit | Dec 1944 | |
slapdash | a d--- splash | TheGink | Jan 1974 | |
slide trombone, a | I'm real sob toned | Qpkwins | Feb 1937 | |
sleeping beauty | nap beguiles yet | TheGink | Nov 1962 | |
slip of the tongue, a | hope its fault gone | Hoho | Feb 1943 | |
slap on the wrist | plant worse hits* | ProfPampelm+ | Sep 1980 | |
smith, the | hits them | Jemand | Sep 1927 | |
smokescreen, a | mask o'er scene | AwlWrong | Aug 1937 | |
smearcase, the | a smart cheese | AbStruse | Jan 1938 | |
smithereens | in mess there | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
small potatoes | looms least apt | FredDomino | Mar 1958 | |
smoke signals | lo, makes signs | Arcanus | Aug 1947 | |
snowstorm, a | most raw, son | QuiVive | Mar 1913 | |
snowdrift | first down | Hoho | Jan 1969 | |
snitch, a | at chins | Viking | Mar 1972 | |
snow tires | own set, sir | Volar | Dec 1979 | |
sneak preview | peek wins rave | Volar | Oct 1978 | |
sneak thief | he takes a "fin" | Merlin | Jan 1977 | |
skeleton in the closet, aseek to close 't in, then, AlNankiPoo | Jul 1919 | |||
skeleton in the closet | sentinel, to lock these | Arcanus | Aug 1961 | |
skeleton in the closet | he sick? see not, tell not | Acorn | Jul 1978 | |
snowshoe rabbits, the | hare host bobs in West | Blackstone | Jan 1948 | |
snake in the grass, a | he's sneaking as rat | EmmoW | Apr 1934 | |
snake in the grass | this sneak angers | JackOLantern | Dec 1934 | |
snake in the grass | this sneak ranges | Molemi | Jan 1968 | |
snakes in the grass | kens harassing set | Tunste | Jun 1939 | |
snakes in the grass | ah! sneaks! stingers! | Tunste | Jun 1939 | |
solitariness | sits alone, sir 36,51 | NetaLyle | Aug 1922 | |
solitariness | sole, is strain | ICDimly | Dec 1911 | |
solar system | O, 'em sly stars | IDCipher | Feb 1932 | |
solar system, the | theme: stars soly | Lateo | Jan 1926 | |
solar system, the | seemly star host | Castet | Nov 1930 | |
solar system, the | lo! shy stars teem | AwlWrong | Mar 1936 | |
solar system, the | homes, star style | HartKing | Sep 1977 | |
solar system | Sol's mastery | CornCob | Jun 1985 | |
solitary confinement | I set frantic men loony | Amaranth | Jun 1913 | |
solitary confinement | e'en stay in comfort? nil | Tav | Jan 1977 | |
solitary confinement | fie, my lone constraint | AbStruse | Oct 1980 | |
solitary confinement | my lot is not free in can | AbStruse | Jul 1983 | |
solitary confinement | I control men in safety | QGaw | Jul 1985 | |
soldier, the | loser dieth | Willz | Jun 1977 | |
society | coy ties | LaNoitan | May 1915 | |
soldierly | O, yes, drill | Castet | Jul 1952 | |
South America | O, it's much area | Enavlicm | Jan 1917 | |
sortilegers | seers rig lot | Merlin | Aug 1973 | |
sorrowed | sore word | AlecSander | Apr 1919 | |
sophistication | O, so hip in its act | AbStruse | Jan 1987 | |
sophisticated | his tact poised | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
sophisticated | a chit is posted | Amaranth | May 1925 | |
sophisticated | it's hep at disco | Witchword | Jun 1980 | |
sophisticated | it's acted so hip | AbStruse | Oct 1984 | |
southeasters | thus rose at SE | Nightowl | Sep 1976 | |
Socialists, the | lo, this is caste | TheGopher | Jan 1926 | |
somnipathy | a hypnotism 54 | Hercules | Jul 1927 | |
sovereign, the | vote he reigns | Kenneth | Aug 1927 | |
solidago | O, I so glad | EmmoW | Dec 1930 | |
solidago | do go, sail | EmmoW | Dec 1930 | |
solidago | so I a gold | EmmoW | Dec 1930 | |
solidago | a solo dig | EmmoW | Dec 1930 | |
solidago | O, lady, I go | EmmoW | Dec 1930 | |
solidago | Sol, go aid | EmmoW | Dec 1930 | |
solidago | good soil | EmmoW | Dec 1930 | |
somatic | is 't' coma? | BeauNed | Jan 1931 | |
solitary confinement | only one miscreant fit | BNatural | Dec 1965 | |
solitary confinement | felons cry "no mate in it" | DCVer | Jul 1931 | |
solitary confinement | nasty men fit in cooler | Viking | Jul 1932 | |
solitary confinement | I torment any con's life | Viking | Jun 1932 | |
solitary confinement | I'm only a con in fetters | Viking | Jun 1932 | |
solitary confinement | solo in my fetter in can | Viking | May 1933 | |
solitary confinement | silent notice for many | TheGopher | Apr 1965 | |
soup to nuts | no stout sup* | OShaw | Mar 1927 | |
soniferous | us for noise 33 | IDCipher | Feb 1932 | |
somnolent | not solemn* | GiGantic | Dec 1935 | |
sorehead, a | O, he's a dear* | Tav | May 1975 | |
somnambulistic | is noctambulism | AwlWrong | Jan 1936 | |
sonorous | soon sour | FredDomino | May 1943 | |
southern | use north* | Blackstone | Nov 1944 | |
somnambulists, the | I, Somnus blast them | Arcanus | Oct 1945 | |
sovereigns, the | oversee things | AlGebra | Jun 1988 | |
sovereignty | ye sit, govern | Fanacro | Oct 1976 | |
sovereign | i.e., governs | Ulk | Aug 1988 | |
sobreity | ye bistro* | Pat | Nov 1949 | |
soap operas, the | a pat hero poses | Paul&Virgin+ | Jul 1967 | |
sodium bicarbonate, the | I made bun batch rise, too | Viking | Apr 1970 | |
Southern hospitality | polite try in a host, suh | Pat | Apr 1953 | |
Southern hospitality | stir...put lots in, yo' heah?Mangie | Feb 1977 | ||
Southern accent, a | O, she can rant cute | FredDomino | Mar 1956 | |
sob sister, a | I boss tears | KapryKorn | Jun 1962 | |
soft-sawder | safest word | KeePon | Nov 1917 | |
sore thumb | hurts me, Bo | Delia | May 1923 | |
Social Register, the | see great list o' rich | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
Social Register, the | it's regal, rich to see | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
Social Register, the | go see 'at rich or list | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
Social Register, the | I rates rich Goelets | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
solar energy | re: rely on gas* | Oak | Dec 1976 | |
Social Security | ye A-I succor list | Ruthless | Dec 1983 | |
Social Security | I list coy US care | TheGopher | Jul 1954 | |
US Library of Congress, the | it's only for research bugs | Lyrrad | Nov 68 WW | |
social secretary, the | her cast: real society | Osaple | May 1957 | |
spontaneously | you set no plans | AChem | Jan 1963 | |
spontaneous combustion | so it can bust up on me soon Vesta | Nov 1917 | ||
spontaneous combustion | panic soon busts out on me | FredDomino | Apr 1950 | |
spontaneous combustion, asoup on cause instant boom | TheGopher | Dec 1964 | ||
spirometers | Tom respires | Vesta | Feb 1919 | |
spanker, the | he kens prat | Larry | Feb 1973 | |
spondulix | LXI pounds | AlecSander | Sep 1919 | |
Spencerian | a nice pen, s'r | Spica | Oct 1920 | |
spinsterhood | she droops in't | Amaranth | Jan 1925 | |
spinsterhood | she's no dot: RIP | AmanovlettusMar 1937 | ||
Spaniards, the | rated Spanish | Nypho | Mar 1925 | |
spittoon, a | spat in, too | Nypho | Nov 1925 | |
spittoon | it's no pot* | ProfPampelm+ | Jan 1979 | |
springe, a | spare gin | Hoho | May 1964 | |
spokesman, a | O, man speaks 48 | JackOLantern | Oct 1927 | |
spondylotherapist | lo! do that spine spry | JayTuefs | May 1937 | |
spondylotherapist | thy lot: do rap spines | BlueHenChick | May 1928 | |
spondylotherapist, a | spinal osteopathy Dr. | AwlWrong | Mar 1937 | |
spondylotherapeutics | pathy to cure old spines | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
spectators | actors' pest* | Lateo | Dec 1928 | |
sprightliness | light "spriness" | Vulcan | Jul 1929 | |
spreadation | do repast in a..? | AChem | Jan 1964 | |
sphacelation | no cistal heap* | Primrose | Jan 1929 | |
spouted | sped out | Vulcan | Oct 1929 | |
spatterdash | spat's dearth | Hoho | Apr 1961 | |
speculator | recoup last | DCVer | Apr 1931 | |
speculators | scalpers out | Travv | Aug 1985 | |
spontaneity | O, instant? yep! | Pocha | Aug 1931 | |
spectacle, a | see act, clap | Damonomad | May 1931 | |
spectacular | sure clap act | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
spindleshanks | lank shins sped | JustaSmith | Sep 1935 | |
spurlos versenkt | report: vess'l sunk 79 | Pat | Oct 1930 | |
spellbinder, a | bland spieler* 80 | AwlWrong | May 1936 | |
speed-up | used pep | Hoho | Aug 1960 | |
speculation | is to "clean up" | DCVer | Mar 1936 | |
speculation | entails coup | Bodolph | Jun 1978 | |
spoliation | I spoil a ton | Hoho | Jun 1970 | |
sprightly | spry, light | Livedevil | Jun 1936 | |
spoilsmonger, a | lags on promise | Damonomad | Jun 1936 | |
spoilsmonger, a | promises along | Damonomad | Jun 1936 | |
specifications, the | so I can fit th' pieces | WrongFont | Mar 1938 | |
spigot, the | this to peg | AwlWrong | Sep 1941 | |
spinal meningitis | listing pains in me | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | |
special delivery | I? I sped every call | FredDomino | Mar 1958 | |
squeamish | I squash 'em!* | Castet | Jun 1949 | |
spaghetti and meatballs | I'd tab: pasta-lengths meal | LizaWheeler | Jun 1984 | |
spare tire | trip easer | Volar | Nov 1977 | |
spring housecleaning, thegot shining clean-ups here | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | ||
Spanish flu, the | sh! Seth painful | Flora | Dec 1918 | |
spaghetti | Marinara | I'm a rare thing: pasta | Wagstaff | Jul 1987 |
spoiled child, the | oh, ill pest chided | Enavlicm | Feb 1927 | |
spiritus frumenti | sir, if men sup it: rut | NankiPoo | Dec 1920 | |
square deal | queers a lad* 31 | Emeline | Apr 1920 | |
square deal, a | read as equal | TheGopher | Jun 1956 | |
special delivery stamp | service aptly sped mail 55 | AwlWrong | Feb 1936 | |
special delivery stamp, aspeeds private lacy mail | Sherlac | Feb 1941 | ||
stolid | is dolt | BeauNed | Oct 1930 | |
strawberry shortcake | sh! work by star caterer | Plantina | Apr 1940 | |
strawberry shortcake | chew baker's sorry tart* | Amaranth | Jun 1917 | |
stone-deaf | tones fade 61 | Amaranth | Jul 1925 | |
stutterers, the | er, eh, t-t-t-t s-sure | XSpecked | Aug 1946 | |
stutters | t-t-t users | Winkie | Oct 1924 | |
stool pigeon, the | he got t' snoop, lie | EmmoW | Sep 1932 | |
stool pigeon | O, goes in plot | Eureka | Oct 1924 | |
stool pigeon, a | one "gip" as tool | Arcanus | Nov 1941 | |
stool pigeon | sponge, tool, I | TheGopher | Feb 1925 | |
stool pigeon, the | O, got tips on "heel" | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
steward, a | draws tea | Enavlicm | Jun 1924 | |
stench, a | scent? ha! | Ulk | May 1989 | |
struthiocamel | la, mute ostrich | Travv | Oct 1978 | |
stalemate | lame state 38 | Vesta | Aug 1920 | |
stalest | 's latest* | Dreamer | Dec 1926 | |
stowaway, the | why at sea? wot? | Enavlicm | Dec 1919 | |
stamina | it's a man | BeauNed | May 1934 | |
straight | at rights | AlecSander | Nov 1919 | |
straight | at's right | Viking | Mar 1938 | |
straight | sat right | Spica | Sep 1920 | |
starvation | vast ration* 30,63 | DCVer | Mar 1918 | |
steaminess | seen as mist | Kenneth | Jul 1927 | |
stepdaughter | gets rude path | Enavlicm | Nov 1917 | |
stockholder | the old "rocks" | PollyPry | Sep 1926 | |
steamer | sea term | Viking | Dec 1931 | |
stipend | spend it 65,67 | Barnyard | Oct 1917 | |
steamboats | O, beat masts | Jemand | Apr 1926 | |
street organ, the | song treat there | Q | Aug 1911 | |
stepmother | temper's hot | Nypho | Jul 1947 | |
strangulation, the | throttling, nausea | AbStruse | Oct 1987 | |
Star-spangled Banner, the | blessed rag, pennant thar | KeePon | Aug 1913 | |
Star-spangled Banner, the | blest pennant has regard | Remardo | Jul 1915 | |
Star-spangled Banner, the | best pennant led rash GAR | ESCrow | Oct 1927 | |
Star-spangled Banner, the | bard's hest: regal pennant | Nightowl | Jul 1972 | |
Statue of Liberty, the | test [of] her beauty lit | AbStruse | Jul 1985 | |
Statue of Liberty, the | soft-lit beauty there | Amaranth | Jul 1913 | |
Statue of Liberty | ole t' first beauty | Travv | Nov 1977 | |
storehouses | house stores | JackOLantern | Sep 1928 | |
sternutation | turn nose at it | Chris | Nov 1913 | |
sternutation | snout tainter? | Absolver | Nov 1975 | |
stentorian | resonant, it | Topsy | Aug 1930 | |
stentorian | train tones | Hoho | Jun 1939 | |
steam shovel | shoves metal | Gem | Mar 1915 | |
steam roller, a | am "slater" role | DCVer | Sep 1931 | |
statement | men attest | Spica | Sep 1915 | |
steadiness | staid sense | AwlWrong | Apr 1938 | |
steadily | set daily | Enavlicm | Dec 1922 | |
status quo, the | quotha! stet us | Delaware | Jul 1928 | |
stock | Market crash, the | rash racket sock't them | LewZirn | May 1931 |
state normal school, the lo! most learn to teach HS | Blackstone | Oct 1949 | ||
Struthio camelus | usual ostrich met | Ulk | Sep 1986 | |
steam radiators, the | art made to heat, sirs | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
state reform school, a | O, test home for rascal | Amaranth | Dec 1910 | |
state reform school, a | home to foster rascal | Viking | Sep 1932 | |
steam boiler, the | lo, I'm best heater | Leip | Apr 1931 | |
state prison | pen so strait | Molemi | Dec 1920 | |
state prison | a "stir" so pent | Viking | May 1932 | |
state prison | is to pen "rats" | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
state penitentiary, the | thereat I stay penitent | ArtyFishel | Nov 1901 | |
stratosphere | she tops terra | Quefanon | Nov 1934 | |
stratosphere | stars top here | Hoho | Jul 1966 | |
stratosphere, the | ether that's poser | Viking | Nov 1934 | |
stratosphere, the | tops earth's ether | AlecSander | Jan 1936 | |
stepmother, a | other ma: pest | SakrElBahr | Apr 1935 | |
stound | do stun | Ulk | Sep 1988 | |
strathspey | ha! try steps | EmmoW | Jun 1935 | |
strangulate | tear at lungs | Neophyte | Aug 1977 | |
stertorousness | so, utters snores 65 | AwlWrong | Jun 1936 | |
stone-dumb | mute bonds | AwlWrong | Sep 1937 | |
stripling, a | springal, it | Blackstone | Nov 1983 | |
stannic | tin cans | JimBill | Jul 1937 | |
stampede | meat sped | Hoho | Mar 1949 | |
stampedes | made steps | BeauNed | Feb 1937 | |
stampeder | damp steer | Hoho | Nov 1971 | |
strangulation | air not at lungs | AwlWrong | Aug 1938 | |
stationery | try, is a note | MGM | Jan 1939 | |
stearine | an ester, I | Elf | Dec 1984 | |
strip-teaser, a | spares attire 49 | AwlWrong | Jul 1940 | |
strip-teaser, a | sparse attire | AwlWrong | Jul 1940 | |
strip-teaser, a | attire-passer | AwlWrong | Jul 1940 | |
sterilized | Listerized | Hoho | Mar 1943 | |
storyteller, a | try tale's role | AwlWrong | May 1943 | |
stratagem | a smart "get" | DCVer | Dec 1943 | |
stratagem, the | gee! smart, that | AbStruse | Jan 1980 | |
statute of limitations, the | lose suit if not at that timeDeeGee | Jun 1957 | ||
statute of limitations, the | time is out that note is flatFredDomino | Apr 1950 | ||
storage | age rots | Fiddle | Jan 1951 | |
stipendiary | is paid entry | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
steeplechaser | pacer set heels | Hoho | Mar 1954 | |
sternebra, a | near breast | Arcanus | May 1955 | |
stumbling-stone, a | lo, men stub 'gainst | FredDomino | Feb 1951 | |
staircase | acts a rise | TheGink | Nov 1960 | |
stopwater | or wets tap | Hoho | Apr 1961 | |
stereoscopic | optics see cor | Hoho | Jul 1961 | |
streaking | great skin! | Faro | May 1974 | |
stouthrief | thief routs | Nightowl | Mar 1975 | |
state university | varsity set unite | HillFish | Sep 1924 | |
state university | suave set try in it | FredDomino | Apr 1950 | |
state hospital, the | ties to past health | Primrose | May 1913 | |
Straits of Magellan | foam-girt salt lanes | Amaranth | Sep 1912 | |
stone crickets | insects rocket | Viking | Jan 1931 | |
standing room only | O, my land! noting SRO | DCVer | Jul 1926 | |
stage director, the | he gets actor tried | OMin | Sep 1926 | |
stage whisper, a | we hear its gasp | Remardo | Mar 1925 | |
stuffed shirt | the surd stiff | AnnDhow | May 1977 | |
storm warnings | grim, rants "snow" | Micropod | Jan 1987 | |
star pine | pinaster | BlueHenChickSep 1929 | ||
stop signs | signposts | RazorToes | Apr 1942 | |
stop signals, the | sane light posts | SolJr | May 1953 | |
strip-tease dancer | casts entire drape | TheGink | Aug 1937 | |
strip-tease dancer, the | scant attire, her speed | AwlWrong | Aug 1941 | |
strip-tease dancer, the | pst! can see her attired* | TheGink | Sep 1958 | |
straight and narrow, the ah, start right, wander on | Viking | Mar 1938 | ||
stationmaster | so met at trains | Arcanus | Feb 1941 | |
stop, look and listen | O, stand still, poke on | Gemini | Feb 1923 | |
stop, look and listen | to pass, don't kill one | Eek | Jun 1957 | |
stage directions | get in actor's "side" | AwlWrong | Jun 1948 | |
stage directions | trig aids to scene | AwlWrong | Jun 1948 | |
Stella Polaris | is all pole-star | Nypho | Aug 1949 | |
Morning Star, the | streaming north | MayEss | Feb 98 HC | |
stormy weather | O, my, 's rather wet | Alouette | Jun 1948 | |
stovepipe hats | these atop VIPs | FredDomino | Apr 1955 | |
Star of Bethlehem | hm..stable for Thee | AbStruse | Dec 1988 | |
stewed to the gills | so letsh get wilted | Tweaser | Feb 1989 | |
station identification | it is oft a net indication | TheGopher | Jun 1962 | |
stereophonic sound | oh, sonic duo present | Volar | Sep 1979 | |
sustenance | use ten cans | 33 | Mar 1942 | |
superposition | rise is up, on top | Ixaxar | Aug 1942 | |
surgeon, the | he got nurse | Ixaxar | Feb 1944 | |
super-colossal | class plus? O, o'er | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
superimposition | I rise, I'm top on ups | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
superimposition | i.e., I'm up on top, sirs | AbStruse | Aug 1988 | |
superlative | versatile up | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
superlatives, the | there, via plus "e-s-t" | AChem | May 1971 | |
superlative | ripest value | TheGink | Mar 1959 | |
surreptitiousness | note it surprises us | FredDomino | Nov 1955 | |
supermarkets, the | steak up there, Mrs. | TheGink | Mar 1959 | |
superiority | prior, suit ye? | Kay | Jan 1963 | |
superromantic, the | he maps erotic turn | Hoho | Aug 1966 | |
supplication, the | point such plea, it | Hoodwink | Sep 1967 | |
suddenly | ends duly | Hoho | Apr 1970 | |
surveillance | scan live lure | FrostERoman | Jun 1979 | |
sunbathe | heat buns? | DoubleH | Jan 1984 | |
Sunday newspapers | spreads up any news | Elsie | May 1914 | |
Sunday newspaper, the | hunted newsy appears | Elsie | Jul 1914 | |
summer vacation | van tourism acme | Ruthless | Jun 1986 | |
summer vacation, the | a time to charm Venus | Sphinx | Aug15 99Co | |
summer vacation, the | I'm vacant house term | Remardo | Oct 1917 | |
summer vacations, the | vacant home: I sum rest | Arcanus | Jul 7 11Co | |
sucker list, the | there sits luck | Hoho | Mar 1939 | |
summit conference | concurs if men meet | Colmar | Oct 1977 | |
Sunday school teacher, the | she teaches you Lord chant | Sourpuss | Dec 1943 | |
sudden-death overtime | must have odd tie-ender | Atlantic | Jan 1981 | |
desert of Sahara, the | hate a hard frost, see? | Lateo | Jan 1913 | |
alcoholic beverage, an | gal, can I have cool beer? | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
Arabian Desert, the | 'tis a heated barren | Atlantis | Nov 1912 | |
suburbanite, the | but a "Reuben", this | Balmar | Apr 1910 | |
superstition | in stupor's tie | ESCrow | Jun 1910 | |
superstition | I test our pins | WEStern | Aug 1916 | |
superstition | it trips one up | WEStern | Aug 1916 | |
superstition | set upon it, sir | WEStern | Aug 1916 | |
superstition | PS: is it true? no | WEStern | Aug 1916 | |
suspension bridge, a | sure is one d--- big span! | Viking | Sep 1967 | |
suspension bridge, a | does insure big span | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
suspension bridge, a | one big span used, sir | Remardo | Dec 1922 | |
submarine, the | um! berth in sea | Spreggs | May 1930 | |
submarine, the | use 'neath brim | Ulk | Mar 1987 | |
submarine | buries man | Gem | Feb 1915 | |
submarine | marine bus | IowaMaid | Sep 1919 | |
submarine, the | I'm earthen bus | Spreggs | Oct 1940 | |
surveillance | can rule lives | EmmaLine | Mar 1915 | |
suggestion | gets us goin' | EmmaLine | Jan 1916 | |
suggestion | got guess in | EmmaLine | Apr 1917 | |
surfeited | true: is fed | Enavlicm | Mar 1917 | |
supplicant | plaints: cup | AbStruse | Mar 1935 | |
subordinateness | set in under a boss | Moonshine | Jan 1918 | |
support | propt us | SakrElBahr | May 1935 | |
supremacy | same cry, up | Emeline | Sep 1919 | |
superstitiousness | it senses us sour tip | Gemini | Oct 1929 | |
superstitious | spirits note us | Spica | Dec 1919 | |
subordinate, the | ah, 'tis to be under | JackOLantern | Oct 1926 | |
subordinate | so a bit under 39,52,84 | Emeline | Jan 1920 | |
subordinates | it's a burden so | Cincinnatus | Nov 1925 | |
subordinates, the | i.e., under that boss | PoorRichard | Nov 1931 | |
subordinates, the | tab is, those under | Hoodwink | Aug 1955 | |
surreptitious | rip 'tis out, sure* | Meno | Jul 1920 | |
surmise | muse, sir | AlecSander | Apr 1934 | |
subnormal | us mal-born | Rhoda | Jan 192a | |
substitution | but it is not us | WrongFont | Feb 1938 | |
sulfarsenite | sure fine salt | Amaranth | Apr 1924 | |
surdomute, a | dum', ears out | Arcanus | May 1940 | |
sunlight, the | hustle night* | Ralph | May 1924 | |
sundered | rended us | Yercas | Sep 1933 | |
surtaxes | us extras | Kenneth | Sep 1924 | |
surtaxes | US extras | YKnott | Apr 1936 | |
sublime, the | i.e., humblest* | Arcanus | Nov 1931 | |
summation | I'm amounts | Osaple | Aug 1925 | |
subimago | so I'm a bug | Jemand | Nov 1925 | |
supernaturalism | a supernal truism | AwlWrong | Mar 1928 | |
superficialities | face up: it is lie, sir | BeauNed | Nov 1928 | |
surmised | mused, sir | Arcanus | Oct 1929 | |
symphony orchestra, a | hy, scores pat harmony | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
symphony orchestra, a | so scrape thy harmony | Amaranth | Oct 1910 | |
symphony orchestra, a | charts poesy, harmony | Molemi | Feb 1922 | |
sympathetic | matches pity 35,51,58,68 | Gordonor | Oct 1928 | |
symposiarch, the | oh, he is party's MC | MULater | Dec 1943 | |
symar | syrma | Merlin | Aug 1985 | |
swindles | welds sin | Gem | Apr 1915 | |
swallowing | all now swig | Amaranth | Sep 1927 | |
sweat | as wet | Junkerl | Jun 1934 | |
sweater girl, a | gal tries wear | MrRee | Apr 1948 | |
swampland | damp lawns | Hoho | Feb 1961 | |
Swiss bank account | can stow bucks (a sin) | Ruthless | Dec 1987 | |
swivel chair, the | whirl-seat, eh, Vic? | Travv | Oct 1981 | |
swaddling clothes | we land child's togs | DCVer | Nov 1934 | |
Sword of Damocles, the | clews thread [of] dooms | AwlWrong | May 1937 | |
Sword of Damocles, the | doom thread cows self | AwlWrong | May 1937 | |
tatterdemalion | do lament attire | AbStruse | Jun 1987 | |
tatterdemalion | olde tat raiment | CoraVanAppleFeb 1935 | ||
tatterdemalion | mold: neat attire* | Amigo | Aug 1978 | |
tatterdemalion | mean-attired lot | DCVer | May 1934 | |
tatterdemalions | neat tears, I'm told* | SamSlick | Aug 1916 | |
tatterdemalions | old attires meant | Guidon | Feb 1922 | |
tam-o'-shanter | most near hat | Towhead | Oct 1920 | |
tam-o'-shanter | masher to tan | Towhead | Oct 1920 | |
tam-o'-shanter | one smart hat 79 | PABee | Nov 1933 | |
tam-o'-shanter | another's tam | PABee | Nov 1933 | |
tam-o'-shanter, the | that's no mere hat | Viking | May 1968 | |
tambourine, a | I mean tabour | Francolin | Dec 1915 | |
tambourined | I beat on drum | Viking | May 1937 | |
talkative | vie at talk 36 | Jemand | Mar 1927 | |
table d'hote | the bold eat | Pat | Jul 1928 | |
Tasmanian devil, a | vide animal Satan | Druh | Jul 1932 | |
tap dancers, the | enact hard step | Viking | May 1937 | |
talebearer | ear bleater | RickOShea | Dec 1939 | |
tarsipes | a pest, sir | XSpecked | Sep 1940 | |
tarradiddles, the | dratted hard lies | Larry | Jun 1952 | |
tarradiddlers, the | dratted herd liars | Larry | Jun 1952 | |
tarradiddler | liar, d----d trader | Hoho | Sep 1960 | |
taliped | pedal, it | Hoodwink | Mar 1959 | |
tatterdemalionism | nattier male modist* | AChem | Aug 1962 | |
tail-ender | dern late, I | Viking | Nov 1969 | |
taximeter | time taxer | Merlin | Oct 1971 | |
taenioglossate | got to see a snail | Travv | Jul 1977 | |
tarabooka | a-OK! a tabor | Travv | Nov 1978 | |
talent scout, a | lets out an act | AbStruse | Sep 1985 | |
talent scouts, the | sent to hustle act | AbStruse | Apr 1986 | |
table d'hote meals | I'm hotel eatables | Ellsworth | Mar 1924 | |
table d'hote dinner, a | an art: be hotel dined | Q | Oct 1912 | |
talk is cheap | Pa likes chat | TeZirMan | May 1988 | |
telonism, a | lo, 'tis name | Travv | Feb 1982 | |
termination | ran into time | ESCrow | Jan 1914 | |
temptation | no, I attempt | SamSlick | Oct 1916 | |
telescope, a | to see place | Remardo | Mar 1917 | |
terpsichorean, the | I cheer not her taps | SolJr | Jan 1954 | |
terpsichorean, the | O, she can trip there | Vesta | Nov 1919 | |
terpsichorean, a | ah, siren to caper | Hercules | Dec 1925 | |
terpsichorean | oh, tries prance | ArtyEss | Jun 1956 | |
terpsichorean, the | the're chorine taps | TheGopher | Oct 1954 | |
terpsichorean | in caper throes | Archimedes | May 1952 | |
terpsichorean | I prance to hers | Archimedes | May 1952 | |
tenderloin | dinner told | Flora | Jul 1920 | |
tenderheartedness | tends serene hatred* | Travv | Mar 1982 | |
tergiversation | evasion, get it? 'r'r! | Archimedes | Mar 1940 | |
tergiversation | a veering sort, it | Gordonor | Oct 1929 | |
tergiversation | O, I start veering | Jemand | Aug 1923 | |
tearfulness | fears lent us | JoMullins | Jun 1924 | |
termagancy | angry cat, me | Winkie | Oct 1925 | |
termagant, a | game at rant | Remardo | Apr 1929 | |
termagant | nag me, tart 79 | Fiddle | Jun 1964 | |
telamones | note males | Hercules | Oct 1927 | |
terrorist | rotter, sir | Tav | May 1975 | |
telephone operators, the three-one-R: hop to't, please | BNatural | Nov 1927 | ||
tennis pro, the | he in net sport | AbStruse | Nov 1987 | |
tennis | in nets | Jemand | Dec 1927 | |
tennis elbow | welts in bone | Volar | Feb 1980 | |
televisions | I see in volts | Mars | Oct 1928 | |
television | i.e., it's | Novel | SirOrm | Jun 1932 |
television | I see in volt | Hoodwink | Mar 1946 | |
television | toils in eve | Zordo | Jun 1951 | |
television | live on site 67 | Kay | Nov 1962 | |
tergiversating | tag it reversing | Orion | Apr 1930 | |
terminated | I term at end | TheGink | May 1973 | |
terminated | I end matter | Amaranth | Nov 1930 | |
tetragrammaton | am not tetragram* | JayEstee | Dec 1931 | |
termagants | start, nag me | DCVer | Nov 1934 | |
testimonial, the | lo, hint estimate | Yercas | Jan 1938 | |
teetotalism | I met late sot | HomeBrew | Sep 1939 | |
temblores | tremble so | Ajax | Jan 1941 | |
tenderloin steaks | dinner's OK: let's eat | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
tenderloin steak, a | dinner late? eats OK | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
tenant farmers | rent near farms | FredDomino | Jul 1955 | |
teapottykin | take tiny pot | Viking | Jun 1963 | |
terra firma, the | fair earth term | Kenneth | Jun 1966 | |
tendentious | intend to use | Hoodwink | Jul 1967 | |
tendentiousness | one's intents used | Viking | Aug 1968 | |
terpischorean art, the | those that caper in, err | Amor | Dec 1923 | |
terpsichorean art, the | there trips an arch toe | Castet | Aug 1930 | |
terpsichorean art, the | tip: an orchestra there | DCVer | Feb 1944 | |
tempest in a teapot | lame one, petit spat | Hoho | Nov 1971 | |
television set, a | see live station | SolJr | Nov 1954 | |
television set | see? it's violent | April'sChildSep 1980 | ||
television set | sit, see not evil | Paul&Virgin+ | May 1963 | |
tergiversates | gives, retreats | TheGink | Dec 1970 | |
team of horses | ho, set of | Mares | Larry | Aug 1983 |
Texas panhandle | next, a land shape | TeZirMan | Mar 1986 | |
ten-gallon hats | on gals, then alt | Dorse | Feb 1950 | |
tell it to the | Marines | thin tales met: rot! lie! | Evergreen | Jul 1948 |
tell it to the | Marines | oral test: I let men hit | FredDomino | Aug 1950 |
tell it to the | Marines | I hit oral settlement | FredDomino | Aug 1950 |
tell it to the | Marines | O, listen, term that lie | AbStruse | Mar 1983 |
tewfikose | OK, if sweet | Arcanus | Nov 1927 | |
telephone girls | "hello" pets reign | Jason | Feb 3 00AP | |
telephone girl, the | ring thee "hello", pet | DCVer | Jan 1935 | |
television program, the | love merger: pathos in it | FredDomino | Jan 1956 | |
television programs, the so loving pairs met there | FredDomino | Jan 1956 | ||
television programs | set's on: O, rare PM vigil | Tut | Dec 1977 | |
television programs, the O, I see revolting PM trash | Larry | Sep 1985 | ||
telephone calls, the | latent "hello" speech | Arcanus | Sep 1935 | |
telephone call, a | enact "hello" plea | Arcanus | Dec 1953 | |
thunderstorm, a | drums at throne | DhumbbBhelle | Sep 1958 | |
Ten Commandments, the | testament condemn? hm! | Li'lGamin | Mar 1977 | |
thunderstorm, a | has torrent, mud | LWood | Apr 1951 | |
thunderstorm | Thor must rend | Francolin | Apr 1915 | |
thunderstorm, a | Thor's darn mute* | Viking | Dec 1967 | |
thermostat | set at hot, Mr. | Volar | Dec 1981 | |
thermostat | matter's hot | BlueJay | Mar 1926 | |
therapeutically | heal it, cure aptly | NoholdsBard | Apr 1988 | |
therapeutics | apt is the cure 32 | SerpeggiandoJan 1927 | ||
therapeutics | it has pet cure | Vulcan | May 1928 | |
therapeutics | cure this pate | Archimedes | Aug 1939 | |
thundershower, a | there a downrush | Roscoe | Feb 1927 | |
thundershower | when Thor's rude | AwlWrong | Dec 1947 | |
thundershower | onrush wet herd | AwlWrong | Dec 1947 | |
thermoanaesthesia | so near the heat is Ma | HomeBrew | Jun 1941 | |
thermanesthesia | heat sense: harm it | NoholdsBard | Feb 1989 | |
thermoanesthesia | I harm sense to heat | Yercas | Sep 1928 | |
theomaniac | o, the maniac | Ellsworth | Sep 1929 | |
therapeutical | cite heal-up art | Evergreen | Apr 1931 | |
therapeutic | I tap the cure | Hap | May 1974 | |
threadbare | bare dearth | DanDLyon | Jul 1931 | |
thou | oh, tu | SakrElBahr | Oct 1931 | |
thrice | hic ter | SakrElBahr | Oct 1931 | |
theoretically | cite all theory | PoorRichard | Apr 1932 | |
Thomas | Tom, sah | Enavlicm | Apr 1932 | |
threnodies | hint: re odes | Lester | Jul 1933 | |
thunderbolt, a | lo, ten hurt bad | Katmat | Dec 1935 | |
thimblerigger, a | i.e., gambler, right? 75 | EmmoW | Feb 1937 | |
thaumaturgics | at magic thru us | Kenneth | Apr 1941 | |
thermesthesia | heat: their mess | Ifandor | Nov 1958 | |
thermaesthesia | see heat harms it | AyayeKay | Jun 1943 | |
theatricalism | the calm art is I* | Hoho | Apr 1950 | |
thrasonic | O, chant, sir | Hoodwink | Oct 1957 | |
Thousand Island dressing this on salads,dinners? dung*Tut | Oct 1977 | |||
thraw | wrath | Squirrel | May 1980 | |
thermal underwear | ruled warmer 'neath | Volar | Jul 1981 | |
threesome, the | so, t' me, thee, her | Blackstone | Mar 1986 | |
theological seminary, the | holy religion attaches me | AwlWrong | Nov 1947 | |
theological seminaries, the | same teach holiest religion | FredDomino | Jan 1956 | |
theological seminaries | so these claim a religion | Arcanus | May24 94My | |
theological seminaries | sole aims: teach religion | Atlantis | Feb 1911 | |
theatrical producers | a clue: record hit parts | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | |
theatrical producers | oh, a script reader cult | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | |
theatrical productions | line up to card act, or hits | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | |
theatrical productions | tip: could hit on rare acts | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | |
third baseman, the | bah! I'm Stand Three | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
thick-billed parrot, a | "talk!" tropical bird, he | Viking | May 1970 | |
three score years and ten | O, thy drear senescent era | AwlWrong | Jul 1942 | |
three score years and ten | can see sorry Death enter | AwlWrong | Jul 1942 | |
three sheets in the wind | wined, then he sits there | KeePon | Aug 1922 | |
three sheets in the wind | red wine then hits these | Margaretta | Jul 1942 | |
three sheets in the wind | hint: he's [in] there, stewedAmanovlettusMay 1937 | |||
thorn in the side, a | O, hindereth saint | Arcanus | Nov 1935 | |
throw cold water on | thwart'd! cooler now | AChem | Jul 1962 | |
time card | I'm traced | Arcanus | Apr 1914 | |
tin cans | scan [tin] | Ellsworth | Oct 1926 | |
tin cans | stannic | YKnott | Jan 1931 | |
timetables | I'm best late | XSpecked | Apr 1928 | |
tiercel | tercel, I | SakrElBahr | Jul 1929 | |
timberless | trees! limbs!* | Larry | Nov 1932 | |
time signature | emit a true sign | Arcanus | Nov 1943 | |
tintinnabulation | in blatant in, out, in | Fluke | Apr 1955 | |
timesavers | Ma sit, serve | Pacifico | Dec 1961 | |
ticket window | wind to wicket | Blackstone | Mar 1990 | |
timothy grass | most hay grist | Francolin | Sep 1914 | |
till death us do part | psalter doth laud it | BNatural | Dec 1965 | |
ticker-tape parades, the dire paper attack, these | Katbird | Dec 1979 | ||
together | go tether | EmmaLine | Aug 1913 | |
tornado, the | doth tear on | Francolin | Apr 1915 | |
tornadoes | tears doon | JayTuefs | Jul 1936 | |
tornadoes | do not rase* | Damonomad | Jul 1936 | |
tornadoes | soared not* | Damonomad | Jul 1936 | |
Tophet | hot, pet | Amaranth | Oct 1925 | |
towards | draws to | AlecSander | Dec 1928 | |
toastmaster, the | star host at meet | Yercas | Apr 1931 | |
tobaccos | coat cobs | Castet | Feb 1932 | |
tonsillectomy | it'll cost money | Hoodwink | Jun 1933 | |
Tophet | the top* | Castet | Jul 1934 | |
tobacconalian, the | can't inhale at a cob* | DCVer | Jul 1934 | |
tournaments | man routs ten | Katmat | Dec 1935 | |
tosspot, the | th' sot topes | Larry | Mar 1950 | |
tosspot | spot sot | AwlWrong | May 1936 | |
tonsorialist, the | toilet his art, son | AbStruse | Jan 1939 | |
touch and go | can do ought | Katmat | Feb 1942 | |
tootsies | O, it's toes | NatPal | Feb 1948 | |
totalitarianism | it is a trial to man | Hoodwink | May 1948 | |
tomboyishness | miss, she: not boy | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
topsoil | tops oil | Hoho | Jul 1952 | |
tongue-lashing, a | "shot" in language | Pat | Jan 1953 | |
towrope | to power | Pacifico | Apr 1958 | |
tourniquet | torque unit | Hoho | Apr 1961 | |
tomfoolery | O, fool, try me | Hoho | May 1968 | |
toenails | i.e., talons | Hoho | Nov 1972 | |
toenail | i.e., talon | Famulus | Jun 1987 | |
torpedoes, the | re: t' shoot deep | Travv | Feb 1982 | |
toreador | dare toro! | Anemone | Dec 1984 | |
tongue-twister | stuttering woe | AbStruse | Jan 1989 | |
tonsorial artist, the | starts on hair toilet | Jason | Apr 1910 | |
tonsorial artist, the | so I start in to lather | Remardo | Dec 1919 | |
toll gate | to get all | Towhead | Oct 1920 | |
toaster ovens | are not stoves | Googol | Sep 1977 | |
toilet soap | O, let it sapo | Xiphias | Dec 1918 | |
traveling salesman, a | name: vagrant as I sell | AbStruse | Feb 1986 | |
traveling salesmen, the | never sell a thing, mates* | Damonomad | Mar 1932 | |
tribunal | nub: trial | Ulk | Mar 1988 | |
traditor, a | ad traitor | BlueHenChickApr 1932 | ||
triangle, the | their tangle | SakrElBahr | Dec 1935 | |
triangle, the | heart-tingle | Nypho | Sep 1948 | |
trichogenous | go con hirsute | BeauNed | Jan 1936 | |
troubadors | O, bards tour | Travv | Jul 1985 | |
treacherousness | houses recreants | AwlWrong | Apr 1938 | |
trigonometrical | to "micro" triangle | Archimedes | Jul 1939 | |
trinitrotoluene | run! lo, I tote nitre | CaptainTo | Feb 1941 | |
trepidation | at dire point | Ronaele | Nov 1942 | |
trepan | entrap | Blackstone | Oct 1943 | |
Trilisa | liatris | AwlWrong | May 1946 | |
triskelion, the | is to link three | AwlWrong | Nov 1947 | |
troubleshooter | ho! sort out rebel | TheGopher | Dec 1954 | |
troubleshooter, the | here to bother us lot | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
troubleshooter | role: to bother us | FredDomino | Nov 1951 | |
troubleshooter | lo, bother ouster | Pat | May 1953 | |
troubleshooter | rout sole bother | FredDomino | Aug 1961 | |
trochee, a | at choree | Larry | Jun 1952 | |
trifler | flirter | Ulk | Dec 1986 | |
trollols | rolls lot | Fluke | Mar 1960 | |
troublemakers, the | make bother result | TheGopher | May 1961 | |
trampoline | leap on it, Mr. 79 | AChem | Dec 1962 | |
trampolines | entail romps | AbStruse | May 1983 | |
trichinosis | in hot crisis | MissileC | Feb 1964 | |
triangulation | triagonal unit | MULater | Apr 1964 | |
traitorousness | treason to us, sir | Viking | Feb 1970 | |
transcendental meditationselected Indian mantra not T NotInsane! | Sep 1985 | |||
transcendental meditationit can ease torn talentd mindAmber | Dec 1980 | |||
training wheels, the | learning with these | Atlantic | Jan 1982 | |
truttaceous | cue: as t' trout | Ulk | Feb 1985 | |
truncated pyramid, the | he cut my triad-end part | Spreggs | Dec 1950 | |
turtleneck sweater, a | latest true neckwear | Hoho | Jan 1969 | |
trillions | lot, sir? nil* | Ulk | Mar 1990 | |
triceratops, the | he's a top critter | Panache | Dec 1988 | |
train dispatcher | and he traces trip | Francolin | Jul 1916 | |
Twelve Apostles, the | tell vast sweet hope | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
travelers checks | trek's clever cash | Volar | Mar 1979 | |
treasury notes | tony treasures | Meno | Dec 1915 | |
Turkish bath, a | ask! it hath rub | Enavlicm | May 1926 | |
true love | O, ult. reve | Volar | May 1980 | |
true confessions | secrets of unions | Molemi | Jul 1935 | |
trade deficits | credit is fated | Amigo | Jan 1979 | |
transportation | train ran to spot | DTect | Jan 1949 | |
transportation | train ran to stop 63 | Gemini | Nov 1937 | |
transportation | at port on trains | Gee | Aug 1913 | |
transportation | start on a trip, no? | Kay | Jan 1963 | |
transportation | no part to trains* | Hoho | Oct 1963 | |
transgression | sinner's arts go | MGM | Aug 1936 | |
transgressions | as stronger sins | Gee | Aug 1913 | |
transgressions | aren't gross sins* 34,52 | Vulcan | May 1929 | |
transgression | so, stranger sin | Sphinx | Jul 1986 | |
transgression, a | area: strong sins | Hoho | Jul 1958 | |
transgression | sin snags to err | AyayeKay | Jan 1943 | |
transgression | grants sore sin | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
tragedies, the | tag these dire | Wick | Jun 1929 | |
tragedy, a | rated gay* | Amaranth | Jan 1916 | |
troglodytes, the | held grottos yet | AwlWrong | Aug 1948 | |
troglodytes, the | they led to grots 74 | Wanderoo | Jan 1918 | |
troublesome | louts bore me | Vesta | Jan 1920 | |
trepidation | I dare not pit | Balmar | Apr 1921 | |
triplets | PS: litter | Enavlicm | Jul 1922 | |
treacherous | our cheaters 31 | Ellsworth | Jun 1925 | |
tracheotomist, the | hi! come test throat | Amaranth | Aug 1925 | |
troubles | blue sort | Amaranth | Oct 1925 | |
trustworthiness | I now stress truth | Amaranth | Jun 1926 | |
tribulation | but I no trial* 49 | ITappaKe | Jun 1933 | |
tribulation, the | but trial o' thine | BlueHenChikcFeb 1928 | ||
tribulation | O, a trubl in it | ESCrow | Nov 1930 | |
tribulations | built o' strain | DeeGee | Aug 1955 | |
tribulation | I but on trial | Hoho | Apr 1962 | |
traducements | detract us men | Vulcan | Jul 1929 | |
trefoil, a | trio leaf | Remardo | Jun 1930 | |
trampoose | step a moor | Amaranth | Jan 1931 | |
transmogrification | I cast a form into grin | AbStruse | Aug 1938 | |
transmogrification, the | it is an art to change inform | Damonomad | Mar 1932 | |
transmogrifications | gain no artistic forms | AbStruse | Aug 1985 | |
transmogrified | same rigid front* | Hap | Aug 1977 | |
transmogrify | man is frog? try! | Graydol | Jan 1974 | |
twain | in twa | DCVer | Jan 1918 | |
twain | a twin | DCVer | Mar 1932 | |
typothetae | O, at the type | Alumnus | Sep 1923 | |
typothetae | hate to type | JayTuefs | Aug 1936 | |
tunica | a tunic | EmJay | May 1924 | |
two-dimensional | I won't mean solid | Atlantic | Nov 1981 | |
tuna | atun | Treesong | Feb 1979 | |
tuneful | lute fun | Enavlicm | Sep 1924 | |
twilight, the | white light, 't* | Dreamer | Jan 1926 | |
twitch, a | tic, what? 66 | Wick | Mar 1964 | |
twinges | we sting | AlecSander | Jul 1931 | |
turmoil | rum toil | Mars | Sep 1931 | |
twitching, a | nag with tic | Kenneth | Aug 1960 | |
twinkle | let wink | Yercas | Oct 1932 | |
turncoatism | it's man to cur | Viking | May 1963 | |
turncoat, the | note that cur | Katmat | Dec 1935 | |
turncoat | count rat | TheGopher | Aug 1927 | |
thimblerigs | brim sleight | AbStruse | Sep 1938 | |
twinkling | glint, wink | AwlWrong | Dec 1937 | |
twosome, a | team woos | TheGink | Jan 1960 | |
true confessions | secrets of unions | Molemi | Jul 1935 | |
trade deficits | credit is fated | Amigo | Jan 1979 | |
tugboat | got a tub | Hoho | Dec 1958 | |
typewriter | ye writ pert | Sourdough | Mar 1950 | |
tuberculosis | is ulcerous TB | DCVer | Mar 1928 | |
tuberculosis | but is so cruel | DhumbbBhelle | Apr 1953 | |
two-toed anteater | wert edentata, too | Merlin | Sep 1989 | |
total abstinence | it bans not ale, etc.* | Macropod | Jul 1946 | |
total abstinence | ale can not best it | FredDomino | Aug 1950 | |
uncertainties | cent? I ain't sure | ArtyEss | Jan 1947 | |
uncertainty | turn yet? can I? | Mangie | Aug 1977 | |
unsympathetic | she can't pity 'um | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
unsympathetical | that icy-pulse man | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
undemonstratively | sat inertly, unmoved | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
undermine | ruined men | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
undesirable | sure bad line | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
unsubstantial | last 'un in a bust | ArtyEss | Feb 1952 | |
undermined | mended ruin* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
unembarrassed | undress, am bare* | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 | |
unanimity | main unity | BooJeeKay | Dec 1957 | |
unition | I, no unit* | Hoodwink | Sep 1958 | |
ungarbed | nude brag | Hoho | Jun 1961 | |
university | ivy site run 74 | Kay | Jan 1963 | |
uproariousness | noise as our spur | Pacifico | Apr 1958 | |
ultimately | I mull at "yet" | TheGopher | Dec 1964 | |
unbeknownst | best unknown | Hoho | Sep 1967 | |
upset stomach | Tums stop ache | Merlin | Oct 1972 | |
unrecognizable | big zone unclear | TheGink | Apr 1973 | |
unmentionable, an | lone ban: name unit | TheGink | Sep 1973 | |
Unterseeboot, an | one U-boat enters | Tav | Mar 1975 | |
unemployment compensationup, nontoil men payments comeVolar | Oct 1977 | |||
undertow, an | Nature: "down!" | Hap | Feb 1979 | |
ungodliness | lo, nudge sins | Travv | Jul 1987 | |
under the mistletoe | titled mouther seen | Nypho | Jan 1950 | |
under the mistletoe | melt into duets here | Nypho | Jan 1950 | |
under the mistletoe | note demure she-tilt | Nypho | Jan 1950 | |
under the mistletoe | then's duet role time | Nypho | Jan 1950 | |
under the mistletoe | thee lures man t'do it | Nypho | Jan 1950 | |
under the mistletoe | tree lets mouth dine | Nypho | Jan 1950 | |
unsophisticated | us is no adept chit | AyayeKay | Jul 1943 | |
unsophisticated | I act up dishonest* | Evergreen | Sep 1930 | |
unsophisticated | it's un-hep acts I do | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
unattired | nude trait | DCVer | Dec 1930 | |
unheralded | led unheard | Amaranth | Jan 1931 | |
unresisting | I sing unrest* | ESCrow | Mar 1931 | |
unemployment | men out-ply men* | Larry | Mar 1931 | |
unemployment | let up on my men! | Larry | Mar 1931 | |
unemployment | mute men ply on* | PABee | Jun 1931 | |
unfriendliness | rends sun in life | DCVer | Apr 1931 | |
unbrotherliness | soul sin, brethren | Grandmother | Jun 1931 | |
undemonstrative | don't rave, suit men | DanDLyon | Jul 1931 | |
utraquist | qua I strut | ESCrow | Oct 1931 | |
utilitarianism | ultra aim is in it | Viking | Oct 1931 | |
uxoriousness | so sex ruinous | JoMullins | Feb 1924 | |
unemployment insurance | encore men's annuity plum | Pelican | Jan 1932 | |
unrighteousness | 't's sin, sure enough | SuSan | Nov 1932 | |
unfortunate | not a true fun | DCVer | Feb 1933 | |
unfortunate | rout neat fun | Hoodwink | Aug 1940 | |
unemployed, the | help 'em, you, t'end | ADandy | Jun 1933 | |
unadorned | and/or nude 62 | SakrElBahr | Aug 1933 | |
unreality | real unity* | Hoosier | Apr 1934 | |
undiscoverableness | scans veiled bournes* | Wehanonowit | Apr 1934 | |
unpalatableness | bean-eat'n' palls us | EmmoW | Oct 1935 | |
undemonstrativeness | is not men's adventures | AwlWrong | Apr 1936 | |
undemonstrativeness | trust as one's even mind | AwlWrong | Apr 1936 | |
undemonstrativeness | men doves: unresistant | AChem | Oct 1970 | |
upholstering | upon the girls | Hoho | Aug 1936 | |
umpire, the | i.e., thumper | Arcanus | Sep 1936 | |
unsanity | "nuts", I? nay! | Larry | Jul 1938 | |
undertaker, the | reek death turn | Archimedes | Feb 1940 | |
undertakers, the | earth-dunker set | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
uncommunicativeness | can mum: voice is unsent | AyayeKay | May 1943 | |
used car, the | U shed "crate" | EmmoW | Apr 1945 | |
uncreatable | bar neat clue | AwlWrong | Mar 1944 | |
Universalists, the | sure that sin lives* | FredDomino | Dec 1912 | |
undertone | drone tune | SamSlick | Apr 1915 | |
U-boat | O, a tub* | WEStern | Sep 1916 | |
U-boats | to a sub | Q | Jan 1920 | |
undoubtedly | but duly done | Emeline | Jun 1920 | |
unmarried | unmarred, I | Nypho | Jul 1920 | |
unconstitutional | it's not a Union cult | ElLee | Aug 1920 | |
undiplomatic | mad, unpolitic | ArtyEss | Jan 1922 | |
unselfishness | sunshine's self | LKinSpark | Jun 1922 | |
unsightly | hints ugly | Margaretta | Nov 1922 | |
unsightly | ugly, this'n | SakrElBahr | Sep 1933 | |
unconventionalities | unite in | Novel actions 67 | Mam | Dec 1923 |
uncomplimentary | complaint my rune | Atlantis | Jul 1924 | |
uppermost | sum topper | Kenneth | Sep 1924 | |
unfettered | tut! free end | Osaple | Jun 1925 | |
uplifters | left us rip* | TheGink | Jul 1925 | |
unfamiliarity | familiar unity* | GiGantic | Dec 1925 | |
unearthly | thy unreal | Alcyo | Mar 1926 | |
unmercifulness | cruel men in fuss | Enavlicm | May 1926 | |
unreasonableness | a ban rules on sense | JackOLantern | Nov 1936 | |
unreasonableness | la! sure ban on sense | JackOLantern | Jul 1926 | |
unreasonableness | sure no sense, banal | JackOLantern | Jul 1929 | |
underworld, the | town lured herd | Enavlicm | Apr 1927 | |
underworld, the | low-turned herd | DCVer | Oct 1931 | |
underworld, the | 't lured her down | Empty | Dec 1939 | |
urgent | run! get! 43 | YKnott | May 1927 | |
unrestorable | so returnable* | Sol | Sep 1927 | |
uniformity | I'm for unity | DCVer | Jul 1933 | |
umbrage | bum rage | HiKerr | Jan 1929 | |
unsanctioned, the | ho! united consent* | JackOLantern | May 1929 | |
underground railway, the | did lower th' runway, Negro | Remardo | Jun 1929 | |
ultimateness | meet in us last | Spreggs | Aug 1929 | |
Uintah | in Utah | Primrose | Apr 1925 | |
Massachusetts | state has scums | IScream | Jun 1924 | |
Brain Trust, the | nuts bat, hit, err | Primrose | Jul 1934 | |
Unknown Soldier, the | now enlink hero dust | DCVer | Aug 1934 | |
Unknown Soldier, the | he is ruled not known | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
HMS Pinafore | name for ship | Mangie | Sep 1975 | |
vaingloriousness | our sin: naive gloss | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
varicolored, the | violet, red or cha | Hoho | Jun 1961 | |
valetudinarianism | I am invalid's nature 82 | Nightowl | May 1974 | |
verification | I aver fiction* | CaptainTo | Feb 1963 | |
ventilator | ten-volt air | DhumbbBhelle | May 1958 | |
verbiage | I gab ever | Hoodwink | Sep 1958 | |
verisimilarity | similar? verily, I | EmmoW | Feb 1938 | |
verbosity | so, brevity* 72,81 | DCVer | Feb 1933 | |
virginalist, the | nit a live string | Viking | Feb 1969 | |
vitamin tablets | "B": let's attain vim | TheGopher | Mar 1954 | |
vitamin | ain't vim* 42,67 | DCVer | Sep 1934 | |
violent | not evil* | Spreggs | May 1951 | |
vice-president, a | I present advice | Hoodwink | Jul 1955 | |
vilifier, the | fire! hit evil | Hoho | Aug 1962 | |
volatile | a live lot 54 | AwlWrong | Apr 1936 | |
villainess, a | I, an evil lass | Hoho | Jan 1970 | |
veterinary surgeon, the | I never hurt sore nag yet | Moonshine | Jun 1917 | |
Florida everglades, the | ad: "'gators live here" fled CornCob | Dec 1984 | ||
Mona Lisa, the | ah, I am stolen | Amaranth | Nov 1911 | |
Mona Lisa, the | an' a hot smile | Twisto | Dec 1935 | |
Mona Lisa, the | ah, not a smile* | Viking | Jul 1963 | |
Mona Lisa, the | not aha smile | Brutus | Sep 1976 | |
Virginia creeper, the | I, vine, reach, grip tree | Ulk | Nov 1986 | |
vital statistics | vast static list, I* | Nightowl | Aug 1976 | |
variety stores, the | they "sorter" save it | FredDomino | Nov 1956 | |
valedictory | cry to a devil | Moonshine | Jul 1919 | |
valedictories | voiced late, sir | DCVer | Jun 1928 | |
valedictorian, the | leavin' chit orated | Archimedes | May 1938 | |
valedictorian | an ideal victor | BigDaddy | May 1964 | |
valedictorian | voted cranial, I | Ruthless | Jan 1988 | |
vampire, the | I vamp there | Osaple | Jul 1922 | |
vamoose | so a move | Amaranth | Jan 1931 | |
variegate | average it* | Wehanonowit | Nov 1933 | |
ventilator | vent lot air | Vulcan | Jun 1929 | |
ventilators | air vent slot | Winkie | May 1927 | |
vertiginous | O, I give turns | Ellsworth | Nov 1926 | |
vertiginous | vertigo in us | EmmoW | Feb 1938 | |
vegetable | be vegetal | SakrElBahr | Jul 1929 | |
vegetarians | ve eat grains | NP | Nov 1922 | |
vegetarianism | vitamins agree | Castet | Aug 1930 | |
vegetarianism | i.e., grain vs. meat | Brutus | Apr 1977 | |
vegetarianism | meat? I've grains | FrostERoman | Oct 1974 | |
vegetarianism | I, a meat serving* | Merlin | Oct 1972 | |
vegetarianism | I, a-serving meat* | FredDomino | Jul 1957 | |
vegetarianism | am it, via greens | FredDomino | Jul 1957 | |
vegetarianism | grave is in meat | Arcanus | Jul 1957 | |
versifier, the | I fire th' verse | Tranza | Aug 1912 | |
vetoing | I vote n.g. | ESCrow | Oct 1929 | |
villainousness | an evil soul's sin 39 | Donatello | Feb 1929 | |
Victrola | la, Victor | Primrose | Nov 1922 | |
violence | nice love* 52,74 | SamSlick | Nov 1916 | |
vitamines | vim in eats | SirVare | Feb 1921 | |
vigilantes | give in last | Castet | Nov 1928 | |
visitation | not a visit, I* | PoorRichard | Nov 1931 | |
vociferously | our voices fly | Donatello | Oct 1928 | |
vociferation | of voice: I rant | Tav | Oct 1975 | |
vociferations | isn't for a voice* | Mars | Jul 1928 | |
volunteers | never louts | Donatello | Jul 1913 | |
volcano, a | O, con lava | DCVer | Sep 1933 | |
volcano, the | O, lent havoc | PatristocratOct 1941 | ||
vouchsafe | have focus | Kenneth | Aug 1962 | |
vis medicatrix naturae | cured (a vitamin is extra) | Acorn | Mar 1988 | |
virago, the | overt hag, I | NoholdsBard | Mar 1988 | |
vers de societe | O, see cit'd verse | Guidon | Oct 1901 | |
Venus's flytrap, the | pry vent, leaf shuts | Larry | Jul 1927 | |
victory gardens, the | hogs invert yard, etc. | XSpecked | Jun 1943 | |
Venus de Milo | I'm nude's love | DCVer | Apr 1930 | |
video game, the | oh, gee! I am TVed | TeZirMan | Dec 1982 | |
video tapes | pose TV idea | Nightowl | Feb 1977 | |
volunteer fireman | I never run to flame* | Famulus | Aug 1984 | |
war correspondents, the | won't harp on Red secrets* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 | |
war correspondents | can send row reports | ESCrow | Mar 1913 | |
waterspouts | sorta wets up | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
waterspout | a wet sprout | Anonyme | Jan 1914 | |
waterspout | spurt to awe | Yercas | Nov 1930 | |
washerwoman, the | ah, show men water | Ralph | Feb 1917 | |
watermelon, a | O, man! real wet | SirOrm | Sep 1932 | |
watermelon, a | wet meal, Nora | Remardo | Feb 1919 | |
watermelon, a | lo, men eat raw | FredDomino | May 1953 | |
water wagons, the | what "wets" rage on | ESCrow | Jan 1920 | |
washing machine, a | I am change in wash | Xiphias | Oct 1920 | |
warmth | thaw, Mr. | Enavlicm | Dec 1922 | |
waiters, the | with eaters | Enavlicm | Jun 1923 | |
water tap, the | a wetter path | SealGee | Jun 1928 | |
wariangle | I, war angel | BlueHenChickApr 1932 | ||
water-colored | a wet red color | Hoho | Dec 1941 | |
waistline, the | it was eel-thin | Hoho | Nov 1943 | |
walking encyclopedia, theknowledge capacity nil, eh?* AChem | Nov 1944 | |||
wanderlust | unrest, lawd! | Amber | Feb 1981 | |
wanderlust | lad, run West | Plantina | May 1947 | |
waitress | a stew, sir? | Osaple | Jul 1948 | |
wallflower, the | wow! all left her | TheGink | Jul 1961 | |
warmonger, a | row manager | Hoho | Apr 1968 | |
warlords, the | world haters | Merlin | Aug 1973 | |
warlords, the | wrath dolers | Merlin | Aug 1973 | |
water chevrotain | a cervine hart, wot? | ProfPampelm+ | May 1979 | |
waste disposal | as load is swept | AbStruse | Mar 1981 | |
water closet, a | to clear waste | AbStruse | Dec 1986 | |
wandering albatross, the lo, a bird that ranges NEWS | Atlantis | Nov 1911 | ||
Waldorf, the | dwarf hotel* | Amaranth | Jan 1916 | |
Waldorf-Astoria hotel, the | alert host, I: what real foodFredDomino | Mar 1952 | ||
wage earners, the | we earn, get share | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | |
Wall Street | rate well st. | TheGopher | Aug 1921 | |
weather forecast, the | so, free chart heat, wet | Grulla | Sep 1947 | |
weather forecast | we rate each frost | TheGopher | May 1921 | |
weather forecast | O, search after wet | Amaranth | Nov 1910 | |
weather forecast | O, rather wet faces | RTist | Sep 1973 | |
weather forecasts | trace shower's fate | AbStruse | Feb 1984 | |
wedding ceremony, a | ye ceded woman ring | DCVer | Apr 1913 | |
wedding ceremonies, the | thence we'd merge in "I do's"Viking | Mar 1941 | ||
weevil | we, live | Barnyard | Sep 1920 | |
weathervanes | ah, veer at NESW | Remardo | Apr 1926 | |
soldiers | lo, I dress | Pearson | ||
wedding ring, the | grin, wed, then dig | MustafaKamelMay 1929 | ||
wedding bells | DD begins well | Argon | Oct 1938 | |
wether, a | ewe thar* | Larry | Feb 1940 | |
Western Union telegram | lo, sent me an urgent wire | AbStruse | Apr 1983 | |
Western Union telegrams | unwritten? lo, a messenger! | Pat | Feb 1950 | |
weatherbeaten | e'en wear that be | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | |
Western civilization | view citizens on trial | Pat | Jan 1954 | |
weaponry | war on? yep! | Larry | Mar 1973 | |
weather forecaster, the | seer of heat: wet-charter | Arcanus | Oct 1945 | |
wholesale merchants | men who resell at cash | Q | Jun 1911 | |
whirling dervish, a | has whirring devil | Amaranth | Jun 1925 | |
whithersoever | oh, wherever 'tis | Sol | Jul 1926 | |
whalebone, a | whoa! baleen | Tav | Oct 1976 | |
whalebones | show baleen | Ellsworth | Sep 1929 | |
white flags | slew a fight | Al | Mar 1931 | |
whiskbroom, a | am O, how brisk | Shux | May 1932 | |
white elephant | i.e., what net help* | BNatural | Mar 1935 | |
whimsicality | I claim shy wit 55 | AwlWrong | Jul 1936 | |
window seat | we a' sit down | Hoho | Sep 1947 | |
wholeheartedly | oh, we try heed all | BooJeeKay | Jun 1957 | |
white-collar workers, theclerks who wear their lot | BNatural | Jun 1961 | ||
white mergansers, the | smews here right neat | Viking | Feb 1963 | |
white-winged crossbills | we birds will sight cones | Viking | Jun 1971 | |
whoremonger | home-wronger | Hap | Apr 1977 | |
white supremacists | must wish race spite | NoholdsBard | Jul 1988 | |
white supremacists | racists: wise them up | Atlantic | Jun 1981 | |
white supremacist | "up with race!" smites | Sibyl | Mar 1987 | |
wholesale prices | O, we sell cheap, sir | HartKing | Sep 1987 | |
wholesalers | oh, sell wares | Q | Aug 1924 | |
wild goose chase | chose wide goals | Remardo | Sep 1918 | |
wild goose chase, a | so cad goes awhile | KeePon | Aug 1913 | |
wilderness, the | wildness there | Atlantis | Mar 1916 | |
wildernesses, the | sense wilds there | Vulcan | Oct 1928 | |
witenagemots | wise men got at | Vesta | Feb 1918 | |
witenagemote | a wit meet (O.Eng.) | Nightowl | Nov 1972 | |
witenagemot | a meeting, wot? | Damonomad | Sep 1934 | |
William | I am Will | Vesta | Oct 1918 | |
wireless telegraph | great help: less wire | FredDomino | Nov 1952 | |
wireless telegraphy | I tell where spy rages | LoneFisherm+ | Jan 1921 | |
wireless telephone | see, let no wires help | TheGopher | Jan 1921 | |
widow's weeds, the | woe's wet dews hid | Eureka | Jul 1928 | |
widow's weeds, the | we didst shew woe | Amaranth | Jul 1925 | |
widow's mite, the | two white dimes | Remardo | Jan 1926 | |
winter solstice, the | enters with lots ice | Ellsworth | Mar 1928 | |
winter solstice, the | I clew: shortest nite* | CornCob | Dec 1986 | |
window cleaners, the | dern nice lot: we wash | Amaranth | Jun 1928 | |
wildcat | it claw'd | TeZirMan | Dec 1987 | |
wildcat, the | acteth wild | PAB | Apr 1929 | |
wild oats | lad, sow it 33 | Remardo | Mar 1917 | |
witness, a | sent, I saw | Larry | Jan 1953 | |
winebibbers | 'bibe in brews* | FredDomino | Aug 1954 | |
winsomeness, the | women's sin, these* | Hoho | Jul 1969 | |
wiretappings | swipe prating | Hoho | Apr 1971 | |
wide end | I wended | Fiddle | Jan 1973 | |
wildlife conservation | it confines a live world | Hap | Jan 1973 | |
windbag, a | I'd gab? naw* | Larry | May 1980 | |
wild lettuce | weed 't cull it | Larry | Nov 1983 | |
windshield wipers, the | swish! help'd in wet ride | Calicoh | Oct 1984 | |
wine, women and song | man sowing need now | GiGantic | Sep 1926 | |
woman suffrage | man guffaws o'er | Nypho | Mar 1912 | |
women | won me 22 | Ralph | Apr 1913 | |
workmanship | win shop-mark | Primrose | Apr 1921 | |
womankind | know a mind | BeauNed | Apr 1928 | |
womankind | I'd know man | FredDomino | May 1952 | |
world-beaters | draw best role | Amaranth | Feb 1931 | |
woman | now Ma | Ixaxar | Sep 1935 | |
womanish | how man is* | Hoho | Apr 1962 | |
women's liberation | men rib as we toil on | Nightowl | Oct 1973 | |
women's liberation | siren in bow to male* | Nightowl | Oct 1973 | |
women's liberation | male tribe wins? O, no! | Mangie | Oct 1976 | |
women's liberation | i.e., male's rib? not now! | Clover | Jan 1981 | |
women's liberation | new aim: no bit roles | Clover | Jan 1981 | |
World Series | weird losers* | Mangie | Dec 1977 | |
wranglesome | women glares | Mam | Aug 1923 | |
writer's cramp | wrist cramper | Remardo | Aug 1926 | |
wrongdoers | err now, "dogs" | Larry | Feb 1988 | |
wrongdoer, the | O, gent who'd err | Tartarin | Jun 1934 | |
writ of habeas corpus, the | this saw hap before court | SueDoe | Apr 1954 | |
wrinkle | new lirk | ProfPampelm+ | Dec 1980 | |
writing on the wall | O, tell with warning | Katmat | Oct 1942 | |
mene mene tekel upharsin El eke Persian men, hunt me | ESCrow | May 1927 | ||
mene mene tekel upharsin the mural pi seen, men knee | Hercules | Jul 1946 | ||
yellow-bellied sapsucker well, you see, bird peeks allBlackstone | Nov 1930 | |||
years, the | eras, they | Francolin | Mar 1915 | |
youths, the | they shout | Molemi | Mar 1921 | |
Yankee | ay, keen | DCVer | Aug 1917 | |
youngsters | O, stern guys* | Travv | Jan 1987 | |
youngster | gutsy oner | Winona | Apr 1962 | |
youngsters, the | e.g., stern youths* | Arcanus | Nov 1931 | |
yerba mate, the | herb tea, matey | BlueHenChickMar 1929 | ||
yes-man, the | theme's "nay"* | Ulk | May 1987 | |
yellow journalists, the | O, they all just boil news | AbStruse | Dec 1979 | |
yellow pages directory, the | try: yields place where to go | Amber | Mar 1981 | |
yellowtail, the | lotella with ye | Travv | Nov 1982 | |
yo-yo, the | oh, ye toy | AbStruse | Jun 1981 | |
Yankee Doodle | one dead yokel | AwlWrong | Nov 1947 | |
Yankee Doodle | O, dead NE yokel | AwlWrong | Nov 1947 | |
Yankee Doodle | O, 'e led a donkey | Enavlicm | Feb 1934 | |
Yankee Doodle dandy | e'en Daddy OK'd one lay | FredDomino | Apr 1952 | |
young ladies' seminary | I say you girls need man | Empty | Jan 1940 | |
younger generation, the | youth eager on entering | Twisto | Aug 1936 | |
younger generation, the | e'er noting a green youth | AwlWrong | Feb 1940 | |
yodelling | dog yellin' | Castet | Jun 1949 | |
yellow streak, a | rat yells "ow! eak!" | EmmoW | May 1935 | |
X-rated movies, the | avid sex theme rot | AbStruse | Apr 1983 | |
X-rated movies | video sex | Mart | Tutowl | Sep 1974 |
zebrass, a | zebra ass | Yercas | Mar 1930 | |
zoological gardens, the | egad! call o'er zoo things | FredDomino | Apr 1952 | |
zoological gardens, the | hi! coon, rat, dog, gazelles XSpecked | Mar 1946 | ||
zoological gardens, the | lo, caged lions gaze thro' | Amaranth | Nov 1910 | |
musical note | unit comes "la" | DavidShulmanJul 83 4*P | ||
personality | partly one's "I" 4*P83 | StepheMarlowOct 81 4*P | ||
self-glorification | I so fill frantic ego | DavidShulmanJun 83 4*P | ||
porterhouse steak, a | O, tastes OK: up rare, eh? | BarryCohen | May 83 4*P | |
April Fool | or, foil pal? | DavidShulmanApr 83 4*P | ||
declaration of war | an act: roar "wild foe!" | BarryCohen | Apr 83 4*P | |
tam-o'-shanter | name hat sort | CarrolMayersMar 83 4*P | ||
Dead Sea scrolls, the | ah, stale old screeds | DhumbbBhelle | Jun 1957 | |
Dead Sea scrolls | old seals, sacred | Witchword | Feb 1979 | |
Dead Sea scrolls, the | la, sacred old sheets | LenElliott | Feb 83 4*P | |
spaghetti and meatballs | man's pasta table delight | MarilMalpassFeb 83 4*P | ||
histrionics | corn: I hiss it | JosephDemma | Feb 83 4*P | |
speech pattern | chatter 'n' peeps | JosephDemma | Feb 83 4*P | |
New Year's resolution, a easy rule? no swear on it | CarrollMaye+ | Jan 83 4*P | ||
Yale University | I truly see an "Ivy" | DavidShulmanJan 83 4*P | ||
piano concerto, the | one art o' Chopin, etc. | BarryCohen | Jan 83 4*P | |
Christmas present, a | Mr. Santa's tip cheers | DavidShulmanDec 82 4*P | ||
winter season, the | snowiest era then | Merlin | Jan 1971 | |
winter season, the | snow is 'neath tree | SamSlick | Mar 1917 | |
winter season, the | it snows here neat | Q | Oct 1912 | |
winter season, the | sno, ise, water then | Molemi | Feb 1930 | |
winter season, the | i.e., threatens snow | DavidShulmanDec 82 4*P | ||
sleigh ride, a | i.e., has glider | DavidShulmanDec 82 4*P | ||
Gobi Desert | big sere dot | LenElliott | Oct 82 4*P | |
solitary confinement | my fate in stir: lone con | HelenBernha+ | Oct 82 4*P | |
cheetahs | he, she cat | TimWheeler | Oct 82 4*P | |
fire and brimstone | morbid fate, sinner | LenELliott | Sep 82 4*P | |
archaeologist | I go search a lot | DavidShulmanAug 82 4*P | ||
Renaissance, the | see an arts niche | BarryCohen | Jul 82 4*P | |
cat-o'-nine-tails, the | i.e., note: can't it lash? | DavidShulmanJul 82 4*P | ||
counterfeit, a | true face? not I | DavidShulmanJul 82 4*P | ||
cornucopia | a conic pour | BillKuehl | Jun 82 4*P | |
temptation | time to pant | BillKuehl | Jun 82 4*P | |
demolition | I let in doom | BillKuehl | Jun 82 4*P | |
sorceress | cross seer? | HelenBernha+ | May 82 4*P | |
unemployment office, the help meet cutoff in money | HelenBernha+ | May 82 4*P | ||
public transportation | can't pool? bus, train trip | HelenBernha+ | May 82 4*P | |
sunbather | he rubs tan | DavidShulmanMay 82 4*P | ||
airfields | aid fliers | DavidShulmanApr 82 4*P | ||
snow tire | winter's "O" | RaymondStua+ | Mar 82 4*P | |
supernatural, the | unreal paths: true? | DavidShulmanMar 82 4*P | ||
promissory note, a | so pay me or not, sir | DavidShulmanMar 82 4*P | ||
misanthrope, the | hi, spot men-hater | DavidShulmanFeb 82 4*P | ||
garbage trucks, the | get guck, bear trash | DavidShulman | Feb 82 4*P | |
winter season, the | it's here: neat snow | DavidShulman | Jan 82 4*P | |
no trespassing | stop an ingress | DavidShulman | Jan 82 4*P | |
Metropolitan Opera House | lo! aha! I promote pure notes | DavidShulman | Jan 82 4*P | |
Metropolitan Opera House | O, a popular tenor home site | PhilipCohen | Jan 82 4*P | |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | popular theater home to noise | BNatural | Jul 1960 | |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | oratorio theme haunts people | BNatural | Jul 1960 | |
Metropolitan Opera House | O, I hear notes popular to me | AbStruse | Jun 1981 | |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | Homer appealeth: riotous toneMolemi | Oct 1956 | ||
Metropolitan Opera House, the | theater to harmonious people | Resolute | May30 06Co | |
mental institution, a | lo, nut inmate sat in it | DavidShulman | Dec 81 4*P | |
golf players, the | they'll gasp "fore!" | DavidShulman | Dec 81 4*P | |
tortoise and the hare, the | ah, one tried, the other sat | JanetCohen | Dec 81 4*P | |
Mediterranean fruit fly | defiantly ruin tree farm | MitziChrist+ | Dec 81 4*P | |
astronomy | moony arts | StephenMarl+ | Dec 81 4*P | |
execution | exit on cue | StephenMarl+ | Oct 81 4*P | |
heads or tails | hail, read toss | DavidShulman | Oct 81 4*P | |
narcotics dealer, a | la, cocaine's trader | DavidShulman | Sep 81 4*P | |
Southern hospitality | opine host truly has it | DavidShulman | Sep 81 4*P | |
table tennis | bat, net, lines | DavidShulmanSep 81 4*P | ||
mistaken identity | tsk, I deny: it ain't me | DavidShulman | Sep 81 4*P | |
insane asylum, the | i.e., heals many nuts | DavidShulman | Jul 81 4*P | |
unemployed, the | help out my need | DavidShulman | Jun 81 4*P | |
Library of Congress, the | O, brings lofty research | DavidShulman | Jun 81 4*P | |
Library of Congress, the | lots for researching by 90 | AbStruse | Feb 1983 | |
Scrabble player | a crabby speller | DavidShulman | Mar 81 4*P | |
supermarket, the | rump steak there | DavidShulman | Mar 81 4*P | |
constipation | can I stop it? no | DavidShulman | Mar 81 4*P | |
fashion designer | O, I hang fine dress | DavidShulman | Feb 81 4*P | |
pyramid scheme, a | pray heed: I'm scam | DavidShulman | Feb 81 4*P | |
asshole, an | he's so anal | Famulus | Jul 84 UnE | |
masturbated | sat, rub'd meat | Famulus | Jul 84 UnE | |
foot fetishist, the | "soft feet" is hot hit | Quip | Jul 84 UnE | |
soixante-neuf | it: a one-sex fun | Uniqorn | Jul 84 UnE | |
courtesan | a sore cunt | Viking | Jul 84 UnE | |
scarlet women, the | screw men at hotel | Viking | Jul 84 UnE | |
masturbate | rubs at meat | AbStruse | Jul 84 UnE | |
emasculated | 'e 'ad 'em cut: 'las! | Ulk | Jul 84 UnE | |
sexual intercourse | our lust: an exercise | Jul 84 UnE | ||
pornographic literature | O, crap here to Puritan girl AbStruse | Jul 84 UnE | ||
false representations | represent lies of Satan | ESCrow | Feb 1911 | |
heredity and environment tend to hinder in every man | ESCrow | Feb 1911 | ||
Russia | is ursa | Pearson | ||
threescore and ten | certes, end on earth | CSaw | Jun 1911 | |
Roman antiquities | I am question in art | Amaranth | Dec 1910 | |
separation suit | a sin: I sue to part | Q | Oct 1910 | |
marital disputes | at mild spats, I rue | Q | Oct 1910 | |
marital disputes | a disaster: lump it | ESCrow | Nov 1910 | |
separation suits | rise to sustain Pa | ESCrow | Nov 1910 | |
plantation melodies | toned in a simple alto | Amaranth | Oct 1910 | |
married man, the | mirth near dame | ESCrow | Nov 1910 | |
sweetheart days | see, we had a tryst | Q | Oct 1910 | |
sweetheart days | set dates her way | ESCrow | Nov 1910 | |
fashion's | Decrees | chose a fine dress | Molemi | Nov 1910 |
flying machine, the | ha! fly me, nice thing | PercyVere | Jan 1911 | |
Chinese laundry, the | heed unclean shirty | Jason | Jan 1911 | |
dirigible balloon, a | on big oiled air ball | Amaranth | Nov 1910 | |
immortality of the soul | O holy fear, utmost limit | ESCrow | Mar 1910 | |
old-time songs | models to sing | MCS | Aug 1910 | |
base hitter | he is batter | AbStruse | Oct 1990 | |
sexual intercourse | relax, ensure coitus | DABorgmann | May 1974WW | |
infernos | non-fires* | DABorgmann | May 1974WW | |
street shoes | hose testers | DABorgmann | May 1974WW | |
beheadments | deathsmen be | DABorgmann | May 1974WW | |
weird nightmares | withering dreams | DABorgmann | May 1974WW | |
smears, ye | are messy | DABorgmann | May 1974WW | |
mysterious | misty? O, sure | DABorgmann | May 1974WW | |
brachiating | I, branch gait | NoholdsBard | Jul 1990 | |
hypochondriac, the | oh, arch-phony cited | AbStruse | Jul 1990 | |
computation | topic: amount | NoholdsBard | Jul 1990 | |
arguments | must anger 74 | Fiddle | Jan 1951 | |
cosmetic surgeon, the | he cuts: get micro-nose! | Wabbit | Jul 1990 | |
cyanide of potassium | I faced a musty poison | Amaranth | Jun 1913 | |
nothing doing | don't go nigh in | Ace | Jun 1913 | |
Presbyterian church, the cherub pray: hint her sect | Sally | Jun 1913 | ||
Florida everglades, the | deal tad frogs live here | Donatello | Jun 1913 | |
spring mattress, a | resting? Pa's smart | QuiVive | Jun 1913 | |
desert of Sahara, the | hate a hard frost, see? | Lateo | Jan 1913 | |
Saint Valentine's Day | nay, a lass invented it | Bolis | Feb21 85GD | |
comic valentines, the | vim list, one cent each | Donatello | Feb 1913 | |
triple entente, the | three plete intent | Xiphias | Feb 1913 | |
parcel post, the | a help, protects | KeePon | Mar 1913 | |
apple of the eye | ay, feel pet hope | Stocles | Mar 1913 | |
income tax amendment, themean [tax]? come mend it thenSpica | Feb 1913 | |||
infantile paralysis | is an early spinal fit | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
spiritualist seance | a spectral issue in it | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
hospital ambulance, the | a cab, I hustle to help man | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
science-fiction | Novella | O, evince alien conflicts | Talon | Nov 1990 |
weather indications | rain when I so dictate | Q | Nov 1912 | |
military aeroplanes, the help! see total army in air | Jemand | Nov 1912 | ||
Robinson Crusoe | son, boon cruiser | Sam Slick | Nov 1912 | |
hot mince pie, a | oh, pet, I am nice | Q | Oct 1912 | |
mercenary woman, the | e'er want money charm | Q | Oct 1912 | |
home, sweet home | O, how he melts me | QuiVive | Sep 1912 | |
Chinese laundry | yhin, sud cleaner | Ace | Sep 1912 | |
Chinese laundrymen, the | heathens cured my linen | Hercules | Mar 1929 | |
Chinese laundryman, the | human need clean shirty | QuiVive | Aug 1912 | |
Chinese laundries | his undies cleaner | Fred Domino | Mar 1942 | |
dismal swamp, the | what damp slimes | Amaranth | Sep 1912 | |
Mongolian race, the | lo, Chinamen are got | Atlantis | May 1912 | |
Lesser Antilles, the | are isles, then tells | Atlantis | Aug 1912 | |
limited express, a | I sped extra miles | Ace | Aug 1912 | |
dewberry bushes | weeds, shrubbery | Enavlicm | Aug 1912 | |
tiled bathroom, a | O, I bathed mortal | Amaranth | May 1912 | |
boardinghouse table, the ah, grub beheld on it, so eatAtlantis | Apr 1912 | |||
piano tuners, the | hear tones put in | ESCrow | Apr 1912 | |
winter-time, the | mere white tint | Flora | Dec 1911 | |
steam laundries, the | see! mauled tan shirt | Q | Fed 1911 | |
hot wave, a | avow heat | Nypho | Apr 1911 | |
marriage contracts, the | great contraries match | ESCrow | Aug 1911 | |
run the gauntlet, to | lunge thro' taut net | CSaw | Mar 1921 | |
Eastman Kodaks, the | and takes them as OK | Francolin | Aug 1915 | |
ravages of war | was for a grave | SouCon | Aug 1915 | |
physical ailments | my pains still ache | Amaranth | Nov 1915 | |
installation of officers all in station for offices | EmmaLine | Nov 1915 | ||
Emerald Island, the | Ireland lads theme | Remardo | Apr 1915 | |
submarine torpedo boat, the | I run bombs to operate death Remardo | Jul 1915 | ||
haunted palace, the | hate a hunted place | Gee | Jun 1915 | |
piano tuner, the | hear tone put in | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
gypsy fortune teller, a | gentry, spell your fate | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
bar-tailed godwit, the | a bird, let go, it wadeth | Atlantis | Feb 1915 | |
chicken fanciers, the | cite chief hen cranks | Atlantis | Feb 1915 | |
theatrical pseudonym, a | nom used at her play, I act | Atlantis | Feb 1915 | |
little robin redbreast | tell it's a tree-born bird | Atlantis | Feb 1915 | |
month of August, the | thou hot gust fan me | Francolin | Sep 1914 | |
harvest fields, the | feasts held thrive | Francolin | Sep 1914 | |
European war, the | run, hate, reap woe | LordBaltimo+ | Dec 1914 | |
European war, the | pure hate ran: woe | TimPenney | Dec 1914 | |
European war, the | rue what? open era | Francolin | Dec 1914 | |
Literary Digest, the | try, see light, read it | Jemand | Aug 1914 | |
sanitary drinking cup | can gain purity drinks | Francolin | Aug 1914 | |
average man, the | oh, game veteran | Q | Jul 1914 | |
poultry fancier, the | he trap country life | Francolin | Jul 1914 | |
training school, a | lo, I can't go in rash | Francolin | Jul 1914 | |
raliroad terminals, the | admit, here rolls a train | SEArcher | Jul 1914 | |
river steamboat | O, it brave stream | Atlantis | Aug 1914 | |
custard pies | cud pastries | Amaranth | Dec 1913 | |
pipe dream, a | deep air map | QuiVive | Dec 1913 | |
card of thanks, a | has no dark fact | SamSlic | Dec 1913 | |
average man, the | am great heaven | Donatello | Mar 1914 | |
average man, the | men hate a grave | Sally | Mar 1914 | |
society bud, a | is a coy debut | RexFord | Feb 1914 | |
society bud, a | is beauty, Doc | Jemand | Feb 1914 | |
society bud | is cute body | Sally | Feb 1914 | |
society bud, a | is COD beauty | Donatello | Feb 1914 | |
wood-turning lathe, the | I turn hewn log to death | Jemand | Jul 1913 | |
Saint Lawrence River, thewaters in rich vale enter | Amaranth | Jul 1913 | ||
Battle of Gettysburg, thebelt fought by great test | KeePon | Aug 1913 | ||
sun of righteousness | one's [sun of] right uses | Ultramundane | Nov 1913 | |
David and Goliath | lad had giant vold | TheDuke | Nov 1913 | |
Mardi Gras festival, the great mirth lives as fad | Jemand | Apr 1913 | ||
matrimonial agenices, theI tie man's name to each girlDCVer | Apr 1913 | |||
Swedish Nightingale | sweet-singing Hildah | JohnQuill | May 1913 | |
primrose bush | so, prime shrub | Enavlicm | Jan 1917 | |
counterfeit money | men refute toy coin | TheGopher | Apr 06 Or | |
counterfeit money | me utter "foney" coin | Towhead | Aug 16 FL | |
counterfeit dollar, a | O, let fraud alter coin | Amaranth | Feb 1913 | |
nuptial ceremony, the | thy manner tie couple | Francolin | Jan 1917 | |
Prince of Peace, the | a nice perfect hope | SamSlick | Dec 1916 | |
livestock farm | mark five colts | Francolin | Dec 1916 | |
railway timetable | it all weary me a bit | Francolin | Dec 1916 | |
in the gloaming | a mingle o' night | Remardo | Dec 10 IMM | |
in the gloaming | main light gone | Amaranth | Dec 1916 | |
Monroe Doctrine, the | don't come in there, or.. | Amaranth | Dec 1916 | |
Monroe Doctrine, the | "no room" then recited | LordBaltimo+ | Apr 1 02AP | |
Monroe Doctrine | "come not in" order | DCVer | Dec 1903 | |
monotonous repetition, a Postum? O, no,no,no I iterateFredLot | Dec 1916 | |||
compliments of the seasonacme of month's politeness | Moonshine | Dec 1916 | ||
compliments of the seasonoh, see soft plain comments | Nestor | Dec28 89GD | ||
European war, the | O, a new pure art, eh?* | Meno | Nov 1916 | |
tender one's resignation send a note: [one's] retiringMoonshine | Nov 1916 | |||
delicatessen | licensed eats | Wabbit | Apr 1991 | |
Salvation Army, the | save that roily man | Moonshine | Sep 1916 | |
infantile paralysis | sir, an anti-life palsy | SamSlick | Sep 1916 | |
clearance sales, the | see last real chance | SamSlick | Sep 1916 | |
European war, the | an earth-woe pure | LAllegro | Oct 1916 | |
lucky strikes | stir luck's key | EmmaLine | Oct 1916 | |
articular rheumatism | I am cruel, I hurt at arms | Gemini | Jun 1916 | |
Armageddon | an armed God | CornCob | Apr 1991 | |
twin-screw steamers | watermen as its crew | Moonshine | Jul 1916 | |
treacherous villain, a | hail an evil actor sure | Francolin | Jul 1916 | |
train despatcher | and he traces trip | Francolin | Jul 1916 | |
railroad passenger, the | shalt gain speed o'er a RR | Francolin | Jul 1916 | |
Pythagorean letter | Y, the paragon [letter] | Moonshine | Jul 1916 | |
promise to pay, a | O, [pay] is more pat | EmmaLine | Dec 1915 | |
great snowy egret, the | yet we start heron egg | Francolin | Mar 1916 | |
national preparedness | press plan: a trained one | MollieMoore | Mar 1916 | |
New Year's resolutions | soul yearns, so renew it 21 | EmmaLine | Feb 1916 | |
historical event, an | I cannot reveal this | SamSlick | Mar 1918 | |
Literary Digest, the | ye rarest light diet | Meno | Apr 1918 | |
Russian Reds, the | sad ruiners, Seth | Meno | Apr 1918 | |
Cathedral of Rheims | oh, 'tis flame-charred | Amaranth | Apr 1918 | |
instantaneous photograph into a group, then a snapshotMoonshine | Oct 1917 | |||
Lafayette Escadrille | a select air fleet, Lady | StGermaine | Oct 1917 | |
Kiel Canal, the | a neck allieth | DCVer | Oct 1917 | |
army ambulance corps, thereach many camp troubles | Enavlicm | Oct 1917 | ||
soft sawder | safest word | KeePon | Nov 1917 | |
Liberty Loan Bonds, the | nobly lends a bit to her | Roscoe | Dec 1917 | |
New Year's resolution, the | you swear "honest, I relent" Enavlicm | Feb 1918 | ||
porterhouse steak | eat: others use pork | SamSlick | Feb 1918 | |
passed by the censor | no secret has sped [by] | Tunste | Feb 1918 | |
summer vacationist, the | 'tis natives charm 'em out | Meno | Oct 1917 | |
honorable mention | I honor notable men | Moonshine | Jul 1917 | |
love's young dream | O, Venus-made glory | DCVer | Aug 1917 | |
Little Lord Fauntleroy | truly one droll tale fit | Remardo | Aug 1917 | |
collar buttons, the | but can't those roll | Pax | Aug 1917 | |
war garden, the | drag new earth | Spica | Sep 1917 | |
aviation corps | I coast in vapor | Spica | Sep 1917 | |
pasture lands | sand plat, sure* | Emeline | Sep 1917 | |
team of Shetland ponies | lo, so fine: the mated span | EmmaLine | Aug 1917 | |
land of the lotus eaters taste and, lo, for us, Lethe Spica | Jun 1917 | |||
submarine warfare, the | fine rare water ambush | Amaranth | Jun 1917 | |
hospital corps, the | ach! it helps troops | Enavlicm | Dec 1917 | |
Cathedral of Rheims, the her lot: famed arches hit | Amaranth | Apr 1918 | ||
Eastman Kodak, the | and take them as OK | Francolin | Feb 1917 | |
automobile garages, the | see a big motor, get a haul | Francolin | Feb 1917 | |
raised floor | role for dais | Viking | Feb 1969 | |
Boston Massacre, the | one rash set combats | Francolin | Mar 1917 | |
international peace | pen a nice alteration | SamSlick | Mar 1917 | |
coffee percolator, a | o'er pot of clear cafe | Wanderoo | Apr 1917 | |
infantile paralysis, the faith, 'tis near palsy line | SamSlick | Apr 1917 | ||
military preparedness | I'd present army plea, sir | Remardo | Apr 1917 | |
sow one's wild oats, to | lo, wasn't wise [to] do so | AfterAll | Apr 1917 | |
mariner's compass, the | can steer ship so, | Marm | Meno | Apr 1917 |
railroad tunnel, the | note: art under a hill | PChinn | May 1917 | |
contraband of war | O, ban: can't forward | Remardo | May 1917 | |
Wellington Canal, the | little wagon channel* | Sally | Feb 1917 | |
Chinese mandarin | risen Chinaman, Ed | Amaranth | May 1920 | |
Eighteenth Amendment | meet, end the mean thing | Moonshine | Jun 1920 | |
old soaks | sad looks | Enavlicm | May 1920 | |
indomitable will, an | I, able, mind to win all | Emeline | Mar 1920 | |
Japanese primroses, the | terms Japan posies here | LeDare | Jan 1920 | |
automobile radiator, the heat, or a tour made it boil Wanderoo | Jan 1920 | |||
food for the gods | fed good [for] host | Flora | Jan 1920 | |
Ford car, the | raced forth | ArtyEss | Jul 1919 | |
honorable discharge | O, sad horrible change* | Emeline | Jul 1919 | |
Federal Constitution, thehead state control, if unit | DCVer | Nov 1919 | ||
stylographic pens, the | they got sharp pencils | Moonshine | Nov 1919 | |
Beltone hearing aid | I end at ear, nigh lobe | Viking | Oct 1964 | |
old veteran | never a dolt | WEStern | Nov 1919 | |
cheapskate | takes peach | WEStern | Nov 1919 | |
orange blossoms | Eros-blooms sang | SamSlick | Apr 1919 | |
marriage settlement, a | meet, mate, arrange list | Moonshine | Jun 1919 | |
cyanide of potassium | poison us: fact, | May die | WEStern | Jun 1919 |
birthday dinner, a | thin bairn, red day | SamSlick | Apr 1919 | |
cash on delivery | verily chased [on] | SamSlick | Apr 1919 | |
penitential season, the | 'tis Lent: has eaten no pie | Remardo | Apr 1919 | |
United States | Marines, the | it's the set: USA-trained menFINance | Jan 1919 | |
hang out one's shingle, to | the house: not a long sign | Moonshine | Feb 1919 | |
mind one's own business, to | don't nose in:"wimen" boss usMoonshine | Feb 1919 | ||
sanctification | if sin, it can coat | Ostrich | Oct 1990 | |
survival of the fittest | O, sir, that "tuff" vet livesMoonshine | Mar 1919 | ||
bad nightmare, the | a dream thing, Beth | LeDare | Sep 1918 | |
self-addressed envelope | self deeds do pens reveal | Emeline | Sep 1918 | |
patria potestas | Papa to assert it | Moonshine | Sep 1918 | |
Spanish flu | pains flush | Flora | Dec 1918 | |
read between the lines, to | we see a letter in [the] bondMoonshine | Dec 1918 | ||
ice cream sodas, the | cheer! 'tis acme soda | Xiphias | Dec 1918 | |
aerial navigators | aviators glean air | Remardo | Nov 1918 | |
aerial navigators | agile aviators ran | Remardo | Nov 1918 | |
aerial navigators | gain real aviators | Remardo | Nov 1918 | |
partial payments | pay metal in parts | Remardo | Oct 1918 | |
Registration Act, the | heroic test at rating | DanDLyon | Oct 1918 | |
run in the family, to | a lot inherit my fun | Moonshine | Oct 1918 | |
aviation corps, the | reach at top vision | TheGopher | Mar 1918 | |
Arctic regions, the | great ice C is north | Cincinnatus | Jan 1932 | |
Dail Eireann | I lead an Erin | Primrose | Jul 1922 | |
Irish Free State | the fairies rest | Senax | Jun 1922 | |
ankle sprain | pain rankles | Ostrich | Apr 1991 | |
love's young dream | a melody sung over | Primrose | Jun 1922 | |
love's young dream | go luny over dames | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
love's young dream | ev'ry soul gone mad | Marmion | Nov 87 Maz | |
love's young dream | englamours dovey | Remardo | Mar 1925 | |
Italian spaghetti | git this, a plain eat | Q | Feb 1922 | |
chewing the rag | waggeth 'er chin | Remardo | Aug 1922 | |
Roland for an Oliver, a | learn of valor on raid | KeePon | Aug 1922 | |
Dail Eireann | an ideal Erin | LZH | May 1922 | |
Dail Eireann, the | Irelandian, thee | Primrose | May 1922 | |
descriptive catalogue | live accurate dope list | Newarkus | May 1922 | |
bowling tournament | men a-turning to bowl | ESCrow | Nov 1922 | |
silent letters | still set enter | NankiPoo | Jan 1923 | |
marriageable daughter | raid, gauge | Marble heart | Atlas | Apr 1922 |
kneehigh to a grasshoppergee, Pop, Hank Hager is shortQuondam | Apr 1922 | |||
entangling alliances | lets an alien cling, nag | Spica | Apr 1922 | |
municipal bands | plain band music | Amor | Oct 1923 | |
master detectives | vets detest a crime | Viking | Jul 1931 | |
Pullman car porters, the all cash up to pert RR men | Gemini | Jan 1922 | ||
League of Nations | see fatal union go | LoneFisherm+ | Feb 1921 | |
Saint Valentine's Day | land! I say it's an event | Rhoda | Feb 1921 | |
Saint Patrick's Day | say, Dr., Pat ain't sick | PAB | Mar 1921 | |
cardinal archbishop, the a rich red hat, clan bishop | Binks | Apr 1921 | ||
Postmaster-General, the | ha! get letter man, posers | PercyVere | May 1921 | |
Postmaster-General, the | he's letter-post manager | Tunste | Sep 1924 | |
Postmaster-General, the | PS: great man o' letters, he SamWeller | Jun25 81GD | ||
Postmaster-General, the | great letter-man's hopes | DCVer | Mar 4 99GD | |
Postmaster-General | re: stamp agent's role | FrostERoman | Mar 1974 | |
Yankee doughboys, the | tough, keen heady boys | TheGopher | Jun 1921 | |
pair of twins, a | is twain for Pa | Q | Jan 1921 | |
entangling alliances | NG since all in a tangle | WEStern | Aug 1920 | |
suspend payments, to | duns sent me: stop pay | Poly | Aug 1920 | |
sensational stories | tales riot as one sins | LoneFisherm+ | Jul 1920 | |
presidential election, a nation select ripe ideal | Nypho | Jul 1920 | ||
political opponents | opposite in poll count | Atlantis | Sep 1920 | |
currant bushes | scan true shrub | Spica | Sep 1920 | |
pitiless publicity | yes, I tip public, list | NankiPoo | Sep 1920 | |
Old maid, an | I'd no lad, Ma | Q | Jul 1920 | |
leisure days | us idle years | Adelaide | Jul 1920 | |
popular | Novels, the | pure love plot, Hans | KingCarnival | May 1920 |
Versailles Treaty, the | Allies' travesty there | Amaranth | May 1920 | |
baseball season, the | ah, sees one bat balls | SirOrm | Jul 1932 | |
radio listener, the | idle? sit, hear tenor | SirOrm | Jul 1932 | |
trackless trolley cars | car rolls, yet less track | IAGree | Jul 1932 | |
prohibition referendum | i.e. I hint probe for rum endBebe | Jun 1932 | ||
Swedish Nightingale, the a sweet lady singeth high | Viking | Jun 1932 | ||
Swedish Nightingale | sing high, sweet Linda | Jun 4 53NQ | ||
Swedish Nightingale | high sweet singin', lad | JimJams | 88 Maz | |
Swedish Nightingale, the heed! sing with this angel | SamWeller | Mar26 81GD | ||
Mexican hot tamale, a | [hot] meat a la [Mexican] | ALone | May 1932 | |
trolley car passenger, the | generally hops streetcar | Paradox | May 1932 | |
meteorological data | O, meet old air catalog | NovusHomo | May 1932 | |
popular songwriters, the poets spurn their low rag | Viking | May 1932 | ||
medical prescriptions | Doc's prim Latin recipes | Viking | May 1932 | |
transatlantic telephone | then call Paris at ten t' oneLarryB | Aug 1932 | ||
diary of Samuel Pepys, the | a daily sum [of Pepys] there Cincinnatus | Aug 1932 | ||
daily weather maps, the | PS: read my wet, hail, heat | NovusHomo | May 1932 | |
radio singer | re: air doings | Spreggs | Apr 1932 | |
Siege of Vicksburg, the | cue: Rebs give OK fights | RexAsinorum | Feb 1929 | |
Daniel in the lion's den he dies not [in] an ill [den]Mars | Mar 1931 | |||
female vocalist, the | fat, she'll tame voice | Dorse | Aug 1931 | |
binaural stethoscope, theboo! it hears chest tune, palEvergreen | Apr 1932 | |||
Persian fairy, a | fair as any peri | Hermes | Apr 1932 | |
sidelong glance, a | is an ogled [glance] | PABee | Apr 1932 | |
fly-catching warbler | warbling fly-catcher | Ralph | Apr 1932 | |
homo mensura | so more human | Ralph | Apr 1932 | |
landscape painters, the | help adapt scenes in art | Viking | Mar 1932 | |
special sale, the | sells a tie, cheap | SAmple | Mar 1932 | |
special sales | I see saps call | SAmple | Mar 1932 | |
Yale lock, the | latch-key 'ole | JayEstee | Mar 1932 | |
deposits of petroleum | oil stores to feed pump | Viking | Feb 1932 | |
pack of cigarettes, a | tear case to pick fag | Viking | Feb 1932 | |
bad youngster, a | sad banty rogue | JackOLantern | Feb 1932 | |
flagrante delicto | trail felon: get cad | Roscoe | Jan 1932 | |
beer on draught | the bar guerdon | Poly | Dec 1933 | |
alkali desert | dire salt lake | Arcanus | Dec 1933 | |
monetary difficulties | I direct a fistful money* | Castet | Dec 1933 | |
subornation of perjury | spur anyone, fib to juror | Macropod | Nov 1933 | |
Russian vodka, the | a Soviet has drunk | Viking | Nov 1933 | |
policeman's whistle, a | I am seen with all cops | Viking | Nov 1933 | |
burial rites | bier's ritual | Xquiq | Oct 1933 | |
tincture of belladonna | on tab, often cured an ill | DeanRelax | Oct 1933 | |
Armageddon | dragon made | CornCob | Apr 1991 | |
absent without leave | bleat when a vet is out | Damnatural | Sep 1933 | |
medical man, the | 'at leech? damn 'im!* | GiGantic | Sep 1933 | |
balance the budget | bate huge clan-debt | Macropod | Aug 1933 | |
oldest inhabitant, the | old he is, bent in, at that | Macropod | Aug 1933 | |
slenderizing fashions, the | thinner lines fad: hog sizes | ITappaKe | Jul 1933 | |
slenderizing fashions, the | shining zest for lean hides | ITappaKe | Jul 1933 | |
vegetarian's meal, a | serve Al meat again* | Lester | Jul 1933 | |
lady's stocking, a | gal's dainty sock | SakrElBahr | Jun 1933 | |
prison outbreak, the | thus a "pen" riot broke | NPEll | May 1933 | |
Congressional Record, thesage drones chronicle rot | Hercules | May 1933 | ||
Hebrew alphabet | we bar aleph, beth..* | BeauNed | Apr 1933 | |
beer aged in wood | I need a good brew | Lester | Mar 1933 | |
nautical warehouses | wares suit ocean haul | SuSan | Feb 1933 | |
cash on delivery | derive only [cash] | SirOrm | Jan 1933 | |
woman scorned | now man scored | ThatGalNell | Jan 1933 | |
fresh-water sailor, the | here's tar who's real fit* | Viking | Dec 1932 | |
Anti-Saloon League, the | let not alehouse again | Larry | Dec 1932 | |
trip around the world, a hard to plan wider tour | Amaranth | Feb 1911 | ||
Triple Alliance, the | place all three in it | Xiphias | Feb 1913 | |
presidential election, the | i.e. the political trend seenScrutinizer | Nov 1932 | ||
forgotten man, the | gent to farm? not he | CoraVanAppleNov 1932 | ||
Pullman dining cars, the rail man's lunching dept. | Viking | Oct 1932 | ||
Theseus and the Minotaur dues so met thru Athenian | Viking | Sep 1932 | ||
amateur thespians, the | inapt hams use theater | Viking | Aug 1932 | |
holy bonds of matrimony, the | id balm of honeymoon tryst | Evergreen | Aug 1932 | |
old salt, an | lost aland | Viking | Aug 1932 | |
Cotswold lion, a | con its wool, lad | BlueHenChickJul 1932 | ||
state reform school, a | home to foster rascal | Viking | Jul 1932 | |
Mephistopheles | oh, see h--l's pet imp | EmmoW | Jul 1932 | |
Mephistopheles | he Sheol's pet imp 39 | EmmoW | Jul 1932 | |
business before pleasure labor ere I see Bess, sup,funDamonomad | Dec 1934 | |||
business before pleasure be up Sis! see labors ere funLarry | Oct 1988 | |||
contented life, a | I felt no need-act | Damonomad | Nov 1934 | |
contented life, a | I net | Decent loaf | Damonomad | Nov 1934 |
life everlasting | live, festal reign | DCVer | Nov 1934 | |
English alphabet | hah, beat spelling | OCasey | Oct 1934 | |
English alphabet, the | he hath spelling beat | OCasey | Oct 1934 | |
summary court-martial | a rum army trial custom | Macropod | Oct 1934 | |
drumhead court-martial | am a d--- curt-humored trial Macropod | Oct 1934 | ||
numismatic societies, thecities' coin: it amuses them Arcanus | Sep 1934 | |||
dolce far niente | lend free action | Orion | Sep 1934 | |
dolce far niente | feel action rend | Orion | Sep 1934 | |
good nature | outdo anger | DCVer | Sep 1934 | |
Unknown Soldier, the | hero's new kin untold | DCVer | Aug 1934 | |
New Deal, the | we'd e'en halt* | Primrose | Jul 1934 | |
offertory anthem | forth after money | Yercas | Jul 1934 | |
symphonic concert, a | O, many rich concepts | Marmion | Jun 1934 | |
symphonic concert, a | harmonic copy scent | Marmion | Jun 1934 | |
symphonic concert, a | home cynics carp not | Marmion | Jun 1934 | |
at the point of death | hath toe on fated pit | Damonomad | May 1934 | |
aortic aneurism | miscure in aorta | JimBill | May 1934 | |
great adventure, the | endeth at grave? true | Damonomad | May 1934 | |
racing automobiles, the | cars in hot mileage bout | Viking | Apr 1934 | |
stupid fellow, a | "ape" of dull wits | Viking | Apr 1934 | |
how dry I am | my, [how] arid! | Gwynph | Apr 1934 | |
three-point-two | the "wet" portion | SakrElBahr | Apr 1934 | |
morphine addict, a | man hit acrid "dope" | Viking | Mar 1934 | |
matinee idols | "it" men so ideal | DCVer | Mar 1934 | |
matinee idols | I entail modes | DCVer | Mar 1934 | |
matinee idol | note: I'm ideal | DCVer | Mar 1934 | |
matinee idol | in late mode, I | DCVer | Mar 1934 | |
Holy Scriptures, the | lo, th' true riches spy | Marmion | Mar 1934 | |
Holy Scriptures, the | our Christ helps yet | Marmion | Mar 1934 | |
Holy Scriptures, the | Christ help you rest | Marmion | Mar 1934 | |
steamed finnan haddie | men dined and ate a fish | Ellsworth | Apr 1934 | |
perfidious Albion | fidus? lip a "boo", Erin | AmanovlettusFeb 1934 | ||
wrestling bout, a | swelt about ring | Yercas | Feb 1934 | |
Mason-Dixon Line, the | lo! man's on Dixie then | DCVer | Feb 1934 | |
oriental costumes, the | clothes met in our East | Viking | Jan 1936 | |
Aladdin's lamp | I and lad's palm | Katmat | Jan 1936 | |
Sistine Madonna | maiden saint, son | Arcanus | Jan 1936 | |
military man, the | I'm that army line | Viking | Jan 1936 | |
Arlington Cemetery, the | interment: get hero clay | Arcanus | Jan 1936 | |
dramatic profession, the and I act more for Thespis | AbieGhinner | Dec 1935 | ||
dramatic profession, the in this "rep" of actor's madeFredDomino | Feb 1964 | |||
pot de vin | D.V., one tip | CSaw | Nov 1935 | |
state penitentiary | aye, intern pest at it | Arcanus | Oct 1935 | |
muzzle-loading rifle, theol'[rifle] gun: I dazzle themTheOzarkBoy | Oct 1935 | |||
military man, a | I'm any | Martial | Arcanus | Sep 1935 |
amateur night | I get "ham" a turn | Damonomad | Sep 1935 | |
genealogical research | go, reach clear lineages | DeanRelax | Sep 1935 | |
diary of Samuel Pepys, the | they're a daily sum of "pep"sCincinnatus | Sep 1935 | ||
painter's brushes | press, stain, rub, eh? | OCasey | Aug 1935 | |
auction bridge | I cut, bid, rage on | Macropod | Aug 1935 | |
California gold rush, thefools hunt a real rich dig | AbStruse | Aug 1935 | ||
Pisa's leaning tower | rising top leans; awe | Arcanus | Aug 1935 | |
streamlined design, a | made air denting less | Viking | Jul 1935 | |
polyprotodont | Marsupials or lot do play possum in trapViking | Jul 1935 | ||
True Confessions | secrets of unions | Molemi | Jul 1935 | |
once in a blue moon | clue: boom [in] an eon | BNatural | Jun 1935 | |
unchaste woman, an | cue: wanton has man | EmmoW | Jun 1935 | |
histrionic talent | the actor is nil? nit | Hoodwink | May 1935 | |
moving picture show, a | Vitascope grown, I hum | Marmion | Apr 1935 | |
moving picture show, a | to magic view-shop run | Marmion | Apr 1935 | |
moving picture show, a | group vows cinema "hit" | Marmion | Apr 1935 | |
moving picture show, a | I wish cuter vamp go on | Marmion | Apr 1935 | |
moving picture show, a | charming views up, too | Marmion | Apr 1935 | |
counterfeit nickel, a | notice fake lucre: tin | SAmple | Apr 1935 | |
Battle of Waterloo, the | for Elba that led to woe | DCVer | Apr 1935 | |
articles of partnership | cite profit-sharer plans | DCVer | Apr 1935 | |
defaulting cashier, the | that sure hid a fleecing | Viking | Apr 1935 | |
cock and bull stories, the | con both talks crude lies | BNatural | Apr 1935 | |
thermionic emission | I simmer nice hot ions | Abakusan | Feb 1935 | |
threadbare suit | rather used a bit | JackOLantern | Apr 1935 | |
income tax collectors, the | come exact rich note-tolls | Tartarin | Jan 1935 | |
carcinoma of the breast | a hot cancer bites a form | Arcanus | Jan 1935 | |
poultry dealers, the | they do rear pullets | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
bluegrass region, the | be urging horse tales | Neon | Apr 1937 | |
bluegrass region, the | bigger southern leas | Neon | Apr 1937 | |
bluegrass region, the | so big nags rule there | Neon | Apr 1937 | |
Four Horsemen, the | oh, there's [four] men | JustaSmith | Apr 1937 | |
matrimonial agents | mate-naming a lot, sir | AmanovlettusMar 1937 | ||
palpitation of the heart oh, he felt pit-pat in aorta AwlWrong | Mar 1937 | |||
spotlight of publicity | pity public's footlight | BeauNed | Mar 1937 | |
star chamber session, thesh! so bar has met in secret Viking | Feb 1937 | |||
Day of Atonement, the | they, to a man, feed not | Hoho | Jan 1937 | |
Day of Atonement, the | men eat no heft today | Hoho | Jan 1937 | |
Day of Atonement, the | [the day]: O, no fatten me | Hoho | Jan 1937 | |
Day of Atonement, the | no, hefty dame ate not | Hoho | Jan 1937 | |
Powers of Darkness, the | works of Hades' serpent | AwlWrong | Jan 1937 | |
Triple Alliance, the | all three lie in pact | AwlWrong | Jan 1937 | |
ministerial benches, the H.M. cabinet is here: listen!Tartarin | Nov 1936 | |||
cock and bull story, a | to clack on absurdly 54 | AwlWrong | Nov 1936 | |
cock and bull story, a | O, cull bad stock yarn | AwlWrong | Nov 1936 | |
heavenly bodies, the | led, they shine above | Twisto | Aug 1936 | |
American desert, the | that mere arid scene | AbStruse | Jul 1936 | |
honeymoon trips, the | my! hot spoonin' there | Twisto | Jul 1936 | |
second-hand automobile | O, the old bus can do, I meanAbieGhinner | Jul 1936 | ||
send owls to Athens, to | town needs hoots last | AwlWrong | Jul 1936 | |
satisfied customer, a | sum it: fair code asset | Hoodwink | May 1936 | |
in the nick of time | fine! I'm on [the] tick | EmmoW | May 1936 | |
good riddance | er - candid - do go | Marmion | May 1936 | |
good riddance | did go, raced on | Marmion | May 1936 | |
coral islands, the | red atolls' chains | Livedevil | Mar 1936 | |
festal board, the | behold fat roast | Katmat | Mar 1936 | |
incorrect spelling | plenti erors ccling | Evergreen | Mar 1936 | |
good nature | to undo rage | DCVer | Mar 1936 | |
custom tailors, the | cloth matters: IOUs | AwlWrong | Apr 1936 | |
soybean, the | then be soya | Arcanus | Feb 1936 | |
Land of Promise, the | oh, form'd Palestine | Livedevil | Feb 1936 | |
Land o' Cakes, the | eke Scotland, ha? | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
Land o' Cakes, the | ah, eke Scotland | Livedevil | Feb 1936 | |
Old Man Winter | warm, indolent* | Si | May 1938 | |
first snow, the | new frost, this | Si | May 1938 | |
society debutante, a | beauty to dance sits | WrongFont | Mar 1938 | |
beware the Ides of | March 'ware, Chief: somber death | Hoho | Mar 1938 | |
Admirable Crichton, the | hint: catch Barrie model | AwlWrong | Jan 1938 | |
beware the Ides of | March hide from the web, Caesar! | AwlWrong | Aug 1936 | |
de profundis, the | O, find depths' rue | AwlWrong | Jan 1938 | |
old-fashioned girl, the | h--l! leg is hidden too far | Jemand | Dec 1937 | |
Little Lord Fauntleroy | lo, dainty tot fell ruler | AbStruse | Nov 1937 | |
old-fashioned girl, an | no flash-rig on, laddie | Amaranth | Mar 1924 | |
castles in Spain | scan pile as isn't | AbStruse | Oct 1937 | |
signal of distress | fling SOS disaster | JackOLantern | Oct 1937 | |
decoration | O, I adorn, etc. | Spud | Oct 1937 | |
Star-spangled Banner, the | stand! brethren sang peal | Archimedes | Oct 1937 | |
inchoate | action, eh? | Si | Oct 1937 | |
miscellaneous | some cues in all | Si | Oct 1937 | |
pigmentation | painting mote | AwlWrong | Oct 1937 | |
back-seat driver, a | stab via rear | Deck | AwlWrong | Oct 1937 |
woolen stockings, the | cons two knit leg hose | AwlWrong | Oct 1937 | |
continuation | O, union intact | AwlWrong | Oct 1937 | |
out of spirits | it is for pouts | AwlWrong | Oct 1937 | |
out of spirits | I spot sour fit | AwlWrong | Oct 1937 | |
in the shade | hides 'neath | AwlWrong | Sep 1937 | |
English alphabet | "A" shalt help begin | AbStruse | Sep 1937 | |
morphine addict, the | d--n it! cert, I'm hop-head | Viking | Aug 1937 | |
sardonic smile, a | as calm derision | AwlWrong | Aug 1937 | |
retail dealers, the | all see their trade | Viking | Aug 1937 | |
Russian Reds, the | USSR as their end | Viking | Aug 1937 | |
mariner's compass, the | masters ocean ship, Mr. | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
mariner's compass, the | I chart seaman's romps | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 | |
guillotines | loi: guilt end | Ulk | Apr 1991 | |
steeped in iniquity | ye in sin quite tepid* | KingSly | Jul 1937 | |
Black Hole of Calcutta, the | ah, a cell block that cut | foeNeon | Jul 1937 | |
Bottomless Pit, the | titles mob's Tophet | AwlWrong | Jun 1937 | |
demon of despair, the | foe dims ardent hope | AwlWrong | Jun 1937 | |
demon of despair, the | fiend made hopes rot | AwlWrong | Jun 1937 | |
Great Pyramid of Cheops, the | far Egypt hid corpse at home | Viking | May 1937 | |
total abstinence | bet Cal's not eatin' | Hoosier | Apr 1937 | |
drunk as a lord | soul drank 'ard | BlackBean | Nov 1939 | |
drunk as a lord | our lads drank | BlackBean | Nov 1939 | |
remember the Alamo | ere tame "mal hombre" | Grulla | Nov 1939 | |
incense burner, the | be here in urn, scent | Hoho | Oct 1939 | |
hirsute adornment | men don truest hair | Hoho | Oct 1939 | |
Spanish Armada, the | as Spain hath armed | Tunste | Jul 1939 | |
New York World's Fair, the | work: where Trylon is fad | Puzzeroo | Jul 1939 | |
New York World's Fair | is flary wonder-work | Puzzeroo | Jul 1939 | |
Denmark | dark men* | Pearson | ||
Metropolitan Opera | lo, matinee troop par | Kay | Jan 1963 | |
Metropolitan Opera, the | plain theater to poor me | Viking | May 1963 | |
Metropolitan Opera, the | let me hear it! pop? O,no, art, | Mangie | May 1978 | |
Hawaiian Islands, the | I wish heat, sand, lanai | SakrElBahr | Apr 1939 | |
Russian Communists, the | use summons, anti-Christ | Orion | Apr 1939 | |
World's Fair, the | drift: real show | AbStruse | Mar 1939 | |
number pools, the | help moron bet us | Hoho | Mar 1939 | |
rhyming dictionaries, theI'm ye right rich sonnet aid Evervic | Feb 1939 | |||
rhyming dictionaries, the | I, rich meter, aid in thy song | Evervic | Feb 1939 | |
church organist, the | urgeth choir's chant | AwlWrong | Feb 1939 | |
fairy tale | retail fay | MGM | Jan 1939 | |
frail sisterhood, the | site of hired harlots | AwlWrong | Dec 1938 | |
commonplace saying, the | can inclose my apothegm | AwlWrong | Dec 1938 | |
smiling Irish eyes | Eire's shiny glims, I | Twisto | Dec 1938 | |
flautist, the | hits at flute | Hoho | Sep 1938 | |
experiments | I men's expert* | Hoho | Sep 1938 | |
registration | I ignore start* | OCasey | Sep 1938 | |
turncoats | count rats 54 | Hoho | Sep 1938 | |
intelligentsia | an elite listing | Archimedes | Sep 1938 | |
congratulations | toasting our clan | Archimedes | Sep 1938 | |
naked sword, the | works death end | AwlWrong | Sep 1938 | |
local anaesthetic, a | stealth a la cocaine | AwlWrong | Sep 1938 | |
lithesomeness | the lissom seen | AwlWrong | Sep 1938 | |
tired businessmen, the | him sin? needs but a rest | Plantina | Aug 1938 | |
Islands of the Blessed | Eden's fields halt sobs | AbStruse | Aug 1938 | |
Last of the Mohicans, thelieth son [of] that sachem | HCLaughlin | Aug 1938 | ||
beautiful but dumb | I tabu mute flubdub | Plantina | Jul 1938 | |
Versailles Treaty | rival states leery | PopSquirrel | Jun 1938 | |
Versailles Treaty | states are very ill | PopSquirrel | Jun 1938 | |
terpsichorean | O, the prancer is.. | Talon | Jan 1991 | |
high blood pressure, a | oh, rib, pulse goes hard | XSpecked | Feb 1942 | |
United States Navy, the | vast sea unit: they dent | Spreggs | Jan 1942 | |
United States | Marines | men in trust at seaside | PolkaDot | Jul23 05NP |
United States | Marines | it's set USA trained men | FINance | Jan 1919 |
Twenty-First Amendment, the | wets find myth, treat ten men | Katmat | Dec 1941 | |
carbon monoxide gas | an odor cabs, gone, mix | Hercules | Dec 1941 | |
cabaret show | seat, chow, bar | Hoho | Dec 1941 | |
Christmas shopping | nigh trims Pop's cash | HomeBrew | Dec 1941 | |
vegetarian's diet, a | eating varied eats* | Amber | Jul 1980 | |
dining-room table | mingle it on board | XSpecked | Oct 1941 | |
Holy Gospel, the | helps theology | AwlWrong | Jul 1941 | |
Holy Gospel, the | theology's help | AwlWrong | Jul 1941 | |
cold in the head, a | ached lot [in head] | Amor | Jun 1941 | |
Libyan Desert | Italy's bender | Spreggs | Jun 1941 | |
pint of turpentine, a | painter often put in | Viking | Apr 1941 | |
field mortar, a | firearm t' load | NoholdsBard | Feb 1991 | |
Axis powers, the | is hope: wrest ax | Grulla | Feb 1941 | |
bride's trousseau, the | to assure her bed suit | Spreggs | Jan 1941 | |
married woman | O, Mr., I drew a man | Spreggs | Dec 1940 | |
World's Series, the | is where Reds lost* | PatristocratDec 1940 | ||
German submarine, the | sea brute harming men | Spreggs | Oct 1940 | |
kiss in the dark, a | and take his risk | PatristocratAug 1940 | ||
summer vacation, the | vacant hours: time me | Plantagenet | Aug 1940 | |
Sherlock Holmes, a | ha! he smells crook | PatristocratAug 1940 | ||
Captain Kidd's treasure | pirate's cask under adit | PatristocratAug 1940 | ||
watch your step | why? [step] out car | Grulla | Jul 1940 | |
colored gentleman, a | name called to Negro | AwlWrong | Jun 1940 | |
years of discretion, the oh, oft indiscreet [years]* | Spreggs | Jun 1940 | ||
First Apostle, the | halo fits St. Peter | AwlWrong | Jun 1940 | |
world's creation, the | earth crowned toils | Viking | May 1940 | |
American Red Cross, the | discern a mother's care | Viking | Apr 1940 | |
thar she blows | throbs "whales!" | Viking | Apr 1940 | |
years of discretion, the ye rt. deaconish forties | Macropod | Mar 1940 | ||
believe it or not | no lie bet over [it] | Archimedes | Mar 1940 | |
on the water wagon | ho, wet want orange | AbStruse | Mar 1940 | |
decrees of fashion, the | choose d--- fine feathers | AwlWrong | Feb 1940 | |
play upon words, a | O, always drop pun | AwlWrong | Feb 1940 | |
fatal accidents | faced, I can't last | Primrose | Feb 1940 | |
young ladies' seminary | I say, you girls need man | Empty | Jan 1940 | |
heart's desire, the | red hate sits here* | Arcanus | Nov 1939 | |
heart's desire, the | hate strides here* | Arcanus | Nov 1939 | |
barrister-at-law | wrest a bar trial | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 | |
barrister-at-law | brew a trial's art | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 | |
see Naples and die | else, is an aped end | Hoho | Aug 1943 | |
diamond in the rough, a | oh, I hint: good rude man | TheGink | Nov 1972 | |
diamond in the rough, a | had good nature [in] him | AwlWrong | Jul 1943 | |
diamond in the rough, a | I'd good heart in human | AwlWrong | Jul 1943 | |
coral limestone | atoll's core in me | AwlWrong | Jun 1943 | |
bride and groom, a | do | Marriage bond | AwlWrong | Jun 1943 |
bride and groom, the | "I do" both ran merged | Spreggs | Nov 1940 | |
Paradise Lost | spot sad Ariel | AwlWrong | May 1943 | |
Paradise Lost | pair stole: sad | ThatGalNell | Apr 1929 | |
Paradise Lost | reap sad toils | Jun 4 53NQ | ||
Paradise Lost | so, slide apart | LewWard | Jun 2 87Ms | |
Paradise Lost | I read as plots | DoubleUCaye+ | Nov 87 Jo | |
Paradise Lost | a peri's sad lot | MajorDomo | Aug 98 HC | |
Paradise Lost | alas! dire spot | Ralph | Mar 01 Sx | |
Paradise Lost | O, last despair | Arcanus | Dec21 02EO | |
Paradise Regained | dead respire again | Jun 4 53NQ | ||
Paradise Regained | read: gained praise | IGuess | Aug 82 Se | |
married couple | Cupid o'er realm | AwlWrong | May 1943 | |
music of the spheres | ether's hums [of] epics | AyayeKay | May 1943 | |
royal straight flush, a | ah, stay "fours" all right | AwlWrong | Feb 1943 | |
royal straight flush | tight rally has "fours" | AwlWrong | Feb 1943 | |
Knights of the Garter, the | great to HRH, th' King's feetHoho | Feb 1943 | ||
amorous glance, the | thus ogle a romance | AwlWrong | Jan 1943 | |
cranberry pies, the | been richer pastry | Plantina | Dec 1942 | |
hidden treasure, the | heed: it's under earth | Hoho | Oct 1942 | |
towering rage, a | egg on irate war | AwlWrong | Aug 1942 | |
towering rage, a | go tie raw anger | AwlWrong | Aug 1942 | |
medical practitioner, theI,MD,I correct (heal) patientArcanus | Aug 1942 | |||
Three score years and ten | O, thy drear senescent era | AwlWrong | Jul 1942 | |
Three score years and ten | can see sorry death enter | AwlWrong | Jul 1942 | |
for the duration | due or in [for] that | Oslo | Jul 1942 | |
bluegrass region, the | grant beguiles horse | AwlWrong | Jun 1942 | |
get one's dander up, to | anger's pout denoted | AwlWrong | Jun 1942 | |
on horseback | bronco shake | AwlWrong | May 1949 | |
in flagrante delicto | got in dire fallen act | Hank | May 1942 | |
remember Pearl Harbor | rearm! repel bomber! rah! | HomeBrew | May 1942 | |
in the raw | thin wear | Ralph | May 1942 | |
buy defense bonds | send boys bun feed | Genesian | Apr 1942 | |
mineral kingdom, the | make gold in her mint | XSpecked | Mar 1942 | |
deep slumber | dumber sleep | Spreggs | Feb 1942 | |
God is love | good lives | Larry | Aug 1947 | |
God is love | go, do evils* | Larry | Aug 1947 | |
Hindu ascetic, a | I can cite sadhu | AwlWrong | Jul 1947 | |
middle course, a | lauds mediocre | AwlWrong | Jul 1947 | |
Scottish bagpiper, a | I stage apt pibrochs | AwlWrong | Jun 1947 | |
Granite State, the | I e'er attest NH tag | AwlWrong | Jun 1947 | |
Alcoholics Anonymous | yo! ho! saloon c'n claim us* Dorse | May 1947 | ||
Angel Israfel, the | heel sang a trifle* | Dorse | May 1947 | |
nivellate | ain't level* | Famulus | Nov 1990 | |
Protestant minister, a | attest: Roman priest in* | Blackstone | Oct 1946 | |
Lincoln Memorial, the | lo, men recall him on it | Dorse | Oct 1946 | |
at your service | I aver courtesy | Hoodwink | Jul 1646 | |
Total abstinence | it bans not ale, etc.* | Macropod | Jul 1946 | |
binaural stethoscopes, the | tubes spot acher, halt noise Arcanus | Jun 1946 | ||
Louvre, the | true hovel* | Amaranth | Jun 1931 | |
give oneself airs, to | visage, nose loftier | AChem | Apr 1946 | |
give oneself airs, to | or egoist feels vain | AChem | Apr 1946 | |
sleeping draughts | night drugs, please | Arcanus | Jan 1946 | |
on the water wagon, to | bewant no beer [to] thaw ego | AwlWrong | Dec 1945 | |
on the water wagon, to | beget wan H-two-O, not a beer | AwlWrong | Dec 1945 | |
continued, to be | O, but cite no end | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
American Revolution, the unite to revile a monarch | AwlWrong | Oct 1945 | ||
noiseless typewriter, a | aye, silent, writes prose | Blackstone | Oct 1945 | |
Congressional Record, thegored senators' chronicle | AwlWrong | Sep 1945 | ||
great and small, the | all that grades men | AwlWrong | Sep 1945 | |
Empire State Building, the | tepee (big'un) tired Al SmithDorse | Sep 1945 | ||
Ladies' Home Journal, thehoe-hum! O, | Janes'll read it Dorse | Sep 1945 | ||
Near East, the | seat: Teheran | YKnott | May 1945 | |
out of gas | O, U go fast* | EmmoW | Apr 1945 | |
translucence | unclear scent* | NatPal | Apr 1945 | |
threescore and ten | escort near the end | AwlWrong | Jan 1945 | |
Ottoman Empire, the | Porte met at home in | DCVer | Jan 1944 | |
Ottoman Empire, the | it meant Porte home | DCVer | Jan 1944 | |
moonlight serenader | night solo meanderer | AwlWrong | Jan 1944 | |
moonlight serenader, a | he moans to endear girl | AwlWrong | Dec 1943 | |
horse billiards | sea roll rib dish | IScream | Jan 1944 | |
diastolic murmurs, the | heart toil drums music | Hoho | Dec 1943 | |
bronco-busters, the | bent horses to curb | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 | |
sense of humor, a | oh, sees fun roam | Arcanus | Mar 1949 | |
Niagara whirlpool, the | hip! ho! water roll again! | Molemi | Mar 1949 | |
comic strips, the | some chit script | Biff | Sep 1949 | |
great outdoors, the | got roads out there | Limor | Sep 1948 | |
within earshot | this I won't hear* 64 | Hoodwink | Sep 1948 | |
United Press, the | see third net: UPS | Chet | Jul 1948 | |
Associated Press, the | has editors set space 48 | Hercules | May 1928 | |
Associated Press, the | Post ties scare heads | NMH | Nov 1928 | |
tendon of Achilles | calf nods into heel | Evergreen | Jul 1948 | |
storm in a teacup | I spout: rant came | Evergreen | Jul 1948 | |
Sicilian defense, the | a definite chess line | AwlWrong | Jun 1948 | |
Sicilian defense, the | need it in a chess file | AwlWrong | Jun 1948 | |
coquettish glance | catch ogle in quest | AwlWrong | Jun 1948 | |
cock and bull story, a | so buck tall cod yarn | Evergreen | Jun 1948 | |
San Pedro fish | opah's friends | AwlWrong | May 1948 | |
unmarried woman, the | how men run at, admire | Hoodwink | May 1948 | |
unmarried woman, the | term her a maid unwon | AwlWrong | Feb 1948 | |
unmarried woman, the | run, man! her aim: to wed | AwlWrong | Nov 1943 | |
unmarried woman, the | heed rumor: I want man | AwlWrong | Feb 1944 | |
unmarried woman, an | a man-admirer unwon | Molemi | Feb 1922 | |
unmarried woman, the | O, I'm warm-hearted nun | Molemi | Feb 1922 | |
unmarried woman, the | harm to remain unwed | Molemi | Feb 1922 | |
unmarried woman, the | worried? hunt me a man | Q | Apr 1920 | |
eating one's fill | line? lo, feasting | Macropod | Apr 1948 | |
Whistler's Mother | sit there, ol' Mrs. Wh. | Dorse | Apr 1948 | |
silent misapprehension, aopines mental grip is hash | Chet | Feb 1948 | ||
crocodile tears | at "colored" cries | AwlWrong | Feb 1948 | |
hoist on his own petard | he had, so now rots in pit | Chet | Feb 1948 | |
fruitless attempt, a | estamp "futile start" | Blackstone | Jan 1948 | |
newspaper headlines, the else read when it happens | Amor | Nov 1947 | ||
chapter of accidents | chance acts profited | Blackstone | Nov 1947 | |
chapter of accidents | trepid [of] chance acts | Blackstone | Nov 1947 | |
Mergenthaler linotype, the | oh, all printing men get theeChet | Oct 1947 | ||
Emerald Isle, the | all Eire's themed | AwlWrong | Sep 1947 | |
window seat | we a' sit down | Hoho | Sep 1947 | |
inheritances | IRS: "ha! nice net!" | Ulk | Apr 1991 | |
Ladies' Home Journal, thejust hail her a model one | Chet | Aug 1947 | ||
sovereign contempt | meet top scorn given | Larry | Aug 1947 | |
sovereign contempt | voting me no respect | Larry | Aug 1947 | |
funeral rites | rue final rest | Larry | Aug 1947 | |
funeral rites | infer last rue | Larry | Aug 1947 | |
spirits of turpentine | I spurt, for pines net it | FredDomino | Aug 1950 | |
total abstinence | ale can not best it | FredDomino | Aug 1950 | |
electric washing machine gem, which cleans in a trice Plantina | Aug 1950 | |||
traveling salesmen, the | men have set selling art | FredDomino | Aug 1950 | |
traveling salesman, the | I have art, gents, sell man | FredDomino | Aug 1950 | |
real estate developments lot sale, men set free; pavedFredDomino | Jul 1950 | |||
spring housecleaning, thegot shining clean-ups here | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | ||
delicate situation | I caution, I deal test | FredDomino | Jul 1950 | |
Mephistopheles | helps hot imp, see! | FredDomino | Jun 1950 | |
beauty shops, the | O, she puts by heat | Psi | Jun 1950 | |
meteoric shower, a | O, where comets air | FredDomino | Jun 1950 | |
mail-order houses, the | hits our home dealers | FredDomino | May 1950 | |
featherweight champion | hit on a champ: wee fighter | FredDomino | Apr 1950 | |
radio crooners | O, records on air | Sourdough | Mar 1950 | |
Ancient of Days, the | ah, scan deity often | Larry | Mar 1950 | |
radio performance, the | rated microphone fare | Pat | Feb 1950 | |
yield up the ghost, to | you doth sleep tight | Evero | Jan 1950 | |
Christmas stocking, the | hose St. Nick crams tight | Nypho | Jan 1950 | |
motion-picture fans | profit unto cinemas | Pat | Dec 1949 | |
Darkest Africa | safari tracked | AwlWrong | Dec 1949 | |
Darkest Africa | cites far Dakar | AwlWrong | Dec 1949 | |
with open arms | warmth in pose | Arcanus | Nov 1949 | |
big leaguers, the | these argue glib | PatristocratNov 1949 | ||
low comedians, the | O, dialect showmen | Pat | Nov 1949 | |
American plan hotels, theah, plant meal cost in here | Blackstone | Oct 1949 | ||
Mediterranean Sea, the | I'm here, end at Near East | Blackstone | Oct 1949 | |
vent one's rage, to | tone votes anger | Hoodwink | Sep 1949 | |
fair, fat and forty | art far off dainty | Nypho | Sep 1949 | |
within earshot | how it hits near | Hoho | Aug 1949 | |
total abstainers, the | their Satan's a bottle | Nypho | Aug 1949 | |
Desert of Sahara, the | that's fore'er a Hades | Nypho | Jul 1949 | |
behind the Iron Curtain | hide nation: churn tribe | DTect | Jul 1949 | |
baseball season, the | Al bats: he loses bean | DTect | Jul 1949 | |
anonymous letters, the | those truly mean notes | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
volcanic eruptions, the | stir each Plutonic oven | Nypho | Jun 1949 | |
Lord Almighty, the | me i' thy thrall, God | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
Holy Scriptures | so Christly pure | Nypho | Mar 1949 | |
cyanide of potassium | ay, I'm fast poison, Duce | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | |
bona-fide transaction | in fact, not a bad one, sir | FredDomino | Dec 1951 | |
spreading waistline, a | it was slender; I gain, Pa | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
close relationship, a | it: personal, social, eh? | Blackstone | Dec 1990 | |
palpitation of the heart I note pit-a-pat for health | FredDomino | Aug 1951 | ||
scorpion, the | O, hot pincers! | NoholdsBard | Jan 1991 | |
Budweiser | brew I used | SueDoe | Jun 1951 | |
anthracite coal mines, the | acclaim neat tons therein | FredDomino | May 1951 | |
public stenographers, theO, but her gals print speech SueDoe | May 1951 | |||
Boston Tea Party, the | boat repast? not they | Archimedes | Apr 1951 | |
ladies' bras, the | a breast is held | Spreggs | Apr 1951 | |
political economists, thehopes lie on cost-limit act | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | ||
political economists, thenice hope: limit costs a lot | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | ||
political economists, thelocate hope in cost limits | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | ||
second opinion, a | is pain? one doc? no! | Ulk | Mar 1991 | |
radio broadcasters, the | dared aid boosters' chat | FredDomino | Mar 1951 | |
college graduates, the | ah, all cute: got degrees | FredDomino | Feb 1951 | |
pleasing personality, a | earns tag: plainly poise | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
counting noses | got in on census | Larry | Feb 1951 | |
tubercular patients, the put in that able rest cure | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | ||
at dagger's point | dig [at] anger spot | FredDomino | Jan 1951 | |
registered trademark | did greet rare | Markets | FredDomino | Jan 1951 |
Chesterfield cigarette, aselect trade fag: I cheer it | FredDomino | Dec 1950 | ||
Spearmint chewing gum | gent musing "prime chaw" | FredDomino | Dec 1950 | |
drop in the bucket, a | then poured it back | FredDomino | Dec 1950 | |
postage meters, the | got stamp there, see? | FredDomino | Dec 1950 | |
armed forces, the | draft comes here | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | |
minister of the Gospel, aif lost, is great hope, men | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | ||
minister of the Gospel, ahe's it: sage pilot for men | FredDomino | Nov 1950 | ||
domineering woman, a | O, Madame "reining" now | FredDomino | Apr 1953 | |
dose of medicine, a | some fine idea, Doc | FredDomino | Apr 1953 | |
dishonorable discharge, aoh, soldier ban; ah, disgraceFredDomino | Apr 1953 | |||
earthenware vessels | there's real new vases | FredDomino | Apr 1953 | |
sentimental melodrama, a alas, lorn maiden met mate | FredDomino | Apr 1953 | ||
insignificant amount, an O, man, it's a financing unitFredDomino | Mar 1953 | |||
insignificant amount, an as I'm not a financing unit* | FredDomino | Mar 1953 | ||
manager | a German | Pearson | ||
griffin, the | fine fright | Pearson | ||
bloodstained corpses | clots spread on bodies | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
suspicious circumstance, a | I accuse criminous upcasts | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
criminal investigator, the | hits in calm interrogative | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
unsubstantiated testimonysuits any statement in doubt Pat | Feb 1953 | |||
family lawyers, the | ay, they frame wills | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
old family retainers, thehoary menials felt tired | Pat | Feb 1953 | ||
formal arrests, the | are halts for terms | Pat | Feb 1953 | |
arrant nonsense | rant: no nearness | Pat | Jan 1953 | |
international goodwill | attain one world: no GI ill | Pat | Jan 1953 | |
insurmountable obstacle, the | trouble she cannot sublimate | Pat | Jan 1953 | |
mail-order catalogues, the | I deal at home; regular cost | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
confessions of faith | fine acts shoo off sin | FredDomino | Jan 1953 | |
insignificant amount, an no, it ain't a financing sum | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | ||
unpardonable sin, the | help unto a bad sinner | FredDomino | Oct 1952 | |
tennis champion | is no champ in net* | Arcanus | May 1952 | |
tennis champion | no champ in nets, I* | Arcanus | May 1952 | |
Swedish Nightingale | I, Lind, sang high, sweet | Katmat | Jan 1942 | |
Maid of Orleans | a damsel [of] iron | Archimedes | May 1952 | |
Maid of Orleans, the | has led men; fair, too | Archimedes | May 1952 | |
professional wrestlers, the | see three falls in sports row | FredDomino | Apr 1952 | |
American plan hotels, thelo, learn chaps eat in them | FredDomino | Mar 1952 | ||
cardinal virtues, the | alive in sacred truth | FredDomino | Feb 1952 | |
Acts of the Apostles | teach lost safe spot | FredDomino | Feb 1952 | |
everlasting punishment | trumps in vilest Gehenna | FredDomino | Feb 1952 | |
Samson and Delilah | sin led Manoah's lad | YKnott | Feb 1952 | |
Samson and Delilah | man's lash, dead lion | YKnott | Feb 1952 | |
left hook to the jaw | how that KO felt, Joe! | YKnott | Feb 1952 | |
ptomaine poisoning | go on, is top pain in me | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | |
Armageddon | God, a remand* | CornCob | Apr 1991 | |
roulette balls | let us bet a roll | Hoho | Apr 1954 | |
roulette balls | let roll beat us | Hoho | Apr 1954 | |
towering rage | I grew to anger | Hoho | Mar 1954 | |
amongst friends | rings fond mates | Pat | Mar 1954 | |
mystery of love, the | very holy test [of] me | TheGopher | Mar 1954 | |
very important person, a overprominent as party | Pat | Feb 1954 | ||
beyond redemption | doomed, bent in pyre | Pat | Feb 1954 | |
Armageddon | Gad, no dream | CornCob | Apr 1991 | |
white corn whisky | why we cork this in | FredDomino | Dec 1953 | |
triumphant procession | no, it sure isn't | March, Pop* | FredDomino | Nov 1953 |
fundamental doctrines | non-true facts lead mind* | FredDomino | Nov 1953 | |
sympathetic listeners | I pity men's chatter less* | FredDomino | Nov 1953 | |
old-time saloon, an | O, it sold men no ale* | FredDomino | Nov 1953 | |
fashionable neighborhood | oh, abode, as of highborn line | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | |
fundamental doctrines | damn idle non-true facts* | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | |
Pullman sleeping cars, the | grant us help in calm sleep | NJineer | Aug 23 IRR | |
sympathetic listener, a | metes real pity in chats | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | |
old-fashioned gentleman | oh, let's find olden-age man | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | |
threatening gesture | the gent's in true rage | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | |
threatening gesture, a | is the true anger agent | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | |
within reasonable limits will be in this inmost area | FredDomino | Oct 1953 | ||
food for worms | form row of sod | Molemi | Sep 1953 | |
silent city of the dead | [the] sad end to felicity | Molemi | Sep 1953 | |
silent grave | everlasting | Molemi | Sep 1953 | |
funeral procession, the | fares on into | Sepulcher | Molemi | Sep 1953 |
funeral processions, the corpses' tense final hour | Molemi | Sep 1953 | ||
radio receiving set, a | gets voice in air, dear | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | |
mercantile establishment I can sell them best raiment | FredDomino | Aug 1953 | ||
foundation garments, the hunt neat togs for maiden | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | ||
theatrical profession, the | i.e. top actors flash therein | AbStruse | Feb 1991 | |
furniture stores, the | turn there for suites | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | |
grand opera star | sang or read part | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | |
English literature | luring tale is there | FredDomino | Jul 1953 | |
double indemnity policy, a | die badly lit up; coin money Pat | Jun 1953 | ||
atmospheric disturbance, a | storm din can upset air, beach | Nightowl | Jun 1975 | |
industrial relations | I stir all trade unions | Pat | May 1953 | |
television broadcasting | scan radio gotten visible | Pat | Apr 1953 | |
television broadcasting | I sit, can't avoid Berle songPat | Apr 1953 | ||
idle conversations, the | hst! voices are indolent | Pat | Apr 1953 | |
play upon words | lo, way puns drop | FredDomino | May 1955 | |
seismic shock, a | is cosmic shake | Arcanus | May 1955 | |
great adventure, the | true end at [the] grave | Hoodwink | May 1955 | |
sparkling emerald, a | all-green spark, maid | FredDomino | May 1955 | |
kindergarten school, the | greets no kid scholar then* | Arcanus | May 1955 | |
American beauty rose, the | I eye acme treat on a shrub | FredDomino | May 1955 | |
thoroughbred racers, the | bet horse card; err, though | Atlas | Apr 1955 | |
dangerous criminal, the | so thug ran deal in crime | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
misleading statement, a | attesting man-made lies | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
misleading statement, a | same, attesting damn lie | FredDomino | Mar 1955 | |
cart before the horse, the | bother fetter chaos here | TheGopher | Mar 1955 | |
unpardonable sin, the | I'd help Satan burn one | FredDomino | Dec 1954 | |
turn over a new leaf, to | leave rut; fear not now | TheGopher | Nov 1954 | |
porcelain wares, the | were real china pots | Blackstone | Nov 1954 | |
porcelain wares, the | or were china plates | Blackstone | Nov 1954 | |
till we meet again | all I get time anew | TheGopher | Nov 1954 | |
shirt of Nessus, the | shift: sure hotness | BNatural | Oct 1954 | |
not a breath of air | [a] fan, or bear it hot | TheGopher | Oct 1954 | |
picture of health, a | oft pale, I ache, hurt* | AChem | Sep 1954 | |
everlasting punishment | sin given eternal thumps | TheGopher | Sep 1954 | |
don't mention it | note: mind [it] not | TheGopher | Aug 1954 | |
Island of Atlantis, the | that's all in sea to find | Viking | Jul 1954 | |
premeditated homicide, a | O, PM, I dated the crime idea | Zordo | Jul 1954 | |
bear false witness | fast answer belies | TheGopher | Jul 1954 | |
workday routine, the | they OK worn rut idea | Zordo | Jul 1954 | |
St. Lawrence Seaway | water scene always | TheGopher | Jun 1954 | |
foundation garment, the | name of under-tog in that | Viking | Jun 1954 | |
tropical disturbance, the | to depict hurricane blast | Viking | Jun 1954 | |
desperate struggle, a | large "pugs" are tested | Hoho | May 1954 | |
plausible story | truly a possible | Numero | May 1954 | |
unfinished story, an | runs, yet had no finis | FredDomino | May 1954 | |
unfinished story, an | shun any end of it, sir | FredDomino | May 1954 | |
sensational story | so, it's no stale yarn | FredDomino | May 1954 | |
Cold War, the | world cheat | LWood | Apr 1951 | 54 |
variation of a theme | an aria on the motive | Hoho | May 1954 | |
whole shooting-match, theheh! come show total thing | SueDoe | Apr 1954 | ||
abysmal ignorance | cons banal imagery | Pat | Apr 1954 | |
under consideration | introduced in reason | Pat | Apr 1954 | |
shanghaied sailor, the | is a tar held on high sea | FredDomino | May 1956 | |
Yellowstone National Parkone walks on late pony trail | FredDomino | Apr 1956 | ||
breathe vengeance, to | the act be on a revenge | TheGopher | Apr 1956 | |
clean as a whistle | we hail neat class | TheGopher | Apr 1956 | |
Ford automobiles, the | O, had best mile of tour | FredDomino | Apr 1956 | |
Ford automobile, the | oh, I oft made trouble | Hercules | Jul 1925 | |
championship match, a | champ, tho, is main chap | FredDomino | Mar 1956 | |
watch your step | 'cept shout "wary!" | Osaple | Feb 1956 | |
girl in every port, a | I err, gyp tar [in] love | Fluke | Feb 1956 | |
grim determination | O, men tried main grit | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
favorable impression, a | insofar proves amiable | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
neighborhood gossip | bosh! rig phonies good | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
Valentine poem | pen mate in love | Hoodwink | Feb 1955 | |
Valentine poetry | net a lover in type | Hoodwink | Feb 1955 | |
foreign aid | I, a friend, go | Arcanus | Jan 1956 | |
friendly salutation, the | it's a nifty "hello" and true | FredDomino | Jan 1956 | |
Christian religion, the | hero in it is clean, right | FredDomino | May 1956 | |
plain dishonesty | it's in phony deals | FredDomino | Jan 1956 | |
professional wrestler, the | see terror win fall:he's topsFredDomino | Dec 1955 | ||
heavyweight champion | oh, me? vain weighty chap | FredDomino | Dec 1955 | |
bantamweight champion | I bat, wham chap: get in mon | FredDomino | Dec 1955 | |
younger generation | no gin your teenager | TheGopher | Nov 1955 | |
domestic relations court met, tied; soon trial occurs DeeGee | Nov 1955 | |||
die has been cast, the | hath case, it needs be | TheGopher | Nov 1955 | |
forest primeval, the | live trees form path | DeeGee | Nov 1955 | |
it's all Greek to me | gee, talker, I'm lost | Wabbit | Dec 1990 | |
expectant father, an | ah! extent Pa can fret | TheGopher | Oct 1955 | |
perilous undertaking | I link up to sure danger | AChem | Oct 1955 | |
perilous undertakings, the | sure plunge into death risk | AChem | Oct 1955 | |
illusion of grandeur, thefound alluring theories | CaptainTo | Sep 1955 | ||
silver-tongued orators | O, give dress to oral turn | FredDomino | Jul 1955 | |
seething caldron | no scalding there* | Hoodwink | Aug 1955 | |
in the lap of Morpheus | hi! port [of] human sleep | Hoodwink | Aug 1955 | |
Boy Scouts of America, the | acme youth force is boast | FredDomino | Jun 1955 | |
Boy Scouts of America, the | O, is a best Mecca for youth | FredDomino | Jun 1955 | |
American Legion, the | men I cheer gain a lot | FredDomino | Jun 1955 | |
anything for a laugh | oh, ha! flaunt gay grin | Amor | Jun 1955 | |
misspent youth, a | this pays men out | Hoho | Jun 1955 | |
Republican Party, the | brainy pact true help | FredDomino | Jun 1955 | |
Democratic Party, the | they rated comic part | FredDomino | Jun 1955 | |
goneril | one girl | Molemi | May 1958 | |
barefaced lie, the | he related ace fib | Pacifico | Apr 1958 | |
irrelevant testimony | "tons" met in every trial | Eek | Mar 1958 | |
devil to pay, the | type: th' evil ado | BNatural | Mar 1958 | |
bedridden patient, a | d--- pain treated in bed | FredDomino | Mar 1958 | |
North America | an heroic Mart | Evergreen | Mar 1958 | |
secret negotiations | treats incognito, see? | FredDomino | Feb 1958 | |
deliberate plagiarism | implied a rare, big steal | FredDomino | Feb 1958 | |
broadcasting networks | do bring new star acts OK | FredDomino | Feb 1958 | |
burglar's tools, the | rush! let's grab loot | Hoho | Jan 1958 | |
amusing story, an | O, a yarn must sing | Numero | Jan 1958 | |
china teapots, the | cha tops at theine | Hoho | Dec 1957 | |
china teapots, the | ah, hot; it can steep | Pacifico | Jul 1957 | |
Night Before Christmas, the | hm..is heart-throb gift scene | DeeGee | Dec 1957 | |
Night Before Christmas, the | it's hearth-born gift scheme | DeeGee | Dec 1957 | |
total depravity | a dotty evil part | Hoodwink | Oct 1957 | |
month of | August, the | hot sun fought at me | Osaple | Oct 1957 |
Western hospitality | hostility swept near* | Evergreen | Sep 1957 | |
overflow with gratitude | I vow it: grateful the word | Hoodwink | Jul 1957 | |
old swimming hole, the | O, men's whilom delight | DeeGee | Jun 1957 | |
anonymous letter, an | surly note: not a name | Arcanus | May 1957 | |
Mephistopheles | the people hiss 'm | DeeGee | Apr 1957 | |
set of false teeth, a | let's eat offa these | Jemanda | Jan 1957 | |
white-collar criminal | trial? aw, no cell (I'm rich) | Ruthless | Aug 1990 | |
high-fidelity records | hi! for yer disc delight | MrsEv | Dec 1956 | |
complimentary note, the | airy comment tone helpt | Arcanus | Nov 1956 | |
corner groceries, the | get corn, cherries, roe | FredDomino | Nov 1956 | |
furniture store, the | sure of trust in there | FredDomino | Nov 1956 | |
Rhodes Scholar, a | had rare schools | FredDomino | Sep 1956 | |
Stradivarius violin, a | I also turn vivid arias | FredDomino | Sep 1956 | |
mechanical engineer | can reline GE machine | FredDomino | Sep 1956 | |
adding insult to injury | oral d--- unjust indignity | BNatural | Aug 1956 | |
Secretary of State | yo, steer craft East! | ElUqsor | Aug 1956 | |
saying their prayers | sirs, they are praying | BooJeeKay | Aug 1956 | |
Mother Earth | th' terra home | BNatural | Jul 1956 | |
high pressure salesmanship | mere harpings push his sales | Jun 1956 | ||
very important person, a | rate my parents VIP, or no? | Jun 1956 | ||
shrouded in mystery | herein's muddy story | TheGopher | May 1956 | |
Boy Scouts, the | youth's best Co. 20 | Spica | Sep 1917 | |
leap-year proposal | Apropos: early plea | BNatural | May 1956 | |
tailor-made clothing | ideal tog charm in lot | FredDomino | Apr 1960 | |
bachelor of arts degree, a | so, for able grade teacher | FredDomino | Apr 1960 | |
French-fried potatoes | note: for a perfect dish | FredDomino | Apr 1960 | |
salt and pepper seasoning | pleasing sapor set panned | BNatural | Apr 1960 | |
rowel spurs, the | we splurt horse | Pacifico | Mar 1960 | |
seashore vacationer | hates a rain o'er coves | Fluke | Mar 1960 | |
general elections | select one in large | TheGink | Jan 1960 | |
heartiest congratulations | I can hear lots true toastingFredDomino | Dec 1959 | ||
contagious diseases, the | I said: O so these can get usFredDomino | Oct 1959 | ||
beer and skittles | be tales et drinks | FredDomino | Oct 1959 | |
beyond one's depth | deep end: shot on by | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
dental cavities, the | I land it: teeth caves | Arcanus | Aug 1959 | |
dentist's chair, the | this th' seat, Dr.? nice* | AChem | Jun 1959 | |
convulsed with laughter | hi! watch stern, dull vogue* | AChem | Jun 1959 | |
Spanish Main, the | sham Spain I, then | TheGink | Mar 1959 | |
decimal system, the | meet my set: has D,C,L,I | Hoho | Feb 1959 | |
dramatic production, a | aim: do "drop curtain" act | FredDomino | Jan 1959 | |
April shower, an | pshaw! rain role | BNatural | Jan 1959 | |
spend money like water, to | try, keep wanted simoleon | Hoodwink | Jan 1959 | |
Democrats and Republicans | candor: parties, clubs named | BNatural | Jan 1959 | |
substantial profit | attains bit for "plus" | FredDomino | Jan 1959 | |
public stenographer | a girl pens pure botch* | BNatural | Dec 1958 | |
public stenographer, a | procures alphabeting | BNatural | Dec 1958 | |
cinema stars, the | there's main cast | FredDomino | Dec 1958 | |
rising generation, the | heirs getting in on era | FredDomino | Dec 1958 | |
poisonous serpent, a | asp on our step is one | FredDomino | Dec 1958 | |
fish or cut bait | O, curb this fiat | BNatural | Nov 1958 | |
remodeled house, a | O, used home redeal | DhumbbBhelle | Nov 1958 | |
despicable character, the | bet chap sheer liar, cad, etc. | AChem | Oct 1958 | |
Alcoholics Anonymous | O, cool yon lush maniacs | Hoho | Oct 1958 | |
silent prayer | re sin, try plea | Hoodwink | Sep 1958 | |
tangible assets | state a blessing | Hoodwink | Sep 1958 | |
one for the road | then door o' fear | LowEbb | Sep 1958 | |
twice-told tales | tell two as cited | Midurndist | Aug 1958 | |
voluntary enlistment | to Lt., USNR: let me in Navy | DhumbbBhelle | Aug 1958 | |
hang by a thread, to | ah! boy danger, that | TheGopher | Jun 1958 | |
unmitigated liars, the | idealist in truth game* | AChem | Jun 1958 | |
penny slot machine, a | man pays cent in hole | BooJeeKay | Jun 1958 | |
good cigar, the | cheroot: I'd gag* | Viking | Jul 1962 | |
corrugated iron, the | or tin created rough | Viking | Jul 1962 | |
optical instruments, the I'm at lens to inspect thru | Viking | Jul 1962 | ||
industrial giant, the | titan, I, thru dealings | AChem | Jul 1962 | |
station identification | it is oft a net indication | TheGopher | Jun 1962 | |
total abstainers, the | these not lit (as at bar) | Viking | May 1962 | |
knights of old | king's hot fold | Viking | May 1962 | |
letter of challenge, the he'll then get foe cartel | Viking | May 1962 | ||
wholesale destruction | sweltered in holocaust | Viking | May 1962 | |
Congressional Record, thesolons reign, charter code | BNatural | Mar 1962 | ||
irreparable loss, an | a real slip, so barren | BNatural | Mar 1962 | |
economic pressure | supreme coercions | TheGopher | Feb 1962 | |
wreak one's vengeance | now can seek a revenge | TheGopher | Feb 1962 | |
spare the rod | do strap here | TheGopher | Feb 1962 | |
stringed instrument, a | rags sentiment, durn it | BNatural | Dec 1961 | |
stringed instrument, a | nets grim tuned strain | BNatural | Dec 1961 | |
stringed instrument, a | strum in din range test | BNatural | Dec 1961 | |
flowering shrub, a | flora: grew in bush | BNatural | Nov 1961 | |
adventurous life, an | is a road, uneventful* | AChem | Oct 1961 | |
adventurous life, an | fear daunt us? no! live! | AChem | Oct 1961 | |
angel food cakes | goons lack a feed | Hoho | Sep 1961 | |
elderly dowager | ere old lady grew | Hoho | Sep 1961 | |
European plan hotels | one helps out real nap | FredDomino | Aug 1961 | |
European plan hotels, the | to help us nap on late here | FredDomino | Apr 1956 | |
European plan hotels, the | note: help us nap a lot here | FredDomino | Apr 1956 | |
metric measure | Marm, cue, I: stere | TheGink | Jul 1961 | |
innocent amusement | cute men meant no sin | FredDomino | Dec 1960 | |
goody two-shoes, the | oh God - too sweet, shy | Wabbit | Feb 1991 | |
ravenous appetite | proven I eat up eats | FredDomino | Dec 1960 | |
apple polishers, the | polite phrase helps | Hoho | Dec 1960 | |
honest man, the | not shame, then | Hoodwink | Aug 1960 | |
fair trade agreements | frame rates, deter gain | FredDomino | Oct 1960 | |
legitimate dramas | a limited stage arm | FredDomino | Oct 1960 | |
play the fool | hope at folly | TheGopher | Aug 1957 | |
under restraint | turn in: arrested | TheGopher | Aug 1957 | |
alienated affections | a fiance lost in defeat | BNatural | Jul 1960 | |
grim determination | O, read grit imminent | BNatural | Jun 1960 | |
fundamental doctrines | mind lone and true facts | FredDomino | Jun 1960 | |
formidable antagonist | I do so fear battling man | FredDomino | Jun 1960 | |
Dorothy Perkins | pink rose thy rod | Molemi | Jun 1960 | |
on and off | doff anon | Pacifico | Mar 1960 | |
slapstick comedies, the | pies cast sho' tickled me | Viking | Apr 1965 | |
postprandial speeches | repast done, chaps spiel | MULater | Apr 1965 | |
strenuous exercise | exertions secure us | TheGopher | Mar 1965 | |
hospital care | top aches lair | TheGopher | Mar 1965 | |
Irish Free State | shift rates "Eire" | TheGopher | Dec 1964 | |
wellestablished proceduredecrees will hold up, are best | FredDomino | Nov 1964 | ||
dramatic productions, the | O, true, did charm in top acts | FredDomino | Nov 1964 | |
November elections, the | I, voter: let men be chosen | MissileC | Nov 1964 | |
professional wrestler, the | no sport left where I rassle Viking | Sep 1964 | ||
orbiting satellite, an | gain stellar bit, I note | MissileC | Sep 1964 | |
gambler, the | hm - large bet | CornCob | Mar 1991 | |
sewer system, the | messy stew there | Viking | Jul 1964 | |
United Nations, the | one diet U Thant's in | Viking | Mar 1967 | |
United Nations | I stand: one unit | FredDomino | Oct 1951 | |
United Nations | stated in union | Neophyte | Jul 1976 | |
United Nations, the | stated union, thine | Ixaxar | May 1980 | |
League of Nations, the | ah, late foes get union | FINance | Jun 1919 | |
League of Nations, the | to get safe hale union | Remardo | Jan 1920 | |
League of Nations, the | fusion: late hate gone | Amaranth | May 1920 | |
New Year's resolutions | no list, no rue. Swear? Yes! Eljack | Dec 1990 | ||
birds and bees, the | births seen, bedad! | Viking | Apr 1964 | |
bottle of vinegar | love [of] being tart | ZerO | Feb 1964 | |
main attractions, the | a star into act in them | Hoho | Feb 1964 | |
self-service | Market, a | is | Mart: save clerk fee | AChem |
dampen one's spirits, to | sore disappointments | AChem | Jan 1964 | |
behind the eight ball | hell! it be bad thing, eh? | FredDomino | Oct 1963 | |
Mayflower, the | wary, left home | Sibyl | Sep 1963 | |
in Nature's garb | bare, grin at sun | Hoodwink | Jun 1963 | |
general chairman | man in real charge | Molemi | Jun 1963 | |
rancid odor, a | O darn! O acrid! | Larry | May 1963 | |
kneehigh to a grasshopperOK,gape,grin: he's heap shortAChem | Feb 1963 | |||
bringing in the sheaves | being [in] harvest sing, eh? Viking | Feb 1963 | ||
general chairman | line: arch-manager | Molemi | Jan 1963 | |
act of selfdestruction, an | can end curst life too fast | Viking | Dec 1962 | |
rheumatic pains, the | aches hurt Pa in time | Viking | Nov 1962 | |
retirement benefits | it's better in free men | Larry | Nov 1962 | |
stream pollution | men spoil trout, Al | Kay | Oct 1962 | |
Bell Telephone System, the | meet plenty "hello" behests | TheGopher | Sep 1962 | |
ice cream parlors | calories per cram | Paul&Virgin+ | Aug 1962 | |
grim determination | grit? man, I tire demon | Winona | Aug 1962 | |
baronial mansion | anon, I'm a nob's lair | Hoho | May 1968 | |
good to the last drop | hot "gold" tasted poor* | Oedipus | Feb 1968 | |
oceanside resort, the | site created on shore | Viking | Mar 1970 | |
like two peas in a pod | know apposite ideal | BNatural | Dec 1967 | |
boisterous laughter | he lets us out big roar | FredDomino | Dec 1967 | |
trampled underfoot | armed "left" trod upon | Baful | Dec 1967 | |
man of distinction, the | him? is not noted, in fact* | Baful | Nov 1967 | |
Vietnamese War, the | where vet met Asian | Viking | Sep 1967 | |
nothing at all | a long "nil", that | Viking | Aug 1967 | |
railroad engineers, the | ones here "dig" real train | Viking | Aug 1967 | |
Egyptian pyramids | pity any aged prism | ZerO | Jul 1967 | |
drifting snow, the | fond winter sight | MULater | Jul 1967 | |
sweltering heat | the winter gales* | AChem | Jul 1967 | |
indoor swimming pools, the | I? I'm sloshing wet room pondAChem | May 1967 | ||
play hide and seek, to | take heed: an old "I spy" | Viking | Apr 1967 | |
wipe the slate clean | cleanse plate white | Hoho | Mar 1967 | |
pacifist demonstrations, the | motif:peace stand hints riots | UncleRebus | Mar 1967 | |
same old routine, the | see "to hold me in a rut" | Viking | Feb 1967 | |
California gold rush, thehail lodes for such rating | Baful | Jan 1967 | ||
honest livelihood, an | lo, I hath no evils done | FredDomino | Jan 1967 | |
coming generation, the | ergo, change it into men | FredDomino | Jan 1967 | |
Popeye the Sailor Man | a pip! meet an "Oyl's" hero | Viking | Dec 1966 | |
strong variable winds | and blow is traversing | Viking | Nov 1966 | |
television newscast, the is in late show events, etc. AChem | Oct 1966 | |||
King Lear | Regan ilk | Viking | Sep 1966 | |
evil inspiration | to a rip in vile sin | Hoho | Aug 1966 | |
political cartoonists | artist is on local topic | MissileC | Jun 1966 | |
foolish ladies | i.e., oafish dolls | Viking | Apr 1966 | |
roast turkey | try our steak* | Oedipus | Feb 1966 | |
Appalachian Mountains, the | thus at alpine chain on a mapViking | Jan 1966 | ||
intestinal fortitude | in result: defiant to it | BNatural | Dec 1965 | |
stretch one's imaginationnotion: create thing amiss | BNatural | Dec 1965 | ||
Florida tangerine | real orange: find it | Viking | Aug 1965 | |
lumber industry | duly runs timber | Viking | Aug 1965 | |
Salvation Army, the | my, are valiant host | TheGopher | Apr 1965 | |
Salvation Army, the | holy trait: save man | Si | Oct 1939 | |
Salvation Army, the | ha! storm at any evil | NecroMAncer | Nov 86 Mys | |
Salvation Army, the | save many that roil | EveningStar | Feb 9 89St | |
Salvation Army, the | O halt! | May avert sin | BarnabyMcCl+ | Oct26 90Pa |
Salvation Army, the | hail! try to save man | NewmanNoggs | Dec10 96My | |
Salvation Army, the | thy late Savior, man | SammySmug | Dec 1898 | |
Salvation Armies, the | martial noise saveth | LordBaltimo+ | Jan30 98Or | |
militant feminists | "anti" fists limit men | TheGink | Sep 1971 | |
porcelain wares, the | real china: we're tops | Viking | Jun 1971 | |
aeroplanists, the | sail past on ether | Hercules | Jul 1939 | |
countrifiedness | one's end if rustic | Pacifico | Aug 1954 | |
skinny as a lath | lank, says [a] hint | Viking | Dec 1970 | |
mongrel pup, a | real pom 'n' pug* | AChem | Dec 1970 | |
Prince of Devils, the | evil force in depths | TheGink | Oct 1970 | |
Arctic Regions | tragic ice, S or N | Viking | Sep 1970 | |
Arctic Circle, the | chart ice circlet | Cincinnatus | Jan 1932 | |
Arctic Regions, the | ice tract rose nigh | AwlWrong | Jun 1937 | |
inflationary prices, the rich raise in pay not felt | Viking | Aug 1970 | ||
political candidates, the'tis indicated at each poll | Viking | Jul 1970 | ||
political candidates, theI, and capital, do elect thisViking | Jul 1970 | |||
Southern gentleman, a | he mauls Negro tenant? | Viking | Jun 1970 | |
blundering idiot, a | darn it! I bungle, I do | AChem | Apr 1970 | |
blundering idiot, a | I? I ain't odd bungler* | AChem | Apr 1970 | |
perpetual motion machinesI'm cheap unreal no-stop itemViking | Jan 1970 | |||
tropical paradise, the | retire? ah, a placid spot | AChem | Dec 1969 | |
pounds sterling, the | on pert English "dust" | Viking | Nov 1969 | |
pounds sterling, the | English spotted run | Viking | Nov 1969 | |
pound sterling, a | drain 'pon US "gelt" | Viking | Jun 1968 | |
safety belt | left by seat | Larry | Sep 1969 | |
television | I live on set | AbStruse | Feb 1991 | |
Lost Dutchman Mine, the | much net tons metal hid | MissileC | Sep 1969 | |
oral communication, the | oh, articulate in common | AChem | Sep 1969 | |
give oneself airs, to | ego over-inflates? si! | AChem | Aug 1969 | |
give oneself airs, to | visage, nose loftier | AChem | Apr 1946 | |
give oneself airs, to | or egoist feels vain | AChem | Apr 1946 | |
beauty unadorned | a nature-nude body | Molemi | Oct 1915 | |
Minority Leader, the | merit head Tory line | Hoho | Mar 1969 | |
Speaker of the House | he spoke for thee, USA | CLOser | Mar 1917 | |
raised platform | term for dais, pal | Viking | Feb 1969 | |
poetic license | polite science | Oedipus | Feb 1969 | |
cut-glass chandeliers | classic lustre hanged | Viking | Dec 1968 | |
Peruvian Andes, the | i.e., d--n vast puna here | Viking | Dec 1968 | |
cyanide of potassium, thepoison acts: i.e., fumy deathViking | Oct 1968 | |||
military uniforms | I limn suit for army | Viking | Sep 1968 | |
power of observation, theview! note! both are proofs | AChem | Jun 1968 | ||
meat shortage | get roast? ah, me! | Tut | Feb 1974 | |
dilatory scholar, the | I try hard: late, school | Hoodwink | Feb 1949 | |
Aberdeen Proving Ground | bang! poor gun never dried | Acorn | Oct 1973 | |
finance commission | am on in fisc incomes | Hoho | Oct 1973 | |
diametrically opposite | O, lo! depict a similar type*AChem | Sep 1973 | ||
victorious candidates | accord is in vote's audit | Tut | Jul 1973 | |
Watergate affair, the | that "ear at wire" gaffe | Nightowl | Jun 1978 | |
thoracic aorta, the | O, I act arch to heart | Hoho | Apr 1973 | |
Green Mountain Boys, the NE men go in hearty bouts | Nightowl | Apr 1973 | ||
Alcoholics Anonymous | no saloons (hic!) calm you | Acorn | Feb 1973 | |
blood, sweat, and tears | on war, state bald dose | Hap | Feb 1973 | |
alcoholic beverages | beer, ale go vocal "hics" | Blackstone | Feb 1973 | |
no thoroughfare | ah, go further, O, [no] | Amaranth | Dec 1924 | |
epicurean feast | sup, eat nice fare | Nightowl | Oct 1972 | |
purse strings | stern grips, us | AnnDhow | Jul 1972 | |
Island of Hawaii, the | I'd hail a soft wahine | Viking | Jul 1972 | |
artificial reefs, the | i.e., fish left a car tire | Viking | Jul 1972 | |
secret cypher, a | crypt case here | Viking | Jul 1972 | |
upholstered sofa, an | on a seat of red plush | AChem | Jul 1972 | |
Beatles, the | these bleat 72 | Lyrrad | Nov 68 | WW |
Lone Ranger and Tonto, the | then art red one not along? | Sigmasexspr+ | Jun 1972 | |
Batman and Robin | bam! no bandit ran | Sigmasexspr+ | Jun 1972 | |
Tower of London | one old fort now 72 | Lyrrad | Nov 68 | WW |
April shower, an | how rain pearls | Nightowl | Apr 1972 | |
soapbox orator, the | atop, a boor exhorts | Larry | Apr 1972 | |
Internal Revenue Service e'en I save in clever return Acorn | Apr 1972 | |||
Internal Revenus Service e'en reveals vice in return | Volar | Jul 1977 | ||
radio time signal, the | i.e., I'm a trite long dash | Viking | Feb 1972 | |
football bowl games | flag wobbles to loam | Hap | Jan 1971 | |
waste not, want not | went as ant wont to | DendaiDix | Jan 1971 | |
steeped in iniquity | I tip: ye need quit sin | AChem | Sep 1971 | |
steeped in iniquity | ye [in] sin quite tepid* | KingSly | Jul 1937 | |
crystal chandelier | style: rich and clear | Tut | Dec 1975 | |
Mephisto Waltz, the | me hep to what Lizst? | Tut | Dec 1975 | |
Archbishop of Canterbury nabob of church, its prayer | Mangie | Dec 1975 | ||
Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the | tinhorn chorale:mere mob act* | Hap | Oct 1975 | |
hot water spigot, the | greet this H-two-O tap | Viking | Oct 1975 | |
stringed instrument, the strum it, then sing tender | AChem | Oct 1975 | ||
Battleship Arizona | shot at a blazin' pier | Kamel | Aug 1975 | |
prison term, a | O, I'm stern "rap" | Larry | Apr 1976 | |
Russian Bear, the | as bruin, he rates | Kamel | Jul 1975 | |
desperate criminal | a periled miscreant | Merlin | Jul 1975 | |
adolescent years | so clear: "teen-days" | Nightowl | Jul 1975 | |
penny postal, a | only sent Papa | Tut | Aug 1975 | |
Shakespeare's tragedies | speakers share stage, die | Kamel | Jun 1975 | |
television weather reportthe pro to review rain, sleet | Nightowl | May 1975 | ||
television news | it's now seen live | Tut | May 1975 | |
television set, a | to see, listen via | Tut | May 1975 | |
bad nightmare | hit-bang dream | Hap | May 1975 | |
live on borrowed time, tot' rob vile worm o' one diet SakrElBahr | Apr 1975 | |||
all systems go | my gasless lot* | Hap | Mar 1975 | |
on borrowed time | we're in tomb door | Graydol | Feb 1975 | |
beer tavern, a | bar: tea? never | Larry | Feb 1975 | |
salt-free diet | if tasted, leer | Acorn | Dec 1974 | |
in the red, to be | into debt here | Merlin | Nov 1974 | |
sentenced to prison | con's sent [to] dire pen | Viking | Oct 1974 | |
pornographic movies | prim rave pics? oh, go on! | Nightowl | Sep 1974 | |
confidential material | I am fare in CIA: don't tell | Nightowl | Oct 1974 | |
Sherlock Holmes | heh! smells crook | PeteRoleum | Aug 1974 | |
misspent youth, a | I, my past one thus | Tut | Aug 1974 | |
college graduate | cult goal: a degree | Tut | Jun 1974 | |
Postmaster General | re: stamp agent's role | FrostERoman | Mar 1974 | |
American Revolution, the in violent hour came tear | Nightowl | Feb 1974 | ||
American Revolution, the arm! unite! oh, violent race! | Nightowl | Feb 1974 | ||
Valentine's Day | lady is an event | Tut | Feb 1974 | |
zero Fahrenheit | ah, I freeze north | Willz | May 1977 | |
zero Fahrenheit | ah, froze therein | Molemi | Jan 1 07AP | |
zero Fahrenheit | I unfroze the ear | Hoho | Jul 1952 | |
Book of Revelation, the | bit o' forelook t' heaven | Li'lGamin | Apr 1977 | |
Simon Legree | Negro, 'e smile* | Acorn | Apr 1977 | |
never on Sunday | unnerved? say "no" | Mangie | Apr 1977 | |
harbinger of spring, the robin: gaper, fresh thing! | Nightowl | Apr 1977 | ||
bed of coals | sofa be cold* | Irish | Mar 1977 | |
fasten your seat belts | truss neatly to be safe | Tut | Mar 1977 | |
Appomattox Courthouse | ax came, put to poor South | Mangie | Mar 1977 | |
Bell Telephone Company | bonny theme: call people | Nightowl | Mar 1977 | |
Hero and Leander | no land here, dear | Mangie | Jan 1977 | |
warmth of heart | heat, wrath form | Blackstone | Jan 1977 | |
Pulitzer | ult. prize | Nightowl | Dec 1976 | |
hospital ambulance | pain at home? call bus | Neophyte | Dec 1976 | |
hospital ambulance, the | a cab, I hustle to help man | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
Knights of the Round Table | thou'd rebel, fight: no tanks | Brutus | Nov 1976 | |
Knights of the Round Table | bold hearts fought in Kent | Amaranth | Oct20 01EO | |
college dormitories | let girls room: i.e., coed | Nightowl | Oct 1976 | |
tincture of iodine | o' fine tint, I do cure | Oak | Oct 1976 | |
Loch Ness Monster, the | sh! Scot element (horns?) | Acorn | Sep 1976 | |
younger generation, the | O, then grin, you teenager | AChem | Aug 1976 | |
Democrats, the | most here at D.C. | Tut | Jul 1976 | |
House of Representatives these, our finest, rave, poseMangie | Jul 1976 | |||
Supreme Court, the | cure South temper | Faro | May 1971 | |
Supreme Court, the | come, trust up here | Enavlicm | May 1931 | |
Supreme Court, the | prosecute thru me | Mystery | Jun 1920 | |
Sermon on the Mount | [on] some truth on men | Li'lGamin | Mar 1977 | |
UnitedStates SupremeCourtpure trusted men sit to causeMeo | Dec 1976 | |||
Sault Sainte | Marie canalsall | Marine sites at Can-USA | Nightowl | Jun 1976 |
genealogical research | clan relics here (age ago) | Nightowl | May 1976 | |
Samson and Delilah | [and] a lass led him on | Mangie | Feb 1976 | |
Democrats and Republicanspartisan clubs race odd men | Merlin | Feb 1976 | ||
case of the gout, a | O, ug! fat toe aches | Blackstone | Oct 1979 | |
case of indigestion | I got inside cafe, son | FredDomino | Jan 1952 | |
dawn's early light, the | when's daylight? later | Hap | Oct 1979 | |
atomic blast | I, last combat | AbStruse | Oct 1979 | |
vitamin capsules | vim pales? can suit | Amber | Sep 1979 | |
Wimbledon tournaments | bum name to tennis world* | HartKing | Sep 1979 | |
gasoline shortages | a-going? so let's share | Brutus | Aug 1979 | |
ostrich feather | it's cheer for hat | AbStruse | Jul 1979 | |
potassium cyanide poison mass potion you can sip: die!Kamel | Jun 1979 | |||
parting of the Red Sea | see fair path God rent | Li'lGamin | Mar 1979 | |
pediatric nurses | rinse cuts, diaper | Bronwyn | Mar 1979 | |
set of threads | O, the fat dress | Acorn | Jan 1979 | |
David and Goliath | ha! lad void'd giant | Volar | Dec 1978 | |
Bayeux Tapestry, the | a busy art text, eh? yep | Nightowl | Aug 1978 | |
New York City | key town, I cry | Volar | Jul 1978 | |
Delphian Oracle, the | I do rap Hellene chat | Nightowl | Jul 1978 | |
Emerald Isle, an | lam! see Ireland | Travv | Jun 1978 | |
obscene phone call, an | loc'l bane (anon. speech) | Volar | Jun 1978 | |
interest-free loan | it's real no-fee rent | Rabbit | Mar 1978 | |
mighty hunter, a | aim thy gun, eh, T.R.? | Nightowl | Mar 1978 | |
Arabian Desert | sand tribe area | MonaLisa | Feb 1978 | |
Boston Strangler, the | grabs, throttles none* | Hardric | Feb 1978 | |
editor emeritus | I'm ousted, retire | Mangie | Jan 1978 | |
Boston Tea Party, the | so, better than to pay | Meo | Nov 1977 | |
southern climates | hot suns: Crete, Lima | Nightowl | Nov 1977 | |
tainted woman | I am not wanted | Irish | Oct 1977 | |
peppermint stick icecreamme? pink recipe: Arctic temps | Nightowl | Oct 1977 | ||
Old Man River | a Mr. R lived on | RandomWalk | Oct 1977 | |
ship Titanic, the | hasn't hit ice tip* | Senor | Oct 1977 | |
Titanic disaster, the | iciest death transit | AbStruse | Apr 1985 | |
Falstaff | fat laffs | Bodolph | Aug 1977 | |
theater audiences | attend "Hair", see cue | Nightowl | Sep 1977 | |
Theseus and Ariadne | an aid ensues: thread | Mangie | Jul 1977 | |
sour mash | so rum has?* | Hap | Jul 1977 | |
Hindenburg, the | thing burned, eh? | Volar | Jun 1977 | |
marriageable daughter | girl: get'er a beau, Ma; hardAtlantic | Dec 1981 | ||
marriageable daughter | but I heard, a rare gal (gem)Atlantic | Dec 1981 | ||
pleasure resort, the | so put real rest here | AbStruse | Oct 1981 | |
surgical operations, the their goals? to cure pains | AbStruse | Oct 1981 | ||
as the crow flies | how far? cite less | Squirrel | Jul 1981 | |
bite your tongue | you utter gibe? no! | Squirrel | Jun 1981 | |
all-night restaurants, the | halt latest hunger strain | Merlin | May 1981 | |
State of Israel, the | I rest at last, eh, foe? | Flash | Mar 1981 | |
professional bowler, the he fears one split or blow | Merlin | Mar 1981 | ||
Equal Rights Amendment, the | square thing t'deal them, menClover | Mar 1981 | ||
King Arthur's Round Table | la, our truer knights' band | AbStruse | Feb 1981 | |
Saratoga Springs | grass sport, again | Flash | Jan 1981 | |
satisfaction guaranteed | if not as stated, I can argueSquirrel | Dec 1980 | ||
lady manicurist, the | heard it "cut my nails" | AbStruse | Oct 1980 | |
Sinbad the Sailor | he isn't solid Arab | AbStruse | Sep 1980 | |
in broad daylight | ah, do bit daringly | Acorn | Sep 1980 | |
Sinbad the Sailor | this Arab son lied | Viking | Mar 1934 | |
pair of eyeglasses, the | I got help: sees far easy | AbStruse | Aug 1980 | |
New Madrid fault, the | fret it: land "wham" due? | Nightowl | Feb 1991 | |
roller-skating disco, thee.g., this rotor dance skill Anemone | Jun 1980 | |||
federal penitentiary | ten-year rap in it: 'e fled | Eos | Jun 1980 | |
photographic studies | gad, shoot hip pictures | Nightowl | Jun 1980 | |
alimony payment | my, am I on penalty | AbStruse | Apr 1980 | |
modern times | I'm some trend | LeeFrance | Apr 1980 | |
clean as a whistle | [a] "wash it all" scene | Squirrel | Apr 1980 | |
clean as a whistle | we hail neat class | TheGopher | Apr 1956 | |
giant redwood forest, thehi-toned trees do grow fat | Nightowl | Apr 1980 | ||
volcanic eruption, a | topic: cone, lava, ruin | AbStruse | Mar 1980 | |
open hunting season, the ah, these: none point guns* | Brutus | Jan 1980 | ||
dynamite explosions | I extol, map noisy ends | Tut | Dec 1979 | |
Christmastide | cash midst rite | Eljack | Dec 1990 | |
herpes zoster case, the | he sez "sores that creep" | Ajax | Nov 1979 | |
horse pistol, the | shoot this! repel! | NoholdsBard | May 1990 | |
other woman, the | "no, two her" met ..ah.. | JoTheLoiter+ | May 1990 | |
at loggerheads, to be | oh, glad [to] agree best* | Wabbit | May 1990 | |
prime-time television | violent tripe, I (Emmies!) | Ruthless | Nov 1990 | |
discreetness | I send secrets* | Ostrich | May 1990 | |
loiterer | re: toiler* | Travv | May 1990 | |
In the red, to be | into debt here | Merlin | Nov 1974 | |
closemouthed | so cold, mute, eh? | Travv | Jun 1990 | |
Caribbean cruise | cure: i.e., cabins, bar | Ruthless | Jun 1990 | |
white-collar workers | who? clerk, also writer | Ruthless | Jun 1990 | |
tourists, the | hit st. routes | Ulk | Jun 1990 | |
player piano rolls, the | "note" pap'r: all holey, sir Ulk | Jun 1990 | ||
wild bergamot, the | might brew old tea | NoholdsBard | Jun 1990 | |
Popeye the Sailor Man | hm...a loony tar (see pipe) | Nightowl | Jun 1990 | |
obscenity, an | NB: nice to say* | Ulk | Jun 1990 | |
go steady, to | so y' got date | Blackstone | Mar 1983 | |
gone awry | wrong? yea | DoubleH | Mar 1983 | |
beware the Ides of | March feh! Rome bit, hew'd Caesar | Tweaser | Mar 1983 | |
Los Angeles Times, the | "smog lane's" lite sheet | Famulus | Feb 1983 | |
astrological chart, an | or a chic natal star log | Calicoh | Feb 1983 | |
New York Times, the | they remit news OK | AbStruse | Jan 1983 | |
misspellings | singels, simpl | Deacon | Nov 1990 | |
Alexander's Ragtime Band a Berlin extra Dad sang me | Famulus | Dec 1982 | ||
snooze alarms | alas, no more Zs | Atlantic | Dec 1982 | |
coming apart at the seamspanic? shot? get a rest Ma'amSquirrel | Nov 1982 | |||
amateur theatrics | I rate act true hams | Amigo | Nov 1982 | |
thoroughbred races | rough horse-bet card | HartKing | Oct 1982 | |
corn-husking, a | shuck grain? no! | Larry | Oct 1982 | |
cigaret smoker, the | O, gee, match striker | AbStruse | Mar 1982 | |
dances on nothing | con sinned: to hang | Atlantic | Sep 1982 | |
drug habit, the | bad tug hither | AbStruse | Jul 1982 | |
Long Island Railroad, thetrain ride shall go on, lad | AbStruse | Jul 1982 | ||
college graduate | degree! clout! gala! | Moogie | Jun 1982 | |
college graduate, a | degree actual goal | AbStruse | Feb 1982 | |
one-night stands, the | hits and then gets on | Hardric | Jun 1982 | |
hydrogen sulfide gas | dread shiny foul eggs | Newrow | Jun 1982 | |
mentally disturbed | barmy lid unsettled | AbStruse | May 1982 | |
fireworks display, the | I'd prefer a sky-lit show | AbStruse | Apr 1982 | |
cup of chocolate, a | [of] cue: lap th' cocoa | Blackstone | Feb 1982 | |
hit-and-run accident, thehi, hunt car dented in act | AbStruse | Jan 1982 | ||
cigaret fiend | fie! tragic end | Molemi | Jul 1972 | |
King Arthur's Round Tableknight rule turns a board | NoholdsBard | Feb 1990 | ||
El Dorado | lode road | Ostrich | Feb 1990 | |
Hawaiian Islands, the | ah! lanai; sand is white | Ruthless | Jan 1990 | |
Better Homes and Gardens mag: the neat borders, dens | KapryKorn | Dec 1989 | ||
get the show on the road go,eh? do't,eh? start now,eh?Tweaser | Oct 1989 | |||
strike pay dirt, to | "Dirk, Patty! it's ore!" | Tweaser | Sep 1989 | |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | cute chef, ick-k-k-y dinner | Ruthless | Sep 1989 | |
Jersey shore, the | sheer joys there | Jaelti | Aug 1989 | |
speed limit sign | listing impedes | Ostrich | Jun 1989 | |
speed limit sign, the | i.e., I'd set MPH listing | Sphinx | Oct 1985 | |
kangaroo's pouch, the | a sack: go hop unto her | TeZirMan | Feb 1989 | |
Sistine Chapel | the place sin is* | Wagstaff | Feb 1989 | |
South African | oh, acts unfair! | AbStruse | Jan 1989 | |
Sick Man of Europe, the | fie on Turk home space | Blackstone | Nov 1988 | |
Frito-Lay | I fry a lot | Tweaser | Aug 1988 | |
Persian Gulf, the | let ship fear gun | TeZirMan | Jun 1988 | |
Arabian Desert, the | heat, bare sand tire | NoholdsBard | May 1988 | |
thong bikinis | big hint: O, skin! | TeZirMan | Nov 1990 | |
Monte Carlo | moola cent'r | Ruthless | May 1988 | |
British people | belt Pope, Irish | Blackstone | Apr 1988 | |
Granite State, the | test: area, NH...get it? | TeZirMan | Apr 1988 | |
drug addiction, a | go add acid...in rut | TeZirMan | Jun 1987 | |
Yale University | aye, Eli turns ivy | AbStruse | May 1987 | |
Yale University | yes, real Ivy unit | Tweaser | Jan 1986 | |
Orpheus and Eurydice | you'd rescued her? pain! | NoholdsBard | Apr 1987 | |
Sixteenth Amendment | men mind the net taxes | Tweaser | Apr 1987 | |
Eighteenth Amendment, theheed theme anent "tight" men Viking | Mar 1932 | |||
Eighteenth Amendment, theend thee [the] tight men;amenHoodwink | Jun 1933 | |||
Shea Stadium | I had METS, USA | TeZirMan | Jan 1987 | |
chess tournament, the | hunt mates, then score | AbStruse | Dec 1986 | |
Las Vegas slot machine | cheats me o' all savings | Windjammer | Oct 1986 | |
computer dating service, the | get ever-chic printout dames Ulk | Sep 1986 | ||
presidential veto, a | VIP leader: "no!" I state | Not Dated | ||
New York | Marathon, the | ha! know many trot here | Phizz | Sep 1986 |
Attica Prison | it is a con trap | TeZirMan | Aug 1986 | |
Rheingold | oh, led "Ring" | Hudu | Jul 1986 | |
federal prison, the | penal site for herd | Sphinx | Jul 1985 | |
Ivy League, the | Yale U., e.g., vieth | Ruthless | Jan 1986 | |
organ lessons | learn songs so | Hudu | Jan 1986 | |
Anheuser-Busch | shun such a beer* | CornCob | Jan 1986 | |
Anheuser-Busch | cans us beer, huh? | Tweaser | Apr 1984 | |
believe it or not | be [it] overt lie? no | AbStruse | Dec 1985 | |
Tower of Babel, the | oft a wobble there | Hudu | Oct 1985 | |
gold digger, the | girl hedged, "got!" | Nightowl | Sep 1985 | |
Congressional Record, theor, e.g., senators chronicled | Nightowl | May 1985 | ||
Washington Post, the | ah, spotting hot news | NoholdsBard | Jul 1989 | |
telephone bills | O, I sent Bell help | AbStruse | Mar 1985 | |
Hershey chocolate bar, a re: best cocoa layer (ahhh!) | Nightowl | Feb 1985 | ||
used-car salesman, the | an ace hustler: sedans | Tweaser | Jan 1985 | |
used-car dealer, the | had rare, cute Edsel | Tweaser | Jan 1985 | |
diseased mind, a | I send mad ideas | Sphinx | Jan 1985 | |
strike out the side | I use three K's t' do it | Atlantic | Jan 1985 | |
gambling casino, the | hi! con gaming tables | AbStruse | Nov 1984 | |
budget deficit | big cut defied 't | Gecko | Nov 1984 | |
point of no return, the | non-profit route then | AbStruse | Oct 1984 | |
oldest profession, the | lo, she does net profits | AbStruse | Aug 1984 | |
Olympic Games | misc.: go play 'em | TeZirMan | Aug 1984 | |
stays of execution, the | shot yet? no, a fit excuse | Atlantic | Apr 1984 | |
Stanford University | study! strive for an "in" | Ruthless | Apr 1984 | |
Kraft macaroni and cheeseheat for a nicer Edam snack | LizaWheeler | Feb 1984 | ||
Polly wants a cracker | caw, parrot, yell "snack!" | Arachne | Feb 1984 | |
professional team | a sport nom (i.e., Leafs) | Famulus | Nov 1983 | |
Popeye the Sailor | happier to see Oyl | Famulus | Oct 1983 | |
political influence | I elect if I can on "pull" | DCVer | Jul 1933 | |
North Pole icecap | no tropic place, eh? | AbStruse | Mar 1990 | |
endangered species | green spaces end! die! | Ruthless | Mar 1990 | |
chilled to the bone | be hell-hot, not iced* | Wabbit | Mar 1990 | |
Southern California | oh, la! fine tours in car | DiehlMWrightAug 1926 | ||
Southern California | lo, can raise fruit, hon | DiehlMWrightAug 1926 | ||
Southern California | I lose on a fruit ranch | Amaranth | Sep 1926 | |
domesticated animal | docile, as man tamed it | Roscoe | Jul 1926 | |
domesticated animals | I code: list as man-tamed | TheGink | Aug 1959 | |
domesticated animals | stoic ladies tamed man | TheGink | Aug 1959 | |
domesticated animals | tamed man is also cited | TheGink | Aug 1959 | |
domesticated animal | mean colt, tamed, is aid | FredDomino | Dec 1960 | |
domesticated animal | am staid, docile 'n' tame | Famulus | Oct 1983 | |
domesticated animal | I am lean-sided tomcat | Moonshine | May 1926 | |
deputy coroners | tend your corpse | Amaranth | Jun 1926 | |
fisherman's luck | he lacks rum fins | Remardo | Mar 1926 | |
spider and the fly, the | his net held daft prey | Moonshine | May 1926 | |
Pekinese dog, the | one "Peke" sighted | Hercules | May 1926 | |
Mason and Dixon's Line | on Dixie's no-man's-land | Molemi | Aug 1925 | |
lunatic asylum | um! Cally is a nut | RayleRhoder | May 1925 | |
partial payment | I let man pay part | Ellsworth | May 1925 | |
singing lessons | sing, sing, no less | Ellsworth | Jun 1925 | |
Smoky City, the | choky mist yet | Enavlicm | Apr 1925 | |
step on the gas | goes past then | Spica | Nov 1924 | |
Bottomless Pit, the | hottest step: limbo | Gemini | Dec 1924 | |
Unknown Soldier, the | unlisted: knew honor | Amaranth | Dec 1924 | |
healing art, the | great in health | GiGantic | Aug 1924 | |
broadcasting station, thethen radio gabs, not static | DCVer | Feb 1933 | ||
broadcasting stations | static on board at sings | SourPuss | Jun 1938 | |
broadcasting station, a | stab at acting on radios | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
broadcasting station, a | tab sad act to sing on air | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
broadcasting stations, the | best at things cast on radio | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
boradcasting stations, the | best things on at radiocast | FredDomino | Jul 1951 | |
four aces | a force, us | TheGopher | Sep 1924 | |
theater pass | spareth seat | Amaranth | Apr 1924 | |
Ladies' Home Journal, theoh Ma! I'll read just one,eh?Amor | Apr 1924 | |||
Little Red Riding Hood | titled "girl in [red hood]" | EmJay | May 1924 | |
guerrilla warfare, the | ah, fleet irregular war | TheGopher | Jan 1924 | |
income tax returns | extra coin met runs | Atlas | Jun 1923 | |
income tax returns | exacts more in turn | Atlas | Jun 1923 | |
income tax return, the | to net I rue next | March | PatristocratJan 1942 | |
Cleopatra's Needle | erected panel also | EmJay | Sep 1923 | |
perpetual motion | me propel auto? nit | Remardo | Nov 1922 | |
penal servitude | rude slave pen, it | Remardo | Oct 1928 | |
dog's life, a | O, dig fleas | Castet | Sep 1928 | |
weather predictions | raw description, thee | TyPWright | May 1928 | |
nature fakers | are freaks, nut | Gemini | Jun 1928 | |
carotid artery, the | to carry heart tide | JimBill | Jun 1928 | |
Delmarva peninsula | a | Marvel'us pineland | BleHenChick | Aug 1928 |
Venetian gondoliers | ride in lagoon events | Hercules | Jan 1928 | |
Luray Caverns, the | thy rural scene, Va. | Remardo | Feb 19228 | |
witches' caldron, the | ha! con eldritch stew | Amaranth | Oct 1927 | |
bonds of matrimony, the | it be most fond harmony | Amaranth | Oct 1927 | |
acute indigestion | causing diet, I note | Amaranth | Oct 1927 | |
clandestine Marriages, the | matings are held in a secret | TryemAll | Jul 1927 | |
ocean steamship, an | has me on sea; can tip | OShaw | Jul 1927 | |
interior | Decorating | O, creating order in it | Grandmother | Aug 1927 |
piece de resistance | a nice dessert [piece] | Moonshine | Aug 1927 | |
athletic stadiums | must aid athletics | NJineer | Aug 1927 | |
Sir Galahad | as had a girl* | CaptainTo | Jul 1927 | |
sense of humor, the | oh, there's some fun | Amaranth | Jun 1927 | |
traffic policeman, the | then tip a calm officer | Moonshine | Jun 1927 | |
traffic policeman, the | I ram, flit, then face cop | Dorse | Aug 1931 | |
traffic policeman, a | officer, capital man | Molemi | Dec 1965 | |
appendicitis operation | O, pain in side at top price YKnott | Jun 1927 | ||
appendicitis operations | a pain doctor nips:I tip,see?Bam | Mar 1928 | ||
coast of Labrador, the | lo, a bad shore to craft | Amaranth | Jun 1927 | |
good man | [man] o' God | YKnott | Mar 1927 | |
radio announcer, the | Don, hear enunciator | DiehlMWrightApr 1927 | ||
radio announcers | can resound on air | Arcanus | Feb 1949 | |
mentally deficient | I tally defect in men | PearlieGlen | Jan 1927 | |
seaside resorts, the | set resides at shore | Gemini | Feb 1927 | |
sentence of death, a | faces one at the end | Q | Jan 1927 | |
Volstead law, the | had all wet votes* | Larry | Feb 1927 | |
pinch of snuff | punch [of] sniff | Grandmother | Sep 1926 | |
bridge whist | this bid grew | Ralph | Oct 1926 | |
corset brassiere | I e'er cross breast | Pax | Nov 1926 | |
polite society | O, it's elite copy | FredDomino | Feb 1956 | |
capital punishment | cuttin' penal mishap | Larry | May 1931 | |
Oedipus complex, an | clue: do in Pop. "Sex, Ma?" | Trazom | Mar 1991 | |
breach of promise suit, achoose frame-up bait, sir | FredDomino | Nov 1955 | ||
breach of promise suit | it causes probe for him | BNatural | Apr 1960 | |
breach of promise suit, aO, it pries cash from beau | Viking | Jun 1931 | ||
submarine torpedoes | our seaport mine beds | Viking | Jun 1931 | |
hot-air furnaces, the | chant "our fires heat" | Leip | Apr 1931 | |
horseback riding | rode brisk; aching | Enavlicm | Apr 1931 | |
defamation of character | damn each act fer fair, too | EmmoW | Apr 1931 | |
practical jokers | cajolers trick Pa | SkyLight | Apr 1931 | |
ugly customer, an | cert: man slug you | Evergreen | Apr 1931 | |
watery grave | re: wet vagary | SakrElBahr | Apr 1931 | |
Walls of Jericho, the | fall heroic Jew host | DCVer | Oct 1933 | |
Washington Monument | men mount, saw nothing* 31 | BeauNed | Apr 1929 | |
front rows, the | rents of worth | Enavlicm | Feb 1931 | |
artistic temperament, the'tis a phrenetic matter met | Enavlicm | Feb 1931 | ||
Desert of Sahara, the | hot, shade trees afar | Hercules | Mar 1931 | |
radio broadcast, the | heard actors do a bit | Amaranth | Dec 1930 | |
Yellowstone Park | lean Wyo. elks' port | Damonomad | Jan 1931 | |
general debility | really, I get in bed | Amaranth | Dec 1930 | |
sine loco et anno | no location seen | Arcanus | Sep 1930 | |
Penitential Psalms, the | "sin state, help me" plaint | WrongFont | Mar 1930 | |
family doctor, the | i.e., that for my cold | WrongFont | Mar 1930 | |
Wailing Wall of JerusalemJews if leal lag, mourn, wailArcanus | Nov 1929 | |||
nether regions | goners therein | Spreggs | Jan 1930 | |
Hero and Leander | O, landed near her | EmmoW | Aug 1929 | |
Desert of Sahara, the | hot as sad hereafter | SuSan | Apr 1929 | |
instrumental music | in calm tunes I strum | Gemini | Jun 1929 | |
Daylight Saving Time | ay, timing saved light | RexAsinorum | Nov 1928 | |
big-game hunters, the | huh! meet tigers: bang! | Nick | Nov 1928 | |
Westminster Abbey | be 'way best minster | SuSan | Dec 1928 | |
auction bridge games | I gage aces, bid no trum' | BNatural | Sep 1928 | |
toboggan slide | got a big sled on | Francolin | Mar 1916 | |
toboggan slides | go at on big sleds | Nypho | Feb 1913 | |
total abstainers | sit not at ale bars | Jamaica | Aug20 05NP | |
total abstainer, the | abler than a tite sot | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
total abstinence | a bottle instance | NecroMAncer | Apr 88 OMC | |
total abstainer, the | I ban sot, hate latter | Viking | Apr 1937 | |
trial balance sheets | able test in real cash | Myself | Jul13 02NP | |
trolley ride | tired, ye roll | Remardo | Feb 1918 | |
war correspondents, the | to render hot scrap news | Peanuts | Dec 1898 | |
Washington Monument | giant mount shown men | RexFord | Apr 1914 | |
Washington Monument | men saw 't mount on high | ROChester | Dec 1898 | |
Washington Monument, the oh, what stunning memento | Amaranth | Mar 25 IRR | ||
weather forecasts, the | watch! see a frost there | Ralph | Dec15 06AP | |
Western Union | no wire unsent 31 | LeDare | Feb 1922 | |
Westminster Abbey | best wise men art by | KeePon | Jul18 13BI | |
widow's mite, the | how wee it 'midst | FransFolks | Aug 1 02AP | |
winter season | I rant "see snow" | Musicus | Dec30 05NP | |
winter season, the | there is neat snow | Q | Nov 3 11Co | |
Yale lock | O, call key | Francolin | Aug 1915 | |
Yosemite Valley | yes, a lovely time | Nelsonian | Sep 87 ODP | |
Yosemite Valley | 'tis lovely, aye me! | Icicle | Dec 1898 | |
Yosemite Valley, the | ay, it seemeth lovely | POStage | Dec 1898 | |
apple-pie order | proper [pie] deal | BeauNed | Dec 1931 | |
pain in the neck, a | ache knit [in] nape | Viking | Oct 1931 | |
senile | Decay | yes, a | Decline | Amaranth |
financial depression, thea dire intense flop in cash | Viking | Jul 1931 | ||
financial depression | friends lose in a panic | Paradox | Jun 1931 | |
bathing girls | in slight garb | Dorse | Aug 1931 | |
steam radiator, the | a torrid heat tames | Dorse | Aug 1931 | |
police station, the | a cop: he's let into it | ADandy | Sep 1931 | |
glacial period, the | trail a gelid epoch | Grandmother | Sep 1931 | |
glacial period, the | O, ice-grip; all death | Arcanus | Jan 1957 | |
His Master's Voice | as "Victor" sees him | DCVer | Jul 1931 | |
His Master's Voice | oh, seems it is RCA V. | Atlantic | Jul 1981 | |
shredded wheat biscuit | I ate, but did chew shreds | Francolin | Jan 1915 | |
Sinbad the Sailor | in his broad tales | WilkinsMica+ | Mar 1 79PB | |
Sinbad the Sailor | this a sad lie born | ROChester | May 90 | Me |
Sindbad the Sailor | this bad liar's done | Ernest | Oct 7 03Co | |
Spanish Armada, the | ah, Spain's death-ram | Amaranth | Jun30 01EO | |
special delivery | rides lively pace | QuiVive | Nov 1912 | |
Spencerian shorthand, thepen raceth: shorten in dash | Francolin | Aug 1915 | ||
spirits of the dead | this is [of] departed | EdWard | Jun 1915 | |
spiritualist seance | a spectral issue in it | Amaranth | Nov 1912 | |
spiritual seances | sir, I can see St. Paul | Enavlicm | Sep 08 NP | |
spring weather | wet, in her grasp | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 | |
Star of Bethlehem | halts before them | JimCRack | Aug 88 ODP | |
Star of Bethlehem | blest the far home | Amaranth | Dec15 11Co | |
Star of Bethlehem, the | best health from thee | Humbug | Jan 98 HC | |
Stone Mountain Memorial | lO, is one | Martial monument | HiKerr | Oct 25 IRR |
submarine torpedo boat, the | I run bombs to operate death Remardo | Jul 1915 | ||
submarine torpedo boats | 'tis a bomb troop under sea | Arcanus | Feb20 07Co | |
summer vacation, the | a time to charm Venus | Sphinx | Aug15 99Co | |
summer vacation, the | I'm vacant house term | Remardo | Oct 1917 | |
summer vacations, the | vacant home; I sum rest | Arcanus | Jul 7 11Co | |
surgical operation | organ or a pile is cut | DCVer | Mar 1931 | |
surgical operation | O, act arousing peril | Zenith | Mar15 07AP | |
surgical operation | I lap sore organ; I cut | Xiphias | Mar15 07AP | |
surgical operation | cut! lop! I raise groan | Molemi | Mar15 07AP | |
surgical operation | I cure last pain, or go | Hyacinth | Mar15 07AP | |
surgical operation, a | arouse! I clip at organ | Enavlicm | Mar15 07AP | |
surgical operation, a | O, cartilaginous pare | Dew | Mar15 07AP | |
surgical operation, a | pain or gore: alas, I cut | RAre | Mar15 07AP | |
surgical operation | gracious pilot near | Zenith | Apr 1 07AP | |
surgical operation | is too-regular panic | Zenith | Apr 1 07AP | |
surgical operation | O, piratical surgeon | Zenith | Apr 1 07AP | |
surgical operation, a | poor cure against ail | Tranza | Oct 1 07AP | |
surgical operation, a | lo, cut os, repair again | EssEll | Not Dated | |
surgical operations | O, lacerations grip us | Comrade | Mar 1 07AP | |
surgical operations | perilous acts; I groan | Phil | Oct 1 07AP | |
surgical operations | cure ails or stop gain | FredDomino | May 09 AP | |
survival of the fittest | evolve thus: fit at first | ESCrow | Nov 1911 | |
telephone girl, a | repeating "hello" 13 | AlecSander | Jan27 06TT | |
telephone girls, the | "hello" pets ring thee | Jason | Feb 3 00AP | |
telephone lines | see "hello" pent in | Amaranth | Sep 1 01EO | |
theological seminaries | so these claim a religion | Arcanus | May24 94My | |
radio receiving set | I get dances over air | NankiPoo | Nov 1926 | |
radical reform | rare mad frolic | 1821 FarmA | ||
reform spelling | I'm for n.g. speller | AfterAll | Sep15 06AP | |
rainy weather | I ran watery, eh? | Remardo | Dec 1927 | |
rings of Saturn, the | O, hunt star fringes | Amaranth | Jan13 11Co | |
road to ruin, the | O, death run riot | Iniscarra | Jan23 07NP | |
Robinson Crusoe | son, boon cruiser | SamSlick | Nov 1912 | |
Rock of Gibraltar, the | lick harbor-gate fort | DCVer | Aug11 00Pe | |
Rock of Gibraltar, the | a right able [rock] fort | Mars | May 1933 | |
Rock of Gibraltar, the | crag fort like bar to h--- | DCVer | Oct 1934 | |
Saint Lawrence River | nice silver water ran | Traddles | Apr 87 LP | |
Saharan Desert, the | there's th' sand area | Amaranth | Jan13 11Co | |
Saint Valentine's Day | sent t' any vain ladies | Gemini | Dec 1898 | |
sample copy | ope my clasp | NankiPoo | Sep22 87Ms | |
Sargasso Sea | as [sea] o' grass | OREgon | Sep 9 99AP | |
Sargasso Sea, the | as a sheet o' grass | MCS | Aug 1921 | |
Santiago de Cuba | a Cuban dago site | ArtyFishel | Dec 1898 | |
Saturday Evening Post, the | serves anything up-to-date | Amaranth | Dec 1910 | |
Saturday Evening Post, the | read up, gents,it's not heavyMinnieMum | Apr 1924 | ||
Saturday Evening Post, the | story haven set in ad get-up Chet | Aug 1947 | ||
Saturday Evening Post, the | it's page event on Thursday | SkyLight | Feb 1931 | |
tummyache | my! ate much? | Wabbit | Mar 1991 | |
say it with flowers | so we flirt this way | WEStern | Aug 1921 | |
say it with flowers | so flit 'way, withers | CSaw | Apr 1928 | |
say it with flowers | white florist's way | Orion | Apr 1930 | |
scavenger's daughter, thecrusher gave gents death | Hercules | Sep 1924 | ||
sensational literature | tales not true in a serial | Sphinx | Mar15 94St | |
set of harness | fastens horse | Amaranth | Jan13 13Co | |
seafood restaurant | a fan orders eats out | Nightowl | Mar 1972 | |
seafood restaurant | and a trout fee soars | Nightowl | Mar 1972 | |
seafood restaurant | so order a tuna feast | Nightowl | Mar 1972 | |
shoe-shining parlor, a | are rash on polishing | Q | Dec 1911 | |
shoe-shining parlors, thethrong share in polishes | Orion | Sep 1924 | ||
shoe-shining parlor, the no rash polishing there | Moonshine | May 1927 | ||
narrow escapes | now reap scares | Amaranth | Jun 1916 | |
New Jerusalem, the | a Jew rules me then | England | May12 83GD | |
new potatoes | we set a pot on | MCS | Jul 4 11Co | |
Niagara Falls, the | ah, a large fast lin | Bolis | Dec 1898 | |
no holds barred | or bolder hands | AbStruse | Nov 1988 | |
nigger in the woodpile, a | Negro with pine log idea | AwlWrong | Nov 1943 | |
nigger in the woodpile, a | wide log heap Negro in it | AwlWrong | Jan 1944 | |
nigger in the woodpile, a | lodging, were I an Ethiop | Hercules | Mar 1931 | |
nigger in the woodpile, a | lo, sit: Negro in wide heap | CaptainTo | Jul 1930 | |
Mount Sinai | is mountain | Amaranth | Aug 1930 | |
Damon and Pythias | tip Amos 'n' Andy had | LewZirn | Aug 1930 | |
Old Father Time | mold their fate | Jamaica | Oct23 97MA | |
ordained minister, an | I ranted "admire no sin" | Amaranth | Mar 25 IRR | |
Oriental races, the | lo! nice Tatars here | Atlantis | Oct 1924 | |
ostrich feather, an | ah, nice for hatters | Ralph | Dec15 06AP | |
paint store, the | e'er at tint shop | Jason | May13 99GD | |
palpitation of the heart | O, I hear that felon pit-pat | ESCrow | Feb24 11Co | |
Panama Canal, the | a man clean a path | ONEOne | May11 07NP | |
Paris fashions, the | in shape of hats, sir | Amaranth | Aug 1913 | |
Pharos of Alexandria, the | a fit halo adorns her apex | FransFolks | Nov27 03EO | |
plantation melodies | toned in a simple alto | Amaranth | Oct 1910 | |
pocket handkerchief | oft reach'd pink cheek | Not Dated | ||
political platforms | limit fools' claptrap | Skeezix | Jan15 96Or | |
policyholders | lo, sir, held copy | Ralph | Feb25 10Co | |
professional gambler | reaps blame for losing | GiGantic | Oct15 08AP | |
prosecuting attorney, the | note he gets party in court | Atlantis | Jun 1911 | |
presidential election | see political din enter | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | see inane poll direct it | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | need I poll certainties? | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | policies' intent: leader | Tut | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | seen ere political dint | Tut | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | elder politician tense | PeteRoleum | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | entire political needs | Fun | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | cites top leader in line | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | parties do elect in line | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | i.e., elect top sire in land | Merlin | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | i.e., political trend seen | Merowl | Dec 1972 | |
presidential election | end tense political ire | Nightowl | Dec 1972 | |
counterfeit money | oft entice: ye mourn | Roscoe | Jan 1917 | |
Messiah | is 'e sham? | AbStruse | Feb 1938 |