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misc:anagrammasia [NPL Wiki]


Webmaster's Note: Due to the extremely large size of the Anagrammasia file, it can not be edited online. If you have errata, suggestions, or observations, send them to webmaster@puzzlers.org or just note them here and we'll amend the text as time permits.

The Webmaster

The Anagrammasia were compiled by Abstruse, a long time member of the league.

abolitionistI bias not toilAnonymousJun 65 REL 
abomaam boaMargarettaJul25 1906Co 1916
absinthethis baneMCSJun 7 1898Co 
abstinenceabsence in'tAstralNov 1900 MT 
accentuationI can cut a toneRandolphDec 1898 
acclamationact on a claimMCSFeb 4 02Co 
accountantshipcounts at a pinchMCSJul21 03Co 
accuratenessscan true caseKennethSep26 99Co 1919
acrimoniousI am sour in co.SphinxAug15 97Co 
additionI add it onROChesterJul30 05NP 1951
adventuresomeO, must even dareWinWizardFeb 1891 Me 
adverseever sadAnnieLaurieNov 4 1898MM 
adversityit very sadEveningStarApr 8 1899GD 
advertisementmen drive a testSphinxJul18 1897Co 
advertisementstrades vest in 'emCommodoreAug24 1899AP 
advertisementsvast merit's needMCSSep 9 1899AP 
advertisementsvenders at timesHoratioApr 10 IMM 
aeronauticsas one cut airMCSSep17 09Co 
aeronautismuse man to airMCSJul11 06Co 
agamistI'm a stagArtyEssApr 4 06Co 
agonygay? noRAreAug 4 06NP 1950
alembica limbecAlTTudeNot Dated 
allegiancea liege clanMCSAug 7 00Co 
allegrettogreet to allAspiroJul20 02EO 
alligator, thelithe lagartoDCVerDec 1903 1941,1959,1968
almshouse, thea homeless hutDCVerDec 1898 
alterationsneat tailorsAnonymous1962 Wheat 
amanuensisa man's in useGenENorreNov15 1895Th 
amenitiesis a tie, menMCSJul10 1900Co 
Americanmain raceParkJul 9 1905NP 
American Indian, theah, a nice red man I - nitNeophyte1896 Nonp 
American Indian, theah, ain't I nice red man?NeophyteDec 1903 
Americans, thename this raceBeechNutJan 1899 HC 
Amerindred man, INoxAug21 15BI 
anaesthetica scent I hateBethBApr 10 IMM 
anarchistsrash anticsAnonymousJun 1917 
ancestorsson tracesKennethMar 4 99GD 
anemoneone nameMyrtleDec15 01EO 
angeredenragedKennethJan31 99Co 1910
angina pectorisI con great painsArcanusApr 3 07Co 
animosityis no amityLordBaltimo+Feb 6 96My 01,68,81
annihilatesslain in hatePhilOSopherJan28 88St 
anonymany nomDCVerDec 1898 1940
anonymousno man's youLewWardSep 86 OB 
anonymousnessnay, uses no nomsBalmarJun 97 Di 
Anophelesha! no sleepEllsworthMar 25 IRR 
anti-Christiansain't rich saintsTomCrestmoreJul 2 99EO 
anticipationO, I can nip at itGwendolineApr10 97MA 
anticipationO, I can paint itDelianBandOct17 99Co 
antidotessent to aidTheoLogyMay18 07NP 1919
antiexpansionists, theextension? I pass in thatCadillacMar 3 00AP 
anti-imperialismit imperils amainAFHoltNov18 03Co 
anti-imperialists, themilitarists pain theeRexFordMar31 00AP 
antipathiesI paint hatesBalmarDec18 00Co 24
antipathyat thy painHyperionMay29 00Co 
antiquariesair antiquesRalphDec15 07AP 
antiquatedquaint dateTheGopherMar15 05AP 
antiquenessquaint senseJasonJun 8 99AP 
apotheosisso he is atopNelsonianAug11 01EO 1933
appendicitisI depict painsFransFolksSep 1 02AP 
appendicitis, thethis piece and tipBalmarFeb 3 00Pe 
appositeapt poiseTheGopherMar15 1905AP 1938
appositelyI pose aptlyNoxAug16 17BI 
apprehensivelynever lies happyFireglowJan31 95My 
appropriatelyI lay pat, properBalmarMar 3 00GD 
appropriatenessis apt, sane, properROChester05 TT 1939
appropriationI apportion parRalphMay19 06NP 
aptpatKingCarnival1905 TT 
architect, ana technic artOldSoldierAug 1 03AP 
aristocracy, theart a rich coy setJamaicaJan 99 Or 
aristocracy, theart society archVioletJun22 05NP 
aristocracy, thea rich Tory casteEssEllJun 2 06NP 
aspersionno praisesMolemiJan 07 Or 36,69,76
asseverationas one avers itDewDec 06 Or 
asseverationsan' so assertiveBalmarApr 7 00Pe 36,69,76
assortmentten sorts, MaMCSJul15 02Co 
assurancecan assurePrimroseNot Dated 
astrologergo, star loreDaddyPostDec 1898 
astrologerO, star oglerSeerSep16 05NP 23,78
astrologer, thehe got star lorePeanutsOct 98 DC 
astronomersmoon starersAnonymous1821 FarmA 14
astronomerson more starsAnonymous62 Wheat 15
athleticslithe actsMabelPApr17 00EO 24,66
atonementmen eat notArtyFishelMay27 86Mu 
attorney at law, theto that neat lawyerHarlyQuinSep 98 DC 
attorney at law, thenote lawyer at thatDCVerAug 4 00Pe 
Auld Hornieho! run! a deilAniseLangNov10 87Pe 
auld lang synean eld lay sungPrimroseMar15 97Or 
aurora borealis, thetrue air halo, BoreasJoMullinsFeb 9 99MM 
autobiographera hero I to brag upRAreFeb 06 NP 
autobiographieshi! I boast our pageBeechNutOct15 87Jo 
automobileoil about me THMar27 05EO 14,50
automobilingmoiling aboutMCSApr18 06Co 
Baltimore heatera latrobe: I'm therePastorPrese+Feb24 06TT 
Baltimore heaterlatrobe: no heat airResoluteAug13 05NP 
bargain countersO, uncertain grabsRusticus05 TT 
bargain counters, theit be great crush anonVioletNov18 05NP 
Barmecide feasti.e., embraced fastAmaranthNot Dated 
baroucheour cab, eh?RemardoJun30 06NP 
bar-tailed godwit, thehit wet bird: go eat, ladAtelloJan 4 87Ts 
bartender, abeer and artArcanusApr28 07NP 
basso profundoO, profound bassNyphoAug 08 NP 
bastardsad bratMolemiNot Dated 51
beefsteaktakes beefRalphFeb 3 11Co 
benedictionscited benisonArcanusDec 06 Or 
bestridingriding bestTomAHawkMay31 05Co 
betrothalheart boltRalphOct 1 05AP 
betrothalboth alertAlecSanderApr14 06NP 
betrothalboth alterNoxAug 9 13BI 
beveragegave beerRalphNov 03 NP 19,41
bewildermentmen bet wilderNecroMAncerNov28 88MA 
billiardist, the'tis red ball I hitQuebigJul28 06NP 
billingsgatetie glib slangLAllegroMar19 01Co 
billingsgatetinges ill gabJoMullinsJul 24 IRR 
blatherskitehi! best talkerArtyEssMay10 05Co 
blithesometho' smile beBeechNutJun15 05NP 
blotting papersblot page printsFRederickJul 8 99GD 
boardinghouse, thethis abode o' hungerKosciuskoMc+Mar15 91St 
breakfastfat bakersAnonymous1821 FarmA 14
brewer, thethrew beerMarieGoldSep30 06NP 74
breweries, thewhere it's beerErienJan13 00MA 
brotherly love, aever throb loyalAmaranthNov23 02EO 
burnishingshining rubSwampAngelJul31 08Co 
butterflyflutter byTorfridaMar 8 98Co 1932
cacoethes scribendieccentric ideas - bosh!BolisDec 1898 
Caffrariafar AfricaPhilNov30 02EO 
calculationI call a countKennethMar14 99Co 14,18
CaledonianO, cannie ladNoxApr 9 15BI 31
candidatesa candid setMCSAug 2 12Co 
carrier pigeonsracing o'er spireDamaskusFeb19 98MA 
cast of characterscharts actor facesResoluteMar10 06NP 
castles in the airas rich estate, nilAlecSanderOct15 06AP 36
precipitation, apitpat o' rain, iceTravvApr 1991 
catastrophescatter a hopTHFeb10 00AP 
cathedralssacred: haltArcanusAug29 06Co 33
Catherine wheelscan see thee whirlArcanusMay 8 98Or 
censoriousnesscoins sour senseMaudeJan 1 89MA 
census enumerator, thehe recounts true namesPhilDownJun 91 Ke 
census enumerator, thehe's true names counterStGermaineJul 7 00Pe 
census enumerator, thecounts names true hereStGermaineJul 7 00Pe 
census enumerator, thethere's US name counterStGermaineJul 7 00Pe 
census enumerators, thethese surname countersDCVerAug21 00Co 
centenarians, theI can hear ten tensBalmarDec 1903 
cerebrationsbrain core setJEWDec25 90Th 
certificatesI recite factsRAreSep30 06NP 
certitudecited trueArcanusAug 4 11Co 
chaperone, aO, near peachGiGanticOct 24 IRR 
characterrace chartWESternDec 87 Jo 
chariotho! I cartCincinnatusAug 98 MM 
charitablenessI can bless EarthNelsonianMay23 06Co 
charitablenessah, blest in caresRAreMar 9 07NP 
chastisementsit scents shameLordBaltimo+Mar15 96Or 
chocolate creamsthe coco caramelsImaBlossomOct 6 00AP 
Christianrich saintDickEnsSep18 85Ms 
ChristianityI cry that I sinAnonymous62 Wheat 
Christianity'tis in charityTraddlesDec30 82GD 74
Christianitycharity's in itALSAug 1 05AP 
Christianityay, Christ in itRalphApr 09 IMM 
Christmasits charmsPhilDownDec 86 OMM 
Christmas carolstars' calm choirAtlasDec 1901 
Christmas presentprettiness charmsAmaranthDec15 11Co 
Christmas tree'tis smart cheerJimCRackJan 87 Sp 
Christmas treeChris treats meAniseLangDec 88 Mys 
Christmas treereset its charmMCSDec20 12Co 
chrysanthemumsummer hyac'nthWillUSmyleDec 1898 
chrysanthemum, acharm me, thy nameCAHJul14 11Co 
circumstantial evidencecan ruin a selected victimBolisDec 1898 
circulationla! on circuitEssEllMar 3 06NP 
circumstantial evidenceevent: it accused criminalArcanusJun13 97Co 
circumstantial evidenceclues evict and criminateMyselfMay11 05NP 
clandestinelyindecent sallyHarryDec29 99EO 
clandestinityI intend sly actBolisMay 3 84GD 
cleanlinessall nicenessStoclesJul 1 04AP 
cloisteralclose trialAniseLangMay 88 Mys 
coagulationsO, clot us againDewOct 1 08AP 
combinationmob in actionMCSDec26 99Co 
comfortablenesscalm rest of bonesDewMar16 07NP 
commendationado in commentTHMar 9 02EO 
commiseratedcome 'mid tearsMCSAug 7 00Co 
committeescost me timeEnavlicmJan 5 07NP 
compassionatelyan' pity also comesSpicaNov16 04Co 
compassionatelycan also pity someDewMay 1 07AP 
compassionatelyso pity solace manRemardoNov 16 FL 
compensationnice sop to manSphinxFeb 07 Or 
compensationspass coin to manNoxNov18 13BI 
competitioncome, top in itDelianJan14 97Co 
competitionO, I tempt coinTHJan 1 07AP 
complainantO, can't man lip?ErnestApr 1 03AP 
complainantscalm not painsMCSMar 1 98Co 
complaisantam compliantMCSOct22 01Co 
complimentlip commentEmelineMar 14 IRR 
compound interestto do sum in per centRemardoFeb 08 Or 
computationO, I'm apt countAmaranthOct 26 IRR 
comradeshipI'm head corpsPrimroseSep 98 HC 
concentratescast on centerQyzKhyzMar 3 03Co 
concessionaire, thehas seen nice OctroiKennethJun 24 IRR 
condemnationno, damn it onceBeechNutMay23 97Co 
condemnationsto damn sin onceWinWizardMar 90 Me 
confirmationfirm on actionRubraDec15 07AP 
confirmed bachelor, aI face no bold charmerAmaranthJan29 04EO 
Congregationalistgot a scant religionAnonymous92 Walsh 00,71
congregationsgreat co. in songBeechNutOct 87 Mys 
Connecticut Yankee, thecan't he cut city one keen?HesperusMay12 88GD 
conscientiousnesssince one scouts sinTHJul26 05Co 
conservativenessI've so scant nervesLordBaltimo+Jul 00 MT 
conservatoriesto store in coversTranzaSep10 09Co 
consideraterated so niceMCSJun15 93My 
considerationreason in it, DocKennethJul 99 Qu 
considerationI con on it, dearsJasonSep16 99AP 
considerationso rated in coinMCSDec18 99EO 
conspicuouslyconsciously upTHAug 3 02EO 
conspiratorspairs to scornTHNov13 04EO 
consternationone cannot stirAniseLangOct 87 Maz 
consternationno, I cannot restFAEISep 65 REL 
continuationI act, on, in, untoPrimroseMar19 09Co 
continuousI count us onPrimroseOct20 11Co 
contradictorinesscritics don't reasonNelsonianJul23 87St 
contributionno, I curb it notSpicaOct21 02Co 
conventionalitynotNovel in a cityGraceNote NP
conversationvoices rant onSamWellerDec 1898 35
conversationalist'tis one vocal strainNelsonianMar 87 Mys 
coquetriesquest o' riceHyperionJun 8 04Co 
corporal punishmentPap trounces him lornRemardoJun 7 12Co 
counterfeit moneymen refute toy coinTheGopherApr 06 Or 
counterfeit moneyme utter "foney" coinTowheadAug 16 FL 
court martialO, am curt trialBalmarDec 2 99AP 
court plasterlapt sorer cutArtyEssSep23 05NP 
Creation, thenotice: EarthDCVerSep 98 DC 
Creation, theaction thereDCVerSep 98 DC 
credulouscrude soulMCSMar13 00Co 
criminal lawyer, aay, law mincer, liarSylviaAug 4 06NP 
criminologist, thelo! sight into crimeRalphNot Dated 
crinolineinner coilAnonymous92 Walsh 
crocodile tearscoarse cold riteRexFordNov11 03Co 
crocodile tearscries do act roleJasonJun 05 Or 
Crusades, thedeath cursesLAllegroJul21 01EO 
customers, thesuch met storeTippecanoeAug31 99AP 
daffadowndillies, thewhee! 'tis daffodil landEssEllSep 4 08Co 
daintilylain tidyCincinnatusJan 5 99MM 
deadly nightshade, thething had deathly seedGiGanticFeb 1 00GD 
death sentencescene at the endQApr 5 12Co 
declarationa clear "on dit"PearlieGlenDec 1898 
decorationsO, I adorn sectKennethJul 99 Qu 
decorationscoronet aidsTHJun15 05AP 
dedicationdied, I act onPrimroseMar19 09Co 
degenerationnone die greatEurekaNot Dated 
delegationsoiled agentsRemlapDec 1898 
deletitiousI let side outCincinnatusFeb 99 BIm 
delicatelace-tiedAdelanteApr 09 Or 
delineationI noted a lineRexMar 3 00AP 
delineationneat do I lineWickOCincyOct 23 IRR 
delirium tremenslet rum men die, sirJackOLanternApr20 89GD 
delirium tremensrum's merited lienAuctorDec 1898 
delirium tremensmen reel'd: it is rumKingCarnivalOct13 99GD 
delirium tremensrum tries idle menBeechNutDec19 06Co 
delirium tremens, theeh? I'd reel, rum-smittenArcanusJun18 09Co 
deliverancevine clearedThOct 8 00EO 
dementiait e'en madCincinnatusFeb 9 99MM 
denominateit named oneIMWiseMar16 01AP 
denominatesendites a nomFredDominoMar 10 IMM 
denominativein name I'd voteAniseLang86 GP 
dentist, thedints teethDorothyDool+Apr 94 DP 81
department store, amart to prate needsAlecSander95 GD 
department store, thetempts trade on thereAbelEmMay 06 Or 
depository, aI do store payJamaicaJan15 09AP 
depredatorydared to preyLMNTerryOct27 00MA 42
desecrationno sacred tieRandolphDec 1898 
desolationdo sit alonePhilOSopherNov26 87Ms 13,22
desolationaid one lostSansSouciMar 9 99MM 
desolationis a lone dotTHJun 9 02EO 
desperationnote despairEveningStarSep22 88St 
destinationit is to an endRizpahDec 1898 
destinationI end stationMusicusMay26 06NP 
destineI set endCincinnatusFeb 99 BIm 
destinydints yeSwampAngelMar24 03Co 
destitutionit suited notArtyFishelSep24 87St 
detectives, thedetect thievesBinksDec 1903 32
determinationI mean to rend itAnonymous62 Wheat 
determinationnot tired, I meanMarmionMar 84 NJP 
determinationit meant ride onTHFeb24 01EO 
determinationmore intent aidPastorPrese+Feb17 06TT 
determinedI ended termKennethMar 4 99GD 
detonationto note a dinAlecSanderMay 5 06NP 
detourroutedEllsworthNot Dated 
deuterogamists'tis get sour dameJackOLanternMay19 88GD 
deviltriestried evilsArcanusOct 07 Or 
dictatorialI, a lord, act itTHApr 1 05AP 
dictionary, theI con it hard yetRemardoApr13 09Co 
dilatorylo! I tardyTheGopherFeb10 06NP 
dime Novelmen do evilMolemiJan 9 07Co 
dime Novelsvile demonsArcanusJun 06 Or 
diplomatic corps, thedo term politic chapsAmaranthJan 27 IRR 
directorycity orderTheCeltSep30 06NP 
disappearedrapped asideEnavlicmMay25 07NP 
discolorationsO, is color-stain'dArcanusJul 97 Or 
disconsolateI'd set on coalsDonOSDec 1 83GD 
disconsolatein sad cool setROVer84 PT 
disconsolatelone cot: is sadNRJeticJul 96 Qs 
disconsolateis not solacedBalmarNov20 00Co 
disconsolatenesscool madness set inJasonOct13 00AP 
discontinuedI'd count is endTheGopherJan20 06NP 
discreetnessin secret's denFredDominoOct29 09Co 
discriminatedadmit I discernDewApr14 07NP 
disheartenedhearts deniedAfterAllNov22 05Co 
disillusionment'tis so dull in mienMCSJan11 05Co 
disintegrationI to end it in ragsTHDec 7 05EO 
disparagementam anger'd spiteCSawMay28 96My 
dispiritedspirit diedAdelanteSep16 11BI 32
disproportionablenessrends able propositionsJasonAug17 99AP 
disproportionateit is not a proper doPygmalionOct23 86GD 
disputationa din to pit usTHJan 6 05EO 
dissatisfactionO, sad fact: is it sin?GeminiJul28 97GD 
dissipationis paid in sotRobertaJan 5 99MM 
dissipationI do sip at sinDewDec15 07AP 
dissipationsso I sit and sipArtyEssAug15 07AP 
distillationdo it in a stillFredDominoOct29 09Co 
disuniteis untiedKennethSep 8 00MA 
diurnaldial runKennethNot Dated 
doctor of medicinecome in: direct foodArcanusApr24 07Co 
dolce far nienteafter indolenceBolisDec 1898 
dominion, aO, in domainBalmarDec 2 99AP 
dormitoriestried rooms, IFredDominoOct29 09Co 
dormitorydirty roomTHMay 2 99Co 18,38,50
double, aO, be dualBalmarMar 3 00GD 15
dowagersaged rowsMCSJul16 91St 
dramatis personaeI personate dramasTwoJohnsAug 99 MT 
dreamer, themere dearthICDimlyNov 5 08AP 
dromedariana nomad riderHerculesNot Dated 27
drought, ahot guardAniseLangSep 6 90GD 
dry goods storeO, try good dressArtyFishelMar 9 99MM 
dubitationa doubt in itMCSOct15 01Co 87
almighty dollar, themy! I hate gold thrallCountryLadApr27 89GD 
almighty dollar, thegold ally hath meritMajorDomoNov 97 HC 
amende honorable, theoh, manner to be healedByrnehcSep 86 MC 
dubitationsI sat in doubtMCSAug25 00AP 
duplicateddepict dualBalmarApr 00 Qu 
dynamiteI May dentFrancolinSep 4 15BI 
ears, thehearestPollyGram1896 Nonp 24
earthquakes, thethat queer shakeDauntless08NP 15
edge toolsgood steelEnavlicmJan12 07NP 
editor, anad noter, IAmorJun 25 IRR 
editorsso triedMCSMay 2 99Co 49
effeminateeffete man, ILewWardFeb12 87St 31
effortlessless of fretSamSlickMar10 17BI 
egotismgo, 'tis meBalmarMar 3 00GD 
Egyptian darknessgrasp at inky denseBolisApr15 89Th 
electricityyet circle itPequotJul 05 TT 
electromagnetic telegraphmen got a great electric helpTomAHawkDec 1903 
eleemosynaryyes, ye almonerKennethMar 7 99Co 23,78
eleemosynaryyes, real moneyEllsworthOct 26 IRR 26,62
elephant's-footthe plant of EosMoonshineDec 1898 
elevated railroads, thesee th' odd aerial travelPhilDownApr 91 Cr 
elevated railroads, thetest a ride, all overheadResoluteMar24 06NP 
elevated railroad, theI lead overhead rattleRexFordJan15 01Co 
elevated railroad, theo'erhead travel detailNeophyteJul 7 06NP 
enamoredmen adoreAspiroDec 9 02Co 
employment agencies, theO, in them ye men get placesWickOCincyNov 23 IRR 
encouragementnote: can urge meMusicusMay25 07NP 74
encouragementmean "urge on", etc.AmaranthNot Dated 
endearmenttender nameJoMullinsSep23 99AP 58
endurancecan endurePrimroseNot Dated 
engagement ring, thegent, I got Ann her gemQAug26 11BI 
Englishmen, thethen I mangle H'sJasonApr 6 01AP 
Englishman, the"H" entangles himNyphoMar 1925 
Englishman, thehint: 'e mangles "H"NyphoMar 1925 
enigmain gameHEve1896 Nonp 
enigmagain meBinksAug11 00MA 
enigmaticala magic I lentThosIGibbonsOct18 01EO 
entomologist, theI get moths - one lotAtlantisJan 25 IRR 
entrancecan enterMCSJul10 00Co 20
entreatssent tearWelredDec24 98GD 
enucleationnote in a clueNyasMar14 95My 
enucleationsO, a clue in netsRTilleryAug20 91My 
enunciationI announce itEssEllAug11 07NP 31
ephialteshit asleepJasonJun 01 Sx 
Episcopalian, the'tis a chapel I openBalmarDec18 00Co 
Episcopalianismclaim a Pope is sinJCMDec 1898 
epistlerrepliestJoMullinsDec12 14BI 
epitomistI post itemArtyFishelFeb24 06NP 
equablebe equalKennethSep19 99Co 
equanimityI quiet manyTHDec11 04EO 23
equestrianequine artsKennethMay 99 Pu 
equitablebe it equalCincinnatusAug10 99AP 
equitableequal biteRalphDec21 04Co 
equivalentsis equal ventBeechNutApr 96 ME 
equivocatingquit vice an' goNyasAug 2 88Pe 
esotericO, secret IAmorNov 23 IRR 56
evacuateddue vacateKennethDec 2 99Pe 
evangelist, thelist! get HeavenLordBaltimo+Feb11 98Pe 
evilvileCincinnatus98 MM 25
evil-mindedmen did vilePhilOSopherMar24 88St 
evolutionO, to unveilSpicaNov20 00Co 
exclamationsnix! scat! O! la! meDCVerDec 1 07AP 
exorbitantbit on extraMabelP98 EO 
expatriationan ex-patriot, IDewSep15 08AP 
expeditesexit, speedKennethSep19 99Co 
explanationO, plan an exitMusicusJun 9 07NP 
extricatedI extractedEurekaAug 88 PP 
eyes, thethey seeAnonymeJan15 96Or 
fabricatecater a fibTheGopherDec27 05Co 
fabricatesi.e., bars factJamaicaMay 05 Or 
fabricationscoin a star fibOsapleSep 24 IRR 
facetiousnessfinest o' saucesBolisDec 1898 
faintheartednessthen it sends a fearSubRosaJan 7 88St 
fairy, thetheir fayDauntlessJun 1 05NP 
faithlessfalse, thisKennethFeb 7 99Co 
faithlessnessshines falsestMCSOct 6 00Pe 
family tree, theat my life thereESCrowFeb10 11Co 
farfetchedhard effectNelsonianJan 90 MR 
fashion, theoh, fine hatsBeechNutFeb18 88GD 
fatalitiesis fatal tieLordBaltimo+Jan 8 98MA 
favoritesset I favorDelianApr 2 01Co 
Februarybare furyDoubleUCaye+Sep23 93My 
felicitycity lifeNyasJul27 88Pn 74
fermentmen fretMCSJun21 12Co 
fervescentscent feverBalmarDec 1 00MA 
filamenta film netChasIHoustonApr12 87La 
filibusteringif I be rustlingTHMar 4 97My 
fillibusterbut fires illAniseLangJun 85 Pd 
finger alphabetafter help in gabMaudLynnOct22 87GD 
fire escapeI creep safeAnonymous or Pearson?(not dated?) 25,29
firebrandsfired barnsRemardoOct14 05NP 
flatteriesfalse, triteDelawareJul 05 TT 
flautista flutistHapMem90, ArtyEssApr14 06NP 30
flirtingtriflingHyperionDec 6 05Co 64
flying machine, themay hence in flightPercyVereMar11 10Co 
flying machines, thecan fly highest in 'emAtlantisAug29 14BI 
foolhardinessI end rash foolsMCSFeb 7 06Co 
foolhardinessheard fools sinChasIHoustonJan25 87Ts 
foolishlyO, his follyMCSFeb 97 Co 
foolishnessfool's shinesPearlieGlenJan15 98MA 
fool's errand, aon falser roadRemardoJun 16 FL 
football games, thegambol of athletesMolemiNov 11 IMM 
foranefar oneAdelanteJan30 15BI 
forbidden fruitO, duffer bit rindONEOneAug13 05NP 
foresterfor treesSaxonApr22 02Co 
forgetfulnessruffles gent soArtyEssApr 7 11Co 
fortitudedo fit truePrimroseDec31 97Pe 
fortifiedoft I firedArcanusJan23 00Co 
fortunateO turn, FateLieLeyNov 98 HC 
fortunetellers, thee'en foretell truthsRaeKingJul28 98GD 
forwardfrowardPrimroseMar23 01AP 
Fourth of Julyjoyful fourthKingCarnivalJun29 99AP 
fraternal societies, thehear, secret ties fail notQJul 11 IMM 
Frigid Zones, thethings die, frozeCincinnatusAug 98 MM 
gallantriesall great sinAnonymous1821 FarmA 
gallinippers, thethese nip, grip allAfterAllJul15 04AP 
galochea clog, heOsceolaFeb25 99GD 
galoshesshoes, galNovusHomoJun 26 IRR 
gambollamb goResoluteApr27 01AP 60,89
gendarme, thearmed gent, eh?StGermaineAug17 99AP 
geometricianenigmatic oreNelsonianJun14 94My 
germinationmeant originNelsonianMay 88 Maz 
gingersnapsPan's niggersMabelPMay 2 99Co 
glaciereglare iceJasonNov11 05NP 
gladiatora lad o' gritMCSDec 8 11Co 
glissade, theah, set glidesKennethJun 26 IRR 
gnosticismmists incog.ProteusOct30 96Pe 
gold mines, thethin gem lodesVictorNov 4 98GD 
golden weddingssign long weddedJohankFeb 03 Eu 
goodo' GodPrimroseJul 24 IRR 
Good FridayI'd God for ayTheoLogyApr 7 06TT 
Good Fridayrid gay foodEnavlicmJan13 13Co 
good-fellowshipof polished glowBolisDec 1898 
gopher, thehe gropethDelianMar27 05Co 
Gospel, theso get helpAmaranthIRR 
grade crossing, acars go; is dangerMolemiJun 1 06AP 38
granatea garnetEurekaApr 88 Mys 77
graniferoussure of grainComradeJun15 05AP 
grape juicea jug recipeRemardoOct 4 12Co 12
greyhoundhey, dog, runKingCarnivalDec 1898 58,77
grim reaper, theprime gathererAmaranthJan 26 IRR 79
grindstone, thethins torn edgeMolemiSep 1 06 69
groceryman, thename thy grocerBalmarFeb 98 MT 
grotesquerierites so queerScanDawJul 26 IRR 
grotesquequeer togsLewWardDec 1898 25
guardian spiritI a guard in tripsCAHJul18 13Co 
guardianshiphad raising upEnavlicmNov17 06NP 
gustotug soIvanONymnJul 7 06NP 
half-seas overshe favors aleJasonJun 2 00AP 
hallucinationhail on lunaticBalmarFeb10 00Pe 
ham sandwichman chaw'd hisHammondBaconAug26 10Co 
ham sandwich, aI chaw and mashHammondBaconAug26 10Co 
hard-boiled egg, aO, haggard edibleCrissCrossJan 5 98GD 
harlequinadequeer Hal and ITorfridaNov23 97Co 
hartebeestbeast thereBalmarteliaFeb24 00Pe 25
headsman, thedeath's man, heVioletJan 08 NP 
headstoneone's deathJamaicaMay10 03EO 
heart-heavinessah, Heaven is restPhilOSopherMay 5 88St 
hearthstoneone hath restHarry98 EO 
heavenly bodies, thehey! shine bold at eveRAreJan14 06NP 
heightshighestNeophyteAug 4 06NP 
heliostatsol heat itArcanusAP 
hesitatinglyis halting yetMolemiMar 9 07NP 45,69
heterodoxyexhort, do ye?THMay 1 08Co 
Hibernianismbe in IrishmanBalmarMar 2 00Pe 
Hibernianismsbe's in IrishmanSphinxNov 1 06AP 
Hibernicismbe nice IrishAvocaniaMar24 00MA 
hideousO, hide usMCSMay 2 99Co 
hieroglyphicsI hog sly cipherTheCeltNov 4 05NP 
highwayman, aaway! hang him 81HyperionMay15 00Co 
highwaymenwhy, I hang 'emPaleaDec 97 MT 
historiographyhi! ho! grip a storyJason05 GD 
holidayssaid holyLewWardDec24 86St 
holidaysah, so idlyMCSMay 10 IMM 
honeymooninggoin' on, O HymenMazyMaskerJul18 97Co 
honorableah, or noble 33TheGopherJul 7 06NP 
honorable mentionin honor to able menTeddyAug27 87GD 
horseless carriagesagile as racer horsesJohankMar15 02AP 
hostelrieshotels riseArcanusJul 4 00Co 
hot wavesheat vowsMayEssAug 98 MM 
house to lethotel [to] useMarkTapleyDec 1898 
housebreaker, thehe's a hut rob'er ekeNeophyteAug 96Nonp 
humoursomenessshun morose museMamAug 24 IRR 
hurricanesruin's reachTorfridaNov 4 03Co 
hypocritethe coy ripDanDLyonMar14 95My 
hypodermic needle, acalmer: I needed hypoDelmarIngle+Nov 1 06AP 
hystericalhalty cries 28RalphApr28 06NP 
hystericalla, thy criesEloiseMar25 10Co 
hystericshis set cryAnonymous62 Wheat 
iceman, theI cheat men 13AfterAllAug15 02AP 
iconodulistI count idolsArcanusMar13 00Co 
idealI lead 22KappaKappaOct 7 99AP 
idealsladiesJoMullinsJul27 99AP 
identifiessee, I find itUUscerNP 
ignis fatuusis it a fungus?RalphNov15 06AP 
ignorantno rating 29EveningStarJun 05 TT 
illuminateda dim lune litAlecSanderAug15 06 
illusionsso ill in usMCSMay 2 97Co 
imaginationO, I'm "nit" againSpicaSep 5 99Co 
imagination, thea thin image on itHuguenotFeb11 99GD 
imaginein imageCincinnatusNov18 98MM 
imitateI mate itEveningStarMay 05 TT 
imitationI am into itMCS98 EO 
immediateI made time 78EveningStarApr 05 TT 
impatienceI'm peace, nitEveningStarMay 05 TT 
impatientTim in a petAnonymous62 Wheat 
impatientlylate? my! pin itAnonymousNot Dated 
imperatorsa prime sortMCSFeb12 01Co 
impersonateto ape men, sirTheGopherMay 1 05AP 
impertinentmen pert in it 33KennethGD 
implicatedimplied actPaleaAug 1 03AP 
imprecatorycrime to prayDelianNov26 09Co 
impresarioI'm opera, sirAmaranthMar26 04EO 
impresario, anI opera man, sir 66VioletApr21 06NP 
improvisatoreto rimes I vaporSirUrianApr 4 99Co 
impulseimpel usMCSMay15 00Co 
inactionI, I cannotDelianBandOct17 99Co 
inanimateit am inaneZimmieSep30 05NP 
income taxesexact moniesJemandNot Dated 
incompleteone clipt meMCSSep16 02Co 
inconsideratenessis in sense "don't care"ArtyEssApr 5 05Co 
incredulityicily turnedDelianJun 5 00Co 
incubator, theI but hen actorONEOneOct13 06NP 
indemnitymy end in itNelsonianApr10 07Co 
Indian summerin a dimmer sunSansSouciDec 98 MT 
Indian summerin a dun simmerMCSSep24 01Co 
indigestiondieting is onJasonMar16 01AP 
indiscretionO, indirect sinNoxMar 5 17BI 
industriesdin tries usArcanusSep 6 99Co 
inebriatea beer in itResoluteSep30 05NP 
infernal regions, thelong sin-fire era thenDCVerMar 99 MT 
infernal regions, thesing [the] real infernoRalphJun 9 00AP 
infinitesimallylay in fine limitsAtlasOct 24 IRR 
inflammatory rheumatismit am harmful misery to manJohankMar31 01AP 
inheritanceI enrich neatJamaicaJan15 06AP 
inheritancethine in careRalphApr 10 IMM 
innovationsvain notionsMCSDec22 01EO 
innumerablea number lineBalmarMay26 00AP 
inquiry, theI hint queryBalmarApr14 00MA 
inroadon raid 35,51KennethJun12 00MA 
insane asylumsa sly man uses inBeechNutFeb 88 Mys 
insane asylums, thesee a sly man shut inAmaranthApr 7 11Co 
insane asylums, thesly mania thus seenAmaranthNot Dated 
inspirationO, I spin in artBalmarJan 6 00Pe 
inspiration, ananon in a spiritJejuneJun 97 MT 
insubordinateobdurate in sinONEOneNP 
insubordinationbad notions! I ruinNelsonianApr18 06Co 
insurancecan insureRevlosJun15 05NP 
insurgentgets run inMCSFeb28 99Co 
insurgentgent ruinsBalmarMay26 00AP 
insurgentI rent gunsBalmarMay26 00AP 
insurrectionruction risenBalmarJan 6 00Pe 
insurrectionist, thehe incites riot's turnEsperanceJul15 02AP 
integral calculuscalculating rulesRalphJun 3 02Co 
intemperanceI can repent meEZ2CNov10 87Ar 
interpolationstales in portionAlbaniaAug 1 06AP 
interpolatorslater portionsAlbaniaAug 1 06AP 
intonatessatin toneRexApr16 97Qu 
intrusionis to run inMCSDec24 01Co 
irateI tearDCVerAug 98 DC 
IrelandErin, lad 61AnonymousOct18 51NQ 
iron horse, theho! here I snortTraddlesNov 86 OMM 
isolatedlot asideRusticusJun 4 09Co 
issuedis usedPrimroseApr21 00Pe 
Italiana Latin, I 15,22,55WelredFeb 99 BIm 
Japanesea Jap seenLiPiApr 6 99AP 
Japanese irissir, I see JapanTranzaAug28 08Co 
jealousyslue a joyTHNov16 02EO 
jeremiadsamid jeersArcanusOct 3 99Co 
jeu d'esprit, aaid pure jestArcanusSep 1 06AP 
judiciaries, theI hired a justiceMolemiMay 5 07NP 
kindergartensgreen kids rant 61ZigZagJun24 99GD 
kleptomaniacspalms take coinLAllegroFeb 3 01EO 
kleptomaniacsMa nips a locketLAllegroFeb 3 01EO 
kleptomaniacsman stole a pickLAllegroFeb 3 01EO 
kleptomaniacsslam in a pocketLAllegroFeb 3 01EO 
kleptomaniacs, theoh, plastic men takePSychiaterJun 92 Lu 
kleptomaniacs, theoh, men pick at: stealEveningStarJun25 99AP 
kneebrushesbees' hunkersHerculesNot Dated 
lacerationlo, I can tearMerryMackFeb 10 IMM 
lamentationto an ailmentMusicusJun16 07NP 
lamentationslisten at moanONEOneSep 2 07NP 
landholderlandlord, heEnavlicmFeb 08 NP 
landscape gardener, thecan grade her steep landRemardoJun23 11Co 
laughing gasha! I gag lungsNecroMAncerJan28 89Me 
lawbreakerswe balk arrestSylviaNP 
leadershiprip! he leadsKennethMar 4 99GD 
legal profession, theah, I'll get proofs seenBeechNutDec 5 97Co 
legal profession, thehint: pools large feesBeechNutDec 5 97Co 
legal profession, theis one of largest helpWUppDec 1898 
legal profession, thesole great help of sinSirUrianJul 5 98Co 
legerdemainmere leadingPhilOSopherApr20 89St 
legerdemainists, thesee tried sleight menVioletMay 5 07NP 
legislature, theI see legal truthRalphMay 01 Sx 
lightheartedlyhit gladly thereBeechNutJan 91 PC 
lily of the valley, thethy lovely leaf liethJimCRackMar29 88Pe 
Limburger cheesee'er see milch grub?RemardoMar27 15BI 
limericksslick rime 28HexagonyJun12 08Co 
limitedtime lidComradeMay 09 AP 
lipothymousyouth so limpDickCMay15 90MA 
lips, thelispethONEOneFeb 09 NP 
liquidateI quit deal 35OREgonJun22 99AP 
loathelo, hate 83NeophyteMay26 06AP 
local-option law, theoh, la! call wet potionTranzaMay15 08Co 
locomotive, aO, coal move itDCVerOct16 97MA 
lonesomeme so lonePaleaMay 01 Sx 
lonesomeO, men loseGwendolineMar26 09Co 
lonesomenessO, solemn senseMCSNov13 07Co 
Lord's Day, theadd holy restNibbsDec 1898 
Lord's Prayer, theDrs., try real hopeNecroMAncerSep 86 OMC 
Lord's Prayer, thethy errors plead 51AceMar21 98MA 
Lord's Prayer, thepester "old Harry"JasonMay 01 Sx 
Lord's Prayer, thesorry heart pledRemardoSep 16 FL 
lowlandall down 19EnavlicmMar16 07NP 
lowspiritednessdepression wiltsEfFenDec 1898 
lubricationit can oil rub 79RemardoAug18 11Co 
lubricatorsoil cart rubsJamaicaJan 01 MT 
lugubriousnesssign us "our blues"PhonogJul16 91My 
lunar eclipsepale relic sunBVerMar 97 MT 
madameam dameCincinnatusJan 5 99MM 
maelstromlame storm 80PrimroseSep 96 Ca 
maenadmad ane 72IMWiseAug19 99GD 
magistratea grim stateEveningStarJun 05 TT 
magistrateI tag masterDuncanOct14 99GD 
magneticmagic netEurekaNov 87 OMM 
magneticala magic lentEurekaNov 87 OMM 
maidensmen's aidArcanusAug 1 97Co 
malcontentssent not calNyasMay16 95My 
malcontentsnot calm nestLAllegroFeb10 01EO 
malevolentlament loveEveningStarJun 05 TT 
malingerererring maleEnavlicmNot Dated 
malversationevil arts, O manEnavlicmSep 08 NP 
mandatorydo try a manIMWiseJul 99 MT 
manufactories, thefast machine routeVioletAug18 06NP 
maple sugarreal sap gumCARJun 6 13Co 
marchioness, aah, so nice a Mrs.JasonMar15 05AP 
marriagea grim era 27NoxAug 9 13BI 
marriage, theheart mirageTomAHawkMar 1 08AP 
martial lawI'm all at warVictorDec 1898 
masqueradequeer as madAnonymous62 Wheat 
masquerader, thequeer sham trade 13LateoSep16 06NP 
mass meetingtimes men gasStoclesDec24 08Co 
mastera set Mr.JasonMay15 05AP 
masterpiece, asee me, I cap artDCVerNov 06 Or 
matrimonialanti-immoralAlecSanderJan 6 06TT 
matrimoniallyI, Mar lot, mainlyMCSDec19 99Co 
matrimonyinto my armAnonymous62 Wheat 20
matrimonyI try? no, m'amGwendolineSep 5 97Co 
measuredmade sureEnavlicmJun 08 NP 
mechanical powers, themachines to help a crewORangeAug 91 Ke 
mechaniciansI scan machineBalmarJan20 00Pe 
mediationsno, it aids meEssEllApr21 06NP 
meditationI nod at timeCAHFeb 12 IMM 
meditationsO, in dim stateAhmedDec24 87St 
melancholiesa solemn chielJoMullinsFeb 9 99MM 
Memorial Daylaid a memoryAnnieLaurieMay 93 Th 33
Memorial Dayo'er a mild MayLieLeyDec 1898 
Memorial DayO, real 'mid MayTorfridaApr18 97Co 
Memorial Daya memory dialTorfridaMay20 97My 
book agent, thetho' keen to gabSretawGD 
merchant princesscan pert rich menMyselfMar16 07NP 
merchant tailorman art clothierBinksJan12 99MM 
merchantsstarch menRemardoNov18 05NP 
messieurssirs use meJasonMar15 05AP 
metamorphosesmore shapes, TomROVerFeb12 87St 
metaphysiciansmystics in a heapTHApr 2 01Co 
Methodistthe modistBalmarNov15 02MA 
Methodist, aat this modeBalmarOct 4 02MA 
midnightdim thingEZ2CDec 1898 23
midshipmanmind his mapAnonymous62 Wheat 
mince piesspice in 'emIthacaSep29 87Ar 
ministerI, I'm sternLewWardJun18 87St 
ministersin timerRalphDec15 01AP 
minister, ais rite manSpudAug 23 IRR 
ministersremit sinsONEOneApr20 05NP 
minutestime sun 29Resolute05 GD 
mirageimagerKennethOct 25 IRR 
mirageair gemRaeKingJul28 98GD 
misallianceam in ill caseMCSJul14 03Co 
misanthropespare him notAnonymous1833 FarmA 
misanthropehate romps inJasonMar15 05AP 
misanthrope, ais po' man-haterBalmarMay12 00AP 
misanthrope, aO, rip hates manTheCeltJan20 06NP 
misanthrope, thehip! hate men sortEveningStarAug15 89Mc 
misanthropes, thehi! stop! men-hatersLarryMcGuig+Aug18 00MA 
misarrangedMars readingNyasJul 6 88Pn 
mischief-makermark if I schemeBolisNov 7 85GD 
misericordiasO, sir, amid criesAniseLangAug 9 88Pe 
misrepresentationSimon Peter in tearsRWHJrJul 65 REL 
misrepresentationmet a pretension, sirAniseLangJul13 86Ts 
misrepresentationsir, am I not pretense?AniseLangDec15 02AP 
misrepresentationstire a missent personMCSAug27 01Co 
mistressMrs. is setJasonMay15 05AP 
misunderstoodso some did turnDonOSNov 3 83GD 
molarsmorsalAlTTudeNot Dated 
moldinessI'm oldnessAniseLangApr 91 Es 
monasteriesamen storiesLordBaltimo+96 GD 
monasteriesis a rest, O menRAreDec 8 06NP 
monasteries, thestern homes a tieVictorJul 8 99GD 
monasteryO, many restSaxonSep 9 02Co 
monasterymy one starFAEISep 65 REL 
monetarymoney artRalphJul14 00AP 
money-changer, aone charge manyPhilAug23 03EO 
monopolistmost in poolTHSep 4 07Co 
monument, aon mute manHyperionMar23 04Co 
moonlightthin gloom 40,43JasonFeb15 05AP 
moonlightnight loomJasonMay15 05AP 
morganaticallyall gay, romanticComradeMay 05 Or 
mosquitoesO, Moses! quit 20,40TranzaOct23 08Co 
Mother Carey's chickenscon the merry sea-chicksAniseLangJul31 87La 
mother-in-law, athe woman liarRalphMar31 00AP 
mother-in-law, awoman railethBalmarteliaMay19 00Pe 
mother-in-law, ahowler at man, IAfterAllNP 
mothers-in-lawwhat roils menBolisDec 1898 
mothers-in-lawshow men trialNyasDec 1898 
mountebanknote: am bunkAmaranthJan 24 IRR 
mourningO, grim nunAnonymous62 Wheat 
moustachesmouth casesShooFlyAug 96 Qs 
MuscovitesSoviet scumHerculesNot Dated 
mutteringemit gruntAnonymousNot Dated 
mysteriousO, 'tis my ruseTryonOct 16 FL 
murderousrum-rousedMarmionJun 1 97MB 
nanosomiaO, O, a nanismAlTTudeNot Dated 
nasturtiumsmust train usCAHNov17 11Co 
negotiateI get a noteCincinnatusFeb 9 99MM 
neighborbore nighMabelPJun25 01Co 
neotericO, I recentAlTTudeNot Dated 
Netherlandsstern land, eh?MCSNov 5 01Co 
neurasthenicache in unrestArcanusSep19 06Co 
newspaper editorswe do print as peersMolemiOct 1 06AP 
newspaper editors, thesee order apt with pensJohnnyJumpupAug15 89Mc 
newspaper reporter, anewer reports appearBinksDec24 98GD 
newspaper reporters, thetop news preparers thereJamaicaJun 97 MT 
night-blooming cereus, an.b., it graces gloom in hue GeminiNov 9 89GD 
night sweatsthings wasteArcanusApr 1 08AP 
nightingalesla, the singingBeechNutDec 1898 1923,1971
Nilghiri nettlesill sting thereinHerculesNot Dated 
no admittancecan't admit oneDCVerMay 1897 Di 
no trespassingstop an ingress 4*P82DCVerDec 1898 
nom de plume, amodel name upVictorMay13 99GD 
nomenclatorscontrol namesLMNTerryOct13 00AP 1943,1977
nomenclaturelone curt nameMCSApr13 04Co 
nominatednamed on itONEOneApr 5 05NP 
nominatesname it, sonBalmarJan 00 MT 
nominatingon naming itBalmarJan 01 MT 
nostalgialost againRalphJan28 02Co 1963
nursery rhyme, amerry sun-ray, eh?EnavlicmApr 7 07NP 
obliterateserase! blot itONEOneNov 09 NP 1922,1943
obscuritiesbest curios, IMCS1893 Obsc 
obstinatenessobtain setnessTomAHawkSep 98 MM 
odontalgia, thea n.g. tooth ailedBalmarMay12 00AP 
old-fashionedI on shelf? O, Dad!Not Dated 
old maid, anI'm no lad, MaQMar 1 12Co 
old maids, thesad lot hid 'emPOStageDec 1898 
old mastersart's modelsTraddlesDec 1898 
old soldierdose o' drillDarbyJul26 94My 
old soldierO, so drilledDelianJan27 04Co 
open sesameope: man seesRemardoJan 6 06NP 
opera glasses, theah, stop! sees largeEZ2CJan 89 PP 
operationsO, I spare notFireglowApr12 94My 
opinionatelyI yelp a notionGeminiJul23 87GD 
oratorto roarTHDec15 06AP 
orchestrationart tones' choirWESternMay 01 Sx 
orientalismloiter in SiamRemardoMay15 15BI 
orientalistriot in talesSpicaSep12 99Co 
outsidersousted, sirJackOLanternJun 25 IRR 
overcoat, thecover to heatKennethDec 1903 
overcoatingstogs in a coverAlecSanderMar10 06NP 
overcoatsas to coverArcanusSep 5 06Co 
paina nipLyra1888 Pz
palmistryI try palmsArcanusApr24 08Co 
palpitatedled pit-a-patAniseLangNov10 1889Th 1919
paralysisa palsy, sirEurekaDec 1898 
parentalpaternalJasonSep15 02AP 
parenthesisset phrase inByrnehcDec 1898 
parliamentpartial men62 Wheat 
parliamentapt men railJasonMar 3 00AP 
partisanraps antiJasonJul 1 06AP 
pasquilerreal quipsBinksDec 1898 
pasquinadessend as a quipAlliteratic+Aug28 86GD 
pastries, thepies, tarts, eh?VioletNot Dated 
patellaa platelIMWiseMar31 00Pe 
patent medicines, thedeath pits entice menESCrowAug24 11Co 
paterfamiliasa familiar pestNoxSep 9 11BI 
pedanticalI plead cantSphinxApr 99 Or 
pedestrialstride, leapEmmaLineApr 10 IMM 
pedestrian, thehe trained stepROChesterSep 5 99Co 
penetratedentered patRemlapAug 98 MM 
penetratinglyaptly enteringLieLeyAug 98 DC 
penetrationI open at rentSwampAngelMar26 01Co 
penetrationa point enterTHJan26 02EO 
penetrationPa, to enter inBeechNutNov10 06NP 
penitentiaryay, repent in it 4*P81BalmarApr 00 Qu 
penitentiarya rent in pietyTHMar 1 07AP 
perambulationa ramble up, intoNutmegJun 79 PO 
penuriousnesspennies sour usMCSOct 8 1901Co 1919
penuriousnessno use in pursesMCSOct 8 01Co 
perambulationa ramble upon itAniseLangOct 1 91St 
perambulatorup to a ramblerTHJul 7 01EO 
perambulatorsour able trampsSpicaJul18 98Co 
perambulatorypray ramble outMCSJun15 03AP 
performanceprance for meWildRoseDec 1898 
perissologicalsip real logic soRexMar 1880 MK 
perpetual motiona pet motor-lie punTowheadApr13 1888Pn 
perpetual motionI pump eternal, tooStoclesApr26 98Co 1948
persecutionpierce us notDCVerJun 1899 MT 
persecutionpine to curseTH1903 EO 
personificationsO, can fit in pose, sirAniseLangJul24 86GD 
persuasionno, I use rapsMCSNov 3 00AP 
pessimistMiss SpiteArtyEssMar15 03AP 
phantasmagoriarap on: I am aghastLeoneNov 97 NC 
phantasmagorichas no magic part 42AniseLangOct23 86GD 
phantasmagorygo any sham partNecroMAncerFeb 80 MK 
pharisaicalnessa precisian's lashDorothyDool+Oct 5 89HT 
pharmaceuticala chemical art upBalmarAug19 10Co 
pharmacist, theah, part chemist 28AlcyoApr15 89Th 
philanderernear'd her lipLInconnuFeb 1 08AP 
philanderingsherald piningsRusticusOct27 11Co 
philosopher's stone, theth' sophister's lone hopePygmalionDec 1898 
picture postcards, theth' art product speciesSphinxAug12 11BI 
pigment, apaint gemBalmarApr 00 Qu 
Pilgrimsgrim lipsSansSouciOct16 00Co 
pinaforesfie!ApronsNox Jul 4 14BI
pioneerI peer on 20ArcanusSep13 99Co 
piratestrip seaKingCarnivalNov25 05NP 
pit-a-pata tip-tapAfterAllAug 07 TT 
plantationa plant on itBalmarJul 97 Di 
platonicno lip actAngloJan15 09AP 
Platonic lovea cloven pilotAbelEmAP 
plauditspits laudBalmarApr 00 Qu 
plenipotentiaryI, I plenty near topSpicaDec 3 02Co 
poacherscop haresNoxJan27 17BI 
poet laureatea lute to a peerBolisFeb 6 86GD 
poetasterErato's pet?ErnestJan 89 Mys 
poetastrypoet strayNyasAug17 94My 
poiseI pose 35RemardoDec16 05NP 
poison gassoon I gasp 82RayleRhoderOct 26 IRR 
police department, thea tried competent helpAmaranthMay 25 IRR 
police force, thelo, the fierce copRaeKingMay20 98GD 
police stationO, cops in it lateResoluteDec23 05NP 
policemanmenial copOWLOct11 85ML 
policeman'elp a-comin'AnonymousNot Dated 
policemanLena, I'm copGemini95 GD 
policemanI'l name copNeophyteMay 97 MT 79
porcupinesuse pin cropArcanusMar30 07NP 
porterhouse steak, aHe eats pure OK roastJasonJul 1 06AP 
portraitsI sport artMabelPSep20 99Co 
PoseidonO, dips oneMCSMay 2 99Co 
positionso I pointDelianBandOct17 99Co 
pospoliteI spot PoleLMNTerrySep 1 04AP 
post-mortem examinationam expiration to most menMaudLynnMar 88 Mys 
postagea PO getsEnavlicmFeb 17 FL 
postage stampsSam's pet PO tagsJamaicaNov 98 MD 
posterior naresis port rear noseBalmarNov 00 MT 
postmaster, thestamps theretoSouConOct28 16BI 
postponementme pent; no stopPrimroseApr16 09Co 
practicablebe practicalRalphJan 4 05Co 
precautionI put on careCincinnatusJun15 99AP 73
precipitationPop, cite it rainMusicusJul 08 NP 
promisesimposersSamSlickMay 1915 
precipitationpet topic: I rainRemardoJan 3 13Co 
predestinationrepent? 'tis no aidDewNot Dated 
predestinationI pertain to endsLordElwoodJul 7 07NP 
predicamentpent 'mid careJasonMar 08 Or 
predicationa predictionNelsonianSep17 87St 
preliminaryprimary lienTH03 EO 
premeditationsat times I ponder 72RusticusSep15 06AP 
prerogativeI prove greatTHOct14 00EO 
presentationalismtops innate realismIMWiseJan12 01AP 
prestidigitatorGreat Spirit, do itFritzBlitzApr 88 Mys 
prestidigitatorI do stir great pitAtlasDec 4 97MA 
preternaturalunreal part artNelsonianMay 9 99Co 
Prince of Darkness, thearch-fiend sent pokersSphinxDec25 90St 
printer's devil, api-servant riledOpieShawNov27 86GD 
privateersman, thethrive, pert seamanBeechNutApr 96 ME 
proclamationclamor a pointJasonDec 1903 
procrastinationnor is part actionLivRPoolMar24 83GD 
Procyonidaea coon I'd preyBalmarteliaFeb24 00Pe 
prodigal sonO, plod in ragsNoxFeb21 14BI 
prodigal son, theO, sporting lad, heBolisJan 8 87St 
prodigal son, thepost on, glad heirArcanusNov21 06Co 
prodigal son, thelo, get his pardon 37RAreJan 08 NP 
prodigal son, thehi! a golden sportHoratioAug23 13BI 
prodigalitydo trip gailyNelsonianSep 88 PP 
producedue cropRosieMontJul15 02AP 
profanityany profit?DelianJun 3 02Co 
progressivegive or pressMayLeHosmerDec 1898 
progressivenesssing, press ever soWESternOct15 87Jo 
prohibitionno, I prohibitGiGanticOct15 08AP 
prohibitionistson, I prohibit itQNov 3 11Co 
prolegomenonone long proemSphinxFeb 99 Or 
promissory note, apayor remits soonMajorDomoFeb 98 HC 
promissory notenot rosy promiseRalphMar 01 Sx 
pronunciamentopronounce it, manBalmarMay26 00AP 
prophetess, aprates hopesHerculesNot Dated 
proposal, thela, pops to herGuidonDec 1903 
prosecutionpose in court 62GwendolineJun 5 07Co 
prosecutorcourt poser 84JasonApr 1 07AP 
prosperityis property 11ArtyFishelOct22 86St 
pseudonym, aO, dupes manyVioletNP 
ptomainepain moteArcanusApr10 08Co 
punishmentnine thumps 211821 FarmA 
quadranglessquare angl'dRalphJun 01 Sx 
quartermasterqueer smart artNelsonianMay 89 MRe 
questionerone querist 40MargarettaJul 4 06Co 
radiator, thehot air tradeWilhelminaDec 2 05NP 
radio, theair doethEurekaSep 24 IRR 
railroad engineers, thereal heroes: danger in itROChesterJan 7 05NP 
railroads, theO, shared trailAChefNov 24 IRR 
real estate agentsgreat at net leasesBinksJul 8 99GD 
received paymentevery cent paid meDCVerJul14 97GD 
receptaclessecret placeRalphMar29 06Co 
receptionon receiptRalphJul15 08AP 
reception hall, ala, nice portal, eh?AtlantisNot Dated 
recipientin receiptJasonDec15 01AP 
recommendationI commend on rate 28MusicusJan 08 NP 
recreationsno race tiresAniseLangSep12 85GD 
recreationsno care: I restLordBaltimo+Jan13 00Pe 
recriminationssin! crime! O, I rantSpicaNov16 04Co 
rectitudetrue edictRalphJul20 02EO 
recuperatescures repeatSpicaAug25 00AP 
red, white and blueah, we bled under itSphinxSep13 98Co 
red, white and blueah, true wide blendDCVerNov13 97MA 
red, white and blue, the three-hued blend, I watRaymondJun29 99AP 
redintegrationtorn, it regainedNov25 86GP 
sentimentit sent menPearson 
regulationgit on a ruleIMWiseNov 00 MT 
regulationto gain ruleTheGopherJul 9 05NP 
reiterationon ear it tireICDimlyAug14 08Co 
reliancereal niceMCSSep 8 03Co 
religionlo! I reignNyasJun15 93My 
relinquishmentquits inner helmKennethNov27 00Co 
relinquishmentsinner, quit helmAdelanteOct18 09Co 
remembrancecan remember 57MCSMar 1 02AP 
remorsesome errAnnieCoeNov10 89Th 
remunerationI am one returnLordBaltimo+Feb 99 Or 
renewalreal new 42PrimroseApr21 00Pe 
renunciationunion I recantDorothyDool+Mar 1 08AP 
renunciationI, I can turn oneGwendolineNov20 08Co 
repletionO, plentierCintiJrJan 93 MaM 
representationone art I presentAniseLangSep 86 AmP 
representationO, pretense in artMusicusJan 09 NP 
reprobatebear toperBalmarDec18 00Co 
repulserepel us 55NoxAug 5 16BI 
reputationspure stationLordBaltimo+Dec18 97MA 
requiescatquiets care 12,75GwendolineDec 1 90St 
requiescat in pacepeace's quiet cairnZoroasterSep12 97GD 
requiescatquiet acresMabelPJun20 99Co 
rescuesecure 16MissTReeMay 87 Ar 
residentis rentedMabelPFeb23 01AP 
resignationI go in an' restMarmionNov10 83GD 
resolutionssoul tries onMCSJan21 02Co 
resortor restOsceolaSep23 99GD 
respirationone air spirtBeechNutMar 1 05AP 
restaurantruns a treatTHJun21 05EO 
restaurant, thehe ran eat trustVioletNP 
restraininga string reinMCSDec26 99Co 
retort, ao'er tartDelianSep18 00Co 
retractionor recant itBalmarApr 7 00Pe 
retributionO, bitter ruin 42NelsonianJan22 87St 
retributionruin to tribe 20THDec18 03EO 
retributionO, I return bitGwendolineJun12 07Co 
revelationsreveal it, son 17RalphMar15 05AP 
revolutionaryone rivalry outQuidamApr 05 TT 
revolutionistrevulsion to itAniseLangDec 1 86GP 
rheumatismhurts MamieMCSJul11 99Co 
ridiculousludicrous, I 22,64,87NelsonianAug 87 Mys 
ridiculousnessson ridicules usHarlyQuinJul 8 99GD 
righteousnessone's right usesMCSSep 5 97Co 
robin redbreastbest bird; rare? no 79SamWellerAug13 81GD 
robin redbreastnear or best birdTHMar 11 Co 
robin redbreast, theBert, hear bird notesHensalMay 9 85GD 
robin redbreast, theher best ornate birdDCVerJan 99 MT 
robin redbreast, thebest roan bird thereSylviaJul21 06NP 
robin redbreast, theO, then, best rare birdArcanusMay13 10Co 
rogues' gallery, theleery toughs glareVioletAug25 06NP 
rosary, thehear storyBalmarSep 1 11Co 
sacerdotala sacred lot 71,88NestorDec 1898 
sacerdotalisttotal is sacred 28BalmarJan20 00Pe 
sacerdotalist'tis a sacred lotBalmarJan20 00Pe 
sacred ibis, thehe is caste birdGentleAnnieMay26 00MA 
Saint Patrick's DayPat's act: drink aisyJohankMar15 02AP 
saleratusa sure salt 85Not Dated 
salesladiesideal lassesNoxJul31 15BI 
saleslady, aay, Ada sellsNeophyteApr25 05NP 
sanctimoniousnessson, I scout sins: amenNelsonianJun 05 EO 
saponaceousO, can use soapAniseLangOct 5 86Ts 
sargassoO, as grassRalphDec18 08Co 
satisfactionfits as a tonicRABNNov 79 MK 
saucinesscauses sinDelianAug 7 00Co 
schoolmastersmote scholarJackOLanternApr20 89GD 
schoolmistress, aO, to miss her class!TwoJohnsMar 4 99GD 
scripturetrue scripBalmarMay12 00AP 
sea foamam of [sea]JoKingDec 97 HC 
seancea sceneRalphNov 03 NP 
searchlight, aHa! clear sightRemlapDec 1898 
seaside, theah, see tidesDiamondBar95 GD 
seclusionclose us inBalmarJul28 00MA 
sedimentarymany see dirtMargarettaJan 1 01AP 
seesawingin wee sagsMazyMaskerAug 8 97Co 
self-defencefeels fencedMCSJul10 00Co 
self-importancelo! man is perfectSamWellerMar 3 83GD 
self-preservationsever no life partsSamWellerDec 1898 
self-preservationpersons live afterMCSFeb 7 06Co 
self-seekingsee self-kingMCSMay27 02Co 
semaphoresee arm hopAmaranthMar 06 Or 
semestersees termNot Dated 
sempiternalPS, I'm eternalRalphMar15 05AP 
senatora Nestor 54NelsonianFeb13 07Co 
sensationas tensionTH99 EO 
sensationalismis almost insaneMCSAug24 04Co 
separatesee apart 00,13,83ROChesterJan 5 88Ms 
separateda tear spedNot Dated 
separationone is apartRalphJul 1 06AP 
separatistis set apart 16THMay27 01EO 
septentrionaltints near poleAhmedSep13 88St 
septuagenarianNature's pain ageAbelEmDec 07 Or 
serein, asee rain 24ArcanusJul 97 Or 
serenadingdin enragesMCSApr24 00Co 
sergeant at arms, thearrest them as a gentBinksDec 1898 
seriousnessis sour sensePrimroseDec24 97Pe 
shadowhow sadDelianBandOct17 99Co 
shadowssad showAdelanteAug 04 Eu 
shapephaseKennethNot Dated 
sheepherdersshepherds e'erRemardoOct20 06NP 
shepherdess, theshe herd'st sheepRalphMay 01 Sx 
shooting matcheshaste! shot comingJohankSep 1 01AP 
shoplifter, ahas to pilferEssEllSep 4 08Co 11,35,71
shoplifter, thethief: her plotsWilhelminaNP 
shopliftershosts pilfer 44MolemiFeb 6 07Co 
shrubberyberry bush 45RemardoJun25 07NP 
sign of the cross, thehe's right to confessALSJul15 05AP 
signalla, sign 26BinksJul 8 99GD 
signaleda sign ledNoxJul18 14BI 
signaturea true sign 34NelsonianDec29 88OM 
silent majority, thelament: 'tis their joyBalmarApr 97 MIn 
silent majority, thelet's join it, my heartSphinxMay15 91St 
silver mineI've mineralsCincinnatusDec 2 99AP 
simianis I man? 70MCSAug 5 02Co 
sinecuresure nice 23,50BalmarMay26 00AP 
sinistertries sinArcanusAug 8 97Co 
sinistrous'tis our sinsAniseLangAug10 86Ts 
siren, aI snareNot Dated 
slanderousdone as slurBolisDec 1898 
slaughterchast ruleProteusJun 90 PC 
sleigh ride, thehere is delightRosieMontJan 5 99MM 
sleigh rideshe glides, sirMCSJan 9 07Co 
slipperinessperils spinesNoxMar14 14BI 
slot machinescash lost in 'emMolemiJun 1 06AP 
slough of despond, thefondled hopes go thusBolisDec 1898 
smart setstars metJasonMay25 01AP 
smithymy! hitsEnavlicmMar30 07NP 
sneak thief, ahe fain takesCantTellSep26 97Co 
sneak thievesvie the snakesRebusMythNov 98 MM 
societyO, icy setCSawFeb18 98Pe 
softheartednessoften sheds tearsBolisDec 1898 
solar systemye sol'm starsJACobMay27 99GD 
solar system, thelo! these my stars 13JackOLanternDec 8 92My 
soldier of fortune, theto hustle friend or foeKosciuskoMc+Dec 1 04AP 
soldierlyso ye drill 69MolemiNov 25 IRR 
solemnityO, my! silentEnavlicmSep23 06AP 
solitariness'tis alone, sirsLAllegroJun18 96My 
solitary confinementO, crafty men sit lone inJamaicaDec19 97Co 
solitary confinementcrafty men so lone in itRemardoFeb 07 Or 
soothsayersso others sayDelianOct13 00Pe 
soothsayersoh, tyro assesDelianOct13 00Pe 
sound moneyO, sunny modeTHFeb11 97My 
sovereigntyyes, govern itMCSNov 8 98Co 
sovereigntyye it governs 48VikingNov25 03Co 
Spanish Inquisition, theoh, pain is in this inquestLateoAug11 07NP 
special delivery stampsprice speeds mail vastlyDCVerAug28 00Co 
spectatorsactors' petsKingCarnival98 GD 
speculationacute slip onProteusApr30 97Pe 
speculationscounts a pileSphinxFeb20 00Co 
speculationpeculationsSphinxFeb20 00Co 
speculationa silent coupSphinxFeb20 00Co 
speculationunclose a tipSphinxFeb20 00Co 
speculatorsto pass lucreSNortersDec 1898 
spiritual-mindednessa true mind dispels sinWillIAmMay19 06NP 
splatter-facedflat red aspectJamaicaMay 01 Sx 
spontaneouspause not, sonNelsonianAug30 85ML 
squab, aas quabKennethNot Dated 
staghounda dog hunts 23AtlantisAug 1 05AP 
Star-spangled Banner, thebear pean: land's strengthDCVerDec 1898 
Star-spangled Banner, thesent her grand pean blastSamWellerDec 1898 
state criminalsa miscreant listAceFeb 5 98MA 
state penitentiary, theyea, sent that I repent itAtlasJul20 02EO 
statementtestament 70AfterAllDec29 06NP 
Statue of Libertya style [of] tributeWUppDec 1898 
Statue of Libertyset for beauty litTryonAug20 05NP 
steadfastnessstands safe setAniseLangApr 1 89Th 
stealthyat the slyTheGopherAug13 05NP 
stenographerane short pagerKingCarnivalJan 6 06NP 
stenographershort pen rageNecroMAncerMar 86 OMC 
stenographer, theher star pen goethHerculesSep 25 IRR 
stereopticonsee torn topicHIStoryJan 5 89GD 
stethoscopeto pose chest 84RalphOct 1 05AP 
stimulatesmalt: its useEnavlicmFeb23 07NP 
stonyheartedhard testy oneEnavlicmSep16 07NP 
straitlaceda deal strict 23Enavlicm06 EO 
stratagemsstart gamesRalphApr 1 07AP 
strenuousnessstuns our senseMCSOct12 93My 
stutteringsing t-t-trueTowheadMay 16 FL 
subordinatesit under a bossCincinnatusAug 98 MM 
subsidiarybuys aid, sirBalmarJan20 00Pe 
substitutionno, but it suitsMCSJun 6 06Co 
subterfugebut refugesNyphoNot Dated 
subtlybut slyKennethJan25 99Pe 
suggestionit eggs us onArtyEssJun19 08Co 
summer solsticemuse cites Mr. SolTranzaMay26 11Co 
summertimemute simmerMCSMay 1 96En 
sunrise, theshines trueKTBMay 6 02Co 
sunshine, thethus in sheenTheGopherJan 27 IRR 
superficialnessspin surface liesTHMay 99 EO 
superioror rise upArcanusSep13 99Co 
superiorityO, purity, riseUltramundaneJul31 08Co 
supernaturalismsunrealisms trap usJamaicaMay 97 Or 
superstitionsI trust in posesEnavlicmNot Dated 
surgeongo, nurse92 Walsh 
sweatwasteRemlapNov18 98MM 
sweetheartthe wee artsAnnieMAug27 86St 
sweetheartshe we treatGuidonMar16 01AP 
sympatheticalah, calmest pityRemardoOct14 11BI 
sympatheticallymy pathetic sallyMCSSep28 97Co 
talebearerbe a relaterPolyOct 97 BIm 
tantrumsmust rant 19,27DCVerJun20 97GD 
tatterdemalionmeant old attire 34NelsonianApr 6 87Pm 
tax collectorcert! coax tollAmaranthMar26 04EO 
taxicab, theeach tax bitPrimroseJul29 10Co 
telegraph operatorspoles gather a reportAtlasMay 26 IRR 
telegraph operatorslo! great hero tappersSansSouciMar 2 99MM 
temperamentmeant temperMCSMar 7 06Co 
tempestuousseems put outMCSFeb 7 06Co 
templatea templetIMWiseSep 1 00AP 
temptationsto tempt a sinBinksMay 99 Pu 
temptationsO, attempt sinRalphDec15 01AP 
Ten Commandments, thecan't mend the most menJustaParsonMay 97 Or 
Ten Commandments, thesect men damn them notJamaicaMay 97 Or 17
Ten Commandments, theman, commend th' tenetsREveMay 97 Or 
Ten Commandments, thedonts: cement them, manLordBaltimo+May 97 Or 
Ten Commandments, theth' tenets command menComradeMay 97 Or 
Ten Commandments, thechats me'nt to mend menAceNot Dated 
Ten Commandments, thetenants commend themSindbadMar 5 97Pe 
tergiversationis a reverting toRusticusSep15 06AP 
tergiversationO, 'tis a revertingAdelanteNov 7 06Co 
termaganttarget: manTHJun 9 01EO 
terpsichoreanrate nicer hopsChasIHoustonSep24 86St 
testimonialI mean it, lotsMCSMay14 01Co 
thanatopsistho' 'tis a spanHattieHeathMay12 88St 
theatricalshit real acts 49MCSJul19 98Co 
theatricalsreal act, thisComradeJun15 05AP 
theatricalsact real hits 23QApr 7 11Co 
theic, atea? hic!HerculesNot Dated 32
therapeuticalheal it: apt cureEssEllFeb 07 Or 43
thereuponhere put onAspiroDec16 99Pe 
thermos bottle, abest real hot, TomJSeezerJun26 15BI 
thundershower, aone hard wet rushJohankSep 1 01AP 
thundershower, ahas wet 'round herDonatelloApr 09 AP 
thunderstorm, athud tears mornDauntlessOct 7 05NP 
tiers etattri-estateCSawMay 99 Pu 
tiradeI ratedDCVerAug 98 DC 
tombstonesset on tombsAmaranthJul30 01EO 
tomfoolerylo! toy for meMazyMaskerAug22 97Co 
tornado, theon to dearthCAHDec22 11Co 
tortoise-shell butterflyO, it'll flutter by the rosesAsianNov19 91My 
total abstinencea bottle instanceNecroMAncerApr 88 OMC 
touchstoneoh, unco testBolisAug 1 85GD 
tourmalinemineral outDeRalfOct25 84GD 
tradesmenneedMartsDCVer Aug 4 06NP
tragedianegad! I rantNestorFeb25 90Th 
tragediestide ragesMazyMaskerMay12 00Pe 
trainit ranLewWardAug27 87GD 
train dispatcher, thehe directs [train] pathRexFordMar 2 99MM 
trained nursesendure strainsRusticusMay15 08AP 
trained nurses, thetender hearts in usRusticusMay15 08AP 
transitoryis tarry notNecroMAncerMar16 87Pm 
transportationtrots on in a trapAmaranthAug11 01EO 
traveling salesman, theah, even smart at sellingDCVerJul28 97GD 
travelling salesman, the ha!Marvel sent at sellingIvanhoeNov 1 91St 
treacherousruse or cheatNoxJun 2 17BI 
treasonableO, rebel SatanTHMar17 00AP 
treasuredrated sureMCSJul 5 94My 
treasuredtrue dearsMCSJul 5 94My 
tribulationsis but on trialAvocaniaMay26 00Pe 
troubadour, thethou outre bardPygmalionNov 6 86GD 
trustworthinesstruth's sworn tiesCSawMay28 96My 
turkey gobblersrely OK, best grubGwendolineNov25 10Co 
twilightwith giltMarmionJun 2 87St 
typewriter, thethey write pertJoaquinMar 99 PC 
typewriter, thewrite pretty, eh?PrimroseMay 6 99AP 
ultimatumI am tumultICDimlySep 03 Eu 
unanimityam in unityBalmarDec 2 99 AP 
uncertaintiesinsecure taintMusicusNP 
unconventionalcount no evil, AnnHyacinthSep 1 06AP 
unfortunateat no true funJackOLanternNov 91 Ke 
uniformityI form unityBalmarDec 2 99 AP 29,33
Unitarianisma ruin in a mistJCMAug25 87Ms 
unitedin duetAnonymousNot Dated 
unmercifulI'm cruel funLittleCasinoDec 1898 
unrighteousnessguess then our sinMay16 85GD 
unrighteousnessrogue, shun set sinLordBaltimo+Nov 99 MT 
unrighteousnesshug sin: rot ensuesLordBaltimo+Nov 99 MT 
unselfishI shun selfMCSMay24 05Co 
unshieldedis held nudeMCSDec 7 93Me 
untutorednesstut! no rudenessKennethDec 1903 
upside downdips due nowArcanusMar 8 12Co 
upwardsdraws upTowheadNov 25 IRR 
valedictorianlead in a victorTwoJohnsDec 1903 
valentinevent a lineShortfellowMar 9 88Pe 
valetudinariana nature invalidNestorDec 1898 
valetudinarianismI am Nature's invalidDelianOct 6 00AP 
valetudinarianismis true: am an invalidEssEllDec 08 IMM 
vanitiesvain tiesTranzaOct 06 Or 
vegetable garden, aand gave large beetCAHAug11 11Co 
versatilityit is let varyMCSMar21 95My 
versatilityvariety listTranzaJan12 00Co 24,73
vindicateact divineNelsonianMay26 87St 
violetlove itSubRosaMay 1 87La 
violetto liveMackApr 6 89St 
virulentvile turnRemardoDec 09 NP 36
vociferationsstrain of voice 16NoxSep18 15BI 
vociferousvoice for usBalmarMay12 00AP 
volunteerslure vets onParkJan 5 07NP 
waiting room, thego in, Mother, waitAfterAllMar10 06AP 
wanderooO, a wonderNelsonianJul16 87St 
water spaniels, thewe train leash petsArcanusNov28 99Co 
water spaniels, the[water] pets in leashArcanusNov28 99Co 
watersideis wet, dearMCSFeb27 07Co 
waterspoutO, a wet spurtNoxNov29 13BI 20
wayfarerwary fareKennethJul 99 Qu 
wearing apparelI glean a wrapperAmaranthJun30 01EO 
imaginationI'm on it againPearson 
white featherfear with theeArcanusJun 07 Or 
widow's mite, thehow wee it 'midstFransFolksAug 1 02AP 
winsomeso win meMCSAug 7 00Co 
wireless telegraph, thegreet a ship: tells wherePolkaDotMay11 05NP 
wireless telegraphywe really greet shipsFransFolksFeb 1 02AP 
wireless telegraphywe see ray spell rightCalOHillDec 1903 
withstandersin thwartedKennethNov 99 Pe 
womanam wonPrimroseJan30 96My 
womanlinessis no man's lawJasonJan 1 08AP 
womanlinesswins men alsoJasonJan 1 08AP 
Yankee Doodleeke one odd layByrnehcJun12 87Pa 
Yankee Doodleay, keen old odeProteusDec 1898 
Yankee Doodledo a keen yodelEsperanceJun16 00AP 
yellow feverfeel very lowRAreMar10 06NP 
yellow jessaminesee lowly jasmineJessAMineDec 1898 
yellow journalismour jolly mail newsArcanusOct11 98Co 
yellow peril, thewho yet I'll repelRusticusSep 1 05AP 
yeomanO, ye manDuncanOct14 99GD 
zoological gardens, theoh, gaze into droll cagesDCVerDec 1898 
zoological gardens, thechildren also go to gazeAmaranthAug15 08AP 
abstemiousnesssins tab me souse*ChetJan 1959 
abstemiousnessSi et a mess o' buns*HoosierApr 1937 
abnegationit began a noArtyEssMar 1957 
absent-mindednessbad mind sent senseHohoJan 1953 
absent-mindednessnets bad mind, senseFredDominoApr 1952 
abstainingit's a gin banCastetJul 1952 
abstentionI not absent*YercasAug 1939 
abstentionabsent on itYercasAug 1939 
agnosticismI can't go ismsFredDominoMay 1951 
afritefear itAlecSanderNov 1934 
aeromechanicsairmen coachesAyeEyeKayMar 1942 
aisle, anis a laneAwlWrongDec 1939 
abecedaryABC ye readDamonomadApr 1931 
Mafioso, theO, shame of itUlkFeb 1991 
Aesculapian, theheals acute painsHerculesMay 1933 
aeronauticscut air on seaGrandmotherJan 1925 
aeronauticsatone IcarusAwlWrongNov 1937 
affectionO, fine factAmaranthJun 1928 
agglutinationain't a gluing to*YercasJan 1931 
agrostologistI go to grass lotLarryFeb 1931 
agrostologist, angot a toil on grassPChinnOct 1916 
aestheticistcite his tasteEvergreenJun 1931 
African dominoes, thethis on a name for diceVikingJul 1931 
African dominoes, thename dice in for a shotVikingOct 1963 
aeriformair for meSpicaApr 1915 
agriculturistgit us rural citStoclesMar 1913 
aggregatedgaged greatEmmaLineMar 1914 
agronomistmoots grainTutAug 1976 
abstractionart not basicKennethAug 1962 
aberration, thebe hot in errataHohoNov 1973 
aboriginesbase originLateoMay 1926 
aboriginesorigin, sabe?LateoMay 1926 
abominablebon, amiable*YercasFeb 1928 
abecedariannear ABC ideaFredDominoMay 1952 
abecedarian, theI read neat ABC, eh?BudNov 1927 
abecedaryABC? ye readDamonomadApr 1931 
ablutionsalso in tubArcanusFeb 1931 
absent-mindedtends dim "bean"DanDLyonJul 1931 
abusedbad useAnonymeOct 1913 
Abrahamah, AbramRalphAug 1914 
abortion, theoh, bear it notAbStruseDec 1981 
abstract expressionismrecent art ism's basis? pox! TutDec 1978 
abortionist, theO, I state, no birth!NightowlMay 1978 
abstemiouslymoistly abuse*HapNov 1972 
actorsstar co.EurekaJul 1924 
actorscostarVikingFeb 1972 
adornmentornament'dAChemNov 1929 
adunationunion dataBlueHenChickJan 1930 
adversariesare advisers*GiGanticJun 1926 
adversariesread as viersAbStruseNov 1982 
accomplice, thecatch me, police SolOct 1926 75
adjectivesavid, jet, sec, .. NyphoApr 1912 36
Acadian, ana CanadianHapOct 1987 
adventuress, thetad she venturesGrandmotherMay 1927 
acetaminophenthe "no-pain" acme?NightowlMay 1988 
acidosisis so acidLarryAug 1927 
adding machinenigh me I can addFrancolinMar 1916 
academicians, thehad aim at scienceAmaranthDec 1927 
advertisementI vend 'em treatsFredDominoMar 1955 
advertisements, thestate, vend merits, eh?PatJul 1928 
advertisement, anre: Mad Ave's intentTeZirManDec 1987 
Adam's alea sad mealRemardoJun 1918 
acroamaticam acroaticLarryDec 1928 
adeptapt, EdBeauNedJun 1931 
accountantcan count atXCLentMar 1915 
acerbityracy biteVestaSep 1919 23,77
adhesive plasteradhere t' save lipsFloraMay 1920 
advertisetrade viesDCVerAug 1920 
advantageousdo us a vantageVestaOct 1920 
adenoidsnose, add IEnavlicmJun 1922 
adapteddead patJemandNov 1923 
admirableI'm real bad*JackOLanternApr 1936 
accelerator, thelet toe reach carVikingMar 1963 
acceleratorO, let car raceArtyEssApr 1952 
acid rainI raid Can.TeZirManAug 1985 
adolescentslads to sceneDamonomadAug 1935 
adolescentsenclose tadsDCVerApr 1935 
adolescentolden caste*DCVerJul 1934 
adolescent, ancan not see lad*FredDominoOct 1952 
adolescent, anO, scan teen ladAbStruseFeb 1980 
adolescentscold as teens*HohoJan 1976 
adultress, thethere's a d--- slut!VikingFeb 1941 
adulteress, ansee a darn slutVikingNov 1974 
adulteress, thelust sated hereVikingMar 1973 
adulterationdo rule a taintTheGinkApr 1973 
adulterationain't true loadFredDominoMay 1951 
Administration, theDemo, I rant anti thisZer0Feb 1971 
Administrationadmit, no rat is inCryptoxMay 1946 
AdministrationI admit, no strainCryptoxMay 1946 
adulatorylaudatoryTheGinkOct 1970 
admonitionI am in "do-not"AChemMay 1970 
solitarinesssit alone, sirsPearson 
adulatora loud "rat"KatmatOct 1942 
adespotonsad, no poetOrionMay 1942 
admonisheddid shame onNatPalMar 1942 
admireI dreamTryitNov 1940 
administeraid's in termVikingApr 1940 
advertisingsign raved itReynardJul 1938 
admissionMin said soWhizDumJun 1934 
accelerationcan Leo race it?KayNov 1962 
accreditationa direct actionHoodwinkAug 1960 
acrobat, anact on a barHohoJan 1958 
achievementI'm each eventFredDominoMay 1952 
accidental, thechance dealt itNyphoJul 1949 
Adam's apple, thepad palates hemDCVerFeb 1935 
accountant, theatt: he can countSAmpleJul 1934 
advertising agencies, thehint: creative ad gigs seenCornCobMay 1988 
advertisesadvise restNoholdsBardJun 1988 
advertisementsI'm trade's eventsDCVerNov 1932 
alarm clockscalls rock AMApril'sChildAug 1980 
alarm clock, anclank! a clamorGeminiAug 1924 48
alarm clock, ana lorn AM clackESCrowJan 1914 
alarm clock, anO, am call crankFrancolinJan 1917 
alarm clock, anO, canMark callAbStruse Mar 1980
alarm clocklack clamor*DhumbbBhelleApr 1948 
almshousesoul shameLeipSep 1927 
alimentotherapyply a ration themeWehanonowitMar 1935 
alphabeticallyI play all the ABCDCVerSep 1928 
alphabetizationI? A, then a B-I-L-P to a ZXSpeckedJul 1942 
altisonantis not an alt*BlueHenChickJun 1929 
allochroouslo, has colourEllsworthMar 1930 
alpine glacierlarge ice in alpDamonomadDec 1931 
alopecist, anI tone a scalpEmmoWJun 1934 
alohaah, a 'loITappaKeDec 1931 
alphabet, thethat be a help 23Pearson 
alphabetic orderor, help read it ABCAbStruseJul 1987 
alemongersso, lager menHuduMar 1986 
alphabet soupoh, a subtle papAbStruseJun 1988 
alter egoget a roleLeeFranceOct 1980 
allegiancela, ligeanceArcanusDec 1944 
alpestrineI enter AlpsComradeMay 1926 
algebraa garble*SenorDec 1979 
almugalgumHapSep 1979 
alimentationin a meal? not it!*TutJul 1979 
alimentationoatmeal in tinTutAug 1977 
algefacientfie, can't geal!RhoFeb 1977 
alligatorlot garialTavOct 1974 
Alenconnon-lace*HohoDec 1967 
also-rans, thea harness lotMULaterOct 1964 
almightinessI'm a less thing*FredDominoOct 1952 
altercationla, not ire act*FredDominoOct 1952 
alibiI bailCryptoxDec 1949 
Aleutians, theAttu an isle, eh?LarryAug 1943 
aiguilletteutile aigletIfandorOct 1979 
air pollutionoil, ruin LA topRuthlessNov 1989 
amountsnot a sum*OsapleApr 1924 
American Indian, theI am in a thinned raceHerculesJul 1924 
American Indians, thea hint: is a nice red manQAug 1912 
American Indian, thehi, I am an ancient redAbStruseMar 1987 
ambilateralam bilateralSolMay 1928 
amyotoniaO, I am atonyBlueHenChickMay 1929 
ampersand, themaps "and" thereKennethSep 1941 
ampersand, theshape "and" termAwlWrongAug 1942 77
ampersand, the"and" stamp hereMerlinJan 1970 
ampersands, theparse them "ands"EmmoWMar 1931 
amanuensisamass ennuiESCrowNov 1931 
ambushedbush madeArcanusDec 1914 
amphitheaterhath a mere pitAmaranthFeb 1917 
ambiguityI'm a bit guyImaLoneNov 1923 
amateurishis a true hamPacificoAug 1954 86
amplexuss-x (male up)HapJul 1983 
amateursamuse artLateoJun 1916 
amateurAAU termAtlanticJan 1982 
amen corner, theher moan centerFredDominoAug 1959 
ampersand sign, themet reshaping "ands"ElUqsorFeb 1957 
ambuscade, thecede at ambushHohoApr 1954 
ambition, anbit! no maniaGeminiMay 1929 
ambitiousbut so I aimIxaxarNov 1935 
ameliorativeaim love at ireEmmoWFeb 1938 
amorousnessas Romeo's sunAwlWrongOct 1936 
amidshipsmaid's hipsDCVerJul 1934 
antiabortionist, thea birth is neat in totoNightowlMay 1978 
animadversionmad, on sin I raveAyeEyeKayDec 1941 
animadversionI rave, son, I damnNightowlDec 1977 
animadversionaver sin domainArchimedesApr 1951 
animadversionI avoid mannersArchimedesApr 1951 
anecdotalcan do taleFredDominoApr 1952 61,67,77
antacidcan't aid*OsapleNov 1976 
antimilitarismI am militant, sir*DCVerDec 1934 
anacrhonisticno, isn't archaic*TavAug 1976 
ante meridiemtime remainedAristotleOct 1934 
anonymousO, us? any nomHohoDec 1972 
anguishis an "ugh"AmorNov 1972 
ante meridiemI determine AMPABeeFeb 1933 
anhydrousoh, a dry sunNightowlMar 1971 
antimacassar, thea chair's mat's neatVikingJan 1969 
antimacassar, thechair mat sat saneHohoJan 1968 
angosturaa sour tangHoodwinkMay 1966 
antonym, thenot thy nameNoholdsBardFeb 1988 
antiques, thequaint, theseHohoMar 1966 
anglophiles, theEnglish, tho' paleHohoDec 1960 
anglophilespal o' EnglishNyphoFeb 1949 
anglophilesO, English palPatristocratApr 1942 
ancestorssons traceTheGinkNov 1960 
anchoretismO, scan hermitAwlWrongMar 1936 
antepastpan tastePacificoMar 1960 
antagonismO, 'gainst manIfandorFeb 1960 
angriest'tis angerElUqsorFeb 1957 
angriestisn't rage*ElUqsorFeb 1957 
anagrammaticala la magic art, manFredDominoAug 1959 
anonymous, theshy, no name, outHohoJul 1959 
anti-Scripturist, theart spite-Christ unitNyphoMar 1949 
anti-Scripturists, thestir up Christian testNyphoMar 1949 
Antipodes, the'neath topsideNyphoSep 1948 
anodyneannoyed*DhumbbBhelleNov 1947 
anticentrifugalre: fault in actingWehanonowitMar 1942 
anteriorinto rear*HohoApr 1939 
anyoneay, none*EnavlicmMar 1932 
anthropometrythy report, O manWehanonowitNov 1932 
anagram, theah, an art gemGuidonFeb 1924 
anagrams, thee.g., Amaranth'sVikingSep 1931 
anagramsmagna arsDCVerNov 1931 
antisepticain'tSepticSkyLight Sep 1926
antisepticsI act in pestsEmmaLineMar 1913 
antigram, ananagram? nit!GrandmotherDec 1926 
answer, thewasn't hereSiAug 1937 
anaesthetic, annet as anti-acheDelawareJul 1928 
anthropomorphousth' poor, poor humansSineCuraSep 1928 
anesthesisit has sense*VulcanJan 1929 
antelopenote leapNoholdsBardDec 1987 
antivivisectionismit noises vain victimCastetJan 1929 
anarchistsarch-saints*YercasJan 1931 
anti-AmericanI name Iran actTeZirManJun 1988 
Anophelesslap one, eh?EmmoWMay 1931 
anchoritesno rich eatsDCVerJun 1931 
anathemaa man hateLateoMar 1914 
antagonisticanti-agnosticHoosierAug 1936 
antagonistnot against* 55,63,67,72,83BarnyardMar 1918 
ancient historyCain in the storyRemardoFeb 1919 
Antaresane starLeDareMar 1920 
Antaresstar, nae*DeeSweetAug 1985 
antipathetictip: it can hateAlecSanderMar 1920 
antipathetictip: I can't hate*MerlinSep 1974 
antiquarianhint a quaint eraDCVerApr 1920 
antigalacticsagainst lacticCiceroJun 1922 
ancientsten Incas 41EnavlicmMay 1923 
anthracite coallo, it can heat carMCSMay 1921 
angina pectorisa pang in cor siteLateoDec 1931 
angina pectorispains? go (int.care)HapJan 1986 
angina pectorisscore giant painFredDominoJan 1952 
angina pectoriscoring pain eatsArcanusOct 1942 
angina pectorisO, reacting painsAbStruseNov 1937 
angina pectorisire pang in costaHohoJun 1939 
angina pectoriscite organ's painPoorRichardOct 1931 
angina pectorisgets a pain in corYKnottJul 1928 
angina pectorispain acting soreNoholdsBardNov 1987 
angina pectorisO, creating painsAbStruseJan 1988 
angina pectorisone's tragic painFaroMar 1988 
angina pectoris, theor get a pain in chestVikingJan 1969 
angina pectoris, theis cogent heart painKennethAug 1960 
angina pectoris, thehas to nag recipientAbStruseJan 1988 
angina pectoris, theget pinches in aorta?UlkSep 1989 
apartment houses, theseparate homes t' huntVulcanFeb 1928 
apartment housesPat rents us a homeBooJeeKayJun 1956 
Apostles' Creed, thesee th' staple credoESCrowAug 1929 
apartmentpart meantPrimroseSep 1931 
appositenessaptness I poseElDonMay 1917 
appropriateA-I: apt, properTravvAug 1987 
apothecium, anoh, I'm a neat cupTravvAug 1986 
apartheidrapid hateTravvJan 1985 
apartheida dire pathKamelJul 1980 
aponiaO, a pain*BlackstoneMar 1982 
aposiopesisI, as I spe.. Oops!NightowlAug 1975 
apostrophea posh tropeHapJul 1975 
apostrophesperhaps "S", tooDCVerMay 1934 
apostrophesapropos the "S"DCVerMay 1934 
appreciationa tip on a pricePacificoFeb 1956 
appreciationscoin apt phraseAwlWrongFeb 1943 
appropriatelya properly apt, INyphoJun 1949 
appendicitispains? dip't ice!JayTuefsMay 1938 
apricotsit's a cropSirOrmMar 1932 
aperitif, theafter-pie hit*AlGebraJun 1989 
artichokesOK, rich eatsDiehlMWrightJan 1925 
armamentsmen-at-arms 27Pearson 
arcuations, theto unite as archBlueHenChickMay 1928 
archimimehear mimicsEllsworthJul 1928 
archimagus, thesure hath magicNyphoAug 1949 
archimage, theah, magic thereEllsworthJul 1928 
articulationI act oral unitFredDominoJun 1952 
articulateI utter "ca, la.."AlecSanderMar 1929 
artesian well, thewater seat in Hell?HartKingDec 1984 
artesian wells, theseen all this water 65ChrisMar 1913 
artesian welllineal watersAtlasNov 1922 
artesian wells, thewater's in all these 36VikingDec 1933 
artesian wellwater sale, nilQpkwinsApr 1937 
artesian wells, thesee all thirst waneFredDominoJan 1951 
armamentmeanMartHoho Aug 1939
armisticeI cite armsGeeFeb 1919 
ariditydry at IIQuondamApr 1920 
Arabianan Arab, IRalphMay 1922 
Arctic Regions, theice acres throng itAwlWrongJun 1937 
arithmetica metric hitJay TuefsAug 1936 
arithmeticI+R+I, etc. (math)SphinxFeb 1984 
arsenitean ester, IElfDec 1984 
arrivistea striver, IDazDec 1988 
arctoidrd. coatiTravvMar 1977 
ariseraiseAnonymeDec 1913 
Armageddondrama end; go!AyeEyeKayMar 1942 
Armageddona modern GadFanacroOct 1973 
Armageddonmad god nearFanacroOct 1973 
Armageddonnomad ragedFanacroOct 1973 
Armageddona demon dragFanacroOct 1973 
Armageddonnear-god madFredDominoMay 1951 
ArmageddonO, mad dangerPioloOpestJan 1981 91
Armageddonraged on mad!AbStruseAug 1987 
armiesi.e.,MarsHoho Oct 1970
archeologist, thehe's got a hot relicAlGebraOct 1963 
architectI chart, etc.ArcanusJan 1945 
archididascalos, theI'd teach, aid scholarsMolemiJun 1960 
argumentativenesssum it as anger eventFredDominoJan 1953 
argumentativenessI use rant agent vs. 'emFredDominoMay 1951 
artificialnessI scan if it's realFredDominoJun 1952 
artisan, thean artist, heMULaterSep 1940 
artistryI try artsJayTuefsApr 1942 
assuageuse a gas 31JemandJun 1924 
aspiration'tis I on a parPrimroseJul 1924 
aspirationson as a spiritESCrowJan 1928 
aspirationI stop an air*FrostERomanAug 1973 
asterionone star, IEllsworthJun 1925 
aspirinpain? sir!JustinianJan 1939 
aspirin tablet, anain't pain blaster*FredDominoJul 1950 
aspirin tabletsbests pain trial 57MarmionSep 1936 
aspirin tablet, anable in pain startJun 1956 
aspirin tabletis pain battler 82AChemOct 1966 
aspirin tablet, theI halt pains betterFredDominoJun 1957 
aspirin tabletslet pain stab, sir*WyvernApr 1983 
asperityyet I rasp 30AmaranthAug 1926 
asperityspy at ireAwlWrongSep 1947 
asperityraspy tieAwlWrongSep 1947 
astragalus, thehas great talusBlueHenChickMay 1928 
astronomer, thehome star noterLateoJan 1921 
astronomers, thethere! moon, stars!WrongFontMar 1930 
astronomerstar moonerMerlinSep 1970 
astronomer, anstar, moon nearFredDominoAug 1953 
astrologaster, anastral sage or not?VikingFeb 1931 
astrologasterso log star rateDamonomadFeb 1931 
astronomicallyI tally moon scarFredDominoJun 1952 
astonishedso end a "hist"FrancolinSep 1916 
astoundinggain do stunArtyEssMar 1920 
astrologer, thehe's got real rotAbStruseJul 1988 
astrologer, anogler on a starAbStruseJul 1988 
astronautout 'n a starVolarMar 1980 
astronautunto a starCornCobMay 1985 
astronautsto a star, sunTheGinkMay 1970 
asterism, anI name starsSenorJul 1980 
assurancesure as canFiddleAug 1949 
asyndetonno "ands" yet 80AwlWrongJun 1935 
ashtray, thetrashy heatEmmoWJun 1952 
ashtrayashy artOCaseyAug 1935 
asseverationto aver is saneGraydolSep 1976 
asseverationa noise avers 'tBeauNedFeb 1936 
asteriai.e., a starVikingMar 1972 
astraddlesaddle artMolemiFeb 1967 
anabolic steroidsboosts laid in raceAbStruseNov 1990 
asteroidalO, I deal starHoodwinkMay 1966 
asininityis inanityAlecSanderJan 1934 
asinineis inane 87HoodwinkDec 1958 
astronomyO, my, in starMidurndistOct 1955 
asteroidsO, stars die*MidurndistOct 1955 
aurora borealis, theO, a rare bolt hues airDamonomadAug 1933 
auguries, theIAugur theseJemand Dec 1927
aureole, theee! true haloBlueHenChickMay 1928 
autoist, ansat in autoVulcanJul 1928 
auscultationlist to an "a-cuu!"EmmoWFeb 1931 
autocrat, thetote autarchJayEsteeDec 1931 
automobilesO, miles aboutMazyMaskerMay 1942 
autoschediasticallyO, as I haste, act lucidlyCSawJul 1919 
atom bombO, bam! tombWickDec 1945 
atom bombsa mob's tombMolemiAug 1963 
atomic bombI combat mobOsapleOct 1945 
atomic bomb, anin "bam-boom" actNyphoSep 1949 
atomic bomb, anI'm ban o' combatNyphoSep 1949 
auction bridgegot ace bid: ruin?KayJan 1963 
aureoles, thesee true haloVikingMay 1967 
authoritativenesshave it: sure stationAcornMay 1974 
at loggerheadsth' gals do agree*AChemAug 1961 
auf wiedersehenwe freshen adieuTheGopherJun 1958 
autobiographiesI harps about I: egoMrReeOct 1949 
autobiography, anO, any graph about IFredDominoApr 1952 
automats, thehost ate at 'umFredDominoMar 1952 
automats, theoh, must eat atFredDominoMar 1952 
auditory nerve, theI very tuned to hearSpreggsJan 1947 
auld lang syneye and all snugNeonMar 1937 
axemastera Xmas treeAlfDec 1985 
ayes, thehate "yes"*HohoJul 1960 
atomiseis a moteHohoJan 1937 
atomizesatom sizeHohoJan 1937 
auriphonesupon his earCSawApr 1936 
aviatriceair-activeNoholdsBardAug 1988 
avariciousnessrave is USA coinsFredDominoApr 1952 
arithmetic progression, ancan rig math series portionSenorJan 1981 
artificial inseminationanimal initiator (fine sci.) VolarMar 1980 
athlete's foottale 'f hot toesVolarApr 1979 
aerobic dancera nice bod carerRuthlessAug 1986 
apple-pie orderproper pie dealBeauNedDec 1931 
after-dinner speaker, theten diners hear pet freakArtyEssMar 1957 
after-dinner speaker, thethinkers prate, earn feedPatApr 1953 
after-dinner speakers, thehere rank tripe ends feastAwlWrongDec 1945 
after-dinner speakers, thetherein fakers end repastAwlWrongDec 1945 
Adam and EveEve, add a manGuidonJun 1921 
Adam and EveDad, even a Ma 35SpreggsAug 1929 
Adan and Evea man evadedMolemiNov 1920 
apple of discord, thefood: it helped scrapHerculesDec 1926 
assault and batterylad, a tyrant beats usMoonshineJul 1926 
animated cartooncinema and art, tooPatJun 1953 
animated cartoons, thehot art done at cinemasFredDominoNov 1955 
almighty dollar, theah! merit all thy goldTheGopherDec 1956 
act of Godgood factFredDominoMay 1953 
animal kingdom, themale goat, hind, mink..XSpeckedOct 1941 
Australian echidnas, the a lunch? a diet? his are antsSpreggsJan 1947 
archconspiratorchronic sap or ratFredDominoNov 1960 
April fool, thelo, prat foil, heMerlinApr 1972 
April food jokes, theOK, all for jest, I hope!NightowlApr 1972 
April Fool's Dayfor a solid playRetlawOct 93 NP 
bargain huntera nut in her garbAtlasJul 1922 
bargain huntersrun, grab in hasteNJineerDec 1923 
bandoleroladrone, boSherlockHol+Aug 1922 
basicsis ABCs 84BronwynFeb 1980 
barbastellere: bat's labelKamelOct 1980 
basset houndthe nub: so sadVolarAug 1977 
ballerinasare in ballsOedipusApr 1967 
bangtails, thetab lithe nagsTheGinkNov 1962 
bangtailsnags! I blatHohoNov 1963 
bacteriologicalO, go trace bacilliArchimedesApr 1963 
battered child syndromebet scar medley hint'd "rod" VolarNov 1979 
bargain counters, therun! grab that coin, see!AmorDec 1942 
balderdashsadder blahTheGinkSep 1962 
badinageidea 'n' gabFredDominoJun 1952 
bathhouseO, he has tubFredDominoJun 1952 
bachelorlo, he-crabFredDominoMay 1952 
ballet dancer, aalert, balancedPatNov 1949 
baby sittersite by bratHohoAug 1949 
barytonesbray notesNyphoAug 1943 
bartender, thedern that beer!IxaxarJul 1942 
bartender, therend that beerAwlWrongMar 1943 
barnyards, theah, rest beyondHohoOct 1942 
balancesban scale*TryitNov 1940 
battleshipsstab the slipJayTuefsJul 1940 
balsamicsic: a balmYercasJan 1939 
bargaingrab ainAbStruseJan 1939 
base hithi! basteArcanusSep 1936 
base hitsbat shiesArcanusSep 1936 
barbatedtab beardAlecSanderJan 1936 
battalion, thein a hot battlePABeeDec 1933 
bathing suitsnug habit, itJemandJan 1924 
bathing suit'tis nigh tabuTheGopherAug 1954 
baseball teamall "Babe" matesArcanusMay 1930 
baseballBabe's allESCrowAug 1924 
ballyhooby hallooAlecSanderDec 1925 
balneotherapies, thetip: baths e'er heal oneBlackstoneOct 1980 
balneotherapeuticsbath cure, plain to seeHerculesDec 1925 
banditti, abad, I taintTheGinkDec 1970 
banditin't badTheGopherJan 1926 
bandit, aain't bad*PABeeJul 1928 
bashfulnessbans flushes*ArcanusSep 1927 
bashfulnessfans blushes 36ArcanusSep 1927 
Barmecidal feast, atab facade meal, sirHardricFeb 1982 
Barmecide's feast, thesh! fabricated esteemESCrowSep 1927 
Barmecide's feast, thehe bids me taste: farceSpicaNov 1913 
Barmecide's feast, thecaters sham feed biteAwlWrongJun 1937 
Barmecide feastdefer basic meatBNaturalApr 1935 
Barmecide feast, abest Aramaic feedJimBillAug 1934 
Barmecide feast, afeed Arabic meatsJimBillAug 1934 
battle royal, aay, O all batterEurekaJan 1928 
banishmentsthis bans menVulcanOct 1928 
barricade, theit barred eachVulcanDec 1928 
basso profundobud of sopranosKapryKornJan 1990 
backseat driver, thethe rest bark adviceSolJan 1927 
backseat drivers, thehark! bad steers: evict!HardricMay 1982 
balsamas balmSakrElBahrFeb 1929 
bandolerismoO, ladronism be 85BlackstoneSep 1930 
baidarkaa bidarkaRalphApr 1931 
balbutiessuit BabelSakrElBahrOct 1931 
balance sheets, theenable cash test, eh?FredDominoMay 1955 
balance sheete'en cash tableAmaranthOct 1910 
bargain sales, theshe grabs at a lineSamSlickApr 1914 
bargain salean aisle grabNJineerDec 1923 
barbastelbat blearsFrancolinApr 1916 
babe in armsbairn beamsEnavlicmDec 1924 
baby carriage, theah, ye babe cart rigFrancolinJan 1917 
bayonets, thethey stab one 35LeDareSep 1919 
backslider, abad slacker, IRemardoNov 1919 
babyhood"ado" hobbyEnavlicmFeb 1938 
babyhoodho! bad boyEnavlicmMar 1920 
barefootedfeared bootEnavlicmApr 1920 
bay rummay rubEnavlicmNov 1926 
beseechinglyhe begs nicelyEllsworthJun 1924 
beauty contestay, bet on cutestPollyChromeNov 1924 
bedclothingbe cold thing*ArcanusJul 1927 
betainein a beet 74BlueHenChickAug 1928 
betrothalsheart boltsArcanusJul 1913 
bethumpsthe bumpsEmmaLineApr 1914 
belligerentsrebelling set 18,36JemandSep 1915 
belligerent, areal bile gentFredDominoMay 1953 
benedictiondon't I be niceEmmaLineNov 1916 
betrothedboth treedEnavlicmApr 1918 
bedroomrobedomEnavlicmJul 1920 
beasts of burdenfond, base brutesMCSSep 1921 
BengaliBelgian*PlantonAug 1985 
best seller, atrebles saleAbStruseAug 1982 
benefactor, acater of bane*TavNov 1976 
beheadmentsbe men's deathNightowlMar 1973 
bedwarmersbrew dreamsGenesianApr 1942 
bewailingi.e., bawlingFredDominoAug 1938 
Beulah Land, theah, unbated hell*BNaturalMar 1935 
beastsbasestMarsJan 1933 
beastlinessbe less saintHohoJun 1970 
Bermuda triangleturn! a dire gamble!CornCobJan 1985 
bed of roses, aso sad beforeKatmatFeb 1942 
bed of roses, asee bars, foodAmorMar 1971 
bed of Procrustes, thePS: [bed] cut for shorterArcanusJan 1935 
bed of Procrustes, thedebut for the corpsesAwlWrongJan 1936 
bed of Procrustes, thecrude sport of ThebesAwlWrongJan 1936 
best food forwardbad to offer worstAbStruseJan 1980 
matter of courseor some true factFredDominoJun 1950 
bibliophile, thehi! Bible pilot heCincinnatusApr 1926 
billiard playerssir, I play red ballDonatelloAug 1911 
birthday cakebak'd it each yr.RuthlessApr 1985 
bistor, aO, it's barAbStruseNov 1981 
bibliokleptomaniacs, the I'm a set liable t'pinch bookAChemJul 1970 
billiards, thered ball is hitPacificoDec 1953 
birthday suitsit's art hid by usPatJun 1953 
bicarbonate of sodano acid barb; safe, tooFredDominoApr 1950 
bicarbonate of sodaso eat: no barb of acidFredDominoDec 1938 
billingsgate, theEnglish gab titleVikingJan 1966 
billingsgateill gab gets inHohoSep 1965 
billingsgatebilge slang, it 47AwlWrongOct 1936 
billingsgatetags labelingAwlWrongOct 1936 
billingsgateis telling gabAmaranthNov 1910 
blatherskitethis be talker 72,81AwlWrongJul 1935 
blatherskitehe talks 'er bitRemardoMay 1918 
blatherskitetalks bit herePhilOLogerNov 1923 
blatherskite, ait leaks breathEllsworthMar 1924 
blatherskite, abet he talks airNoholdsBardSep 1987 
blue Monday, ala, one bum dayRemardoApr 1926 
blue Mondaybum one, ladyRusticusNov 1912 
blue Mondaydoubly meanAbStruseMay 1988 
bluestockings, theO, select think bugsTunsteApr 1928 
blandishbind! lash!*EvergreenJun 1931 
blowhard, the"blahed" worthVikingJul 1931 
blouseso blueEnavlicmDec 1912 
blandishmentblinds the manKeePonDec 1917 
blithesomenesssmiles on behestAwlWrongMay 1942 
blithesomenessnet some bliss, eh?TravvOct 1982 
blithesomenessoh, it blesses menFredDominoDec 1951 
blithesomenessbest smile shoneAwlWrongOct 1936 
blond, abald? noElfDec 1981 
bleachinge.g., I blanchLeeFranceJun 1980 
blockbuster, aO, stack rubbleAbStruseJun 1980 
black rhinoceros, thecrash on, thick boreleProfPampelm+Aug 1979 
black-crowned night heronno-neck bird: long watch her HartKingAug 1977 
black diamonds'mid d--- coal banksFredDominoJun 1952 
blunderingsbungler's dinAwlWrongDec 1943 
blowhardsblah wordsArtyEssMar 1932 
blowhardsdrawl boshAwlWrongSep 1937 
bleachers, theah, cheer beltsArcanusSep 1936 
boiled dinnerinedible: no, Dr.*AcornNov 1986 
Boston cream piescome! "bon" pastriesTeZirManDec 1988 
bombardon, abar, and boom!UlkOct 1989 
boardinghouse, theoh, hot grub is a needFredDominoJan 1956 
boatswain's chairhoist swab in a carArchimedesMar 1939 
boardinghouse reachesoho! diners grab sauce, eh?BlackstoneJan 1940 
boardinghouse reachoho! a nice rushed grabAtlanticJun 1982 
bowling alley, awe go in, lay ballTheGopherJan 1924 
bowling alleyswill go by lanesLarryFeb 1968 
bothersomebores me, tho' 34RemardoAug 1925 
Bostoniannot a snob, I*AlNov 1925 
boundariesaid bournesAwlWrongApr 1927 
botherationsah, no bit o' restAwlWrongMar 1936 
BolshevismH---'s vile mobsPatFeb 1928 
Bolshevismsh! mob's evilDCVerMay 1919 
boastingit's no gab*VikingApr 1931 
boroughoho! burgLivedevilOct 1935 
boisteroususe bout, sirSallyApr 1913 
boisterouslyO, I so blusterySpicaSep 1915 
truculenceuncle! truce!*AtlanticNov 1990 
Bolshevikivile kiboshMenoJan 1920 
department store, themart: spend, tote thereWabbitDec 1990 
boisterousnessO, buster's noisesTowheadNov 1920 
boisterousnesssoberness is outFredDominoDec 1951 
boisterousness, thethese robust noisesVikingJan 1970 
boneheadbad one, heEnavlicmJan 1921 
bootleggers, thethese be grot lotJemandJul 1923 
bootleggeress, agal gets 'er booseWinkieJul 1925 
boomerangbang me 'rooHohoAug 1960 
boardinghouses, theO, so I get burned hashFredDominoMar 1952 
boiling point, thebeing hot, I lip notFredDominoDec 1951 
bogiemanO, big, meanNyphoSep 1948 
bootlessto be lossAwlWrongJan 1945 
bootlessso be lostAwlWrongJan 1945 
bombardiersbombers raidRalphSep 1942 
boa constrictor, thecert, it's no cobra, tho'SirOrmSep 1933 
boa constrictorcon it: cobra sortDCVerNov 1934 
Boston baked beansNB: boasted [beans] OKPuzzlesmithMay 1934 
calentures, theheat lent curseNoholdsBardDec 1990 
BrobdingnagianAnn: big, broad "nig"RayleRhoderJun 1927 
Brobdignagians, theband big hero giantsTunsteMay 1928 
Brobdingnagians, thehe giants and born bigFredDominoAug 1953 
Brobdingnagian, thegiant, he, and born bigVikingMay 1972 
Brobdingnagian, thebrand o' giant be nighMerlinOct 1971 
Brobdingnagianborn big an' gain'dMangieJun 1977 
Brobdingnagians, theho, brand giant beingsTravvAug 1981 
Brobdingnagian, theoh, Ben! darn big giant!VestaMay 1920 
brassere: bassBlackstoneOct 1987 
brown coati, abow to naricaBlueHenChickDec 1929 
brigantinestars being inCanbedunAug 1930 
brushshrubVikingSep 1931 
brokenheartedlythrob keenly, dearFredDominoDec 1951 
breweries, thewhere 'tis beerLAgerJul 1910 
breweries, thebeer wits hereLAgerJul 1910 
breastsbra's setFFAJun 1989 
broddrobTreesongJul 1987 
breakfast foodOK staff o' breadKappaKappaJan 1915 
ambulance chaser, thehurt? he can blame (case)WabbitJan 1991 
brigandagea big dangerLZHAug 1921 
bromideI'm d--- boreUlkMay 1985 
bromideI'd bore 'mWitchwordDec 1978 
break dancingback in dangerGeckoJul 1984 
breakthrough, aah, barge thru OKFredDominoDec 1951 
British Empirebet Irish rip meAbStruseMay 1982 
brushtailed porcupine, thepipe such able rodent: I hurtVikingOct 1972 
brigandsbad ringsTheGinkAug 1972 
brassiere, thei.e., her breasts?VikingOct 1970 
bromhidrosishorrid BO, MissVikingJun 1969 
brushoff, thehuffs botherAmorNov 1965 
broadcastbad actorsSourpussOct 1947 
broadmindednessrobs, deadens mind*FredDominoNov 1951 
tell it to theMarinesso entitle that lie, Mr.!AbStruse Feb 1991
boradcasting station, thethen radio gabs: not staticDCVerFeb 1933 
daemonistam deist? no!UlkJan 1991 
baseball umpires, thesimple: rabble hate usAbStruseJan 1991 
dead reckoningon-deck readingArepoJan 1991 
broadbill, theO, label th' birdIxaxarDec 1954 
bruang, thegun th' bearBlueHenChickSep 1932 
bystander, atad's nearbyAlTTudeFeb 1925 
burial ground, thedub ghoul terrainAwlWrongOct 1936 
burdensomeburden me soPearlieGlenJan 1926 
butcherscut herbs*SolJan 1926 
businessuses binsEnavlicmSep 1927 
Buckingham Palaceach! a bum place, King*SuSanJun 1929 
bundobust, abut as boundBlueHenChickApr 1931 
burgeonedO, green bud 54EllsworthMay 1931 
burnooseno US robeVikingJun 1931 
burying the hatchetthey curb the hatingBalmarJun 1910 
burying the hatchetbutchering thy hateRemardoApr30 09Co 
bubonic plague, thehuge bane to publicEnavlicmFeb 1911 
burnishersshiners rubMoonshineSep 1919 
budgerigar, thegreat huge bird*WabbitFeb 1990 
budgerigarsbirds rue gagHapJun 1977 
burnisherrub shinerSigmasexspr+Aug 1973 
bumper stickersbe mucker stripsLarryApr 1973 
butcherlinesshiss cruel bentPacificoSep 1957 
burglaries"grab" is ruleArcanusMay 1955 
bundle, aunbaled*LarryNov 1952 
buck privatespick'd us braveFredDominoDec 1951 
buffooneryO, fun forbyeAwlWrongFeb 1944 
buttonholer, ahalt unto boreDamonomadDec 1934 
bullbeggar, abugbear (gall!)TravvOct 1987 
carpetbaggers, thecheat, grab, get "reps"FredDominoJan 1953 
cartoonistO, con artist 28PChinnMay 1913 
campaigna campingArcanusMay 1914 
canister, atea can, sir 39,49FrancolinJan 1915 
casting couchsuch co-acting!SluggoApr 1988 
casting couchgot as a clueSluggoApr 1988 
Canadianin CanadaJoaquinOct 1921 
cavitiesit is caveFiddleSep 1949 
caption, theniche at topHohoMar 1943 
carnadinered in a canHohoJul 1942 
Castorco-starYKnottJun 1942 
caricatures, thecaustic art hereAwlWrongJul 1940 
candelabraa candle barArcanusFeb 1940 
cantankerousnessso a nut; crank's seenEmmoWFeb 1938 
cantankerously'e's a cranky ol' nutEmmoWFeb 1938 
camelopardcalmer apodAnnDhowOct 1966 
castea sectAlecSanderJun 1932 
caisse, ais a caseBlueHenChickApr 1932 
catamountaina mountain catYercasDec 1931 
caravaneera van careerBlueHenChickJun 1930 
cachinnationsa chin act; no sinOmarJun 1928 
castaways, thestay, watch seaEllsworthJune 1925 
catalysisis a sly actSwampAngelJul 1924 
catachresis, a"cart" as "chaise"NoholdsBardMar 1988 
carrier pigeon, thego then, air-piercerAmaranthNov 1930 
cacoethes scribendione basic screed-itchChetOct 1947 
cacoethes scribendiid est chronic A,B,C...see!DirtyJackSep 1988 
cacoethes scribendiecod! ane scribe's itchESCrowMay 1927 
cacoethes scribendidescribe case on itchArcanusMar 1932 
cardinals, theis red-hat clanMolemiJun 1911 
cardinals, thein cathedralsVikingFeb 1965 
carcinogensgo in cancersIxaxarFeb 1955 
carcinogenin go cancerJayEsteeFeb 1975 
carcinogenesis'is cancer is gone*JergJune 1984 
carcinogenesiscancer is in, goesHohoJune 1963 
cabareta bar, etc. 84HohoDec 1941 
caloriesO, eclairs!AtlanticMar 1982 
caloriesclose airSirVareMar 1921 
cavernicole, arace cave lionTravvDec 1981 
cardiologist, theit's heart doc I logSenorSep 1981 
capriolelo, I caper 80BlueHenChickJan 1930 
calculationI account allSenorJul 1979 
calculationa call, a countVikingAug 1968 
catastropheschaos-spatterVolarMar 1979 
catastrophe, thetop that as cheer*AChemAug 1961 
caoutchoucO, cut cauchoTravvOct 1978 
carbohydratesO, starchy bread 43,4*P83SolMar 1927 
carbohydratesstarch, dear boyMangieSep 1978 
carbohydratesye do bar starch*ArcanusJul 1945 
calvessc., vealHapFeb 1978 
cantharidesa hard insectDeanRelaxJan 1934 
cantharideshard insectaHardricSep 1977 
calesin, thechaise lentLarryApr 1977 
caricaturist, theI cach true artistTravvJan 1977 
caricaturists, thecaustic art, theirsAwlWrongJul 1940 
caricaturists, thetheir art's causticFredDominoAug 1953 
cafeteria, thefact: I ate hereQAug 1927 
cafeteria, thefact: I eat hereTravvSep 1976 
cafeteriaif care, eat 50SherlockHol+Nov 1922 
cafeteriacare 'f I eat?HoosierMay 1930 
catacombs, thetombs at cacheVikingFeb 1975 
cacomistle, thelithe cat comesNightowlNov 1974 
cantankerousO, 'e's a nut, crankEmmoWJul 1950 
cannotno, can't 70GeeMay 1914 
cantankerousnote us a crankHohoJun 1970 
carriagea race rigHohoMar 1969 
carburetorscar but sorer*HohoOct 1963 
caterwaulings, thehunger set cat wailHohoMay 1963 
cartwheelwatch reelHohoJan 1962 
check is in the mail, theclaim "heck, I sent it (heh)"WabbitApr 1991 
castles in the airH. is least certainArcanusJun 1936 
castles in the airHal's certainties*ArcanusJun 1936 
castle in the aira clear thin siteFredDominoMay 1953 
castle in the aira realistic hent*AlfJun 1982 
Cashmere sweaterchest warmer, easeRuthlessNov 1986 
calla liliesi.e., all lilacs*AmaranthMar 1925 
census enumeratorsare US's men countersLarryFeb 1951 
cerebrospinal meningitis score blistering pain in meFredDominoJan 1952 
centipedes, thehie,Decent pest!Viking Oct 1962
ceremonialists, theah, cite solemn ritesFredDominoJan 1953 
celibates, theelite "bach" setDCVerSep 1915 
cenesthesisessence, thisPatJun 1937 
cenesthesissense itchesPatJun 1937 
cerebrastheniacrease the brainArcanusMay 1934 
certificatedact certifiedNyphoApr 1925 
cheetahhe cat, eh?UlkMar 1984 
chirurgeonO, curer nighTravvOct 1981 
cheiloplastiescite: so heal lipsNightowlDec 1979 
charismais a charm 79OedipusFeb 1969 
chandelierscandles hierTravvAug 1977 
chandelriescandles hierTravvAug 1977 
chiropodist, theso chip third toeQuiViveJun 1913 
chiropodist, theI, Dr., chip hot toesSpreggsAug 1941 
chiropodistI doctor hips* 77HallieLooyahFeb 1924 
chiropodist, theI hitch, prod toesHohoSep 1947 
chemotherapeuticallycome, tap cure healthilyNightowlMay 1977 
charlatanismsslant charismaHapJul 1976 
charlatanismcan trail shamAwlWrongDec 1943 
charioteerO hie, carterTravvFeb 1975 
Christianityhit at sin, I cryFaroJun 1974 
parishionersI hire parsonsFash 1835 
chitahi, catMerlinSep 1972 
chatihi, catMerlinSep 1972 
Christianrich at sin*ElUqsorFeb 1957 
Christiansrich saintsLarrySep 1972 
Christiansas in ChristBooJeeKayJul 1956 
charismatica rich masticFanacroJun 1971 
chivalroussuch valor, ITheGopherNov 1966 
checkmating, thetheme: catch king 43IxaxarDec 1935 
chilblainsI nab chillsHohoJun 1964 
charitiesI sate richHohoNov 1963 
cheeseparingpinches: agree?DamonomadApr 1937 
cheeseparinge'er cheap signYercasFeb 1937 
cheeseparings, thee.g., their cheapnessAChemDec 1962 
chrysanthemumthe sun my charmHohoFeb 1959 
chinwaggerchewing ragHohoMay 1958 
chuckleshe clucksPacificoNov 1957 
chapelgoersreach gospelPacificoJul 1957 
championcap on him 34EnavlicmJan 1913 
chevalier, acavalier, heRalphApr 1914 
chagrinedsad grin, eh?PuzLDureJul 1920 
chameleonhe no camelEmelineJun 1921 
chastisementmeans hits, etc.AbSolverOct 1975 
chastisementmean stitchesAbSolverOct 1975 
chastisementcan miss teethAbSolverOct 1975 
chastisementit chastens meAmaranthAug 1925 
chanticleerhew cac'ler, itLarryFeb 1940 
championship, thehi, Chip! he's top manMrReeOct 1949 
chicken house, aah, cock, hen use INyphoSep 1948 
Chesterfieldianlad, refine ethicsPatristocratMar 1943 
chiseler, therichest "heal"AwlWrongNov 1942 
chivalrousnessuses LochinvarsAwlWrongOct 1942 
checkmatemeek catchEnavlicmFeb 1938 
charitablenessI can bless heartKappaKappaJul 1937 
chieftain, aI ain't a chef*GiGanticMar 1934 
chieftainain't chief*PABeeJul 1928 
chromotype, acreamy photoEvergreenApr 1932 
chastisedis scathedEvergreenAug 1930 
choristers, thesteer th' choirsPoorRichardOct 1928 
chipperrich pepAmaranthMar 1927 
chiropodist, theO, Dr., chip this toeCincinnatusApr 1926 
Christmas carol, theit sets choral charmAbStruseDec 1987 
chastity beltI, Betty's latchVolarApr 1980 
child abuseclue: I'd bashLarrySep 1983 
Christmas tree, thethat merits cheersAbStruseDec 1980 
Christmas presentPS: its charm entersArcanusDec 1939 
Christmas Dayam Christ's [day]WilMarFeb 1925 
Charley horse, aoh, rarely aches*FamulusNov 1983 
chocolate mousseuse coolest mochaQGawNov 1985 
chocolate sundaecacao note held usRhoMar 1977 
chocolate ice cream soda O, cold as rich; come Ace eatEekDec 1956 
chain smoker, aI'm a hacker, sonAtlanticOct 1981 
character assassinationa scan: stains a heroic star AbStruseMay 1984 
Chinese restaurant, thetaste Hunan's rice thereGeorgeGrothAug 1982 
Chinese restauranthas ten tea urns, riceOracyAug 1985 
Chinese restaurant, aneat curt Asians hereAmaranthDec 1910 
chaise longueeach is loungeABizdadMay 1936 
children of Israel, thefond race heils Hitler*WickOCincyMar 1939 
children of Israel, theclan flieth Herod's ireDCVerJun 1930 
children of Israel, thehello! traders-in-chiefLewZirnJun 1930 
children of Israel, thefled Nile, a richer hostGordonorJun 1930 
children of Israel, thefill niche thro' Red SeaEvergreenJun 1930 
children of Israel, thethrill chief on Red SeaLeipJun 1930 
chauvinismis much vainFredDominoJun 1952 
chairperson, ahe raps, or I canLarryOct 1980 
clothespin, aone clasp hitFredDominoAug 1954 
character witness, there-etch wretch as saintPatMay 1953 
cathode rays, theye scath or deathMarsApr 1927 
chevalier of industry, theevil rounder, shifty cheatAwlWrongOct 1945 
cigarettesI get traces*MazyMaskerAug 1945 
cigarettesI grace testBiffOct 1949 
cinematographergrip on the cameraNoholdsBardOct 1987 
cinematographping! hot cameraTravvMar 1977 
cigarilloO, li'l cigarSherlockHol+Nov 1922 
CinderellaI'll dance 'erPatristocratApr 1942 
cinchonacon ChinaOsapleMar 1938 
cipherssphericDCVerSep 1934 
circumstantial evidenceterm casual incident viceTheGopherDec 1964 
circumstantial evidencecruel items can vindicateMissileCFeb 1964 
circumstantial evidencea clue traces victim in endFredDominoAug 1954 
circumstantial evidencetact undeceives criminalPatJan 1953 
circumstantial evidenceclues 'n' vat indicate crime EvergreenSep 1927 
circumstantial evidencevice act misled: uncertainTunsteMar 1935 
circumstantial evidenceactual crime isn't evincedAmaranthDec 1910 
circumstantial evidenceverdict: I claim act unseenTryonJun 1917 
circumstantial evidenceactive man's indirect clueCSawOct27 06NP 
cigar-store Indian, thea sign attired in ocherAmaranthNov 1912 
city slicker, ais tricky "Alec"SpreggsDec 1940 
circuit riders, theI cried true ChristFredDominoFeb 1952 
chain store, thethere to cash inFredDominoAug 1953 
clumsinessmuscles' sinHapAug 1978 
cloudslo, scudKennethMar 1933 
cloudinessI closed sunHohoJun 1970 
clepsydra"dryp" scaleHapMar 1978 
clepsydra, aparcels dayAwlWrongMay 1938 
clodpatepace doltTravvJun 1975 
clamorousnesssons rouse calmHohoJul 1952 
cloisteredcloser tiedDCVerMar 1913 
clothespinO, let's pinchRemardoMay 1915 
clandestinenessand silent scenesSamSlickJan 1917 
clearanceclean acre 45AlecSanderMay 1931 
clapperdudgeonpen up old codgerWhatzitDec 1944 
closemouthednessso hold mute scenesAwlWrongNov 1936 
clarinet, aan articleDorseMay 1930 
clairvoyanceairy conclavePollyPryMay 1928 
closefistedI'd flee costsTunsteMay 1928 
cynosuresye scorn usMolemiJan 1923 
cyanidei.e., candy*DhumbbBhelleNov 1936 
cluster pine, apinaster clue 74AwlWrongJul 1941 
classified informationcan I read? no, is off limitsMangieApr 1976 
classified information, thefiat for silence, admonish itPatJun 1953 
coagulatingug, gain a clotTweaserNov 1982 
coastlinesslit oceansAwlWrongJan 1937 
coastlinescon sea siltAwlWrongJan 1937 
codfish aristocracy, the hard cast of rich societyAnnSTheticsApr 1924 
codfish aristocracyah, fascic scrod Tory, ITheGinkSep 1937 
cocklebur, theheck, cloteburTravvJul 1975 
cockroacheschoose crackVikingApr 1970 
cockroach, thecook, catch her!EurekaOct 1924 
cognominateto name incog.SamSlickApr 1919 
cognomen, ago con name 31,54KennethNov 1928 
colubrid, alaud criboTravvJun 1975 
collegiateat college, IYKnottApr 1936 
collaboratedall brace to doDCVerFeb 1934 
college graduatedegree! clout! gala!MoogieJun 1982 
college graduatesall got a USC degreeQaqaqMar 1989 
class reunionscan ole "ruins"VolarMay 1981 
compliment, acomplaint, me*TwistoJul 1936 
computerO, CPU termSphinxNov 1984 
combativemob activeHohoJan 1976 
compassionatelypity came on a lossAyayeKayJun 1943 
compassionateto cap, is so mean!*HapMay 1975 
compassionatenessstamps one as so niceArtyEssJan 1947 
comatoseO, act some*ArcanusDec 1960 
companionablenesssoon be man's nice palFredDominoOct 1959 
companionablecombine on a palDCVerMay 1934 
companionableboon pal came in 34,35WinkieNov 1922 
companionableam nice boon palSuSanJan 1942 
competitivenessmoves in epic testFredDominoMar 1955 
commendationO, damn nice motSuSanMay 1930 
commendationaim to condemn*RalphOct 1953 
commendationsnod, man! it comesMGMJan 1939 
combustiblenessin select US bombsFredDominoJan 1953 
comradeshiphis pard come 52PlantagenetJun 1933 
comradeshiphi, compadresSakrElBahrAug 1933 
competency, aaccept moneyJemandMar 1914 
commentariesI cram me notesFredLotApr 1917 
compensationno coin pats me*AtlantisSep 1928 
compensationO, man, I pen costXiphiasFeb 1919 
comfortablenessforms noble casteAwlWrongJul 1937 
comfortablenesssort of balm sceneAwlWrongJul 1937 
competitionI come, pit not*33Jun 1936 
comfortablecool farm, betEnavlicmApr 1932 
complicationscomical pointsHoosierSep 1928 
competitorsprice's mottoEvergreenApr 1928 
competedmet, copedMoonshineNov 1927 
comediancinema adoTryemAllJul 1927 
collector's item, arelic cost me a lotVikingOct 1963 
companionateMarriageO, mere paranoiac matingDCVer May 1928
companionateMarriagea pair, coming anear, met: O!PearlieGlenJul 1929 
compound interestI do mount percentsDCVerMar 1929 
collective bargaininggiving labor client aceFredDominoJan 1953 
conversationalist, the'e loves to chat in trainsAbStruseJun 1938 
conversationalist, the'tis on, O everlastin' chatSpicaOct 1913 
conversationalists, thehist, let voices star anonFredDominoOct 1959 
conversationalist, thehast listener vocationNyphoAug 1948 
convalescent, a'n can leave cotsFloraMar 1919 
convalescentvents concealDhumbbBhelleJun 1958 
conversationallast voice ran onPercyVereDec 1913 
conversationalone vocal strainJemandDec 1913 
conversioncover no sinEmmaLineSep 1914 
conversationallytrains one vocallyDCVerMar 1936 
congratulationslo, rating us on actAbStruseApr 1988 
congregation, thenote gathering co.SkyLightAug 1927 
congelationneat coolingDamonomadDec 1931 
conjunctions, thejoin, connect thusAChemMay 1959 
congratulatedare glad, not cutVikingApr 1935 
congratulatedlaud gent or actVikingApr 1936 
conglutinateglue actin' on'tAyayeKaySep 1942 
conglutinatecannot glue it*BebeJun 1932 
conglutinatecan't glue it on*JackOLanternJul 1927 
conglomeratedcoated mongrelMazyMaskerMar 1943 
conglomerationsis no mongrel coat*HoosierJun 1940 
conglomerationO, mongrel action 38AlecSanderJun 1925 
conglomerationlot more can go inReelOct 1924 
conglomerationget no main colorWehanonowitDec 1934 
confusionin no focus 63ArtaxerxesAug 1946 
conflagrations, thehot fires cannot lagArcanusSep 1955 
conflagration, thehot fire cannot lagGeminiApr 1916 
conflagrationssoon act flaringAyayeKayAug 1942 
conflagrationlor! fagot in canArchimedesJun 1939 
conflagrations, theO, that fire! clang, sonCaptainToJul 1930 
configurationcontour in a "fig"TheGopherAug 1925 
conduitno I ductFamulusSep 1983 
condemnationI connote "damn" 55AlecSanderFeb 1925 
condemnationI damn not once*HomeBrewAug 1939 
condemnationsnote I damn consDamonomadApr 1932 
condemnation, aone damn actionAlecSanderJan 1928 
condemnation, aO, it can damn oneAmaranthJan 1931 
condemnationO, not damn nice 30JackOLanternAug 1927 
conditionallid on actionNyphoJul 1947 
condensation, thecondense that ionKRapsDec 1925 
concatenationact on act in oneVikingMar 1970 
concoction, acocoa 'n' tonicHohoJun 1960 
concentrationnot carin' one ct.*HoosierJan 1930 
concentrateO, can't center*ImaLoneApr 1929 
conepatl, thepolecat then 90YercasSep 1931 
Conestoga wagonsgo West (Ca?) on no gasTimBuckIIMay 1984 
Conestoga wagons, thecan go West on hot sageFredDominoApr 1956 
Conestoga wagons, theoh, stage can go on WestFredDominoApr 1956 
confirmed bachelorsO, freedom bars clinchPatJun 1953 
confirmed bachelor, alo, am chance for bride*FredDominoJan 1953 
corporal punishmentcane hurts po' lorn impAmaranthMay 1927 
corporal punishmentcrones harm not pupil*VolarAug 1978 
consubstantiateit not a substanceWehanonowitFeb 1938 
consolidationno dislocationDCVerFeb 1933 
consolidationno solid action*JackOLanternDec 1934 
consternationno, not scare in'tDCVerJul 1934 
consternationno, no scare tintDCVerJul 1934 
conservatoriummusic renovatorHerculesOct 1927 
consentaneitycontent in "ayes"SkylightAug 1927 
consecratedsacred, etc.? no*UlkSep 1988 
consonant, ascan not an OQaqaqMar 1989 
counterfeiting, atrue coining feat*ArcanusMar 1930 
constipationstop in actionCalicohNov 1986 
constipationcan't it poison!YercasMay 1934 
consideratecare is notedDCVerJun 1919 
consentaneousat unco onenessUlkMar 1985 
consentaneousnesscounts on sane sensePrimroseApr 1931 
conservativesare not vs. vices*HapDec 1984 
conservativec'n save it overNedNatsJan 1930 
conservationist, thehi, content to save, sirAbStruseMar 1984 
conservationist, aO, cannot save it, sir*NoholdsBardDec 1988 
constraintcannot stir 83NyphoDec 1911 
consanguineousas noun, e.g.: cousinHapMay 1979 
conscientiousnessu consist o' nicenessLKinSparkJan 1922 
conservateursseven curatorsTavJul 1976 
consignment, asent an' comingTheGinkApr 1974 
consolidatesone solid castChrisMay 1915 
consolidatedact did loosen*ArchimedesMay 1963 
consolidatedact done solidEmmaLineSep 1916 
constellations, thelist Leo, thenOctansTheGink Oct 1962
consecrationcan score on itEmmaLineNov 1914 
conservationI "vaste" no cornRachelCEhrlMar 1919 
conservationsave it, ConnorHoosierSep 1930 
conservationnot coin saver*DCVerDec 1934 
contaminatesO, can't stain me*ArcanusJun 1929 
contaminatetaint came on 43RemardoJune 1919 
contemptuouslyspout contumelySpicaJul 1917 
contradictionaccord not in it 80TryonJun 1913 
controversialiststonsils crave riotsHohoDec 1963 
controversialistscross "it ain't" loversVikingJun 1964 
controversialist, asoar, volant eristicTravvOct 1976 
controversialist, aO, vocalist strainerSouConJan 1915 
controversialist, thehas violent retort (sic)AbStruseMar 1988 
controversialist, theloves hot eristic rantAwlWrongMay 1937 
continuity, aaction: unityTravvFeb 1975 
contrivances, theinventor's cachetAChemJan 1971 
contemplationtime to con plan 60AlecSanderApr 1933 
contemplationnote calm pointFloraJul 1919 
contemplationon mental topicRemardoOct 1917 
controversialcorrals in vetoFredDominoOct 1959 
controversialvoice rants, lor!ArchimedesAug 1939 
contradistinctioncontrast in dictionHoodwinkOct 1957 
contradistinction, acontrast indicationVulcanJul 1929 
contributestries but conFredDominoJun 1952 
contemporaneousunto one same cropFredDominoJun 1952 
contemptuoussnoot, cut me upAbStruseApr 1987 
contradistinctivelydiction acts invertlyWehanonowitJan 1933 
contrarinessit's near scornArtyEssJan 1947 
contradictoryI try not accordAyayeKayAug 1942 
contrariwiseaw, I scorn riteXquiqNov 1933 
continuousO, no cut in usDCVerDec 1930 
contraindicationI'm a contradictionAlecSanderApr 1929 
contraindicationsI to Drs. "can I?" no I can'tDirtyJackMar 1989 
contradistinguishI can sight 'tis roundMoonshineOct 1926 
continuancecan continueCincinnatusNov 1925 
controversialistO, I scorn rival settBVerMay 1900 
contagious diseases, theI said"O so these can get us"FredDominoOct 1959 
corporal punishments, thehot lashes nip corrupt menVikingAug 1963 
collector's item, aTom locates relicLarryApr 1963 
feather in one's cap, aI fasten panache o'erAwlWrongAug 1936 
field of battle, thedeath oft befell itAwlWrongAug 1936 
Dionne quintupletssent done up in quiltBenAmiMar 1935 
cock and bull story, ablock out sly canardAwlWrongJan 1944 
cock and bull story, aask bold, occult yarnSueDoeJun 1951 
copyist, theecho typistKennethNov 1924 
cordialcold air*HohoFeb 1966 
Coriolis force, thefore! och! I slice to RNoholdsBardMay 1989 
coronationinto coronaArcanusJan 1960 
correspondent, aO, can sent reportXiphiasJan 1914 
correspondentsspent on recordsBNaturalMar 1944 
correspondentreports connedIxaxarAug 1942 
cornu, thecute hornVulcanSep 1929 
costermonger, aso grocer meantNightowlJan 1977 
costermongergrocers? not me*MangieJan 1977 
cosmopolitelo, compositeArcanusSep 1924 
coordinancein one accordEmmaLineMar 1916 
cooperation, thepeace to honor itHoodwinkDec 1962 
cowardlycold, waryFiddleAug 1949 
cow-heartedcoward, theeHohoJan 1951 
covered wagons, theend: hove cargo WestNightowlAug 1976 
coup de gracecue: cap, goredOrionFeb 1938 
cough syrup, augh! cap yours!SolJrNov 1954 
counterfeit moneyoft true coin enemyFredDominoDec 1953 
chapter oneopener chatAbStruseJan 1990 
crybaby, aay, crabbyAbStruseMar 1984 
crocodiledocile orc*TravvNov 1974 
crematoria, thea char rite to meHohoSep 1973 
credibility gapcap big dirty lieVikingAug 1967 
criminal lawyersall wary in crimesRalphMar 1934 
criminal, thehalt in crime*ArcanusJan 1957 
crustationa crust on itCrisJun 1916 
cryptographer, thethat cypher groperHerculesDec 1941 
creationO, nice artHohoApr 1937 
cryptograms, thegot smart cypherPABFeb 1927 
cryptogram, thecypher-grot, 't amNyphoMay 1929 
criminatea crime in'tSakrElBahrJul 1929 
crotalus, therattles! ouch!EllsworthNov 1928 
crookednessneeds crooksAwlWrongMar 1927 
crocodile tearsactor scored lieAbStruseMay 1989 
crimen falsiscan firm liePABeeFeb 1933 
crocodile tearsO, cried (acts role)CornCobNov 1986 
crocodile tears, thecried: cheater's toolAChemDec 1962 
curtailmentcut terminal 42,78RayleRhoderJul 1926 
customersstore scum*NeophyteFeb 1977 
cuspadore, thehere's a cud potVikingMay 1932 
curtain-raisers, thestar act usherer-in, IPatNov 1949 
cursecures*LarrySep 1940 
culminationI on calm unitPrimroseFeb 1925 
curiousnesscourses in usPrimroseMay 1924 
curtain lectures, thetune carritches' luteAwlWrongOct 1946 
curtain lecture, acruel acute rant, IMoonshineSep 1926 
cat-o-nine-tailsail, once it tansLMNTerryFeb 1921 
cat-o-nine-tails, thenotice it: neat lashFrancolinApr 1915 
custom tailor, thea clothier utmostAbStruseFeb 1985 
daemonismO, I'm madnes'TravvApr 1986 
DaltonismO, dim slantAnnDhowOct 1966 
daylight saving timela, it's giving them dayFredDominoAug 1954 
cafes, theeats, chefUlkApr 1991 
dallianceI dance allFiddleJul 1950 
damnosa hereditasO, it's a darned shameEmmoWJan 1949 
daredeviltrydared try evilBNaturalJun 1946 
Davy Jones' lockerJoe sank, very coldEnavlicmNov 1934 
dallierla, idlerLMNTerryJan 1925 
dawning, thenight wanedDreamerFeb 1926 
daydreamingdandy mirageRemardoNov 1928 
damnam d--nDCVerApr 1930 
daydreamsdreamy? sad?EnavlicmJan 1931 
daydreamssad, my dearGwendolineJul 1920 
dangerousnag: rousedEnavlicmDec 1931 
darknessark's densEnavlicmJun 1923 
daily double, theduo bet: a dilly, eh?TweaserJun 1989 
daily newspaper, theI related happy newsMrsMEBosleyDec 1932 
daily newspaperwe read snappilyBillyGoatMay 1935 
daily newspaper, theheadlines warp typeAbStruseApr 1936 
daily newspapers, thepert, waspy headlinesAwlWrongJul 1937 
daily newspapers, thewe spy headline partsAwlWrongJul 1937 
daily newspaper, thenew tales: dire, happyNumeroNov 1957 
daily newspapers, theread help news: it paysQOct 1912 
daily newspapers, thewe spy plain ads thereRemardoJun 1923 
daily newspapers, theeasy help: we print adsGeminiOct 1924 
daily dozen, theI, lazy, don't needEnavlicmOct 1931 
Day of Resurrection, the Christ e'er for you at endISeeAug 1951 
danger signal, thelet a red sign hangAmaranthFeb 1911 
danger signaland large signGiGanticSep 1923 
deviateevade itTravvSep 1986 
deviatesit evadesHohoAug 1939 
dentures, thedurnes' teethTravvMay 1986 
detractorcarted rotEmmoWMay 1931 
decolletageogle lace, TedCornCobFeb 1986 
demarcationtrace domainOsloAug 1934 
dermatoglyphicsdye l.h. pictogramsNewrowFeb 1985 
devild--- vileDamonomadJan 1931 
de minimis non curat lex n-nix on dime claims? true!WindjammerMay 1984 
deferentiallyleer defiantly*ArcanusJan 1928 
defervescenceecce: fever's endAtlanticApr 1983 
decrepitudeUte did creepBlueHenChickJan 1929 
derelictsidlers, etc.AtlanticOct 1982 
demoralisedre ado: misledXquiqNov 1933 
devilkin'n evil kidUlkSep 1982 
devilkinevil kindHohoJun 1961 
decreasedas recededYercasNov 1930 
destroyer, aay, restored*LarryOct 1981 
debasebad, see?YercasNov 1930 
defenestrationrest in fate, doneTutJun 1980 
defenestrationno, die, fate stern!TutJun 1980 
defenestrationit's need for a netTutJun 1980 
defenestrationafter it, one endsTutJun 1980 
delicatessenensliced eatsAnonymeOct 1921 
delicatessendine cateless*HohoNov 1942 
delicatessen, adeals nice eats 52ITappaKeSep 1933 
delicatessenslices at needLAllegroMay 1980 
delicatessen, theselect dish eatenFaroMay 1973 
decapitation, thecite it: no head; apt?AbStruseApr 1979 
decapitation, thehead, it to pain, etc.HohoMar 1973 
debonairI, drab one*AjaxMar 1979 
debonnairebonnie, dearTheGopherOct 1964 
demimondaineI'm done-in dame 78AyayeKaySep 1942 
desperadodope daresKennethFeb 1958 
desperado's dear dope*TravvJul 1978 
denigrateride a gentIrishNov 1977 
decimal pointI'm a pencil dotNeophyteMay 1977 
decimal pointI'm dot in placeAChemAug 1928 
desperatedeep tearsHohoOct 1976 
desperationa rope ends itAirRaidApr 1920 
desperationat rope's end, IAwlWrongJul 1936 
delectablebeet called:HapSep 1976 
DeuteronomistI set out modern*HapJul 1975 
delusiveveiled usYercasNov 1930 
deterioratedrate it erodedMerlinApr 1975 
deterioratedare rotted, dieLarrySep 1928 
dethronedthro', endedAmaranthApr 1925 
deterioratesrot: a tree diesFrostERomanJan 1974 
demonomaniaO, I one mad manJackOLanternOct 1927 
desideratumI'd rede: a "must"Not Dated 
deteriorationsI erode, stain, rotDCVerMay 1931 
demonstrationsdamn stone riotsTheGinkDec 1972 
determinationO, end it in a termBeauNedFeb 1939 
determinationI mean to, I trendTheGinkAug 1972 
determinationI'm to rate in endHoodwinkMay 1954 
determinationnoted in a meritZoroasterFeb 1935 
determinationdern it! I mean toRemardoNov 1925 
determinationsO, tie a stern mindChrisMay 1913 
delta, aat ladeVikingAug 1970 
dentinasalN is a dentalOct 1930 
desinentiala lie isn't "end"AChemJun 1969 
desistanceisn't "ceased"*AChemJun 1969 
deprecationnote: I carpedNoholdsBardApr 1988 
detonantsdone as TNTHohoDec 1967 
desecrationI note sacred*PoorRichardNov 1931 
desecrationi.e., not sacred 56,67,91TopsyAug 1930 
desolationit's a lone doIxaxarOct 1951 
desolationI, one sad lotHoodwinkAug 1967 
desolationno, isolatedFredDominoDec 1950 
demon, amad oneBafulJan 1966 
degustation, atongue aids atVikingJun 1931 
demonstratingmad Negro is TNTVikingDec 1963 
demonstration'tis manner to doEmmaLineJul 1913 
demonstration, amen "sat in" at doorVikingSep 1965 
demonstrationto one smart dinSallyMay 1913 
demonstration, aand man tries, tooSEArcherAug 1914 
devil-may-careevil made racyHohoJun 1961 
devilishlive dishHohoJun 1961 
debutantesneat bud setDCVerSep 1931 
debutantesbud at teensPollyChromeDec 1924 
demonstrationistI do one smart stintFredDominoFeb 1960 
derogationO, I do rate n.g.FredDominoFeb 1960 
death rattledealt threatAlMay 1926 
detoursd--- routesRalphMay 1923 
derogatedto degradeAChemJun 1929 
deracination, aan eradication 57SineCuraOct 1930 
deracinationan action direAlecSanderApr 1933 
desinenceI end scene 57AwlWrongFeb 1939 
desegregationNegroes get aidPacificoJul 1956 
desegregationgets Negro ideaArtyEssJan 1957 
depilatories, theI stop (delete) hairArcanusJan 1957 
denominateddone named itGeeJun 1913 
denominatei.e., don't name*HoodwinkMay 1955 
degradednessgreed's sad endFredDominoMar 1955 
delirium tremensrum diets rile menAtlantisJul 1914 
delirium tremensrum diet riles menTheGopherJan 1955 
delirium tremenslit men desire rumFredDominoJul 1950 
delirium tremensred rum limit seenFredDominoJul 1950 
delirium tremensI list mere rum endDCVerMar 1931 
delirium tremensrum lees tire mindHerculesDec 1927 
delirium tremenslit rummies' enderVikingMay 1932 
delirium tremens, theere rum settled in himMoonshineOct 1916 
deleteriousnesslet's see: does ruinFredDominoMar 1955 
degenerationO, I get near endAmaranthFeb 1931 
denouementssee end mountPatFeb 1953 
defensefend! see?OsapleNov 1952 
deficientin defect, ISolJul 1926 
deipnosophists, theoh, pet sophists dineEmmoWOct 1952 
depreciationI toned a pricePacificoFeb 1956 
depreciatorsO, aptDecriersAlGebra May 1934
depreciationO, I dent a priceAmorNov 1944 
depreciationsno praise citedSpicaJun 1917 
dendrologylog done dryDhumbbBhelleMar 1956 
department store, apatrons meet, tradeRoscoeJul 1928 
department store, aone-step tradeMartFredDomino Nov 1955
devotionalistI, no vocal deist*PacificoSep 1948 
devotionalistO, divine to lastPacificoSep 1948 
debenturesensure debt 33,48VulcanNov 1929 
destinationit is at no end*ArcanusJun 1945 
demobilization, theI mid hate zone, I boltXSpeckedJan 1945 
departedpert. "dead"VikingDec 1944 
declamatoryam to lead cryAyayeKaySep 1942 
dehydrationdo dry in heatAmaranthDec 1930 
dehydrationI'd dry on heatAyayeKayMar 1942 
derelictionscredit lies onArcanusSep 1941 
derelictionsno credit lies*ArcanusSep 1941 
defoliateO, deleaf itMULaterSep 1940 
decorationsO, ornate discArchimedesMar 1940 
deceitfulnessset fecund liesAwlWrongJan 1940 
derisivenessvide: is sneersAwlWrongDec 1939 
demiurgossure I'm god 39GrandmotherJun 1931 
depreciatessee, cited par*ReynardJul 1938 
deviatorI do avertAwlWrongMay 1938 
demonstrablenoblest dreamWehanonowitFeb 1938 
desecrationO, created sinAbStruseJun 1936 
department storesmost trade presentAmaranthNov 1910 
desecrationO, sin created 36PercyVereMar 1921 
desideratadesire data 36EllsworthNov 1928 
deflated'deed flatGiGanticAug 1935 
desitionit is doneDamonomadJun 1931 
desitionO, it is end 35DamonomadJun 1931 
department stores, thetrades tempt her notesQuiViveAug 1912 
department store, thepresent trade to themTheGopherOct 1921 
declarationan oral edictHelvaGoodmanMar 1916 
demiseme diesEmmaLineOct 1916 
devastatessaved state*EmmaCOct 1918 
deliberatelydally, e'er I betVestaMar 1920 
deathhatedOsapleAug 1922 
designationis a denotingAlecSanderJul 1923 
declensionnoDeclines*AlecSander May 1932
deglutitionI die gluttonIAGreeSep 1932 
deprivationanti provideDCVerMar 1933 
desert oasis, thedoes ease thirstAbStruseJun 1936 
desert oasis, theO, its trees shadeAbStruseJun 1986 
detour signgo side turnNeophyteJul 1977 
debt of nature, theunto death bereftAwlWrongMar 1937 
decollete gownO, well, goDecentFrancolin Jan 1915
decollete gowns, thegee, clothes let downEmmoWFeb 1953 
deadly nightshadedeath's day led nighJoMullinsJan 1922 
destroying angel, theso death reign gentlyCSawApr 1919 
defamation of characterdamn erratic chat of a foeMoonshineOct 1927 
declaration of warla! an edict for a rowAmaranthJun 1917 
dictatorshipchid patriotsDCVerAug 1934 
disruption, a"torn up" I saidVikingOct 1964 
disagreement, amet anger's ideaFredDominoJun 1951 
disagreementsmeager dissentHohoJul 1960 
disagreementsee it drag menTheGopherMar 1955 
discourteousnessO, is rude cuss's noteFredDominoFeb 1960 
discourtesy, ayes, is curt adoQSep 1925 
disproportionablenesslines not proper so: is badEvergreenJun 1952 
disproportionablenessaid no responsible sportPhilOPenaJul 1923 
dictatorshiphot drastic piRovingVicMay 1937 
diagnosissigns o' aidDhumbbBhelleMay 1958 
disadvantageousnesseven against us, as oddsMoonshineJan 1927 
diversificationis varied diction 57PABJan 1926 
divinesin dives*EnavlicmDec 1925 
dissidentI'd dissent 54EllsworthNov 1928 
disheartentens are hidOShawJan 1927 
disastersad ritesAmorJul 1947 
disasterside starFiddleOct 1954 
distinguisheddisguised thinPollyPryOct 1926 
diet, aI'd eatLarryJan 1953 
distinguishabilityit is hiding suitably*DreamerJan 1926 
disestablishmentarianhis line Dr bans state "I am"EvergreenJun 1952 
disestablishmentariansmen air, stablish a dissentVesaliusJul 1928 
disarmamentI'm at arms endFredDominoJun 1951 
disarmamentamend it,MarsESCrow Mar 1927
disarmamentstameMars' dinsDCVer Mar 1931
disarmamentMars inmatedStoclesJan 1922 
discontinuanceI can count is endFredDominoJun 1951 
discontinueI count is endFredDominoJun 1951 
disbursementsd--- business termLarryJul 1927 
disrespectableI select bad "refs"FredDominoJun 1951 
disseminatesas I send itemsFredDominoJun 1951 
diabetesAbe dietsYKnottAug 1934 
divertissementI'm vested in restFredDominoJun 1951 
divertissement'tis even 'mid restFredDominoJun 1951 
Dime Novel, amaiden loveFredDominoJun 1950 
Dime Novel, amade in loveFredDominoJun 1950 
diatonic scale, theteachin' la, si, do, etc.DCVerSep 1934 
diatonic scale, theit has nice do, la, etc.DCVerSep 1934 
diatonic scalecan cite la, si, doDCVerFeb 1934 
diariesreads "I, I"FiddleSep 1949 
disqualificationI fail'd so I can quitMoonshineMar 1927 
disinterestednessit's stressed in needChetSep 1947 
diatribebad rite, IBeauNedFeb 1937 
diatribesbaited sirKatmatMar 1942 
disorientatedI trend east, I do*ArcanusJan 1947 
diner-out, aI eat 'roundAwlWrongJan 1945 
dishonestsnide shotKatmatJan 1941 
dictationdiction atMULaterAug 1941 
discretionconsider itHoodwinkAug 1940 
discretionso in creditCincinnatusApr 1926 
discretionis no credit*CincinnatusJun 1926 
diamondsand so dim*PatristocratJun 1940 
diamondsmaid donsPuzzerooApr 1940 
disconsolatelone, sad, stoicGeminiNov 1937 
diaperI drape 36GiGanticJun 1935 
district attorney, thetry th' tort case, inditeDeeGeeDec 1955 
district attorneytry "state indictor"AbStruseNov 1986 
district attorneysassert, try to indictMangieFeb 1978 
district attorneys, thethey, starters to indictAbStruseSep 1988 
discounterunder cost, IUlkAug 1986 
dipsomaniaI'm a soda nipBamOct 1972 
dipsomaniacalI sip a cola: damn!StitchAug 1986 
dipsomaniac, theI? chap I'd name sotEffieCeeAug 1929 
dipsomaniacI'm soda panicHapJan 1977 
disintegrationa rotting insideArchimedesFeb 1940 
disintegrationdarn it! it is gone 59ESCrowFeb 1911 
disintegrationno, I grant it diesFredDominoOct 1965 
disintegrationdetrition gainsFredDominoOct 1965 
diurnallyday run illKennethNov 1926 
diseasessee, is sadEmmaLineDec 1913 
diseaseAIDS, see?TeZirManOct 1985 
dissatisfactionin fact, it is so sadMoonshineJul 1926 
diminutivevidi: minuteNightowlFeb 1984 
diplomatsamid plots 34,51PollyPryJan 1927 
disappointments, thenot happiest mind-setAbStruseOct 1987 
disappointment, aimpotent sad painAbStruseJun 1983 
disparagementI'd get mean rapsAmaranthApr 1925 
disparagementman, get praised*VulcanMay 1930 
disparagementsdemean its graspNetaLyleAug 1923 
disintegrateI tear 'n' digestNightowlJan 1981 
discothequesh! quiet code*VolarNov 1979 
discontinuance, ais an account I endJackOLanternAug 1927 
discontinueend it, cousinTravvDec 1978 
diacetylmorphinemy tip: laced heroinTravvSep 1978 
disheartenedtreed in HadesDamonomadMay 1934 
disheartenedI end sad thereDCVerMar 1934 
diaskeuastdieu! 's a taskMangieJan 1978 
diaskeuasta task is dueShyreneAug 1930 
dingmaul, agud animal*TravvSep 1975 
distastefulfault! desist!HapOct 1974 
discourteousO, scout is rudeGeminiNov 1937 
discourteousoi! rude scoutsSakrElBahrSep 1933 
discourteousrude, I cuss, tooMerlinAug 1974 
discourteousdiscourse? out!HapFeb 1986 
diplomacymad policy* 73JemandJan 1916 
diagnosticationO, ain't it a sign, docMerlinDec 1972 
diagnostician, theoh, gain in acid testTheGopherNov 1965 
diastoledilate so 69EmmoWMay 1936 
disproportionatelyit openly drops ratioGordonorSep 1929 
disproportionatelyO, ratio only strippedHohoMar 1969 
disproportionatelyd--- ratio is plenty poorGeminiFeb 1938 
discouragementre: me can do it, Gus*MissileCFeb 1969 
discouragementit mends courage*ArcanusFeb 1935 
discouragementO, can get us miredAbStruseDec 1988 
discouragement, aand courage smiteArcanusFeb 1935 
dilatorinessno star is idle*BafulAug 1966 
dilatorinessDon is late, sirAmaranthDec 1915 
dilatorinesslo, tardiness, IMarsMar 1928 
diathermy, theI dry-heat themHohoMar 1966 
diathermyI'm dry heatHoodwinkAug 1960 
diathermanousamid sun or heatOrionSep 1934 
disagreeablenesssee, I bear gladness*AChemFeb 1928 
disagreeablenessdeals a gibe: sneersNot Dated 
disagreeablenessdeals a gibe: sneersAChemFeb 1928 
distastefullyis fully tasted*DonatelloJul 1928 
discouragesaids scourgeGeeSep 1928 
diamond ring, aadorning maid 66FredDominoNov 1928 
dietotherapeuticsethics: do eat it pureSerpeggiandoMay 1929 
disconsolationsad I lost; no coinTopsyAug 1930 
dittodot itDCVerMar 1931 
dithyrambicrabid, mythicCSawApr 1931 
dirigible, aagile bird, IDCVerMay 1931 
dilatationat dilation 32YercasJun 1931 
disrobesI dress, bo*JayEsteeDec 1931 
dissertation, asaid on treatisVikingNov 1932 
dispiritedspirit diedYercasOct 1932 
divertimentoI to divert menJayEsteeJul 1932 
discriminateI discern it, MaVestaDec 1917 
disreputedire upsetPhilOct 1924 
dictionaryindicatoryAmaranthDec 1910 
dictionarytry con, I aidDCVerNov 1915 
diabolicalnessI scale a bold sinDonatelloJun 1911 
dissimulatesit misleads usChrisMar 1915 
disinterestedinterests diedEmmaLineMay 1915 
discernmentmind's centerSpreggsMay 1915 
disastrously'tis sadly sourSamSlickSep 1915 
distilleryi.e., dry still*ESCrowMar 1919 
diagnoseI nag, doseMenoJul 1920 
distributingdisturbing itEmelineSep 1920 
disabledbad sled, IEnavlicmJan 1923 
dilatoryO, tardilyUlkAug 1987 
dinosauris around*PanacheFeb 1989 
dining-room tablemingle it on boardXSpeckedOct 1941 
divorce suit, aI advise courtAmaranthFeb 1917 
displaced persons, theraces shipped: send lotFredDominoJul 1950 
difference of opinion, a O, I find no peace in offerBNaturalMay 1956 
difference of opinion, a fine, fine idea of pro-conFredDominoMay 1959 
diplomatic corps, thecharmed politic postAwlWrongFeb 1944 
diplomatic corps, thelept. charms politicoAwlWrongFeb 1944 
doughtinesshid one's guts*TweaserJun 1984 
do-nothingnessO, send no thingsFloraMay 1919 
double-crosserbred cool rusesAbStruseFeb 1980 
dowser, thehe wets rodAbStruseMar 1983 
dotterelre: dottleTravvNov 1982 
doubting Thomashi! man got doubtsVestaJun 1920 
domesticalitydocility, matesProfPampelm+Jan 1980 
domesticity'tis comedy, itJoMullinsMay 1922 
Domdanielold den am IProfPampelm+Mar 1981 
doberman pinscherMr. posh-bred canineVolarMay 1978 
dornick, aand I? rock!LarryJul 1977 
do-it-yourselfyou fit, solderSeabeeAug 1975 
domesticatingdoc, I tame stingDamonomadApr 1932 
domesticated"tamed" so citedVikingAug 1970 
dolichocephalismhis comic poll headXSpeckedSep 1931 
doomsayers, theO, my, there! so sadLarryJun 1969 
dolorousdour soloHohoJul 1968 
double entendre, aduo needle banterKennethJul 1961 
double-breasted suitsbe suitable, store dudsFredDominoMar 1956 
dockyarda drydockSolJrNov 1954 
doctrinairesI scorn tirade*FredDominoNov 1951 
doctrinaireI edit rancorFredDominoJul 1951 
dormitoryroom I'd tryBarnyardDec 1913 
doorstepsdrops toesHohoJul 1949 
dog days, thee.g., say d----d hotBlackstoneOct 1949 
downheartednesssad woes then rendAwlWrongJul 1947 
down Eastand o. west*BlackstoneNov 1944 
dolce far nientenon-life createdAwlWrongSep 1943 
dolce far nienterecanted on lifeAwlWrongSep 1943 
dolce far nienteidle, fare no centDamonomadNov 1934 
dolce far nienteidle, face no rentDamonomadNov 1934 
dournessends sourAmaranthApr 1925 
dog in the manger, theheard me? get nothingNoholdsBardSep 1989 
dog in the manger, aI darn mean egg, tho'DamonomadNov 1934 
dog in the manger, atag denier "man-hog"DamonomadNov 1934 
domino set, aO, I name dotsPikerJun 1927 
dormitoriestidier rooms*SallyOct 1989 
do not disturbbust, dint doorLarryMar 1972 
do not disturbbust in d--- doorsLarryMar 1972 
double harness, ahorses' dual banePacificoSep 1957 
doubting Thomas, adoting about shamOedipusJan 1969 
doctors of medicinedocs I met for codeinVikingAug 1970 
domestic shorthair, thethis cat home-hider sortLarryMay 1979 
draghounddog had runTravvOct 1985 
droughtytough, dryVikingNov 1934 
droughtyug! dry, hotLarryFeb 1981 
drivewayyard viewOsapleApr 1977 
druggist, aI tag drugsDruhOct 1926 
drugstore, aoutrages Dr.*HohoMay 1969 
drachmaedram eachLarryMay 1968 
draintileit led rainTheGinkJan 1926 
dryasdustA Dr.'s studyHohoMay 1954 
dryasdust, thehard-set studyPacificoOct 1957 
drainagein a gradePacificoOct 1957 
draughthard tugPacificoSep 1957 
dramatis personaeO, me! stars in paradeFredDominoJul 1951 
dramatis personaestar in some paradeFredDominoJul 1951 
dramatis personae, thea thespian-made posterPatMar 1950 
dreadnoughts, thered-hot death gunsFredDominoJul 1951 
dreadnaughts, therated: had the gunsFredDominoJul 1951 
dromomaniaI roam on madAwlWrongFeb 1944 
dromedary, thetheme: dry roadTwistoJun 1936 
dromedaries, theO, I am desert herdYercasDec 1934 
dromedaries, thehome: arid desertEnavlicmDec 1917 
dromedaries, theoh, am desert rideUlkJul 1988 
drunkards, thedrunk hardestTryemAllJan 1928 
drowsilyrows idlyEnvalicmMay 1924 
drinking bout, aI do but rank ginHohoJan 1941 
drag bunt, agad! bat! run!LarryOct 1979 
drug addictionto dig durn acidVikingAug 1971 
dulialaud, IHapAug 1981 
dynamomay nod*CornCobApr 1986 
dynamitemay end itTutNov 1975 
dynamitedainty me*TutNov 1975 
dynamiteda tidy mend*CastetJul 1952 
dunttundUlkAug 1987 
durance vilecured an evilFredDominoJun 1931 
economyc/o moneySphinxFeb 1986 
ebullitioni.e., it no bull*CromoWJul 1931 
ebullitionI tie no bullCromoWJul 1931 
ecdysiast, theyes, shed it actAbStruseNov 1983 
eidolonone idol 81JemandJun 1913 
earliest, thelatest here, I*LarryAug 1972 
earliestrise late*EnavlicmAug 1925 
ebriosei.e., sober*AChemMar 1972 
ecclesiarch, thechaste cleric, heKamelOct 1976 
egomaniacO, Ace, I am n.g.*HohoJan 1976 
eftsoonso oftenAmorJun 1975 
eisteddfoddid ode festNightowlAug 1972 
eavesdropper, thepeeps; overheard 'tLarryJun 1928 
eavesdropperevades properHohoJan 1961 
eavesdropper, thehe proved ear pestArcanusOct 1942 
ecumenicalism"I calm men" is cueSasMay 1968 
ecumenicalismcue's "I claim men"SasMay 1968 
ears, thehear set 58QAug 1911 
earthbreddrab therePacificoNov 1957 
earnestnessa stern senseAmaranthSep 1924 
earthenheartedaha! tender therePacificoNov 1957 
educator, theto teach rudeNoholdsBardMay 1989 
editorials, theI said lot thereFredDominoMay 1953 
egocentricitycry "I", get noticeHohoApr 1954 
editoriallo, I read it 22,87GemFeb 1916 
economistI'm one ScotAwlWrongDec 1947 
editorialsideals riotDCVerJul 1913 
editorsso tiredFiddleSep 1949 
editor, thehe tried to 43GiGanticFeb 1938 
editordo 'riteKnutKrakrJun 1938 
egocentricI, center cogHohoFeb 1944 
Easter parade, thehats are peered atVikingJul 1937 
anarchistsin rash actsPearson 
economicscoin comes 27RalphMay 1913 
effeminatefame in feetBlueJaySep 1923 
edictcitedArcanusDec 1914 
Easter bonnet, theno better hat seenAbStruseApr 1981 
Easter bonnet, theenter one best hatAmaranthAug 1913 
eave trough, theheave ho: gutterHapJul 1978 
trialSeparation, atear liaison apartMonaLisa Dec 1977
Egyptian lotosposy got at NileVikingJun 1968 
Egyptian darknessranks Stygian deepAwlWrongSep 1947 
Egyptian darknessgets an inky spreadAmaranthJun 1926 
edition de luxeO, I exult indeedSamSlickNov 1916 
easy chair, theay, it has cheerVestaSep 1920 
easyMarks, theshark meat? yesEnavlicm Dec 1931
endodontist, theO, then note it: DDSNightowlNov 1983 
eleemosynariesye're on alms, I seeCrisSep 1917 
eleemosynars, thealmoners, they: see?AtlanticOct 1982 
eleemosynaryalmoner eyes "Y"NightowlOct 1971 
eleemosynaryye almoners, yeNyphoJan 1938 
eleemosynaryeasy, rely on meCastetOct 1926 
eleemosynaryalmonry ye seeTunsteMay 1923 
electrocardiogram, themedic heart trace or logNightowlSep 1973 
electrocardiogram, thegoal? I'm heart record, etc.NightowlSep 1973 
electrocardiographgo record a heart clipVikingJun 1964 
electrocardiographya poor heart cycle grid*NewrowApr 1981 
electrocardiographs, the heart pace record, this logSolJrOct 1953 
entraptrepan 84TheGopherNov 1965 
entrapspens ratEnavlicmMay 1923 
entertainmentsten men train set33Jun 1936 
entertaintreat nineNot Dated 
entertaintreat nineLeeFranceMay 1980 
El Dorado, thea red-hot lodeTravvMay 1976 
elucidatorI'd clear outChrisSep 1915 
elucidatesdetails cueFrostERomanNov 1974 
elucidateact I elude*EmelineMar 1918 
employmentlo! empty men*GraydolJul 1974 
emigrationssite roamingMerlinDec 1972 
encouragementaugment! encore!HohoNov 1969 
elongatea long teeWinonaApr 1962 
endangered speciesspeeds a generic endAbStruseFeb 1989 
emancipatesman escape itHoodwinkDec 1962 
Enigma, thegain themeMinorApr 1921 
Enigma, thethine egmaAwlWrongMay 1948 
Enigma, thehi! neat gemNyphoSep 1920 
Enigma, thein thee, magZer0Feb 1965 
Enigma, thein the game 24,28,33,64SirAMay 1920 
Enigma, theimage thenMysticDec 1933 
elucidationI aid not clue*HoodwinkAug 1955 
encyclopaediaCal, I need a copyGrandmotherDec 1926 
encyclopedias, thecon easy help citedFredDominoOct 1959 
encephalitishi! I can't sleep*ArcanusFeb 1942 
encephalitischain sleep, itKennethFeb 1959 
encephalitis, theit hath nice sleep*ArcanusApr 1956 
enormitymore tiny* 31,59PearlieGlenApr 1929 
enigmatographersO, men rage at griphsTheGinkJun 1958 
enigmatographersO, I met sharper gangESCrowNov 1930 
enigmatographershere's a gang I trompEvergreenApr 1958 
enthusiasmI tune smashDhumbbBhelleMay 1958 
enfiladefine leadFredDominoJul 1950 
enfiladefine dealFredDominoJul 1950 
elusiveuse veilHohoAug 1949 
enneatericerect a nineAwlWrongDec 1949 
entente cordiale, thedealt henotic entreeAwlWrongDec 1948 
entente cordialerealDecent tone, ICSaw Jun 1932
enucleationintone a clueWehanonowitJan 1940 
enervateseats nerveTheGinkJan 1926 
entomologyO, gloomy netAlcyoFeb 1927 
enchantresssh' entrancesAlecSanderFeb 1925 
endeavoringan' ever doingNJineerMar 1927 
enunciator, theO, I can utter "hen"BlueHenChickJan 1928 
embargoO, grab meImaLoneJun 1928 
engineer, an'e ran engineYKnottJul 1928 
enthusiastas is the "nut"AChemAug 1928 
emotionalistI most elationRebeRussDec 1928 
embroiderI border 'emSakrElBahrJan 1929 
electoratesable to selectDCVerApr 1929 
emigrantsI'm strangeArcanusDec 1930 
enjoymentsten joys, menYercasFeb 1931 
energeticallyall cite energyDonatelloFeb 1911 
energeticallygreet nice allyEmmaLineJun 1916 
enlargedlargenedESCrowJan 1914 
enrichedrichenedGeeMar 1914 
enigmaticallyay, tell in magicSpicaSep 1915 
enumerationu mention eraNetaLyleApr 1922 
emotionalO, I let moanEmmaLineJul 1913 
elevatorsserve a lotEnavlicmFeb 1922 
employment agencies, theO, May get me sent nice helpNot Dated 
employment agencies, theO, May get me sent nice helpAbStruseSep 1982 
energy crisis, thecries hit erg yensTutFeb 1974 
electric typewriter, anclew: printer; race it yet!NightowlAug 1977 
electric toaster, anslice-to-tan creatorVikingMay 1962 
encephalitis lethargicaa lethargic sleep-chain, itRalphApr 1932 
electric light, ana cercle thing litRemardoApr 1917 
elevated railroad, theI deal overhead rattleFredDominoJul 1951 
elevated railroad, theideal rattle overheadAlSep 1925 
elevated railroads, theall state ride overheadBNaturalApr 1928 
end of the roadhated "done for"VikingJun 1963 
eyewitnesseswe see sins yetHuduNov 1983 
eyewitnessesyes, we sense itPatJan 1953 
eyewitness, anyes, 'n' e'en saw itAChemMay 1930 
erethictic hereAbStruseAug 1981 
exhilarateair: exalt, eh?TravvFeb 1986 
examinationnote: I am axin'OsapleNov 1920 
examinationI exam nationSAmpleMar 1932 
exterminateain't extreme*AbStruseSep 1983 
exasperatesapex teasersNetaLyleApr 1922 
exterminationax in on termiteFamulusMay 1983 
explanation, anexplain to AnnaPolyJul 1923 
Esperantoneat proseRabbitSep 1977 
EsperantoO, rates penSakrElBahrMar 1933 
ergatanerant! agreer?TravvJun 1977 
eschatologistis theolog castWehanonowitJan 1933 
E Pluribus UnumUS up in bum rule*MeoNov 1976 
equivalent, theeven it th' equalPoorRichardApr 1932 
epitaphshappiest*HapJun 1973 
epitaph, anI pen a pathPearlieGlenDec 1928 
establishment, theblame this set, thenVikingAug 1970 
essonite, thethee is stoneBlueHenChickApr 1932 
estrangementstest men's angerOedipusJul 1952 
etaoin shrdlushould retain*BodolphMay 1978 
equilateralI'l rate equalDCVerMar 1932 
exurbaniteTexan rube, I*TreesongJun 1978 
erroneouslyso you err, LenPoorRichardApr 1932 
excavationnix to a cave*TravvJul 1975 
Eskimossome skiIDCipherFeb 1932 
esoteryyes, rote*PacificoSep 1960 
eternal triangles, thethese let errant gal inVikingNov 1931 
eternal triangle, thethree in later tangleBNaturalJul 1960 
eternal triangle, thereal tangle: three in'tTheGopherOct 1955 
eternal triangle, thethree in tangler taleNyphoMay 1948 
evangelistsnag evil setsHohoMar 1969 
evangelistsas live gentsHoosierJun 1940 
evangelisti.e., TV's angelTeZirManOct 1987 
exemption, antax men opineArcanusSep 1960 
esotericsso, secret IDonatelloDec 1928 
epicurean, thepunch ere I eat*TheGopherMay 1956 
evisceration, theis "carve into thee"MolemiOct 1959 
epeisodionI on episodeAwlWrongMay 1948 
epicurescurse pieLateoOct 1924 
estrifstrifeAwlWrongOct 1942 
entiretyeternityFMarkHornMay 1945 
everlastingvale! restingDCVerNov 1934 
everlastingsilent graveFMarkHornMay 1945 
everlastingv.g.: is eternalTwistoApr 1936 
explanatory note, theor one help at any textVikingMay 1964 
executive committee, anmen meet, voice a cut, exitArtyEssMar 1957 
expiration dateneat period: ax itTeZirManJul 1987 
exterminators, theor ax termites thenNoholdsBardNov 1988 
evil spiritvile, it ripsPearlieGlenMar 1930 
equal rightsha! girl questIshmaelMar 1982 
Eternal CityItaly centerElfNov 1986 
eternal restenters laterAmaranthMay 1927 
Euclidian geometrymy rule: get cone ideaNightowlDec 1985 
escape literaturerecite a super taleAmigoDec 1978 
everlasting peacesleep in a grave, etc.VikingJul 1971 
everlasting life, ansafe, eternal livingVikingSep 1934 
everlasting life, theflesh at vigil eterneHohoNov 1939 
exaggeration, anO, extra inane gagAyayeKayJun 1943 
exaggerationssix are ten, agogBudApr 1928 
exodontist, theexit ends toothYKnottJul 1941 
expectorationsO, spit once extraHohoApr 1940 
epopoeistPoe, is poetBlueHenChickApr 1931 
epoistis poet 38EllsworthJun 1925 
estimablebestial me*SiNov 1937 
eremiticalCarmelite, IDCVerApr 1935 
esclandre, anne'er scandal*ArcanusDec 1934 
everlastingit never lagsArcanusFeb 1915 
extravagancecraven taxageWehanonowitDec 1934 
eradicationa dire actionAlecSanderApr 1933 
exemplificationI con it, if exampleYercasDec 1937 
eyesore, anyes, one earEnavlicmNov 1922 
eyeglassessee gals? yesMGMJul 1936 
eyeballsall see byFrancolinNov 1914 
extensivenesssixes, even tensDCVerOct 1934 
extirpatedexit! depart!DCVerMay 1934 
eyestraintires an eyArtyEssDec 1922 
evildoer, theO, devil thereAlcyoJun 1923 
expeditiousnessO, speed exist in usAmaranthNov 1925 
Eucharistthis a cureMarteliaMay 1926 
estuarysure tayScanDawMar 1927 
esprit de corpspep's its recordArtyEssOct 1920 
evangelistevil's agent*HiKerrJun 1927 
evangelist, thegets heaven-litDCVerAug 1914 
eremacausisair causes meBlueHenChickJan 1928 
extraneousno use, extraEvergreenMar 1928 
eurhythmicsrhythm is cueEvergreenApr 1928 
eurhythmicI cue rhythmRalphMay 1931 
evaporationI note a vaporPoorRichardJul 1928 
extraditerated exitLimorJan 1931 
estrangegets near*YercasJan 1931 
evaluatesset a valuePoorRichardNov 1931 
exactionscoin taxes 17RalphMar 1913 
exclamationsnotes a climaxEmmaLineSep 1915 
existenceexit scene*EmmaLineSep 1915 
evening prayersvesper yearningMerlinJul 1974 
espionage agentsa neet gang o' spiesTravvFeb 1985 
faintheartednessends hesitant fear*MerlinMar 1974 
faintheartedI end that fear*FredDominoNov 1953 
faintheartede'en 'fraid thatEnavlicmSep 1931 
faintheartedhinted at fearSueDoeMay 1953 
fainthearteddefiant heart*VulcanSep 1928 
fascinationO, fanatic sinFanacroJun 1971 
famishedis ham fed* 64,70DiehlMWrightJul 1929 
festivalfast, live*BeauNedMar 1937 
festivalvast lifeHapMar 1977 
festivalvile fast* 77EnavlicmMay 1930 
felicityI felt icy*EmmaCJun 1917 
featherweight, thehe, that wee fighter 66RoscoeJul 1923 
featherweightswee fight haters*HohoJan 1973 
featherweightsware! these fightJackOLanternMar 1926 
falsitiesfit, as lies 68DamonomadFeb 1934 
falderolssafe, drollHohoDec 1967 
fabricateda fib tracedEnavlicmMay 1922 
fabricationO, I ran fib actHohoDec 1961 
fabricationArab fictionEmJayAug 1923 
fastidiousnessstained, so I fussCaptainToFeb 1958 
fastidiousnessis of a dustiness*JackOLanternFeb 1928 
fastidiousnessaid to fussinessJackOLanternFeb 1928 
fallaciousnesslo, in a false cussFredDominoMay 1956 
facts of life, theteach [of] fit selfMolemiMar 1956 
Falstaffianfast in a "laff"FredDominoJan 1955 
fashionmonger, theah, then, grooms fineFredDominoJan 1955 
false-heartedfear these, ladFredDominoMay 1953 
facetiousnessso it ceases fun*DonatelloJul 1928 
facetiousnessO, sees act is funFredDominoJul 1951 
fairway, thefireth awayArcanusDec 1950 
fashion plate, ahail as neat fopAwlWrongJul 1943 
favoriteave for itKatmatMar 1942 
fairy talesart fay liesSpreggsJun 1940 
fairy talesare falsityAbStruseFeb 1940 
fairy taleart fay lie 36XLCRJun 1911 
falsifier, theif Father liesNollidApr 1939 
Father Timea term thiefDamonomadMar 1934 
fabricatesI bare facts*VulcanSep 1928 
factiousnessuses factionsEllsworthSep 1929 
fantasticisn't a factEnavlicmMay 1931 
fantasticfat anticsJackOLanternFeb 1930 
festivitiesI visit fetesDCVerApr 1931 
fastidiousI, I do fuss atDCVerDec 1931 
fastidiouslyO, I fuss at idlyDCVerDec 1931 
faciesis faceCrisJul 1914 
familieslife's aimEnavlicmNov 1917 
faithfulnessfalse fun, this*EmelineAug 1920 
faintedend: a fitEnavlicmNov 1922 
feathersfast hereESCrowDec 1919 
fame and fortuneoften a fun dreamRuthlessApr 1989 
female impersonationI meet man apt in role of sheVikingAug 1935 
female impersonations, thehere men fail not to ape missVikingAug 1935 
female impersonators, themen ape mates for this roleAChemNov 1935 
female impersonators, themen to pass for Ethel,Marie AtlanticMar 1981 
female impersonatorsee? I'm man, part of roleAbStruseJul 1986 
federal regulationsagreed: rules fail notWyvernJun 1986 
family reunionsMa's only unifierVolarMay 1979 
family tree, thetry a life themeKamelDec 1977 
family skeletonskin seal me softlyDCVerFeb 1929 
family skeleton, ayea, fell mask on itRemardoSep 1926 
false crowfoots, theso flowers oft cheatVikingApr 1972 
federal estate tax, thetext: re a last death feeMerlinOct 1974 
federal income taxes, theloathed fee IRS men exactMerlinApr 1971 
fair-weather sailor, aO, I, tar fear sea awhirlAChemAug 1963 
family circle, therich, calm love yetFredDominoFeb 1956 
falling starastral flingFredDominoDec 1953 
false witness, awants safe liesAwlWrongDec 1943 
fallen angels, theall Gehenna's leftVikingDec 1933 
false testimonytest of many liesAtlantisJun 1925 
feasts of Lucullus, thelet us full of such "eats"CincinnatusSep 1935 
faith healers, thehe's fat, healthierSealGeeMay 1922 
fat chancefact: he can*UlkJun 1988 
anglewormsno warm legsArcanusAug 1927 
flapper, theleft her PapThatGalNellAug 1929 
flapper, theflat prep, eh?TweaserJul 1984 
forecastercraft o' seerAwlWrongApr 1937 
forcemeatfarce to me 84TravvDec 1976 
flotationfloat on itAmaranthApr 1925 
fopdoodled--- fool, dopeTravvMay 1982 
fiancesfanciesEllsworthMay 1925 
filcher, thecherl! thief!LarryJun 1972 
fingerprint, afear printingArcanusSep 1927 
forestlikeof trees' ilkProfPampelm+Oct 1979 
formidableI'm bold: fear!EnavlicmMar 1927 
footballfall bootPeteRoleumApr 1976 
fool, alo, oafLivedevilJun 1936 
fire and brimstonebard's inferno itemVikingNov 1969 
fire and brimstonetab men for dire sinFredDominoDec 1951 
fiasco, theface is hotHohoApr 1961 
forestry, thefor thy treesSkyLightAug 1927 
flirtertriflerHoodwinkMar 1966 
foundationers, thenote heirs to a fundVikingOct 1964 
fourth dimension, thein short, he found "time"VikingAug 1963 
fortuneteller"feller" not trueFredDominoMay 1961 
finaglesself-gainFredDominoJan 1955 
filet mignon, ain meal: no gift!FredDominoJan 1955 
filling stationsfill gas into tinsFredDominoJul 1953 
filling station, thethin gas fell into itHerculesJul 1925 
flagitiousis of a guiltFredDominoSep 1954 
flophouse, theoh, hut of sleepFredDominoDec 1953 
flabbergastedgabber felt sadJackOLanternMar 1930 
flabbergastedfeels bad t' bragEmmoWFeb 1953 
forbidden fruit, thehid but rift for EdenAwlWrongSep 1937 
forbidden fruit, theboth fed: inured riftBNaturalFeb 1958 
forbidden fruit, theboth fed: rift, ruinedBNaturalApr 1935 
foreign aidI, a friend, goArcanusJan 1956 
forest primeval, thelive trees form pathDeeGeeNov 1955 
fool's paradiselo, dale for sapsAmanovlettusFeb 1937 
fool's paradise, thehis fate's poor dealFredDominoMar 1955 
fool's paradise, thefalse hope's road, itHerculesJul 1926 
flying saucers, thethey fling, scare usDhumbbBhelleOct 1947 
fleckerfreckleAwlWrongOct 1946 
filibusterer, theI hit free blusterGrandmotherApr 1933 
flibbertigibbet, aI gabble bitter fibAChemApr 1934 
footstoollo, soft, tooEnavlicmJan 1928 
fortissimoor, I'm soft, si?*UlkDec 1988 
forensic medicineID crime scene infoCornCobJan 1989 
forty-fiveover fifty*PhilanaApr 1989 
fortunateturn o' FateBlueHenChickFeb 1928 
formationI on formatPrimroseDec 1928 
filledill-fed*EnavlicmMay 1930 
arabesquessquare base*HapHapMem 90 
foliaturea true foilLAllegroSep 1916 
forget-me-notforgotten me*MinutaAug 1923 
fidelityI'l defy itDCVerJul 1913 
firefly, afairy elfNoholdsBardOct 1987 
fit of angerno rage, tiff*AmigoFeb 1983 
fourth dimension, thetime-shift unhonored*PapNdromeSep 1986 
fortune cookies, theO, OK, Chinese: oft trueAbStruseJul 1980 
forensic medicineinformed science, IVolarJan 1980 
football game, thea hot fleet gambolArcanusNov 1947 
football games, theO, both get same fallTreePalMar 1946 
football games, thegambol of athletesMolemiNov 1921 
football gametale of gambolXLCRAug 1911 
fishing tackleflick sea thingDeeGeeAug 1955 
flat tiresst! air leftMolemiJan 1934 
final curtain, theI halt fine act runFredDominoMar 1959 
financial newswe scan in finalFredDominoFeb 1951 
financial statementnet in late main factsFredDominoJun 1950 
foreign affairsas I reign far offTheGopherNov 1954 
finalDecreedeclare fineSol Aug 1927
finalDecreeI free-lancedSol Aug 1927
forest rangers, theforesters rangethNot Dated 
forest rangers, theforesters rangethAtlantisSep 1914 
fidus Achatesfact, he aids usPrimroseMar 1930 
fool's paradise, theso I rode false pathAbStruseSep 1984 
fragilee.g., frail 27,83HiKerrJun 1926 
frangibilitybig in frailtyHapNov 1977 
frangiblen.b., fragile 72TheGinkOct 1927 
furbisherI rub freshSigmasexspr+Aug 1973 
freeway, aay, we fareMolemiFeb 1967 
furiousI rufousHohoNov 1961 
freaks of Naturea faker's fortuneArtyEssSep 1959 
french fried potatoesthis near-perfect food*FredDominoMar 1952 
fundamentalists, thelet us tend man's faithFredDominoDec 1953 
fyllfot, afly aloftHohoFeb 1944 
Francophiles, thepet halo is FrenchNyphoFeb 1949 
fusileersuse rifles 46IxaxarDec 1935 
fractiousnessfusser's actionAwlWrongJul 1937 
frontiersman, aman is near fortArcanusFeb 1936 
funebrialurban life*BlueHenChickJul 1939 
frontispieceis front pieceAmorMar 1926 
frontispieces, theon first epic sheetNickDec 1928 
freebooters, thefree to rob, theseVulcanJun 1928 
fraternityrife tyrant*ZoroasterOct 1931 
fragmentalrag left, manElDonNov 1920 
funeralMarchreal fun, charm*NoholdsBard Dec 1988
flying machine, theha, fly me: nice thingPercyVereJan 1911 
foul tipflip outArcanusSep 1936 
fringe benefitsbring finest feeVolarJan 1979 
fright disease, thedig these fits, hear?ElfJul 1986 
French cuisinenice chef's ruin*AbStruseDec 1980 
fraternal societies, the here's fine rites: act a lotFredDominoJun 1955 
funeral directors, thecharter life-end toursFredDominoMar 1958 
free tradedeter fare*RalphMar 1913 
fried potatoeseats, food: tripe!*EnavlicmAug 1925 
Friday the thirteenthif then thy dire threatArcanusFeb 1937 
funeral processionO, real fun in process*EmmaLineMar 1916 
funeral procession, thecorpse: final tense hourSpreggsJan 1941 
funeral processionsperson's final courseVikingJun 1970 
funeral processions, the cop here if run's one's last VikingJul 1970 
revolutionto love ruinMasq 1797 
telegraphgreat help 20Masq 1797 
funeralreal fun* 42,80Masq 1797 
astronomersno more stars*Masq 179? 
Presbyterianbest in prayer 57Masq 179? 
festivalevil fast*Masq 179? 
democraticalcomical tradeMasq 179? 
sovereignty'tis ye governMasq 179? 
wealththe law 26Masq 180? 
determinationI mean to rend itMasq 180? 
penitentiarynay, I repent itMasq 180? 
poorhouseO, sour hope 19Masq 180? 
sweetheartthere we satMasq 180? 
electionsno lies, etc.*AAMay1860 
fashionah! of sinAAMay1860 
ingredientsI get dinnersAAMay1861 
consternationten coons in tarAAMay1861 
infidelsfind liesAAMay1861 
atheistit hatesAAJul1862 
lawyerssly ware 21Fash 1835 
Christianityit's in charity 20Fash 1835 
cataloguesgot as a clue 19Fash 1835 
misanthropespare him notFash 1835 
prognosticationsstop, sir, I can't go onSphinx1812 
predestinationnoted in a priestSphinx1812 
elegantneat legSphinx1812 
nosegaygay onesSphinx1812 
attorneyno rat - yetSphinx1812 
geishai.e., hags*IshmaelJun 1982 
gendarme, thearmed gent, he 61,82FrancolinJan 1915 
gaskin, theI get "shank"VikingAug 1972 
gardener, thegreen'd earthMerlinApr 1971 
genocidalgo die, clan!NightowlOct 1975 
gematriaI, game artHohoAug 1973 
gainsay, toso I tag "nay"KennethFeb 1962 
gambolinggo amblingSolMay 1928 
generalledgeneral ledVulcanNov 1929 
generalitiessee it in largeTheGinkJan 1960 
Garden of Eden, theneed God fear thenTheGopherJan 1955 
gastroenteritisgets at interiorsPatJun 1953 
gastronomicalclings to aromaArchimedesApr 1951 
gentleman of leisureO, meet single flaneurAwlWrongMar 1938 
gentleman of leisure, afaineant role glues meAwlWrongMar 1938 
gentleman of leisuregee! non-restful male, I*Not Dated 
gentleman of leisure, arestful male in age, eonBNaturalMar 1956 
gentleman of leisure, aflanerie tugs one maleAwlWrongOct 1938 
gentleman of leisure, ameet snug anile loaferBlueHenChickMay 1928 
gentleman of leisurefeel no manliest urgeAmaranthJun 1928 
genealogistgot lineages 54HerculesMay 1934 
genealogist, aO, tags lineageAbStruseSep 1987 
genteelness, aelegant sensePacificoAug 1954 
wishy-washywhy was I shy?JaeltiMar 1991 
gate receiptsget seat pricePatDec 1949 
gauleiterI regulateQuefanonDec 1944 
gammadionman, I'm a godHohoFeb 1944 
gag writer, agr-reat wag, ILarrySep 1942 
Galahadhad a galHohoJun 1941 
GermanizingNazi mergingPolyFeb 1942 
generationart o' engineMaddaBoutemJan 1940 
gallivanters, theeven trail th' galsEmmoWApr 1931 
gallivantera-travellingAwlWrongOct 1938 
gainsayer"nays" I rageAwlWrongMay 1938 
gargoylegay oglerEmmoWJun 1934 
generalissimoM'ssolini? agree!TwistoDec 1938 
gesturegreet usBeauNedAug 1938 
gerentregentOsloApr 1935 
Germanophilists, theHitler's soaping themArcanusNov 1934 
Germanophilistis Hitler GOP manArcanusNov 1934 
Germanophilist, themoping, hates Hitler*ArcanusOct 1934 
gaintwista twistingRalphMay 1931 
gatewayget away 31DelMonteOct 1913 
gallinaceouscall guinea soWinkieOct 1925 
germinatesgrain teemsVulcanApr 1930 
geologistgo get oilsTweedledumJun 1927 
gentleman, aelegant manNyphoAug 1911 
gayetyyet gayWESternDec 1919 
gesundheitheed in gustSluggoJun 1988 
gesticulationcue to it: signalNoholdsBardJul 1988 
gerund-grinderre: ginn-drudgerTrashJan 1990 
general hospital, ashall operate, gainDhumbbBhelleSep 1958 
gentlemen's agreementmangles entente, merge*BNaturalNov 1956 
general electionsselect one in largeTheGinkJan 1960 
generation gapone age partingMerlinDec 1969 
garbage disposalgrabs salad, pie: go!BrutusAug 1978 
galley slavesgyves seal allAmaranthJun 1916 
gifolafilagoSenorAug 1980 
gleamam gelRainbowJul 1984 
gonfalonno flag on*BlueHenChickOct 1940 
gonfalonflag? no, no! 86LarryJul 1938 
gonfalonsno flag, son*FredDominoNov 1951 
gobbledygookO, gelk bobo, dyg?TweaserSep 1982 
golden retriever, are: dog e'er in travelNightowlJun 1982 
glacierelarge iceEllsworthJun 1925 
glacierediced large 73IxaxarOct 1951 
glacieredice glaredBafulAug 1966 
goblin, thehint: bogleLarryMay 1973 
Gideonssing "Deo"LarryJun 1962 
Gideonssine God*LarryJun 1962 
giddapdip gadXSpeckedAug 1947 
giantgnat, I*LarryJul 1938 
glissadeslide, sagLivedevilDec 1935 
gloaming, thegleam o' nightAwlWrongApr 1937 
gourmetO, get rum*AbStruseDec 1936 
good-for-nothing, aho! "dog" of no ratingDamonomadJan 1934 
Gonerilone girlMolemiMay 1958 
Artful Dodger, therough lad fetter'dChrisNov 1915 
good-naturedtrue and goodEnavlicmJun 1931 
gnit, aI, gnatPercyVereJan 1921 
giboia, thehi, I get boaBlackstoneNov 1987 
gold minelo, men digAmaranthDec 1911 
golf coursesfore! go! ('l cuss)Paul&Virgin+Aug 1962 
goal crease, thecage there alsoAtlanticJun 1983 
golden yearsno gay eldersLarryMay 1976 
glacial period, theO, ice-grip: all deathArcanusJan 1957 
Golden Rule, theget no rude hellLAllegroJul 1916 
gold digger, theged! gilt her godLarryJan 1943 
gold digger, theget! gild her godLarryJan 1943 
God's acresod, graceMolemiSep 1953 
Good Samaritan, theI manage to do trash*XquiqAug 1934 
Good Samaritan, theO, God's man at heart, IXquiqAug 1934 
Good Samaritan, themet a sight on a roadMarmionAug 1937 
Good Samaritan, thego aid that sore manMarmionAug 1937 
Good Samaritan, theraise that [good] manMarmionAug 1937 
Good Samaritan, thehero gat to man's aidMarmionAug 1937 
Good Samaritan, thea [good] man's heart, itMarmionAug 1937 
Good Samaritan, theat no stage do I harmDeeGeeSep 1956 
Good Samaritan, theO, rate this man a godFrostERomanFeb 1975 
Good Samaritan, thesaid, "oh, go treat man"AbStruseDec 1981 
Good Samaritan, thedoes aright to a manLAllegroJul 1916 
gruesomenessmorgue's senseFamulusMay 1984 
Great Beyond, thego, enter by death 83SirOrmJul 1933 
Great Beyond, theborn, ye get deathRemardoMay 1917 
grapefruitfat-purger, IVolarAug 1981 
greenhouse effect, thefret hot scene: huge feeSep 1988TeZirMan 
grand finale, thehear flat ending*AbStruseJan 1981 
grand finalea flaring end 49,78,90PhilJul 1913 
gustativenessvin! guests! eats!UlkNov 1986 
gustativenesstastes given usAwlWrongMar 1940 
gurgoyleugly ogreTravvApr 1982 
growler, alager rowFloraMay 1919 
guetapenspen a guestOakJun 1981 
grim reaper, theha! prime regretAbStruseAug 1939 
grim reaper, theprima regret, heTutSep 1976 
greyhounds, thehe-dogs, they runDamonomadJun 1935 
greyhoundsdogs run, hey?AmorMay 1923 
greyhound, thehunter dog, hey?VulcanDec 1928 
greyhound, aah, run ye dogAmaranthApr 1913 
guillotines, theI hit one's gulletDCVerJun 1913 
grievancesvices angerHapNov 1974 
grotesqueriesgot queer, siresHohoJun 1961 
grotesquerieergo, it's queer 74GadzooksDec 1929 
grotesquerietries queer goKatmatJan 1942 
graffiti, theget h--- if art, if?HohoJul 1973 
greenyard, thegardeny thereMerlinApr 1971 
greenswardswe're d--n grassVikingJul 1970 
guttersnipepure St. gent, I*AnnDhowSep 1972 
gratitudegude traitBeauNedJun 1932 
gymnosophistspy him, no togs!RhoNov 1976 
grindstonegrinds, noteVulcanFeb 1929 
grandisonoussound soaringPacificoMay 1957 
grandisonousis organ soundPacificoMay 1957 
grass widow, theso right, was wedFredDominoJul 1953 
gradienttreadingAwlWrongMay 1940 
graplinegrapnel, ISolMay 1928 
grammaticastermasticate rag, Mr.EmmoWJul 1932 
guttersnipessign up streetVikingApr 1937 
gyrovagueroguey vagAbStruseNov 1935 
gripsackpacks rigDCVerMar 1931 
graniferousgrain for useSkyLightSep 1926 
guilty conscience, thesent cloying ethic cuePatFeb 1954 
guilty consciencenocence tugs icilyVolarNov 1981 
grim reaper, theha! prime regretAbStruseAug 1939 
great horned owl, alarge dawn hooterAiMay 1989 
great balls of firelarge bits [of] flareWyvernJan 1979 
great white heron, theegret now hath it hereFrancolinJan 1916 
great pyramids, theRa's earth, mid-EgyptNightowlSep 1975 
hallucinations, thehatch neat illusionAbStruseJun 1982 
hallucinationsI call hauntin' soSuSanDec 1929 
habeas corpusa process, a hubAcornDec 1981 
hay feverah, feveryFrancolinNov 1915 
hapax legomenonan example: hongoNewrowJul 1981 
hapax legomenona non-example: hogNewrowJul 1981 
hand organ, thehah! grand toneEnavlicmOct 1921 
harbingerhear! bring!DeeSweetJan 1981 
harbingerah, bringerAbStruseMar 1939 
hand-me-downsdo wash 'n' mendSquirrelAug 1980 
harangueargue? nah* 76HohoOct 1947 
handicraftswomen, theah, want French modisteVikingJun 1968 
haymakers, therake my heathsOKayDec 1920 
haywireI awry, eh?MolemiJan 1934 
hailstonela, hits oneTheGinkSep 1962 
hamstermesh ratWinonaApr 1962 
haranguer, theugh! a ranter, heAChemJun 1959 
hairnet, the'neath it, herHohoMay 1958 
haberdashery, theah, derby hats hereEmmoWOct 1952 
hatemongers, thehath men get soreFredDominoMar 1951 
hardshell, ahard as hellHohoJun 1941 
hallucinationsslain haunt lociArchimedesOct 1938 
hallucinationshaunt a scion illArchimedesOct 1938 
hallucinationshail no lunatics*ArcanusDec 1934 
half-seas overale's far shoveAwlWrongApr 1937 
halfheartednessfears lashed thenArcanusJun 1935 
halfheartednesshas held sent fearArcanusJun 1935 
halfheartednessthen slashed fearArcanusJun 1935 
haberdasher, thehe hats bare herdDamonomadAug 1933 
hastehe sat*AlecSanderMay 1932 
habilimentah, bilimentYercasDec 1931 
halloooho, allFredDominoJun 1931 
harebrainedbarren head, IVulcanAug 1929 
halitosissh! is to ailMolemiJan 1929 
halitosisO la! this isHoosierOct 1928 
halitosisso it is, HalHoosierOct 1928 
halitosisLois has itHoosierOct 1928 
halitosis, theso it is health*ESCrowJan 1929 
hallucinatedheld a lunaticHerculesDec 1927 
harengiformam of herringSerpeggiandoSep 1926 
ham omelet, ameal at homeEdWardJun 1926 
ham omelettemeet hot mealNotInsane!Nov 1984 
handlebar mustacheha! much beer lands atKatbirdNov 1979 
hardware stores, thethese trade harrowsFredDominoNov 1956 
harvest moon, the't shone over mathNetaLyleJan 1922 
ham sandwichesmashed in chawsEnavlicmJun 1926 
ham sandwicheswas minced hashPercyVereNov 1910 
ham sandwichesdish a man chewsAtlasNov 1910 
haunted housesoh, a thud ensuesAmaranthMay 1925 
hail-fellows-well-metallow them swell lifeFredDominoAug 1951 
handwriting on the wall, theed warning that'll hint wo VikingJul 1969 
handwriting on the wallhandle lot with warningTheGopherMay 1961 
handwriting on the wall, thethen God warneth all withinNyphoMar 1949 
handwriting on the wall, thewant in thronal weight heldHerculesJul 1946 
handwriting on the wall, thedrawn high to tell a new hintPrimroseOct 1927 
handwriting on the wall, athe warning! now all had itEllsworthJun 1924 
hearing aida hiding earSphinxFeb 1985 
hearing aid, theah, get hid in earTeZirManOct 1988 
hearing aidear gain (hid)HohoJan 1976 
hearing aid, aI heard againHoodwinkDec 1950 
HerodianironheadTravvJan 1982 
hectarethe acre* 77PamaPamaOct 1970 
herpetologist, aoho, tags reptileHerculesJan 1928 
herpetologistoh, got reptilesAbStruseMay 1981 
herpetologistho, got reptilesFINanceJan 1930 
herpetologist, aO, has got reptileUlkMay 1988 
herpetologistsgo host reptilesPacificoMay 1957 
hearingear nighDCVerOct 1931 
headstrongdanger-shotHapSep 1973 
headstrongNed got rashSourdoughMar 1950 
heartachesah, the cares 70GeeApr 1913 
hearersher earsGrandmotherApr 1928 
heinousO, sin hueTheGinkOct 1973 
hermaphroditeaped 't him or herPolyMay 1932 
hermaphroditeopt, dear: him? her?MangieJun 1976 
heartbeatsheat breastHohoJan 1970 
hearthstone, aheats anotherLeipApr 1931 
hesitatedhaste tiedFrancolinJun 1916 
helianthushail the sunHoodwinkDec 1959 
headwatersa watershedPacificoFeb 1954 
hereafterthere, fearLordBaltimo+Apr 1921 
helicopterspilots cheerLarryOct 1953 
heart's-easeah, see a restPrimroseMay 1923 
hearses, theashes thereMolemiSep 1953 
heart diseaseeasier deathsFredDominoJan 1952 
headlightsheld a sightJackOLanternApr 1932 
hereafterheart freeFMarkHornMay 1945 
heresiarch, thehe, rash hereticBlueHenChickNov 1940 
heresiarchyarch-heresy, IAlTTudeFeb 1925 
hereditamentattend me, heirArchimedesMar 1940 
heavens, thehaven, theseArcanusNov 1939 
herald, ahear ladAbStruseAug 1938 
heinousnessone's sins' hueAwlWrongFeb 1938 
heresiologyO, I log heresyYercasJan 1938 
heterogeneousnessno one set guess hereFredDominoApr 1960 
heathendomthe Han modeWehanonowitJan 1937 
heteronymoususe y'other nomWehanonowitJan 1937 
headstones, thedeaths on theseAwlWrongNov 1936 
hedonist, ahates doin'TartarinMay 1934 
heat prostrationhot tip: near-roastJayEsteeJul 1932 
headlineslead! shine!EnavlicmSep 1931 
helpmatestheme: palsEnavlicmJun 1920 
head over heelshe, she: love, dearTweaserAug 1987 
hesitationI? I haste notNoholdsBardOct 1988 
hesitationO, haste in it*NoholdsBardOct 1988 
hen party, aan' they rapJaeltiFeb 1990 
heteroclitesI select otherNoholdsBardMay 1988 
hearts of stoneare th' soft ones*AChemApr 1946 
hearts of stonearen't so soft, eh?ArtyEssSep 1959 
head of lettuce, atouched, ate leafFredDominoMar 1952 
HierosolymitanO, in my hot IsraelNewrowAug 1984 
hibernationI, in a berth? noValSep 1976 
hibernation, aah, no bear in it*HoosierApr 1934 
hibernatedbear hit den 56VikingMar 1934 
histrionicalactor is nihil*HohoJan 1969 
hirrient, theI hint "R" therePacificoDec 1961 
hibernatinghinting bearArcanusFeb 1951 
high-soundinghiding no gushAwlWrongFeb 1939 
hiccupscups (hic!)YKnottApr 1936 
highestset high 33AmaranthJan 1925 
hindrance, aran chainedSakrElBahrSep 1933 
highbrow, thehow bright, heAlecSanderApr 1926 
hibernatebe in earthQuedpaJun 1940 
hibernatesthe bear's inPABJan 1922 
Hispaniaah, Spain, IAtlantisMay 1914 
higher mathematicsM.A. teaches him rightIxaxarSep 1935 
higher mathematicshah! arithmetic gems*NightowlDec 1985 
horse operaa hero ropesFredDominoJul 1953 
horse opera, thehep hero's oaterUFOJan 1984 
hospital, aat "ail" shopAmaranthDec 1927 
hospital, aah, stop ailOsapleJan 1921 
hospital, theI, health spotAbStruseFeb 1981 
hospital, aah, ail spotDhumbbBhelleMay 1958 
hospitalitya host, I ply itBarnyardDec 1913 
hospitalityhost, I play it 45,80DCVerJul 1919 
hospitalityay, polisht itMazyMaskerMay 1930 
hospitalityhostility, Pa!*TravvMar 1975 
hobbledehoybehold he-boyIrishAug 1977 
hobbledehoyoh, boy beheldDCVerDec 1931 
hobbledehoy, abehold a boy, eh?PhilOLogerJan 1913 
horn of plentythorny: no pelf*AcornApr 1976 
hooliganhail, goonTravvSep 1975 
holocausts, theuse th' hot coalsHohoJun 1969 
horsewomanshow, onMareLarry Jan 1977
hoodwinkerhider now: OK?LarryMay 1968 
horse-radishhoarser dishHohoAug 1962 
homesteader, ahe roamed east*FredDominoJan 1961 
housecoata oh, so cuteFredDominoJun 1958 
hostage, ahe's a goatHohoJan 1951 
horror-stricken, thehint: terror shockerNyphoSep 1949 
horrifiedfie, horridYercasJun 1947 
honeymoonoh, on moneyAlcyoOct 1924 
honeymoonsno moony she*ArcanusFeb 1947 
horseman, ahas noMare*Larry Feb 1940
hostile"lie!" shotBeauNedFeb 1939 
hot dogdoth goBeauNedJul 1939 
hospitablehost, pal I beNyphoApr 1939 
Homo sapiensO, man, his poseYercasSep 1933 
Homo sapienshope man is soHohoSep 1938 
housewarming, thethus rig a new homeAwlWrongNov 1937 
housewarmingusing raw homeYercasMar 1935 
honorableah! or nobleSakrElBahrAug 1933 
hostelries, thethere is hotelsVulcanSep 1928 
hostelrieshotels, sireEnavlicmFeb 1921 
horse latitudesoh, listed sea rutHerculesOct 1925 
homoiousianhomoousian, I*AlAug 1925 
howletthe owlEnavlicmDec 1912 
horripilationsroils hair on tipChrisDec 1913 
hoarsenessah, sorenessVestaMar 1919 
hornet, thehotter'n ----, eh?TowheadSep 1923 
hoot owl, ala, to-whooRalphOct 1923 
Holy Grailglory hailAbStruseJun 1940 
hound-dog, thehe'd hunt goodJackOLanternJan 1935 
home plate, theO, help the teamArcanusSep 1936 
honorable discharge, anheroes go; clan had brainFredDominoJul 1950 
honorable discharge, anrah! is clean honor badgeYercasJul 1937 
homophone, thehm, to pen "ho, hoe"LarryNov 1987 
Hogarthiana high art? noIxaxarNov 1987 
house of ill fameO, O, shameful lifeAbStruseFeb 1989 
horse pistolshot spoiler*AmigoJul 1978 
holding one's tonguesilent enough? nod! go!AChemSep 1969 
horseless carriage, aoh, sir, see real gas carQOct 1912 
horseless carriage, aso here is real gas carQDec 1920 
home computersup comes the ROMTeZirManJan 1985 
horselaughoral gush, heFredDominoDec 1953 
house of ill fameO foul life, shame!AbStruseJan 1937 
house mice, thecheese him outBlackstoneNov 1959 
house of correction, the oh, to secure thief or conFredDominoJul 1953 
home permanent, aah, Mom, neat preenAmorMar 1963 
hurricanereach ruin 54AmaranthJun 1916 
hurricanesre: such rain!VolarJan 1980 
hurricanesruin archesAmaranthJan 1925 
hurricanes, thethese churn air 59VikingOct 1931 
hurricanes, thesee th' air churnAChemNov 1929 
hymenopter, ayep, am hornetTravvFeb 1985 
hymenopterologistI pet gloomy hornetsNewrowJun 1981 
hystericallyill as they cryGraydolJul 1976 
hystericallyhist! ye all cryWehanonowitMar 1941 
hystericallyheat: silly cryHankMar 1928 
hypochondriacscry "oh, doc, pain's h---!"NyphoSep 1949 
hypochondriac, aoh, phony cardiacHapSep 1974 
hypochondriacah, dopy chronicTheGinkJul 1973 
hypochondriaccry "ohh, doc...pain!"WabbitFeb 1990 
hypocritical"ah!" politic cry*HapNov 1973 
humaniststhus is manFiddleJul 1960 
hurtruthPacificoNov 1957 
hystericsthe "Sis" cryHohoNov 1939 
hyracoidean, theah, I had tree conyElfSep 1985 
hypercritic, aitchy carper, IAwlWrongJan 1937 
huntinghint: gunSakrElBahrSep 1931 
humdinger, aI, human dreg*BlueHenChickJun 1929 
humanitarian, theI hate an' I hurt man*VulcanApr 1928 
humanitarians, thehint: Samaritan hueAmaranthJun 1924 
human natureman, a true HunMCSJul 1927 
hustlerslet's rushGeminiJul 1924 
hustlerher? slut!TeZirManJul 1988 
hylotheismme this holy*OrionSep 1930 
hypnotismst! I'm phonyNyphoAug 1925 
humiliationI ail unto himFrancolinJun 1916 
hypocorism"Mr. Poochy" is..NoholdsBardSep 1987 
human race, theah, her cute manQuiViveMar 1913 
ignoramus, thesmart enough, I* 61DamonomadDec 1935 
ignoramusI'm no ArgusQGawDec 1985 
ignoramusnor magus, IHapMar 1977 
ignoramus, theI'm no huge starDCVerApr 1935 
illegitimacyI limit legacyKamelMar 1977 
ignorantno ratingArcanusOct 1929 
illustrateit'll use artBronwynMar 1980 
identificationa notice, I find itMoonshineJun 1927 
identificationsO, inside fact in itArcanusSep 1956 
illegitimateI time it, legal*HoodwinkMay 1955 
idealistI sat idleMCSMar 1922 
identifiedI defined it 34LaNoitanDec 1913 
identifyye find itSamSlickSep 1918 
idealismI mislead 22SpicaDec 1919 
icosahedronI had score onAyayeKayFeb 1943 
illustrators, theart lures this lotAwlWrongAug 1948 
illustrators, theart hustlers toilAwlWrongAug 1948 
ill-humorednessno smiles hurledAwlWrongNov 1943 
ill-humorednessI, men's dour shellAwlWrongApr 1940 
ideologistis to go idleWehanonowitSep 1935 
idler, anI learn'd*ITappaKeJun 1933 
identicalnessact ends in lies*PrimroseApr 1931 
identicalnessI in endless actPrimroseDec 1930 
impersonatedsee 'm doin' partTartarinSep 1934 
impersonatorI'm on aper sortAyayeKayAug 1942 
impersonatoror an imposterAbStruseSep 1982 
impersonator, theMr., I ape not others*SpreggsOct 1941 
impersonate"pose" in a termVikingMay 1940 
imprisonmentin pen, Mom: stir!QuipJan 1981 
immediatelyI'm time delay* 33NyphoFeb 1927 
immediatelyaid me timelyEmmaLineAug 1913 
immediatelyaimed timelyDCBeckerJan 1962 
imprisonment, theI'm term, tho' in pensVikingApr 1937 
impetus, themeet it, pushLarryJan 1975 
impeachmentit pen Mecham?UlkMay 1988 
impulse, theI let me pushLarryJan 1975 
imprecationtip on a crimeEmmoWFeb 1953 
impresariopromise airHapJan 1975 
impresario, theI'm their opera's..VikingMay 1969 
impresario, thehi, Mister OperaDeeGeeDec 1955 
impregnatepermeating 73AwlWrongSep 1937 
imprecation, theI'm nice pert oathVulcanJul 1928 
imbroglioor big moilAnnDhowDec 1970 
impecunious'im use up coinMissileCAug 1969 
immigrationI'm roaming itYKnottJun 1926 
imperturbablebut abler primeOedipusJul 1968 
impostureI'm top ruseTheGinkJul 1961 
importanceno prime act*FredDominoJun 1943 
importantlyI'm not paltryWinonaMar 1962 
impression, theis some print, eh?VikingApr 1939 
impression, thethis one primesVikingApr 1939 
impressionablenesssensible person's aimEvergreenSep 1957 
impetuosityO, my! I set it upSpicaSep 1916 
impenetrabilityI try impale; I bentRoscoeDec 1918 
imperfectionno, I'm perfect, I*NetNatsJan 1929 
imitationI, I am not itAleSanderMay 1921 
brachyuransyah! run! crabs!NoholdsBardApr 1990 
diatribe, thetirade bit, eh?OstrichApr 1990 
inactiveI can't vieSEArcherApr 1917 
inamorato, thea hint at RomeoHohoJul 1968 
inamorato, thea Romeo in thatVikingJul 1968 
inarticulatetaciturn? a lie*AChemApr 1968 
inarticulatenessutterance is as nilBlackstoneJan 1937 
inarticulatenessis in unclear stateBlackstoneJan 1937 
inarticulatenessscan: is unliterateBlackstoneJan 1937 
inactionI in no actAlecSanderNov 1934 
inarticulatenessis a turn at silenceJackOLanternApr 1928 
inanimationam inanitionAlAug 1925 
incorporation, anin pro rata on coinTheGopherAug 1917 
incomprehensibilityno simplicity be in her 33RoscoeDec 1918 
incompatiblenessno pet bliss came inBeauNedMay 1928 
incompatiblenessme not nice sib, palsAyayeKayOct 1943 
incompatiblenessblest in companies*SumSolverJan 1927 
incompatibilityI, I ply it in combatPercyVereSep 1920 
incompatibleI be compliant*ArchimedesApr 1951 
incendiarismsin and crime, IEnavlicmJan 1922 
incendiariesinsane, I criedPatristocratJul 1946 
incompetentsinept men costAlecSanderJul 1922 
inconsiderateis not nice, dear 42,45LKinSparkJan 1923 
incarceratedcrated in careTravvOct 1977 
incineratedneat cinder, IHohoJan 1976 
incineratednet: a cinder, INyphoJul 1947 
inconsequential---l! cite sine qua non!*BNaturalJun 1960 
inconsistentN is, N is not, etc.WrongFontDec 1943 
incontestableno act best lineAyayeKayOct 1943 
incopresentablelo, I can be presentEmmaWSep 1940 
incantations, theI chant at "in" notesHohoOct 1939 
incomecoin meSakrElBahrApr 1935 
incognitocognition*YercasDec 1931 
incurvatureI turn a curveDamonomadMay 1931 
incomparableno par be claimDCVerFeb 1931 
incomprehensibleproblem in ChineseGeminiJul 1929 
incomprehensiblenesssimper, I belch nonsenseMoonshineOct 1927 
incitationaction in itNoholdsBardJan 1988 
incrustationrust in actionNoholdsBardAug 1989 
indeterminationI note a mind inertSEArcherApr 1914 
indulgentend in glutChrisDec 1915 
indestructibilityI bide strictly unitPercyVereSep 1920 
indestructiblebuiltDecent, sirArchimedes May 1938
indiscretionno credit: I sinElLeeNov 1920 
indoctrinatetrain on edictTutMay 1976 
indiscreetI din secretHapSep 1975 
indolenceidle nonce 60AbStruseFeb 1940 
indefatigabilityaged, I fail tiny bit*ArtyEssMar 1957 
indecorousnesscon rude ones, SisFredDominoFeb 1956 
indefatigablenessa blessing in defeat*EmmoWNov 1952 
indistinguishablenessibid., thing is unseen, lass EvergreenJun 1952 
indistinguishableis a thin, blind guiseArtyEssFeb 1952 
indistinguishablenessa blindness in this guiseGeminiOct 1926 
indiscriminatelyis indirect, mainlyArcanusJan 1948 
indiscretionI discern? not I!YercasOct 1927 
indiscretionis dirt nice? noHohoOct 1942 
indigestiblegist: inedibleMacropodMar 1940 
indigestiblegiblet insideKatmatDec 1941 
indigestiblegist: lie in bedKatmatJul 1935 
indigestibleedible? I stingEvergreenApr 1932 
indigestionI get so, dinin'HohoJun 1941 
indeterminatemind in a teeterAwlWrongMay 1938 
indigenousis one dug inYercasMar 1933 
indomitablenessendless ambitionCFMay 1929 
indomitablenesslessen'd ambition*CFMay 1929 
indomitableI'm in bed a lot*CastetMar 1929 
indentationneat dint, I, no?OsapleMar 1925 
independencedine: end pence*MenoNov 1924 
inebriateanti-beer, I* 38AmaranthJan 1916 
inefficientfine, fit, nice* 75EmmaLineMar 1916 
inertiaI tear in*MidurndistJul 1970 
ineluctabilityclue t' inability*EmmoWNov 1952 
inexpensivenesssix, seven penniesDCVerJun 1931 
inebriousI? I unsoberXSpeckedOct 1930 
inebrietyI beery? nit!*XSpeckedSep 1930 
inextricablenesssix crabs in eel netMoonshineSep 1927 
infinitesimallyI tiny; I small, fine 31,38ArcanusNov 1912 
infinitesimalmites in finialArcanusJun 1957 
infinitesimalfinal in mites, INyphoAug 1949 
infinitesimalis in final miteYercasJun 1933 
infectionfine tonic*EmmaCSep 1916 
inferno, anon fire, AnnLivedevilOct 1935 
infernonon-fire* 84,86OsapleApr 1978 
infernofire? n-no*CincinnatusApr 1934 
infamousam fu' o' sinTravvAug 1976 
infuriateda "fired" nut, ITheGinkJul 1961 
in flagrante delictoTed, Ella fornicating?ShrdluMar 1989 
inferiority complex, anplenty ironic: fear o' mixDeeGeeMar 1956 
inferiority complex, anin fix, I learn to mope, cryFredDominoFeb 1956 
inferiority complex, anpoor me: certainly in fixFredDominoFeb 1956 
inferiority complex, ana poor mixt cryin' feelin'MythoNar 1930 
infernal regions, thefling heat o'er sinnerAmaranthOct 1925 
infernal regions, thehere for late sinningAmaranthOct 1925 
infernal regions, thenigh eternal fire, sonAmaranthOct 1925 
infernal regions, theO, triflers in GehennaAmaranthOct 1925 
infernal regions, thea long nether sin fireDCVerMar 1930 
infernal regions, thesinner loafing thereSirAMay 1917 
infernal regions, theangel's throne in fireAwlWrongDec 1935 
infernal region, thefar on nigrine LetheHerculesMay 1931 
infernal regions, theSheol, in fire regnantHerculesJun 1931 
infernal regions, thenether angel is in forHerculesJun 1931 
infernal regions, theno final resting hereVikingMay 1931 
ingestaeatings 29,83,90FrancolinJan 1915 
ingredientsneeding stirAbStruseOct 1979 
ingratessin greatElUqsorFeb 1957 
inhumanismI'm unmanishPuzLDureAug 1920 
inheritancesheirs in a centVikingDec 1969 
inheritor, anheir ran intoArcanusJul 1948 
inhospitalityPa in hostilityVulcanNov 1928 
inheritancesnine heirs actGeminiJul 1926 
inheritheir in'tTheGopherAug 1925 
iniquitiesi.e., I quit sin* 58JayTuefsApr 1940 
initialsA.I., N.I., I.T., I.S.EnavlicmMar 1931 
innominateno name in it 55SpudDec 1922 
innocentsnon-scientHohoAug 1936 
innuendo, theone nude hintVulcanJul 1929 
inroadno raid*FamulusApr 1985 
inroadsno raids*VikingOct 1964 
insensateanti-senseAmaranthOct 1924 
insensateset insaneOsapleAug 1925 
installment'tisn't all, menEllsworthMay 1925 
insectivore, anvision a tenrecTravvDec 1976 
insubordinateirate in boundsBarnyardJan 1922 
insubordinatesI under a boss? nit!DCVerJan 1920 
insubordinatelyain't doin' by rulesAChemDec 1962 
insubordinationssin abounds in riotEmptyDec 1939 
insubordinationbad riots in unionHomeBrewSep 1939 
insubordinationit is a no-bond ruinEnigmaMay 1928 
insurrectionistis not in truce, sir*OedipusFeb 1963 
insurrectionist, anin Castro, I sent ruinVikingMar 1963 
insurrectionaries, thein case these riot, I-I runNotInsane!Oct 1984 
insurrection, thehit, run: riot scene 82DamonomadMar 1931 
insurrectionariesI curse a riot sinnerZoroasterDec 1928 
insurrectionsErin's ructionsGrandmotherDec 1925 
instigationis it not "I nag"?AbStruseJun 1982 
instrumentationturn it into "means"VikingApr 1973 
inseparatelyis yet near palVikingJul 1968 
instrumentalitytry until "means" itTheGopherFeb 1965 
inscrutablebust in clear*TheGopherFeb 1965 
instrumentalist'tis a minstrel nutAlcyoMay 1924 
instrumentalistlutanist's in termVikingFeb 1964 
instrumentalistI miss talent turn*OedipusSep 1963 
instrumentalist, thestrum in ten late hitsDTectSep 1949 
insupportableunstable prop, IHardCoalAug 1923 
instigatessets in gaitTheGinkNov 1960 
inspirationala loan in spiritFredDominoOct 1960 
instantaneouslySonny, us ain't lateArtyEssMar 1957 
insolenceno silenceEmmoWJun 1952 
insurgentssing unrestDCVerMay 1930 
insurgentunrestingBarnyardAug 1921 
inspection, anscan it in openAwlWrongApr 1938 
insanitiesinsane it isCincinnatusAug 1935 
instigator, theO, he starting itEvergreenApr 1932 
insinuation, thei.e., hint: it's a nounSphinxAug 1984 
insertingset in ringMoonshineJul 1927 
insurmountableunmountable, sirMoonshineJul 1927 
interregnumunreign termFrancolinJan 1915 
interpolatesI present a lotEmmaCJun 1918 
interpolatestip: one altersBNaturalDec 1961 
interpretationa reprint note, itElLeeJun 1920 
interrogatoryit got any error?AmaranthOct 1930 
interrogativesI strive to angerLKinSparkDec 1922 
intermissionis interim, sonSEArcherMay 1914 
intermission, theone hint is "I'm rest"VikingApr 1970 
interference'n' free rein, etc.*UlkMay 1986 
intertessellationlearn to set in tilesMeoDec 1980 
integrationNegro in at itFiddleNov 1963 
integrationI taint NegroAbStruseNov 1979 
integrationanti-Negro, it*HoodwinkOct 1967 
interim, antime ran in 68AwlWrongFeb 1938 
interfaith"father" in itHohoOct 1966 
intolerancelet in no raceAjaxMay 1926 
intolerancecan't rile one*FredDominoSep 1952 
intolerancenot real niceHoosierSep 1928 
interweavementever meant "twine"VikingJan 1963 
intimation, theI mean it to hintTheGinkOct 1962 
interlocutor, ancite no oral turnFredDominoApr 1961 
interlocutor, ancurt in oral tone*FredDominoApr 1961 
integratedtie grantedTheGinkNov 1960 
intolerablebear it? 'ell, noBeauNedFeb 1939 
intolerable'ell! I bear notSpreggsJun 1930 
intolerableone'll bear it*AChemJun 1955 
intolerablenot reliableRemardoJun 1930 
intolerableat rebellionAmaranthSep 1924 
intelligentsiain lasting eliteGenesianApr 1942 
intelligentsiain elegant list, IFredDominoFeb 1956 
interweavingever a twiningAwlWrongDec 1943 
intermediaryI try amend ireAyayeKayJul 1943 
intransigentistin 'gainst it sternAyayeKayMar 1943 
internationaln't an alien trio*QuedpaJun 1940 
intoxicateexcitation 39RexMar 3 00AP 
interminablene'er nab limitAwlWrongMay 1938 
interminablen.b. ne'er a limitAChemAug 1928 
intercoursecourier sentDCVerFeb 1936 
integralitylarg' entity, IWehanonowitSep 1935 
intimateI meant itAlecSanderAug 1935 
interstitialrate it in slitAlecSanderNov 1934 
interdenominationalismI damn it not a lie in sermonTheMagicianMar 1930 
intermeddlesomenessO, minds less me enteredTheMagicianMar 1930 
intermediationsin re demi-stationWehanonowitJan 1933 
intoxicatedd---! I-I can't toe XEmmoWJul 1931 
interruptionspert intrusionNyphoOct 1929 
interwreathedart twined hereMoonshineMay 1927 
intelligentnesslet sense glint inMoonshineAug 1926 
interdict, thethen credit itCincinnatusJun 1926 
intriguetrue gin, INJineerFeb 1926 
inveiglementsevil in me, gentsChrisJan 1916 
investigatorvisitor, agentTravvMar 1978 
investigatorsgreat on visitsAtlantisJul 1924 
investigationsvisit: note gainsDeeGeeAug 1955 
inveiglinggiving lineFredDominoDec 1943 
invigoratesgives rain toMerlinApr 1972 
invigorategave it ironGeminiFeb 1938 
inveigledled: give inDCVerOct 1934 
investigateI've a testingAlecSanderJun 1932 
investigatesgives a test inDCVerJan 1932 
invigorationgiv'n in air, tooPoorRichardJul 1928 
instantaneouslyuse only a' instantNedNatsDec 1931 
iterationI ain't rote*SenorMar 1984 
iteratesI restateKennethJan 1926 
IsraeliAriel isJuniorJan 1984 
irasciblerile? basicHapJul 1974 
irritatedtrait: iredMerlinAug 1974 
isothermalis hot realmHohoMar 1966 
isolationist, theI this: to sit aloneEmmoWApr 1945 
Iverniavia ErinKennethJun 1945 
iodeosinso, iodineRalphApr 1931 
Irishman, theErin ham, thisWetzelMar 1926 
irksomeI: smokerHapNov 1975 
IsraelitesI see trialsAmaranthOct 1927 
isotheree'er is hotYercasFeb 1927 
infantile paralysisspine fails any trialHohoMar 1939 
infantile paralysisain't fairly painless*ArcanusSep 1951 
infantile paralysisa palsy in life's trainDCVerMar 1933 
income tax, theexaction them'SueDoeMay 1951 
income taxcoin met ax 77SakrElBahrApr 1935 
iced teaace dietMolemiOct 1945 
insane asylum, thesee! it has "luny" manZoroasterFeb 1938 
insane asylum, themale nuts in't? ah, yesSpreggsJan 1940 
insane asylums, thehuman sanity's leesNyphoJul 1949 
insane asylum, thei.e., heals many nuts 4*P81MerlinOct 1969 
inside informationI infer on inmost aidPatMay 1953 
Industrial Revolution, thelo, overturn hand utilitiesDeeGeeJan 1956 
instrumental musicis calm, strum in toneFredDominoOct 1956 
intravenous injectioninset can join vein tourHohoJan 1968 
Indian summers, thea sun is dimmer thenVikingJan 1971 
Indian reservation, thehear no red natives in it* 85AbStruseSep 1983 
Indian reservationsinsiders: roan, nativeTheGinkMay 1974 
idem sonansso'ndin' sameHapSep 1978 
iambic pentameterm...nice rime, apt beatUniqornApr 1978 
interiorDecoratorI, creator into orderAbStruse Sep 1980
iron minesore is in mn.NightowlNov 1977 
indecent exposureer, expect no undiesAbStruseMay 1980 
jokesterjester, OK?AbStruseFeb 1988 
jewelers, thejewels thereLaNoitanFeb 1915 
jollifyingjoy fillingAtlantisAug 1920 
jollitylilt, joy 84AwlWrongAug 1937 
justificatoryif it cost a juryERacerJun 1928 
jeremiadmad jeer, IHapFeb 1979 
juvenile delinquentsquell us in d--n teen jiveVikingJun 1970 
juvenile delinquents, thehint: teens unquelled jivePatFeb 1954 
jalousejealousAwlWrongNov 1945 
jocundityinduct joyVikingAug 1934 
koniscope, theoh, I note speckOKaySep 1920 
kiddingkind digSakrElBahrJan 1933 
knockouttuck on KOAwlWrongJul 1942 
kidnaper, thehe parted kinHerculesMay 1939 
kindergartensrang: kids enterOedipusOct 1961 
kindergartens, theget 'n' then rear kidsEmmoWFeb 1931 
kindergartens, thekids gather 'n' enterRovingVicOct 1939 
kleptomaniacsNick stole a mapVestaJan 1919 
kleptomaniacstask policemanHerculesMar 1927 
kleptomaniacsO, man takes clipImaLoneAug 1927 
kleptomaniacs, theah, pick men to stealFredDominoAug 1951 
kleptomaniacs, thesteal 'n' pack it homeHoodwinkFeb 1949 
kleptomaniacI take, cop 'n' lamJergFeb 1989 
kitchen utensilsluck in these tinsRemardoJun 1927 
kitchen stove, aheat! oven ticksTheGopherMay 1924 
Kentucky cardinal, acan lay: red KaintuckDruhApr 1931 
karatere: kataKremlinFeb 1986 
know-it-alls, thewe think so tallSphinxNov 1985 
kyoodleOK, yodelTweaserDec 1983 
kaleidoscopelook! as piecedHapApr 1974 
Kingdom of Heaven, theGod-haven [of] them I kenNyphoMar 1949 
kiss of Judas, thedoth ask if JesusAwlWrongMay 1948 
kiss of Judas, thehid task of JesusAwlWrongMay 1948 
kimonoI'm on OKFredDominoAug 1938 
lachrymoselo, has 'em cryUlkFeb 1988 
lachrymoseHal, cry someFredLotMar 1919 
lachrymoseO, me! Hal crysVestaMar 1919 
lacrymosesome cry, AlBeauNedMar 1934 
lacrymalam all crySamSlicApr 1919 
lachrymalsall hams cryHapJan 1979 
lachrymatoriesoh, Mal! I cry tearsDruhSep 1929 
law and orderno Red war, ladMysteryJan 1920 
lachrymation, thean' hath motile cryBlueHenChickOct 1935 
latenessseen lastBarnyardOct 1920 
ladiesidealsGuidonJan 1922 
ladiesi.e., lads*HohoMar 1966 
lamentationlet in at moanIxaxarJan 1939 
lamentationslet antis moanMamNov 1923 
lamentationslatest moanin'Li'lGaminJan 1977 
lamentationI, latent moan*AlecSanderJan 1935 
laryngitistrying ailsAmaranthAug 1925 
laryngitistry sing? ail!TheSyndicateAug 1938 
lactodensimeter, aideal test on creamHerculesDec 1925 
lambastingslam-bang itAwlWrongMar 1938 
lambastebeat, slam 34,83KennethMar 1926 
lambastingsit's slam, bangAChemSep 1971 
lachrymosityah, mostly I cryYKnottAug 1927 
laughing gas, theha, ha! nut gigglesEnavlicmMar 1928 
labefactationbanal face to itBeauNedJun 1928 
laggarddrag, ladYercasNov 1930 
laughing-stock, thegink got cult's he-ha!DamonomadMar 1931 
larrikinaliana-larkin' in lairSkylightSep 1931 
lager beerbe regalerDCVerMar 1932 
laughing hyenas, thee'en ugly things ha-haAtlantisSep 1932 
last straw, theshalt test warDCVerOct 1934 
last straw, thethat lets warsDCVerOct 1934 
last straw, thewrath's latestDCVerOct 1934 
last straw, thela, tests wrathMissileCJun 1966 
lacqueredqueer cladWehanonowitFeb 1935 
launderingguard linenBeauNedOct 1935 
laugh, agula "ha"OsapleJun 1936 
lasciviousnessvice, as soul sinsLi'lGaminNov 1976 
lasciviousnessas vices in soulsVikingJul 1937 
ladies' man, theanti-damsel, he*LarryApr 1974 
ladies' man, thelaid ten? shame!TwistoJun 1988 
ladies' mannails dame 74AwlWrongApr 1938 
laundries, thelather undiesNyphoDec 1938 
laboratorieslabor to raiseWehanonowitFeb 1939 
lattermostto term lastAwlWrongApr 1940 
lambel, aam lableAwlWrongNov 1941 
latitudinarianisma mind is anti-ritualAyayeKayFeb 1943 
Laestrygoniansearly giants, sonNatPalJul 1950 
last will and testament, theman dies: let that tell wantsVikingJun 1952 
lapidatesa pelt aidsVikingJun 1968 
lamellibranchiatesherein I tab all clamsVikingMay 1972 
lamellibranchiateable hint: real clam, ITravvNov 1977 
labor painsa pal is bornBronwynMay 1979 
last roundup, thethus end tour, palAbStruseMay 1983 
last roundup, thelo, death turns upMarmionDec 1936 
lame-brain, theI, mental bar, eh?LarryJun 1985 
lame-brain, aair able man*TravvJun 1985 
ladies' room, theit's a loo, Mr.: heed!UlkApr 1988 
lariat, ariata? la!UlkDec 1988 
landscape gardener, theand he graced tree plansFrancolinMar 1916 
landscape gardener, thehe planted ranged acresMoonshineApr 1927 
landscape gardener, thedrean, then grade placesRoscoeApr 1927 
landscape gardener, there: hedge and plant caresAChemApr 1931 
landscape gardener, thehad green acres plantedFredDominoMay 1950 
landscape gardener, thesee grand acre he'd plantVikingMay 1964 
Labors of Hercules, thelo, he lobs crusher featZoroasterJun 1927 
Labours of Hercules, thehas Cerberus out [of] HellNutmegJul 1930 
Labors of Hercules, thechore: flush stable o'erAwlWrongMay 1940 
Labors of Hercules, theor hashes bull [of] CreteAwlWrongMay 1940 
Labors of Hercules, theO, chore hustler's fableAwlWrongJan 1936 
leprous, thelepers, thouAtlantisMay 1914 
leisuredidle? sureStoclesMar 1920 
legislaturesI lag, set rulesTheGinkNov 1962 
legislatureit legal? surePuzLDureJun 1920 
lealtyyet allGuidonMar 1924 
leaflesssees fallAmaranthApr 1925 
leadershipheads perilSpreggsMay 1930 
lesion, aails oneVikingDec 1930 
legerdemainists, theretain meed sleightsBNaturalDec 1958 
legerdemainists, themen aid terse sleightDamonomadJan 1932 
legerdemainistsre: misleading setMerlinJan 1971 
legerdemainisti.e., Merlin stagedXeiponFeb 1985 
legitimatelyI met legalityArcanusSep 1935 
lead pencilsplaced linesSueDeNymmeMay 1936 
left fielder, the[left] field thereArcanusSep 1936 
legal profession, thetrials help fees go onAwlWrongJul 1942 
legal profession, theget nol-pros, hail feesAwlWrongJul 1942 
legal profession, thehope to free snag illsTheGopherOct 1955 
lemonadedemon ale* 73PlantinaDec 1942 
leprechaun, thehe'l creep, hauntEmmoWJun 1945 
lethalthe allPacificoOct 1957 
lethal dosedoes the allPacificoOct 1957 
letters of recommendationread o'er lot finest commentFredDominoDec 1958 
leitmotif, thetheme I flit toHohoDec 1958 
levatoreselevatorsTheGinkFeb 1971 
legal holidaysay, shall go idleAmigoSep 1979 
leopardess, thesee her dots, pal?TeZirManNov 1989 
literary masterpiece, asay, cite rare, prime taleFredDominoOct 1953 
life insuranceI rule financesJamaicaOct 1910 
life insuranceis finance lureBigDaddyDec 1968 
lion, theLeo hint 74,84FrancolinMay 1915 
lioness, theshe isn't LeoTeZirManMay 1987 
libel suitI'll sue bitFrancolinDec 1915 
life insurance policyI rescue folly, in panicDanDLyonJan 1920 
life insurance policies, theI police life insure net cashArcanusJul 1946 
life insurance policy, thelo, I help finance securityAwlWrongFeb 1936 
listener, aI lent earsLeDareJul 1919 
likenessilk's seenDCVerMay 1920 
lightning conductorconducing torn lightHelvaGoodmanOct 1920 
lithesomenessthen see lissomSpudJul 1923 
lithesomenessthese slim onesJackOLanternNov 1923 
liberalsbare illsHapDec 1984 
lipothymousO, thou limpsyPrimroseOct 1924 
listerizesterilizeTheGinkSep 1970 
lilacinin lilacAlAug 1925 
lighthouse keeper, theO, he keepeth sure lightGrandmotherOct 1925 
lipstickskist lips, C?EnavlicmApr 1932 
lipsticklick tipsTheGopherJan 1926 
librariansbrain railsEdWardSep 1926 
life preserver, asaver per reliefAChefFeb 1928 
life raftssafer liftOsapleDec 1973 
lifeboat, aI be afloat 85DCVerAug 1928 
licentiousnesssin entices soulVulcanJun 1929 
lipsanothecaO, saint chapelAbStruseMay 1936 
lipsanothecaO, in chapel satPrimroseSep 1929 
lifelesslyfeels sillyBeauNedDec 1930 
lissomso slimEmmoWMay 1931 
lipperrippleTravvJul 1982 
licentiousnessO, lust is in sceneAwlWrongDec 1937 
listlessnessstills sensesAwlWrongFeb 1938 
lime treemere teil 41AwlWrongJun 1940 
lion's share, thea hint: loss here*KatmatFeb 1942 
lion's share, the'n' Leo has theirsNoholdsBardJan 1990 
libellousO, bull! lies!HohoSep 1947 
lightheartednesshither stands gleeNyphoJul 1949 
linguipotencenice tongue, lip 54RalphAug 1950 
lie detector, aalert o'DeceitFredDomino Feb 1960
liberty Belllilt by rebelAcornFeb 1976 
loaf of bread, theflat hobo fare, EdEnavlicmNov 1912 
lowlands, theHolland's wetRemardoMay 1915 
loquaciousnessO, coins us squealBudMar 1928 
lowlandsall downsHohoJan 1950 
lonelinessone illnessEnavlicmDec 1919 
lowermostterm so lowDonatelloAug 1929 
localitiesO, all citiesEnavlicmApr 1931 
Lord's Prayer, theerr? do try as helpFredDominoFeb 1952 
longshoreman, aman along shoreSakrElBahrFeb 1929 
lowmindednessneeds low mindsDonatelloFeb 1929 
lovelinesssloven lies*BeauNedJun 1931 
lovelinessevil, no less*HohoAug 1963 
lovelinesslo, vileness*TravvMar 1985 
loathsomehate loomsAlecSanderJun 1932 
lodestar, aO, star, leadPABeeNov 1933 
lowestlow setSAmpleNov 1933 
longevityloving yetKatmatJan 1935 
loxopteryginepeel gory toxinOrionFeb 1938 
loudspeaker, thepseudo-talk hereReynardJul 1938 
long distance telephones sending tone, speech to allFredDominoMay 1950 
locomotivesO, move lot [sic]RovingVicApr 1951 
lopsideddid slopeOsapleNov 1952 
lonesomenesssolo sense, manDhumbbBhelleNov 1958 
logarithmeticallygolly, Al! arithmeticAChemSep 1968 
loiteringto linger, IVikingFeb 1969 
Lost Generationlorn age, to steinAtlanticNov 1984 
lubricationsoil acts in rubMolemiFeb 1911 
lubricationcan't I rub oil 59EmmaLineJan 1917 
lubricationoil, but in carAlouetteJun 1948 
lumberrumbleTravvApr 1983 
luxurityluxury, itWickJun 1927 
lugubriousnessblues souring us 53CincinnatusAug 1932 
lugubriousnesssour blue is sungWehanonowitFeb 1933 
lugubriousnessbugs rule so in usWehanonowitOct 1939 
lunaticlaic nutWinonaApr 1962 
lubber fiendself rubbed nisBlackstoneMay 1987 
lyxosexyloseRalphApr 1931 
Louisiana Purchase, thecheap sale thar in US? oui!EBeamApr 1985 
Louisiana Purchase, thehit a ruinous cheap saleAmaranthAug11 01EO 
matrimoniallyI'm onlyMaritalRemardo Sep 1918
matrimonyyon trim MaESCrowNov 1910 
matrimonymiry to manDCVerJul 1920 
matrimonyO, trim manyQOct 1910 
matrimonyriot, my manQNov 1914 
marriedI'm drearQOct 1910 
marriederr, maidESCrowNov 1910 
matrimonialO, man, I'm trialLateoApr 1924 
matrimonialain't immoralHohoOct 1970 
marriage, theaha, merger, itAbStruseFeb 1983 
married man, theI'm her darn mateQOct 1910 
United States Navy, thethey tend vast sea unitPatristocratDec 1940 
masqueraders, thehat am queer dressBeeWilderJan 1943 
married womannow I'm drear, MaQApr 11 IMM 
masquerade, thehats made queerArchimedesFeb 1940 
manifest destinyI find my nest east*DirtyJackSep 1989 
manager, thehe great manNyphoAug 1913 
managerran gameVikingNov 1967 
masher, thesham thereFrancolinJul 1915 
masterpiecepeer: it's acmeAChemAug 1969 
masterpiecesee prime actDCVerNov 1915 
masterpiecesseem art epicsOrionApr 1925 
magnitude, theand huge it metFrancolinSep 1916 
master of ceremonies, thehe seems finer actor to meFredDominoDec 1953 
master of ceremonies, thecome here to see first manMoonshineOct 1916 
master of ceremonies, theafter mess there I come onTheGopherOct 1954 
Machiavellianisma la evil machinismSkyLightSep 1931 
Machiavellianismeach is villain, Ma'mMenoMar 1917 
Machiavellianismchain miasmal evilLivedevilOct 1935 
Machiavellianlaic evil HamanHohoJan 1969 
malingerersmen are girlsEnavlicmMar 1918 
mashed potatoesshape most do eatAlecSanderNov 1918 
mainstay, aay, staminaPuzLDureMar 1920 
mattress, thethat rests meHohoOct 1940 
mattressmat restsGeminiNov 1921 
mattress, amat as restAwlWrongOct 1935 
maestroO, master 66SherlockHol+Nov 1922 
materialismaim t' realismWehanonowitFeb 1935 
materialismMa'm, i-it's realTimIddityJul 1924 
masculine"man" is clueAlecSanderJan 1925 
masculineminus lace 89HohoAug 1946 
maison de villeO, idle man livesAlcyoJan 1925 
marathonerR. Mota ran, eh?TeZirManNov 1988 
maidenlinesslines in damesEnavlicmDec 1925 
magicians, theshine at magicGrandmotherFeb 1926 
maledictionsmalison citedDCVerJul 1931 
maledictionelicit "O, damn!"AlecSanderMar 1926 
maledictionslo, I cite damnsMerlinMar 1977 
maledictionO, I'm idle cantHoodwinkApr 1967 
magistrategait masterSpudMay 1927 
maharajaam a rajahTryemAllSep 1928 
mariposa, thetrim sea opahBlueHenChickNov 1928 
materia medicaI medicateMaraExcelCOrr Jul 1930
manlinessman's linesYercasFeb 1931 
marginaterim: agnateArcanusNov 1934 
marginatedand get a rimDamonomadApr 1931 
mastermind, aI'm smart deanVikingJul 1931 
mastermind, asmart named, IHohoNov 1972 
ManchurianU R ChinamanDraculaSep 1931 
malefactionsI am felons' actPoorRichardNov 1931 
malefactorcraft o' maleKatmatJan 1942 
mallemarokingI'm lone gum larkBlueHenChickSep 1932 
malversationam an evil sortSuSanFeb 1933 
Master of ArtsO, far smartestLeipApr 1933 
Master of Arts, thetest for a smart heKatmatMay 1935 
manoueversmoves near USAmpleApr 1933 
martial lawam ill at war*BeauNedApr 1933 
malevolentmental love* 51HoosierApr 1934 
malevolentlet man love*RayleRhoderJan 1945 
maranatha, therath anathemaBlueHenChickJan 1941 
materfamilias, thea fertile Mama, thisUlkMar 1987 
materfamiliasfamiliar matesWehanonowitFeb 1935 
manducatoryO, man! try a cudEmmoWMay 1935 
manducateman ate cudEmmoWMay 1935 
maternityamen, try itHohoFeb 1938 
marimba, thehammer a bitWrongFontFeb 1938 
maladministrationmistrial, damnation! 39MoonshineMay 1926 
MarsarmsPrimroseJun 1940 
maypole, theoh, play meetPatristocratAug 1941 
manifestationa fantom ties inAyayeKayOct 1943 
father confessorhearer scoffs notAbStruseApr 1990 
maidservant, theI, man that served*ArcanusDec 1943 
marmennill, amerman, in all 82AwlWrongMay 1946 
masteredmet daresLarryJul 1947 
masochist, thehe stomachs itIxaxarJun 1949 
magniloquenceclaque goin', menEmmoWJun 1952 
maliciousnesssoul's nice aims*FredDominoOct 1952 
massacreMars caseFredDominoMay 1953 
masseuruse arms!DeeSweetFeb 1988 
masseuruses armHohoJan 1964 
mannereddern mean*VikingSep 1964 
maritimeI mime tarHohoMar 1966 
malevolenceme clean love*HohoJan 1969 
malevolencecalm, e'en love*TravvJul 1977 
maidenlylady mienNightowlJul 1971 
maidenlymen? daily!*UlkFeb 1990 
marlinspike, asailmaker pinVikingNov 1971 
masticate, tomoist eat actVikingAug 1972 
maitre d'hoteldoth meal riteTheGinkSep 1972 
magdaleneangel dame*NightowlNov 1972 
matriheritageI, Ma, heir targetTheGinkJun 1974 
Mausersuse armsPapavMar 1988 
male chauvinista he uncivil at Ms.RhoJun 1974 
male chauvinist piggal cues him: anti-VIPTutJan 1977 
maple syrupm...purely sapBrutusJul 1979 
manuscriptprint us, MacAcornMay 1981 
man-eaternear-tame*AnemoneAug 1984 
malted milkkid'll eat! mm!HuduDec 1985 
Martian, theit: earthman*SibylSep 1986 
mermaidsmid-sea, Mr.PatristocratOct 1940 
melodramaam mad roleAmaranthJan 1914 
melodramatica more mild act*FredDominoSep 1952 
melancholiaeach moan illOraclesSep 1916 
melancholinessO, chill meannessSamSlickNov 1916 
medical profession, theoh, see place in it for MDsFredDominoJan 1959 
medical profession, thea doctor's fine help is meFrancolinMar 1917 
medical profession, theI'm force hospitals needVikingApr 1933 
medical profession, thedoctors shape life in meVikingApr 1933 
medical profession, theit minds scope of healerVikingApr 1933 
medical profession, thefind healers' compositeVikingApr 1933 
medical profession, theI cede men for hospitalsAwlWrongAug 1941 
medicine man, aacme Indian, meFrancolinApr 1917 
medicine manI name nice MDProblemChildMar 1974 
metamorphoseother pose, Ma'mCrisJun 1917 
metamorphosesmore phases, TomSpicaDec 1923 
megatheriumI get a hummerAmaranthOct 1924 
mercilessless crime*CincinnatusNov 1925 
measure, themeter has useKennethNov 1925 
mechanicalnesscleans machinesRalphOct 1926 
mercenarymeaner cryYercasApr 1927 
mediators"aid me" sortEnavlicmMay 1927 
methodicalnessthe class in modeMoonshineAug 1927 
mercifullyfly! I'm cruel*AChemApr 1929 
mercifullyI full mercyYercasOct 1928 
meat loafoft a mealEnavlicmNov 1928 
mechanotherapiststhese charms to painZoroasterMay 1929 
metaphorssham trope*EvergreenSep 1930 
metaphortrope, ham?HapJul 1975 
merchandiseriches namedEnavlicmApr 1931 
medicaster, themeet Dr.: is cheatESCrowNov 1931 
meretriciousO, I merit curseXquiqJul 1934 
meretriciousI'm o'er-cute, sirFredDominoAug 1966 
messieursum...see "sirs"SakrElBahrMay 1935 
medicationdiet a-comin'EnavlicmFeb 1938 
medicationstonics aid meTravvJan 1975 
mean-spiritedsaid in temperVikingDec 1939 
mean-spiritedin a distemperVikingMay 1940 
mean-spiritedit spied me, ranNyphoJun 1949 
mechanical drawing, aach, I can draw line, magTerryBullApr 1920 
Melancholy Dane, thecan heed only Hamlet 31DCVerJan 98 Qu 
metropolis, ais top o' realmAbStruseMar 1940 
measurementsman uses meterKatmatNov 1941 
melodramaticsactor's dilemmaDoubleHJul 1983 
melodramaticsI'm mad-act rolesAyayeKayJan 1943 
melodramaticslad mimes actorBafulAug 1966 
mendaciousnessa cussed sin, O men!HohoMar 1943 
mendaciouslyay, scum lied onHoodwinkMay 1948 
megalomaniac, theego claimeth a manNyphoJul 1949 
menageries, thetheir game seenFredDominoDec 1952 
metaphysicalheap mysticalHohoDec 1954 
meaninglessnessmingle sans senseFredDominoMar 1955 
melodicI'm dolceHohoOct 1960 
metathesisit's the same* 79,84,89FredDominoDec 1963 
metronomicalcool timer, manVikingAug 1964 
MephistophelianlyO, ape the sly imp in h--lVikingMay 1969 
melancholiousnessO, launches no smilesAChemApr 1970 
meadowsas mowedLarryJun 1973 
melancholycham lonelyTavMay 1974 
megalomaniaa main goal: meMangieOct 1976 
metamorphosisshape man to sirHapNov 1976 
meter maidtimer-dame 4*P83VolarFeb 1979 
Mediterranean fruit fliesinfiltrate: farm ruined, see?ElspethOct 1981 
megalithslight as me*AlfMar 1983 
merino, aone ram, ITeZirManJul 1985 
Mesartimme: I'm starNightowlMar 1986 
Phariseessharp I seePearson 
meadowlarkaw, medlar! OK?TravvNov 1985 
mental institution, alo, nut inmate sat in itAbStruseJul 1987 
memorial gardens, thedig: mortals here (amen!)UlkOct 1988 
misrepresentationmean person tries itFredDominoOct 1963 
misrepresentationsone interprets amissAmanovlettusJun 1934 
misrepresentationmisreport ain't seen*FredDominoNov 1951 
misrepresentationmisreport in SenateFredDominoJan 1965 
miscellaniesclean similes*DCVerDec 1934 
misopedist, thetot, despise himArcanusAug 1936 
misconstruableisn't so clear, bum!TartarinDec 1936 
misconstruableI'm obscure slantXquiqDec 1936 
misconstruable, thethis be most unclearVikingApr 1937 
misogynistno, Missy - git!ShyreneDec 1927 
misogynist, thehe got Missy - nit!*ArtyEssMar 1957 
misogynists, themiss not yet sighHohoOct 1937 
misogynists, theye sight not missHohoOct 1937 
misogynists, theon mists ye sightHohoOct 1937 
misogynists, themiss "yes" tonight*HohoOct 1937 
miracle, aI am clear*BeauNedApr 1939 
missishhis Ms. isEosSep 1980 
mistaken identity, theattend ye! think it is me?AbStruseDec 1979 
mistaken identityd---! it isn't mine KateyArtyEssSep 1959 
mistaken identityI ken it isn't my "date"ArtyEssSep 1959 
micrometrycome, try rimWehanonowitOct 1939 
mirages, thea mere sightAbStruseJul 1980 
miragesair gemsEvergreenMar 1941 
mimmationI'm a mint o' "M"AwlWrongMay 1942 
migratorytarry? I'm "go"AyayeKayNov 1942 
miniI'm "in"TwistoJul 1988 
misterMr. siteAwlWrongSep 1943 
misadventureI've met sad runAmorJul 1950 
misadventuremaid's ventureHohoMay 1945 
minimifidians, theI find I'm in atheismNyphoMar 1949 
minnowsnon-swim*FredDominoNov 1953 
miscellaneouscase, elm, oil, sunOsapleOct 1954 
miniaturelya rule: I'm tinyHohoJan 1955 
mineralogists, themales sight tin oreVikingMar 1965 
misanthropisttimonist harpsTravvAug 1982 
misanthropist, thehates: I'm thin sportTheGopherSep 1966 
miniaturists, thethus is item in artVikingAug 1971 
MishnaNashim 73AwlWrongDec 1942 
miscegenationnice teaming so*MangieDec 1976 
miscegenatesa genetic messHapAug 1973 
misocapnistPa's nicotism*AcornNov 1973 
minister, ait: amen, sirOsapleOct 1974 
micrometersmore metricsGoogolOct 1977 
miscalculationI call a miscount 70JasonFeb 1910 
miscalculationI miscall a countDCVerMar 1915 
miscalculationaccount LL as MIIAcornJan 1973 
mispronouncement, aone can put misnomerArtyEssMay 1910 
misunderstooddo set our mindsGwendolineMar 1913 
misanthropeI sharp to menYercasOct 1932 
misanthropeanother simpTunsteFeb 1927 
misanthrope, aman to rap is heDCVerJun 1913 
misanthrope, aipso man-haterLZHDec 1929 
misanthrope, thehate men? pish! rot!*SpreggsDec 1932 
misanthropes, theso th' rips hate menHohoJun 1938 
misanthrope, thehis heart top, men*HoodwinkJan 1962 
misanthropePS: I'm no hater*CornCobAug 1985 
militarismI limit arms* 27,31BarnyardJul 1917 
militarismI limitMars*AlecSander Jun 1919
misunderstandingsad grin: I'm stunnedArtyEssSep 1919 
misunderstanding, adamn snag is under itNickTaitJan 1952 
minaretart in meEnavlicmJan 1920 
minaretstrim, saneEnavlicmNov 1922 
misdemeanant, a't is a mean man, EdVestaApr 1920 
misdemeanantsam sin-sated menAyayeKayJan 1943 
milestonesnotes milesLateoJan 1924 
milestonestime lessonLeeFranceJul 1980 
missing link, the'tis nigh men's ilkDCVerDec 1926 
misfeasancea sin faces meOShawNov 1927 
misinterpretationsmen assert I trip on itArchimedesOct 1938 
mirabile dictuI dub it miracle 32,49TunsteJan 1927 
mistress, theit's th' Mrs., see?BlueHenChickMar 1929 
missionary, themet sin: ahoy, sirAbStruseNov 1982 
misspelledsmelled pisWrongFontMar 1931 
Middle Ages, thethese, e.g.: D-MLI ADRuthlessJun 1985 
minyanmany inRalphApr 1931 
mixturetrue mixKappaKappaAug 1931 
miniature golfi.e., I am runt [golf]SkyLightSep 1931 
microradiometersradiomicrometersEvergreenAug 1932 
misfortuneit's more fun*DCVerFeb 1933 
misfortuneoft ruins meDCVerFeb 1933 
misfortunestem of ruinFredDominoDec 1952 
misfortuneoft ruins 'emFredDominoDec 1952 
misdemeanorsmade more sinsMarsMay 1933 
misdemeanordeem as minorAbStruseMay 1989 
Michelob beerI be "belch more"NightowlFeb 1976 
Budweiser'ssuds (i.e., brew)UlkFeb 1988 
dogged determinationit did dare to egg men onFredDominoJun 1951 
BudweiserI US-brewedFamulusJan 1984 
mothers-in-lawO, her man wiltsCryptanalystJul 1936 
mother-in-law, alo, I want her MaQOct 1912 
mothers-in-law, thewe start h--l in homeHerculesJul 1927 
mothers-in-lawmen trials: who?JustaSmithMar 1936 
mother, aho, materGeeJul 1914 
mother, aor "the Ma"VikingDec 1970 
model, themold theeAmaranthNov 1915 
mogilalia"I-I'm a-a l-log"FloraMar 1917 
modus operandii.e., d--- random opus*BeauNedApr 1933 
modus operandi, theI par on method usedHohoNov 1961 
modus operandi, themethod is our end, PaAmaranthMar 1917 
motion picture, aour top cinema, itFredDominoDec 1952 
motion picture, aOpiro in mute actRachelCEhrlJun 1919 
motion picturesnor is topic muteMysticApr 1934 
motion picture, a"cinema" to our pitVikingJan 1969 
motion picture, acinema? O, trip out!TeZirManMar 1989 
modulationI am not loudRemardoNov 1919 
moonshinenose on himEnavlicmDec 1919 
moonshineI'm shone onTheGinkFeb 1971 
monocarbonateone carbon atomCiceroJan 1922 
mouths, theO, shut themOsapleFeb 1923 
monarch, aO, arch manPrimroseAug 1923 
mountebankeryay, not mere bunk*SerpeggiandoOct 1926 
monoplane, themeant lone hopMarsJul 1927 
motivatedmoved at itEnavlicmNov 1928 
moustachemouth caseArcanusJun 1931 
mountebankbunko meantLivedevilDec 1935 
mountebankno bunk, mate*FredDominoMay 1939 
mountebanksbunko man setVikingAug 1932 
mountebanksmeant bunkosAyayeKayJul 1943 
monasteriesno mates, sireSuSanDec 1932 
mountebankto mean bunk 73MazyMaskerJul 1945 
mountebanksmen at bunkosHohoJan 1952 
mountebank, amean at bunkoHohoJul 1966 
mourninggrim nounYercasMar 1933 
monsieurum...one "sir"SakrElBahrMay 1935 
monopoliesmonies' poolArcanusJun 1935 
moronO, norm*IxaxarOct 1935 
monkeyshineshe inks my noseJackOLanternOct 1935 
Mother Naturetrue earth nomAwlWrongAug 1938 
moneymo' yenPatristocratSep 1940 
monologuists, theO, listen! mouths goMULaterAug 1941 
momentoussome mount!HohoAug 1939 
Morse Code, thehere come dots 51SiOct 1939 
monasticstoic manKatmatNov 1941 
monstrositiesO, it is monstersNeotericFeb 1942 
mother lodethe ore moldAwlWrongDec 1942 
mortality tablesstall my obit-rateMrReeOct 1949 
moribundunmorbid*HohoJul 1952 
mouthinessmine shoutsPacificoDec 1953 
motivesit moves!PatFeb 1953 
motivation, theI move it on thatBooJeeKayJun 1957 
mobilizationam I not oil biz?DhumbbBhelleOct 1958 
mountaintopup on to it, man!Li'lGaminDec 1975 
most valuable playertruly above male palsHapJul 1983 
moderatesare modestHapDec 1984 
monarch butterflyn.b., fluttery chromaNightowlDec 1984 
monasterytera, my sonTravvDec 1986 
motivatemove at itTravvOct 1986 
Mother's Dayto her my adsOedipusOct 1961 
Mother's Day's her [day], TomTravvMay 1985 
morning after, thein great form then* 33GeminiOct 1925 
morning after, theante night reformArchimedesMay 1952 
morning after, thegent remain frothHohoAug 1961 
morning after, thefret o'er night, manTheGopherSep 1954 
Mount of Parnassus, theoft Pan's or Muse's hauntHerculesJun 1926 
moonlight serenadeshear olden-time songsDonatelloFeb 1913 
moral rectitudecould rate meritTheGopherAug 1957 
moonlight serenadesthen Romeos sing leadVikingJun 1934 
mutilators'tis a rum lotChrisDec 1915 
musical comedies, theI use comic themes, ladQApr 1920 
musical comedy, acomic lady amuseArcanusSep 1929 
municipalitycity in a lump, I 32PoorRichardJul 1928 
muleteerssteer muleDonatelloAug 1929 
mulligrubs, thelight, rum bluesBlueHenChickSep 1932 
mucilagei.e., lac gumTunsteMar 1935 
musical comedy, themy cuties hold acmeFredDominoDec 1953 
musical comedy, theyum! catch melodiesFredDominoDec 1953 
muststumLarryJan 1972 
musicals, theI hum, act lessSigmasexspr+Oct 1973 
mule armadillo, thehello! armed mulitaTavNov 1976 
multiple sclerosisI peril muscles? lots!HapNov 1978 
multiple personalityI mentally trio (supple)DirtyJackAug 1988 
musical instrumentsclans strum us in timeIxaxarJul 1989 
mysteriouslysly is my routeDCVerMay 1931 
myrmidon, aon mid armyKennethFeb 1959 
myocardial infarctionI, in fact, a mild coronaryVolarDec 1979 
music of the spheresether's hums [of] epicsAyayeKayMay 1943 
naturalnessNan, true lassWinkieOct 1925 
natural sciences, thesee untechnical arts*CSawNov 1927 
nationality, aItaly, a nationSuSanOct 1928 
namby-pambyismmy! man-baby, simpCSawMay 1931 
nationalizednot Nazi ideal*TartarinJun 1934 
national debt, thenab a tithe to lendYKnottFeb 1952 
national debt, theha! no latent debitTheGopherJul 1954 
national debt, thelean on that debitTheGopherJul 1954 
name platemetal paneHohoOct 1965 
nauseatedunease, tadAmorMay 1972 
nabcheatcan be hatMerlinFeb 1975 
narcolepsiesin "acro-sleeps"HapDec 1976 
national schoolbus chromeah, no subtle HS camion colorMerlinAug 1986 
narcotics dealer, there: LSD, cocaine threatTeZirManJun 1987 
national anthem, themen note an' hail thatMayErrJun 1928 
national anthem, theah, then lamentation*ArcanusDec 1943 
Neapolitans, thein hot Naples eatAtlantisAug 1911 
newspaperspress: we pan* 47VikingOct 1931 
newspapers, theah, pen-wet pressQuiViveMay 1913 
newspaper, aappears newEnavlicmSep 1924 
neighboringor being nigh 71EmmaLineFeb 1915 
newspaper editorswe do prate in pressFredDominoNov 1950 
newspaper editor, thehe re-edits town paperFrancolinJul 1916 
newspaper editors, thetop writers shape needFredDominoNov 1950 
newspaper editors, thepen their apt words, see?Jun 1956 
newspaper editors, theah, we speed to printersAbStruseOct 1982 
Newgate frillfringe all wetMoonshineOct 1916 
negotiationsO, I get nationsEmmaCNov 1916 
surgical instrumentssmart curing utensilsFrancolinSep 1915 
New Year's resolutionsO, ye ruin not: swear lessPABFeb 1921 
New Year's resolutionsseriously earnest nowDCVerFeb 1 07AP 
New Year's resolutionsO, surely we are not sinsCAHJan 12 IMM 
New Year's resolution, theyou swear "honest, I relent" EnavlicmFeb 1918 
New Year's resolutionyou'l swear to ne'er sinKosciuskoMc+Mar 88 Mys 
New Year's resolutionyes, our new relationsBettyEssJan14 99GD 
neroline'r oil*WESternNov 1921 
nervous breakdownoverwork banned usAmaranthApr 1924 
negationget a "no" inYercasDec 1926 
neutralizationraze it unto a nilSpreggsAug 1929 
ne'er-do-well, thee'er wend to HellDamonomadAug 1934 
neophytethey openNJineerFeb 1926 
nearsightedand see right*ArcanusDec 1934 
necropolis, aO, corse plainAwlWrongJun 1935 
necropolisescorpses lie onEmmoWNov 1940 
negotiatoryI go on treatyAwlWrongAug 1937 
neurasthenicalcan I heal unrest?WehanonowitJun 1938 
New Testament, theMatthew's ententeAwlWrongSep 1942 
nearingin rangeHohoAug 1946 
neutralizedI turned zealWinonaMar 1962 
necropsy, aany corpseHapMar 1981 
neurypnologists, thenet sure hypnologistBlackstoneDec 1983 
Neanderthalera Netherlander*UlkAug 1989 
Nesselrode puddings, the splendid enough dessertHapowlSep 1978 
near-miss, aan air messAtlanticOct 1988 
neon signs, theseen on nightsCincinnatusJan 1932 
never say dieyes, I aver end*AbStruseOct 1985 
nest of vipers, theoft, serpents' hiveAbStruseSep 1988 
nectar and ambrosiarancid aroma absentMerlinDec 1977 
negative reactionget naive "I care not"HohoSep 1963 
Chevrolet, alove the car! 87NightowlAug 1984 
Hilton, thehint: hotel 83AtlanticMay 1982 
nickelodeon, aone can idle OKFrancolinMar 1916 
nightingalesalt singing, eh?LesterJul 1933 
nightingalessight in a glenLesterJul 1933 
nihilismsh! I-I'm nilLarryAug 1927 
nimbus, then.b., mist hueKennethNov 1927 
nicknamesnine "Macks"EnavlicmJan 1931 
nickel slot machinea click in the lemonsVikingOct 1934 
nickel slot machine, a"kale" on it? slim chance!VikingOct 1934 
nightgowns, thetogs when nightHohoJan 1943 
nivellateeven it allPacificoJul 1956 
nivellatesan' levels itMerlinNov 1972 
nightmareddream thing 71ArcanusDec 1960 
nipa palm, thelimn atap: hep?BlackstoneDec 1982 
nightmarehating REMAlfMar 1986 
nictitationno, it ain't ticAcornFeb 1983 
nipcheese'e? 'e pinchesJoTheLoiter+Mar 1989 
night watchesthe watchingsEnavlicmApr 1927 
norwesterswe snortersHohoMay 1963 
nonpoisonouspoison us? no, noEmelineMay 1918 
nominatea mentionAlecSanderJul 1919 
nominateI name not*SpudNov 1926 
no admittanceto a mendicantRoscoeDec 1920 
no admittancei.e., am "can't, don't"HohoJul 1949 
no loafingfinal! go onOsapleNov 1972 
no trespassingsign "repass not!"ArcanusAug 1942 
no trespassingat "press on", sign*AmaranthJun 1925 
no trespassing[no] step in grassXYZJul 1930 
no trespassingresting? pass onJasonJun 1900 
no trespassingstep in on grass* 86AmigoSep 1979 
no trespassingsign's near: stopVolarJul 1979 
notatednoted atNJineerFeb 1926 
nomenclaturenamer, not clueIAGreeJul 1932 
nomenclaturesno name cluster*DCVerJan 1931 
nomenclaturecurt name: LeonMGMAug 1936 
nomenclaturere: cult on nameHapSep 1973 
noticeno cite*RedWoodMay 1932 
non sequitur, aquit unreason*SphinxOct 1984 
nostalgiais not galaAmanovlettusFeb 1934 
nourishmentnurse him not*TwistoJul 1936 
nosethirlnostril, eh?TavMay 1976 
nonsubstantialismbut slant in no mass, IVikingAug 1937 
Norwegians, theages we in northAtlantisJul 1924 
novelettelove tenetAlcyoJun 1924 
nought, ahung at "O"AwlWrongOct 1942 
Norwegian saltpeter, the nitrate (oh, see! plant grew)AtlanticJun 1983 
noctivagators, theO, cats rove at nightEmmoWJun 1945 
Norwegian elkhounds, the hale dogs, e'en work in hunt AtlanticApr 1982 
no huntinghint: [no] gunLarryJul 1945 
noctivagous, thea cove out nightsNyphoJun 1949 
nonsegregationset on Negro gainFredDominoSep 1954 
nonessentialsa nonsense listMolemiJun 1956 
non compos mentisten simps con moonTheGinkAug 1971 
nonsectarianran in caste? noGingerEllaAug 1973 
nuclear wastesUS: clean waters*HapSep 1981 
nutshellhull nestEnavlicmFeb 1918 
nudist colony, acon lady: no suit!AbStruseJan 1984 
nudist colony, theno untidy clothesEllsworthOct 1933 
nudist colony, theno clothes: nudityLateoMar 1934 
nudist colonies, theno clothes used in itTwistoDec 1935 
nudist colony, adon no lacy suitTwistoDec 1935 
nudist colony, theunclothed sit yonUlkDec 1989 
nudist colony, theduty: in no clothesDeeGeeJul 1969 
nudist colonies, theit is unclothed onesNyphoJul 1949 
nudists' colony, thestudy in no clothesHerculesMay 1939 
nullifidians, thefaith in nil led usNyphoMar 1949 
nutriasrat in usVikingDec 1970 
nuclear holocaustO, ult. chaos; nul raceVolarJan 1979 
nubecula, theth' cue: nebulaBlackstoneMar 1983 
nuclear fusionfinal US cure? noRuthlessOct 1989 
no strings attacheda d--- straight consentAbStruseNov 1988 
nomenclaturistslist no curt names*VikingSep 1962 
noms de plume, theme, NPL do use themAlfNov 1983 
noli me tangere"ire-me-not" angleNyphoAug 1949 
Northwest Passagewagers path's not SERandomWalkSep 1977 
North Americaan heroicMartEvergreen Mar 1958
number pools, thehelp moron bet usHohoMar 1939 
devil incarnatecan trade in evilMerlinOct 1972 
oatmeal cookie, anlo, a note: O, I'm a cakeFredDominoMar 1952 
obsecrationsober actionICDimlyJul 1911 
obliterations, theenter to abolish itBlackstoneApr 1978 
obliterationsO, blots are in itAwlWrongJun 1935 
obliterationsI blot a note, sirChrisAug 1913 
obscenitySOB nicetyTravvMar 1987 
obscenitiessob! niceties*TravvJun 1985 
obtainO, nab itAnonymeDec 1913 
obmissmis (obs.)VikingAug 1930 
obstructionistcross, I butt intoArtyEssMar 1957 
obstructionist, anno obscurantist, it*VikingAug 1965 
obstruction, ancount it bar, sonFrancolinDec 1915 
obstreperoussour pest, boreNot Dated 
obstreperoussour pest, boreHohoJun 1939 
obstreperoussuper-boosterHapJan 1974 
obstetrician, thebirth: can see to it 79BenAmiFeb 1943 
obstetriciancite it as bornDhumbbBhelleAug 1958 
obstetricians, theto set in birth caseFredDominoDec 1952 
obstetrician, thesee to act in birthKennethSep 1961 
obduratenessO, tense absurdMenoJul 1918 
objurgatesget sour jabVestaJul 1920 
obstetricstribe costsHapJan 1977 
obsoletenessloss to be seenEllsworthDec 1925 
obstupefactionin fat obtuse copJackOLanternMar 1929 
obfuscatesa best focus*HohoOct 1946 
ocelot, ancat (no Leo)UlkApr 1986 
ocelot, anlo, one catAtlantisOct 1920 
ocelot, anO, lone catTeZirManNov 1987 
octogenarians, theeight tens a coronaRoscoeMay 1928 
octogenarianI can age or not 86QGawAug 1985 
octogenarianismis a gerontic moanAwlWrongOct 1946 
obstetrician, anI bear son intactAbStruseFeb 1988 
odoriferousO, of dire, sourMenoMay 1919 
odoriferoussure of odor, IDonatelloOct 1928 
odontotherapya tooth-pry doneJoelHHintFeb 1928 
odontologists, thedoing less to tooth*NoholdsBardJan 1989 
oatha "to h---!"VikingDec 1930 
old masters, thethese mold artsNyphoJan 1925 
old clothesmansold mean clothDelMonteJun 1918 
oil spillI'll spoilSibylAug 1989 
oleastertree alsoApril'sChildMay 1980 
olycook, thet'hole cookyWhatzitDec 1944 
olecranonancon roleAwlWrongJan 1940 
old maid, anamid no ladTwistoJul 1936 
old maids, theis d--- he-mad lot*NyphoSep 1949 
old-fashionedis end of a holdDCVerNov 1934 
old-fashionedI flash odd oneTheGopherJul 1955 
oleomargarinea groan: mere oilEnavlicmJan 1922 
oleomargarinesgrease or oil, man!FrostERomanMay 1974 
old soldier, thehe's too drilledVikingJan 1970 
obcludebecloudNightowlJul 1989 
ocean liners, therecline on th' seaLeipApr 1933 
occupational therapyah, apply action to curePatApr 1953 
obituary column, theO, cloy human tributeSourPussJun 1940 
obituary columnsmy count o' burialsAwlWrongNov 1943 
obituary columns, thenotes touch my burialVikingApr 1963 
old bachelor, thebad choler lot, heNyphoSep 1949 
old bachelor, anha! lone [old] crabAmanovlettusFeb 1937 
old wives' taleslo, d--- stale viewsAbStruseJan 1986 
on the gogone to H---VikingMar 1931 
omphalopsychitesmopiest holy chapsHerculesMar 1925 
omphalopsychitepipe holy stomachNyphoDec 1925 
omniarchI, monarchBlueHenChickJun 1930 
omnipotenceno impotence 29OmarAug 1926 
omnipotentimpotent? noSamSlickMay 1918 
omnipotents'tis men on topAyayeKayMay 1942 
omnivaganta moving antPolyNov 1920 
omissionO, so I'm sinSuSanNov 1929 
one-sidedis e'en oddEnavlicmOct 1931 
onuson usSakrElBahrOct 1931 
openheartednessnote he's a spenderTunsteJan 1928 
ophthalmologists, theplot: oh, most heal sightNightowlMar 1977 
ophthalmologistlo, oh lamp to sightMenoJan 1916 
oppositeoppose itGrandmotherDec 1925 
ophthalmoscopist, thehe shoots th' optic lampEmmoWApr 1931 
Oriental carpets, thecare! step on lithe artHohoDec 1958 
ordinary seamanO, a sandyMarinerMoonshine Mar 1919
orationsO, so I rant 48TryemAllNov 1928 
orientalistslorn, I sit eastNetaLyleApr 1922 
orchestration, anchart notes on airAwlWrongOct 1945 
orchestrationchoir art notesMenoJul 1918 
orchestrationschart rot noises*JayTuefsJul 1938 
orchestrationor I chart notesAbStruseDec 1988 
orphan asylums, theay, th' hapless mournAmaranthDec 1912 
orpimentorpin metDonatelloAug 1929 
ornamentsten on armsAtlasNov 1921 
orderlinessin less order*ArcanusAug 1927 
osteocarcinomaso I am cancer, tooYardsDec 1928 
osmiridiumiridosmiumRalphJul 1928 
osteopathhe pats, too 47AmaranthOct 1924 
osteopathspats sootheISeeSep 1947 
outdoorsto our sodJoaquinMar 1927 
outlandishnessshun sane, stolidOrionMay 1925 
outcastsscat to usSpreggsJan 1930 
overallssave rollOKayJun 1920 
overrodedrove o'erRemardoNov 1924 
onerousnessor sense onusDonatelloMay 1929 
overpassionatelyO, stay: a love ripensMoonshineMay 1927 
overcomers, thecovers them o'er*LimorMar 1930 
outboard motor, anto roam boat 'roundYercasDec 1937 
omnibusmob in usBeauNedMay 1934 
onomatechnyO, con thy nameAbStruseMar 1937 
oneroussour oneEmmoWJul 1950 
onomatopoeiataa, moo, noo, pie..TypiaOct 1961 
omnium-gatherumO, I'm rummage huntAbStruseNov 1981 
one-armed bandits, theman needed bars to hitVikingSep 1951 
one-armed banditsrob dimes and anteVolarJul 1979 
old-age pension, thehelps one in dotageAwlWrongMay 1948 
old-age pension, thehelps one get on aidFredDominoApr 1953 
old-age pension, thea design to help oneTheGopherAug 1954 
old fogeyedgy foolTheGopherAug 1954 
old fogy, anagy d--n foolVikingNov 1971 
ostium, themouth siteUlkOct 1987 
openheartedlyyearned to helpFredDominoFeb 1956 
opprobrium"purp!" I boo Mr.DiehlMWrightMar 1933 
opprobrium"rib" poor umpDiehlMWrightMar 1933 
opportunitiesit's pure optionXSpeckedJun 1948 
opportunities, theI put on either spotPatFeb 1953 
orthodontiaI adorn toothHapMay 1977 
oral contraceptivespractise control, EvaNightowlApr 1976 
OrangeistErin's goatVikingNov 1933 
orthodontist, thehe isn't Dr. to tooth*YKnottAug 1941 
oratorioI roar, too 48Pearson 
orthogonalityO, no, lay to rightArchimedesApr 1951 
ordnance, anread: cannonTavAug 1974 
osculationsoul actionSourpussOct 1947 
orchestratescore the artDoubleHNov 1983 
otohemineurastheniaeh? minutia: one ear shotBurntSackOct 1974 
outhouseO, O, use hutTavAug 1975 
outreO, trueEmmaWSep 1940 
outrageousa rogue to usMrReeOct 1949 
ouster, thethere's outHohoAug 1962 
overseer, thereeve sort, heUlkNov 1987 
overenthusiasticthis is no cute rave*ArtyEssSep 1959 
overbearingO, I never brag*EmmoWApr 1934 
overbearingnessa "noser's" big nerveEmmoWApr 1934 
owl, thehowletDamonomadJul 1937 
open-heart surgerypeer organ rusty, eh?VolarSep 1978 
on borrowed timewe're in tomb doorGraydolFeb 1975 
on the warpathoh, a pent wrath*AChemAug 1975 
palmanasthesiaI tease Hans' palmHomeBrewSep 1939 
pastimespass timeNyphoDec 1911 
pastimeI'm a pest*AlecSanderOct 1932 
paracletecreate palNeophyteJul 1976 
paupers, thehate supper*VulcanMay 1929 
parablesable rapsESCrowMar 1914 
pangerang, thePahang regentBlueHenChickSep 1929 
pastora sport* 32JackOLanternNov 1921 
panoplyapply onAlecSanderJan 1936 
patheticallyteach all pityRemardoOct 1928 
Parisiennesseen in ParisAtlantisMar 1916 
palatschinken, ala, pancake's thinMerlinNov 1987 
parsonage, theso pagan there*HohoOct 1960 
paterfamilias, thea tip: father is maleMoonshineDec 1916 
paterfamiliasam a sire, fit palTheGinkNov 1958 
paterfamiliasI'm far past a lieOShawDec 1926 
pantomimesmimes on tapArcanusJun 1935 
pathologistshospital togsArchimedesAug 1939 
patternablebe a part lentMenoDec 1916 
pasquinadea quip as endVestaOct 1921 
pasquinadea dean's quipEnavlicmApr 1924 
paterfamiliasif a pal I masterWehanonowitFeb 1935 
pasquinaderans.: read quipTheGinkDec 1972 
pasquinader, theah, tenders a quipVikingJul 1962 
parliamentreal man pitLateoOct 1917 
parliamentsare an MP listDCVerMar 1934 
pachydermdermy chapVestaJan 1919 
parishionerI hire parsonTheWandererJan 1919 
Parkinson's Lawwork's nil: a snapFaroMay 1989 
palpitationI'l' pit-a-pat onKennethOct 1958 
palpitation, ala, no pit-a-pat, I*ArcanusFeb 1960 
palpitationlo, in pit-a-pat! 79KappaKappaApr 1900 
palpitationI pit-a-pat, LonDamonomadApr 1932 
panstereorama, asee art panoramaTunsteJul 1926 
patisseriei.e., pastries 66ResoluteMay 1920 
partridgeberry, theI regard pretty herbAmaranthSep 1924 
parsimoniousnesssun a miser's poisonAwlWrongFeb 1948 
parsimoniousimprison a souTunsteOct 1920 
pantiesa step-inSpreggsMay 1932 
pathogeneticpet toe achingVestaJan 1921 
paralysisis a sly rapYercasMay 1934 
papeteriespaper, see it?AtlantisMay 1921 
paymentspest manyTartarinMay 1934 
palindromesO, NPL admiresAbStruseDec 1985 
parsimoniousmon! I pair sousHohoDec 1937 
pathoshot sapBeauNedAug 1934 
Patagonian, theah, one giant (apt)NightowlMar 1985 
patrolmanla, on trampFredDominoJun 1938 
parachutehaut caperRuthlessOct 1984 
parodontitis, thein tooth site, pardBlueHenCHickApr 1931 
pantertrepanTreesongApr 1984 
padrone, theheed patronAwlWrongJun 1940 
paraplegic, theah, get a crippleElfApr 1984 
paraplegics"cripple" sagaHapAug 1980 
passion"soap" sinFamulusNov 1983 
paleontologisttill top eons agoArchimedesApr 1963 
paleontologistsO, log lines to pastMerlinJan 1981 
paleontologistslot split eons agoArchimedesJul 1952 
panegyriccrying "ape!"*HapJan 1980 
patent medicine, aI'd menace patient*MolemiNov 1922 
paramediccame rapidVolarAug 1979 
paradisea despair* 68,79HohoMar 1966 
panty hosenot Y-shape*RuthlessJan 1989 
pandemicpanic (med.)HapApr 1979 
paisano, theho! I peasantBlueHenChickJan 1930 
parthenogenesissee, no pater's nighMangieAug 1976 
pancreatitisre: static painGraydolNov 1975 
parasiteair a pestTravvApr 1975 
parlanceclean "rap"VikingJan 1972 
parenthesisphrase set inArtyEssSep 1959 
parenthesisinset phraseAChemSep 1971 
pantaletslate pantsVikingMay 1968 
parrotedrote, pardHohoNov 1967 
patriotI, top rat*HohoSep 1967 
patinaa paintAbStruseMay 1936 
patinaa pan, itOsapleApr 1926 
partnership, apair spar then*HoodwinkDec 1962 
pandemoniummum! no! ape dinLateoDec 1931 
pandemoniumno-nap mediumDeeGeeAug 1955 
palatablenessplans eatablesHohoOct 1954 
paternosterenter pastorArchimedesJul 1952 
paternosterprater's toneVikingMar 1938 
pawnbrokers, theHebrews rank topNyphoAug 1949 
Euclidian geometrymy rule: get cone ideaNightowlDec 1985 
penicillinnip "lice" nilPlantinaJan 1946 
periastron, thestar point hereAwlWrongApr 1945 
Persian, theIran's pet, heBlackstoneNov 1944 
peregrinatortrip-goer nearAyayeKayDec 1941 
peremptorilyrile ye promptHohoJun 1938 
perorationpoet in roarHohoDec 1937 
perorationa prior note*YercasJun 1931 
pediculouslice do us up 35SakrElBahrJun 1933 
pertinentper intentJackOLanternJun 1924 
personalitiesair politeness*AmaranthMar 1925 
Pelionpile onAlAug 1925 
Pegasuspages usPrimroseJan 1926 
peroneuspeer on usEllsworthJun 1926 
perforationfor apertionBenJMinMar 1927 
peristomes, theripe moss teethBlueHenChickFeb 1928 
peanuteat'n upEdWardMar 1928 
pedestrianread: in stepUlkOct 1988 
pedestrianPS: neat ride*LimorMar 1930 
performancecaper for menTopsyDec 1930 
persecutecue: pesterDamonomadApr 1931 
pestiferouspious festerAlecSanderNov 1932 
penetratedentered (apt!)DoubleHJul 1987 
peregrine falcons, thealoft, in green perchesEBeamFeb 1989 
perturbationsabrupt, stir oneAbStruseMar 1989 
personal advertisementman desires love, apt. rentRuthlessMar 1990 
perpetual motionO, mop it up eternalNetaLyleJan 1923 
pedestrianismman strides; pieDelawareJan 1928 
pedestrianismI step; man rides 86FloraNov 1912 
pedestrianism"I'd tramp" is seenVikingJun 1970 
pedestrianismdamn, I see tripsCastetNov 1926 
pedestrianismsame tired pinsCastetNov 1926 
pedestrianismrest amid pinesCastetNov 1926 
pedestrianisminsteps admireCastetNov 1926 
penitentiariesa site I repent inChrisMay 1913 
penitentiaryten year in pitTweedledumd+Jun 1927 
personifications, the"copies another" fits inAChemMay 1971 
perditionO, in red pitAmaranthDec 1915 
perditiondire pointAlecSanderDec 1925 
persuasion, thePa sure hits oneVikingAug 1963 
pessimist, theis this pest me?TravvApr 1976 
peregrination, theget in on a trip hereVikingDec 1968 
peregrinationse'er traipsing on 16ChrisDec 1913 
peregrinationsre: one traipsingFredDominoAug 1951 
persistence'tis presenceEmmaLineJan 1916 
persistingrising stepDanDLyonJul 1916 
perseveraterepeat verseWitchwordJun 1978 
persiflageeager flipsAlecSanderApr 1917 
persiflageflip? agreesHapMay 1976 
perfectionist, atip: act free o' sinTheGopherDec 1964 
periscopeO, peep, CrisMenoFeb 1918 
periscope, theits chore: peepMissileCSep 1964 
perambulationI put on a rambleHohoJan 1953 
perambulator, aabout real pramVikingNov 1969 
perambulatortour-ambler, PaAyayeKayJun 1942 
perambulationsI ramble upon a st.VestaOct 1918 
pelargoniumlop geranium 74EvergreenJun 1949 
pelargonium, apal o' geraniumVikingSep 1968 
penuriousI prune, sonYercasDec 1937 
peasecodpac' o' seedMidurndistApr 1955 
peepholes, thehelp to see: hep?LarryDec 1966 
peascodpod, caseHapJun 1979 
pederastrapes TedSenorOct 1977 
penetraliaprate a lineFloraMar 1919 
penetraliaa real pi-netReelAug 1923 
penetralianat inner palePacificoSep 1957 
permeatesterm a seepOsapleApr 1974 
penetratesenters pate 52VestaDec 1919 
penetratesenter a stepHohoMay 1964 
penetrationenter into, PaFredDominoAug 1951 
penetrationenter a pointGeeApr 1922 
pedestrialI rest pedal*HoodwinkFeb 1960 
pedestrialtries pedalBlueHenChickJan 1930 
pedestalstep dealPaul&Virgin+Mar 1963 
pedestrianneeds a tripAbStruseSep 1980 
pedestrianI'd step nearHohoNov 1967 
pedestriansdear in stepsFredDominoAug 1951 
pedestrian, astep aid nearFredDominoAug 1951 
pedestrian, thetread in step, eh?FredDominoAug 1951 
pedestriandare step inJustaSmithMar 1936 
pedestrianstep in, dearMGMJul 1936 
pedestrian, thehe pad in streetBeeWilderJan 1943 
pedestrian, thethen I dare stepQSep 1925 
pedestrian, astride paeanDelawareJan 1928 
pergolaslo, grapesAbStruseOct 1983 
personificationin Aesop 'r fictionTheGinkOct 1982 
personificationI can pose or fit inHectorApr 1928 
personalitystyle in a proVolarApr 1980 
personalityrole pays "nit!"*HoodwinkMay 1966 
pennoncelnon-pencel*ProfPampelm+Feb 1980 
pejorativeVIP rate, Joe*FiddleJan 1964 
philoprogenitivenesslove the piping son, sireChrisJan 1914 
philoprogenitivenessin the spring I pose, loveMoonshineSep 1916 
philoprogenitivenesspose the inspiring loveTheGopherDec 1956 
philoprogenitivenessson, pipe the loving sireSineCuraFeb 1928 
philoprogenitivenesspipe it, sheer son lovingMacropodOct 1934 
philotherian, aI hap lion hater*LarryJul 1976 
phantasmagorya nap ghost armyFredDominoMar 1951 
phantasmaan apt shamAyayeKayDec 1941 
philanthropiesah, pins help trioQuedpaJul 1940 
phoneticsphonic setAlGebraMay 1934 
picaroon, theho, con pirateAChemMar 1931 
pi-meson, apion? sameAtlanticJun 1982 
picaresquea queer "spic"HohoAug 1939 
picaresquesquare epic*HapJun 1978 
piscatorialistI cast; I top liarsVikingSep 1965 
pinguefactions, theone such: I fatten pigVikingMar 1963 
picadors, the"he cats" do ripHohoAug 1961 
picturesquequite spruce 56Pearson 
piemagmagpieAwlWrongAug 1938 
pirouettingU R tiptoeingGiGanticFeb 1936 
pinaforedifApronedArcanus Nov 1934
pinnacle, thecap line thenKennethJan 1928 
pianofortestap for noiseWrongFontMar 1931 
pifferopro-fifeBlueHenChickJul 1932 
phlegmaticthe calm pigRovingVicOct 1952 
Phariseesi.e., seraphs*WortgauklerMay 1969 
phantasmagoriagas? air? a phantom?HapAug 1975 
phantasmagoriasreap ghost maniasAbakusanMay 1935 
phantasmagoriasas mirages on pathAbakusanMay 1935 
phantasmagoriaah, a magian sportNutmegJul 1930 
phantasmagoriaa panorama sightWinkieDec 1922 
phantasmagoriaaha! groan at impsNeophyteDec 1977 
phantasmagoriahas on rapt magicDeeGeeDec 1955 
phantasmagorias'tis a paragon shamDCVerOct 1931 
phrasemakersshape remarksAbStruseMay 1979 
pittancea cent tip 21,73TheDukeJun 1913 
pirouettesI step 'er outVestaNov 1917 
pianoforteO, fret! O, pain!AlecSanderNov 1918 
pianoforteI rap fo' toneBurntSackMay 1974 
pickerel, aclear pikeVestaJan 1919 
pioneeropener, INJineerAug 1924 
pigeon-toedO, peg toed inEmJayDec 1923 
pigeonheartedegad, hero ineptAnnDhowMar 1977 
Plantagenetapt entanglePlantinaJun 1942 
planetariums, thethem: a star line-upUlkJul 1989 
plowsharehelps a rowEnavlicmNov 1912 
plainclothesman, thecop has them all in netFredDominoMay 1953 
plainclothesman, thethen policeman haltsArcanusNov 1912 
playmates, theteam pals, theyMolemiOct 1961 
playmatesay, pals metLarrySep 1935 
playmatesmy, a pal setDCVerMar 1913 
playmatespals, mateyDCVerJan 1920 
playmatematey palFredDominoAug 1938 
playmatespalsy teamHohoJul 1969 
plagiarist, thePa, I steal rightJemandApr 1913 
plagiarist, thelag this pirateTravvSep 1989 
plagiarist, theha! I grasp titleChrisAug 1917 
plicationI con plaitAwlWrongFeb 1939 
platitudesstupid tale 14Pearson 
platformflat promSpreggsApr 1932 
platonicin-cot pal*RuthlessMay 1985 
plethora, aheap 'r a lotUlkDec 1983 
plaudit, aI pat, laudHohoNov 1967 
plutocrat, thethat lucre potPatristocratApr 1946 
platitudinouslyin "dully", a tip to usVikingJan 1935 
policeman, aI am lean copQDec 1911 
policeman, thecame in to helpPaul&Virgin+Aug 1962 
policemancop, nail me 40LarryBeeAug 1932 
policemanO, clap me inPuzzerooApr 1940 
Postmaster-General, aas PO's letter managerAwlWrongFeb 1936 
postmaster-generalshipO, grasp, present the mailsEvergreenJun 1952 
point, ato a pinChrisMay 1915 
pointno tip*JemandMay 1924 
pointtip on 24DCVerSep 1919 
poculiformfor lo, I'm cupVestaNov 1917 
poculiformlo, I form cup 54WhatzitDec 1944 
poinsettiaI set in a potHohoJul 1942 
Polynesiansyon isles napPatristocratOct 1941 
polychroitesI spy the colorVestaMay 1918 
posthastehate stops 54AmaranthJun 1925 
posthastehas to stepHSNutDec 1927 
postponementspen stops me notJayTuefsMay 1938 
poorhouse, theO, hot soup hereAbStruseJun 1988 
policycoy lipFiddleJul 1950 
poignantan' got nipFloraJun 1920 
post-maritalla, potsMar itJayTuefs Oct 1935
postponesstops? nope*MidurndistOct 1955 
postponedstopped? no*TowheadJan 1922 
poltergeist, thepet ghost, it leerKennethOct 1958 
poltergeists, thelet respite, ghostPaul&Virgin+Apr 1967 
poltergeistlet go, sprite! 64,74,83HohoAug 1961 
politician, thetip: he can "oil" itAbStruseApr 1982 
politicianI-I can pilot 50AlecSanderFeb 1936 
politicianin Capitol, I 43,75NyphoJan 1938 
politiciansis in Capitol 51HermesSep 1929 
poulticeepuloticRandomWalkSep 1980 
poetrytry PoeHoosierMar 1934 
potboilerplot: I boreAbStruseDec 1979 
postmasterstamp storeSealGeeJan 1927 
potholder, arole: hot padGoogolDec 1978 
postmastersstore stamps 61,89NyphoJun 1949 
postmanno stamp* 30,77Pearson 
postmanstamp onIxaxarFeb 1944 
povertyvery top* 77BeauNedFeb 1933 
pomposityso I'm toppyEmmoWJun 1935 
pollersh--l! lop treesLarryOct 1972 
polychromaticI'm patchy colorNightowlOct 1972 
politenessO, it's spleen*HoodwinkApr 1972 
politenesssee not slipHohoMar 1940 
potvaliantlap a tot vinOedipusAug 1969 
portico, thetie to porchHohoMar 1969 
pompadourpad our mopBafulJan 1966 
pompadoura proud mopHohoJul 1959 
porte-cochereso'er porches, etc.LarryApr 1957 
porte-cocheresO, erect porchesLarryApr 1957 
potationsnip at, O sotNyphoNov 1925 
potationsO, sip not atNyphoNov 1925 
potationsa pot to sinNyphoNov 1925 
porphyrogenitusrough propensity*XSpeckedJun 1928 
poetaster, thethee star poet*VulcanJul 1929 
pottageget a potHermesSep 1929 
policewoman, aI male cop? aw, no!ADandyOct 1931 
postscript, aPS: scrap to itDCVerMar 1932 
polehead, thehe! he! tadpoleBlueHenChickApr 1932 
postilionis no pilot*EnavlicmApr 1932 
pointedtip doneAlecSanderJun 1932 
pottoto topLimorMar 1933 
postage stamps, thePS: so tag, paste themAbStruseMar 1988 
posse comitatuscome up to assistNoholdsBardMay 1988 
pococurantecoup? care notNoholdsBardNov 1988 
policewomanmale cop now, I*NoholdsBardDec 1988 
pole vaultersall set? up, overAbStruseJun 1989 
policeman's whistle, aits scope: hail lawmenAbStruseSep 1989 
pons asinorum"no pass" I mournNoholdsBardSep 1989 
poetic licenseI select no epicRemardoNov 1925 
potter's field, aFate's dire plotAmaranthAug 1912 
procrastinationprotraction a sin 49ScrutinizerApr 1933 
procrastinationno part action, sirLoneFisherm+Mar 1921 
procrastinationrap, inaction rotsSEArcherApr 1914 
procrastinationparrots inactionAbStruseMay 1982 
procrastination, theis a protraction, thenAbStruseJun 1936 
procrastinatecan't stir a poreSouConAug 1914 
procrastinatesap retractionTacApr 1935 
procrastinatesso pert, I ran actsFredDominoOct 1952 
prestidigitator, thepresto: I get hid traitSEArcherJan 1913 
prestidigitationpresto: a digit in itSpudDec 1923 
prestidigitator, aaspire to digit artDCVerDec 1915 
prestidigitationtoting spirit ideaDeeGeeDec 1955 
prestidigitator, thetop digit artist hereNyphoApr 1938 
proposal, theAl pops to herQOct 1910 
proposal, thepop real shotESCrowNov 1910 
prescription drug, theright upon Dr.'s receiptAbStruseAug 1989 
predilectionsclip not desireHoodwinkJun 1956 
presentation copysent, no price to payMoonshineDec 1919 
prestissimois tempo, sirs 90HoodwinkApr 1962 
weaker vessel, thewe valets seek herMoonshineDec 1916 
predestinationI destine no partSEArcherJan 1913 
predestinationsa spirit notes endHohoJul 1939 
prevaricationsa crop in veritas*HohoJul 1959 
promissory note, aor: pay soon, misterUlkApr 1990 
predominationI'd remain on topChrisJul 1913 
predominationsor in end I am "tops"VikingMar 1941 
prematurelyterm up earlyBooJeeKayDec 1957 
pronunciamento, aI announce to rampXiphiasNov 1913 
precipitationpop it in a triceArtyEssMar 1957 
primrose path, theprime sport heathAmaranthDec 1926 
practicalitiesrealistic pact, IKennethFeb 1959 
preservative, aI ever save partFrancolinJul 1915 
promulgatingO, glum pratingEmmoWJun 1952 
profligatego flip rateElDonJun 1917 
profligategreat flop, IHoodwinkMay 1967 
primal scream therapy"arr!!"May help past crimeMinimus Jul 1988
providentialdivine portalDellaJun 1918 
profiteer, aor, after pie?AbStruseMay 1989 
prosecutionI open courtsDCVerDec 1919 
proofreaders, thestep head of errorFredDominoDec 1959 
proofreaders, thedefeat shop errorDCVerMar 1920 
prohibitionistO, I inhibit sportNyphoNov 1920 
prohibitionistit is on hip: rob it*TunsteNov 1920 
praenomen [2x]pen Roman name openerNightowlNov 1973 
precariousnessso sure in capers*RovingVicNov 1952 
prohibitionhi! no bit o' ripMenoJan 1921 
prohibitionsinspirit hoboBLueHenChickFeb 1928 
prohibitionsinhibits poorBlueHenChickFeb 1928 
profundityof punditryArtyEssSep 1959 
presidentrest pinedPuzzerooApr 1964 
promenade, ame on paradeOsapleFeb 1921 
protagonistgo in, top starTravvDec 1989 
prolongelong rope 87BlueHenChickAug 1928 
prognosissigns: poor 86HapJun 1975 
prosecutors, thecourt pros, theseAChemMay 1967 
prosperousPS: sure poor* 65OsapleMar 1925 
prosperous's super-poor*TravvJun 1982 
prosperousPS: US poorer*OsapleMar 1925 
prosperouspoor-purses* 76OsapleMar 1925 
prairie schooner, theho! carrieth pioneersMolemiJun 1927 
precautionI put no careReynardJul 1938 
precautioncare upon itLeeFranceMar 1980 
prophylaxisrash, I ply pox*HapApr 1977 
preliminary, amain play? I errTravvFeb 1977 
prosciuttoit's poor cut*HapMay 1979 
preposterous"purse set" poor?HapFeb 1976 
preposterous, thee'er opposes truthJackOLanternJun 1924 
premonitionin tip or omenTravvDec 1975 
premonitionprime notionMidurndistOct 1972 
premonitionO, I print omenArcanusOct 1929 
privateer, apirate? vera!TravvSep 1974 
primateit? Mr. Ape 89SpreggsAug 1941 
primatetrim apeSigmasexspr+Sep 1973 
procrastinator, theI prone t' rash act? rot!CornCobDec 1987 
procrastinator, thetop-notch as tarrierElfMar 1985 
Presbyterianpriest nearby*HapMay 1972 
premeditationmeant it! period!ArchimedesApr 1963 
premeditationI'm portent ideaDeeGeeDec 1955 
progenitress, ai.e., gross parentVikingJan 1969 
privateVIP rateVikingAug 1965 
predatorilylord, I at preyHohoAug 1962 
propagandists, thestating sharp "dope"FredDominoDec 1959 
prerequisitequits ere ripe*HohoOct 1946 
prolegomenoususe o' long proemAwlWrongMar 1944 
promenade, aparade on meDCVerNov 1942 
promenadeneed a rompHoosierNov 1931 
privateersman, a"pirate", avers manHohoDec 1940 
preadamitesmidst ape eraHomeBrewOct 1940 
presentationsO, I sent parentsJayTuefsJul 1940 
pretentiousit's e'er put onAwlWrongApr 1940 
pretentiousnessstrut seen in poseAwlWrongFeb 1939 
prolegomenaor plan omega*HarrieTwoJun 1939 
prestationI pose a rentAwlWrongDec 1938 
Protestantismis Pat's tormentHerculesApr 1937 
prospector, ataps ore cropAwlWrongMar 1937 
preposterousnessprops outre sensesAwlWrongApr 1936 
prestimoniespriest moniesArcanusNov 1935 
proportionatedand it proper, tooWehanonowitSep 1935 
proletariat, theat the trail ropeMenoJul 1924 
precautionsit's upon carePoorRichardOct 1929 
precautioncare upon it 80OsapleJan 1927 
precautionO, put care inMarsFeb 1927 
protectionismnice to importsHerculesFeb 1928 
protectionismciter on impostHerculesFeb 1928 
procession, theO, this creeps onESCrowJun 1929 
prophetess, aprates hopesHerculesMar 1930 
praiseworthyso with prayerStellaJul 1930 
premonitorymy prior noteDCVerDec 1930 
pruded--- pureDamonomadJan 1931 
prognosticationa cognition sportDCVerFeb 1931 
Presbyterianismamen by priest, sir*NoholdsBardFeb 1988 
Protestant Reformationno priest to treat for manNoholdsBardAug 1988 
Protestant Reformationto report anti-Roman festCornCobNov 1984 
private secretaryI a very secret pathMarteliaDec 1921 
pseudoso dupeArcanusApr 1914 
pseudonymsspy nom usedDCVerOct 1933 
pseudonymye nom "Spud"PuzzerooMar 1939 
pseudonymdupe, my son 25VestaFeb 1919 
pseudonym, adupe so manyDCVerJan 1927 
pseudonym, asay! dupe nomDraculaSep 1931 
pseudonymspy due nomGeeSep 1931 
psychotherapeuticshope at psychist cureBNaturalOct 1954 
psychiatristI sit, spy, chartTutNov 1976 
psychiatristhis act: sit, pryMangieNov 1976 
pseudologist, thegot up those d--- liesVikingNov 1972 
psalterypert laysZerOFeb 1971 
Psechridaeech! a spiderEosSep 1979 
psychoanalysisphysical? says noCincinnatusApr 1936 
psychoanalysisany physical SOS*AtlasJan 1928 
punishingshining upDellaFeb 1919 
punishment, aam shut in "pen"NyphoOct 1933 
punishmenthint: pensumPacificoSep 1960 
public relationsO, is crap bulletinCornCobOct 1987 
punsterrun! pest! 36GeminiMar 1922 
pugilisttip: I slug 4*P83FrostERomanJul 1973 
pugilist, aI tap, I slug 89MolemiNov 1945 
pugilistsI list pugsNyphoApr 1925 
pugilist, thehis pug titleAwlWrongApr 1926 
Pulitzerult. prize 4*P83NightowlDec 1976 
PuritanesssupersaintMerlinJul 1976 
pussyfootedsoft you spedPacificoMay 1957 
purchasescash purseArchimedesMay 1952 
putrefactionpue! rot in fact!VikingMar 1938 
putridenousno ruse: putidQpkwinsSep 1937 
puntersrun stepVikingApr 1937 
purchasingring up cashDCVerSep 1933 
pussyfooter, thetour soft step, eh?GrandmotherMar 1927 
pussyfootersyou press softDCVerAug 1928 
pyromaniac, theO, a match in pyrePatristocratMay 1942 
Pythagorean theorem, the hah! pat on geometry thereIxaxarNov 1939 
Pythagorean theorem, the another geometry path, eh?WagstaffSep 1987 
psellism, amal spielsEmmoWMay 1935 
pseudonymousnessyes, dupes us on nomsBamNov 1929 
psellismus, al-lisp amusesEmmoWMay 1935 
ptomainespains to meLateoApr 1924 
piano bench, thebeneath ChopinManxSep 1985 
potter's field, afate: dier's plotTravvFeb 1978 
potter's field, asad: free plot, itFredDominoAug 1960 
plane trigonometrypen triangle (my root)NightowlDec 1985 
prairie schooner, theho! this pioneer racerTheGopherJan 1965 
parliamentary procedurecit, read many a proper ruleNightowlJun 1974 
parliamentary procedurerule, do! permit nary a caperMangieMay 1975 
police brutalitytrite "cop a bully", IVikingMar 1968 
pinch hitterhint: pitcher*LarryDec 1974 
population explosion, theanxious people in hot plotTheGopherDec 1965 
pons asinorumpain us moronsNightowlSep 1973 
poison ivies, thetip: shoo! i.e., vinesCaptainToMar 1966 
prison cell, aclap loser inMULaterSep 1969 
prism binoculars, thecan up her orbs' limitsVikingMar 1970 
professional footballO, so fine a fall lob sportMerlinSep 1970 
private schoolsI've top scholarsTheGinkSep 1971 
purse stringsstern grips, usAnnDhowJul 1972 
paper chasePS: pace hareIxaxarDec 1981 
psychedelic drug, aLSD, ugh! creepy acid!NightowlDec 1981 
pepperoni pizza, azip! zap! one par pieTavJun 1976 
problem child, aO, ill-bred champBNaturalApr 1960 
picture postcardsscripted, cap toursAmberJun 1980 
photo finish, aI snap hoof hitCloverOct 1980 
Pithecanthropus Erectuseh, I can stretch up postureHapAug 1981 
pin moneyO, I'm pennyVikingJul 1931 
pieces of eightgift o' specie, eh? 76SuSanDec 1933 
population census, thehint: counts USA peopleAbStruseJul 1980 
public televisioncivil tube plies onAmberOct 1981 
plastic surgeon, theshapes non-cute girlHohoMar 1940 
plastic surgeon, ala, I grasp, cut noseStitchJun 1986 
platinum blondea numb inept doll?FamulusMar 1984 
Portuguese man-of-warturn up a sea form, e.g. ow! VisitorDec 1984 
prime timei.e., merit PMGeckoApr 1985 
police departmentspet crime-laden spot*FredDominoOct 1952 
police departmentsspotted crime panelFredDominoOct 1960 
police departmenttoppled a crime netAbStruseAug 1981 
police departmentpaled potent crimeAmigoApr 1979 
police departmentscops' detail: pert menNightowlJul 1976 
police departments, theapt set help to end crimeVikingJan 1932 
Promised Land, theoh, a splendid termJackOLanternNov 1935 
printer's devildelivers printAbStruseDec 1936 
past masterset as apt Mr.AwlWrongNov 1945 
past masterterms as aptAwlWrongNov 1945 
parking spaces, thepaths keeping carsVikingDec 1933 
Parthian shotha! partin' [shot]SakrElBahrJan 1947 
particeps criminisI'm sin pact price, sirHoodwinkMar 1951 
penny arcade, theand pay cent hereBlackstoneJan 1948 
pernicious anemiaI sure come in a painFredDominoAug 1951 
pileated woodpeckers, thewe picked tree, do tap holesNightowlJul 1984 
pileated woodpeckers, thecads, we poked hole tree tip EpodJul 1939 
Pierian springsPS: are inspiringLarryNov 1943 
Pierian spring, thehere, tap inspiringUlkMay 1984 
post meridiemisn't AM periodAChemMay 1970 
post meridiempromised timeAristotleApr 1938 
porterhouse steak, aO, he's sure to partakeFredDominoMar 1952 
porterhouse steakshe sure eats OK, sportEpodJul 1939 
postage stampa PM gets at POsArcanusJun 1943 
Prince of Darkness, thechief rank o' d--- serpentsAwlWrongDec 1938 
Prince of Darkness, theNick's Hades' front peerAwlWrongFeb 1943 
prima donnasdamn sopraniNyphoAug 1943 
practical jokes, thejapes clothe a trickAwlWrongNov 1943 
practical jokers, thelo, teach Jasper trickFredDominoDec 1952 
Promised Land, thehome trip's end, ladFredDominoFeb 1952 
Promised Land, theI'm Lord's Eden-pathISeeAug 1951 
Promised Land, thehold! imparts EdenAbStruseMar 1981 
portrait painters, thein apt ritratto sphereAwlWrongApr 1945 
private secretary, arare as active typer*BNaturalDec 1958 
private secretaryit's very apt careerTheGopherSep 1954 
public transportationplot-point: car, bus, trainSueDoeApr 1954 
performing arts, thespring from theaterOedipusSep 1963 
physical examinations, thehypothesis: exact all in manBNaturalAug 1961 
philosopher's stonethis helps poor onesFredDominoAug 1960 
prepositional phrase"at his proper pal" is oneAtlanticSep 1984 
prison term, ano "rap", mister*LarryApr 1976 
parental guidancereal! nude acting, PaGraydolApr 1976 
Playboy centerfoldperfect lady? bolon'y!WitchwordJan 1979 
Playboy centerfoldyon all-perfect bodyRuthlessJul 1986 
Petrified Forestpit of fired treesTravvMar 1978 
polite societyO, it's elite copyFredDominoFeb 1956 
presidential electionspit leaders in selectionFredDominoApr 1953 
presidential electionelect ideal person in itMCSApr 1900 
presidential electionin point I select leaderLucretiaMar 12 IMM 
presidential electionnation select ripe idealNyphoJul 1920 
presidential election, theI elect the leader in points AdelanteAug16 12Co 
presidential electionsI see politics enter landAmaranthNot Dated 
presidential elections, thethen see ideal politics rent JamaicaFeb15 97Or 
presidential elections, thethen see ire incited at pollsAmaranthNov 1912 
postage meters, thegot stamp there, see?FredDominoDec 1950 
prosecuting attorneys, thepersons in court that get ye HardricMay 1977 
pocket calculatorsclack, total up scoreNightowlJun 1978 
plainclothes policemanthe mean local cop, in slipMonaLisaApr 1978 
premeditated homicide, aO, PM I dated the crime ideaZordoJul 1954 
professional gambler, thehe'll bear profits on gamesAbStruseJul 1984 
professional gambler, thehe's gip,robs me at faro,nellFredDominoOct 1953 
popular sovereigntyoption: purge slaveryAtlanticMay 1982 
press corrector, thescotches pert errorAwlWrongMar 1943 
polar circle, thehere poll ArcticAwlWrongNov 1947 
polar circle, thehelp Arctic loreAwlWrongNov 1947 
penal servitudeevils rued at "pen"FredDominoDec 1954 
penitential seasonin Lent I eat peas, sonAtlasApr 1955 
penitential season, thenote it is a Lenten phaseDCVerMay 97 Di 
penitential season, the'tis Lent: has eaten no pieRemardoApr 1919 
penal servituderude slave pen, itRemardoOct 1928 
petticoat governmenttorment o' captive gentAFHoltJan29 01Co 
Painted Desert, thedeep-tinted earthsAmaranthApr 1931 
practical jokerscajolers trick PaSkylightApr 1931 
Pullman sleeping car, thehelp plunge in a calm restNJineerSep 23 IRR 
Pyramids of Egypt, thepith of paged mysteryMedisu00EO 
Pyramids of Egypt, thethy prim tops defy ageFransFolksNov27 03EO 
Egyptian Pyramidspity any aged prismZerOJul 1967 
prodigal son, thedelight o' parsonJemandMay 1926 
prodigal son, theignores old pathJemandMay 1926 
prodigal son, asolid paragon*AbStruseOct 1982 
prodigal son, theI help to don ragsArtyEssMar 1957 
prodigal son, thehandles pig rootSherlacMar 1951 
prodigal son, thethis lodger on PaAtlasMar 1951 
prodigal son, theO, glad he's in portAtlasMar 1951 
prodigal son, thego, spend, riot, HalPatristocratApr 1946 
prodigal son, thego older sin pathMarmionJan 1937 
prodigal son, theO, rah! I spent goldEmmoWApr 1934 
prodigal son, thegot rhino, lapsedEnavlicmMar 1917 
prodigal son, theoh, in pater's goldMarmionJan 1937 
prodigal son, theone pig's hard lotMarmionJan 1937 
pounds sterling, theEnglish spotted run!VikingJun 1968 
New Madrid fault, theawful mid-earth dent?NightowlFeb 1991 
pounds sterling, theon pert English "dust"HohoNov 1969 
quadrisidedsquared, I didKennethDec 1925 
questionnaireanon, it queriesIxaxarNov 1942 
questionnairesare in questionsGrandmotherFeb 1926 
questionnairesain't queries, son*FredDominoSep 1952 
questionnaire, theah, ten queries on itAbStruseNov 1984 
questionsis on questKennethNov 1926 
questionnairea note inquiresVikingOct 1962 
questionnaires, thehere I test an IQ on usNyphoJul 1949 
questionnaire, thequeries one in thatDeanRelaxJan 1936 
questionerqueries not*NyphoMar 1932 
quietusus quietKennethNov 1926 
questionMarks, theaskers quit on themUlk Oct 1985
quidditiesid qui est idDCVerDec 1930 
queen-size bedbe squeezed in*HartKingNov 1983 
quietismi.q., is muteNightowlJan 1975 
quiescentquit sceneWinonaJun 1962 
radiator, thea torrid heat 17FrancolinApr 1915 
radianceair danceEmmaLineFeb 1916 
ratiocinationsinto ratio I scanXCLentSep 1918 
rapscallion, thean ill cheap sortChrisFeb 1915 
rapscallionlo, nip rascalTravvJul 1987 
rapscallion, aO, plain rascal 43,48,67AmaranthFeb 1921 
radio, theaero'd hitDCVerMar 1932 
radio, theI read hotPrimroseDec 1922 
radio, thedo hear it 75GiGanticJun 1923 
radio, theO, heard itSenorOct 1980 
raisonnein reasonBenJMinAug 1925 
railroad crossing, thehold car, sir: train goesUlkAug 1988 
ratiuncleclear unitArcanusOct 1929 
raison d'etretried reasonRalphApr 1930 
rapscallion, aI no rascal, pal*EmmoWJan 1931 
raspberriesspare briers!SakrElBahrJan 1933 
rainwaterair ran wetKennethMar 1933 
rampageousnessO, men! us saps rageEmmoWFeb 1938 
rainspouta tin poursAbStruseDec 1939 
rainspout, thethat rone is upTravvMar 1986 
railroad stations, theor a train leads to thisAmorApr 1946 
railroad station, theO, her train loads at itMerlinDec 1971 
rat poisonO, no! is trap!CryptoxJul 1949 
ragtimeI'm greatFredDominoMar 1951 
rambunctiousbut son, I'm a curFredDominoMar 1951 
rambunctiousour sin: act bumFredDominoMar 1951 
raconteurs, thesure no chatter*FredDominoSep 1952 
racetrackscars! racket!LarryDec 1954 
racehorseO, he's racerFredDominoDec 1955 
ratcatchercharter catHohoAug 1960 
radicalliar! cad!WinonaApr 1962 
ramshacklecharm? leaks!HapDec 1975 
razor-edgeergo adzerAnnDhowApr 1977 
raise havocchaos, I averLarryMar 1981 
railway stationtrains toil awaySuSanApr 1930 
rag, tag, and bobtail, therabble to aid that gang 57Not Dated 
ragtime musicis gamut crimeFredDominoMar 1951 
ragtime musici.e., magic strumFredDominoMar 1951 
rainy season, theany o' these rainsKappaKappaFeb 1933 
rapid-fire gun, thefiring pure deathESCrowApr 1915 
radiobroadcastingI got bad cards on airMarmionApr 1934 
radiobroadcastinga big star did a croonMarmionApr 1934 
radio broadcastinggood air band act, sirMarmionApr 1934 
female impersonatorrip! see? not a male form*UlkMar 1991 
radio broadcasters, theread booster's arid chatFredDominoMar 1951 
radio broadcaster, theads to aid barter choreFredDominoMar 1951 
tropics, thecripes! hot-t!UlkMar 1991 
rain forest, thetrees, for a hintTeZirManOct 1989 
rain forest, thefire's no threatTeZirManOct 1989 
rat race, thecareer? that?UlkMar 1990 
rabbit stewstab, brew itHuduSep 1988 
race suicideaccuser, I dieGeeApr 1913 
radiant energy, aray-generant aidUltramundaneJul 1912 
radio tubesour best aidFredDominoJun 1959 
rapid transit systemtrips in steady tramsVolarJun 1979 
railroad engineers, thethese do reign near railEmmaLineJul 1914 
relief pitcher, thefierce hitter? help!LarryNov 1974 
recreationalno real care, itHoodwinkJun 1956 
recreating, ain great careXiphiasDec 1913 
recreationcareer? not I!WitchwordDec 1977 
reprobatea pert boreGeeApr 1914 
requiescat in pacecares quit [in] peaceRalphApr 1914 
requiescat in paceat a quiescence: RIPTheGopherSep 1954 
requiescat in pacequits race [in] peace 54HohoDec 1936 
remuneratedreturn a meedEmmaLineSep 1914 
remunerationour men earn itDeeGeeApr 1957 
realisticit is clear 32ChrisNov 1914 
regulatorgot a ruler 47ChrisSep 1915 
recuperatessee part cureTheGinkAug 1973 
resignationire? not a signEmmaLineDec 1915 
resignationI, star, in, gonePrimroseJul 1939 
resignationanent "sir, I go"TheGinkFeb 1974 
recuperationI part cure oneEmmaLineMar 1916 
recuperationO tire, nap cureHoodwinkDec 1962 
recuperationrecoup near itYercasApr 1927 
reassurancessans care, sureFrancolinJun 1916 
revelationistreveals it? not I*FredDominoNov 1951 
resolutionstries no soul*EmmaLineJul 1916 
resolutionO, 'tis no rule*TravvFeb 1987 
regulationI tag no rule*PoorRichardOct 1931 
regulationgot a rule in 86CrisJul 1917 
revelationI reveal not* 25EmmaCNov 1919 
revelation, theO, reveal it thenSuSanOct 1928 
revelationstears no veil*LateoDec 1931 
revelationsare not veilsPoorRichardOct 1929 
resistingis resting* 41EmelineSep 1917 
revolutionaryyour in a revoltKennethSep 1960 
revolutionarylo, I overturn, ay!NightowlJul 1971 
Republican, theI curb elephantESCrowNov 1917 
relinquishment, arash men quit lineVestaDec 1917 
revolutionsrevulsion toNyphoNov 1927 
revolutionI love to runEnavlicmApr 1918 
revolution, theI love to turn, eh?VulcanMay 1928 
revolutionO, I love turnTravvJul 1987 
responsibility, aperson's ability, ISamSlickMay 1918 
responsibility, aI press on abilityBooJeeKayJun 1957 
remonstrationsMr. T reasons on itVestaOct 1918 
remonstrateas men retortFredDominoMar 1959 
respirator, arear air stopXiphiasFeb 1919 
Reaganomicsa con game, sirMeoFeb 1983 
regimentsget men, sirVestaMay 1919 
revisionVersion I*HapJan 1981 
reprisal, ais real rapVestaJul 1919 
retributionO, bitter ruinAyayeKayMar 1942 
retaliationirate talionEmJayMay 1924 
repudiationI paid our net*FredDominoNov 1951 
red, white and blue, the wait: three-hued blendDanDLyonJul 1917 
red, white and blue, the we hate Hitlered bundAwlWrongSep 1942 
refrigerator carsgreat icers for a RRAtlantisFeb 1915 
research and development dope the MDs can ever learnWyvernAug 1983 
read the riot actO, direct a threat 87DavidShulmanMar 83 4*P 
revenge is sweetwe get even, siresWyvernNov 11978 
ready-made clothescreate shoddy maleAmaranthFeb 1911 
reforestationon to fair treesSiJun 1934 
reprimandremind, rapTheGinkNov 1972 
recognitionnoticing o'erDCVerAug 1934 
residence, thehere is den, etc.TartarinOct 1934 
reinforcementsis for recent menFredDominoJul 1955 
reinforcementsrest! men in forceTravvMay 1977 
registered mailreal gems ride itHoodwinkMay 1935 
registered letter, aseal it, deter regretHoodwinkMay 1935 
redactionsscan, editorVikingJun 1968 
reproductionscopiers do turnDCVerFeb 1936 
reproductionsoo! crude prints*TheGinkFeb 1971 
reiterationO, trite in earEmmoWMay 1936 
resettlementlet me set rentJayTuefsJul 1936 
reactionI care notHohoAug 1936 
reconditeness, aan esoteric's endPacificoSep 1960 
resuscitationit is not a curseHoodwinkJan 1937 
resuscitation, aacts to use air inVikingSep 1968 
recidivist, thehit direst viceYercasMar 1937 
recidivistI'd stir viceHapNov 1974 
regimentationmeet rationingArchimedesApr 1951 
regimentationgo meet it in NRAVikingApr 1937 
regimentationO, meet trainingAbStruseDec 1939 
rejection slipjilt recipe, sonAbStruseJan 1938 
reticule, aetui: clear? 81TheGinkOct 1962 
reconciliationironical notice*ArchimedesOct 1938 
reupholsterhelp our restFredDominoMar 1960 
rebuttaltrue blatHohoNov 1961 
renominatedrenamed? not I!*JayTuefsApr 1940 
reductionscut, sir? done!PuzzerooApr 1940 
repulsivenesssuper-vilenessHoosierMay 1940 
rebiddingbridge dinDoubleHAug 1987 
refreshmentsfreshens termXSpeckedOct 1941 
repulsivesuper-vileKatmatNov 1941 
recidivism, acrime is avidArcanusMar 1942 
regulateget a rule 60IxaxarJul 1942 
reasonablesane or able 86FredDominoDec 1953 
reconditenessso end in secretAwlWrongFeb 1944 
reasonablenesslo, bans sane seer*FredDominoSep 1952 
reasonablenesssane labors seenHoodwinkDec 1958 
reasonablenessO, bans real sense*ArcanusJun 1945 
reverberation, aever reboant airNot Dated 
reverberation, aever reboant airAwlWrongJun 1947 
retirementsmen tire, restFiddleAug 1949 
rei persecutoriais recuperatorieSakrElBahrJan 1949 
reasonable facsimile, aO, man, I be as clear as lifeFredDominoJul 1951 
remote controllo, center motor*TrashNov 1989 
reading between the linesseeing beneath wile trendTheGopherAug 1957 
rest upon one's oarsso turns on a reposeTheGopherNov 1955 
retirement benefitsit's better in free menKayNov 1962 
restaurantrun star eatWillieWildw+Oct 1924 
restaurantstar tea urnWillieWildw+Oct 1924 
restaurantrats eat, runFMarkHornMay 1945 
red tag salegreat dealsAtlanticApr 1988 
rectilinearitytry cite air lineGeminiDec 1924 
restfulfluster*AmaranthMar 1925 
reputationrep to a nut, IKRapsDec 1925 
reputationO, put it nearKnutKrakrFeb 1935 
redoubtableae, bold bruteEnavlicmDec 1925 
redoubtablebade troubleYercasFeb 1931 
remittancesnice mattersEnavlicmApr 1926 
resurrectioninter so recurFanacroJun 1971 
resurrectionrise not, curer*Li'lGaminFeb 1977 
resurrectionI score returnAbStruseMay 1985 
re-revision, theVersion Three, IKremlinDec 1988 
revised editionedited revisionJemandJul 1926 
rest in peaceescape, inertAbStruseOct 1988 
receptionno receipt*YercasDec 1926 
resourcerecourseAmaranthDec 1926 
rehearsinghear singerNJineerFeb 1927 
redfins, thetender fishElfJun 1985 
representativea rep ever sent itPikerFeb 1927 
reconsiderationreconnoiters aidMazyMaskerMay 1930 
redivivusI survivedEllsworthJun 1927 
repartimientomere partitionJackOLanternJul 1927 
relationshipI hale pert sonFrostERomanOct 1973 
reach-me-downnew arch modeTunsteNov 1927 
reinstatestet: are inKennethJan 1928 
recommendationsno, no cads merit 'emFredDominoMay 1952 
recommendationO, condemn a merit*PikerFeb 1928 
recommendationI read comment onTheGinkSep 1971 
recommendationmention comradeDeeGeeAug 1955 
rehabilitatesi.e, alter habitsESCrowJul 1928 
rehabilitatesI rate this ableHoodwinkJan 1937 
reforestationfor a tree is on'tBeauNedJan 1929 
reforestationno fair to trees*TeZirManJan 1990 
reforestationa ton o' fir treesRainbowNov 1985 
realityliar, yet*PrimroseApr 1929 
Renaissance, theart scene ashineCornCobDec 1985 
reverberation, aever beat in roarDCVerMay 1929 
rejuvenationaJunior event 63Hoosier May 1929
respirationnose rip't airVulcanJul 1929 
refurbishI rub freshZoroasterMar 1930 
reliablea libeler*HoosierMay 1932 
reinsurancecannier sureCastetJul 1933 
regenerationtone regainerYercasJun 1933 
Revolutionary War, therate valor with our yenTutJul 1977 
Revolutionary War, theoverthrew a royal unitAbStruseFeb 1982 
American Revolution, the ha! our men incite a revoltVulcanMar 1928 
sulphur-bottom whales, thehelm put out "thar she blows"AwlWrongOct 1945 
energy crisis, thecries hit erg yensTutFeb 1974 
Madison AvenueO, use vain ad men!HartKingMay 1977 
French Revolutionviolence run forth62 Wheat 
French Revolution, theeven then riot of churlBafulJan 1967 
Dame Fashionfain has modeAwlWrongJul 1936 
Revolutionary War, thewrathy era to love ruinCharlesWTribSep17 81GD 
righteoussought ire*AlecSanderJun 1917 
ring shakeshrinkagePhilOct 1924 
rimester, themetrist hereVulcanJan 1929 
righteousnessho, sin's gesture*SuSanFeb 1932 
riposteI so pertHoodwinkMay 1935 
ridiculousnessessense is ludicrousAlecSanderFeb 1936 
ringleadera ringer ledEmmoWFeb 1938 
riverside, thedive there, sirTheGinkJul 1961 
rinnce fadadancin' farePhilanaDec 1978 
right fielder, theheld free hit, girtArcanusSep 1936 
River Styx, thetry this: ever "X"Not Dated 
River Styx, thetry this: ever "X"DonApr 1931 
rich as Croesusis cash or curseArtyEssSep 1959 
rhetoricianre: hot air, inc.HapApr 1984 
Rhodesian ridgebacksdogs: bark in dire chaseAtlanticApr 1982 
rheumatoid arthritisI raised arm, tho' it hurtHapJul 1984 
rheumatoid arthritisI distort area, hurt himKamelJan 1982 
rhinoplasties"hip" nose trialsHapowlNov 1979 
rhetoricrich roteHapJul 1978 
Rhodes scholar, ahad rare schoolsFredDominoSep 1956 
rhabdomancybranchMay doArchimedes May 1952
rhinestonesnote shinersDonatelloDec 1928 
rhadamanthineI a hard man thenWehanonowitMay 1934 
rhadamanthinea hard man, thineEllsworthDec 1927 
rhadamanthinehard man? he ain't*HardricJan 1983 
rheumatism, theah, me! it hurts meYKnottSep 1926 
rheumatismaim: hurts meAbStruseJun 1980 
rogues' gallery, theyou're hell's taggerHerculesJun 1931 
rogues' galleryor, all yeggs rueTyPWrightMay 1928 
rogues' gallery, theall our yeggs thereAmaranthJan 1917 
routineone rut, I 38DCVerMay 1919 
robin redbreast, abare one star birdFredDominoMay 1953 
robin redbreast, atabs one rare bird*LeDareMay 1920 
robin redbreastborn as tree birdSpreggsAug 1941 
robin redbreastre: best roan birdIxaxarDec 1954 
robin redbreast, thebird: berth's on a treeNoholdsBardApr 1990 
rodent, aone d--- rat 88VulcanFeb 1929 
rodentianO, rat in denTravvNov 1985 
royalist, aTory aliasDCVerMay 1933 
rodomontademood? O, rantedSakrElBahrAug 1933 
rodomontadeO, damned "root"!EmmoWJun 1952 
rolling stone, anot long as lierDCVerMar 1935 
rolling stonelingers lot? no!DCVerMar 1935 
rotunditiesI set it roundCincinnatusAug 1935 
routinelylo, in ye rutHohoAug 1936 
routinelyin ye ol' rutUlkMar 1986 
Roisin Dubhbound IrishAwlWrongSep 1943 
Rock of Gibraltar, thelick harbor-gate fortDCVerAug11 00Pe 
routinismI'm so in rutAwlWrongNov 1943 
rotacismsO, miscast "R"DhumbbBhelleOct 1947 
rounds of applause, thespout-of-hand pleasurePatFeb 1950 
round-trip ticket, apick a return, dittoHoodwinkMar 1951 
roseolalo, a soreFredDominoJan 1952 
rondurere: roundHoodwinkJul 1957 
rodenticide, aO, rat died niceFredDominoAug 1961 
rounder, adarn roueMolemiJan 1963 
Russian Revolution, theresult: Soviet Union, rah!YercasJul 1936 
ruinedI underArcanusMay 1914 
rusticityis city rut*PABDec 1925 
rugosity, theit's rough yetVulcanSep 1929 
rubefactionrub face on itBeauNedOct 1929 
RussiaI, a USSR 48YercasJul 1934 
rumblelumberAwlWrongSep 1937 
RussUSSR 83PrimroseJun 1940 
Russophile, thehelp to USSR, I, eh?NyphoFeb 1949 
Russian rouletteruin t' loser at useVolarNov 1978 
rosinante, theantient horseAtlanticJan 1984 
run the gauntlet, tolunge thro' taut netCSawMar 1926 
Rocky MountainsO, man! ski country!RuthlessNov 1985 
rose waterorra sweetAnnDhowDec 1978 
rosebushesO, see shrubs 89AbStruseMay 1979 
roller coasterterror's locale?DoubleHDec 1984 
roller coasters, theso call these "terror"AbStruseJun 1982 
rousing cheer, ahis encouragerAbStruseDec 1982 
rob Peter to pay Paulre: loot by pauper artZerOFeb 1971 
roman-fleuve, theme? "haute"Novel (Fr.)Ulk Aug 1983
rogue elephanthuge loner: a pet?JoTheLoiter+Aug 1989 
rough and tumbleugh! damn troubleTheGopherFeb 1967 
rubedityred: buy it?BlackstoneDec 1980 
Russian ballet, thesure, then, it's a ballTheGopherJan 1965 
Robin Goodfellowwood elf or goblinArtyEssApr 1913 
round-tailed muskrat, therodent thus like a mud ratVikingJul 1963 
Roaring Twenties"ring" era: so it wentBafulJan 1967 
Roaring Twentiesgin, sir? era not wetBafulJan 1967 
sailor, thelo, he is tarXiphiasJul 1914 
sakeen, theah, tek seenAtlantisFeb 1914 
saintat sin*LivedevilSep 1934 
saint, aI, Satan*SphinxFeb 1985 
Sabra's Arab*SenorJul 1983 
safety pinsyes, nip fastTowheadApr 1915 
sacerdotalismalmost sacred, ISamSlickMay 1915 
satisfactionso fit is an actSamSlickDec 1916 
salesladieslassies dealEnavlicmMar 1921 
satisfysays fitPolyOct 1934 
satisfiedis if satedFredDominoDec 1923 
sardonicacrid, sonEnavlicmJun 1924 
saintlinessleast in sinsNJineerMay 1925 
saintlinesssin sine saltSpreggsDec 1940 
saintlinessain't sinless*VikingDec 1963 
saintlinessentails sins*SphinxJun 1986 
satanicact a sinAlAug 1925 
satanicC a saintHoosierMay 1932 
satisfactorya fact: 'tis rosyOShawDec 1927 
sanctimonious, thesaint mush too niceHohoJun 1937 
sanctimoniousmass o' unction, INyphoAug 1949 
sanctimoniousO, I am not cussin'SiouxCQMar 1975 
sanctimoniousso count I am sin*FredDominoSep 1952 
sanctimoniousnessto cuss is no mean sinMinnieMumFeb 1928 
sanctimoniousnessto cuss mean is no sin*MinnieMumFeb 1928 
sandwich, theand chew thisNyphoJul 1928 
sandwichessnide chawsDCVerMar 1934 
sagaciousnessso I scan a guessGordonorAug 1928 
sagaciousnessas I so can guessGordonorAug 1928 
SamaritanI arm Satan*VulcanJul 1929 
saponifiersif soap, rinseTheGinkJan 1960 
saponificationsoap if in actionYercasNov 1929 
saponificationinto soap, if I canNightowlJul 1971 
sarip, theah, priestCSawMar 1930 
Saint Elmo's fireits flare is omenVikingNov 1941 
Saint Elmo's fireis lit for seamenHerculesMar 1931 
Saint Elmo's firesee fila in stormJergApr 1984 
Saint Elmo's firerises into flameAbStruseApr 1989 
sarcophagi, thehigh, at a corpseVikingOct 1934 
sarcophagussaps a grouchSherlacMar 1941 
Saturnaliais a naturalKatmatMar 1936 
Saturnaliana turn a la sinFredDominoMay 1952 
sarabandeArab danseHohoJan 1937 
sanctificationO, fact: I-I can't sinYercasDec 1937 
sarongno rags*HohoJun 1941 
saboteurO, a buster! 90IxaxarNov 1942 
sabotagego at baseSourpussJan 1943 
sailormenlo!MarinesIxaxar Feb 1944
saddlesorenesslo, sadder sensesPacificoDec 1953 
sachem, thehe's th' acmeHohoJan 1955 
sacrednesssans creeds*WinonaJun 1962 
sandpipersnipe, pard 65TheGinkOct 1962 
safari, theI haste farHohoJan 1941 
sanitaryair: nasty*TavJan 1976 
salmagundi, aum! gain saladNightowlNov 1976 
Saturday night special, thea gun they list as dirt-cheapVikingOct 1972 
Saturday night speciala dirt-cheap gun, it slaysAtlanticJul 1983 
salad daysa lad's [days]SkyLightFeb 1929 
salad days, thea shy lad datesAChemDec 1969 
sand trap, thethat ends parLarryNov 1930 
scabies, thebase itches 28FrancolinJan 1915 
scabies, thechases bite*VulcanMay 1930 
scoundrel, aan old curseGeeJun 1916 
scarpines, thespan hereticsHerculesMay 1924 
scurrilitiesI list cur's ireSpudJan 1927 
sciatica, theis tacit acheKennethJan 1928 
schoolmasterthe classroomMolemiJan 1928 
schoolmaster, theMr. HS tool teachesSAmpleMay 1932 
scandalmongers, thehome's grandest clan*HomeBrewOct 1940 
scandalmonger, thecan go slander themEmmoWSep 1932 
scandalmongercanard slog menEpodJul 1939 
scandalmongers, themen go chat slandersVikingFeb 1941 
scandalmongers, thematch gone slandersDCVerNov 1942 
scandalmongers, thechat no slander gemsFredDominoNov 1953 
scintillatinglilting in actsWehanonowitFeb 1933 
scatterbrainederr, can't be staidEmmoWApr 1945 
scatterbrainedaberrants citedSuSanOct 1933 
scatterbrainederratic bent, sadKatmatMay 1935 
scrapepenniesspare pence? sin!ArcanusApr 1937 
Scriptures, thesee crisp truthAwlWrongJul 1937 
Scriptures, theprecise truthsAwlWrongJul 1937 
Scriptures, thetruth's recipesTheGinkSep 1962 
schmierkase, themark this cheeseAbStruseJan 1938 
scrodcod, sr.*YKnottAug 1941 
schism, ais chasmNyphoSep 1949 
scimitar, thearc smite, hitHohoNov 1969 
Schopenhauerismsuch hope remains*NightowlDec 1981 
seaworthyshy o' water*UlkSep 1985 
separatistis set apartSpicaOct 1916 
self-preservationso ever rapt in selfAwlWrongOct 1938 
self-preservativesave pervert's lifeMoonshineNov 1918 
seragliosgirl oasesAbStruseApr 1979 
seraglios, thegals there? O, si!UlkAug 1986 
seraglios, theah, to see girlsNoholdsBardSep 1988 
septuagenarianis put near an ageSerpeggiandoJul 1926 
septuagenariana nurse pet againAirRaidMay 1920 
septuagenarian, thenear that supine ageHerculesJul 1924 
septuagenarians, theteenagers? us? ha! inaptHardricMar 1982 
self-abasementfeel mean stabsOrionSep 1934 
self-determinationme first-end it aloneWESternJun 1920 
self-determinationlisten in at freedomTheGopherMar 1955 
self-condemnationman's indecent foolSpreggsApr 1932 
sensualityI'se any lustKennethFeb 1924 
sensualityaye, lust, sinTravvFeb 1978 
selectioncons eliteAlecSanderMay 1926 
seditiousis outsideAlecSanderDec 1924 
second-rater, ano ace starredPacificoJul 1956 
selfishflesh isPetiteSep 1928 
seaviewi.e., wavesHohoJul 1968 
self-sterileless fertileTryemAllSep 1928 
sentimentalismLen, I sat smitten!KamelDec 1975 
serpent, aenter, aspVulcanNov 1928 
sententioususe one stintOedipusFeb 1969 
seawaterwet areas 72VulcanNov 1929 
sepimentit pens meProfPampelm+Jan 1981 
sempiternallysimply eternal 64EllsworthSep 1930 
sea lionno seal, I* 85BlackstoneOct 1930 
sepulcher, achapel? sure!CSawApr 1931 
sequestrationno rest as quietYercasMar 1933 
semolinais no meal*DCVerJul 1933 
secularistssurest laicsPacificoMay 1957 
sequestrationr't quiet seasonWehanonowitOct 1934 
segregationist, theagrees "sit in ghetto"UlkMay 1988 
sensationalisticno act is silent as I*EmmoWFeb 1937 
separatorso, a parterMULaterSep 1940 
segregationI tag Negroes 60DhumbbBhelleSep 1948 
segregationO, seat niggerDhumbbBhelleSep 1948 
segregationit ages NegroUncleRebusJan 1966 
self-glorificationnice I go first of allNyphoJul 1949 
sesquicentennialseen in CL antiquesXSpeckedJan 1952 
school desegregationO, go see! Negro child satFaroMay 1971 
scales of justiceif just, close caseTheGopherOct 1954 
score card, thecaseth recordArcanusSep 1936 
score cards, thecast records, eh?ArcanusSep 1936 
scoreboard, theO, record bats, eh?ArcanusSep 1936 
Scotch whiskeywhy is chest OK? C?AuldReekieMay 1939 
scarlet woman, thescan harlot we metAmaranthDec 1930 
scot freecost [free]SolJul 1928 
salt of the earthhe rates hat loftTheGopherJul 1955 
safety razors, thethy sort raze safePollyKromeDec 1924 
Saint Nicholas'las! ain't no sichBamJan 1933 
San Andreas faulta star land, unsafeRuthlessJan 1984 
San Pedro fishopahs, friends 90ProfPampelm+Jun 1979 
Saint Lawrence River, thewaters enter in rich valeAmaranthJul 1913 
Saint Valentine's Dayleaves [saint] tiny DanDonatelloFeb 1913 
safety first'st! try if safeVestaDec 1920 
safety firstsatisfy fretTheGopherMay 1961 
setting sun, thesent huge tintsJemandJun 1919 
serial storyrosy tale, sirFrancolinMay 1915 
seasoning, thehint: sage 's oneBlackstoneDec 1987 
sea of matrimony, theoh, tie for many matesDeeGeeNov 1955 
Sermon on the Mount, the O, men, Son [on] truth themeFredDominoJan 1955 
sea of troubles, aO, soul beset afarAwlWrongJul 1937 
sea of troubles, aO, abet soul's fearAwlWrongJul 1937 
separate maintenanceI mean a sentence apartPatMay 1953 
season ticketTKO's nice seatAmigoJun 1979 
service stationsone visit (cars set)FredDominoSep 1956 
sexual harassmenta man's lust axes herCloverSep 1980 
sense of humor, aso 'e has more funAChemAug 1929 
shower bathwash? bother!NoholdsBardSep 1988 
shower bath, aho! bash waterTheGopherFeb 1965 
shower bath, awash, O batherAmaranthOct 1910 
shoplifters, thethefts rile shopVulcanJun 1928 
shoplifter, theh-lp! store thiefTheGinkDec 1970 
shipwreckeddeck shew ripEnavlicmAug 1922 
shortnesssets shornPrimroseSep 1923 
shower, awash o'erEurekaSep 1923 
shapelinessshins pleaseEnavlicmApr 1926 
shipwreck, aha! crew skipYercasFeb 1931 
sheikshe kissSpreggsApr 1932 
shoutingsing out h---SAmpleJan 1934 
shoulderhold sureTwistoNov 1935 
shortstopsshort postsArcanusSep 1936 
sharp-wittedapt, shrewd, itAwlWrongDec 1937 
shampooedO, O, he's dampHohoJan 1943 
shampoooh, m'soapFamulusMay 1983 
shortage, aah, so great*HoodwinkJan 1948 
shoestrings, thethese thongs, sirArcanusJan 1957 
shadows, thedeath showsTheGinkNov 1962 
shibboleth, aah, Bible shotOedipusMay 1969 
shuffleboardbrush-off dealKamelSep 1975 
shore leaveho! sea revel*SibylDec 1986 
shamblesblah! mess!UlkNov 1988 
shrinking violethint: risking love*QGawJan 1989 
shoelaces, theah, these closeAbStruseJul 1989 
shower curtainor I shun wet arcBillyTheKidDec 1989 
short-eared owls, theshrewd late hootersAmaranthMar 1924 
shooting galleryI really shot gongAmaranthDec 1910 
Shenandoah Valleyah, so heavenly landNJineerOct 1926 
shoot one's bolt, toO, noblest shot, tooPacificoJul 1957 
Shetland pony, ashelty, no pandaHohoOct 1960 
shuttle diplomacyply Mideast clout, H.MangieOct 1975 
short-wave radioto hear words viaAmberSep 1980 
shotgun wedding, a"no gag?" stud whinedTutFeb 1977 
shooting starsnight toss, soarEvergreenAug 1932 
shotgunMarriage, theoh, agree t' rush matingAbStruse Apr 1981
sinecure, aincur easeAmaranthJan 1914 
sinapism, thethis pains meVestaNov 1920 
sideshowis showedRhodaDec 1920 
sidewalkis walkedRhodaDec 1920 
sidelightis lightedRhodaDec 1920 
sideboardis boardedRhodaDec 1920 
simpletonnot simple* 30VulcanDec 1928 
simpleton, alet on I'm sapEnavlicmApr 1931 
signboards, thethings bore adsVulcanMar 1929 
signaturei.e., U.S.GrantEnavlicmMar 1931 
siderostatI do set starSpreggsApr 1932 
Sibiriak, theSiberia kithBlueHenChickJul 1932 
sine diei.e., is endDCVerAug 1932 
simonyO, my sinKrishnaJul 1936 
singultussuits lungAbStruseOct 1938 
sinistersin ritesHarrieTwoMar 1940 
sinisterI stern? si!TravvSep 1988 
sight-seeingGI sees thingOsapleFeb 1946 
Siamese, theThai sees 'emBlackstoneJan 1948 
sigillatelegal it isVikingMar 1963 
silhouetting, ait outlines hagHohoMar 1968 
silhouettingoutline sightHapApr 1976 
sirenian, aI ran in seaVikingFeb 1969 
simianis I man?*HohoAug 1970 
signboardO, brings adAbStruseJun 1979 
significant othercot: fine sharing itErgoAug 1989 
silent majority, themajesty in their lotRemardoApr 1912 
sit-down strikers, thesitters end this workDamonomadApr 1937 
sit-down strikework stint diesFredDominoJul 1955 
signs of the timesif set, sight omensTheGopherFeb 1967 
sight for sore eyes, ago see this rosy fareSquirrelOct 1983 
signed on the dotted linenote: thing sold needed itHartKingMay 1983 
singles bar, abarge in, lassVolarSep 1981 
Siamese twinsseems is twainTheGopherJul 1964 
Siamese twinssame, we insistAbStruseJul 1983 
sign of the cross, theghost [of] Christ seenAwlWrongDec 1942 
signal of distress, ait's SOS read in flags 36VikingFeb 1932 
signal of distress, asad sign rises aloftAmaranthNov 1931 
signal of distress, aSOS fast relaid signTheGopherMay 1956 
skiascopesO, I ask specsRhodaMay 1920 
skepticsset picksITappaKeSep 1933 
slot machineha, coins meltSakrElBahrApr 1939 
slot machineslam the coinYercasFeb 1937 
slot machine, ahas metal coinFrancolinApr 1916 
slacker, aare lacksXCLentSep 1918 
SlovakSlav OKDCVerDec 1921 
slantendicularall is run cantedArtyEssJul 1922 
slitheredslid there 32AmaranthApr 1925 
sleeplessnesslessens sleepsDruhJun 1926 
sledgee.g., sledYercasNov 1930 
slatternlinesstrills neatness*SuSanFeb 1932 
slubberdegullion, thehe being true dull slobWhatzitDec 1944 
slapdasha d--- splashTheGinkJan 1974 
slide trombone, aI'm real sob tonedQpkwinsFeb 1937 
sleeping beautynap beguiles yetTheGinkNov 1962 
slip of the tongue, ahope its fault goneHohoFeb 1943 
slap on the wristplant worse hits*ProfPampelm+Sep 1980 
smith, thehits themJemandSep 1927 
smokescreen, amask o'er sceneAwlWrongAug 1937 
smearcase, thea smart cheeseAbStruseJan 1938 
smithereensin mess thereFredDominoMay 1952 
small potatoeslooms least aptFredDominoMar 1958 
smoke signalslo, makes signsArcanusAug 1947 
snowstorm, amost raw, sonQuiViveMar 1913 
snowdriftfirst downHohoJan 1969 
snitch, aat chinsVikingMar 1972 
snow tiresown set, sirVolarDec 1979 
sneak previewpeek wins raveVolarOct 1978 
sneak thiefhe takes a "fin"MerlinJan 1977 
skeleton in the closet, aseek to close 't in, then, AlNankiPooJul 1919 
skeleton in the closetsentinel, to lock theseArcanusAug 1961 
skeleton in the closethe sick? see not, tell notAcornJul 1978 
snowshoe rabbits, thehare host bobs in WestBlackstoneJan 1948 
snake in the grass, ahe's sneaking as ratEmmoWApr 1934 
snake in the grassthis sneak angersJackOLanternDec 1934 
snake in the grassthis sneak rangesMolemiJan 1968 
snakes in the grasskens harassing setTunsteJun 1939 
snakes in the grassah! sneaks! stingers!TunsteJun 1939 
solitarinesssits alone, sir 36,51NetaLyleAug 1922 
solitarinesssole, is strainICDimlyDec 1911 
solar systemO, 'em sly starsIDCipherFeb 1932 
solar system, thetheme: stars solyLateoJan 1926 
solar system, theseemly star hostCastetNov 1930 
solar system, thelo! shy stars teemAwlWrongMar 1936 
solar system, thehomes, star styleHartKingSep 1977 
solar systemSol's masteryCornCobJun 1985 
solitary confinementI set frantic men loonyAmaranthJun 1913 
solitary confinemente'en stay in comfort? nilTavJan 1977 
solitary confinementfie, my lone constraintAbStruseOct 1980 
solitary confinementmy lot is not free in canAbStruseJul 1983 
solitary confinementI control men in safetyQGawJul 1985 
soldier, theloser diethWillzJun 1977 
societycoy tiesLaNoitanMay 1915 
soldierlyO, yes, drillCastetJul 1952 
South AmericaO, it's much areaEnavlicmJan 1917 
sortilegersseers rig lotMerlinAug 1973 
sorrowedsore wordAlecSanderApr 1919 
sophisticationO, so hip in its actAbStruseJan 1987 
sophisticatedhis tact poisedFredDominoNov 1952 
sophisticateda chit is postedAmaranthMay 1925 
sophisticatedit's hep at discoWitchwordJun 1980 
sophisticatedit's acted so hipAbStruseOct 1984 
southeastersthus rose at SENightowlSep 1976 
Socialists, thelo, this is casteTheGopherJan 1926 
somnipathya hypnotism 54HerculesJul 1927 
sovereign, thevote he reignsKennethAug 1927 
solidagoO, I so gladEmmoWDec 1930 
solidagodo go, sailEmmoWDec 1930 
solidagoso I a goldEmmoWDec 1930 
solidagoa solo digEmmoWDec 1930 
solidagoO, lady, I goEmmoWDec 1930 
solidagoSol, go aidEmmoWDec 1930 
solidagogood soilEmmoWDec 1930 
somaticis 't' coma?BeauNedJan 1931 
solitary confinementonly one miscreant fitBNaturalDec 1965 
solitary confinementfelons cry "no mate in it"DCVerJul 1931 
solitary confinementnasty men fit in coolerVikingJul 1932 
solitary confinementI torment any con's lifeVikingJun 1932 
solitary confinementI'm only a con in fettersVikingJun 1932 
solitary confinementsolo in my fetter in canVikingMay 1933 
solitary confinementsilent notice for manyTheGopherApr 1965 
soup to nutsno stout sup*OShawMar 1927 
soniferousus for noise 33IDCipherFeb 1932 
somnolentnot solemn*GiGanticDec 1935 
sorehead, aO, he's a dear*TavMay 1975 
somnambulisticis noctambulismAwlWrongJan 1936 
sonoroussoon sourFredDominoMay 1943 
southernuse north*BlackstoneNov 1944 
somnambulists, theI, Somnus blast themArcanusOct 1945 
sovereigns, theoversee thingsAlGebraJun 1988 
sovereigntyye sit, governFanacroOct 1976 
sovereigni.e., governsUlkAug 1988 
sobreityye bistro*PatNov 1949 
soap operas, thea pat hero posesPaul&Virgin+Jul 1967 
sodium bicarbonate, theI made bun batch rise, tooVikingApr 1970 
Southern hospitalitypolite try in a host, suhPatApr 1953 
Southern hospitalitystir...put lots in, yo' heah?MangieFeb 1977 
Southern accent, aO, she can rant cuteFredDominoMar 1956 
sob sister, aI boss tearsKapryKornJun 1962 
soft-sawdersafest wordKeePonNov 1917 
sore thumbhurts me, BoDeliaMay 1923 
Social Register, thesee great list o' richFredDominoJan 1951 
Social Register, theit's regal, rich to seeFredDominoJan 1951 
Social Register, thego see 'at rich or listFredDominoJan 1951 
Social Register, theI rates rich GoeletsFredDominoJan 1951 
solar energyre: rely on gas*OakDec 1976 
Social Securityye A-I succor listRuthlessDec 1983 
Social SecurityI list coy US careTheGopherJul 1954 
US Library of Congress, theit's only for research bugsLyrradNov 68 WW 
social secretary, theher cast: real societyOsapleMay 1957 
spontaneouslyyou set no plansAChemJan 1963 
spontaneous combustionso it can bust up on me soon VestaNov 1917 
spontaneous combustionpanic soon busts out on meFredDominoApr 1950 
spontaneous combustion, asoup on cause instant boomTheGopherDec 1964 
spirometersTom respiresVestaFeb 1919 
spanker, thehe kens pratLarryFeb 1973 
spondulixLXI poundsAlecSanderSep 1919 
Spenceriana nice pen, s'rSpicaOct 1920 
spinsterhoodshe droops in'tAmaranthJan 1925 
spinsterhoodshe's no dot: RIPAmanovlettusMar 1937 
Spaniards, therated SpanishNyphoMar 1925 
spittoon, aspat in, tooNyphoNov 1925 
spittoonit's no pot*ProfPampelm+Jan 1979 
springe, aspare ginHohoMay 1964 
spokesman, aO, man speaks 48JackOLanternOct 1927 
spondylotherapistlo! do that spine spryJayTuefsMay 1937 
spondylotherapistthy lot: do rap spinesBlueHenChickMay 1928 
spondylotherapist, aspinal osteopathy Dr.AwlWrongMar 1937 
spondylotherapeuticspathy to cure old spinesArtyEssSep 1959 
spectatorsactors' pest*LateoDec 1928 
sprightlinesslight "spriness"VulcanJul 1929 
spreadationdo repast in a..?AChemJan 1964 
sphacelationno cistal heap*PrimroseJan 1929 
spoutedsped outVulcanOct 1929 
spatterdashspat's dearthHohoApr 1961 
speculatorrecoup lastDCVerApr 1931 
speculatorsscalpers outTravvAug 1985 
spontaneityO, instant? yep!PochaAug 1931 
spectacle, asee act, clapDamonomadMay 1931 
spectacularsure clap actFredDominoMay 1952 
spindleshankslank shins spedJustaSmithSep 1935 
spurlos versenktreport: vess'l sunk 79PatOct 1930 
spellbinder, abland spieler* 80AwlWrongMay 1936 
speed-upused pepHohoAug 1960 
speculationis to "clean up"DCVerMar 1936 
speculationentails coupBodolphJun 1978 
spoliationI spoil a tonHohoJun 1970 
sprightlyspry, lightLivedevilJun 1936 
spoilsmonger, alags on promiseDamonomadJun 1936 
spoilsmonger, apromises alongDamonomadJun 1936 
specifications, theso I can fit th' piecesWrongFontMar 1938 
spigot, thethis to pegAwlWrongSep 1941 
spinal meningitislisting pains in meFredDominoJan 1952 
special deliveryI? I sped every callFredDominoMar 1958 
squeamishI squash 'em!*CastetJun 1949 
spaghetti and meatballsI'd tab: pasta-lengths mealLizaWheelerJun 1984 
spare tiretrip easerVolarNov 1977 
spring housecleaning, thegot shining clean-ups hereFredDominoJul 1950 
Spanish flu, thesh! Seth painfulFloraDec 1918 
spaghettiMarinaraI'm a rare thing: pastaWagstaff Jul 1987
spoiled child, theoh, ill pest chidedEnavlicmFeb 1927 
spiritus frumentisir, if men sup it: rutNankiPooDec 1920 
square dealqueers a lad* 31EmelineApr 1920 
square deal, aread as equalTheGopherJun 1956 
special delivery stampservice aptly sped mail 55AwlWrongFeb 1936 
special delivery stamp, aspeeds private lacy mailSherlacFeb 1941 
stolidis doltBeauNedOct 1930 
strawberry shortcakesh! work by star catererPlantinaApr 1940 
strawberry shortcakechew baker's sorry tart*AmaranthJun 1917 
stone-deaftones fade 61AmaranthJul 1925 
stutterers, theer, eh, t-t-t-t s-sureXSpeckedAug 1946 
stutterst-t-t usersWinkieOct 1924 
stool pigeon, thehe got t' snoop, lieEmmoWSep 1932 
stool pigeonO, goes in plotEurekaOct 1924 
stool pigeon, aone "gip" as toolArcanusNov 1941 
stool pigeonsponge, tool, ITheGopherFeb 1925 
stool pigeon, theO, got tips on "heel"FredDominoNov 1952 
steward, adraws teaEnavlicmJun 1924 
stench, ascent? ha!UlkMay 1989 
struthiocamella, mute ostrichTravvOct 1978 
stalematelame state 38VestaAug 1920 
stalest's latest*DreamerDec 1926 
stowaway, thewhy at sea? wot?EnavlicmDec 1919 
staminait's a manBeauNedMay 1934 
straightat rightsAlecSanderNov 1919 
straightat's rightVikingMar 1938 
straightsat rightSpicaSep 1920 
starvationvast ration* 30,63DCVerMar 1918 
steaminessseen as mistKennethJul 1927 
stepdaughtergets rude pathEnavlicmNov 1917 
stockholderthe old "rocks"PollyPrySep 1926 
steamersea termVikingDec 1931 
stipendspend it 65,67BarnyardOct 1917 
steamboatsO, beat mastsJemandApr 1926 
street organ, thesong treat thereQAug 1911 
stepmothertemper's hotNyphoJul 1947 
strangulation, thethrottling, nauseaAbStruseOct 1987 
Star-spangled Banner, theblessed rag, pennant tharKeePonAug 1913 
Star-spangled Banner, theblest pennant has regardRemardoJul 1915 
Star-spangled Banner, thebest pennant led rash GARESCrowOct 1927 
Star-spangled Banner, thebard's hest: regal pennantNightowlJul 1972 
Statue of Liberty, thetest [of] her beauty litAbStruseJul 1985 
Statue of Liberty, thesoft-lit beauty thereAmaranthJul 1913 
Statue of Libertyole t' first beautyTravvNov 1977 
storehouseshouse storesJackOLanternSep 1928 
sternutationturn nose at itChrisNov 1913 
sternutationsnout tainter?AbsolverNov 1975 
stentorianresonant, itTopsyAug 1930 
stentoriantrain tonesHohoJun 1939 
steam shovelshoves metalGemMar 1915 
steam roller, aam "slater" roleDCVerSep 1931 
statementmen attestSpicaSep 1915 
steadinessstaid senseAwlWrongApr 1938 
steadilyset dailyEnavlicmDec 1922 
status quo, thequotha! stet usDelawareJul 1928 
stockMarket crash, therash racket sock't themLewZirn May 1931
state normal school, the lo! most learn to teach HSBlackstoneOct 1949 
Struthio camelususual ostrich metUlkSep 1986 
steam radiators, theart made to heat, sirsAmaranthNov 1912 
state reform school, aO, test home for rascalAmaranthDec 1910 
state reform school, ahome to foster rascalVikingSep 1932 
steam boiler, thelo, I'm best heaterLeipApr 1931 
state prisonpen so straitMolemiDec 1920 
state prisona "stir" so pentVikingMay 1932 
state prisonis to pen "rats"FredDominoNov 1952 
state penitentiary, thethereat I stay penitentArtyFishelNov 1901 
stratosphereshe tops terraQuefanonNov 1934 
stratospherestars top hereHohoJul 1966 
stratosphere, theether that's poserVikingNov 1934 
stratosphere, thetops earth's etherAlecSanderJan 1936 
stepmother, aother ma: pestSakrElBahrApr 1935 
stounddo stunUlkSep 1988 
strathspeyha! try stepsEmmoWJun 1935 
strangulatetear at lungsNeophyteAug 1977 
stertorousnessso, utters snores 65AwlWrongJun 1936 
stone-dumbmute bondsAwlWrongSep 1937 
stripling, aspringal, itBlackstoneNov 1983 
stannictin cansJimBillJul 1937 
stampedemeat spedHohoMar 1949 
stampedesmade stepsBeauNedFeb 1937 
stampederdamp steerHohoNov 1971 
strangulationair not at lungsAwlWrongAug 1938 
stationerytry, is a noteMGMJan 1939 
stearinean ester, IElfDec 1984 
strip-teaser, aspares attire 49AwlWrongJul 1940 
strip-teaser, asparse attireAwlWrongJul 1940 
strip-teaser, aattire-passerAwlWrongJul 1940 
sterilizedListerizedHohoMar 1943 
storyteller, atry tale's roleAwlWrongMay 1943 
stratagema smart "get"DCVerDec 1943 
stratagem, thegee! smart, thatAbStruseJan 1980 
statute of limitations, thelose suit if not at that timeDeeGeeJun 1957 
statute of limitations, thetime is out that note is flatFredDominoApr 1950 
storageage rotsFiddleJan 1951 
stipendiaryis paid entryFredDominoNov 1952 
steeplechaserpacer set heelsHohoMar 1954 
sternebra, anear breastArcanusMay 1955 
stumbling-stone, alo, men stub 'gainstFredDominoFeb 1951 
staircaseacts a riseTheGinkNov 1960 
stopwateror wets tapHohoApr 1961 
stereoscopicoptics see corHohoJul 1961 
streakinggreat skin!FaroMay 1974 
stouthriefthief routsNightowlMar 1975 
state universityvarsity set uniteHillFishSep 1924 
state universitysuave set try in itFredDominoApr 1950 
state hospital, theties to past healthPrimroseMay 1913 
Straits of Magellanfoam-girt salt lanesAmaranthSep 1912 
stone cricketsinsects rocketVikingJan 1931 
standing room onlyO, my land! noting SRODCVerJul 1926 
stage director, thehe gets actor triedOMinSep 1926 
stage whisper, awe hear its gaspRemardoMar 1925 
stuffed shirtthe surd stiffAnnDhowMay 1977 
storm warningsgrim, rants "snow"MicropodJan 1987 
star pinepinasterBlueHenChickSep 1929 
stop signssignpostsRazorToesApr 1942 
stop signals, thesane light postsSolJrMay 1953 
strip-tease dancercasts entire drapeTheGinkAug 1937 
strip-tease dancer, thescant attire, her speedAwlWrongAug 1941 
strip-tease dancer, thepst! can see her attired*TheGinkSep 1958 
straight and narrow, the ah, start right, wander onVikingMar 1938 
stationmasterso met at trainsArcanusFeb 1941 
stop, look and listenO, stand still, poke onGeminiFeb 1923 
stop, look and listento pass, don't kill oneEekJun 1957 
stage directionsget in actor's "side"AwlWrongJun 1948 
stage directionstrig aids to sceneAwlWrongJun 1948 
Stella Polarisis all pole-starNyphoAug 1949 
Morning Star, thestreaming northMayEssFeb 98 HC 
stormy weatherO, my, 's rather wetAlouetteJun 1948 
stovepipe hatsthese atop VIPsFredDominoApr 1955 
Star of Bethlehemhm..stable for TheeAbStruseDec 1988 
stewed to the gillsso letsh get wiltedTweaserFeb 1989 
station identificationit is oft a net indicationTheGopherJun 1962 
stereophonic soundoh, sonic duo presentVolarSep 1979 
sustenanceuse ten cans33Mar 1942 
superpositionrise is up, on topIxaxarAug 1942 
surgeon, thehe got nurseIxaxarFeb 1944 
super-colossalclass plus? O, o'erNyphoJun 1949 
superimpositionI rise, I'm top on upsNyphoJul 1949 
superimpositioni.e., I'm up on top, sirsAbStruseAug 1988 
superlativeversatile upArchimedesApr 1951 
superlatives, thethere, via plus "e-s-t"AChemMay 1971 
superlativeripest valueTheGinkMar 1959 
surreptitiousnessnote it surprises usFredDominoNov 1955 
supermarkets, thesteak up there, Mrs.TheGinkMar 1959 
superiorityprior, suit ye?KayJan 1963 
superromantic, thehe maps erotic turnHohoAug 1966 
supplication, thepoint such plea, itHoodwinkSep 1967 
suddenlyends dulyHohoApr 1970 
surveillancescan live lureFrostERomanJun 1979 
sunbatheheat buns?DoubleHJan 1984 
Sunday newspapersspreads up any newsElsieMay 1914 
Sunday newspaper, thehunted newsy appearsElsieJul 1914 
summer vacationvan tourism acmeRuthlessJun 1986 
summer vacation, thea time to charm VenusSphinxAug15 99Co 
summer vacation, theI'm vacant house termRemardoOct 1917 
summer vacations, thevacant home: I sum restArcanusJul 7 11Co 
sucker list, thethere sits luckHohoMar 1939 
summit conferenceconcurs if men meetColmarOct 1977 
Sunday school teacher, theshe teaches you Lord chantSourpussDec 1943 
sudden-death overtimemust have odd tie-enderAtlanticJan 1981 
desert of Sahara, thehate a hard frost, see?LateoJan 1913 
alcoholic beverage, angal, can I have cool beer?AmaranthNov 1912 
Arabian Desert, the'tis a heated barrenAtlantisNov 1912 
suburbanite, thebut a "Reuben", thisBalmarApr 1910 
superstitionin stupor's tieESCrowJun 1910 
superstitionI test our pinsWESternAug 1916 
superstitionit trips one upWESternAug 1916 
superstitionset upon it, sirWESternAug 1916 
superstitionPS: is it true? noWESternAug 1916 
suspension bridge, asure is one d--- big span!VikingSep 1967 
suspension bridge, adoes insure big spanAmaranthNov 1912 
suspension bridge, aone big span used, sirRemardoDec 1922 
submarine, theum! berth in seaSpreggsMay 1930 
submarine, theuse 'neath brimUlkMar 1987 
submarineburies manGemFeb 1915 
submarinemarine busIowaMaidSep 1919 
submarine, theI'm earthen busSpreggsOct 1940 
surveillancecan rule livesEmmaLineMar 1915 
suggestiongets us goin'EmmaLineJan 1916 
suggestiongot guess inEmmaLineApr 1917 
surfeitedtrue: is fedEnavlicmMar 1917 
supplicantplaints: cupAbStruseMar 1935 
subordinatenessset in under a bossMoonshineJan 1918 
supportpropt usSakrElBahrMay 1935 
supremacysame cry, upEmelineSep 1919 
superstitiousnessit senses us sour tipGeminiOct 1929 
superstitiousspirits note usSpicaDec 1919 
subordinate, theah, 'tis to be underJackOLanternOct 1926 
subordinateso a bit under 39,52,84EmelineJan 1920 
subordinatesit's a burden soCincinnatusNov 1925 
subordinates, thei.e., under that bossPoorRichardNov 1931 
subordinates, thetab is, those underHoodwinkAug 1955 
surreptitiousrip 'tis out, sure*MenoJul 1920 
surmisemuse, sirAlecSanderApr 1934 
subnormalus mal-bornRhodaJan 192a 
substitutionbut it is not usWrongFontFeb 1938 
sulfarsenitesure fine saltAmaranthApr 1924 
surdomute, adum', ears outArcanusMay 1940 
sunlight, thehustle night*RalphMay 1924 
sunderedrended usYercasSep 1933 
surtaxesus extrasKennethSep 1924 
surtaxesUS extrasYKnottApr 1936 
sublime, thei.e., humblest*ArcanusNov 1931 
summationI'm amountsOsapleAug 1925 
subimagoso I'm a bugJemandNov 1925 
supernaturalisma supernal truismAwlWrongMar 1928 
superficialitiesface up: it is lie, sirBeauNedNov 1928 
surmisedmused, sirArcanusOct 1929 
symphony orchestra, ahy, scores pat harmonyFredDominoNov 1952 
symphony orchestra, aso scrape thy harmonyAmaranthOct 1910 
symphony orchestra, acharts poesy, harmonyMolemiFeb 1922 
sympatheticmatches pity 35,51,58,68GordonorOct 1928 
symposiarch, theoh, he is party's MCMULaterDec 1943 
symarsyrmaMerlinAug 1985 
swindleswelds sinGemApr 1915 
swallowingall now swigAmaranthSep 1927 
sweatas wetJunkerlJun 1934 
sweater girl, agal tries wearMrReeApr 1948 
swamplanddamp lawnsHohoFeb 1961 
Swiss bank accountcan stow bucks (a sin)RuthlessDec 1987 
swivel chair, thewhirl-seat, eh, Vic?TravvOct 1981 
swaddling clotheswe land child's togsDCVerNov 1934 
Sword of Damocles, theclews thread [of] doomsAwlWrongMay 1937 
Sword of Damocles, thedoom thread cows selfAwlWrongMay 1937 
tatterdemaliondo lament attireAbStruseJun 1987 
tatterdemalionolde tat raimentCoraVanAppleFeb 1935 
tatterdemalionmold: neat attire*AmigoAug 1978 
tatterdemalionmean-attired lotDCVerMay 1934 
tatterdemalionsneat tears, I'm told*SamSlickAug 1916 
tatterdemalionsold attires meantGuidonFeb 1922 
tam-o'-shantermost near hatTowheadOct 1920 
tam-o'-shantermasher to tanTowheadOct 1920 
tam-o'-shanterone smart hat 79PABeeNov 1933 
tam-o'-shanteranother's tamPABeeNov 1933 
tam-o'-shanter, thethat's no mere hatVikingMay 1968 
tambourine, aI mean tabourFrancolinDec 1915 
tambourinedI beat on drumVikingMay 1937 
talkativevie at talk 36JemandMar 1927 
table d'hotethe bold eatPatJul 1928 
Tasmanian devil, avide animal SatanDruhJul 1932 
tap dancers, theenact hard stepVikingMay 1937 
talebearerear bleaterRickOSheaDec 1939 
tarsipesa pest, sirXSpeckedSep 1940 
tarradiddles, thedratted hard liesLarryJun 1952 
tarradiddlers, thedratted herd liarsLarryJun 1952 
tarradiddlerliar, d----d traderHohoSep 1960 
talipedpedal, itHoodwinkMar 1959 
tatterdemalionismnattier male modist*AChemAug 1962 
tail-enderdern late, IVikingNov 1969 
taximetertime taxerMerlinOct 1971 
taenioglossategot to see a snailTravvJul 1977 
tarabookaa-OK! a taborTravvNov 1978 
talent scout, alets out an actAbStruseSep 1985 
talent scouts, thesent to hustle actAbStruseApr 1986 
table d'hote mealsI'm hotel eatablesEllsworthMar 1924 
table d'hote dinner, aan art: be hotel dinedQOct 1912 
talk is cheapPa likes chatTeZirManMay 1988 
telonism, alo, 'tis nameTravvFeb 1982 
terminationran into timeESCrowJan 1914 
temptationno, I attemptSamSlickOct 1916 
telescope, ato see placeRemardoMar 1917 
terpsichorean, theI cheer not her tapsSolJrJan 1954 
terpsichorean, theO, she can trip thereVestaNov 1919 
terpsichorean, aah, siren to caperHerculesDec 1925 
terpsichoreanoh, tries pranceArtyEssJun 1956 
terpsichorean, thethe're chorine tapsTheGopherOct 1954 
terpsichoreanin caper throesArchimedesMay 1952 
terpsichoreanI prance to hersArchimedesMay 1952 
tenderloindinner toldFloraJul 1920 
tenderheartednesstends serene hatred*TravvMar 1982 
tergiversationevasion, get it? 'r'r!ArchimedesMar 1940 
tergiversationa veering sort, itGordonorOct 1929 
tergiversationO, I start veeringJemandAug 1923 
tearfulnessfears lent usJoMullinsJun 1924 
termagancyangry cat, meWinkieOct 1925 
termagant, agame at rantRemardoApr 1929 
termagantnag me, tart 79FiddleJun 1964 
telamonesnote malesHerculesOct 1927 
terroristrotter, sirTavMay 1975 
telephone operators, the three-one-R: hop to't, pleaseBNaturalNov 1927 
tennis pro, thehe in net sportAbStruseNov 1987 
tennisin netsJemandDec 1927 
tennis elbowwelts in boneVolarFeb 1980 
televisionsI see in voltsMarsOct 1928 
televisioni.e., it'sNovelSirOrm Jun 1932
televisionI see in voltHoodwinkMar 1946 
televisiontoils in eveZordoJun 1951 
televisionlive on site 67KayNov 1962 
tergiversatingtag it reversingOrionApr 1930 
terminatedI term at endTheGinkMay 1973 
terminatedI end matterAmaranthNov 1930 
tetragrammatonam not tetragram*JayEsteeDec 1931 
termagantsstart, nag meDCVerNov 1934 
testimonial, thelo, hint estimateYercasJan 1938 
teetotalismI met late sotHomeBrewSep 1939 
temblorestremble soAjaxJan 1941 
tenderloin steaksdinner's OK: let's eatFredDominoNov 1952 
tenderloin steak, adinner late? eats OKFredDominoNov 1952 
tenant farmersrent near farmsFredDominoJul 1955 
teapottykintake tiny potVikingJun 1963 
terra firma, thefair earth termKennethJun 1966 
tendentiousintend to useHoodwinkJul 1967 
tendentiousnessone's intents usedVikingAug 1968 
terpischorean art, thethose that caper in, errAmorDec 1923 
terpsichorean art, thethere trips an arch toeCastetAug 1930 
terpsichorean art, thetip: an orchestra thereDCVerFeb 1944 
tempest in a teapotlame one, petit spatHohoNov 1971 
television set, asee live stationSolJrNov 1954 
television setsee? it's violentApril'sChildSep 1980 
television setsit, see not evilPaul&Virgin+May 1963 
tergiversatesgives, retreatsTheGinkDec 1970 
team of horsesho, set ofMaresLarry Aug 1983
Texas panhandlenext, a land shapeTeZirManMar 1986 
ten-gallon hatson gals, then altDorseFeb 1950 
tell it to theMarinesthin tales met: rot! lie!Evergreen Jul 1948
tell it to theMarinesoral test: I let men hitFredDomino Aug 1950
tell it to theMarinesI hit oral settlementFredDomino Aug 1950
tell it to theMarinesO, listen, term that lieAbStruse Mar 1983
tewfikoseOK, if sweetArcanusNov 1927 
telephone girls"hello" pets reignJasonFeb 3 00AP 
telephone girl, thering thee "hello", petDCVerJan 1935 
television program, thelove merger: pathos in itFredDominoJan 1956 
television programs, the so loving pairs met thereFredDominoJan 1956 
television programsset's on: O, rare PM vigilTutDec 1977 
television programs, the O, I see revolting PM trashLarrySep 1985 
telephone calls, thelatent "hello" speechArcanusSep 1935 
telephone call, aenact "hello" pleaArcanusDec 1953 
thunderstorm, adrums at throneDhumbbBhelleSep 1958 
Ten Commandments, thetestament condemn? hm!Li'lGaminMar 1977 
thunderstorm, ahas torrent, mudLWoodApr 1951 
thunderstormThor must rendFrancolinApr 1915 
thunderstorm, aThor's darn mute*VikingDec 1967 
thermostatset at hot, Mr.VolarDec 1981 
thermostatmatter's hotBlueJayMar 1926 
therapeuticallyheal it, cure aptlyNoholdsBardApr 1988 
therapeuticsapt is the cure 32SerpeggiandoJan 1927 
therapeuticsit has pet cureVulcanMay 1928 
therapeuticscure this pateArchimedesAug 1939 
thundershower, athere a downrushRoscoeFeb 1927 
thundershowerwhen Thor's rudeAwlWrongDec 1947 
thundershoweronrush wet herdAwlWrongDec 1947 
thermoanaesthesiaso near the heat is MaHomeBrewJun 1941 
thermanesthesiaheat sense: harm itNoholdsBardFeb 1989 
thermoanesthesiaI harm sense to heatYercasSep 1928 
theomaniaco, the maniacEllsworthSep 1929 
therapeuticalcite heal-up artEvergreenApr 1931 
therapeuticI tap the cureHapMay 1974 
threadbarebare dearthDanDLyonJul 1931 
thouoh, tuSakrElBahrOct 1931 
thricehic terSakrElBahrOct 1931 
theoreticallycite all theoryPoorRichardApr 1932 
ThomasTom, sahEnavlicmApr 1932 
threnodieshint: re odesLesterJul 1933 
thunderbolt, alo, ten hurt badKatmatDec 1935 
thimblerigger, ai.e., gambler, right? 75EmmoWFeb 1937 
thaumaturgicsat magic thru usKennethApr 1941 
thermesthesiaheat: their messIfandorNov 1958 
thermaesthesiasee heat harms itAyayeKayJun 1943 
theatricalismthe calm art is I*HohoApr 1950 
thrasonicO, chant, sirHoodwinkOct 1957 
Thousand Island dressing this on salads,dinners? dung*TutOct 1977 
thrawwrathSquirrelMay 1980 
thermal underwearruled warmer 'neathVolarJul 1981 
threesome, theso, t' me, thee, herBlackstoneMar 1986 
theological seminary, theholy religion attaches meAwlWrongNov 1947 
theological seminaries, thesame teach holiest religionFredDominoJan 1956 
theological seminariesso these claim a religionArcanusMay24 94My 
theological seminariessole aims: teach religionAtlantisFeb 1911 
theatrical producersa clue: record hit partsFredDominoNov 1950 
theatrical producersoh, a script reader cultFredDominoNov 1950 
theatrical productionsline up to card act, or hitsFredDominoNov 1950 
theatrical productionstip: could hit on rare actsFredDominoNov 1950 
third baseman, thebah! I'm Stand ThreeArcanusSep 1936 
thick-billed parrot, a"talk!" tropical bird, heVikingMay 1970 
three score years and tenO, thy drear senescent eraAwlWrongJul 1942 
three score years and tencan see sorry Death enterAwlWrongJul 1942 
three sheets in the windwined, then he sits thereKeePonAug 1922 
three sheets in the windred wine then hits theseMargarettaJul 1942 
three sheets in the windhint: he's [in] there, stewedAmanovlettusMay 1937 
thorn in the side, aO, hindereth saintArcanusNov 1935 
throw cold water onthwart'd! cooler nowAChemJul 1962 
time cardI'm tracedArcanusApr 1914 
tin cansscan [tin]EllsworthOct 1926 
tin cansstannicYKnottJan 1931 
timetablesI'm best lateXSpeckedApr 1928 
tierceltercel, ISakrElBahrJul 1929 
timberlesstrees! limbs!*LarryNov 1932 
time signatureemit a true signArcanusNov 1943 
tintinnabulationin blatant in, out, inFlukeApr 1955 
timesaversMa sit, servePacificoDec 1961 
ticket windowwind to wicketBlackstoneMar 1990 
timothy grassmost hay gristFrancolinSep 1914 
till death us do partpsalter doth laud itBNaturalDec 1965 
ticker-tape parades, the dire paper attack, theseKatbirdDec 1979 
togethergo tetherEmmaLineAug 1913 
tornado, thedoth tear onFrancolinApr 1915 
tornadoestears doonJayTuefsJul 1936 
tornadoesdo not rase*DamonomadJul 1936 
tornadoessoared not*DamonomadJul 1936 
Tophethot, petAmaranthOct 1925 
towardsdraws toAlecSanderDec 1928 
toastmaster, thestar host at meetYercasApr 1931 
tobaccoscoat cobsCastetFeb 1932 
tonsillectomyit'll cost moneyHoodwinkJun 1933 
Tophetthe top*CastetJul 1934 
tobacconalian, thecan't inhale at a cob*DCVerJul 1934 
tournamentsman routs tenKatmatDec 1935 
tosspot, theth' sot topesLarryMar 1950 
tosspotspot sotAwlWrongMay 1936 
tonsorialist, thetoilet his art, sonAbStruseJan 1939 
touch and gocan do oughtKatmatFeb 1942 
tootsiesO, it's toesNatPalFeb 1948 
totalitarianismit is a trial to manHoodwinkMay 1948 
tomboyishnessmiss, she: not boyFredDominoOct 1951 
topsoiltops oilHohoJul 1952 
tongue-lashing, a"shot" in languagePatJan 1953 
towropeto powerPacificoApr 1958 
tourniquettorque unitHohoApr 1961 
tomfooleryO, fool, try meHohoMay 1968 
toenailsi.e., talonsHohoNov 1972 
toenaili.e., talonFamulusJun 1987 
torpedoes, there: t' shoot deepTravvFeb 1982 
toreadordare toro!AnemoneDec 1984 
tongue-twisterstuttering woeAbStruseJan 1989 
tonsorial artist, thestarts on hair toiletJasonApr 1910 
tonsorial artist, theso I start in to latherRemardoDec 1919 
toll gateto get allTowheadOct 1920 
toaster ovensare not stovesGoogolSep 1977 
toilet soapO, let it sapoXiphiasDec 1918 
traveling salesman, aname: vagrant as I sellAbStruseFeb 1986 
traveling salesmen, thenever sell a thing, mates*DamonomadMar 1932 
tribunalnub: trialUlkMar 1988 
traditor, aad traitorBlueHenChickApr 1932 
triangle, thetheir tangleSakrElBahrDec 1935 
triangle, theheart-tingleNyphoSep 1948 
trichogenousgo con hirsuteBeauNedJan 1936 
troubadorsO, bards tourTravvJul 1985 
treacherousnesshouses recreantsAwlWrongApr 1938 
trigonometricalto "micro" triangleArchimedesJul 1939 
trinitrotoluenerun! lo, I tote nitreCaptainToFeb 1941 
trepidationat dire pointRonaeleNov 1942 
trepanentrapBlackstoneOct 1943 
TrilisaliatrisAwlWrongMay 1946 
triskelion, theis to link threeAwlWrongNov 1947 
troubleshooterho! sort out rebelTheGopherDec 1954 
troubleshooter, thehere to bother us lotFredDominoNov 1951 
troubleshooterrole: to bother usFredDominoNov 1951 
troubleshooterlo, bother ousterPatMay 1953 
troubleshooterrout sole botherFredDominoAug 1961 
trochee, aat choreeLarryJun 1952 
triflerflirterUlkDec 1986 
trollolsrolls lotFlukeMar 1960 
troublemakers, themake bother resultTheGopherMay 1961 
trampolineleap on it, Mr. 79AChemDec 1962 
trampolinesentail rompsAbStruseMay 1983 
trichinosisin hot crisisMissileCFeb 1964 
triangulationtriagonal unitMULaterApr 1964 
traitorousnesstreason to us, sirVikingFeb 1970 
transcendental meditationselected Indian mantra not T NotInsane!Sep 1985 
transcendental meditationit can ease torn talentd mindAmberDec 1980 
training wheels, thelearning with theseAtlanticJan 1982 
truttaceouscue: as t' troutUlkFeb 1985 
truncated pyramid, thehe cut my triad-end partSpreggsDec 1950 
turtleneck sweater, alatest true neckwearHohoJan 1969 
trillionslot, sir? nil*UlkMar 1990 
triceratops, thehe's a top critterPanacheDec 1988 
train dispatcherand he traces tripFrancolinJul 1916 
Twelve Apostles, thetell vast sweet hopeFredDominoOct 1951 
travelers checkstrek's clever cashVolarMar 1979 
treasury notestony treasuresMenoDec 1915 
Turkish bath, aask! it hath rubEnavlicmMay 1926 
true loveO, ult. reveVolarMay 1980 
true confessionssecrets of unionsMolemiJul 1935 
trade deficitscredit is fatedAmigoJan 1979 
transportationtrain ran to spotDTectJan 1949 
transportationtrain ran to stop 63GeminiNov 1937 
transportationat port on trainsGeeAug 1913 
transportationstart on a trip, no?KayJan 1963 
transportationno part to trains*HohoOct 1963 
transgressionsinner's arts goMGMAug 1936 
transgressionsas stronger sinsGeeAug 1913 
transgressionsaren't gross sins* 34,52VulcanMay 1929 
transgressionso, stranger sinSphinxJul 1986 
transgression, aarea: strong sinsHohoJul 1958 
transgressionsin snags to errAyayeKayJan 1943 
transgressiongrants sore sinFredDominoNov 1952 
tragedies, thetag these direWickJun 1929 
tragedy, arated gay*AmaranthJan 1916 
troglodytes, theheld grottos yetAwlWrongAug 1948 
troglodytes, thethey led to grots 74WanderooJan 1918 
troublesomelouts bore meVestaJan 1920 
trepidationI dare not pitBalmarApr 1921 
tripletsPS: litterEnavlicmJul 1922 
treacherousour cheaters 31EllsworthJun 1925 
tracheotomist, thehi! come test throatAmaranthAug 1925 
troublesblue sortAmaranthOct 1925 
trustworthinessI now stress truthAmaranthJun 1926 
tribulationbut I no trial* 49ITappaKeJun 1933 
tribulation, thebut trial o' thineBlueHenChikcFeb 1928 
tribulationO, a trubl in itESCrowNov 1930 
tribulationsbuilt o' strainDeeGeeAug 1955 
tribulationI but on trialHohoApr 1962 
traducementsdetract us menVulcanJul 1929 
trefoil, atrio leafRemardoJun 1930 
trampoosestep a moorAmaranthJan 1931 
transmogrificationI cast a form into grinAbStruseAug 1938 
transmogrification, theit is an art to change informDamonomadMar 1932 
transmogrificationsgain no artistic formsAbStruseAug 1985 
transmogrifiedsame rigid front*HapAug 1977 
transmogrifyman is frog? try!GraydolJan 1974 
twainin twaDCVerJan 1918 
twaina twinDCVerMar 1932 
typothetaeO, at the typeAlumnusSep 1923 
typothetaehate to typeJayTuefsAug 1936 
tunicaa tunicEmJayMay 1924 
two-dimensionalI won't mean solidAtlanticNov 1981 
tunaatunTreesongFeb 1979 
tunefullute funEnavlicmSep 1924 
twilight, thewhite light, 't*DreamerJan 1926 
twitch, atic, what? 66WickMar 1964 
twingeswe stingAlecSanderJul 1931 
turmoilrum toilMarsSep 1931 
twitching, anag with ticKennethAug 1960 
twinklelet winkYercasOct 1932 
turncoatismit's man to curVikingMay 1963 
turncoat, thenote that curKatmatDec 1935 
turncoatcount ratTheGopherAug 1927 
thimblerigsbrim sleightAbStruseSep 1938 
twinklingglint, winkAwlWrongDec 1937 
twosome, ateam woosTheGinkJan 1960 
true confessionssecrets of unionsMolemiJul 1935 
trade deficitscredit is fatedAmigoJan 1979 
tugboatgot a tubHohoDec 1958 
typewriterye writ pertSourdoughMar 1950 
tuberculosisis ulcerous TBDCVerMar 1928 
tuberculosisbut is so cruelDhumbbBhelleApr 1953 
two-toed anteaterwert edentata, tooMerlinSep 1989 
total abstinenceit bans not ale, etc.*MacropodJul 1946 
total abstinenceale can not best itFredDominoAug 1950 
uncertaintiescent? I ain't sureArtyEssJan 1947 
uncertaintyturn yet? can I?MangieAug 1977 
unsympatheticshe can't pity 'umArtyEssSep 1959 
unsympatheticalthat icy-pulse manNyphoJun 1949 
undemonstrativelysat inertly, unmovedNyphoJul 1949 
undermineruined menFredDominoOct 1951 
undesirablesure bad lineFredDominoOct 1951 
unsubstantiallast 'un in a bustArtyEssFeb 1952 
underminedmended ruin*FredDominoSep 1952 
unembarrassedundress, am bare*ArtyEssMar 1957 
unanimitymain unityBooJeeKayDec 1957 
unitionI, no unit*HoodwinkSep 1958 
ungarbednude bragHohoJun 1961 
universityivy site run 74KayJan 1963 
uproariousnessnoise as our spurPacificoApr 1958 
ultimatelyI mull at "yet"TheGopherDec 1964 
unbeknownstbest unknownHohoSep 1967 
upset stomachTums stop acheMerlinOct 1972 
unrecognizablebig zone unclearTheGinkApr 1973 
unmentionable, anlone ban: name unitTheGinkSep 1973 
Unterseeboot, anone U-boat entersTavMar 1975 
unemployment compensationup, nontoil men payments comeVolarOct 1977 
undertow, anNature: "down!"HapFeb 1979 
ungodlinesslo, nudge sinsTravvJul 1987 
under the mistletoetitled mouther seenNyphoJan 1950 
under the mistletoemelt into duets hereNyphoJan 1950 
under the mistletoenote demure she-tiltNyphoJan 1950 
under the mistletoethen's duet role timeNyphoJan 1950 
under the mistletoethee lures man t'do itNyphoJan 1950 
under the mistletoetree lets mouth dineNyphoJan 1950 
unsophisticatedus is no adept chitAyayeKayJul 1943 
unsophisticatedI act up dishonest*EvergreenSep 1930 
unsophisticatedit's un-hep acts I doFredDominoOct 1951 
unattirednude traitDCVerDec 1930 
unheraldedled unheardAmaranthJan 1931 
unresistingI sing unrest*ESCrowMar 1931 
unemploymentmen out-ply men*LarryMar 1931 
unemploymentlet up on my men!LarryMar 1931 
unemploymentmute men ply on*PABeeJun 1931 
unfriendlinessrends sun in lifeDCVerApr 1931 
unbrotherlinesssoul sin, brethrenGrandmotherJun 1931 
undemonstrativedon't rave, suit menDanDLyonJul 1931 
utraquistqua I strutESCrowOct 1931 
utilitarianismultra aim is in itVikingOct 1931 
uxoriousnessso sex ruinousJoMullinsFeb 1924 
unemployment insuranceencore men's annuity plumPelicanJan 1932 
unrighteousness't's sin, sure enoughSuSanNov 1932 
unfortunatenot a true funDCVerFeb 1933 
unfortunaterout neat funHoodwinkAug 1940 
unemployed, thehelp 'em, you, t'endADandyJun 1933 
unadornedand/or nude 62SakrElBahrAug 1933 
unrealityreal unity*HoosierApr 1934 
undiscoverablenessscans veiled bournes*WehanonowitApr 1934 
unpalatablenessbean-eat'n' palls usEmmoWOct 1935 
undemonstrativenessis not men's adventuresAwlWrongApr 1936 
undemonstrativenesstrust as one's even mindAwlWrongApr 1936 
undemonstrativenessmen doves: unresistantAChemOct 1970 
upholsteringupon the girlsHohoAug 1936 
umpire, thei.e., thumperArcanusSep 1936 
unsanity"nuts", I? nay!LarryJul 1938 
undertaker, thereek death turnArchimedesFeb 1940 
undertakers, theearth-dunker setNyphoJun 1949 
uncommunicativenesscan mum: voice is unsentAyayeKayMay 1943 
used car, theU shed "crate"EmmoWApr 1945 
uncreatablebar neat clueAwlWrongMar 1944 
Universalists, thesure that sin lives*FredDominoDec 1912 
undertonedrone tuneSamSlickApr 1915 
U-boatO, a tub*WESternSep 1916 
U-boatsto a subQJan 1920 
undoubtedlybut duly doneEmelineJun 1920 
unmarriedunmarred, INyphoJul 1920 
unconstitutionalit's not a Union cultElLeeAug 1920 
undiplomaticmad, unpoliticArtyEssJan 1922 
unselfishnesssunshine's selfLKinSparkJun 1922 
unsightlyhints uglyMargarettaNov 1922 
unsightlyugly, this'nSakrElBahrSep 1933 
unconventionalitiesunite inNovel actions 67Mam Dec 1923
uncomplimentarycomplaint my runeAtlantisJul 1924 
uppermostsum topperKennethSep 1924 
unfetteredtut! free endOsapleJun 1925 
upliftersleft us rip*TheGinkJul 1925 
unfamiliarityfamiliar unity*GiGanticDec 1925 
unearthlythy unrealAlcyoMar 1926 
unmercifulnesscruel men in fussEnavlicmMay 1926 
unreasonablenessa ban rules on senseJackOLanternNov 1936 
unreasonablenessla! sure ban on senseJackOLanternJul 1926 
unreasonablenesssure no sense, banalJackOLanternJul 1929 
underworld, thetown lured herdEnavlicmApr 1927 
underworld, thelow-turned herdDCVerOct 1931 
underworld, the't lured her downEmptyDec 1939 
urgentrun! get! 43YKnottMay 1927 
unrestorableso returnable*SolSep 1927 
uniformityI'm for unityDCVerJul 1933 
umbragebum rageHiKerrJan 1929 
unsanctioned, theho! united consent*JackOLanternMay 1929 
underground railway, thedid lower th' runway, NegroRemardoJun 1929 
ultimatenessmeet in us lastSpreggsAug 1929 
Uintahin UtahPrimroseApr 1925 
Massachusettsstate has scumsIScreamJun 1924 
Brain Trust, thenuts bat, hit, errPrimroseJul 1934 
Unknown Soldier, thenow enlink hero dustDCVerAug 1934 
Unknown Soldier, thehe is ruled not knownFredDominoOct 1951 
HMS Pinaforename for shipMangieSep 1975 
vaingloriousnessour sin: naive glossArchimedesApr 1951 
varicolored, theviolet, red or chaHohoJun 1961 
valetudinarianismI am invalid's nature 82NightowlMay 1974 
verificationI aver fiction*CaptainToFeb 1963 
ventilatorten-volt airDhumbbBhelleMay 1958 
verbiageI gab everHoodwinkSep 1958 
verisimilaritysimilar? verily, IEmmoWFeb 1938 
verbosityso, brevity* 72,81DCVerFeb 1933 
virginalist, thenit a live stringVikingFeb 1969 
vitamin tablets"B": let's attain vimTheGopherMar 1954 
vitaminain't vim* 42,67DCVerSep 1934 
violentnot evil*SpreggsMay 1951 
vice-president, aI present adviceHoodwinkJul 1955 
vilifier, thefire! hit evilHohoAug 1962 
volatilea live lot 54AwlWrongApr 1936 
villainess, aI, an evil lassHohoJan 1970 
veterinary surgeon, theI never hurt sore nag yetMoonshineJun 1917 
Florida everglades, thead: "'gators live here" fled CornCobDec 1984 
Mona Lisa, theah, I am stolenAmaranthNov 1911 
Mona Lisa, thean' a hot smileTwistoDec 1935 
Mona Lisa, theah, not a smile*VikingJul 1963 
Mona Lisa, thenot aha smileBrutusSep 1976 
Virginia creeper, theI, vine, reach, grip treeUlkNov 1986 
vital statisticsvast static list, I*NightowlAug 1976 
variety stores, thethey "sorter" save itFredDominoNov 1956 
valedictorycry to a devilMoonshineJul 1919 
valedictoriesvoiced late, sirDCVerJun 1928 
valedictorian, theleavin' chit oratedArchimedesMay 1938 
valedictorianan ideal victorBigDaddyMay 1964 
valedictorianvoted cranial, IRuthlessJan 1988 
vampire, theI vamp thereOsapleJul 1922 
vamooseso a moveAmaranthJan 1931 
variegateaverage it*WehanonowitNov 1933 
ventilatorvent lot airVulcanJun 1929 
ventilatorsair vent slotWinkieMay 1927 
vertiginousO, I give turnsEllsworthNov 1926 
vertiginousvertigo in usEmmoWFeb 1938 
vegetablebe vegetalSakrElBahrJul 1929 
vegetariansve eat grainsNPNov 1922 
vegetarianismvitamins agreeCastetAug 1930 
vegetarianismi.e., grain vs. meatBrutusApr 1977 
vegetarianismmeat? I've grainsFrostERomanOct 1974 
vegetarianismI, a meat serving*MerlinOct 1972 
vegetarianismI, a-serving meat*FredDominoJul 1957 
vegetarianismam it, via greensFredDominoJul 1957 
vegetarianismgrave is in meatArcanusJul 1957 
versifier, theI fire th' verseTranzaAug 1912 
vetoingI vote n.g.ESCrowOct 1929 
villainousnessan evil soul's sin 39DonatelloFeb 1929 
Victrolala, VictorPrimroseNov 1922 
violencenice love* 52,74SamSlickNov 1916 
vitaminesvim in eatsSirVareFeb 1921 
vigilantesgive in lastCastetNov 1928 
visitationnot a visit, I*PoorRichardNov 1931 
vociferouslyour voices flyDonatelloOct 1928 
vociferationof voice: I rantTavOct 1975 
vociferationsisn't for a voice*MarsJul 1928 
volunteersnever loutsDonatelloJul 1913 
volcano, aO, con lavaDCVerSep 1933 
volcano, theO, lent havocPatristocratOct 1941 
vouchsafehave focusKennethAug 1962 
vis medicatrix naturaecured (a vitamin is extra)AcornMar 1988 
virago, theovert hag, INoholdsBardMar 1988 
vers de societeO, see cit'd verseGuidonOct 1901 
Venus's flytrap, thepry vent, leaf shutsLarryJul 1927 
victory gardens, thehogs invert yard, etc.XSpeckedJun 1943 
Venus de MiloI'm nude's loveDCVerApr 1930 
video game, theoh, gee! I am TVedTeZirManDec 1982 
video tapespose TV ideaNightowlFeb 1977 
volunteer firemanI never run to flame*FamulusAug 1984 
war correspondents, thewon't harp on Red secrets*FredDominoSep 1952 
war correspondentscan send row reportsESCrowMar 1913 
waterspoutssorta wets upFredDominoOct 1951 
waterspouta wet sproutAnonymeJan 1914 
waterspoutspurt to aweYercasNov 1930 
washerwoman, theah, show men waterRalphFeb 1917 
watermelon, aO, man! real wetSirOrmSep 1932 
watermelon, awet meal, NoraRemardoFeb 1919 
watermelon, alo, men eat rawFredDominoMay 1953 
water wagons, thewhat "wets" rage onESCrowJan 1920 
washing machine, aI am change in washXiphiasOct 1920 
warmththaw, Mr.EnavlicmDec 1922 
waiters, thewith eatersEnavlicmJun 1923 
water tap, thea wetter pathSealGeeJun 1928 
wariangleI, war angelBlueHenChickApr 1932 
water-coloreda wet red colorHohoDec 1941 
waistline, theit was eel-thinHohoNov 1943 
walking encyclopedia, theknowledge capacity nil, eh?* AChemNov 1944 
wanderlustunrest, lawd!AmberFeb 1981 
wanderlustlad, run WestPlantinaMay 1947 
waitressa stew, sir?OsapleJul 1948 
wallflower, thewow! all left herTheGinkJul 1961 
warmonger, arow managerHohoApr 1968 
warlords, theworld hatersMerlinAug 1973 
warlords, thewrath dolersMerlinAug 1973 
water chevrotaina cervine hart, wot?ProfPampelm+May 1979 
waste disposalas load is sweptAbStruseMar 1981 
water closet, ato clear wasteAbStruseDec 1986 
wandering albatross, the lo, a bird that ranges NEWSAtlantisNov 1911 
Waldorf, thedwarf hotel*AmaranthJan 1916 
Waldorf-Astoria hotel, thealert host, I: what real foodFredDominoMar 1952 
wage earners, thewe earn, get shareFredDominoAug 1953 
Wall Streetrate well st.TheGopherAug 1921 
weather forecast, theso, free chart heat, wetGrullaSep 1947 
weather forecastwe rate each frostTheGopherMay 1921 
weather forecastO, search after wetAmaranthNov 1910 
weather forecastO, rather wet facesRTistSep 1973 
weather forecaststrace shower's fateAbStruseFeb 1984 
wedding ceremony, aye ceded woman ringDCVerApr 1913 
wedding ceremonies, thethence we'd merge in "I do's"VikingMar 1941 
weevilwe, liveBarnyardSep 1920 
weathervanesah, veer at NESWRemardoApr 1926 
soldierslo, I dressPearson 
wedding ring, thegrin, wed, then digMustafaKamelMay 1929 
wedding bellsDD begins wellArgonOct 1938 
wether, aewe thar*LarryFeb 1940 
Western Union telegramlo, sent me an urgent wireAbStruseApr 1983 
Western Union telegramsunwritten? lo, a messenger!PatFeb 1950 
weatherbeatene'en wear that beFredDominoAug 1953 
Western civilizationview citizens on trialPatJan 1954 
weaponrywar on? yep!LarryMar 1973 
weather forecaster, theseer of heat: wet-charterArcanusOct 1945 
wholesale merchantsmen who resell at cashQJun 1911 
whirling dervish, ahas whirring devilAmaranthJun 1925 
whithersoeveroh, wherever 'tisSolJul 1926 
whalebone, awhoa! baleenTavOct 1976 
whalebonesshow baleenEllsworthSep 1929 
white flagsslew a fightAlMar 1931 
whiskbroom, aam O, how briskShuxMay 1932 
white elephanti.e., what net help*BNaturalMar 1935 
whimsicalityI claim shy wit 55AwlWrongJul 1936 
window seatwe a' sit downHohoSep 1947 
wholeheartedlyoh, we try heed allBooJeeKayJun 1957 
white-collar workers, theclerks who wear their lotBNaturalJun 1961 
white mergansers, thesmews here right neatVikingFeb 1963 
white-winged crossbillswe birds will sight conesVikingJun 1971 
whoremongerhome-wrongerHapApr 1977 
white supremacistsmust wish race spiteNoholdsBardJul 1988 
white supremacistsracists: wise them upAtlanticJun 1981 
white supremacist"up with race!" smitesSibylMar 1987 
wholesale pricesO, we sell cheap, sirHartKingSep 1987 
wholesalersoh, sell waresQAug 1924 
wild goose chasechose wide goalsRemardoSep 1918 
wild goose chase, aso cad goes awhileKeePonAug 1913 
wilderness, thewildness thereAtlantisMar 1916 
wildernesses, thesense wilds thereVulcanOct 1928 
witenagemotswise men got atVestaFeb 1918 
witenagemotea wit meet (O.Eng.)NightowlNov 1972 
witenagemota meeting, wot?DamonomadSep 1934 
WilliamI am WillVestaOct 1918 
wireless telegraphgreat help: less wireFredDominoNov 1952 
wireless telegraphyI tell where spy ragesLoneFisherm+Jan 1921 
wireless telephonesee, let no wires helpTheGopherJan 1921 
widow's weeds, thewoe's wet dews hidEurekaJul 1928 
widow's weeds, thewe didst shew woeAmaranthJul 1925 
widow's mite, thetwo white dimesRemardoJan 1926 
winter solstice, theenters with lots iceEllsworthMar 1928 
winter solstice, theI clew: shortest nite*CornCobDec 1986 
window cleaners, thedern nice lot: we washAmaranthJun 1928 
wildcatit claw'dTeZirManDec 1987 
wildcat, theacteth wildPABApr 1929 
wild oatslad, sow it 33RemardoMar 1917 
witness, asent, I sawLarryJan 1953 
winebibbers'bibe in brews*FredDominoAug 1954 
winsomeness, thewomen's sin, these*HohoJul 1969 
wiretappingsswipe pratingHohoApr 1971 
wide endI wendedFiddleJan 1973 
wildlife conservationit confines a live worldHapJan 1973 
windbag, aI'd gab? naw*LarryMay 1980 
wild lettuceweed 't cull itLarryNov 1983 
windshield wipers, theswish! help'd in wet rideCalicohOct 1984 
wine, women and songman sowing need nowGiGanticSep 1926 
woman suffrageman guffaws o'erNyphoMar 1912 
womenwon me 22RalphApr 1913 
workmanshipwin shop-markPrimroseApr 1921 
womankindknow a mindBeauNedApr 1928 
womankindI'd know manFredDominoMay 1952 
world-beatersdraw best roleAmaranthFeb 1931 
womannow MaIxaxarSep 1935 
womanishhow man is*HohoApr 1962 
women's liberationmen rib as we toil onNightowlOct 1973 
women's liberationsiren in bow to male*NightowlOct 1973 
women's liberationmale tribe wins? O, no!MangieOct 1976 
women's liberationi.e., male's rib? not now!CloverJan 1981 
women's liberationnew aim: no bit rolesCloverJan 1981 
World Seriesweird losers*MangieDec 1977 
wranglesomewomen glaresMamAug 1923 
writer's crampwrist cramperRemardoAug 1926 
wrongdoerserr now, "dogs"LarryFeb 1988 
wrongdoer, theO, gent who'd errTartarinJun 1934 
writ of habeas corpus, thethis saw hap before courtSueDoeApr 1954 
wrinklenew lirkProfPampelm+Dec 1980 
writing on the wallO, tell with warningKatmatOct 1942 
mene mene tekel upharsin El eke Persian men, hunt meESCrowMay 1927 
mene mene tekel upharsin the mural pi seen, men kneeHerculesJul 1946 
yellow-bellied sapsucker well, you see, bird peeks allBlackstoneNov 1930 
years, theeras, theyFrancolinMar 1915 
youths, thethey shoutMolemiMar 1921 
Yankeeay, keenDCVerAug 1917 
youngstersO, stern guys*TravvJan 1987 
youngstergutsy onerWinonaApr 1962 
youngsters, thee.g., stern youths*ArcanusNov 1931 
yerba mate, theherb tea, mateyBlueHenChickMar 1929 
yes-man, thetheme's "nay"*UlkMay 1987 
yellow journalists, theO, they all just boil newsAbStruseDec 1979 
yellow pages directory, thetry: yields place where to goAmberMar 1981 
yellowtail, thelotella with yeTravvNov 1982 
yo-yo, theoh, ye toyAbStruseJun 1981 
Yankee Doodleone dead yokelAwlWrongNov 1947 
Yankee DoodleO, dead NE yokelAwlWrongNov 1947 
Yankee DoodleO, 'e led a donkeyEnavlicmFeb 1934 
Yankee Doodle dandye'en Daddy OK'd one layFredDominoApr 1952 
young ladies' seminaryI say you girls need manEmptyJan 1940 
younger generation, theyouth eager on enteringTwistoAug 1936 
younger generation, thee'er noting a green youthAwlWrongFeb 1940 
yodellingdog yellin'CastetJun 1949 
yellow streak, arat yells "ow! eak!"EmmoWMay 1935 
X-rated movies, theavid sex theme rotAbStruseApr 1983 
X-rated moviesvideo sexMartTutowl Sep 1974
zebrass, azebra assYercasMar 1930 
zoological gardens, theegad! call o'er zoo thingsFredDominoApr 1952 
zoological gardens, thehi! coon, rat, dog, gazelles XSpeckedMar 1946 
zoological gardens, thelo, caged lions gaze thro'AmaranthNov 1910 
musical noteunit comes "la"DavidShulmanJul 83 4*P 
personalitypartly one's "I" 4*P83StepheMarlowOct 81 4*P 
self-glorificationI so fill frantic egoDavidShulmanJun 83 4*P 
porterhouse steak, aO, tastes OK: up rare, eh?BarryCohenMay 83 4*P 
April Foolor, foil pal?DavidShulmanApr 83 4*P 
declaration of waran act: roar "wild foe!"BarryCohenApr 83 4*P 
tam-o'-shantername hat sortCarrolMayersMar 83 4*P 
Dead Sea scrolls, theah, stale old screedsDhumbbBhelleJun 1957 
Dead Sea scrollsold seals, sacredWitchwordFeb 1979 
Dead Sea scrolls, thela, sacred old sheetsLenElliottFeb 83 4*P 
spaghetti and meatballsman's pasta table delightMarilMalpassFeb 83 4*P 
histrionicscorn: I hiss itJosephDemmaFeb 83 4*P 
speech patternchatter 'n' peepsJosephDemmaFeb 83 4*P 
New Year's resolution, a easy rule? no swear on itCarrollMaye+Jan 83 4*P 
Yale UniversityI truly see an "Ivy"DavidShulmanJan 83 4*P 
piano concerto, theone art o' Chopin, etc.BarryCohenJan 83 4*P 
Christmas present, aMr. Santa's tip cheersDavidShulmanDec 82 4*P 
winter season, thesnowiest era thenMerlinJan 1971 
winter season, thesnow is 'neath treeSamSlickMar 1917 
winter season, theit snows here neatQOct 1912 
winter season, thesno, ise, water thenMolemiFeb 1930 
winter season, thei.e., threatens snowDavidShulmanDec 82 4*P 
sleigh ride, ai.e., has gliderDavidShulmanDec 82 4*P 
Gobi Desertbig sere dotLenElliottOct 82 4*P 
solitary confinementmy fate in stir: lone conHelenBernha+Oct 82 4*P 
cheetahshe, she catTimWheelerOct 82 4*P 
fire and brimstonemorbid fate, sinnerLenELliottSep 82 4*P 
archaeologistI go search a lotDavidShulmanAug 82 4*P 
Renaissance, thesee an arts nicheBarryCohenJul 82 4*P 
cat-o'-nine-tails, thei.e., note: can't it lash?DavidShulmanJul 82 4*P 
counterfeit, atrue face? not IDavidShulmanJul 82 4*P 
cornucopiaa conic pourBillKuehlJun 82 4*P 
temptationtime to pantBillKuehlJun 82 4*P 
demolitionI let in doomBillKuehlJun 82 4*P 
sorceresscross seer?HelenBernha+May 82 4*P 
unemployment office, the help meet cutoff in moneyHelenBernha+May 82 4*P 
public transportationcan't pool? bus, train tripHelenBernha+May 82 4*P 
sunbatherhe rubs tanDavidShulmanMay 82 4*P 
airfieldsaid fliersDavidShulmanApr 82 4*P 
snow tirewinter's "O"RaymondStua+Mar 82 4*P 
supernatural, theunreal paths: true?DavidShulmanMar 82 4*P 
promissory note, aso pay me or not, sirDavidShulmanMar 82 4*P 
misanthrope, thehi, spot men-haterDavidShulmanFeb 82 4*P 
garbage trucks, theget guck, bear trashDavidShulmanFeb 82 4*P 
winter season, theit's here: neat snowDavidShulmanJan 82 4*P 
no trespassingstop an ingressDavidShulmanJan 82 4*P 
Metropolitan Opera Houselo! aha! I promote pure notesDavidShulmanJan 82 4*P 
Metropolitan Opera HouseO, a popular tenor home sitePhilipCohenJan 82 4*P 
Metropolitan Opera House, thepopular theater home to noiseBNaturalJul 1960 
Metropolitan Opera House, theoratorio theme haunts peopleBNaturalJul 1960 
Metropolitan Opera HouseO, I hear notes popular to meAbStruseJun 1981 
Metropolitan Opera House, theHomer appealeth: riotous toneMolemiOct 1956 
Metropolitan Opera House, thetheater to harmonious peopleResoluteMay30 06Co 
mental institution, alo, nut inmate sat in itDavidShulmanDec 81 4*P 
golf players, thethey'll gasp "fore!"DavidShulmanDec 81 4*P 
tortoise and the hare, theah, one tried, the other satJanetCohenDec 81 4*P 
Mediterranean fruit flydefiantly ruin tree farmMitziChrist+Dec 81 4*P 
astronomymoony artsStephenMarl+Dec 81 4*P 
executionexit on cueStephenMarl+Oct 81 4*P 
heads or tailshail, read tossDavidShulmanOct 81 4*P 
narcotics dealer, ala, cocaine's traderDavidShulmanSep 81 4*P 
Southern hospitalityopine host truly has itDavidShulmanSep 81 4*P 
table tennisbat, net, linesDavidShulmanSep 81 4*P 
mistaken identitytsk, I deny: it ain't meDavidShulmanSep 81 4*P 
insane asylum, thei.e., heals many nutsDavidShulmanJul 81 4*P 
unemployed, thehelp out my needDavidShulmanJun 81 4*P 
Library of Congress, theO, brings lofty researchDavidShulmanJun 81 4*P 
Library of Congress, thelots for researching by 90AbStruseFeb 1983 
Scrabble playera crabby spellerDavidShulmanMar 81 4*P 
supermarket, therump steak thereDavidShulmanMar 81 4*P 
constipationcan I stop it? noDavidShulmanMar 81 4*P 
fashion designerO, I hang fine dressDavidShulmanFeb 81 4*P 
pyramid scheme, apray heed: I'm scamDavidShulmanFeb 81 4*P 
asshole, anhe's so analFamulusJul 84 UnE 
masturbatedsat, rub'd meatFamulusJul 84 UnE 
foot fetishist, the"soft feet" is hot hitQuipJul 84 UnE 
soixante-neufit: a one-sex funUniqornJul 84 UnE 
courtesana sore cuntVikingJul 84 UnE 
scarlet women, thescrew men at hotelVikingJul 84 UnE 
masturbaterubs at meatAbStruseJul 84 UnE 
emasculated'e 'ad 'em cut: 'las!UlkJul 84 UnE 
sexual intercourseour lust: an exerciseJul 84 UnE 
pornographic literatureO, crap here to Puritan girl AbStruseJul 84 UnE 
false representationsrepresent lies of SatanESCrowFeb 1911 
heredity and environment tend to hinder in every manESCrowFeb 1911 
Russiais ursaPearson 
threescore and tencertes, end on earthCSawJun 1911 
Roman antiquitiesI am question in artAmaranthDec 1910 
separation suita sin: I sue to partQOct 1910 
marital disputesat mild spats, I rueQOct 1910 
marital disputesa disaster: lump itESCrowNov 1910 
separation suitsrise to sustain PaESCrowNov 1910 
plantation melodiestoned in a simple altoAmaranthOct 1910 
married man, themirth near dameESCrowNov 1910 
sweetheart dayssee, we had a trystQOct 1910 
sweetheart daysset dates her wayESCrowNov 1910 
fashion'sDecreeschose a fine dressMolemi Nov 1910
flying machine, theha! fly me, nice thingPercyVereJan 1911 
Chinese laundry, theheed unclean shirtyJasonJan 1911 
dirigible balloon, aon big oiled air ballAmaranthNov 1910 
immortality of the soulO holy fear, utmost limitESCrowMar 1910 
old-time songsmodels to singMCSAug 1910 
base hitterhe is batterAbStruseOct 1990 
sexual intercourserelax, ensure coitusDABorgmannMay 1974WW 
infernosnon-fires*DABorgmannMay 1974WW 
street shoeshose testersDABorgmannMay 1974WW 
beheadmentsdeathsmen beDABorgmannMay 1974WW 
weird nightmareswithering dreamsDABorgmannMay 1974WW 
smears, yeare messyDABorgmannMay 1974WW 
mysteriousmisty? O, sureDABorgmannMay 1974WW 
brachiatingI, branch gaitNoholdsBardJul 1990 
hypochondriac, theoh, arch-phony citedAbStruseJul 1990 
computationtopic: amountNoholdsBardJul 1990 
argumentsmust anger 74FiddleJan 1951 
cosmetic surgeon, thehe cuts: get micro-nose!WabbitJul 1990 
cyanide of potassiumI faced a musty poisonAmaranthJun 1913 
nothing doingdon't go nigh inAceJun 1913 
Presbyterian church, the cherub pray: hint her sectSallyJun 1913 
Florida everglades, thedeal tad frogs live hereDonatelloJun 1913 
spring mattress, aresting? Pa's smartQuiViveJun 1913 
desert of Sahara, thehate a hard frost, see?LateoJan 1913 
Saint Valentine's Daynay, a lass invented itBolisFeb21 85GD 
comic valentines, thevim list, one cent eachDonatelloFeb 1913 
triple entente, thethree plete intentXiphiasFeb 1913 
parcel post, thea help, protectsKeePonMar 1913 
apple of the eyeay, feel pet hopeStoclesMar 1913 
income tax amendment, themean [tax]? come mend it thenSpicaFeb 1913 
infantile paralysisis an early spinal fitAmaranthNov 1912 
spiritualist seancea spectral issue in itAmaranthNov 1912 
hospital ambulance, thea cab, I hustle to help manAmaranthNov 1912 
science-fictionNovellaO, evince alien conflictsTalon Nov 1990
weather indicationsrain when I so dictateQNov 1912 
military aeroplanes, the help! see total army in airJemandNov 1912 
Robinson Crusoeson, boon cruiserSam SlickNov 1912 
hot mince pie, aoh, pet, I am niceQOct 1912 
mercenary woman, thee'er want money charmQOct 1912 
home, sweet homeO, how he melts meQuiViveSep 1912 
Chinese laundryyhin, sud cleanerAceSep 1912 
Chinese laundrymen, theheathens cured my linenHerculesMar 1929 
Chinese laundryman, thehuman need clean shirtyQuiViveAug 1912 
Chinese laundrieshis undies cleanerFred DominoMar 1942 
dismal swamp, thewhat damp slimesAmaranthSep 1912 
Mongolian race, thelo, Chinamen are gotAtlantisMay 1912 
Lesser Antilles, theare isles, then tellsAtlantisAug 1912 
limited express, aI sped extra milesAceAug 1912 
dewberry bushesweeds, shrubberyEnavlicmAug 1912 
tiled bathroom, aO, I bathed mortalAmaranthMay 1912 
boardinghouse table, the ah, grub beheld on it, so eatAtlantisApr 1912 
piano tuners, thehear tones put inESCrowApr 1912 
winter-time, themere white tintFloraDec 1911 
steam laundries, thesee! mauled tan shirtQFed 1911 
hot wave, aavow heatNyphoApr 1911 
marriage contracts, thegreat contraries matchESCrowAug 1911 
run the gauntlet, tolunge thro' taut netCSawMar 1921 
Eastman Kodaks, theand takes them as OKFrancolinAug 1915 
ravages of warwas for a graveSouConAug 1915 
physical ailmentsmy pains still acheAmaranthNov 1915 
installation of officers all in station for officesEmmaLineNov 1915 
Emerald Island, theIreland lads themeRemardoApr 1915 
submarine torpedo boat, theI run bombs to operate death RemardoJul 1915 
haunted palace, thehate a hunted placeGeeJun 1915 
piano tuner, thehear tone put inFrancolinJan 1915 
gypsy fortune teller, agentry, spell your fateFrancolinJan 1915 
bar-tailed godwit, thea bird, let go, it wadethAtlantisFeb 1915 
chicken fanciers, thecite chief hen cranksAtlantisFeb 1915 
theatrical pseudonym, anom used at her play, I actAtlantisFeb 1915 
little robin redbreasttell it's a tree-born birdAtlantisFeb 1915 
month of August, thethou hot gust fan meFrancolinSep 1914 
harvest fields, thefeasts held thriveFrancolinSep 1914 
European war, therun, hate, reap woeLordBaltimo+Dec 1914 
European war, thepure hate ran: woeTimPenneyDec 1914 
European war, therue what? open eraFrancolinDec 1914 
Literary Digest, thetry, see light, read itJemandAug 1914 
sanitary drinking cupcan gain purity drinksFrancolinAug 1914 
average man, theoh, game veteranQJul 1914 
poultry fancier, thehe trap country lifeFrancolinJul 1914 
training school, alo, I can't go in rashFrancolinJul 1914 
raliroad terminals, theadmit, here rolls a trainSEArcherJul 1914 
river steamboatO, it brave streamAtlantisAug 1914 
custard piescud pastriesAmaranthDec 1913 
pipe dream, adeep air mapQuiViveDec 1913 
card of thanks, ahas no dark factSamSlicDec 1913 
average man, theam great heavenDonatelloMar 1914 
average man, themen hate a graveSallyMar 1914 
society bud, ais a coy debutRexFordFeb 1914 
society bud, ais beauty, DocJemandFeb 1914 
society budis cute bodySallyFeb 1914 
society bud, ais COD beautyDonatelloFeb 1914 
wood-turning lathe, theI turn hewn log to deathJemandJul 1913 
Saint Lawrence River, thewaters in rich vale enterAmaranthJul 1913 
Battle of Gettysburg, thebelt fought by great testKeePonAug 1913 
sun of righteousnessone's [sun of] right usesUltramundaneNov 1913 
David and Goliathlad had giant voldTheDukeNov 1913 
Mardi Gras festival, the great mirth lives as fadJemandApr 1913 
matrimonial agenices, theI tie man's name to each girlDCVerApr 1913 
Swedish Nightingalesweet-singing HildahJohnQuillMay 1913 
primrose bushso, prime shrubEnavlicmJan 1917 
counterfeit moneymen refute toy coinTheGopherApr 06 Or 
counterfeit moneyme utter "foney" coinTowheadAug 16 FL 
counterfeit dollar, aO, let fraud alter coinAmaranthFeb 1913 
nuptial ceremony, thethy manner tie coupleFrancolinJan 1917 
Prince of Peace, thea nice perfect hopeSamSlickDec 1916 
livestock farmmark five coltsFrancolinDec 1916 
railway timetableit all weary me a bitFrancolinDec 1916 
in the gloaminga mingle o' nightRemardoDec 10 IMM 
in the gloamingmain light goneAmaranthDec 1916 
Monroe Doctrine, thedon't come in there, or..AmaranthDec 1916 
Monroe Doctrine, the"no room" then recitedLordBaltimo+Apr 1 02AP 
Monroe Doctrine"come not in" orderDCVerDec 1903 
monotonous repetition, a Postum? O, no,no,no I iterateFredLotDec 1916 
compliments of the seasonacme of month's politenessMoonshineDec 1916 
compliments of the seasonoh, see soft plain commentsNestorDec28 89GD 
European war, theO, a new pure art, eh?*MenoNov 1916 
tender one's resignation send a note: [one's] retiringMoonshineNov 1916 
delicatessenlicensed eatsWabbitApr 1991 
Salvation Army, thesave that roily manMoonshineSep 1916 
infantile paralysissir, an anti-life palsySamSlickSep 1916 
clearance sales, thesee last real chanceSamSlickSep 1916 
European war, thean earth-woe pureLAllegroOct 1916 
lucky strikesstir luck's keyEmmaLineOct 1916 
articular rheumatismI am cruel, I hurt at armsGeminiJun 1916 
Armageddonan armed GodCornCobApr 1991 
twin-screw steamerswatermen as its crewMoonshineJul 1916 
treacherous villain, ahail an evil actor sureFrancolinJul 1916 
train despatcherand he traces tripFrancolinJul 1916 
railroad passenger, theshalt gain speed o'er a RRFrancolinJul 1916 
Pythagorean letterY, the paragon [letter]MoonshineJul 1916 
promise to pay, aO, [pay] is more patEmmaLineDec 1915 
great snowy egret, theyet we start heron eggFrancolinMar 1916 
national preparednesspress plan: a trained oneMollieMooreMar 1916 
New Year's resolutionssoul yearns, so renew it 21EmmaLineFeb 1916 
historical event, anI cannot reveal thisSamSlickMar 1918 
Literary Digest, theye rarest light dietMenoApr 1918 
Russian Reds, thesad ruiners, SethMenoApr 1918 
Cathedral of Rheimsoh, 'tis flame-charredAmaranthApr 1918 
instantaneous photograph into a group, then a snapshotMoonshineOct 1917 
Lafayette Escadrillea select air fleet, LadyStGermaineOct 1917 
Kiel Canal, thea neck alliethDCVerOct 1917 
army ambulance corps, thereach many camp troublesEnavlicmOct 1917 
soft sawdersafest wordKeePonNov 1917 
Liberty Loan Bonds, thenobly lends a bit to herRoscoeDec 1917 
New Year's resolution, theyou swear "honest, I relent" EnavlicmFeb 1918 
porterhouse steakeat: others use porkSamSlickFeb 1918 
passed by the censorno secret has sped [by]TunsteFeb 1918 
summer vacationist, the'tis natives charm 'em outMenoOct 1917 
honorable mentionI honor notable menMoonshineJul 1917 
love's young dreamO, Venus-made gloryDCVerAug 1917 
Little Lord Fauntleroytruly one droll tale fitRemardoAug 1917 
collar buttons, thebut can't those rollPaxAug 1917 
war garden, thedrag new earthSpicaSep 1917 
aviation corpsI coast in vaporSpicaSep 1917 
pasture landssand plat, sure*EmelineSep 1917 
team of Shetland ponieslo, so fine: the mated spanEmmaLineAug 1917 
land of the lotus eaters taste and, lo, for us, Lethe SpicaJun 1917 
submarine warfare, thefine rare water ambushAmaranthJun 1917 
hospital corps, theach! it helps troopsEnavlicmDec 1917 
Cathedral of Rheims, the her lot: famed arches hitAmaranthApr 1918 
Eastman Kodak, theand take them as OKFrancolinFeb 1917 
automobile garages, thesee a big motor, get a haulFrancolinFeb 1917 
raised floorrole for daisVikingFeb 1969 
Boston Massacre, theone rash set combatsFrancolinMar 1917 
international peacepen a nice alterationSamSlickMar 1917 
coffee percolator, ao'er pot of clear cafeWanderooApr 1917 
infantile paralysis, the faith, 'tis near palsy lineSamSlickApr 1917 
military preparednessI'd present army plea, sirRemardoApr 1917 
sow one's wild oats, tolo, wasn't wise [to] do soAfterAllApr 1917 
mariner's compass, thecan steer ship so,MarmMeno Apr 1917
railroad tunnel, thenote: art under a hillPChinnMay 1917 
contraband of warO, ban: can't forwardRemardoMay 1917 
Wellington Canal, thelittle wagon channel*SallyFeb 1917 
Chinese mandarinrisen Chinaman, EdAmaranthMay 1920 
Eighteenth Amendmentmeet, end the mean thingMoonshineJun 1920 
old soakssad looksEnavlicmMay 1920 
indomitable will, anI, able, mind to win allEmelineMar 1920 
Japanese primroses, theterms Japan posies hereLeDareJan 1920 
automobile radiator, the heat, or a tour made it boil WanderooJan 1920 
food for the godsfed good [for] hostFloraJan 1920 
Ford car, theraced forthArtyEssJul 1919 
honorable dischargeO, sad horrible change*EmelineJul 1919 
Federal Constitution, thehead state control, if unitDCVerNov 1919 
stylographic pens, thethey got sharp pencilsMoonshineNov 1919 
Beltone hearing aidI end at ear, nigh lobeVikingOct 1964 
old veterannever a doltWESternNov 1919 
cheapskatetakes peachWESternNov 1919 
orange blossomsEros-blooms sangSamSlickApr 1919 
marriage settlement, ameet, mate, arrange listMoonshineJun 1919 
cyanide of potassiumpoison us: fact,May dieWEStern Jun 1919
birthday dinner, athin bairn, red daySamSlickApr 1919 
cash on deliveryverily chased [on]SamSlickApr 1919 
penitential season, the'tis Lent: has eaten no pieRemardoApr 1919 
United StatesMarines, theit's the set: USA-trained menFINanceJan 1919 
hang out one's shingle, tothe house: not a long signMoonshineFeb 1919 
mind one's own business, todon't nose in:"wimen" boss usMoonshineFeb 1919 
sanctificationif sin, it can coatOstrichOct 1990 
survival of the fittestO, sir, that "tuff" vet livesMoonshineMar 1919 
bad nightmare, thea dream thing, BethLeDareSep 1918 
self-addressed envelopeself deeds do pens revealEmelineSep 1918 
patria potestasPapa to assert itMoonshineSep 1918 
Spanish flupains flushFloraDec 1918 
read between the lines, towe see a letter in [the] bondMoonshineDec 1918 
ice cream sodas, thecheer! 'tis acme sodaXiphiasDec 1918 
aerial navigatorsaviators glean airRemardoNov 1918 
aerial navigatorsagile aviators ranRemardoNov 1918 
aerial navigatorsgain real aviatorsRemardoNov 1918 
partial paymentspay metal in partsRemardoOct 1918 
Registration Act, theheroic test at ratingDanDLyonOct 1918 
run in the family, toa lot inherit my funMoonshineOct 1918 
aviation corps, thereach at top visionTheGopherMar 1918 
Arctic regions, thegreat ice C is northCincinnatusJan 1932 
Dail EireannI lead an ErinPrimroseJul 1922 
Irish Free Statethe fairies restSenaxJun 1922 
ankle sprainpain ranklesOstrichApr 1991 
love's young dreama melody sung overPrimroseJun 1922 
love's young dreamgo luny over damesBolisDec 1898 
love's young dreamev'ry soul gone madMarmionNov 87 Maz 
love's young dreamenglamours doveyRemardoMar 1925 
Italian spaghettigit this, a plain eatQFeb 1922 
chewing the ragwaggeth 'er chinRemardoAug 1922 
Roland for an Oliver, alearn of valor on raidKeePonAug 1922 
Dail Eireannan ideal ErinLZHMay 1922 
Dail Eireann, theIrelandian, theePrimroseMay 1922 
descriptive cataloguelive accurate dope listNewarkusMay 1922 
bowling tournamentmen a-turning to bowlESCrowNov 1922 
silent lettersstill set enterNankiPooJan 1923 
marriageable daughterraid, gaugeMarble heartAtlas Apr 1922
kneehigh to a grasshoppergee, Pop, Hank Hager is shortQuondamApr 1922 
entangling allianceslets an alien cling, nagSpicaApr 1922 
municipal bandsplain band musicAmorOct 1923 
master detectivesvets detest a crimeVikingJul 1931 
Pullman car porters, the all cash up to pert RR menGeminiJan 1922 
League of Nationssee fatal union goLoneFisherm+Feb 1921 
Saint Valentine's Dayland! I say it's an eventRhodaFeb 1921 
Saint Patrick's Daysay, Dr., Pat ain't sickPABMar 1921 
cardinal archbishop, the a rich red hat, clan bishopBinksApr 1921 
Postmaster-General, theha! get letter man, posersPercyVereMay 1921 
Postmaster-General, thehe's letter-post managerTunsteSep 1924 
Postmaster-General, thePS: great man o' letters, he SamWellerJun25 81GD 
Postmaster-General, thegreat letter-man's hopesDCVerMar 4 99GD 
Postmaster-Generalre: stamp agent's roleFrostERomanMar 1974 
Yankee doughboys, thetough, keen heady boysTheGopherJun 1921 
pair of twins, ais twain for PaQJan 1921 
entangling alliancesNG since all in a tangleWESternAug 1920 
suspend payments, toduns sent me: stop payPolyAug 1920 
sensational storiestales riot as one sinsLoneFisherm+Jul 1920 
presidential election, a nation select ripe idealNyphoJul 1920 
political opponentsopposite in poll countAtlantisSep 1920 
currant bushesscan true shrubSpicaSep 1920 
pitiless publicityyes, I tip public, listNankiPooSep 1920 
Old maid, anI'd no lad, MaQJul 1920 
leisure daysus idle yearsAdelaideJul 1920 
popularNovels, thepure love plot, HansKingCarnival May 1920
Versailles Treaty, theAllies' travesty thereAmaranthMay 1920 
baseball season, theah, sees one bat ballsSirOrmJul 1932 
radio listener, theidle? sit, hear tenorSirOrmJul 1932 
trackless trolley carscar rolls, yet less trackIAGreeJul 1932 
prohibition referendumi.e. I hint probe for rum endBebeJun 1932 
Swedish Nightingale, the a sweet lady singeth highVikingJun 1932 
Swedish Nightingalesing high, sweet LindaJun 4 53NQ 
Swedish Nightingalehigh sweet singin', ladJimJams88 Maz 
Swedish Nightingale, the heed! sing with this angelSamWellerMar26 81GD 
Mexican hot tamale, a[hot] meat a la [Mexican]ALoneMay 1932 
trolley car passenger, thegenerally hops streetcarParadoxMay 1932 
meteorological dataO, meet old air catalogNovusHomoMay 1932 
popular songwriters, the poets spurn their low ragVikingMay 1932 
medical prescriptionsDoc's prim Latin recipesVikingMay 1932 
transatlantic telephonethen call Paris at ten t' oneLarryBAug 1932 
diary of Samuel Pepys, thea daily sum [of Pepys] there CincinnatusAug 1932 
daily weather maps, thePS: read my wet, hail, heatNovusHomoMay 1932 
radio singerre: air doingsSpreggsApr 1932 
Siege of Vicksburg, thecue: Rebs give OK fightsRexAsinorumFeb 1929 
Daniel in the lion's den he dies not [in] an ill [den]MarsMar 1931 
female vocalist, thefat, she'll tame voiceDorseAug 1931 
binaural stethoscope, theboo! it hears chest tune, palEvergreenApr 1932 
Persian fairy, afair as any periHermesApr 1932 
sidelong glance, ais an ogled [glance]PABeeApr 1932 
fly-catching warblerwarbling fly-catcherRalphApr 1932 
homo mensuraso more humanRalphApr 1932 
landscape painters, thehelp adapt scenes in artVikingMar 1932 
special sale, thesells a tie, cheapSAmpleMar 1932 
special salesI see saps callSAmpleMar 1932 
Yale lock, thelatch-key 'oleJayEsteeMar 1932 
deposits of petroleumoil stores to feed pumpVikingFeb 1932 
pack of cigarettes, atear case to pick fagVikingFeb 1932 
bad youngster, asad banty rogueJackOLanternFeb 1932 
flagrante delictotrail felon: get cadRoscoeJan 1932 
beer on draughtthe bar guerdonPolyDec 1933 
alkali desertdire salt lakeArcanusDec 1933 
monetary difficultiesI direct a fistful money*CastetDec 1933 
subornation of perjuryspur anyone, fib to jurorMacropodNov 1933 
Russian vodka, thea Soviet has drunkVikingNov 1933 
policeman's whistle, aI am seen with all copsVikingNov 1933 
burial ritesbier's ritualXquiqOct 1933 
tincture of belladonnaon tab, often cured an illDeanRelaxOct 1933 
Armageddondragon madeCornCobApr 1991 
absent without leavebleat when a vet is outDamnaturalSep 1933 
medical man, the'at leech? damn 'im!*GiGanticSep 1933 
balance the budgetbate huge clan-debtMacropodAug 1933 
oldest inhabitant, theold he is, bent in, at thatMacropodAug 1933 
slenderizing fashions, thethinner lines fad: hog sizes ITappaKeJul 1933 
slenderizing fashions, theshining zest for lean hidesITappaKeJul 1933 
vegetarian's meal, aserve Al meat again*LesterJul 1933 
lady's stocking, agal's dainty sockSakrElBahrJun 1933 
prison outbreak, thethus a "pen" riot brokeNPEllMay 1933 
Congressional Record, thesage drones chronicle rotHerculesMay 1933 
Hebrew alphabetwe bar aleph, beth..*BeauNedApr 1933 
beer aged in woodI need a good brewLesterMar 1933 
nautical warehouseswares suit ocean haulSuSanFeb 1933 
cash on deliveryderive only [cash]SirOrmJan 1933 
woman scornednow man scoredThatGalNellJan 1933 
fresh-water sailor, thehere's tar who's real fit*VikingDec 1932 
Anti-Saloon League, thelet not alehouse againLarryDec 1932 
trip around the world, a hard to plan wider tourAmaranthFeb 1911 
Triple Alliance, theplace all three in itXiphiasFeb 1913 
presidential election, thei.e. the political trend seenScrutinizerNov 1932 
forgotten man, thegent to farm? not heCoraVanAppleNov 1932 
Pullman dining cars, the rail man's lunching dept.VikingOct 1932 
Theseus and the Minotaur dues so met thru AthenianVikingSep 1932 
amateur thespians, theinapt hams use theaterVikingAug 1932 
holy bonds of matrimony, theid balm of honeymoon trystEvergreenAug 1932 
old salt, anlost alandVikingAug 1932 
Cotswold lion, acon its wool, ladBlueHenChickJul 1932 
state reform school, ahome to foster rascalVikingJul 1932 
Mephistophelesoh, see h--l's pet impEmmoWJul 1932 
Mephistopheleshe Sheol's pet imp 39EmmoWJul 1932 
business before pleasure labor ere I see Bess, sup,funDamonomadDec 1934 
business before pleasure be up Sis! see labors ere funLarryOct 1988 
contented life, aI felt no need-actDamonomadNov 1934 
contented life, aI netDecent loafDamonomad Nov 1934
life everlastinglive, festal reignDCVerNov 1934 
English alphabethah, beat spellingOCaseyOct 1934 
English alphabet, thehe hath spelling beatOCaseyOct 1934 
summary court-martiala rum army trial customMacropodOct 1934 
drumhead court-martialam a d--- curt-humored trial MacropodOct 1934 
numismatic societies, thecities' coin: it amuses them ArcanusSep 1934 
dolce far nientelend free actionOrionSep 1934 
dolce far nientefeel action rendOrionSep 1934 
good natureoutdo angerDCVerSep 1934 
Unknown Soldier, thehero's new kin untoldDCVerAug 1934 
New Deal, thewe'd e'en halt*PrimroseJul 1934 
offertory anthemforth after moneyYercasJul 1934 
symphonic concert, aO, many rich conceptsMarmionJun 1934 
symphonic concert, aharmonic copy scentMarmionJun 1934 
symphonic concert, ahome cynics carp notMarmionJun 1934 
at the point of deathhath toe on fated pitDamonomadMay 1934 
aortic aneurismmiscure in aortaJimBillMay 1934 
great adventure, theendeth at grave? trueDamonomadMay 1934 
racing automobiles, thecars in hot mileage boutVikingApr 1934 
stupid fellow, a"ape" of dull witsVikingApr 1934 
how dry I ammy, [how] arid!GwynphApr 1934 
three-point-twothe "wet" portionSakrElBahrApr 1934 
morphine addict, aman hit acrid "dope"VikingMar 1934 
matinee idols"it" men so idealDCVerMar 1934 
matinee idolsI entail modesDCVerMar 1934 
matinee idolnote: I'm idealDCVerMar 1934 
matinee idolin late mode, IDCVerMar 1934 
Holy Scriptures, thelo, th' true riches spyMarmionMar 1934 
Holy Scriptures, theour Christ helps yetMarmionMar 1934 
Holy Scriptures, theChrist help you restMarmionMar 1934 
steamed finnan haddiemen dined and ate a fishEllsworthApr 1934 
perfidious Albionfidus? lip a "boo", ErinAmanovlettusFeb 1934 
wrestling bout, aswelt about ringYercasFeb 1934 
Mason-Dixon Line, thelo! man's on Dixie thenDCVerFeb 1934 
oriental costumes, theclothes met in our EastVikingJan 1936 
Aladdin's lampI and lad's palmKatmatJan 1936 
Sistine Madonnamaiden saint, sonArcanusJan 1936 
military man, theI'm that army lineVikingJan 1936 
Arlington Cemetery, theinterment: get hero clayArcanusJan 1936 
dramatic profession, the and I act more for ThespisAbieGhinnerDec 1935 
dramatic profession, the in this "rep" of actor's madeFredDominoFeb 1964 
pot de vinD.V., one tipCSawNov 1935 
state penitentiaryaye, intern pest at itArcanusOct 1935 
muzzle-loading rifle, theol'[rifle] gun: I dazzle themTheOzarkBoyOct 1935 
military man, aI'm anyMartialArcanus Sep 1935
amateur nightI get "ham" a turnDamonomadSep 1935 
genealogical researchgo, reach clear lineagesDeanRelaxSep 1935 
diary of Samuel Pepys, thethey're a daily sum of "pep"sCincinnatusSep 1935 
painter's brushespress, stain, rub, eh?OCaseyAug 1935 
auction bridgeI cut, bid, rage onMacropodAug 1935 
California gold rush, thefools hunt a real rich digAbStruseAug 1935 
Pisa's leaning towerrising top leans; aweArcanusAug 1935 
streamlined design, amade air denting lessVikingJul 1935 
polyprotodontMarsupials or lot do play possum in trapVikingJul 1935 
True Confessionssecrets of unionsMolemiJul 1935 
once in a blue moonclue: boom [in] an eonBNaturalJun 1935 
unchaste woman, ancue: wanton has manEmmoWJun 1935 
histrionic talentthe actor is nil? nitHoodwinkMay 1935 
moving picture show, aVitascope grown, I humMarmionApr 1935 
moving picture show, ato magic view-shop runMarmionApr 1935 
moving picture show, agroup vows cinema "hit"MarmionApr 1935 
moving picture show, aI wish cuter vamp go onMarmionApr 1935 
moving picture show, acharming views up, tooMarmionApr 1935 
counterfeit nickel, anotice fake lucre: tinSAmpleApr 1935 
Battle of Waterloo, thefor Elba that led to woeDCVerApr 1935 
articles of partnershipcite profit-sharer plansDCVerApr 1935 
defaulting cashier, thethat sure hid a fleecingVikingApr 1935 
cock and bull stories, thecon both talks crude liesBNaturalApr 1935 
thermionic emissionI simmer nice hot ionsAbakusanFeb 1935 
threadbare suitrather used a bitJackOLanternApr 1935 
income tax collectors, thecome exact rich note-tollsTartarinJan 1935 
carcinoma of the breasta hot cancer bites a formArcanusJan 1935 
poultry dealers, thethey do rear pulletsVikingApr 1937 
bluegrass region, thebe urging horse talesNeonApr 1937 
bluegrass region, thebigger southern leasNeonApr 1937 
bluegrass region, theso big nags rule thereNeonApr 1937 
Four Horsemen, theoh, there's [four] menJustaSmithApr 1937 
matrimonial agentsmate-naming a lot, sirAmanovlettusMar 1937 
palpitation of the heart oh, he felt pit-pat in aorta AwlWrongMar 1937 
spotlight of publicitypity public's footlightBeauNedMar 1937 
star chamber session, thesh! so bar has met in secret VikingFeb 1937 
Day of Atonement, thethey, to a man, feed notHohoJan 1937 
Day of Atonement, themen eat no heft todayHohoJan 1937 
Day of Atonement, the[the day]: O, no fatten meHohoJan 1937 
Day of Atonement, theno, hefty dame ate notHohoJan 1937 
Powers of Darkness, theworks of Hades' serpentAwlWrongJan 1937 
Triple Alliance, theall three lie in pactAwlWrongJan 1937 
ministerial benches, the H.M. cabinet is here: listen!TartarinNov 1936 
cock and bull story, ato clack on absurdly 54AwlWrongNov 1936 
cock and bull story, aO, cull bad stock yarnAwlWrongNov 1936 
heavenly bodies, theled, they shine aboveTwistoAug 1936 
American desert, thethat mere arid sceneAbStruseJul 1936 
honeymoon trips, themy! hot spoonin' thereTwistoJul 1936 
second-hand automobileO, the old bus can do, I meanAbieGhinnerJul 1936 
send owls to Athens, totown needs hoots lastAwlWrongJul 1936 
satisfied customer, asum it: fair code assetHoodwinkMay 1936 
in the nick of timefine! I'm on [the] tickEmmoWMay 1936 
good riddanceer - candid - do goMarmionMay 1936 
good riddancedid go, raced onMarmionMay 1936 
coral islands, thered atolls' chainsLivedevilMar 1936 
festal board, thebehold fat roastKatmatMar 1936 
incorrect spellingplenti erors cclingEvergreenMar 1936 
good natureto undo rageDCVerMar 1936 
custom tailors, thecloth matters: IOUsAwlWrongApr 1936 
soybean, thethen be soyaArcanusFeb 1936 
Land of Promise, theoh, form'd PalestineLivedevilFeb 1936 
Land o' Cakes, theeke Scotland, ha?NyphoSep 1949 
Land o' Cakes, theah, eke ScotlandLivedevilFeb 1936 
Old Man Winterwarm, indolent*SiMay 1938 
first snow, thenew frost, thisSiMay 1938 
society debutante, abeauty to dance sitsWrongFontMar 1938 
beware the Ides ofMarch 'ware, Chief: somber deathHohoMar 1938 
Admirable Crichton, thehint: catch Barrie modelAwlWrongJan 1938 
beware the Ides ofMarch hide from the web, Caesar!AwlWrongAug 1936 
de profundis, theO, find depths' rueAwlWrongJan 1938 
old-fashioned girl, theh--l! leg is hidden too farJemandDec 1937 
Little Lord Fauntleroylo, dainty tot fell rulerAbStruseNov 1937 
old-fashioned girl, anno flash-rig on, laddieAmaranthMar 1924 
castles in Spainscan pile as isn'tAbStruseOct 1937 
signal of distressfling SOS disasterJackOLanternOct 1937 
decorationO, I adorn, etc.SpudOct 1937 
Star-spangled Banner, thestand! brethren sang pealArchimedesOct 1937 
inchoateaction, eh?SiOct 1937 
miscellaneoussome cues in allSiOct 1937 
pigmentationpainting moteAwlWrongOct 1937 
back-seat driver, astab via rearDeckAwlWrong Oct 1937
woolen stockings, thecons two knit leg hoseAwlWrongOct 1937 
continuationO, union intactAwlWrongOct 1937 
out of spiritsit is for poutsAwlWrongOct 1937 
out of spiritsI spot sour fitAwlWrongOct 1937 
in the shadehides 'neathAwlWrongSep 1937 
English alphabet"A" shalt help beginAbStruseSep 1937 
morphine addict, thed--n it! cert, I'm hop-headVikingAug 1937 
sardonic smile, aas calm derisionAwlWrongAug 1937 
retail dealers, theall see their tradeVikingAug 1937 
Russian Reds, theUSSR as their endVikingAug 1937 
mariner's compass, themasters ocean ship, Mr.AwlWrongJul 1937 
mariner's compass, theI chart seaman's rompsAwlWrongJul 1937 
guillotinesloi: guilt endUlkApr 1991 
steeped in iniquityye in sin quite tepid*KingSlyJul 1937 
Black Hole of Calcutta, theah, a cell block that cutfoeNeonJul 1937 
Bottomless Pit, thetitles mob's TophetAwlWrongJun 1937 
demon of despair, thefoe dims ardent hopeAwlWrongJun 1937 
demon of despair, thefiend made hopes rotAwlWrongJun 1937 
Great Pyramid of Cheops, thefar Egypt hid corpse at homeVikingMay 1937 
total abstinencebet Cal's not eatin'HoosierApr 1937 
drunk as a lordsoul drank 'ardBlackBeanNov 1939 
drunk as a lordour lads drankBlackBeanNov 1939 
remember the Alamoere tame "mal hombre"GrullaNov 1939 
incense burner, thebe here in urn, scentHohoOct 1939 
hirsute adornmentmen don truest hairHohoOct 1939 
Spanish Armada, theas Spain hath armedTunsteJul 1939 
New York World's Fair, thework: where Trylon is fadPuzzerooJul 1939 
New York World's Fairis flary wonder-workPuzzerooJul 1939 
Denmarkdark men*Pearson 
Metropolitan Operalo, matinee troop parKayJan 1963 
Metropolitan Opera, theplain theater to poor meVikingMay 1963 
Metropolitan Opera, thelet me hear it! pop? O,no, art,MangieMay 1978 
Hawaiian Islands, theI wish heat, sand, lanaiSakrElBahrApr 1939 
Russian Communists, theuse summons, anti-ChristOrionApr 1939 
World's Fair, thedrift: real showAbStruseMar 1939 
number pools, thehelp moron bet usHohoMar 1939 
rhyming dictionaries, theI'm ye right rich sonnet aid EvervicFeb 1939 
rhyming dictionaries, theI, rich meter, aid in thy songEvervicFeb 1939 
church organist, theurgeth choir's chantAwlWrongFeb 1939 
fairy taleretail fayMGMJan 1939 
frail sisterhood, thesite of hired harlotsAwlWrongDec 1938 
commonplace saying, thecan inclose my apothegmAwlWrongDec 1938 
smiling Irish eyesEire's shiny glims, ITwistoDec 1938 
flautist, thehits at fluteHohoSep 1938 
experimentsI men's expert*HohoSep 1938 
registrationI ignore start*OCaseySep 1938 
turncoatscount rats 54HohoSep 1938 
intelligentsiaan elite listingArchimedesSep 1938 
congratulationstoasting our clanArchimedesSep 1938 
naked sword, theworks death endAwlWrongSep 1938 
local anaesthetic, astealth a la cocaineAwlWrongSep 1938 
lithesomenessthe lissom seenAwlWrongSep 1938 
tired businessmen, thehim sin? needs but a restPlantinaAug 1938 
Islands of the BlessedEden's fields halt sobsAbStruseAug 1938 
Last of the Mohicans, thelieth son [of] that sachemHCLaughlinAug 1938 
beautiful but dumbI tabu mute flubdubPlantinaJul 1938 
Versailles Treatyrival states leeryPopSquirrelJun 1938 
Versailles Treatystates are very illPopSquirrelJun 1938 
terpsichoreanO, the prancer is..TalonJan 1991 
high blood pressure, aoh, rib, pulse goes hardXSpeckedFeb 1942 
United States Navy, thevast sea unit: they dentSpreggsJan 1942 
United StatesMarinesmen in trust at seasidePolkaDot Jul23 05NP
United StatesMarinesit's set USA trained menFINance Jan 1919
Twenty-First Amendment, thewets find myth, treat ten menKatmatDec 1941 
carbon monoxide gasan odor cabs, gone, mixHerculesDec 1941 
cabaret showseat, chow, barHohoDec 1941 
Christmas shoppingnigh trims Pop's cashHomeBrewDec 1941 
vegetarian's diet, aeating varied eats*AmberJul 1980 
dining-room tablemingle it on boardXSpeckedOct 1941 
Holy Gospel, thehelps theologyAwlWrongJul 1941 
Holy Gospel, thetheology's helpAwlWrongJul 1941 
cold in the head, aached lot [in head]AmorJun 1941 
Libyan DesertItaly's benderSpreggsJun 1941 
pint of turpentine, apainter often put inVikingApr 1941 
field mortar, afirearm t' loadNoholdsBardFeb 1991 
Axis powers, theis hope: wrest axGrullaFeb 1941 
bride's trousseau, theto assure her bed suitSpreggsJan 1941 
married womanO, Mr., I drew a manSpreggsDec 1940 
World's Series, theis where Reds lost*PatristocratDec 1940 
German submarine, thesea brute harming menSpreggsOct 1940 
kiss in the dark, aand take his riskPatristocratAug 1940 
summer vacation, thevacant hours: time mePlantagenetAug 1940 
Sherlock Holmes, aha! he smells crookPatristocratAug 1940 
Captain Kidd's treasurepirate's cask under aditPatristocratAug 1940 
watch your stepwhy? [step] out carGrullaJul 1940 
colored gentleman, aname called to NegroAwlWrongJun 1940 
years of discretion, the oh, oft indiscreet [years]*SpreggsJun 1940 
First Apostle, thehalo fits St. PeterAwlWrongJun 1940 
world's creation, theearth crowned toilsVikingMay 1940 
American Red Cross, thediscern a mother's careVikingApr 1940 
thar she blowsthrobs "whales!"VikingApr 1940 
years of discretion, the ye rt. deaconish fortiesMacropodMar 1940 
believe it or notno lie bet over [it]ArchimedesMar 1940 
on the water wagonho, wet want orangeAbStruseMar 1940 
decrees of fashion, thechoose d--- fine feathersAwlWrongFeb 1940 
play upon words, aO, always drop punAwlWrongFeb 1940 
fatal accidentsfaced, I can't lastPrimroseFeb 1940 
young ladies' seminaryI say, you girls need manEmptyJan 1940 
heart's desire, thered hate sits here*ArcanusNov 1939 
heart's desire, thehate strides here*ArcanusNov 1939 
barrister-at-lawwrest a bar trialAwlWrongSep 1943 
barrister-at-lawbrew a trial's artAwlWrongSep 1943 
see Naples and dieelse, is an aped endHohoAug 1943 
diamond in the rough, aoh, I hint: good rude manTheGinkNov 1972 
diamond in the rough, ahad good nature [in] himAwlWrongJul 1943 
diamond in the rough, aI'd good heart in humanAwlWrongJul 1943 
coral limestoneatoll's core in meAwlWrongJun 1943 
bride and groom, adoMarriage bondAwlWrong Jun 1943
bride and groom, the"I do" both ran mergedSpreggsNov 1940 
Paradise Lostspot sad ArielAwlWrongMay 1943 
Paradise Lostpair stole: sadThatGalNellApr 1929 
Paradise Lostreap sad toilsJun 4 53NQ 
Paradise Lostso, slide apartLewWardJun 2 87Ms 
Paradise LostI read as plotsDoubleUCaye+Nov 87 Jo 
Paradise Losta peri's sad lotMajorDomoAug 98 HC 
Paradise Lostalas! dire spotRalphMar 01 Sx 
Paradise LostO, last despairArcanusDec21 02EO 
Paradise Regaineddead respire againJun 4 53NQ 
Paradise Regainedread: gained praiseIGuessAug 82 Se 
married coupleCupid o'er realmAwlWrongMay 1943 
music of the spheresether's hums [of] epicsAyayeKayMay 1943 
royal straight flush, aah, stay "fours" all rightAwlWrongFeb 1943 
royal straight flushtight rally has "fours"AwlWrongFeb 1943 
Knights of the Garter, thegreat to HRH, th' King's feetHohoFeb 1943 
amorous glance, thethus ogle a romanceAwlWrongJan 1943 
cranberry pies, thebeen richer pastryPlantinaDec 1942 
hidden treasure, theheed: it's under earthHohoOct 1942 
towering rage, aegg on irate warAwlWrongAug 1942 
towering rage, ago tie raw angerAwlWrongAug 1942 
medical practitioner, theI,MD,I correct (heal) patientArcanusAug 1942 
Three score years and tenO, thy drear senescent eraAwlWrongJul 1942 
Three score years and tencan see sorry death enterAwlWrongJul 1942 
for the durationdue or in [for] thatOsloJul 1942 
bluegrass region, thegrant beguiles horseAwlWrongJun 1942 
get one's dander up, toanger's pout denotedAwlWrongJun 1942 
on horsebackbronco shakeAwlWrongMay 1949 
in flagrante delictogot in dire fallen actHankMay 1942 
remember Pearl Harborrearm! repel bomber! rah!HomeBrewMay 1942 
in the rawthin wearRalphMay 1942 
buy defense bondssend boys bun feedGenesianApr 1942 
mineral kingdom, themake gold in her mintXSpeckedMar 1942 
deep slumberdumber sleepSpreggsFeb 1942 
God is lovegood livesLarryAug 1947 
God is lovego, do evils*LarryAug 1947 
Hindu ascetic, aI can cite sadhuAwlWrongJul 1947 
middle course, alauds mediocreAwlWrongJul 1947 
Scottish bagpiper, aI stage apt pibrochsAwlWrongJun 1947 
Granite State, theI e'er attest NH tagAwlWrongJun 1947 
Alcoholics Anonymousyo! ho! saloon c'n claim us* DorseMay 1947 
Angel Israfel, theheel sang a trifle*DorseMay 1947 
nivellateain't level*FamulusNov 1990 
Protestant minister, aattest: Roman priest in*BlackstoneOct 1946 
Lincoln Memorial, thelo, men recall him on itDorseOct 1946 
at your serviceI aver courtesyHoodwinkJul 1646 
Total abstinenceit bans not ale, etc.*MacropodJul 1946 
binaural stethoscopes, thetubes spot acher, halt noise ArcanusJun 1946 
Louvre, thetrue hovel*AmaranthJun 1931 
give oneself airs, tovisage, nose loftierAChemApr 1946 
give oneself airs, toor egoist feels vainAChemApr 1946 
sleeping draughtsnight drugs, pleaseArcanusJan 1946 
on the water wagon, tobewant no beer [to] thaw egoAwlWrongDec 1945 
on the water wagon, tobeget wan H-two-O, not a beerAwlWrongDec 1945 
continued, to beO, but cite no endFredDominoJan 1951 
American Revolution, the unite to revile a monarchAwlWrongOct 1945 
noiseless typewriter, aaye, silent, writes proseBlackstoneOct 1945 
Congressional Record, thegored senators' chronicleAwlWrongSep 1945 
great and small, theall that grades menAwlWrongSep 1945 
Empire State Building, thetepee (big'un) tired Al SmithDorseSep 1945 
Ladies' Home Journal, thehoe-hum! O,Janes'll read it DorseSep 1945 
Near East, theseat: TeheranYKnottMay 1945 
out of gasO, U go fast*EmmoWApr 1945 
translucenceunclear scent*NatPalApr 1945 
threescore and tenescort near the endAwlWrongJan 1945 
Ottoman Empire, thePorte met at home inDCVerJan 1944 
Ottoman Empire, theit meant Porte homeDCVerJan 1944 
moonlight serenadernight solo meandererAwlWrongJan 1944 
moonlight serenader, ahe moans to endear girlAwlWrongDec 1943 
horse billiardssea roll rib dishIScreamJan 1944 
diastolic murmurs, theheart toil drums musicHohoDec 1943 
bronco-busters, thebent horses to curbAwlWrongSep 1943 
sense of humor, aoh, sees fun roamArcanusMar 1949 
Niagara whirlpool, thehip! ho! water roll again!MolemiMar 1949 
comic strips, thesome chit scriptBiffSep 1949 
great outdoors, thegot roads out thereLimorSep 1948 
within earshotthis I won't hear* 64HoodwinkSep 1948 
United Press, thesee third net: UPSChetJul 1948 
Associated Press, thehas editors set space 48HerculesMay 1928 
Associated Press, thePost ties scare headsNMHNov 1928 
tendon of Achillescalf nods into heelEvergreenJul 1948 
storm in a teacupI spout: rant cameEvergreenJul 1948 
Sicilian defense, thea definite chess lineAwlWrongJun 1948 
Sicilian defense, theneed it in a chess fileAwlWrongJun 1948 
coquettish glancecatch ogle in questAwlWrongJun 1948 
cock and bull story, aso buck tall cod yarnEvergreenJun 1948 
San Pedro fishopah's friendsAwlWrongMay 1948 
unmarried woman, thehow men run at, admireHoodwinkMay 1948 
unmarried woman, theterm her a maid unwonAwlWrongFeb 1948 
unmarried woman, therun, man! her aim: to wedAwlWrongNov 1943 
unmarried woman, theheed rumor: I want manAwlWrongFeb 1944 
unmarried woman, ana man-admirer unwonMolemiFeb 1922 
unmarried woman, theO, I'm warm-hearted nunMolemiFeb 1922 
unmarried woman, theharm to remain unwedMolemiFeb 1922 
unmarried woman, theworried? hunt me a manQApr 1920 
eating one's fillline? lo, feastingMacropodApr 1948 
Whistler's Mothersit there, ol' Mrs. Wh.DorseApr 1948 
silent misapprehension, aopines mental grip is hashChetFeb 1948 
crocodile tearsat "colored" criesAwlWrongFeb 1948 
hoist on his own petardhe had, so now rots in pitChetFeb 1948 
fruitless attempt, aestamp "futile start"BlackstoneJan 1948 
newspaper headlines, the else read when it happensAmorNov 1947 
chapter of accidentschance acts profitedBlackstoneNov 1947 
chapter of accidentstrepid [of] chance actsBlackstoneNov 1947 
Mergenthaler linotype, theoh, all printing men get theeChetOct 1947 
Emerald Isle, theall Eire's themedAwlWrongSep 1947 
window seatwe a' sit downHohoSep 1947 
inheritancesIRS: "ha! nice net!"UlkApr 1991 
Ladies' Home Journal, thejust hail her a model oneChetAug 1947 
sovereign contemptmeet top scorn givenLarryAug 1947 
sovereign contemptvoting me no respectLarryAug 1947 
funeral ritesrue final restLarryAug 1947 
funeral ritesinfer last rueLarryAug 1947 
spirits of turpentineI spurt, for pines net itFredDominoAug 1950 
total abstinenceale can not best itFredDominoAug 1950 
electric washing machine gem, which cleans in a trice PlantinaAug 1950 
traveling salesmen, themen have set selling artFredDominoAug 1950 
traveling salesman, theI have art, gents, sell manFredDominoAug 1950 
real estate developments lot sale, men set free; pavedFredDominoJul 1950 
spring housecleaning, thegot shining clean-ups hereFredDominoJul 1950 
delicate situationI caution, I deal testFredDominoJul 1950 
Mephistopheleshelps hot imp, see!FredDominoJun 1950 
beauty shops, theO, she puts by heatPsiJun 1950 
meteoric shower, aO, where comets airFredDominoJun 1950 
mail-order houses, thehits our home dealersFredDominoMay 1950 
featherweight championhit on a champ: wee fighterFredDominoApr 1950 
radio croonersO, records on airSourdoughMar 1950 
Ancient of Days, theah, scan deity oftenLarryMar 1950 
radio performance, therated microphone farePatFeb 1950 
yield up the ghost, toyou doth sleep tightEveroJan 1950 
Christmas stocking, thehose St. Nick crams tightNyphoJan 1950 
motion-picture fansprofit unto cinemasPatDec 1949 
Darkest Africasafari trackedAwlWrongDec 1949 
Darkest Africacites far DakarAwlWrongDec 1949 
with open armswarmth in poseArcanusNov 1949 
big leaguers, thethese argue glibPatristocratNov 1949 
low comedians, theO, dialect showmenPatNov 1949 
American plan hotels, theah, plant meal cost in hereBlackstoneOct 1949 
Mediterranean Sea, theI'm here, end at Near EastBlackstoneOct 1949 
vent one's rage, totone votes angerHoodwinkSep 1949 
fair, fat and fortyart far off daintyNyphoSep 1949 
within earshothow it hits nearHohoAug 1949 
total abstainers, thetheir Satan's a bottleNyphoAug 1949 
Desert of Sahara, thethat's fore'er a HadesNyphoJul 1949 
behind the Iron Curtainhide nation: churn tribeDTectJul 1949 
baseball season, theAl bats: he loses beanDTectJul 1949 
anonymous letters, thethose truly mean notesNyphoJun 1949 
volcanic eruptions, thestir each Plutonic ovenNyphoJun 1949 
Lord Almighty, theme i' thy thrall, GodNyphoMar 1949 
Holy Scripturesso Christly pureNyphoMar 1949 
cyanide of potassiumay, I'm fast poison, DuceFredDominoJan 1952 
bona-fide transactionin fact, not a bad one, sirFredDominoDec 1951 
spreading waistline, ait was slender; I gain, PaFredDominoOct 1951 
close relationship, ait: personal, social, eh?BlackstoneDec 1990 
palpitation of the heart I note pit-a-pat for healthFredDominoAug 1951 
scorpion, theO, hot pincers!NoholdsBardJan 1991 
Budweiserbrew I usedSueDoeJun 1951 
anthracite coal mines, theacclaim neat tons thereinFredDominoMay 1951 
public stenographers, theO, but her gals print speech SueDoeMay 1951 
Boston Tea Party, theboat repast? not theyArchimedesApr 1951 
ladies' bras, thea breast is heldSpreggsApr 1951 
political economists, thehopes lie on cost-limit actFredDominoMar 1951 
political economists, thenice hope: limit costs a lotFredDominoMar 1951 
political economists, thelocate hope in cost limitsFredDominoMar 1951 
second opinion, ais pain? one doc? no!UlkMar 1991 
radio broadcasters, thedared aid boosters' chatFredDominoMar 1951 
college graduates, theah, all cute: got degreesFredDominoFeb 1951 
pleasing personality, aearns tag: plainly poiseFredDominoJan 1951 
counting nosesgot in on censusLarryFeb 1951 
tubercular patients, the put in that able rest cureFredDominoJan 1951 
at dagger's pointdig [at] anger spotFredDominoJan 1951 
registered trademarkdid greet rareMarketsFredDomino Jan 1951
Chesterfield cigarette, aselect trade fag: I cheer itFredDominoDec 1950 
Spearmint chewing gumgent musing "prime chaw"FredDominoDec 1950 
drop in the bucket, athen poured it backFredDominoDec 1950 
postage meters, thegot stamp there, see?FredDominoDec 1950 
armed forces, thedraft comes hereFredDominoNov 1950 
minister of the Gospel, aif lost, is great hope, menFredDominoNov 1950 
minister of the Gospel, ahe's it: sage pilot for menFredDominoNov 1950 
domineering woman, aO, Madame "reining" nowFredDominoApr 1953 
dose of medicine, asome fine idea, DocFredDominoApr 1953 
dishonorable discharge, aoh, soldier ban; ah, disgraceFredDominoApr 1953 
earthenware vesselsthere's real new vasesFredDominoApr 1953 
sentimental melodrama, a alas, lorn maiden met mateFredDominoApr 1953 
insignificant amount, an O, man, it's a financing unitFredDominoMar 1953 
insignificant amount, an as I'm not a financing unit*FredDominoMar 1953 
managera GermanPearson 
griffin, thefine frightPearson 
bloodstained corpsesclots spread on bodiesPatFeb 1953 
suspicious circumstance, aI accuse criminous upcastsPatFeb 1953 
criminal investigator, thehits in calm interrogativePatFeb 1953 
unsubstantiated testimonysuits any statement in doubt PatFeb 1953 
family lawyers, theay, they frame willsPatFeb 1953 
old family retainers, thehoary menials felt tiredPatFeb 1953 
formal arrests, theare halts for termsPatFeb 1953 
arrant nonsenserant: no nearnessPatJan 1953 
international goodwillattain one world: no GI illPatJan 1953 
insurmountable obstacle, thetrouble she cannot sublimatePatJan 1953 
mail-order catalogues, theI deal at home; regular costFredDominoJan 1953 
confessions of faithfine acts shoo off sinFredDominoJan 1953 
insignificant amount, an no, it ain't a financing sumFredDominoOct 1952 
unpardonable sin, thehelp unto a bad sinnerFredDominoOct 1952 
tennis championis no champ in net*ArcanusMay 1952 
tennis championno champ in nets, I*ArcanusMay 1952 
Swedish NightingaleI, Lind, sang high, sweetKatmatJan 1942 
Maid of Orleansa damsel [of] ironArchimedesMay 1952 
Maid of Orleans, thehas led men; fair, tooArchimedesMay 1952 
professional wrestlers, thesee three falls in sports rowFredDominoApr 1952 
American plan hotels, thelo, learn chaps eat in themFredDominoMar 1952 
cardinal virtues, thealive in sacred truthFredDominoFeb 1952 
Acts of the Apostlesteach lost safe spotFredDominoFeb 1952 
everlasting punishmenttrumps in vilest GehennaFredDominoFeb 1952 
Samson and Delilahsin led Manoah's ladYKnottFeb 1952 
Samson and Delilahman's lash, dead lionYKnottFeb 1952 
left hook to the jawhow that KO felt, Joe!YKnottFeb 1952 
ptomaine poisoninggo on, is top pain in meFredDominoJan 1952 
ArmageddonGod, a remand*CornCobApr 1991 
roulette ballslet us bet a rollHohoApr 1954 
roulette ballslet roll beat usHohoApr 1954 
towering rageI grew to angerHohoMar 1954 
amongst friendsrings fond matesPatMar 1954 
mystery of love, thevery holy test [of] meTheGopherMar 1954 
very important person, a overprominent as partyPatFeb 1954 
beyond redemptiondoomed, bent in pyrePatFeb 1954 
ArmageddonGad, no dreamCornCobApr 1991 
white corn whiskywhy we cork this inFredDominoDec 1953 
triumphant processionno, it sure isn'tMarch, Pop*FredDomino Nov 1953
fundamental doctrinesnon-true facts lead mind*FredDominoNov 1953 
sympathetic listenersI pity men's chatter less*FredDominoNov 1953 
old-time saloon, anO, it sold men no ale*FredDominoNov 1953 
fashionable neighborhoodoh, abode, as of highborn lineFredDominoOct 1953 
fundamental doctrinesdamn idle non-true facts*FredDominoOct 1953 
Pullman sleeping cars, thegrant us help in calm sleepNJineerAug 23 IRR 
sympathetic listener, ametes real pity in chatsFredDominoOct 1953 
old-fashioned gentlemanoh, let's find olden-age manFredDominoOct 1953 
threatening gesturethe gent's in true rageFredDominoOct 1953 
threatening gesture, ais the true anger agentFredDominoOct 1953 
within reasonable limits will be in this inmost areaFredDominoOct 1953 
food for wormsform row of sodMolemiSep 1953 
silent city of the dead[the] sad end to felicityMolemiSep 1953 
silent graveeverlastingMolemiSep 1953 
funeral procession, thefares on intoSepulcherMolemi Sep 1953
funeral processions, the corpses' tense final hourMolemiSep 1953 
radio receiving set, agets voice in air, dearFredDominoAug 1953 
mercantile establishment I can sell them best raimentFredDominoAug 1953 
foundation garments, the hunt neat togs for maidenFredDominoJul 1953 
theatrical profession, thei.e. top actors flash thereinAbStruseFeb 1991 
furniture stores, theturn there for suitesFredDominoJul 1953 
grand opera starsang or read partFredDominoJul 1953 
English literatureluring tale is thereFredDominoJul 1953 
double indemnity policy, adie badly lit up; coin money PatJun 1953 
atmospheric disturbance, astorm din can upset air, beachNightowlJun 1975 
industrial relationsI stir all trade unionsPatMay 1953 
television broadcastingscan radio gotten visiblePatApr 1953 
television broadcastingI sit, can't avoid Berle songPatApr 1953 
idle conversations, thehst! voices are indolentPatApr 1953 
play upon wordslo, way puns dropFredDominoMay 1955 
seismic shock, ais cosmic shakeArcanusMay 1955 
great adventure, thetrue end at [the] graveHoodwinkMay 1955 
sparkling emerald, aall-green spark, maidFredDominoMay 1955 
kindergarten school, thegreets no kid scholar then*ArcanusMay 1955 
American beauty rose, theI eye acme treat on a shrubFredDominoMay 1955 
thoroughbred racers, thebet horse card; err, thoughAtlasApr 1955 
dangerous criminal, theso thug ran deal in crimeFredDominoMar 1955 
misleading statement, aattesting man-made liesFredDominoMar 1955 
misleading statement, asame, attesting damn lieFredDominoMar 1955 
cart before the horse, thebother fetter chaos hereTheGopherMar 1955 
unpardonable sin, theI'd help Satan burn oneFredDominoDec 1954 
turn over a new leaf, toleave rut; fear not nowTheGopherNov 1954 
porcelain wares, thewere real china potsBlackstoneNov 1954 
porcelain wares, theor were china platesBlackstoneNov 1954 
till we meet againall I get time anewTheGopherNov 1954 
shirt of Nessus, theshift: sure hotnessBNaturalOct 1954 
not a breath of air[a] fan, or bear it hotTheGopherOct 1954 
picture of health, aoft pale, I ache, hurt*AChemSep 1954 
everlasting punishmentsin given eternal thumpsTheGopherSep 1954 
don't mention itnote: mind [it] notTheGopherAug 1954 
Island of Atlantis, thethat's all in sea to findVikingJul 1954 
premeditated homicide, aO, PM, I dated the crime ideaZordoJul 1954 
bear false witnessfast answer beliesTheGopherJul 1954 
workday routine, thethey OK worn rut ideaZordoJul 1954 
St. Lawrence Seawaywater scene alwaysTheGopherJun 1954 
foundation garment, thename of under-tog in thatVikingJun 1954 
tropical disturbance, theto depict hurricane blastVikingJun 1954 
desperate struggle, alarge "pugs" are testedHohoMay 1954 
plausible storytruly a possibleNumeroMay 1954 
unfinished story, anruns, yet had no finisFredDominoMay 1954 
unfinished story, anshun any end of it, sirFredDominoMay 1954 
sensational storyso, it's no stale yarnFredDominoMay 1954 
Cold War, theworld cheatLWoodApr 1951 54
variation of a themean aria on the motiveHohoMay 1954 
whole shooting-match, theheh! come show total thingSueDoeApr 1954 
abysmal ignorancecons banal imageryPatApr 1954 
under considerationintroduced in reasonPatApr 1954 
shanghaied sailor, theis a tar held on high seaFredDominoMay 1956 
Yellowstone National Parkone walks on late pony trailFredDominoApr 1956 
breathe vengeance, tothe act be on a revengeTheGopherApr 1956 
clean as a whistlewe hail neat classTheGopherApr 1956 
Ford automobiles, theO, had best mile of tourFredDominoApr 1956 
Ford automobile, theoh, I oft made troubleHerculesJul 1925 
championship match, achamp, tho, is main chapFredDominoMar 1956 
watch your step'cept shout "wary!"OsapleFeb 1956 
girl in every port, aI err, gyp tar [in] loveFlukeFeb 1956 
grim determinationO, men tried main gritFredDominoFeb 1956 
favorable impression, ainsofar proves amiableFredDominoFeb 1956 
neighborhood gossipbosh! rig phonies goodFredDominoFeb 1956 
Valentine poempen mate in loveHoodwinkFeb 1955 
Valentine poetrynet a lover in typeHoodwinkFeb 1955 
foreign aidI, a friend, goArcanusJan 1956 
friendly salutation, theit's a nifty "hello" and trueFredDominoJan 1956 
Christian religion, thehero in it is clean, rightFredDominoMay 1956 
plain dishonestyit's in phony dealsFredDominoJan 1956 
professional wrestler, thesee terror win fall:he's topsFredDominoDec 1955 
heavyweight championoh, me? vain weighty chapFredDominoDec 1955 
bantamweight championI bat, wham chap: get in monFredDominoDec 1955 
younger generationno gin your teenagerTheGopherNov 1955 
domestic relations court met, tied; soon trial occurs DeeGeeNov 1955 
die has been cast, thehath case, it needs beTheGopherNov 1955 
forest primeval, thelive trees form pathDeeGeeNov 1955 
it's all Greek to megee, talker, I'm lostWabbitDec 1990 
expectant father, anah! extent Pa can fretTheGopherOct 1955 
perilous undertakingI link up to sure dangerAChemOct 1955 
perilous undertakings, thesure plunge into death riskAChemOct 1955 
illusion of grandeur, thefound alluring theoriesCaptainToSep 1955 
silver-tongued oratorsO, give dress to oral turnFredDominoJul 1955 
seething caldronno scalding there*HoodwinkAug 1955 
in the lap of Morpheushi! port [of] human sleepHoodwinkAug 1955 
Boy Scouts of America, theacme youth force is boastFredDominoJun 1955 
Boy Scouts of America, theO, is a best Mecca for youthFredDominoJun 1955 
American Legion, themen I cheer gain a lotFredDominoJun 1955 
anything for a laughoh, ha! flaunt gay grinAmorJun 1955 
misspent youth, athis pays men outHohoJun 1955 
Republican Party, thebrainy pact true helpFredDominoJun 1955 
Democratic Party, thethey rated comic partFredDominoJun 1955 
gonerilone girlMolemiMay 1958 
barefaced lie, thehe related ace fibPacificoApr 1958 
irrelevant testimony"tons" met in every trialEekMar 1958 
devil to pay, thetype: th' evil adoBNaturalMar 1958 
bedridden patient, ad--- pain treated in bedFredDominoMar 1958 
North Americaan heroic MartEvergreenMar 1958 
secret negotiationstreats incognito, see?FredDominoFeb 1958 
deliberate plagiarismimplied a rare, big stealFredDominoFeb 1958 
broadcasting networksdo bring new star acts OKFredDominoFeb 1958 
burglar's tools, therush! let's grab lootHohoJan 1958 
amusing story, anO, a yarn must singNumeroJan 1958 
china teapots, thecha tops at theineHohoDec 1957 
china teapots, theah, hot; it can steepPacificoJul 1957 
Night Before Christmas, thehm..is heart-throb gift sceneDeeGeeDec 1957 
Night Before Christmas, theit's hearth-born gift schemeDeeGeeDec 1957 
total depravitya dotty evil partHoodwinkOct 1957 
month ofAugust, thehot sun fought at meOsaple Oct 1957
Western hospitalityhostility swept near*EvergreenSep 1957 
overflow with gratitudeI vow it: grateful the wordHoodwinkJul 1957 
old swimming hole, theO, men's whilom delightDeeGeeJun 1957 
anonymous letter, ansurly note: not a nameArcanusMay 1957 
Mephistophelesthe people hiss 'mDeeGeeApr 1957 
set of false teeth, alet's eat offa theseJemandaJan 1957 
white-collar criminaltrial? aw, no cell (I'm rich)RuthlessAug 1990 
high-fidelity recordshi! for yer disc delightMrsEvDec 1956 
complimentary note, theairy comment tone helptArcanusNov 1956 
corner groceries, theget corn, cherries, roeFredDominoNov 1956 
furniture store, thesure of trust in thereFredDominoNov 1956 
Rhodes Scholar, ahad rare schoolsFredDominoSep 1956 
Stradivarius violin, aI also turn vivid ariasFredDominoSep 1956 
mechanical engineercan reline GE machineFredDominoSep 1956 
adding insult to injuryoral d--- unjust indignityBNaturalAug 1956 
Secretary of Stateyo, steer craft East!ElUqsorAug 1956 
saying their prayerssirs, they are prayingBooJeeKayAug 1956 
Mother Earthth' terra homeBNaturalJul 1956 
high pressure salesmanshipmere harpings push his salesJun 1956 
very important person, arate my parents VIP, or no?Jun 1956 
shrouded in mysteryherein's muddy storyTheGopherMay 1956 
Boy Scouts, theyouth's best Co. 20SpicaSep 1917 
leap-year proposalApropos: early pleaBNaturalMay 1956 
tailor-made clothingideal tog charm in lotFredDominoApr 1960 
bachelor of arts degree, aso, for able grade teacherFredDominoApr 1960 
French-fried potatoesnote: for a perfect dishFredDominoApr 1960 
salt and pepper seasoningpleasing sapor set pannedBNaturalApr 1960 
rowel spurs, thewe splurt horsePacificoMar 1960 
seashore vacationerhates a rain o'er covesFlukeMar 1960 
general electionsselect one in largeTheGinkJan 1960 
heartiest congratulationsI can hear lots true toastingFredDominoDec 1959 
contagious diseases, theI said: O so these can get usFredDominoOct 1959 
beer and skittlesbe tales et drinksFredDominoOct 1959 
beyond one's depthdeep end: shot on byArtyEssSep 1959 
dental cavities, theI land it: teeth cavesArcanusAug 1959 
dentist's chair, thethis th' seat, Dr.? nice*AChemJun 1959 
convulsed with laughterhi! watch stern, dull vogue*AChemJun 1959 
Spanish Main, thesham Spain I, thenTheGinkMar 1959 
decimal system, themeet my set: has D,C,L,IHohoFeb 1959 
dramatic production, aaim: do "drop curtain" actFredDominoJan 1959 
April shower, anpshaw! rain roleBNaturalJan 1959 
spend money like water, totry, keep wanted simoleonHoodwinkJan 1959 
Democrats and Republicanscandor: parties, clubs namedBNaturalJan 1959 
substantial profitattains bit for "plus"FredDominoJan 1959 
public stenographera girl pens pure botch*BNaturalDec 1958 
public stenographer, aprocures alphabetingBNaturalDec 1958 
cinema stars, thethere's main castFredDominoDec 1958 
rising generation, theheirs getting in on eraFredDominoDec 1958 
poisonous serpent, aasp on our step is oneFredDominoDec 1958 
fish or cut baitO, curb this fiatBNaturalNov 1958 
remodeled house, aO, used home redealDhumbbBhelleNov 1958 
despicable character, thebet chap sheer liar, cad, etc.AChemOct 1958 
Alcoholics AnonymousO, cool yon lush maniacsHohoOct 1958 
silent prayerre sin, try pleaHoodwinkSep 1958 
tangible assetsstate a blessingHoodwinkSep 1958 
one for the roadthen door o' fearLowEbbSep 1958 
twice-told talestell two as citedMidurndistAug 1958 
voluntary enlistmentto Lt., USNR: let me in NavyDhumbbBhelleAug 1958 
hang by a thread, toah! boy danger, thatTheGopherJun 1958 
unmitigated liars, theidealist in truth game*AChemJun 1958 
penny slot machine, aman pays cent in holeBooJeeKayJun 1958 
good cigar, thecheroot: I'd gag*VikingJul 1962 
corrugated iron, theor tin created roughVikingJul 1962 
optical instruments, the I'm at lens to inspect thruVikingJul 1962 
industrial giant, thetitan, I, thru dealingsAChemJul 1962 
station identificationit is oft a net indicationTheGopherJun 1962 
total abstainers, thethese not lit (as at bar)VikingMay 1962 
knights of oldking's hot foldVikingMay 1962 
letter of challenge, the he'll then get foe cartelVikingMay 1962 
wholesale destructionsweltered in holocaustVikingMay 1962 
Congressional Record, thesolons reign, charter codeBNaturalMar 1962 
irreparable loss, ana real slip, so barrenBNaturalMar 1962 
economic pressuresupreme coercionsTheGopherFeb 1962 
wreak one's vengeancenow can seek a revengeTheGopherFeb 1962 
spare the roddo strap hereTheGopherFeb 1962 
stringed instrument, arags sentiment, durn itBNaturalDec 1961 
stringed instrument, anets grim tuned strainBNaturalDec 1961 
stringed instrument, astrum in din range testBNaturalDec 1961 
flowering shrub, aflora: grew in bushBNaturalNov 1961 
adventurous life, anis a road, uneventful*AChemOct 1961 
adventurous life, anfear daunt us? no! live!AChemOct 1961 
angel food cakesgoons lack a feedHohoSep 1961 
elderly dowagerere old lady grewHohoSep 1961 
European plan hotelsone helps out real napFredDominoAug 1961 
European plan hotels, theto help us nap on late hereFredDominoApr 1956 
European plan hotels, thenote: help us nap a lot hereFredDominoApr 1956 
metric measureMarm, cue, I: stereTheGinkJul 1961 
innocent amusementcute men meant no sinFredDominoDec 1960 
goody two-shoes, theoh God - too sweet, shyWabbitFeb 1991 
ravenous appetiteproven I eat up eatsFredDominoDec 1960 
apple polishers, thepolite phrase helpsHohoDec 1960 
honest man, thenot shame, thenHoodwinkAug 1960 
fair trade agreementsframe rates, deter gainFredDominoOct 1960 
legitimate dramasa limited stage armFredDominoOct 1960 
play the foolhope at follyTheGopherAug 1957 
under restraintturn in: arrestedTheGopherAug 1957 
alienated affectionsa fiance lost in defeatBNaturalJul 1960 
grim determinationO, read grit imminentBNaturalJun 1960 
fundamental doctrinesmind lone and true factsFredDominoJun 1960 
formidable antagonistI do so fear battling manFredDominoJun 1960 
Dorothy Perkinspink rose thy rodMolemiJun 1960 
on and offdoff anonPacificoMar 1960 
slapstick comedies, thepies cast sho' tickled meVikingApr 1965 
postprandial speechesrepast done, chaps spielMULaterApr 1965 
strenuous exerciseexertions secure usTheGopherMar 1965 
hospital caretop aches lairTheGopherMar 1965 
Irish Free Stateshift rates "Eire"TheGopherDec 1964 
wellestablished proceduredecrees will hold up, are bestFredDominoNov 1964 
dramatic productions, theO, true, did charm in top actsFredDominoNov 1964 
November elections, theI, voter: let men be chosenMissileCNov 1964 
professional wrestler, theno sport left where I rassle VikingSep 1964 
orbiting satellite, angain stellar bit, I noteMissileCSep 1964 
gambler, thehm - large betCornCobMar 1991 
sewer system, themessy stew thereVikingJul 1964 
United Nations, theone diet U Thant's inVikingMar 1967 
United NationsI stand: one unitFredDominoOct 1951 
United Nationsstated in unionNeophyteJul 1976 
United Nations, thestated union, thineIxaxarMay 1980 
League of Nations, theah, late foes get unionFINanceJun 1919 
League of Nations, theto get safe hale unionRemardoJan 1920 
League of Nations, thefusion: late hate goneAmaranthMay 1920 
New Year's resolutionsno list, no rue. Swear? Yes! EljackDec 1990 
birds and bees, thebirths seen, bedad!VikingApr 1964 
bottle of vinegarlove [of] being tartZerOFeb 1964 
main attractions, thea star into act in themHohoFeb 1964 
self-serviceMarket, aisMart: save clerk fee AChem
dampen one's spirits, tosore disappointmentsAChemJan 1964 
behind the eight ballhell! it be bad thing, eh?FredDominoOct 1963 
Mayflower, thewary, left homeSibylSep 1963 
in Nature's garbbare, grin at sunHoodwinkJun 1963 
general chairmanman in real chargeMolemiJun 1963 
rancid odor, aO darn! O acrid!LarryMay 1963 
kneehigh to a grasshopperOK,gape,grin: he's heap shortAChemFeb 1963 
bringing in the sheavesbeing [in] harvest sing, eh? VikingFeb 1963 
general chairmanline: arch-managerMolemiJan 1963 
act of selfdestruction, ancan end curst life too fastVikingDec 1962 
rheumatic pains, theaches hurt Pa in timeVikingNov 1962 
retirement benefitsit's better in free menLarryNov 1962 
stream pollutionmen spoil trout, AlKayOct 1962 
Bell Telephone System, themeet plenty "hello" behestsTheGopherSep 1962 
ice cream parlorscalories per cramPaul&Virgin+Aug 1962 
grim determinationgrit? man, I tire demonWinonaAug 1962 
baronial mansionanon, I'm a nob's lairHohoMay 1968 
good to the last drophot "gold" tasted poor*OedipusFeb 1968 
oceanside resort, thesite created on shoreVikingMar 1970 
like two peas in a podknow apposite idealBNaturalDec 1967 
boisterous laughterhe lets us out big roarFredDominoDec 1967 
trampled underfootarmed "left" trod uponBafulDec 1967 
man of distinction, thehim? is not noted, in fact*BafulNov 1967 
Vietnamese War, thewhere vet met AsianVikingSep 1967 
nothing at alla long "nil", thatVikingAug 1967 
railroad engineers, theones here "dig" real trainVikingAug 1967 
Egyptian pyramidspity any aged prismZerOJul 1967 
drifting snow, thefond winter sightMULaterJul 1967 
sweltering heatthe winter gales*AChemJul 1967 
indoor swimming pools, theI? I'm sloshing wet room pondAChemMay 1967 
play hide and seek, totake heed: an old "I spy"VikingApr 1967 
wipe the slate cleancleanse plate whiteHohoMar 1967 
pacifist demonstrations, themotif:peace stand hints riotsUncleRebusMar 1967 
same old routine, thesee "to hold me in a rut"VikingFeb 1967 
California gold rush, thehail lodes for such ratingBafulJan 1967 
honest livelihood, anlo, I hath no evils doneFredDominoJan 1967 
coming generation, theergo, change it into menFredDominoJan 1967 
Popeye the Sailor Mana pip! meet an "Oyl's" heroVikingDec 1966 
strong variable windsand blow is traversingVikingNov 1966 
television newscast, the is in late show events, etc. AChemOct 1966 
King LearRegan ilkVikingSep 1966 
evil inspirationto a rip in vile sinHohoAug 1966 
political cartoonistsartist is on local topicMissileCJun 1966 
foolish ladiesi.e., oafish dollsVikingApr 1966 
roast turkeytry our steak*OedipusFeb 1966 
Appalachian Mountains, thethus at alpine chain on a mapVikingJan 1966 
intestinal fortitudein result: defiant to itBNaturalDec 1965 
stretch one's imaginationnotion: create thing amissBNaturalDec 1965 
Florida tangerinereal orange: find itVikingAug 1965 
lumber industryduly runs timberVikingAug 1965 
Salvation Army, themy, are valiant hostTheGopherApr 1965 
Salvation Army, theholy trait: save manSiOct 1939 
Salvation Army, theha! storm at any evilNecroMAncerNov 86 Mys 
Salvation Army, thesave many that roilEveningStarFeb 9 89St 
Salvation Army, theO halt!May avert sinBarnabyMcCl+ Oct26 90Pa
Salvation Army, thehail! try to save manNewmanNoggsDec10 96My 
Salvation Army, thethy late Savior, manSammySmugDec 1898 
Salvation Armies, themartial noise savethLordBaltimo+Jan30 98Or 
militant feminists"anti" fists limit menTheGinkSep 1971 
porcelain wares, thereal china: we're topsVikingJun 1971 
aeroplanists, thesail past on etherHerculesJul 1939 
countrifiednessone's end if rusticPacificoAug 1954 
skinny as a lathlank, says [a] hintVikingDec 1970 
mongrel pup, areal pom 'n' pug*AChemDec 1970 
Prince of Devils, theevil force in depthsTheGinkOct 1970 
Arctic Regionstragic ice, S or NVikingSep 1970 
Arctic Circle, thechart ice circletCincinnatusJan 1932 
Arctic Regions, theice tract rose nighAwlWrongJun 1937 
inflationary prices, the rich raise in pay not feltVikingAug 1970 
political candidates, the'tis indicated at each pollVikingJul 1970 
political candidates, theI, and capital, do elect thisVikingJul 1970 
Southern gentleman, ahe mauls Negro tenant?VikingJun 1970 
blundering idiot, adarn it! I bungle, I doAChemApr 1970 
blundering idiot, aI? I ain't odd bungler*AChemApr 1970 
perpetual motion machinesI'm cheap unreal no-stop itemVikingJan 1970 
tropical paradise, theretire? ah, a placid spotAChemDec 1969 
pounds sterling, theon pert English "dust"VikingNov 1969 
pounds sterling, theEnglish spotted runVikingNov 1969 
pound sterling, adrain 'pon US "gelt"VikingJun 1968 
safety beltleft by seatLarrySep 1969 
televisionI live on setAbStruseFeb 1991 
Lost Dutchman Mine, themuch net tons metal hidMissileCSep 1969 
oral communication, theoh, articulate in commonAChemSep 1969 
give oneself airs, toego over-inflates? si!AChemAug 1969 
give oneself airs, tovisage, nose loftierAChemApr 1946 
give oneself airs, toor egoist feels vainAChemApr 1946 
beauty unadorneda nature-nude bodyMolemiOct 1915 
Minority Leader, themerit head Tory lineHohoMar 1969 
Speaker of the Househe spoke for thee, USACLOserMar 1917 
raised platformterm for dais, palVikingFeb 1969 
poetic licensepolite scienceOedipusFeb 1969 
cut-glass chandeliersclassic lustre hangedVikingDec 1968 
Peruvian Andes, thei.e., d--n vast puna hereVikingDec 1968 
cyanide of potassium, thepoison acts: i.e., fumy deathVikingOct 1968 
military uniformsI limn suit for armyVikingSep 1968 
power of observation, theview! note! both are proofsAChemJun 1968 
meat shortageget roast? ah, me!TutFeb 1974 
dilatory scholar, theI try hard: late, schoolHoodwinkFeb 1949 
Aberdeen Proving Groundbang! poor gun never driedAcornOct 1973 
finance commissionam on in fisc incomesHohoOct 1973 
diametrically oppositeO, lo! depict a similar type*AChemSep 1973 
victorious candidatesaccord is in vote's auditTutJul 1973 
Watergate affair, thethat "ear at wire" gaffeNightowlJun 1978 
thoracic aorta, theO, I act arch to heartHohoApr 1973 
Green Mountain Boys, the NE men go in hearty boutsNightowlApr 1973 
Alcoholics Anonymousno saloons (hic!) calm youAcornFeb 1973 
blood, sweat, and tearson war, state bald doseHapFeb 1973 
alcoholic beveragesbeer, ale go vocal "hics"BlackstoneFeb 1973 
no thoroughfareah, go further, O, [no]AmaranthDec 1924 
epicurean feastsup, eat nice fareNightowlOct 1972 
purse stringsstern grips, usAnnDhowJul 1972 
Island of Hawaii, theI'd hail a soft wahineVikingJul 1972 
artificial reefs, thei.e., fish left a car tireVikingJul 1972 
secret cypher, acrypt case hereVikingJul 1972 
upholstered sofa, anon a seat of red plushAChemJul 1972 
Beatles, thethese bleat 72LyrradNov 68 WW
Lone Ranger and Tonto, thethen art red one not along?Sigmasexspr+Jun 1972 
Batman and Robinbam! no bandit ranSigmasexspr+Jun 1972 
Tower of Londonone old fort now 72LyrradNov 68 WW
April shower, anhow rain pearlsNightowlApr 1972 
soapbox orator, theatop, a boor exhortsLarryApr 1972 
Internal Revenue Service e'en I save in clever return AcornApr 1972 
Internal Revenus Service e'en reveals vice in returnVolarJul 1977 
radio time signal, thei.e., I'm a trite long dashVikingFeb 1972 
football bowl gamesflag wobbles to loamHapJan 1971 
waste not, want notwent as ant wont toDendaiDixJan 1971 
steeped in iniquityI tip: ye need quit sinAChemSep 1971 
steeped in iniquityye [in] sin quite tepid*KingSlyJul 1937 
crystal chandelierstyle: rich and clearTutDec 1975 
Mephisto Waltz, theme hep to what Lizst?TutDec 1975 
Archbishop of Canterbury nabob of church, its prayerMangieDec 1975 
Mormon Tabernacle Choir, thetinhorn chorale:mere mob act*HapOct 1975 
hot water spigot, thegreet this H-two-O tapVikingOct 1975 
stringed instrument, the strum it, then sing tenderAChemOct 1975 
Battleship Arizonashot at a blazin' pierKamelAug 1975 
prison term, aO, I'm stern "rap"LarryApr 1976 
Russian Bear, theas bruin, he ratesKamelJul 1975 
desperate criminala periled miscreantMerlinJul 1975 
adolescent yearsso clear: "teen-days"NightowlJul 1975 
penny postal, aonly sent PapaTutAug 1975 
Shakespeare's tragediesspeakers share stage, dieKamelJun 1975 
television weather reportthe pro to review rain, sleetNightowlMay 1975 
television newsit's now seen liveTutMay 1975 
television set, ato see, listen viaTutMay 1975 
bad nightmarehit-bang dreamHapMay 1975 
live on borrowed time, tot' rob vile worm o' one diet SakrElBahrApr 1975 
all systems gomy gasless lot*HapMar 1975 
on borrowed timewe're in tomb doorGraydolFeb 1975 
beer tavern, abar: tea? neverLarryFeb 1975 
salt-free dietif tasted, leerAcornDec 1974 
in the red, to beinto debt hereMerlinNov 1974 
sentenced to prisoncon's sent [to] dire penVikingOct 1974 
pornographic moviesprim rave pics? oh, go on!NightowlSep 1974 
confidential materialI am fare in CIA: don't tellNightowlOct 1974 
Sherlock Holmesheh! smells crookPeteRoleumAug 1974 
misspent youth, aI, my past one thusTutAug 1974 
college graduatecult goal: a degreeTutJun 1974 
Postmaster Generalre: stamp agent's roleFrostERomanMar 1974 
American Revolution, the in violent hour came tearNightowlFeb 1974 
American Revolution, the arm! unite! oh, violent race!NightowlFeb 1974 
Valentine's Daylady is an eventTutFeb 1974 
zero Fahrenheitah, I freeze northWillzMay 1977 
zero Fahrenheitah, froze thereinMolemiJan 1 07AP 
zero FahrenheitI unfroze the earHohoJul 1952 
Book of Revelation, thebit o' forelook t' heavenLi'lGaminApr 1977 
Simon LegreeNegro, 'e smile*AcornApr 1977 
never on Sundayunnerved? say "no"MangieApr 1977 
harbinger of spring, the robin: gaper, fresh thing!NightowlApr 1977 
bed of coalssofa be cold*IrishMar 1977 
fasten your seat beltstruss neatly to be safeTutMar 1977 
Appomattox Courthouseax came, put to poor SouthMangieMar 1977 
Bell Telephone Companybonny theme: call peopleNightowlMar 1977 
Hero and Leanderno land here, dearMangieJan 1977 
warmth of heartheat, wrath formBlackstoneJan 1977 
Pulitzerult. prizeNightowlDec 1976 
hospital ambulancepain at home? call busNeophyteDec 1976 
hospital ambulance, thea cab, I hustle to help manAmaranthNov 1912 
Knights of the Round Tablethou'd rebel, fight: no tanksBrutusNov 1976 
Knights of the Round Tablebold hearts fought in KentAmaranthOct20 01EO 
college dormitorieslet girls room: i.e., coedNightowlOct 1976 
tincture of iodineo' fine tint, I do cureOakOct 1976 
Loch Ness Monster, thesh! Scot element (horns?)AcornSep 1976 
younger generation, theO, then grin, you teenagerAChemAug 1976 
Democrats, themost here at D.C.TutJul 1976 
House of Representatives these, our finest, rave, poseMangieJul 1976 
Supreme Court, thecure South temperFaroMay 1971 
Supreme Court, thecome, trust up hereEnavlicmMay 1931 
Supreme Court, theprosecute thru meMysteryJun 1920 
Sermon on the Mount[on] some truth on menLi'lGaminMar 1977 
UnitedStates SupremeCourtpure trusted men sit to causeMeoDec 1976 
Sault SainteMarie canalsallMarine sites at Can-USANightowl Jun 1976
genealogical researchclan relics here (age ago)NightowlMay 1976 
Samson and Delilah[and] a lass led him onMangieFeb 1976 
Democrats and Republicanspartisan clubs race odd menMerlinFeb 1976 
case of the gout, aO, ug! fat toe achesBlackstoneOct 1979 
case of indigestionI got inside cafe, sonFredDominoJan 1952 
dawn's early light, thewhen's daylight? laterHapOct 1979 
atomic blastI, last combatAbStruseOct 1979 
vitamin capsulesvim pales? can suitAmberSep 1979 
Wimbledon tournamentsbum name to tennis world*HartKingSep 1979 
gasoline shortagesa-going? so let's shareBrutusAug 1979 
ostrich featherit's cheer for hatAbStruseJul 1979 
potassium cyanide poison mass potion you can sip: die!KamelJun 1979 
parting of the Red Seasee fair path God rentLi'lGaminMar 1979 
pediatric nursesrinse cuts, diaperBronwynMar 1979 
set of threadsO, the fat dressAcornJan 1979 
David and Goliathha! lad void'd giantVolarDec 1978 
Bayeux Tapestry, thea busy art text, eh? yepNightowlAug 1978 
New York Citykey town, I cryVolarJul 1978 
Delphian Oracle, theI do rap Hellene chatNightowlJul 1978 
Emerald Isle, anlam! see IrelandTravvJun 1978 
obscene phone call, anloc'l bane (anon. speech)VolarJun 1978 
interest-free loanit's real no-fee rentRabbitMar 1978 
mighty hunter, aaim thy gun, eh, T.R.?NightowlMar 1978 
Arabian Desertsand tribe areaMonaLisaFeb 1978 
Boston Strangler, thegrabs, throttles none*HardricFeb 1978 
editor emeritusI'm ousted, retireMangieJan 1978 
Boston Tea Party, theso, better than to payMeoNov 1977 
southern climateshot suns: Crete, LimaNightowlNov 1977 
tainted womanI am not wantedIrishOct 1977 
peppermint stick icecreamme? pink recipe: Arctic tempsNightowlOct 1977 
Old Man Rivera Mr. R lived onRandomWalkOct 1977 
ship Titanic, thehasn't hit ice tip*SenorOct 1977 
Titanic disaster, theiciest death transitAbStruseApr 1985 
Falstafffat laffsBodolphAug 1977 
theater audiencesattend "Hair", see cueNightowlSep 1977 
Theseus and Ariadnean aid ensues: threadMangieJul 1977 
sour mashso rum has?*HapJul 1977 
Hindenburg, thething burned, eh?VolarJun 1977 
marriageable daughtergirl: get'er a beau, Ma; hardAtlanticDec 1981 
marriageable daughterbut I heard, a rare gal (gem)AtlanticDec 1981 
pleasure resort, theso put real rest hereAbStruseOct 1981 
surgical operations, the their goals? to cure painsAbStruseOct 1981 
as the crow flieshow far? cite lessSquirrelJul 1981 
bite your tongueyou utter gibe? no!SquirrelJun 1981 
all-night restaurants, thehalt latest hunger strainMerlinMay 1981 
State of Israel, theI rest at last, eh, foe?FlashMar 1981 
professional bowler, the he fears one split or blowMerlinMar 1981 
Equal Rights Amendment, thesquare thing t'deal them, menCloverMar 1981 
King Arthur's Round Tablela, our truer knights' bandAbStruseFeb 1981 
Saratoga Springsgrass sport, againFlashJan 1981 
satisfaction guaranteedif not as stated, I can argueSquirrelDec 1980 
lady manicurist, theheard it "cut my nails"AbStruseOct 1980 
Sinbad the Sailorhe isn't solid ArabAbStruseSep 1980 
in broad daylightah, do bit daringlyAcornSep 1980 
Sinbad the Sailorthis Arab son liedVikingMar 1934 
pair of eyeglasses, theI got help: sees far easyAbStruseAug 1980 
New Madrid fault, thefret it: land "wham" due?NightowlFeb 1991 
roller-skating disco, thee.g., this rotor dance skill AnemoneJun 1980 
federal penitentiaryten-year rap in it: 'e fledEosJun 1980 
photographic studiesgad, shoot hip picturesNightowlJun 1980 
alimony paymentmy, am I on penaltyAbStruseApr 1980 
modern timesI'm some trendLeeFranceApr 1980 
clean as a whistle[a] "wash it all" sceneSquirrelApr 1980 
clean as a whistlewe hail neat classTheGopherApr 1956 
giant redwood forest, thehi-toned trees do grow fatNightowlApr 1980 
volcanic eruption, atopic: cone, lava, ruinAbStruseMar 1980 
open hunting season, the ah, these: none point guns*BrutusJan 1980 
dynamite explosionsI extol, map noisy endsTutDec 1979 
Christmastidecash midst riteEljackDec 1990 
herpes zoster case, thehe sez "sores that creep"AjaxNov 1979 
horse pistol, theshoot this! repel!NoholdsBardMay 1990 
other woman, the"no, two her" met ..ah..JoTheLoiter+May 1990 
at loggerheads, to beoh, glad [to] agree best*WabbitMay 1990 
prime-time televisionviolent tripe, I (Emmies!)RuthlessNov 1990 
discreetnessI send secrets*OstrichMay 1990 
loitererre: toiler*TravvMay 1990 
In the red, to beinto debt hereMerlinNov 1974 
closemouthedso cold, mute, eh?TravvJun 1990 
Caribbean cruisecure: i.e., cabins, barRuthlessJun 1990 
white-collar workerswho? clerk, also writerRuthlessJun 1990 
tourists, thehit st. routesUlkJun 1990 
player piano rolls, the"note" pap'r: all holey, sir UlkJun 1990 
wild bergamot, themight brew old teaNoholdsBardJun 1990 
Popeye the Sailor Manhm...a loony tar (see pipe)NightowlJun 1990 
obscenity, anNB: nice to say*UlkJun 1990 
go steady, toso y' got dateBlackstoneMar 1983 
gone awrywrong? yeaDoubleHMar 1983 
beware the Ides ofMarch feh! Rome bit, hew'd CaesarTweaserMar 1983 
Los Angeles Times, the"smog lane's" lite sheetFamulusFeb 1983 
astrological chart, anor a chic natal star logCalicohFeb 1983 
New York Times, thethey remit news OKAbStruseJan 1983 
misspellingssingels, simplDeaconNov 1990 
Alexander's Ragtime Band a Berlin extra Dad sang meFamulusDec 1982 
snooze alarmsalas, no more ZsAtlanticDec 1982 
coming apart at the seamspanic? shot? get a rest Ma'amSquirrelNov 1982 
amateur theatricsI rate act true hamsAmigoNov 1982 
thoroughbred racesrough horse-bet cardHartKingOct 1982 
corn-husking, ashuck grain? no!LarryOct 1982 
cigaret smoker, theO, gee, match strikerAbStruseMar 1982 
dances on nothingcon sinned: to hangAtlanticSep 1982 
drug habit, thebad tug hitherAbStruseJul 1982 
Long Island Railroad, thetrain ride shall go on, ladAbStruseJul 1982 
college graduatedegree! clout! gala!MoogieJun 1982 
college graduate, adegree actual goalAbStruseFeb 1982 
one-night stands, thehits and then gets onHardricJun 1982 
hydrogen sulfide gasdread shiny foul eggsNewrowJun 1982 
mentally disturbedbarmy lid unsettledAbStruseMay 1982 
fireworks display, theI'd prefer a sky-lit showAbStruseApr 1982 
cup of chocolate, a[of] cue: lap th' cocoaBlackstoneFeb 1982 
hit-and-run accident, thehi, hunt car dented in actAbStruseJan 1982 
cigaret fiendfie! tragic endMolemiJul 1972 
King Arthur's Round Tableknight rule turns a boardNoholdsBardFeb 1990 
El Doradolode roadOstrichFeb 1990 
Hawaiian Islands, theah! lanai; sand is whiteRuthlessJan 1990 
Better Homes and Gardens mag: the neat borders, densKapryKornDec 1989 
get the show on the road go,eh? do't,eh? start now,eh?TweaserOct 1989 
strike pay dirt, to"Dirk, Patty! it's ore!"TweaserSep 1989 
Kentucky Fried Chickencute chef, ick-k-k-y dinnerRuthlessSep 1989 
Jersey shore, thesheer joys thereJaeltiAug 1989 
speed limit signlisting impedesOstrichJun 1989 
speed limit sign, thei.e., I'd set MPH listingSphinxOct 1985 
kangaroo's pouch, thea sack: go hop unto herTeZirManFeb 1989 
Sistine Chapelthe place sin is*WagstaffFeb 1989 
South Africanoh, acts unfair!AbStruseJan 1989 
Sick Man of Europe, thefie on Turk home spaceBlackstoneNov 1988 
Frito-LayI fry a lotTweaserAug 1988 
Persian Gulf, thelet ship fear gunTeZirManJun 1988 
Arabian Desert, theheat, bare sand tireNoholdsBardMay 1988 
thong bikinisbig hint: O, skin!TeZirManNov 1990 
Monte Carlomoola cent'rRuthlessMay 1988 
British peoplebelt Pope, IrishBlackstoneApr 1988 
Granite State, thetest: area, NH...get it?TeZirManApr 1988 
drug addiction, ago add acid...in rutTeZirManJun 1987 
Yale Universityaye, Eli turns ivyAbStruseMay 1987 
Yale Universityyes, real Ivy unitTweaserJan 1986 
Orpheus and Eurydiceyou'd rescued her? pain!NoholdsBardApr 1987 
Sixteenth Amendmentmen mind the net taxesTweaserApr 1987 
Eighteenth Amendment, theheed theme anent "tight" men VikingMar 1932 
Eighteenth Amendment, theend thee [the] tight men;amenHoodwinkJun 1933 
Shea StadiumI had METS, USATeZirManJan 1987 
chess tournament, thehunt mates, then scoreAbStruseDec 1986 
Las Vegas slot machinecheats me o' all savingsWindjammerOct 1986 
computer dating service, theget ever-chic printout dames UlkSep 1986 
presidential veto, aVIP leader: "no!" I stateNot Dated 
New YorkMarathon, theha! know many trot herePhizz Sep 1986
Attica Prisonit is a con trapTeZirManAug 1986 
Rheingoldoh, led "Ring"HuduJul 1986 
federal prison, thepenal site for herdSphinxJul 1985 
Ivy League, theYale U., e.g., viethRuthlessJan 1986 
organ lessonslearn songs soHuduJan 1986 
Anheuser-Buschshun such a beer*CornCobJan 1986 
Anheuser-Buschcans us beer, huh?TweaserApr 1984 
believe it or notbe [it] overt lie? noAbStruseDec 1985 
Tower of Babel, theoft a wobble thereHuduOct 1985 
gold digger, thegirl hedged, "got!"NightowlSep 1985 
Congressional Record, theor, e.g., senators chronicledNightowlMay 1985 
Washington Post, theah, spotting hot newsNoholdsBardJul 1989 
telephone billsO, I sent Bell helpAbStruseMar 1985 
Hershey chocolate bar, a re: best cocoa layer (ahhh!)NightowlFeb 1985 
used-car salesman, thean ace hustler: sedansTweaserJan 1985 
used-car dealer, thehad rare, cute EdselTweaserJan 1985 
diseased mind, aI send mad ideasSphinxJan 1985 
strike out the sideI use three K's t' do itAtlanticJan 1985 
gambling casino, thehi! con gaming tablesAbStruseNov 1984 
budget deficitbig cut defied 'tGeckoNov 1984 
point of no return, thenon-profit route thenAbStruseOct 1984 
oldest profession, thelo, she does net profitsAbStruseAug 1984 
Olympic Gamesmisc.: go play 'emTeZirManAug 1984 
stays of execution, theshot yet? no, a fit excuseAtlanticApr 1984 
Stanford Universitystudy! strive for an "in"RuthlessApr 1984 
Kraft macaroni and cheeseheat for a nicer Edam snackLizaWheelerFeb 1984 
Polly wants a crackercaw, parrot, yell "snack!"ArachneFeb 1984 
professional teama sport nom (i.e., Leafs)FamulusNov 1983 
Popeye the Sailorhappier to see OylFamulusOct 1983 
political influenceI elect if I can on "pull"DCVerJul 1933 
North Pole icecapno tropic place, eh?AbStruseMar 1990 
endangered speciesgreen spaces end! die!RuthlessMar 1990 
chilled to the bonebe hell-hot, not iced*WabbitMar 1990 
Southern Californiaoh, la! fine tours in carDiehlMWrightAug 1926 
Southern Californialo, can raise fruit, honDiehlMWrightAug 1926 
Southern CaliforniaI lose on a fruit ranchAmaranthSep 1926 
domesticated animaldocile, as man tamed itRoscoeJul 1926 
domesticated animalsI code: list as man-tamedTheGinkAug 1959 
domesticated animalsstoic ladies tamed manTheGinkAug 1959 
domesticated animalstamed man is also citedTheGinkAug 1959 
domesticated animalmean colt, tamed, is aidFredDominoDec 1960 
domesticated animalam staid, docile 'n' tameFamulusOct 1983 
domesticated animalI am lean-sided tomcatMoonshineMay 1926 
deputy coronerstend your corpseAmaranthJun 1926 
fisherman's luckhe lacks rum finsRemardoMar 1926 
spider and the fly, thehis net held daft preyMoonshineMay 1926 
Pekinese dog, theone "Peke" sightedHerculesMay 1926 
Mason and Dixon's Lineon Dixie's no-man's-landMolemiAug 1925 
lunatic asylumum! Cally is a nutRayleRhoderMay 1925 
partial paymentI let man pay partEllsworthMay 1925 
singing lessonssing, sing, no lessEllsworthJun 1925 
Smoky City, thechoky mist yetEnavlicmApr 1925 
step on the gasgoes past thenSpicaNov 1924 
Bottomless Pit, thehottest step: limboGeminiDec 1924 
Unknown Soldier, theunlisted: knew honorAmaranthDec 1924 
healing art, thegreat in healthGiGanticAug 1924 
broadcasting station, thethen radio gabs, not staticDCVerFeb 1933 
broadcasting stationsstatic on board at singsSourPussJun 1938 
broadcasting station, astab at acting on radiosFredDominoJul 1951 
broadcasting station, atab sad act to sing on airFredDominoJul 1951 
broadcasting stations, thebest at things cast on radioFredDominoJul 1951 
boradcasting stations, thebest things on at radiocastFredDominoJul 1951 
four acesa force, usTheGopherSep 1924 
theater passspareth seatAmaranthApr 1924 
Ladies' Home Journal, theoh Ma! I'll read just one,eh?AmorApr 1924 
Little Red Riding Hoodtitled "girl in [red hood]"EmJayMay 1924 
guerrilla warfare, theah, fleet irregular warTheGopherJan 1924 
income tax returnsextra coin met runsAtlasJun 1923 
income tax returnsexacts more in turnAtlasJun 1923 
income tax return, theto net I rue nextMarchPatristocratJan 1942 
Cleopatra's Needleerected panel alsoEmJaySep 1923 
perpetual motionme propel auto? nitRemardoNov 1922 
penal servituderude slave pen, itRemardoOct 1928 
dog's life, aO, dig fleasCastetSep 1928 
weather predictionsraw description, theeTyPWrightMay 1928 
nature fakersare freaks, nutGeminiJun 1928 
carotid artery, theto carry heart tideJimBillJun 1928 
Delmarva peninsulaaMarvel'us pinelandBleHenChick Aug 1928
Venetian gondoliersride in lagoon eventsHerculesJan 1928 
Luray Caverns, thethy rural scene, Va.RemardoFeb 19228 
witches' caldron, theha! con eldritch stewAmaranthOct 1927 
bonds of matrimony, theit be most fond harmonyAmaranthOct 1927 
acute indigestioncausing diet, I noteAmaranthOct 1927 
clandestine Marriages, thematings are held in a secretTryemAllJul 1927 
ocean steamship, anhas me on sea; can tipOShawJul 1927 
interiorDecoratingO, creating order in itGrandmother Aug 1927
piece de resistancea nice dessert [piece]MoonshineAug 1927 
athletic stadiumsmust aid athleticsNJineerAug 1927 
Sir Galahadas had a girl*CaptainToJul 1927 
sense of humor, theoh, there's some funAmaranthJun 1927 
traffic policeman, thethen tip a calm officerMoonshineJun 1927 
traffic policeman, theI ram, flit, then face copDorseAug 1931 
traffic policeman, aofficer, capital manMolemiDec 1965 
appendicitis operationO, pain in side at top price YKnottJun 1927 
appendicitis operationsa pain doctor nips:I tip,see?BamMar 1928 
coast of Labrador, thelo, a bad shore to craftAmaranthJun 1927 
good man[man] o' GodYKnottMar 1927 
radio announcer, theDon, hear enunciatorDiehlMWrightApr 1927 
radio announcerscan resound on airArcanusFeb 1949 
mentally deficientI tally defect in menPearlieGlenJan 1927 
seaside resorts, theset resides at shoreGeminiFeb 1927 
sentence of death, afaces one at the endQJan 1927 
Volstead law, thehad all wet votes*LarryFeb 1927 
pinch of snuffpunch [of] sniffGrandmotherSep 1926 
bridge whistthis bid grewRalphOct 1926 
corset brassiereI e'er cross breastPaxNov 1926 
polite societyO, it's elite copyFredDominoFeb 1956 
capital punishmentcuttin' penal mishapLarryMay 1931 
Oedipus complex, anclue: do in Pop. "Sex, Ma?"TrazomMar 1991 
breach of promise suit, achoose frame-up bait, sirFredDominoNov 1955 
breach of promise suitit causes probe for himBNaturalApr 1960 
breach of promise suit, aO, it pries cash from beauVikingJun 1931 
submarine torpedoesour seaport mine bedsVikingJun 1931 
hot-air furnaces, thechant "our fires heat"LeipApr 1931 
horseback ridingrode brisk; achingEnavlicmApr 1931 
defamation of characterdamn each act fer fair, tooEmmoWApr 1931 
practical jokerscajolers trick PaSkyLightApr 1931 
ugly customer, ancert: man slug youEvergreenApr 1931 
watery gravere: wet vagarySakrElBahrApr 1931 
Walls of Jericho, thefall heroic Jew hostDCVerOct 1933 
Washington Monumentmen mount, saw nothing* 31BeauNedApr 1929 
front rows, therents of worthEnavlicmFeb 1931 
artistic temperament, the'tis a phrenetic matter metEnavlicmFeb 1931 
Desert of Sahara, thehot, shade trees afarHerculesMar 1931 
radio broadcast, theheard actors do a bitAmaranthDec 1930 
Yellowstone Parklean Wyo. elks' portDamonomadJan 1931 
general debilityreally, I get in bedAmaranthDec 1930 
sine loco et annono location seenArcanusSep 1930 
Penitential Psalms, the"sin state, help me" plaintWrongFontMar 1930 
family doctor, thei.e., that for my coldWrongFontMar 1930 
Wailing Wall of JerusalemJews if leal lag, mourn, wailArcanusNov 1929 
nether regionsgoners thereinSpreggsJan 1930 
Hero and LeanderO, landed near herEmmoWAug 1929 
Desert of Sahara, thehot as sad hereafterSuSanApr 1929 
instrumental musicin calm tunes I strumGeminiJun 1929 
Daylight Saving Timeay, timing saved lightRexAsinorumNov 1928 
big-game hunters, thehuh! meet tigers: bang!NickNov 1928 
Westminster Abbeybe 'way best minsterSuSanDec 1928 
auction bridge gamesI gage aces, bid no trum'BNaturalSep 1928 
toboggan slidegot a big sled onFrancolinMar 1916 
toboggan slidesgo at on big sledsNyphoFeb 1913 
total abstainerssit not at ale barsJamaicaAug20 05NP 
total abstainer, theabler than a tite sotVikingApr 1937 
total abstinencea bottle instanceNecroMAncerApr 88 OMC 
total abstainer, theI ban sot, hate latterVikingApr 1937 
trial balance sheetsable test in real cashMyselfJul13 02NP 
trolley ridetired, ye rollRemardoFeb 1918 
war correspondents, theto render hot scrap newsPeanutsDec 1898 
Washington Monumentgiant mount shown menRexFordApr 1914 
Washington Monumentmen saw 't mount on highROChesterDec 1898 
Washington Monument, the oh, what stunning mementoAmaranthMar 25 IRR 
weather forecasts, thewatch! see a frost thereRalphDec15 06AP 
Western Unionno wire unsent 31LeDareFeb 1922 
Westminster Abbeybest wise men art byKeePonJul18 13BI 
widow's mite, thehow wee it 'midstFransFolksAug 1 02AP 
winter seasonI rant "see snow"MusicusDec30 05NP 
winter season, thethere is neat snowQNov 3 11Co 
Yale lockO, call keyFrancolinAug 1915 
Yosemite Valleyyes, a lovely timeNelsonianSep 87 ODP 
Yosemite Valley'tis lovely, aye me!IcicleDec 1898 
Yosemite Valley, theay, it seemeth lovelyPOStageDec 1898 
apple-pie orderproper [pie] dealBeauNedDec 1931 
pain in the neck, aache knit [in] napeVikingOct 1931 
senileDecayyes, aDecline Amaranth
financial depression, thea dire intense flop in cashVikingJul 1931 
financial depressionfriends lose in a panicParadoxJun 1931 
bathing girlsin slight garbDorseAug 1931 
steam radiator, thea torrid heat tamesDorseAug 1931 
police station, thea cop: he's let into itADandySep 1931 
glacial period, thetrail a gelid epochGrandmotherSep 1931 
glacial period, theO, ice-grip; all deathArcanusJan 1957 
His Master's Voiceas "Victor" sees himDCVerJul 1931 
His Master's Voiceoh, seems it is RCA V.AtlanticJul 1981 
shredded wheat biscuitI ate, but did chew shredsFrancolinJan 1915 
Sinbad the Sailorin his broad talesWilkinsMica+Mar 1 79PB 
Sinbad the Sailorthis a sad lie bornROChesterMay 90 Me
Sindbad the Sailorthis bad liar's doneErnestOct 7 03Co 
Spanish Armada, theah, Spain's death-ramAmaranthJun30 01EO 
special deliveryrides lively paceQuiViveNov 1912 
Spencerian shorthand, thepen raceth: shorten in dashFrancolinAug 1915 
spirits of the deadthis is [of] departedEdWardJun 1915 
spiritualist seancea spectral issue in itAmaranthNov 1912 
spiritual seancessir, I can see St. PaulEnavlicmSep 08 NP 
spring weatherwet, in her graspArtyEssSep 1959 
Star of Bethlehemhalts before themJimCRackAug 88 ODP 
Star of Bethlehemblest the far homeAmaranthDec15 11Co 
Star of Bethlehem, thebest health from theeHumbugJan 98 HC 
Stone Mountain MemoriallO, is oneMartial monumentHiKerr Oct 25 IRR
submarine torpedo boat, theI run bombs to operate death RemardoJul 1915 
submarine torpedo boats'tis a bomb troop under seaArcanusFeb20 07Co 
summer vacation, thea time to charm VenusSphinxAug15 99Co 
summer vacation, theI'm vacant house termRemardoOct 1917 
summer vacations, thevacant home; I sum restArcanusJul 7 11Co 
surgical operationorgan or a pile is cutDCVerMar 1931 
surgical operationO, act arousing perilZenithMar15 07AP 
surgical operationI lap sore organ; I cutXiphiasMar15 07AP 
surgical operationcut! lop! I raise groanMolemiMar15 07AP 
surgical operationI cure last pain, or goHyacinthMar15 07AP 
surgical operation, aarouse! I clip at organEnavlicmMar15 07AP 
surgical operation, aO, cartilaginous pareDewMar15 07AP 
surgical operation, apain or gore: alas, I cutRAreMar15 07AP 
surgical operationgracious pilot nearZenithApr 1 07AP 
surgical operationis too-regular panicZenithApr 1 07AP 
surgical operationO, piratical surgeonZenithApr 1 07AP 
surgical operation, apoor cure against ailTranzaOct 1 07AP 
surgical operation, alo, cut os, repair againEssEllNot Dated 
surgical operationsO, lacerations grip usComradeMar 1 07AP 
surgical operationsperilous acts; I groanPhilOct 1 07AP 
surgical operationscure ails or stop gainFredDominoMay 09 AP 
survival of the fittestevolve thus: fit at firstESCrowNov 1911 
telephone girl, arepeating "hello" 13AlecSanderJan27 06TT 
telephone girls, the"hello" pets ring theeJasonFeb 3 00AP 
telephone linessee "hello" pent inAmaranthSep 1 01EO 
theological seminariesso these claim a religionArcanusMay24 94My 
radio receiving setI get dances over airNankiPooNov 1926 
radical reformrare mad frolic1821 FarmA 
reform spellingI'm for n.g. spellerAfterAllSep15 06AP 
rainy weatherI ran watery, eh?RemardoDec 1927 
rings of Saturn, theO, hunt star fringesAmaranthJan13 11Co 
road to ruin, theO, death run riotIniscarraJan23 07NP 
Robinson Crusoeson, boon cruiserSamSlickNov 1912 
Rock of Gibraltar, thelick harbor-gate fortDCVerAug11 00Pe 
Rock of Gibraltar, thea right able [rock] fortMarsMay 1933 
Rock of Gibraltar, thecrag fort like bar to h---DCVerOct 1934 
Saint Lawrence Rivernice silver water ranTraddlesApr 87 LP 
Saharan Desert, thethere's th' sand areaAmaranthJan13 11Co 
Saint Valentine's Daysent t' any vain ladiesGeminiDec 1898 
sample copyope my claspNankiPooSep22 87Ms 
Sargasso Seaas [sea] o' grassOREgonSep 9 99AP 
Sargasso Sea, theas a sheet o' grassMCSAug 1921 
Santiago de Cubaa Cuban dago siteArtyFishelDec 1898 
Saturday Evening Post, theserves anything up-to-dateAmaranthDec 1910 
Saturday Evening Post, theread up, gents,it's not heavyMinnieMumApr 1924 
Saturday Evening Post, thestory haven set in ad get-up ChetAug 1947 
Saturday Evening Post, theit's page event on ThursdaySkyLightFeb 1931 
tummyachemy! ate much?WabbitMar 1991 
say it with flowersso we flirt this wayWESternAug 1921 
say it with flowersso flit 'way, withersCSawApr 1928 
say it with flowerswhite florist's wayOrionApr 1930 
scavenger's daughter, thecrusher gave gents deathHerculesSep 1924 
sensational literaturetales not true in a serialSphinxMar15 94St 
set of harnessfastens horseAmaranthJan13 13Co 
seafood restauranta fan orders eats outNightowlMar 1972 
seafood restaurantand a trout fee soarsNightowlMar 1972 
seafood restaurantso order a tuna feastNightowlMar 1972 
shoe-shining parlor, aare rash on polishingQDec 1911 
shoe-shining parlors, thethrong share in polishesOrionSep 1924 
shoe-shining parlor, the no rash polishing thereMoonshineMay 1927 
narrow escapesnow reap scaresAmaranthJun 1916 
New Jerusalem, thea Jew rules me thenEnglandMay12 83GD 
new potatoeswe set a pot onMCSJul 4 11Co 
Niagara Falls, theah, a large fast linBolisDec 1898 
no holds barredor bolder handsAbStruseNov 1988 
nigger in the woodpile, aNegro with pine log ideaAwlWrongNov 1943 
nigger in the woodpile, awide log heap Negro in itAwlWrongJan 1944 
nigger in the woodpile, alodging, were I an EthiopHerculesMar 1931 
nigger in the woodpile, alo, sit: Negro in wide heapCaptainToJul 1930 
Mount Sinaiis mountainAmaranthAug 1930 
Damon and Pythiastip Amos 'n' Andy hadLewZirnAug 1930 
Old Father Timemold their fateJamaicaOct23 97MA 
ordained minister, anI ranted "admire no sin"AmaranthMar 25 IRR 
Oriental races, thelo! nice Tatars hereAtlantisOct 1924 
ostrich feather, anah, nice for hattersRalphDec15 06AP 
paint store, thee'er at tint shopJasonMay13 99GD 
palpitation of the heartO, I hear that felon pit-patESCrowFeb24 11Co 
Panama Canal, thea man clean a pathONEOneMay11 07NP 
Paris fashions, thein shape of hats, sirAmaranthAug 1913 
Pharos of Alexandria, thea fit halo adorns her apexFransFolksNov27 03EO 
plantation melodiestoned in a simple altoAmaranthOct 1910 
pocket handkerchiefoft reach'd pink cheekNot Dated 
political platformslimit fools' claptrapSkeezixJan15 96Or 
policyholderslo, sir, held copyRalphFeb25 10Co 
professional gamblerreaps blame for losingGiGanticOct15 08AP 
prosecuting attorney, thenote he gets party in courtAtlantisJun 1911 
presidential electionsee political din enterMerlinDec 1972 
presidential electionsee inane poll direct itMerlinDec 1972 
presidential electionneed I poll certainties?MerlinDec 1972 
presidential electionpolicies' intent: leaderTutDec 1972 
presidential electionseen ere political dintTutDec 1972 
presidential electionelder politician tensePeteRoleumDec 1972 
presidential electionentire political needsFunDec 1972 
presidential electioncites top leader in lineMerlinDec 1972 
presidential electionparties do elect in lineMerlinDec 1972 
presidential electioni.e., elect top sire in landMerlinDec 1972 
presidential electioni.e., political trend seenMerowlDec 1972 
presidential electionend tense political ireNightowlDec 1972 
counterfeit moneyoft entice: ye mournRoscoeJan 1917 
Messiahis 'e sham?AbStruseFeb 1938