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misc:taxonomy_of_wordplay [NPL Wiki]

Taxonomy of Wordplay

By Chris Cole

This file contains some of the content used in the Chris Cole's Wordplay. It is on the Puzzlers's website at the suggestion and with the permission of the author.

Wordplay by Chris Cole, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, New York 1999, 191 pages. Introduction by Will Shortz. ISBN 08069-17970


  1. Spelling
    1. Letter Patterns
      1. Entire Word
      2. Subset of Word
    2. Letter Counts
      1. Lipograms (words missing particular letters)
    3. Letter Choices
      1. Vowels
      2. Consonants
      3. Vowel and Consonant Patterns
      4. Isograms
      5. Letter Appearance
      6. Typewriter
    4. Puzzle
      1. Morse Code
      2. Miscellaneous
    5. Letter Order
      1. Alphabetical
      2. Frequency
    6. transposal
      1. longest transposal
      2. transposal, well-mixed, longest
      3. transposal list, longest
      4. transposal list, highest ratio count / length
      5. transposal list, quality
      6. nearly complete transposal list, longest
      7. transubstitution, well-mixed, longest
    7. Deletions
      1. transdeletion, longest
      2. transdeletion, well-mixed, longest
      3. baltimore transdeletion, longest
      4. progressive transdeletion, longest
      5. no transaddition, shortest
      6. shiftgram, longest
      7. letters play
      8. isomorph, well-mixed, longest
      9. no matching isomorph, shortest
    8. Isodeletions
      1. isodeletion, longest
      2. isodeletion, well-mixed, longest
      3. progressive isodeletion, longest
    9. Letter Banks
      1. letter bank list, longest
      2. letter bank unique, longest
      3. letter bank is word, longest
      4. letter bank transposes to word, longest
      5. letter bank ratio longest word to shortest, highest
      6. letter deletion, longest
      7. letter deletion, well-mixed, longest
      8. progressive letter deletion, longest
    10. Letter Sums
      1. well-mixed matching letter sum, longest
      2. no matching letter sum, shortest
      3. well-mixed matching letter product, longest
      4. no matching letter product, shortest
    11. Consonants
      1. consonym, longest
      2. consonym list, longest
      3. consonym, well-mixed, longest
      4. consonant-vowel pattern, longest
      5. consonant deletion, longest
      6. well-mixed consonant deletion, longest
      7. progressive consonant deletion, longest
    12. Vowels
      1. no matching vowel pattern, shortest
      2. vowel deletion, longest
      3. vowel deletion, well-mixed, longest
      4. progressive vowel deletion, longest
    13. Morse Codes
      1. matching morse code, well-mixed, longest
      2. matching morse code, well-mixed, longest code
      3. matching morse code list, longest
      4. matching morse code list, highest ratio count / length
      5. reversed morse code, longest
      6. morse code, longest code
      7. iskot, longest
      8. iskot, longest code
    14. Isotel words (Phone keypads)
      1. isotel, well-mixed, longest
      2. isotel, disjoint, longest
      3. matching digital words, well-mixed, longest
      4. reversed digital words, longest
      5. digital transposal set, longest
      6. digital transposal set, longest all words of different lengths
    15. Miscellaneous
      1. matching sumword sum, highest ratio
      2. shiftword, longest
      3. multishiftword, longest
      4. multishiftword, most
      5. arithmetic shiftword, longest
      6. shiftword reversal, longest
      7. rot-13, longest
      8. rot-13 reversal, longest
      9. typewriter shiftword single, longest
      10. typewriter shiftword double, longest
      11. multiplicative shiftword, longest
      12. onalosi, longest
      13. isolano, shortest
    16. Letter Changes
      1. full vowel substitution, longest
      2. full extended vowel substitution, longest
      3. full extended vowel substitution, shortest
      4. consecutive letter substitution, most
      5. consecutive letter substitution, longest
      6. rotated, longest
    17. Head-to-Tail Shifts
      1. non-trivial head-to-tail shift, longest
      2. double head-to-tail shift, longest
      3. triple head-to-tail shift, longest
      4. quadruple head-to-tail shift, longest
      5. quintuple head-to-tail shift, longest
      6. letter shift, longest
      7. metathesis, longest
      8. swap ends, longest
      9. non-tautonym swap non-word strings, longest
      10. reversal, longest
      11. inside-out, longest
      12. changeover, longest
      13. backswitch, longest
      14. switchback, longest
      15. deletion, non-trivial, longest
      16. interior double deletion, longest
      17. progressive deletion, longest
      18. beheadment, longest
      19. double beheadment, longest
      20. progressive beheadment, longest
      21. progressive double beheadment, longest
      22. curtailment, non-trivial, longest
      23. double curtailment, longest
      24. progressive curtail, longest
      25. progressive double curtail, longest
      26. terminal deletion, longest
      27. progressive terminal deletion, longest
      28. dismembered, longest
      29. alternating deletion, longest
      30. repeated letter deletion, longest
      31. letter subtraction, longest
      32. progressive letter subtraction, longest
      33. delete-reverse, longest
      34. progressive delete-reverse, longest
      35. charitable, longest
      36. progressive charitable, longest
      37. hydration, longest
      38. hospitable, longest
      39. charitable and hospitable, longest
      40. stingy, shortest
      41. hostile, shortest
      42. hostile and stingy, shortest
      43. lowercase upside down, longest
      44. uppercase upside down, longest
      45. length 3 linkade, longest
      46. length 4 linkade, longest
      47. length 5 linkade, longest
      48. snowball, longest
      49. reverse snowball, longest
      50. alternade, longest
      51. reversed word deletion, longest
      52. two-way progressive word deletion, longest
      53. three-way progressive word deletion, longest
      54. four-way progressive word deletion, longest
      55. five-way progressive word deletion, longest
      56. balanced compound word, longest
      57. word torture, longest
      58. sliding subwords, longest
      59. anti-word torture, longest
      60. no subwords, longest
      61. square word, longest
      62. logogram, highest ratio
      63. bi-logogram, highest ratio
      64. embedded pronouns, highest ratio
      65. bi-embedded pronouns, highest ratio
      66. embedded anagrammed pronouns, highest ratio
      67. sum pair, longest
      68. progressive sum pair, longest
      69. difference pair, longest
      70. progressive difference pair, longest
      71. puzzle -ate -ition
      72. puzzle -ess -es, shortest
      73. puzzle -ess -es, longest


Letter Patterns

Entire Word

  • longest word common words: counterrevolutionaries, electroencephalography (22-t)
  • longest word uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
  • longest palindrome common words: rotator, deified (7-t)
  • longest palindrome uncommon word: tattarrattat (12)
  • longest beginning with a palindrome common word: anna (4)
  • longest beginning with a palindrome uncommon word: adinida (7)
  • longest beginning with a palindrome hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9)
  • longest beginning with b palindrome common word: boob (4)
  • longest beginning with c palindrome common word: civic (5)
  • longest beginning with d palindrome common word: deified (7)
  • longest beginning with e palindrome common words: eye, eve, ere, ewe (3-t)
  • longest beginning with e palindrome uncommon word: eleele (6)
  • longest beginning with f palindrome common word: f (1)
  • longest beginning with f palindrome uncommon word: finnif (6)
  • longest beginning with g palindrome common words: gig, gag (3-t)
  • longest beginning with g palindrome uncommon word: goog (4)
  • longest beginning with g palindrome phrase: gipsy's pig (9)
  • longest beginning with h palindrome common words: huh, hah (3-t)
  • longest beginning with h palindrome uncommon words: hadedah, hagigah, halalah (7-t)
  • longest beginning with i palindrome common word: i (1)
  • longest beginning with i palindrome uncommon words: imami, igigi (5-t)
  • longest beginning with j palindrome common word: j (1)
  • longest beginning with k palindrome common word: kayak (5)
  • longest beginning with k palindrome uncommon word: kinnikinnik (11)
  • longest beginning with l palindrome common word: level (5)
  • longest beginning with m palindrome common words: madam, minim (5-t)
  • longest beginning with m palindrome uncommon word: malayalam (9)
  • longest beginning with n palindrome common word: noon (4)
  • longest beginning with n palindrome uncommon word: nauruan (7)
  • longest beginning with o palindrome common word: o (1)
  • longest beginning with o palindrome uncommon words: otto, oppo, osso (4-t)
  • longest beginning with o palindrome phrase: Ogopogo (7)
  • longest beginning with p palindrome common words: poop, peep (4-t)
  • longest beginning with p palindrome uncommon word: peeweep (7)
  • longest beginning with p palindrome hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (9)
  • longest beginning with q palindrome common word: q (1)
  • longest beginning with q palindrome uncommon word: qazaq (5)
  • longest beginning with r palindrome common word: rotator (7)
  • longest beginning with r palindrome uncommon word: rotavator (9)
  • longest beginning with s palindrome common words: stats, sexes, solos, sagas (5-t)
  • longest beginning with s palindrome uncommon word: shaddahs (8)
  • longest beginning with s palindrome phrase: stent nets (9)
  • longest beginning with t palindrome common word: tenet (5)
  • longest beginning with t palindrome uncommon word: tattarrattat (12)
  • longest beginning with u palindrome common word: u (1)
  • longest beginning with u palindrome uncommon word: ululu (5)
  • longest beginning with v palindrome common word: v (1)
  • longest beginning with v palindrome uncommon word: vav (3)
  • longest beginning with w palindrome common word: wow (3)
  • longest beginning with w palindrome hyphenated word: wow-wow (6)
  • longest beginning with x palindrome common word: x (1)
  • longest beginning with x palindrome uncommon word: xx (2)
  • longest beginning with y palindrome common word: y (1)
  • longest beginning with y palindrome uncommon word: yaray (5)
  • longest beginning with z palindrome common word: z (1)
  • longest beginning with z palindrome uncommon words: zuz, ziz (3-t)
  • longest with middle a palindrome common word: rotator (7)
  • longest with middle a palindrome hyphenated word: tat-tat-tat (9)
  • longest with middle b palindrome common word: b (1)
  • longest with middle b palindrome uncommon word: sawbwas (7)
  • longest with middle c palindrome common word: c (1)
  • longest with middle c palindrome uncommon words: soccos, succus (6-t)
  • longest with middle d palindrome common word: redder (6)
  • longest with middle d palindrome uncommon word: shaddahs (8)
  • longest with middle d palindrome hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9)
  • longest with middle e palindrome common words: sees, deed, peep (4-t)
  • longest with middle e palindrome uncommon words: racecar, hadedah, sememes (7-t)
  • longest with middle f palindrome common word: deified (7)
  • longest with middle g palindrome common word: sagas (5)
  • longest with middle g palindrome uncommon word: degged (6)
  • longest with middle h palindrome common word: aha (3)
  • longest with middle i palindrome common words: did, gig, bib, sis, tit, pip (3-t)
  • longest with middle i palindrome uncommon words: reviver, hagigah (7-t)
  • longest with middle i palindrome hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (9)
  • longest with middle j palindrome common word: j (1)
  • longest with middle j palindrome uncommon word: kajak (5)
  • longest with middle k palindrome common word: k (1)
  • longest with middle k palindrome uncommon word: kinnikinnik (11)
  • longest with middle l palindrome common word: solos (5)
  • longest with middle l palindrome uncommon word: sooloos (7)
  • longest with middle m palindrome common word: m (1)
  • longest with middle m palindrome uncommon word: sammas (6)
  • longest with middle n palindrome common words: tenet, minim (5-t)
  • longest with middle n palindrome uncommon word: adinida (7)
  • longest with middle o palindrome common words: noon, poop, boob, toot, kook (4-t)
  • longest with middle o palindrome uncommon word: devoved (7)
  • longest with middle p palindrome common word: p (1)
  • longest with middle p palindrome uncommon word: tippit (6)
  • longest with middle p palindrome phrase: Ogopogo (7)
  • longest with middle q palindrome common word: q (1)
  • longest with middle q palindrome uncommon word: qq (2)
  • longest with middle r palindrome common word: ere (3)
  • longest with middle r palindrome uncommon word: tattarrattat (12)
  • longest with middle s palindrome common word: ss (2)
  • longest with middle s palindrome uncommon word: seesees (7)
  • longest with middle t palindrome common word: rotor (5)
  • longest with middle t palindrome uncommon word: seities (7)
  • longest with middle t palindrome phrase: stent nets (9)
  • longest with middle u palindrome common words: huh, nun, tut, pup, mum, dud (3-t)
  • longest with middle u palindrome uncommon words: ululu, alula, ... and 2 others (5-t)
  • longest with middle v palindrome common words: level, civic (5-t)
  • longest with middle v palindrome uncommon word: rotavator (9)
  • longest with middle w palindrome common word: ewe (3)
  • longest with middle w palindrome uncommon word: peeweep (7)
  • longest with middle x palindrome common word: sexes (5)
  • longest with middle y palindrome common word: kayak (5)
  • longest with middle y palindrome uncommon word: malayalam (9)
  • longest with middle z palindrome common word: z (1)
  • longest with middle z palindrome uncommon words: kazak, qazaq (5-t)
  • longest tautonym common word: hotshots (8)
  • longest tautonym uncommon words: chiquichiqui, tangantangan (12-t)
  • longest tautonym hyphenated words: bumpety-bumpety, bumpity-bumpity (14-t)
  • longest tautonym phrase: per second per second (18)
  • longest beginning with a tautonym uncommon words: atlatl, akeake, anaana (6-t)
  • longest beginning with a tautonym hyphenated word: agar-agar (8)
  • longest beginning with a tautonym hyphenated word: alang-alang, ... and 2 others (10)
  • longest beginning with b tautonym common word: bulbul (6)
  • longest beginning with b tautonym uncommon words: bellabella, bunyabunya (10-t)
  • longest beginning with b tautonym hyphenated words: bumpety-bumpety, bumpity-bumpity (14-t)
  • longest beginning with c tautonym common word: chichi (6)
  • longest beginning with c tautonym uncommon word: chiquichiqui (12)
  • longest beginning with d tautonym common word: dodo (4)
  • longest beginning with d tautonym uncommon word: dividivi (8)
  • longest beginning with d tautonym hyphenated word: devil-devil (10)
  • longest beginning with e tautonym uncommon word: eleele (6)
  • longest beginning with f tautonym uncommon word: froufrou (8)
  • longest beginning with f tautonym hyphenated word: fifty-fifty (10)
  • longest beginning with g tautonym common word: gaga (4)
  • longest beginning with g tautonym uncommon words: ganggang, greegree, ... and 2 others (8-t)
  • longest beginning with g tautonym hyphenated word: goody-goody (10)
  • longest beginning with h tautonym common word: hotshots (8)
  • longest beginning with h tautonym hyphenated words: housey-housey, housie-housie (12-t)
  • longest beginning with i tautonym uncommon word: ipilipil (8)
  • longest beginning with i tautonym hyphenated word: ilang-ilang (10)
  • longest beginning with j tautonym uncommon word: jigjig (6)
  • longest beginning with k tautonym common word: kaka (4)
  • longest beginning with k tautonym uncommon words: khuskhus, kukukuku, ... and 6 others (8-t)
  • longest beginning with l tautonym uncommon words: lapulapu, lavalava, lomilomi (8-t)
  • longest beginning with l tautonym hyphenated word: links-links (10)
  • longest beginning with m tautonym common word: murmur (6)
  • longest beginning with m tautonym uncommon words: mahimahi, makomako, ... and 2 others (8-t)
  • longest beginning with n tautonym uncommon word: nagnag (6)
  • longest beginning with n tautonym hyphenated word: never-never, ... and 4 others (10)
  • longest beginning with o tautonym uncommon word: oo (2)
  • longest beginning with o tautonym hyphenated word: onga-onga (8)
  • longest beginning with p tautonym common word: pawpaw (6)
  • longest beginning with p tautonym uncommon words: palapala, pioupiou, ... and 2 others (8-t)
  • longest beginning with p tautonym hyphenated word: pretty-pretty (12)
  • longest beginning with p tautonym phrase: per second per second (18)
  • longest beginning with q tautonym uncommon word: quinaquina (10)
  • longest beginning with r tautonym uncommon words: riroriro, rewarewa (8-t)
  • longest beginning with s tautonym common word: ss (2)
  • longest beginning with s tautonym uncommon word: sweeswee (8)
  • longest beginning with s tautonym hyphenated word: softly-softly (12)
  • longest beginning with t tautonym common words: tartar, testes, tsetse (6-t)
  • longest beginning with t tautonym uncommon word: tangantangan (12)
  • longest beginning with u tautonym uncommon word: ulaula (6)
  • longest beginning with v tautonym uncommon words: valval, verver (6-t)
  • longest beginning with w tautonym uncommon word: wallawalla (10)
  • longest beginning with x tautonym uncommon word: xx (2)
  • longest beginning with y tautonym uncommon word: yariyari (8)
  • longest beginning with y tautonym hyphenated word: yabber-yabber (12)
  • longest beginning with z tautonym uncommon word: zoozoo (6)
  • longest beginning with z tautonym hyphenated word: zero-zero (8)
  • longest head 'n' tail common words: quelque, hotshot (7-t)
  • longest head 'n' tail uncommon words: einsteins, galengale, ... and 8 others (9-t)
  • longest head 'n' tail hyphenated words: eensie-weensie, convexo-convex (13-t)
  • longest head 'n' tail phrase: gentleman's gentleman (19)
  • longest beginning with a head 'n' tail common word: algal (5)
  • longest beginning with a head 'n' tail hyphenated word: artsy-fartsy, ... and 2 others (11)
  • longest beginning with b head 'n' tail common words: bob, bib (3-t)
  • longest beginning with b head 'n' tail uncommon word: belibel (7)
  • longest beginning with b head 'n' tail phrase: biblia abiblia (13)
  • longest beginning with c head 'n' tail common word: c (1)
  • longest beginning with c head 'n' tail uncommon word: calycal (7)
  • longest beginning with c head 'n' tail hyphenated word: convexo-convex (13)
  • longest beginning with d head 'n' tail common words: did, dad, dud (3-t)
  • longest beginning with d head 'n' tail uncommon words: derider, dvandva (7-t)
  • longest beginning with e head 'n' tail common words: edged, estes (5-t)
  • longest beginning with e head 'n' tail uncommon word: einsteins (9)
  • longest beginning with e head 'n' tail hyphenated word: eensie-weensie (13)
  • longest beginning with f head 'n' tail common word: f (1)
  • longest beginning with f head 'n' tail uncommon word: felafel (7)
  • longest beginning with g head 'n' tail common words: gig, gag (3-t)
  • longest beginning with g head 'n' tail uncommon word: galengale (9)
  • longest beginning with g head 'n' tail phrase: gentleman's gentleman (19)
  • longest beginning with h head 'n' tail common word: hotshot (7)
  • longest beginning with i head 'n' tail common word: i (1)
  • longest beginning with i head 'n' tail uncommon words: ingoing, ingling (7-t)
  • longest beginning with i head 'n' tail hyphenated words: itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy (9-t)
  • longest beginning with j head 'n' tail common word: j (1)
  • longest beginning with j head 'n' tail uncommon word: jigajig (7)
  • longest beginning with j head 'n' tail phrase: justices' justice (15)
  • longest beginning with k head 'n' tail common word: k (1)
  • longest beginning with k head 'n' tail uncommon word: khalkha (7)
  • longest beginning with l head 'n' tail common word: l (1)
  • longest beginning with l head 'n' tail uncommon words: lal, lol (3-t)
  • longest beginning with l head 'n' tail phrase: low blow (7)
  • longest beginning with m head 'n' tail common words: magma, mamma (5-t)
  • longest beginning with m head 'n' tail uncommon word: muckamuck (9)
  • longest beginning with m head 'n' tail phrase: malariae malaria (15)
  • longest beginning with n head 'n' tail common word: nun (3)
  • longest beginning with n head 'n' tail uncommon word: nanna (5)
  • longest beginning with n head 'n' tail hyphenated word: nighty-night (11)
  • longest beginning with o head 'n' tail common word: onion (5)
  • longest beginning with o head 'n' tail uncommon words: okeydokey, outscouts, ... and 2 others (9-t)
  • longest beginning with p head 'n' tail common words: pop, pup, pap, pip, pep (3-t)
  • longest beginning with p head 'n' tail uncommon word: pungapung (9)
  • longest beginning with q head 'n' tail common word: quelque (7)
  • longest beginning with r head 'n' tail common word: r (1)
  • longest beginning with r head 'n' tail hyphenated word: river-driver (11)
  • longest beginning with s head 'n' tail common words: sense, salsa, shush (5-t)
  • longest beginning with s head 'n' tail hyphenated word: six-o-six (7)
  • longest beginning with t head 'n' tail common words: tot, tut, tat, tit (3-t)
  • longest beginning with t head 'n' tail uncommon words: tarantara, trinitrin (9-t)
  • longest beginning with t head 'n' tail hyphenated word: tetes-a-tetes (11)
  • longest beginning with t head 'n' tail hyphenated phrase: tectes-a`-tectes (13)
  • longest beginning with u head 'n' tail common word: u (1)
  • longest beginning with u head 'n' tail uncommon word: ugrug (5)
  • longest beginning with v head 'n' tail common word: verve (5)
  • longest beginning with v head 'n' tail hyphenated word: vis-a-vis (7)
  • longest beginning with w head 'n' tail common word: wow (3)
  • longest beginning with w head 'n' tail phrase: what's what (9)
  • longest beginning with x head 'n' tail common word: x (1)
  • longest beginning with y head 'n' tail common word: y (1)
  • longest beginning with y head 'n' tail uncommon word: yay (3)
  • longest beginning with z head 'n' tail common word: z (1)
  • longest beginning with z head 'n' tail uncommon word: zanza (5)
  • longest with middle a head 'n' tail common words: dad, gag, hah, tat, pap (3-t)
  • longest with middle a head 'n' tail uncommon words: muckamuck, pungapung (9-t)
  • longest with middle a head 'n' tail hyphenated word: tetes-a-tetes (11)
  • longest with middle a head 'n' tail phrases: biblia abiblia, goutte a goutte (13-t)
  • longest with middle b head 'n' tail common word: b (1)
  • longest with middle b head 'n' tail uncommon words: obo, aba (3-t)
  • longest with middle b head 'n' tail hyphenated words: argie-bargie, argle-bargle (11-t)
  • longest with middle c head 'n' tail common word: c (1)
  • longest with middle c head 'n' tail uncommon words: outscouts, overcover (9-t)
  • longest with middle d head 'n' tail common word: d (1)
  • longest with middle d head 'n' tail uncommon word: okeydokey (9)
  • longest with middle d head 'n' tail hyphenated word: river-driver (11)
  • longest with middle e head 'n' tail common word: pep (3)
  • longest with middle e head 'n' tail uncommon words: arear, caeca, peepe (5-t)
  • longest with middle e head 'n' tail hyphenated word: do-se-dos (7)
  • longest with middle e head 'n' tail phrase: malariae malaria (15)
  • longest with middle f head 'n' tail common word: f (1)
  • longest with middle f head 'n' tail uncommon words: efe, ofo (3-t)
  • longest with middle f head 'n' tail hyphenated word: artsy-fartsy (11)
  • longest with middle g head 'n' tail common words: edged, magma, algal (5-t)
  • longest with middle g head 'n' tail hyphenated word: old-gold (7)
  • longest with middle h head 'n' tail common word: aha (3)
  • longest with middle h head 'n' tail uncommon word: outshouts (9)
  • longest with middle i head 'n' tail common word: onion (5)
  • longest with middle i head 'n' tail uncommon word: trinitrin (9)
  • longest with middle j head 'n' tail common word: j (1)
  • longest with middle j head 'n' tail uncommon word: anjan (5)
  • longest with middle k head 'n' tail common word: k (1)
  • longest with middle k head 'n' tail uncommon words: kokko, arkar (5-t)
  • longest with middle l head 'n' tail common word: quelque (7)
  • longest with middle m head 'n' tail common word: mamma (5)
  • longest with middle n head 'n' tail common word: sense (5)
  • longest with middle n head 'n' tail uncommon words: galengale, tarantara (9-t)
  • longest with middle o head 'n' tail common words: pop, mom, bob, wow, tot, sos (3-t)
  • longest with middle o head 'n' tail uncommon words: ingoing, mesomes (7-t)
  • longest with middle o head 'n' tail hyphenated word: convexo-convex (13)
  • longest with middle p head 'n' tail common word: p (1)
  • longest with middle p head 'n' tail uncommon words: apa, opo (3-t)
  • longest with middle p head 'n' tail phrase: Ogopogo (7)
  • longest with middle q head 'n' tail common word: q (1)
  • longest with middle r head 'n' tail common word: verve (5)
  • longest with middle s head 'n' tail common word: hotshot (7)
  • longest with middle s head 'n' tail phrase: gentleman's gentleman (19)
  • longest with middle t head 'n' tail common word: estes (5)
  • longest with middle t head 'n' tail uncommon word: einsteins (9)
  • longest with middle u head 'n' tail common word: shush (5)
  • longest with middle v head 'n' tail common word: eve (3)
  • longest with middle v head 'n' tail hyphenated word: arsy-varsy (9)
  • longest with middle w head 'n' tail common word: ewe (3)
  • longest with middle w head 'n' tail uncommon word: abwab (5)
  • longest with middle w head 'n' tail hyphenated word: eensie-weensie (13)
  • longest with middle x head 'n' tail common word: x (1)
  • longest with middle x head 'n' tail uncommon word: manxman (7)
  • longest with middle y head 'n' tail common word: eye (3)
  • longest with middle y head 'n' tail uncommon word: calycal (7)
  • longest with middle y head 'n' tail hyphenated words: eighty-eight, nighty-night (11-t)
  • longest with middle z head 'n' tail common word: z (1)
  • longest with middle z head 'n' tail uncommon word: aza (3)
  • longest start and end prefix common word: abracadabra (4)
  • longest start and end prefix uncommon word: benzeneazobenzene (7)
  • longest start and end prefix hyphenated word: pleasantness-unpleasantness (12)
  • longest beginning with a start and end prefix common word: abracadabra (4)
  • longest beginning with a start and end prefix hyphenated word: artsy-fartsy, ... and 2 others (5)
  • longest beginning with b start and end prefix common words: bomb, bulb, bob, blurb, bathtub, ... and 6 others (1-t)
  • longest beginning with b start and end prefix uncommon word: benzeneazobenzene (7)
  • longest beginning with c start and end prefix common words: church, centerpiece (2-t)
  • longest beginning with c start and end prefix uncommon words: calendrical, calligraphical, ... and 6 others (3-t)
  • longest beginning with c start and end prefix hyphenated words: collar-to-collar, convexo-convex (6-t)
  • longest beginning with d start and end prefix common words: decide, decade, decode, degrade, delude, ... and 3 others (2-t)
  • longest beginning with d start and end prefix uncommon words: derider, desuetudes, ... and 2 others (3-t)
  • longest beginning with d start and end prefix hyphenated word: door-to-door (4)
  • longest beginning with d start and end prefix phrase: diamond cut diamond (7)
  • longest beginning with e start and end prefix common words: entertainment, entitlement, entrapment, entanglement, enticement, ... and 3 others (3-t)
  • longest beginning with e start and end prefix uncommon word: einsteins (4)
  • longest beginning with e start and end prefix hyphenated word: eyeball-to-eyeball (7)
  • longest beginning with f start and end prefix common words: fluff, foolproof, foodstuff, fireproof, flameproof, ... and 3 others (1-t)
  • longest beginning with f start and end prefix uncommon words: felafel, fenoprofen (3-t)
  • longest beginning with f start and end prefix hyphenated word: face-to-face (4)
  • longest beginning with f start and end prefix phrase: fleury counterfleury (6)
  • longest beginning with g start and end prefix common words: george, gynecology (2-t)
  • longest beginning with g start and end prefix uncommon word: galengale (4)
  • longest beginning with g start and end prefix hyphenated word: ground-to-ground (6)
  • longest beginning with g start and end prefix phrase: gentleman's gentleman (9)
  • longest beginning with h start and end prefix common word: hotshot (3)
  • longest beginning with h start and end prefix hyphenated word: heart-to-heart (5)
  • longest beginning with h start and end prefix hyphenated word: hither-and-thither (6)
  • longest beginning with i start and end prefix common words: ingesting, ionization, ingratiating (3-t)
  • longest beginning with i start and end prefix hyphenated words: itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy (4-t)
  • longest beginning with j start and end prefix uncommon word: jigajig (3)
  • longest beginning with j start and end prefix phrase: justices' justice (7)
  • longest beginning with k start and end prefix common words: keystroke, keepsake (2-t)
  • longest beginning with k start and end prefix uncommon word: kingmaking (4)
  • longest beginning with l start and end prefix common words: legible, lyrically, learnable (2-t)
  • longest beginning with l start and end prefix hyphenated word: links-and-links (5)
  • longest beginning with l start and end prefix phrase: little by little (6)
  • longest beginning with m start and end prefix common word: microcosmic (3)
  • longest beginning with m start and end prefix uncommon words: mannesmann, muckamuck (4-t)
  • longest beginning with m start and end prefix hyphenated word: mouth-to-mouth (5)
  • longest beginning with m start and end prefix phrase: malariae malaria (7)
  • longest beginning with n start and end prefix common word: nicotinic (3)
  • longest beginning with n start and end prefix hyphenated word: nighty-night (5)
  • longest beginning with o start and end prefix common words: onion, originator, orator (2-t)
  • longest beginning with o start and end prefix uncommon words: okeydokey, outscouts, ... and 2 others (4-t)
  • longest beginning with p start and end prefix common words: photograph, phonograph, periscope (2-t)
  • longest beginning with p start and end prefix uncommon word: pungapung (4)
  • longest beginning with p start and end prefix hyphenated word: point-to-point (5)
  • longest beginning with p start and end prefix hyphenated word: pleasantness-unpleasantness (12)
  • longest beginning with q start and end prefix common word: quelque (3)
  • longest beginning with r start and end prefix common word: restores (3)
  • longest beginning with r start and end prefix hyphenated word: river-driver (5)
  • longest beginning with r start and end prefix phrase: rational operation (6)
  • longest beginning with s start and end prefix common words: sense, strongest, strangest, stupidest, sheesh, ... and 12 others (2-t)
  • longest beginning with s start and end prefix uncommon word: sterraster (4)
  • longest beginning with s start and end prefix hyphenated words: surface-to-surface, station-to-station (7-t)
  • longest beginning with s start and end prefix phrase: shoulder to shoulder (8)
  • longest beginning with t start and end prefix common word: tormentor (3)
  • longest beginning with t start and end prefix uncommon words: tarantara, taratantara, trinitrin (4-t)
  • longest beginning with t start and end prefix hyphenated words: tetes-a-tetes, toxin-antitoxin (5-t)
  • longest beginning with t start and end prefix phrase: the blind leading the blind (8)
  • longest beginning with u start and end prefix common word: underground (3)
  • longest beginning with u start and end prefix uncommon word: undergrounder (5)
  • longest beginning with v start and end prefix common words: vegetative, verve (2-t)
  • longest beginning with v start and end prefix hyphenated word: vis-a-vis (3)
  • longest beginning with w start and end prefix common words: window, withdraw, wow, widow, withdrew, ... and 6 others (1-t)
  • longest beginning with w start and end prefix uncommon word: wishtonwish (4)
  • longest beginning with w start and end prefix hyphenated words: woman-to-woman, west-southwests (5-t)
  • longest beginning with w start and end prefix phrase: wheels within wheels (6)
  • longest beginning with x start and end prefix common word: xerox (1)
  • longest beginning with y start and end prefix common words: yesterday, yearly, yummy, yeasty, yeomanry (1-t)
  • longest beginning with y start and end prefix hyphenated word: year-on-year, ... and 2 others (4)
  • longest beginning with z start and end prefix uncommon words: zanthorhiza, zanza, ... and 3 others (2-t)
  • highest length 2 sum common word: zs (45)
  • highest length 2 sum uncommon words: xx, wy (48-t)
  • highest length 3 sum common word: wry (66)
  • highest length 3 sum uncommon word: zuz (73)
  • highest length 4 sum common word: yurt (84)
  • highest length 4 sum uncommon word: tuzz (93)
  • highest length 4 sum hyphenated word: zu-zu (94)
  • highest length 5 sum common word: tizzy (106)
  • highest length 5 sum uncommon word: wuzzy (121)
  • highest length 6 sum common word: trusty (123)
  • highest length 6 sum uncommon word: xystus (128)
  • highest length 7 sum common word: tryouts (138)
  • highest length 7 sum uncommon word: zyzzyva (151)
  • highest length 8 sum common word: synonymy (150)
  • highest length 8 sum uncommon word: zyzzyvas (170)
  • highest length 9 sum common word: torturous (167)
  • highest length 9 sum uncommon word: zorotypus (175)
  • highest length 10 sum common word: tumultuous (183)
  • highest length 10 sum uncommon word: puttyroots (189)
  • highest length 10 sum hyphenated word: topsy-turvy (201)
  • highest length 10 sum hyphenated word: tuzzy-muzzy (229)
  • highest length 11 sum common word: trustworthy (207)
  • highest length 12 sum common word: synonymously (217)
  • highest length 12 sum uncommon word: tumultuously (220)
  • highest length 12 sum hyphenated word: tuzzy-muzzies (237)
  • highest length 13 sum common word: sportswriters (219)
  • highest length 13 sum uncommon word: untrustworthy (242)
  • highest length 14 sum common word: presumptuously (241)
  • highest length 14 sum uncommon word: topsyturviness (242)
  • highest length 14 sum hyphenated word: topsy-turvydoms (252)
  • highest length 14 sum phrase: statutory trust (257)
  • highest length 15 sum common words: trustworthiness, superstitiously (248-t)
  • highest length 15 sum uncommon word: untrustworthily (263)
  • highest length 15 sum phrase: statutory trusts (276)
  • highest length 16 sum common word: presumptuousness (261)
  • highest length 16 sum uncommon word: unpresumptuously (276)
  • highest length 17 sum common word: immunosuppression (256)
  • highest length 17 sum uncommon word: untrustworthiness (283)
  • highest length 17 sum phrase: quantity surveyors (289)
  • highest length 18 sum common word: unconstitutionally (264)
  • highest length 18 sum uncommon words: presumptuousnesses, supposititiousness (285-t)
  • highest length 18 sum hyphenated word: proton-synchrotrons (286)
  • highest length 18 sum phrase: return to our muttons (307)
  • highest length 19 sum common word: unconstitutionality (281)
  • highest length 19 sum uncommon word: untrustworthinesses (307)
  • highest length 19 sum phrase: statutory instrument (312)
  • highest length 20 sum common word: counterrevolutionary (291)
  • highest length 20 sum uncommon word: supposititiousnesses (309)
  • highest length 20 sum hyphenated word: south-southwestwardly (316)
  • highest length 20 sum phrase: statutory instruments (331)
  • lowest length 2 sum common word: ba (3)
  • lowest length 2 sum uncommon word: aa (2)
  • lowest length 3 sum common word: baa (4)
  • lowest length 4 sum common words: babe, abbe (10-t)
  • lowest length 4 sum uncommon words: baba, abba (6-t)
  • lowest length 5 sum common word: abaci (16)
  • lowest length 5 sum uncommon word: ababa (7)
  • lowest length 6 sum common words: dabbed, acacia (18-t)
  • lowest length 6 sum uncommon word: bacaba (10)
  • lowest length 7 sum common word: cabbage (21)
  • lowest length 7 sum uncommon word: cachaca (20)
  • lowest length 8 sum common words: beheaded, backache (34-t)
  • lowest length 8 sum uncommon word: fabaceae (24)
  • lowest length 9 sum common word: beachhead (37)
  • lowest length 9 sum uncommon word: beccaccia (30)
  • lowest length 9 sum hyphenated word: abba-dabba (16)
  • lowest length 10 sum common words: backhanded, bareheaded (53-t)
  • lowest length 10 sum uncommon words: deadheaded, chachalaca (41-t)
  • lowest length 10 sum hyphenated word: face-bedded (39)
  • lowest length 11 sum common word: abracadabra (52)
  • lowest length 11 sum uncommon word: cabbagehead (39)
  • lowest length 12 sum common word: academicians (82)
  • lowest length 12 sum uncommon word: cabbageheads (58)
  • lowest length 12 sum hyphenated word: bibble-babble (56)
  • lowest length 13 sum common word: decaffeinated (83)
  • lowest length 13 sum uncommon word: anacardiaceae (66)
  • lowest length 13 sum phrase: bag and baggage (59)
  • lowest length 14 sum common word: megalomaniacal (107)
  • lowest length 14 sum uncommon word: hamamelidaceae (81)
  • lowest length 14 sum phrase: heading cabbage (69)
  • lowest length 15 sum common word: lackadaisically (123)
  • lowest length 15 sum uncommon word: lardizabalaceae (101)
  • lowest length 15 sum phrase: heading cabbages (88)
  • lowest length 15 sum hyphenated phrase: bald-headed eagle (76)
  • lowest length 16 sum common word: biodegradability (143)
  • lowest length 16 sum uncommon word: lactobacillaceae (105)
  • lowest length 16 sum phrase: acadian chickadee (82)
  • lowest length 17 sum common word: electromechanical (147)
  • lowest length 17 sum uncommon word: lactobacteriaceae (124)
  • lowest length 17 sum phrase: acadian chickadees (101)
  • lowest length 17 sum hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackal (93)
  • lowest length 18 sum common word: electrocardiograph (178)
  • lowest length 18 sum uncommon words: chlamydomonadaceae, lactobacteriaceaes (143-t)
  • lowest length 18 sum phrase: glacial acetic acids (122)
  • lowest length 18 sum hyphenated phrase: saddle-backed jackal (109)
  • lowest length 19 sum common word: dendrochronological (192)
  • lowest length 19 sum uncommon word: palaeacanthocephala (143)
  • lowest length 19 sum phrase: octadecadienoic acid (128)
  • lowest length 20 sum common word: electroencephalogram (196)
  • lowest length 20 sum uncommon word: chlamydobacteriaceae (154)
  • lowest length 20 sum phrase: dodecahedral cleavage (136)
  • lowest length 20 sum hyphenated phrase: black-capped chickadee (123)
  • longest balanced common words: vasoconstriction, unconventionally (16-t)
  • longest balanced uncommon words: noninstitutionalized, autotransplantations, ... and 9 others (20-t)
  • longest balanced phrase: respectively (1) wood tin (2) stream tin (28)
  • longest numerical tautonym common words: vasoconstriction, inarticulateness, unconventionally (16-t)
  • longest numerical tautonym uncommon word: dicyclopentadienyliron (22)
  • longest numerical tautonym phrases: eastern equine encephalomyelitis, laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth (30-t)
  • longest equal sums of 3 pieces common word: exterminator (12)
  • longest equal sums of 3 pieces uncommon word: microspectroscopes (18)
  • longest equal sums of 3 pieces phrase: respectively splenius capitis (27)
  • longest equal sums of 4 pieces common word: tangling (8)
  • longest equal sums of 4 pieces uncommon word: underpayment (12)
  • longest equal sums of 5 pieces phrase: transfer payment (15)
  • longest balanced beam common word: susceptibilities (16)
  • longest balanced beam uncommon word: polytetrafluoroethylenes (24)
  • longest balanced beam phrase: gilles de la tourette's syndrome (27)
  • longest centrally balanced beam common words: whippersnappers, prognosticators (15-t)
  • longest centrally balanced beam uncommon word: microspectrophotometric (23)
  • longest centrally balanced beam phrase: rotational quantum numbers (24)
  • lowest ratio balance point to length common word: wrongheaded (0.36)
  • highest ratio balance point to length common word: aces (0.87)
  • longest numberdrome common word: deified (7)
  • longest numberdrome uncommon words: insulins, dehaired (8-t)
  • longest numberdrome hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9)
  • closest to 1000000 letter product common word: curing (1000188)
  • closest to 1000000 letter product uncommon words: teaette, typey (10000003648-t)
  • closest to 2000000 letter product common words: raining, curbing, ingrain, cuffing (2000376-t)
  • closest to 2000000 letter product uncommon word: teethy (2000000)
  • closest to 3000000 letter product common word: peyote (3000000)
  • closest to 4000000 letter product common words: ruling, luring, girding (4000752-t)
  • closest to 5000000 letter product common word: coining (5000940)
  • longest sum divisible by each letter common word: barbaric (8)
  • longest sum divisible by each letter hyphenated word: teeter-tottered (14)
  • longest equidistant common words: wizard, hovels (6-t)
  • longest equidistant hyphenated word: klop-klop (8)

Subset of Word

  • longest internal palindrome common words: interpretation, interpret, interpreted, interpreter, interpretations, ... and 37 others (7-t)
  • longest internal palindrome uncommon words: sensuousness, kinnikinniks, sensuousnesses (11-t)
  • longest switch word common word: interpreting (12)
  • longest switch word uncommon word: sensuousnesses (14)
  • longest internal tautonym common words: bringing, singing, assassination, ringing, swinging, ... and 59 others (6-t)
  • longest internal tautonym uncommon words: countercountermeasures, countercountermeasure (14-t)
  • longest internal tautonym hyphenated word: testament-testamentar (18)
  • longest internal headntail common words: hodgepodge, fractionation, grandstands, handstands (9-t)
  • longest internal headntail uncommon word: intestinointestinal (17)
  • longest repeated prefix common words: assassination, barbaric, assassin, barbarians, assassinated, ... and 14 others (6-t)
  • longest repeated prefix uncommon words: countercountermeasures, countercountermeasure (14-t)
  • longest repeated prefix hyphenated word: testament-testamentar (18)
  • longest begin and end common word: straightforwardness (19)
  • longest begin and end uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
  • longest beginning with a begin and end common words: agoraphobia, anaesthesia, abracadabra (11-t)
  • longest beginning with a begin and end uncommon word: abetalipoproteinemia (20)
  • longest beginning with a begin and end hyphenated word: alpha-naphthylthiourea (21)
  • longest beginning with b begin and end common words: bathtub, brewpub (7-t)
  • longest beginning with b begin and end uncommon word: breadcrumb (10)
  • longest beginning with c begin and end common words: crystallographic, chemotherapeutic (16-t)
  • longest beginning with c begin and end uncommon word: chrysanthemummonocarboxylic (27)
  • longest beginning with d begin and end common words: disenfranchised, discombobulated (15-t)
  • longest beginning with d begin and end uncommon word: deinstitutionalized (19)
  • longest beginning with e begin and end common word: extraordinaire (14)
  • longest beginning with e begin and end uncommon word: ethylenediaminetetraacetate (27)
  • longest beginning with f begin and end common word: flameproof (10)
  • longest beginning with f begin and end uncommon word: feedingstuff (12)
  • longest beginning with g begin and end common word: gerrymandering (14)
  • longest beginning with g begin and end uncommon words: governmentalising, governmentalizing (17-t)
  • longest beginning with h begin and end common word: horseradish (11)
  • longest beginning with h begin and end uncommon word: hygrothermograph (16)
  • longest beginning with i begin and end common word: incubi (6)
  • longest beginning with i begin and end uncommon words: ichthyocephali, improvisatrici (14-t)
  • longest beginning with j begin and end ?
  • longest beginning with k begin and end common words: kickback, knapsack, kinsfolk (8-t)
  • longest beginning with k begin and end uncommon word: killickinnick (13)
  • longest beginning with l begin and end common word: lexicographical (15)
  • longest beginning with l begin and end uncommon word: litiscontestational (19)
  • longest beginning with m begin and end common word: multiculturalism (16)
  • longest beginning with m begin and end uncommon word: magnetoencephalogram (20)
  • longest beginning with n begin and end common words: nationalization, nonintervention (15-t)
  • longest beginning with n begin and end uncommon word: nonindustrialization (20)
  • longest beginning with o begin and end common word: obbligato (9)
  • longest beginning with o begin and end uncommon word: osteochondro (12)
  • longest beginning with p begin and end common word: proprietorship (14)
  • longest beginning with p begin and end uncommon word: primogenitureship (17)
  • longest beginning with q begin and end uncommon word: qaraqalpaq (10)
  • longest beginning with r begin and end common words: refrigerator, restaurateur (12-t)
  • longest beginning with r begin and end uncommon words: radiobroadcaster, reindustrializer (16-t)
  • longest beginning with r begin and end hyphenated word: refrigerator-freezer (19)
  • longest beginning with s begin and end common word: straightforwardness (19)
  • longest beginning with s begin and end uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
  • longest beginning with t begin and end common word: traditionalist (14)
  • longest beginning with t begin and end uncommon word: transubstantiationalist (23)
  • longest beginning with u begin and end uncommon word: ushabtiu (8)
  • longest beginning with v begin and end uncommon word: vulv (4)
  • longest beginning with w begin and end common word: wheelbarrow (11)
  • longest beginning with w begin and end hyphenated word: winter-fallow (12)
  • longest beginning with x begin and end common word: xerox (5)
  • longest beginning with y begin and end common word: yesterday (9)
  • longest beginning with y begin and end uncommon word: yieldability (12)
  • longest beginning with z begin and end uncommon word: zizz (4)
  • shortest beginning with a begin and end common words: ala, aha (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with a begin and end uncommon word: aa (2)
  • shortest beginning with b begin and end common words: bob, bib (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with b begin and end uncommon word: bb (2)
  • shortest beginning with c begin and end common word: chic (4)
  • shortest beginning with c begin and end uncommon words: cac, cec (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with c begin and end phrase: CC (2)
  • shortest beginning with d begin and end common words: did, dad, dud (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with d begin and end phrase: DD (2)
  • shortest beginning with e begin and end common words: eye, eve, ere, ewe (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with e begin and end uncommon word: ee (2)
  • shortest beginning with f begin and end common word: fief (4)
  • shortest beginning with f begin and end phrase: FF (2)
  • shortest beginning with g begin and end common words: gig, gag (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with g begin and end phrase: GG (2)
  • shortest beginning with h begin and end common words: huh, hah (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with i begin and end common word: incubi (6)
  • shortest beginning with i begin and end uncommon words: ili, ini, ihi (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with i begin and end phrase: II (2)
  • shortest beginning with j begin and end ?
  • shortest beginning with k begin and end common words: kick, kink, kirk, kook (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with k begin and end uncommon word: kok (3)
  • shortest beginning with l begin and end common words: lull, loll (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with l begin and end uncommon words: lal, lol (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with m begin and end common words: mom, mum (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with m begin and end uncommon word: mm (2)
  • shortest beginning with n begin and end common word: nun (3)
  • shortest beginning with o begin and end common words: onto, oleo, olio (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with o begin and end uncommon word: oo (2)
  • shortest beginning with p begin and end common words: pop, pup, pap, pip, pep (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with p begin and end uncommon word: pp (2)
  • shortest beginning with q begin and end uncommon word: qq (2)
  • shortest beginning with r begin and end common words: rear, roar (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with r begin and end phrase: RR (2)
  • shortest beginning with s begin and end common word: ss (2)
  • shortest beginning with t begin and end common words: tot, tut, tat, tit (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with u begin and end uncommon words: utu, ulu, uku (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with v begin and end uncommon word: vav (3)
  • shortest beginning with w begin and end common word: wow (3)
  • shortest beginning with x begin and end common word: xerox (5)
  • shortest beginning with x begin and end uncommon word: xx (2)
  • shortest beginning with y begin and end common word: yummy (5)
  • shortest beginning with y begin and end uncommon word: yay (3)
  • shortest beginning with z begin and end uncommon words: zuz, ziz (3-t)
  • most consecutive doubled letters common words: bookkeeping, bookkeeper, bookkeepers (3-t)
  • most doubled letters common words: successfully, committee, committees, unsuccessfully, subcommittee, ... and 22 others (3-t)
  • most doubled letters uncommon words: possessionlessness, possessionlessnesses, ... and 2 others (4-t)
  • most doubled letters phrase: committee on committees (6)
  • shortest tripled letter uncommon word: brrr (4)
  • shortest tripled letter phrase: SSs (3)
  • longest two cadence common words: divisibility, visibilities (5-t)
  • longest two cadence uncommon words: humuhumunukunukuapuaa, humuhumunukunukuapuaas (8-t)
  • longest three cadence common words: inconveniencing, effervescence (5-t)
  • longest three cadence hyphenated word: swelled-headednesses (6)
  • longest four cadence common words: distribution, treatment, discussions, institutions, imagination, ... and 207 others (3-t)
  • longest four cadence uncommon words: inevitabilities, alveolopalatal, ... and 23 others (4-t)
  • longest four cadence phrase: binomial distribution, ... and 2 others (5)
  • longest five cadence common words: suggestions, submissions, collaboration, mathematician, mathematicians, ... and 69 others (3-t)
  • longest five cadence uncommon words: benzeneazobenzene, indecipherablenesses, ... and 2 others (4-t)
  • longest five cadence phrases: textured vegetable protein, textured vegetable proteins (5-t)

Letter Counts


  • longest letters from first half common words: blackmailed, blackballed (11-t)
  • longest letters from first half uncommon word: hamamelidaceae (14)
  • longest letters from first half phrase: a face like a fiddle (16)
  • longest letters from first half hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackal (17)
  • longest letters from second half common word: torturous (9)
  • longest letters from second half uncommon words: nonsupports, nontortuous (11-t)
  • longest letters from second half hyphenated word: tootsy-wootsy (12)
  • longest without ab common word: counterintelligence (19)
  • longest without ab uncommon word: hydroxydesoxycorticosterones (28)
  • longest without ab phrases: cut the ground from under someone's feet, twist someone round one's little finger (33-t)
  • longest without abcd common words: immunosuppression, immunosuppressive (17-t)
  • longest without abcd uncommon word: philoprogenitivenesses (22)
  • longest without abcd phrase: put one's money where one's mouth is (28)
  • longest without a to h common word: nutritionists (13)
  • longest without a to h uncommon words: nonintrusionisms, nonintrusionists, supposititiously (16-t)
  • longest without a to h phrase: trust institutions (17)
  • longest without a to k common words: synonymously, monotonously (12-t)
  • longest without a to k uncommon words: nonsynonymous, nontumultuous (13-t)
  • longest without a to k phrase: woolly opossums (14)
  • longest without a to n common word: torturous (9)
  • longest without a to n uncommon words: poppyworts, prosupport, ... and 3 others (10-t)
  • longest without a to n hyphenated word: tootsy-wootsy (12)
  • longest without a to q common words: trusty, trusts, struts, trysts (6-t)
  • longest without a to q uncommon word: susurrus (8)
  • longest without a to s common word: tutu (4)
  • longest without a to s uncommon words: wuzzy, tutty, tuzzy (5-t)
  • longest without a to s hyphenated word: tut-tut (6)
  • longest hexadecimal letters = a to f common words: defaced, acceded, effaced (7-t)
  • longest hexadecimal letters = a to f uncommon word: fabaceae (8)
  • longest hexadecimal letters = a to f hyphenated word: face-bedded (10)
  • longest for 2 nth letters common word: acquiesces (10)
  • longest for 2 nth letters uncommon word: gammacismuses (13)
  • longest for 2 nth letters hyphenated word: quasi-sagacious (14)
  • longest for 3 nth letters common words: pajamas, pyjamas, papayas (7-t)
  • longest for 3 nth letters hyphenated word: yada-yada-yada (12)
  • longest for 4 nth letters common words: queue, yummy, mummy, mamma, mammy (5-t)
  • longest for 4 nth letters uncommon word: qaimmaqam (9)
  • longest for 5 nth letters common words: kappa, pukka (5-t)
  • longest for 5 nth letters uncommon word: kukukuku (8)
  • longest for 6 nth letters common words: assays, gammas (6-t)
  • longest for 6 nth letters uncommon word: gyassas (7)
  • longest for 7 nth letters common words: hah, ooh, aha, ova (3-t)
  • longest for 7 nth letters uncommon words: haha, hova (4-t)
  • longest for 7 nth letters hyphenated word: hoo-hah (6)
  • longest for 8 nth letters common word: ay (2)
  • longest for 8 nth letters uncommon word: aiaiai (6)
  • longest for 9 nth letters common word: sass (4)
  • longest for 10 nth letters common word: kaka (4)
  • longest for 10 nth letters uncommon word: kukukuku (8)
  • longest for 11 nth letters common word: wall (4)
  • longest for 11 nth letters uncommon word: wallawalla (10)
  • longest for 12 nth letters common words: mamma, mammy (5-t)
  • longest for 13 nth letters common word: anna (4)
  • longest for 13 nth letters uncommon word: anaana (6)

Letter Choices


  • longest all vowels common word: ae (2)
  • longest all vowels uncommon words: euouae, aiaiai (6-t)
  • longest each vowel once common words: subcontinental, countermanding (14-t)
  • longest each vowel once uncommon words: entwicklungsroman, subpostmastership (17-t)
  • longest each vowel once phrases: bucking transformers, disjunct tetrachords (19-t)
  • longest each extended vowel once common word: uncomplimentary (15)
  • longest each extended vowel once uncommon word: hydrometallurgists (18)
  • longest each extended vowel once phrase: florist's chrysanthemums (22)
  • shortest each vowel once common word: sequoia (7)
  • shortest each vowel once uncommon word: eunoia (6)
  • shortest each extended vowel once common word: eukaryotic (10)
  • shortest each extended vowel once uncommon words: oxyuridae, oxygeusia (9-t)
  • shortest vowels in order common word: facetious (9)
  • shortest vowels in order uncommon word: caesious (8)
  • shortest extended vowels in order common word: facetiously (11)
  • longest vowels in order common word: facetious (9)
  • longest vowels in order uncommon word: abstentious (11)
  • longest vowels in order hyphenated word: gathering-ground (15)
  • longest extended vowels in order common word: facetiously (11)
  • longest extended vowels in order uncommon word: abstemiously (12)
  • shortest vowels in reverse order common word: subcontinental (14)
  • shortest vowels in reverse order uncommon word: muroidea (8)
  • shortest extended vowels in reverse order phrase: syrup of ipecac (13)
  • longest vowels in reverse order common word: subcontinental (14)
  • longest extended vowels in reverse order phrase: syrup of ipecac (13)
  • longest vowel string common word: queueing (5)
  • longest vowel string uncommon words: aiaiais, euouaes (6-t)
  • longest one vowel common word: strengths (9)
  • longest two vowels common words: transcripts, strengthens, transplants, flashlights, strongholds, ... and 12 others (11-t)
  • longest two vowels uncommon words: promptscripts, schwartzbrots, schwarzschild (13-t)
  • longest three vowels common word: forthrightness (14)
  • longest three vowels uncommon word: strengthlessness (16)
  • longest three vowels phrase: bursting strengths, ... and 3 others (17)
  • longest four vowels common word: shortsightedness (16)
  • longest four vowels uncommon words: handcraftsmanships, strengthlessnesses (18-t)
  • longest four vowels phrase: from strength to strength (22)
  • longest five vowels common word: straightforwardness (19)
  • longest five vowels hyphenated word: north-northwestwardly (20)
  • longest five vowels phrase: go from strength to strength (24)
  • longest containing a univocalic common words: transplants, grandstands, crankshafts, abracadabra (11-t)
  • longest containing a univocalic uncommon word: tathagatagarbhas (16)
  • longest containing a univocalic hyphenated phrase: macassar agar-agars (17)
  • longest containing e univocalic common word: speechlessness (14)
  • longest containing e univocalic uncommon word: strengthlessnesses (18)
  • longest containing i univocalic common words: highlighting, disciplining, philistinism (12-t)
  • longest containing i univocalic uncommon word: instinctivistic (15)
  • longest containing i univocalic phrases: filling knittings, pitching niblicks (16-t)
  • longest containing i univocalic hyphenated phrase: bright-light districts (20)
  • longest containing o univocalic common words: strongholds, schoolbooks, schoolrooms (11-t)
  • longest containing o univocalic uncommon word: loxolophodonts (14)
  • longest containing o univocalic phrase: worst of both worlds (17)
  • longest containing u univocalic common words: untruthful, numbskulls (10-t)
  • longest containing u univocalic uncommon word: struldbrugs (11)
  • longest containing u univocalic phrases: thrush fungus, turn up trumps (12-t)
  • longest containing y univocalic common word: rhythms (7)
  • longest one type of vowel common word: speechlessness (14)
  • longest one type of vowel uncommon word: strengthlessnesses (18)
  • longest one type of vowel hyphenated phrase: bright-light districts (20)
  • longest two types of vowel common word: spectrophotometers (18)
  • longest two types of vowel uncommon words: humuhumunukunukuapuaas, thermophosphorescences (22-t)
  • longest two types of vowel phrase: there's no love lost between them (27)
  • longest three types of vowel common word: electroencephalogram (20)
  • longest three types of vowel uncommon word: antidisestablishmentarianism (28)
  • longest three types of vowel phrases: cut the ground from under someone's feet, intermediate range ballistic missile (33-t)
  • longest four types of vowel common word: electroencephalography (22)
  • longest four types of vowel uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilification (29)
  • longest four types of vowel phrase: erasable programmable read only memory, ... and 2 others (34)
  • longest five types of vowel common word: counterrevolutionaries (22)
  • longest five types of vowel uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)


  • longest all consonants common words: nth, qts (3-t)
  • longest all consonants uncommon word: tsktsks (7)
  • longest consonant string common words: postscript, worthwhile, offspring, downstream, witchcraft, ... and 38 others (5-t)
  • longest consonant string uncommon words: catchphrase, catchphrases, ... and 34 others (6-t)
  • longest consonant string phrase: hirschsprung's, ... and 2 others (7)
  • longest one consonant common words: audio, queue, eerie, adieu, aerie (5-t)
  • longest one consonant uncommon words: aiaiais, euouaes, ouabaio (7-t)
  • longest two consonants common words: nouveau, sequoia, aqueous, anaemia, aurorae, aeolian (7-t)
  • longest two consonants uncommon words: aizoaceae, epieikeia (9-t)
  • longest three consonants common words: audacious, beauteous (9-t)
  • longest three consonants uncommon words: ouagadougou, paeoniaceae (11-t)
  • longest four consonants common word: onomatopoeia (12)
  • longest four consonants uncommon word: fouquieriaceae (14)
  • longest five consonants common words: inauguration, inequalities, equalization, questionaire, inadequacies, ... and 12 others (12-t)
  • longest five consonants uncommon word: auriculariaceae (15)
  • longest containing b monoconsonant common words: babe, beau, oboe, boob, abbe (4-t)
  • longest containing b monoconsonant uncommon word: ouabaio (7)
  • longest containing c monoconsonant common word: acacia (6)
  • longest containing c monoconsonant uncommon word: coccaceae (9)
  • longest containing d monoconsonant common words: iodide, deeded, doodad (6-t)
  • longest containing d monoconsonant uncommon word: diiodide (8)
  • longest containing f monoconsonant common words: fife, fief (4-t)
  • longest containing f monoconsonant uncommon word: feoffee (7)
  • longest containing g monoconsonant common words: gauge, gouge, aggie (5-t)
  • longest containing g monoconsonant uncommon words: agogue, aiguie (6-t)
  • longest containing g monoconsonant phrase: OO gauge (7)
  • longest containing h monoconsonant common words: huh, hoe, hah, hue, ooh, ... and 3 others (3-t)
  • longest containing h monoconsonant uncommon word: heiau (5)
  • longest containing h monoconsonant hyphenated word: hee-hee, ... and 2 others (6)
  • longest containing j monoconsonant common word: j (1)
  • longest containing j monoconsonant uncommon word: ouija (5)
  • longest containing k monoconsonant common words: kook, kaka (4-t)
  • longest containing k monoconsonant uncommon word: kukukuku (8)
  • longest containing l monoconsonant common word: allele (6)
  • longest containing l monoconsonant uncommon words: alleluia, lulliloo (8-t)
  • longest containing m monoconsonant common words: momma, mamma (5-t)
  • longest containing m monoconsonant uncommon words: mommie, mammie, ... and 11 others (6-t)
  • longest containing n monoconsonant common words: union, onion, inane, ennui, anion (5-t)
  • longest containing n monoconsonant uncommon words: nonunion, anianiau (8-t)
  • longest containing p monoconsonant common word: pupae (5)
  • longest containing p monoconsonant uncommon words: epopoeia, papiopio, pioupiou (8-t)
  • longest containing p monoconsonant hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (9)
  • longest containing q monoconsonant common word: queue (5)
  • longest containing q monoconsonant uncommon word: quiaquia (8)
  • longest containing r monoconsonant common word: aurorae (7)
  • longest containing r monoconsonant uncommon word: riroriro (8)
  • longest containing s monoconsonant common word: assesses (8)
  • longest containing s monoconsonant uncommon word: assessees (9)
  • longest containing s monoconsonant hyphenated word: sous-souses (10)
  • longest containing t monoconsonant common word: tattoo (6)
  • longest containing t monoconsonant uncommon word: autoette (8)
  • longest containing t monoconsonant hyphenated word: tete-a-tete, ... and 2 others (9)
  • longest containing v monoconsonant common word: viva (4)
  • longest containing v monoconsonant uncommon word: evovae (6)
  • longest containing w monoconsonant common words: owe, wow, wee, awe, woo, ... and 2 others (3-t)
  • longest containing w monoconsonant uncommon words: weewee, waiwai (6-t)
  • longest containing x monoconsonant common word: axe (3)
  • longest containing x monoconsonant uncommon words: euxoa, oxeae (5-t)
  • longest containing z monoconsonant common word: ooze (4)
  • longest containing z monoconsonant uncommon words: zooeae, zoozoo (6-t)
  • longest one type of consonant common word: assesses (8)
  • longest one type of consonant uncommon words: assessees, coccaceae (9-t)
  • longest one type of consonant hyphenated word: sous-souses (10)
  • longest two types of consonant common words: attenuation, inattention (11-t)
  • longest two types of consonant uncommon words: nauseousnesses, sensuousnesses (14-t)
  • longest three types of consonant common words: unconsciousness, consciousnesses (15-t)
  • longest three types of consonant uncommon word: unostentatiousnesses (20)
  • longest four types of consonant common word: conscientiousness (17)
  • longest four types of consonant uncommon word: unconscientiousnesses (21)
  • longest four types of consonant phrase: not to put too fine a point on it (25)
  • longest five types of consonant common words: internationalization, institutionalization (20-t)
  • longest five types of consonant uncommon word: counterreconnaissances (22)
  • longest five types of consonant hyphenated word: pleasantness-unpleasantnesses (28)

Vowel and Consonant Patterns

  • longest alternating extended vowel-consonant common words: verisimilitude, rehabilitative, supererogatory (14-t)
  • longest alternating extended vowel-consonant uncommon word: honorificabilitudinity (22)
  • longest alternating vowel-consonant common words: verisimilitude, rehabilitative (14-t)
  • longest alternating vowel-consonant uncommon word: diketopiperazines (17)
  • longest alternating vowel-consonant phrases: morituri te salutamus, political executives (19-t)
  • highest consonants - vowels common word: straightforwardness (9)
  • highest consonants - vowels uncommon words: handcraftsmanships, strengthlessness, strengthlessnesses (10-t)
  • highest consonants - vowels phrase: judgment not withstanding the verdict (15)
  • highest ratio consonants / vowels common word: strengths (8)
  • highest vowels - consonants common word: onomatopoeia (4)
  • highest vowels - consonants uncommon words: euouae, aiaiai, fouquieriaceae (6-t)
  • highest vowels - consonants phrase: ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono (9)
  • highest ratio vowels / consonants common words: audio, queue, eerie, adieu, aerie (4-t)
  • highest ratio vowels / consonants uncommon words: aiaiais, euouaes, ouabaio (6-t)


  • longest isogram common word: ambidextrously (14)
  • longest isogram uncommon words: uncopyrightable, dermatoglyphics (15-t)
  • longest pair isogram common word: intestines (10)
  • longest pair isogram uncommon word: scintillescent (14)
  • longest trio isogram common word: deeded (6)
  • longest trio isogram uncommon word: sestettes (9)
  • longest trio isogram hyphenated word: blah-blah-blah (12)
  • longest tetrad isogram uncommon word: kukukuku (8)
  • longest polygram common words: intensities, trinitarian (11-t)
  • longest polygram uncommon word: unprosperousnesses (18)
  • longest polygram phrase: intestinal calculuses (20)
  • longest pyramid common word: sleeveless (10)
  • longest pyramid hyphenated word: dead-endednesses (15)
  • longest tetrahedron uncommon words: instantiations, oppositionists, ... and 3 others (14-t)
  • longest reverse tetrahedron uncommon words: argillaceocalcareous, autosuggestibilities, ... and 7 others (20-t)
  • most repeated letters common word: electroencephalography (8)
  • most repeated letters uncommon words: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, ... and 3 others (10-t)
  • most repeated letters phrase: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, ... and 2 others (12)
  • most repeated letter common words: possessiveness, senselessness (6-t)
  • most repeated letter uncommon words: floccinaucinihilipilification, humuhumunukunukuapuaa, ... and 2 others (9-t)
  • most repeated letter phrase: between the devil and the deep blue sea (10)
  • highest containing a repeated letter common word: abracadabra (5)
  • highest containing a repeated letter uncommon words: taramasalata, astragalocalcaneal, ... and 5 others (6-t)
  • highest containing a repeated letter phrase: anathema maranatha, ... and 6 others (7)
  • highest containing b repeated letter common words: bubble, bubbles, babbling, babble, bubbling, ... and 31 others (3-t)
  • highest containing b repeated letter uncommon words: flibbertigibbet, beblubbered, ... and 5 others (4-t)
  • highest containing b repeated letter hyphenated words: bibble-babble, bibble-babbles (6-t)
  • highest containing c repeated letter common words: circumstances, characteristics, accuracy, acceptance, characteristic, ... and 114 others (3-t)
  • highest containing c repeated letter uncommon words: chroococcaceae, chroococcaceous, ... and 5 others (5-t)
  • highest containing d repeated letter common word: muddleheaded (4)
  • highest containing d repeated letter uncommon word: dunderheadededness (5)
  • highest containing d repeated letter hyphenated word: diddle-daddled (7)
  • highest containing e repeated letter common words: interdependence, interdependencies, beekeeper, representativeness, enfeeblement, ... and 2 others (5-t)
  • highest containing e repeated letter uncommon words: ethylenediaminetetraacetate, ethylenediaminetetraacetates (7-t)
  • highest containing e repeated letter phrase: between the devil and the deep blue sea (10)
  • highest containing f repeated letter common word: riffraff (4)
  • highest containing f repeated letter hyphenated word: fluffy-ruffle (5)
  • highest containing g repeated letter common words: giggling, gagging, gigging, aggregating, goggling, zigzagging (4-t)
  • highest containing g repeated letter uncommon word: huggermuggering (5)
  • highest containing g repeated letter hyphenated word: wagger-pagger-bagger (6)
  • highest containing h repeated letter common words: highlight, highlights, highlighted, highlighting, hitchhiking, ... and 6 others (3-t)
  • highest containing h repeated letter uncommon words: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, dinaphthothiophene, ... and 10 others (4-t)
  • highest containing h repeated letter phrases: hold with the hare and run with the hounds, run with the hare and hunt with the hounds (7-t)
  • highest containing i repeated letter common words: initialization, incompatibilities, initializing, invisibility, individualistic, ... and 12 others (5-t)
  • highest containing i repeated letter uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilification (9)
  • highest containing j repeated letter common words: jujutsu, jejune, jujitsu (2-t)
  • highest containing k repeated letter common words: kickback, kickbacks (3-t)
  • highest containing k repeated letter uncommon words: knickknacks, kukukuku, ... and 10 others (4-t)
  • highest containing l repeated letter common words: volleyball, illegally, intellectually, willfully, skillfully, ... and 10 others (4-t)
  • highest containing l repeated letter uncommon words: allochlorophyll, allochlorophylls, ... and 7 others (5-t)
  • highest containing l repeated letter phrases: all hell is let loose, all's well that ends well (6-t)
  • highest containing m repeated letter common words: minimum, maximum, commitment, momentum, communism, ... and 45 others (3-t)
  • highest containing m repeated letter uncommon words: mammogram, mammograms, ... and 30 others (4-t)
  • highest containing m repeated letter phrase: maximum and minimum thermometer (8)
  • highest containing n repeated letter common words: inconveniencing, nondenominational, nonintervention (5-t)
  • highest containing n repeated letter hyphenated word: nonny-nonny (6)
  • highest containing n repeated letter phrases: noncondensing engine, noncondensing engines (7-t)
  • highest containing o repeated letter common words: chlorofluorocarbons, chlorofluorocarbon (5-t)
  • highest containing o repeated letter uncommon words: hydrochlorofluorocarbon, monogonoporous, pseudomonocotyledonous (6-t)
  • highest containing o repeated letter phrase: don't halloo till you're out of the wood (8)
  • highest containing p repeated letter common words: whippersnappers, whippersnapper (4-t)
  • highest containing p repeated letter hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (6)
  • highest containing q repeated letter common word: quelque (2)
  • highest containing q repeated letter uncommon words: qaraqalpaq, qaraqalpaqs (3-t)
  • highest containing r repeated letter common words: refrigerator, extraterrestrial, refrigerators, extraterrestrials, extracurricular, ... and 2 others (4-t)
  • highest containing r repeated letter uncommon words: ferriprotoporphyrin, ferriprotoporphyrins, ... and 2 others (5-t)
  • highest containing r repeated letter hyphenated words: refrigerator-freezer, strawberry-raspberry (6-t)
  • highest containing r repeated letter hyphenated phrases: reverse-current circuit breaker, reverse-current circuit breakers (7-t)
  • highest containing s repeated letter common words: possessiveness, senselessness (6-t)
  • highest containing s repeated letter uncommon word: possessionlessnesses (9)
  • highest containing t repeated letter common words: intermittent, intermittently, constitutionality, institutionalization, scuttlebutt, ... and 8 others (4-t)
  • highest containing t repeated letter uncommon word: tattarrattat (6)
  • highest containing t repeated letter phrase: pentaerythritol tetranitrate, ... and 3 others (7)
  • highest containing u repeated letter common words: unscrupulous, tumultuous, unscrupulously (4-t)
  • highest containing u repeated letter uncommon words: humuhumunukunukuapuaa, humuhumunukunukuapuaas (9-t)
  • highest containing v repeated letter common words: involved, survive, involves, conservative, involving, ... and 114 others (2-t)
  • highest containing v repeated letter uncommon words: ovoviviparous, overconservative, ... and 13 others (3-t)
  • highest containing v repeated letter phrase: dum vivimus, vivamus (4)
  • highest containing w repeated letter common word: powwow (3)
  • highest containing w repeated letter hyphenated word: wow-wow (4)
  • highest containing x repeated letter common words: xerox, exotoxin (2-t)
  • highest containing x repeated letter uncommon word: hexahydroxycyclohexane (3)
  • highest containing y repeated letter common words: polygyny, synonymously, polydactyly, synonymy (3-t)
  • highest containing y repeated letter uncommon words: polyhydroxybutyrate, hyperpolysyllabically (4-t)
  • highest containing z repeated letter common words: jazz, pizza, fuzzy, puzzle, puzzled, ... and 102 others (2-t)
  • highest containing z repeated letter uncommon words: pizzazz, razzamatazz, ... and 9 others (4-t)
  • highest containing a ratio letters/length common words: ala, aha, baa (0.66-t)
  • highest containing a ratio letters/length uncommon word: aa (1)
  • highest containing b ratio letters/length common words: bob, bib, ebb (0.66-t)
  • highest containing b ratio letters/length uncommon word: bb (1)
  • highest containing c ratio letters/length common word: cocci (0.6)
  • highest containing c ratio letters/length uncommon word: cocc (0.75)
  • highest containing c ratio letters/length phrase: CC (1)
  • highest containing d ratio letters/length common words: did, add, odd, dad, dud (0.66-t)
  • highest containing d ratio letters/length uncommon word: dodd (0.75)
  • highest containing d ratio letters/length phrases: DD, DDD (1-t)
  • highest containing e ratio letters/length common word: epee (0.75)
  • highest containing e ratio letters/length uncommon word: ee (1)
  • highest containing f ratio letters/length common word: off (0.66)
  • highest containing f ratio letters/length uncommon words: faff, fuff (0.75-t)
  • highest containing f ratio letters/length phrase: FF (1)
  • highest containing g ratio letters/length common words: egg, gig, gag (0.66-t)
  • highest containing g ratio letters/length phrase: GG (1)
  • highest containing h ratio letters/length common words: huh, hah (0.66-t)
  • highest containing i ratio letters/length common words: in, is, it, if, id, ... and 12 others (0.5-t)
  • highest containing i ratio letters/length uncommon word: iiwi (0.75)
  • highest containing i ratio letters/length phrases: II, III (1-t)
  • highest containing j ratio letters/length common word: js (0.5)
  • highest containing k ratio letters/length common words: kick, kink, ks, kirk, kook, kaka (0.5-t)
  • highest containing k ratio letters/length uncommon words: kok, kakkak (0.66-t)
  • highest containing l ratio letters/length common words: lull, loll (0.75-t)
  • highest containing l ratio letters/length phrase: 'll (1)
  • highest containing m ratio letters/length common words: mom, mum (0.66-t)
  • highest containing m ratio letters/length uncommon word: mm (1)
  • highest containing n ratio letters/length common words: nun, inn (0.66-t)
  • highest containing n ratio letters/length uncommon words: nann, nunn (0.75-t)
  • highest containing o ratio letters/length common words: too, zoo, woo, boo, goo, ... and 5 others (0.66-t)
  • highest containing o ratio letters/length uncommon word: oo (1)
  • highest containing p ratio letters/length common words: pop, pup, pap, pip, pep (0.66-t)
  • highest containing p ratio letters/length uncommon word: pp (1)
  • highest containing q ratio letters/length common words: qt, qs (0.5-t)
  • highest containing q ratio letters/length uncommon word: qq (1)
  • highest containing r ratio letters/length common word: err (0.66)
  • highest containing r ratio letters/length uncommon word: brrr (0.75)
  • highest containing r ratio letters/length phrase: RR (1)
  • highest containing s ratio letters/length common word: ss (1)
  • highest containing t ratio letters/length common words: tot, tut, tat, tit (0.66-t)
  • highest containing t ratio letters/length uncommon word: tatt (0.75)
  • highest containing u ratio letters/length common words: up, us, guru, nu, mu, ... and 3 others (0.5-t)
  • highest containing u ratio letters/length uncommon words: utu, ulu, ... and 2 others (0.66-t)
  • highest containing v ratio letters/length common words: vs, viva (0.5-t)
  • highest containing v ratio letters/length uncommon word: vav (0.66)
  • highest containing w ratio letters/length common word: wow (0.66)
  • highest containing x ratio letters/length common words: ex, ax, ox, xi, xs (0.5-t)
  • highest containing x ratio letters/length uncommon word: xx (1)
  • highest containing y ratio letters/length common words: by, my, ye, ay, ys (0.5-t)
  • highest containing y ratio letters/length uncommon word: yay (0.66)
  • highest containing z ratio letters/length common words: jazz, buzz, fuzz, fizz, zs, razz (0.5-t)
  • highest containing z ratio letters/length uncommon word: zizz (0.75)
  • most different letters common words: incomprehensibility, comprehensibility, microencapsulated, ambidextrously (14-t)
  • most different letters uncommon words: blepharoconjunctivitis, pseudolamellibranchiata, ... and 12 others (16-t)
  • most different letters phrases: computerized axial tomography scanner, rocky mountain flowering raspberry (19-t)
  • highest ratio length/letters common word: senselessness (3.25)
  • highest ratio length/letters uncommon words: kukukuku, tattarrattat (4-t)
  • highest ratio length/letters hyphenated words: tat-tat-tat, pip-pip-pip (4.5-t)
  • highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) common word: senselessness (3.25)
  • highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) uncommon word: tattarrattat (4)
  • highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) hyphenated words: tat-tat-tat, pip-pip-pip (4.5-t)
  • lowest length 16 ratio length/letters common words: acknowledgements, incomprehensibly, overcompensating, extemporaneously (1.23-t)
  • lowest length 16 ratio length/letters uncommon words: ventriculography, pulmobranchiates (1.06-t)
  • lowest length 17 ratio length/letters common words: comprehensibility, microencapsulated (1.21-t)
  • lowest length 17 ratio length/letters uncommon words: entwicklungsroman, diacetylmorphines, ... and 3 others (1.13-t)
  • lowest length 17 ratio length/letters phrases: buckthorn families, pitch nodule makers (1.06-t)
  • lowest length 18 ratio length/letters common words: australopithecines, compartmentalizing (1.38-t)
  • lowest length 18 ratio length/letters uncommon words: entwicklungsromane, carboxyhemoglobins, ... and 7 others (1.2-t)
  • lowest length 18 ratio length/letters phrase: hydromagnetic waves (1.12)
  • lowest length 19 ratio length/letters common word: incomprehensibility (1.35)
  • lowest length 19 ratio length/letters uncommon words: psychogalvanometric, betacamphorsulfonic, superacknowledgment (1.18-t)
  • lowest length 20 ratio length/letters common word: tetrahydrocannabinol (1.53)
  • lowest length 20 ratio length/letters uncommon words: phenylthiocarbamides, superacknowledgement (1.25-t)
  • lowest length 21 ratio length/letters uncommon words: dimethyltubocurarines, superacknowledgements (1.31-t)
  • lowest length 22 ratio length/letters common words: counterrevolutionaries, electroencephalography (1.83-t)
  • lowest length 22 ratio length/letters uncommon words: blepharoconjunctivitis, diphenylthiocarbazones (1.37-t)
  • lowest length 22 ratio length/letters phrase: calcium hydrogen sulfite (1.29)
  • lowest length 23 ratio length/letters uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiata, pseudolamellibranchiate (1.43-t)
  • lowest length 23 ratio length/letters phrase: betacamphorsulfonic acid, ... and 3 others (1.35)
  • lowest length 24 ratio length/letters uncommon words: blepharoconjunctivitises, pseudolamellibranchiatas (1.5-t)
  • lowest length 24 ratio length/letters phrases: double wingback formations, public works and ways system (1.33-t)
  • lowest length 25 ratio length/letters uncommon word: spectroheliokinematograph (1.66)
  • lowest length 25 ratio length/letters phrase: public works and ways systems (1.38)

Letter Appearance

  • longest short letters common words: reassurances, necromancers (12-t)
  • longest short letters uncommon word: curvaceousnesses (16)
  • longest short letters phrase: arcanum arcanorums (17)
  • longest tall letters common words: highlight, hillbilly (9-t)
  • longest tall letters uncommon words: lighttight, lillypilly (10-t)
  • longest tall letters hyphenated word: highty-tighty (12)
  • longest letters with descenders common word: gyp (3)
  • longest letters with descenders uncommon word: gyppy (5)
  • longest letters with ascenders common words: tidbit, titbit (6-t)
  • longest letters with ascenders uncommon words: libidibi, tikitiki (8-t)
  • highest ratio of dotted letters common words: jig, jib (0.66-t)
  • highest ratio of dotted letters uncommon words: fiji, iiwi, jibi (0.75-t)
  • highest ratio of letters with descenders common words: puppy, gypsy, poppy, piggy, guppy, ... and 2 others (0.8-t)
  • highest ratio of letters with ascenders common words: hillbilly, killifish (0.88-t)
  • highest ratio of letters with ascenders hyphenated word: fifty-fifth (0.9)
  • longest vertical-symmetry letters common word: automata (8)
  • longest vertical-symmetry letters uncommon words: homotaxia, myomotomy, thymomata (9-t)
  • longest vertical-symmetry letters hyphenated word: mouth-to-mouth (12)
  • longest horizontal-symmetry letters common word: checkbook (9)
  • longest horizontal-symmetry letters uncommon word: coccidiocide (12)
  • longest horizontal-symmetry letters hyphenated word: hoochie-coochie (14)
  • longest full-symmetry letters common word: ooh (3)
  • longest full-symmetry letters uncommon word: ohio (4)
  • longest full-symmetry letters hyphenated word: hoo-oo (5)
  • longest vertical symmetry word common word: toot (4)
  • longest vertical symmetry word uncommon words: aitia, aiaia, imami (5-t)
  • longest vertical symmetry word hyphenated word: tat-tat-tat (9)
  • longest uppercase rotational symmetry word common word: swims (5)
  • longest lowercase rotational symmetry word common words: passed, dollop (6-t)
  • longest lowercase rotational symmetry word uncommon word: sooloos (7)


  • longest top row common words: typewriter, repertoire, proprietor, perpetuity (10-t)
  • longest top row uncommon word: teetertotter (12)
  • longest middle row common word: alfalfa (7)
  • longest middle row uncommon word: shakalshas (10)
  • longest middle row hyphenated word: algal-algals (11)
  • longest bottom row common words: c, x, n, b, v, ... and 2 others (1-t)
  • longest bottom row uncommon words: mm, xx, ... and 3 others (2-t)
  • longest bottom row phrase: MNC (3)
  • longest in order common words: weiss, weigh, quips, quash, quaff, ... and 3 others (5-t)
  • longest in order uncommon words: wettish, qwertys (7-t)
  • longest in reverse order common words: soiree, sirree (6-t)
  • longest in reverse order uncommon word: boottree (8)
  • longest left hand common words: aftereffects, stewardesses, reverberates, reverberated, desegregated (12-t)
  • longest left hand uncommon word: sweaterdresses (14)
  • longest left hand phrase: great crested grebes (18)
  • longest right hand common words: polyphony, homophony (9-t)
  • longest right hand uncommon words: kinnikinnik, hypolimnion (11-t)
  • longest right hand hyphenated word: johnny-jump-up, ... and 2 others (12)
  • longest alternating hands common word: dismantlement (13)
  • longest alternating hands uncommon words: antiskepticism, leucocytozoans (14-t)
  • longest alternating hands phrases: laugh and lay down, protocorm theory (15-t)
  • shortest all fingers common words: pleasing, lifespan, captions, scalping, jackpots, ... and 6 others (8-t)
  • shortest all fingers in order common words: militias, gondolas, cedillas (8-t)
  • shortest all fingers in reverse order common words: architecture, announcement, availability, alternatives, accomplished, ... and 46 others (12-t)
  • longest fingers in groups common word: patronymics (11)
  • longest fingers in groups hyphenated word: woolly-haired (12)
  • longest one finger common word: deeded (6)
  • longest one finger uncommon word: deedeed (7)
  • longest with finger 1 one finger common words: a, q, z (1-t)
  • longest with finger 1 one finger uncommon word: qazaq (5)
  • longest with finger 2 one finger common words: ws, ss, xs (2-t)
  • longest with finger 2 one finger phrase: SSs (3)
  • longest with finger 3 one finger common word: deeded (6)
  • longest with finger 3 one finger uncommon word: deedeed (7)
  • longest with finger 4 one finger common words: b, t, g, r, v, f (1-t)
  • longest with finger 4 one finger uncommon word: brrr (4)
  • longest with finger 5 one finger common words: yummy, mummy (5-t)
  • longest with finger 5 one finger uncommon words: humhum, hummum, ... and 2 others (6-t)
  • longest with finger 6 one finger common words: i, k (1-t)
  • longest with finger 6 one finger uncommon word: ki (2)
  • longest with finger 6 one finger phrase: III (3)
  • longest with finger 7 one finger common word: loll (4)
  • longest with finger 8 one finger common word: p (1)
  • longest with finger 8 one finger uncommon word: pp (2)
  • longest adjacent keys common words: assessed, assesses, reseeded (8-t)
  • longest adjacent keys uncommon words: assertresses, desertresses (12-t)


Morse Code

  • longest entirely dots in Morse code common word: sissies (7)
  • longest entirely dashes in Morse code common word: motto (5)
  • longest entirely dashes in Morse code uncommon word: motmot (6)
  • longest entirely dot-dashes in Morse code common word: entente (7)
  • longest entirely dash-dots in Morse code common word: tartar (6)
  • longest entirely dot-dot-dashes in Morse code common words: erred, fetid, frena (5-t)
  • longest entirely dot-dot-dashes in Morse code uncommon word: fained (6)
  • longest entirely dot-dash-dots in Morse code common word: retinae (7)
  • longest entirely dot-dash-dots in Morse code uncommon word: retinene (8)
  • longest entirely dot-dash-dashes in Morse code common word: empty (5)
  • longest entirely dot-dash-dashes in Morse code uncommon word: wayang (6)
  • longest entirely dash-dot-dashes in Morse code common words: tempt, twang (5-t)
  • longest entirely dash-dot-dashes in Morse code uncommon word: yeggman (7)
  • longest entirely dash-dash-dots in Morse code common word: mate (4)
  • longest entirely dash-dash-dots in Morse code uncommon words: mayan, manty (5-t)
  • most repeated dots in Morse code common words: obsessive, possessive, obsessively, possessiveness (18-t)
  • most repeated dots in Morse code uncommon words: bakhsheeshes, bakhshishes (24-t)
  • most repeated dashes in Morse code common word: servomotor (13)
  • most repeated dashes in Morse code uncommon word: myomotomy (17)
  • longest composed of length 1 Morse code symbols common word: tee (3)
  • longest composed of length 1 Morse code symbols uncommon word: teetee (6)
  • longest composed of length 2 Morse code symbols common words: minima, manana (6-t)
  • longest composed of length 2 Morse code symbols uncommon words: anamnia, miamian (7-t)
  • longest composed of length 3 Morse code symbols common words: woodwork, dogwoods (8-t)
  • longest composed of length 3 Morse code symbols uncommon words: woodworks, kukukukus, ... and 2 others (9-t)
  • longest composed of length 3 Morse code symbols phrase: sour gourds (10)
  • longest composed of length 4 Morse code symbols common word: flyby (5)
  • longest palindrome in Morse code common word: intransigence (13)


  • longest formed with chemical symbols common word: paraprofessionals (17)
  • longest formed with chemical symbols uncommon word: hypothalamicohypophyseal (24)
  • longest formed with chemical symbols phrases: infectious necrotic hepatitises, pneumocystis carinii pneumonias (29-t)
  • longest formed with overlapping chemical symbols common word: fraternal (9)
  • longest formed with overlapping chemical symbols uncommon word: aceratheres (11)
  • longest formed with US postal codes common words: mainland, memorial, victoria, mandarin, armorial, ... and 5 others (8-t)
  • longest formed with US postal codes uncommon word: convallarias (12)
  • longest formed with overlapping US postal codes common word: malarial (8)
  • longest formed with overlapping US postal codes uncommon words: coriarias, scalarias (9-t)
  • longest formed with piano notes common words: baggage, cabbage, defaced, acceded, effaced (7-t)
  • longest formed with piano notes uncommon words: debagged, cabbaged, ... and 2 others (8-t)
  • longest formed with piano notes hyphenated word: face-bedded (10)
  • longest formed with amino acid abbreviations common word: serval (6)
  • longest formed with overlapping amino acid abbreviations common words: his, met, pro, ala, asp (3-t)
  • longest formed with roman numerals common words: civil, vivid, civic, mimic, livid, villi (5-t)
  • longest formed with roman numerals uncommon word: dividivi (8)
  • highest single word score in scrabble common word: psychoanalyzing (1427)
  • highest single word score in scrabble uncommon word: oxyphenbutazone (1508)
  • longest phone even letters common words: communication, communicating, contamination, contaminating (13-t)
  • longest phone even letters uncommon words: monocontaminating, monocontamination (17-t)
  • longest phone odd letters common word: selflessly (10)
  • longest phone odd letters uncommon words: perplexedly, preferredly, ... and 9 others (11-t)
  • longest phone odd letters hyphenated words: well-expressed, self-perplexed (13-t)
  • shortest phone all keys common words: unfairly, idolatry, uneasily, keypunch, playtime, ... and 3 others (8-t)
  • shortest phone all keys in order common words: describe, academic, overload, displace, geodesic, ... and 6 others (8-t)
  • shortest phone keys in groups common words: probably, included, includes, provided, somewhat, ... and 417 others (8-t)
  • longest beginning with a phone word common word: anticoagulants (14)
  • longest beginning with a phone word uncommon word: antichristianly (15)
  • longest beginning with b phone word common words: bluntly, biplane, blandly (7-t)
  • longest beginning with b phone word uncommon word: bicentricity (12)
  • longest beginning with b phone word phrase: block and block (13)
  • longest beginning with c phone word common word: councilman (10)
  • longest beginning with c phone word uncommon word: christocentric (14)
  • longest beginning with d phone word common words: download, downtown, docility (8-t)
  • longest beginning with d phone word uncommon word: downthrusts (11)
  • longest beginning with e phone word common words: entitlements, enchantments (12-t)
  • longest beginning with e phone word uncommon word: enchaicnements (14)
  • longest beginning with f phone word common words: flourish, flamenco, fourthly (8-t)
  • longest beginning with f phone word uncommon word: flagsticks (10)
  • longest beginning with g phone word common word: gamecocks (9)
  • longest beginning with g phone word uncommon word: gaelicists (10)
  • longest beginning with g phone word phrase: game of chance (12)
  • longest beginning with h phone word common word: humanlike (9)
  • longest beginning with h phone word uncommon word: hustlements (11)
  • longest beginning with h phone word phrases: hail columbia, handle blanks (12-t)
  • longest beginning with h phone word hyphenated phrase: half-Christian (13)
  • longest beginning with i phone word common words: island, iambic, iceman, icicle, icebox (6-t)
  • longest beginning with i phone word uncommon word: ileocolitis (11)
  • longest beginning with j phone word common words: jealously, joviality (9-t)
  • longest beginning with j phone word uncommon words: jovicentric, jumblements (11-t)
  • longest beginning with j phone word phrase: justice courts (13)
  • longest beginning with k phone word common word: kilovolts (9)
  • longest beginning with k phone word uncommon words: kamchadale, kamchadals (10-t)
  • longest beginning with k phone word hyphenated word: kana-majiris (11)
  • longest beginning with l phone word common word: luxuriant (9)
  • longest beginning with l phone word uncommon words: luxuriantly, lecithality (11-t)
  • longest beginning with l phone word phrase: lots to blanks (12)
  • longest beginning with m phone word common word: maladjustment (13)
  • longest beginning with m phone word uncommon word: multicentricity (15)
  • longest beginning with n phone word common word: nuptials (8)
  • longest beginning with n phone word uncommon word: neothalamus (11)
  • longest beginning with o phone word common word: obelisks (8)
  • longest beginning with o phone word uncommon word: obliviality (11)
  • longest beginning with p phone word common word: phlebitis (9)
  • longest beginning with p phone word uncommon words: phleboliths, pilpulistic, ptolemaists (11-t)
  • longest beginning with r phone word common words: rundown, rupiahs, risible (7-t)
  • longest beginning with r phone word uncommon word: rhadamanthus (12)
  • longest beginning with r phone word phrase: rice christian (13)
  • longest beginning with s phone word common word: shantytown (10)
  • longest beginning with s phone word uncommon words: silicicolous, stylistician (12-t)
  • longest beginning with s phone word phrase: silence cloths (13)
  • longest beginning with t phone word common words: triviality, thumbnails (10-t)
  • longest beginning with t phone word uncommon words: trivialists, thricecocks, tylenchulus (11-t)
  • longest beginning with t phone word phrase: triple blocks (12)
  • longest beginning with u phone word common word: unchristian (11)
  • longest beginning with u phone word uncommon word: unchristianlike (15)
  • longest beginning with v phone word common words: visibility, virulently (10-t)
  • longest beginning with w phone word common words: would, wound, woken (5-t)
  • longest beginning with w phone word uncommon word: wolvishly (9)
  • longest beginning with x phone word common word: x (1)
  • longest beginning with x phone word uncommon word: xoana (5)
  • longest beginning with x phone word phrase: x virus (6)
  • longest beginning with y phone word common word: yokels (6)
  • longest beginning with y phone word uncommon word: yokelish (8)
  • longest word containing square letters common word: papaya (6)
  • longest word containing square letters hyphenated word: yada-yada-yada (12)
  • longest word containing prime letters common words: messes, emcees (6-t)
  • longest word containing prime letters uncommon words: meseemses, sweeswees (9-t)
  • longest word containing Fibonacci letters common words: became, hubbub (6-t)
  • longest word containing Fibonacci letters uncommon word: macacahuba (10)
  • longest 'nice' words common words: inconvenience, inconveniencing (9-t)
  • longest 'nice' words hyphenated word: nievie-nievie-nick-nack (10)
  • highest puzzle words common word: trustworthy (11)

Letter Order


  • longest letters in order common words: almost, begins, chimps, biopsy, chinos, chintz (6-t)
  • longest letters in order uncommon word: aegilops (8)
  • longest letters in order with repeats common word: billowy (7)
  • longest letters in order with repeats uncommon word: aegilops (8)
  • longest letters in reverse order common word: wronged (7)
  • longest letters in reverse order with repeats common words: spooled, wronged, sniffed, spooked, spoofed, ... and 2 others (7-t)
  • longest letters in reverse order with repeats uncommon words: spoonfed, trollied (8-t)
  • longest letters in reverse order with repeats hyphenated word: spoon-feed (9)
  • longest letters in order minus not common words: begrudgingly, biodegradability (7-t)
  • longest letters in order minus not uncommon words: acquaintanceships, biopsychologist, intersubstitutability (8-t)
  • longest letters in order minus not hyphenated word: north-northwestwardly (9)
  • longest letters in order minus not phrase: developmental psychologist (10)
  • longest roller-coaster common words: generalizations, decontamination, systematization, capitalizations (15-t)
  • longest roller-coaster uncommon word: multilateralization (19)
  • longest roller-coaster phrase: freshman compositions (20)
  • longest roller-coaster hyphenated phrase: through-and-through coal (21)
  • longest no letters in place common word: compartmentalization (20)
  • longest no letters in place uncommon word: trinitrophenylmethylnitramines (30)
  • longest no letters in place phrase: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ... and 11 others (34)
  • most letters in place common words: leadership, readership, abide, abiding, abode, ... and 11 others (4-t)
  • most letters in place uncommon words: archetypical, archetypically, ... and 11 others (5-t)
  • most letters in place phrases: absolute inclinometer, archegonial chambers (6-t)
  • most letters in place shifted common words: inoperative, cooperatively (6-t)
  • most letters in place shifted phrase: adenosine monophosphate, ... and 6 others (7)
  • most consecutive letters in order consecutively common words: understudy, overstuffed, understudied (4-t)
  • most consecutive runs of consecutive letters common words: damndest, sophist, catastrophist, hiders (3-t)
  • most consecutive runs of consecutive letters uncommon word: echinoders (4)
  • most consecutive letters in order common word: absconded (5)
  • highest containing a consecutive in order common word: absconded (5)
  • highest containing b consecutive in order common words: blockade, backside, barricades, backwardness, barricade, ... and 11 others (4-t)
  • highest containing b consecutive in order hyphenated word: backside-front (5)
  • highest containing c consecutive in order common words: code, include, children, consider, included, ... and 345 others (3-t)
  • highest containing c consecutive in order uncommon words: codefendants, schadenfreude, ... and 11 others (4-t)
  • highest containing c consecutive in order phrase: children of light, ... and 2 others (5)
  • highest containing d consecutive in order common words: defending, defining, identifying, defeating, deafening, ... and 23 others (4-t)
  • highest containing d consecutive in order hyphenated word: dead-freight (5)
  • highest containing e consecutive in order common words: spaceflight, preflight, overflights, overflight (4-t)
  • highest containing e consecutive in order hyphenated words: self-naughting, self-naughtings (5-t)
  • highest containing f consecutive in order common words: flagship, flagships (4-t)
  • highest containing g consecutive in order common words: graphics, graphic, laughing, graphical, gathering, ... and 77 others (3-t)
  • highest containing g consecutive in order phrases: laughing jackass, laughing jackasses (5-t)
  • highest containing h consecutive in order common words: hijacked, hijacking, hijack, hijacker, hijackers, hijacks (4-t)
  • highest containing i consecutive in order common words: hijacked, hijacking, hijack, straitjacket, hijacker, ... and 4 others (3-t)
  • highest containing i consecutive in order uncommon words: rijksdaalder, rijksdaalders (4-t)
  • highest containing j consecutive in order common words: jokingly, jackal, jackals, jerkily (3-t)
  • highest containing j consecutive in order phrases: jack salmon, jack salmons (5-t)
  • highest containing k consecutive in order common word: kleptomaniac (4)
  • highest containing k consecutive in order uncommon word: kilmarnock (5)
  • highest containing l consecutive in order common words: elimination, illumination, luminous, flamenco, culmination, ... and 18 others (4-t)
  • highest containing l consecutive in order uncommon words: aluminotype, aluminotypes, ... and 30 others (5-t)
  • highest containing m consecutive in order common words: minicomputer, minicomputers, menopause, immunosuppression, misanthropic, ... and 9 others (4-t)
  • highest containing m consecutive in order uncommon words: semnopitheque, semnopitheques (5-t)
  • highest containing n consecutive in order common words: newsgroup, envelope, censorship, incomplete, incompatible, ... and 160 others (3-t)
  • highest containing n consecutive in order uncommon words: nonopaque, semnopitheque, semnopitheques (4-t)
  • highest containing n consecutive in order phrase: animis opibusque parati, ... and 2 others (5)
  • highest containing o consecutive in order common words: opaque, opaqueness (3-t)
  • highest containing o consecutive in order uncommon word: opaquers (5)
  • highest containing p consecutive in order common words: prerequisite, opaque, politique, plaque, prerequisites, ... and 20 others (2-t)
  • highest containing p consecutive in order uncommon words: pulquerias, opaquers, ... and 5 others (4-t)
  • highest containing q consecutive in order common words: aquarists, aquarist (4-t)
  • highest containing r consecutive in order common words: restaurant, restaurants, infrastructure, redistribute, prostitution, ... and 38 others (4-t)
  • highest containing r consecutive in order uncommon words: reconstructive, redistributive, ... and 5 others (5-t)
  • highest containing s consecutive in order common words: constructive, destructive, instructive, constructively, destructively, ... and 6 others (4-t)
  • highest containing s consecutive in order phrases: distributive law, distributive laws (5-t)
  • highest containing t consecutive in order common words: constructive, destructive, intuitive, turnover, intuitively, ... and 23 others (3-t)
  • highest containing t consecutive in order phrase: distributive law, ... and 4 others (4)
  • highest containing u consecutive in order common word: purview (3)
  • highest containing v consecutive in order common words: view, views, review, interview, everywhere, ... and 95 others (2-t)
  • highest containing v consecutive in order hyphenated word: grave-wax (3)
  • highest containing w consecutive in order common word: waxy (3)
  • highest containing w consecutive in order phrases: waxy maize, waxy maizes (4-t)
  • highest containing x consecutive in order common words: exactly, extremely, approximately, explicitly, homosexuality, ... and 136 others (2-t)
  • highest containing x consecutive in order uncommon word: oxygenizable (5)
  • highest containing y consecutive in order common words: synchronization, polymerization, stylization, symbolization, systemization (3-t)
  • highest containing y consecutive in order uncommon words: etymologizable, hydrolyzable, ... and 9 others (4-t)
  • highest containing z consecutive in order common words: recognizable, sizable, sizeable, customizable, mozambique, ... and 4 others (3-t)
  • highest containing z consecutive in order uncommon words: mozambican, mozarabic, ... and 2 others (4-t)
  • most consecutive letters common words: disenfranchising, goldfinches (7-t)
  • most consecutive letters uncommon words: perquisition, perquisitions, ... and 24 others (8-t)
  • most consecutive letters hyphenated word: quasi-complimentary (10)
  • most consecutive letters phrase: Knight of St John of Jerusalem, ... and 2 others (11)
  • highest containing a consecutive common words: feedback, fabricated, boldface, backfired, backfield, ... and 5 others (6-t)
  • highest containing a consecutive uncommon word: blackfigured (7)
  • highest containing a consecutive hyphenated word: right-about-faced (9)
  • highest containing b consecutive common words: feedback, fabricated, boldface, backfired, backfield, ... and 5 others (5-t)
  • highest containing b consecutive uncommon words: fredericksburg, blackfigured (6-t)
  • highest containing b consecutive hyphenated word: right-about-faced (8)
  • highest containing c consecutive common words: disenfranchising, goldfinches (7-t)
  • highest containing c consecutive phrase: floodlight projector (8)
  • highest containing d consecutive common words: frightened, delightful, foreshadowing, delightfully, figurehead, ... and 8 others (6-t)
  • highest containing d consecutive phrase: floodlight projector (7)
  • highest containing e consecutive common words: fighter, fighters, frightening, refreshing, frightened, ... and 50 others (5-t)
  • highest containing e consecutive uncommon word: jetfighter (6)
  • highest containing e consecutive phrase: Knight of St John of Jerusalem, ... and 2 others (11)
  • highest containing f consecutive common words: fight, fighting, flight, fighter, fishing, ... and 115 others (4-t)
  • highest containing f consecutive uncommon word: jetfighter (5)
  • highest containing f consecutive hyphenated word: half-joking (7)
  • highest containing f consecutive phrase: Knight of St John of Jerusalem, ... and 2 others (10)
  • highest containing g consecutive common words: hijacking, straightjacket (5-t)
  • highest containing g consecutive uncommon words: jacklighting, jacklighted, ... and 5 others (6-t)
  • highest containing g consecutive phrase: Knight of St John of Jerusalem, ... and 2 others (9)
  • highest containing h consecutive common words: hijacked, hijacking, hijack, hijacker, hijackers, ... and 2 others (4-t)
  • highest containing h consecutive uncommon words: jacklighting, jacklighted, ... and 12 others (5-t)
  • highest containing h consecutive phrase: Knight of St John of Jerusalem, ... and 6 others (8)
  • highest containing i consecutive common words: jokingly, jaywalking, jailbreak, jerkily, killjoy, kilojoules (4-t)
  • highest containing i consecutive uncommon word: jasminelike (6)
  • highest containing i consecutive phrase: Knight of St John of Jerusalem, ... and 8 others (7)
  • highest containing j consecutive common words: lumberjack, lumberjacks (4-t)
  • highest containing j consecutive uncommon word: jasminelike (5)
  • highest containing j consecutive phrases: japanese hemlock, japanese hemlocks (7-t)
  • highest containing k consecutive common words: sportsmanlike, kleptomaniac (6-t)
  • highest containing l consecutive common words: development, implementation, complain, complaints, employment, ... and 206 others (5-t)
  • highest containing l consecutive uncommon words: plasmoquin, plasmoquine, ... and 3 others (6-t)
  • highest containing l consecutive hyphenated word: quasi-complimentary (10)
  • highest containing m consecutive common words: important, company, development, performance, programming, ... and 623 others (4-t)
  • highest containing m consecutive uncommon word: prosequendum (7)
  • highest containing m consecutive hyphenated words: quasi-complimentary, quasi-important (9-t)
  • highest containing n consecutive common words: quadraphonic, propinquity (5-t)
  • highest containing n consecutive uncommon words: perquisition, perquisitions, ... and 21 others (8-t)
  • highest containing n consecutive phrase: equivalent evaporations, ... and 11 others (9)
  • highest containing o consecutive common words: quadraphonic, equiprobable, propinquity (4-t)
  • highest containing o consecutive uncommon words: perquisition, perquisitions, ... and 42 others (7-t)
  • highest containing o consecutive hyphenated words: quasi-productive, quasi-provocative (8-t)
  • highest containing p consecutive common words: prerequisite, prerequisites, picturesque, pratiques, perquisite, ... and 2 others (6-t)
  • highest containing p consecutive uncommon words: preacquisitive, superequivalent, superinquisitive (7-t)
  • highest containing p consecutive hyphenated phrase: quarter-wave plates (8)
  • highest containing q consecutive common word: ventriloquist (6)
  • highest containing q consecutive hyphenated word: quasi-interviewed (7)
  • highest containing r consecutive common word: liverwurst (6)
  • highest containing s consecutive common word: liverwurst (5)
  • highest containing t consecutive common words: overwrought, liverwurst (4-t)
  • highest containing u consecutive common words: purview, overwrought, unswerving, liverwurst (3-t)
  • highest containing v consecutive common words: however, whatever, view, views, review, ... and 179 others (2-t)
  • highest containing v consecutive hyphenated words: ex-servicewoman, grave-wax (3-t)
  • highest containing v consecutive phrase: downy false foxglove, ... and 4 others (4)
  • highest containing w consecutive common words: expressway, waxy, expressways (3-t)
  • highest containing w consecutive phrases: waxy maize, waxy maizes (5-t)
  • highest containing x consecutive common words: exactly, extremely, approximately, syntax, explicitly, ... and 163 others (2-t)
  • highest containing x consecutive uncommon words: benzoxyacetanilide, parahydroxybenzoic (8-t)
  • highest containing y consecutive common words: recognizably, recognizability (5-t)
  • highest containing y consecutive uncommon word: brazenfacedly (8)
  • highest containing y consecutive hyphenated phrase: gazelle-faced wallaby (9)
  • highest containing z consecutive common words: cannibalized, carbonized (6-t)
  • highest containing z consecutive uncommon words: brazenfaced, brazenfacedly, diazobenzenesulfonic (7-t)
  • highest containing z consecutive phrase: exchange stabilization fund (10)
  • highest ratio of consecutive letters to length common words: backed, squirt, quarts, braced, cabled (0.83-t)
  • highest ratio of consecutive letters to length uncommon word: klompen (0.85)
  • most consecutive letters in reverse order consecutively common words: response, outside, environment, respond, responsible, ... and 174 others (3-t)
  • most consecutive letters in reverse order consecutively hyphenated word: weapon-making, ... and 3 others (4)
  • longest vicinal common word: unreconstructed (15)
  • longest vicinal uncommon word: reticuloendotheliums (20)
  • longest vicinal phrase: lord chamberlain of the households (30)
  • longest chaotic common words: accomplishments, misapprehension, euphemistically, impressionistic, macroscopically, expressionistic (15-t)
  • longest chaotic uncommon words: autosuggestibility, hemibasidiomycetes, photofluoroscopies (18-t)
  • shortest beginning with a last next to first common word: alb (3)
  • shortest beginning with a last next to first uncommon word: ab (2)
  • shortest beginning with b last next to first common word: bloc (4)
  • shortest beginning with b last next to first uncommon word: bc (2)
  • shortest beginning with c last next to first common words: cod, cad, cud (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with c last next to first phrases: CD, CD4 (2-t)
  • shortest beginning with d last next to first common words: die, due, dye, doe (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with d last next to first uncommon word: de (2)
  • shortest beginning with e last next to first common word: elf (3)
  • shortest beginning with e last next to first uncommon word: ef (2)
  • shortest beginning with f last next to first common words: fog, fig, fag (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with g last next to first common words: gosh, gash, gush (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with h last next to first common word: hi (2)
  • shortest beginning with i last next to first ?
  • shortest beginning with j last next to first common words: junk, jack, jerk, jock (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with j last next to first uncommon word: jak (3)
  • shortest beginning with k last next to first common words: kill, keel, kohl (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with k last next to first uncommon word: kol (3)
  • shortest beginning with l last next to first common words: loom, loam (4-t)
  • shortest beginning with l last next to first uncommon words: lam, lum, lym (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with l last next to first phrase: LM (2)
  • shortest beginning with m last next to first common words: man, men (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with n last next to first common word: no (2)
  • shortest beginning with o last next to first common words: overlap, outcrop, overtop (7-t)
  • shortest beginning with o last next to first uncommon word: op (2)
  • shortest beginning with p last next to first uncommon word: pdq (3)
  • shortest beginning with q last next to first common word: queer (5)
  • shortest beginning with r last next to first common word: rs (2)
  • shortest beginning with s last next to first common words: set, sit, sat, sot (3-t)
  • shortest beginning with s last next to first uncommon word: st (2)
  • shortest beginning with t last next to first common word: tau (3)
  • shortest beginning with t last next to first uncommon word: tu (2)
  • shortest beginning with u last next to first phrase: UV (2)
  • shortest beginning with v last next to first common word: vow (3)
  • shortest beginning with w last next to first common word: wax (3)
  • shortest beginning with x last next to first common word: xerography (10)
  • shortest beginning with x last next to first uncommon word: xeny (4)
  • shortest beginning with y last next to first uncommon word: yez (3)
  • shortest beginning with z last next to first common word: zeta (4)
  • shortest beginning with z last next to first uncommon words: zia, zea, zoa (3-t)


  • longest without e common word: institutionalization (20)
  • longest without e uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilification (29)
  • longest without e phrase: you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours (34)
  • longest without et common word: chlorofluorocarbons (19)
  • longest without et uncommon word: hydrochlorofluorocarbon (23)
  • longest without et phrase: anhydrous hydrofluoric acids (26)
  • longest without eta common word: uncompromisingly (16)
  • longest without eta uncommon words: glycosphingolipids, coccidioidomycosis, ... and 2 others (18-t)
  • longest without eta phrase: moldy corn poisonings (19)
  • longest without etai common word: unscrupulously (14)
  • longest without etai uncommon word: phyllospondylous (16)
  • longest without etai phrase: synchronous clocks (17)
  • longest without etain common word: scrupulously (12)
  • longest without etain uncommon words: chylophyllously, hydrosulphurous, hypophosphorous (15-t)
  • longest without etain phrase: old world scops owl (16)
  • longest without etains common word: chlorophyll (11)
  • longest without etains uncommon words: promorphology, rhombporphyry (13-t)
  • longest without etains phrase: by hook or by crook (15)
  • lowest length 2 sumgram score common word: by (37)
  • lowest length 2 sumgram score uncommon word: qq (2)
  • lowest length 3 sumgram score common word: jug (54)
  • lowest length 3 sumgram score uncommon word: zuz (33)
  • lowest length 4 sumgram score common word: buzz (50)
  • lowest length 5 sumgram score common word: fuzzy (73)
  • lowest length 5 sumgram score uncommon word: buzzy (70)
  • lowest length 6 sumgram score common word: dybbuk (128)
  • lowest length 6 sumgram score uncommon word: kumbuk (125)
  • lowest length 6 sumgram score hyphenated word: jug-jug (108)
  • lowest length 7 sumgram score common word: mugwump (181)
  • lowest length 7 sumgram score uncommon word: zyzzyva (134)
  • lowest length 8 sumgram score common word: mugwumps (247)
  • lowest length 8 sumgram score uncommon word: kukukuku (160)
  • lowest length 9 sumgram score common word: piggyback (296)
  • lowest length 9 sumgram score uncommon word: kukukukus (226)
  • lowest length 10 sumgram score common words: blackjacks, zigzagging (374-t)
  • lowest length 10 sumgram score uncommon word: xyloglyphy (319)
  • lowest length 10 sumgram score hyphenated word: fuddy-duddy (292)
  • lowest length 10 sumgram score hyphenated word: fuzzy-wuzzy (145)
  • lowest length 11 sumgram score common word: quizzically (396)
  • lowest length 11 sumgram score uncommon word: bumfuzzling (331)
  • lowest length 12 sumgram score common word: skullduggery (493)
  • lowest length 12 sumgram score uncommon word: zygophyllums (421)
  • lowest length 12 sumgram score hyphenated word: wibbly-wobbly (380)
  • lowest length 13 sumgram score common word: swashbuckling (573)
  • lowest length 13 sumgram score uncommon word: brachyphyllum (496)
  • lowest length 13 sumgram score hyphenated word: high-mucky-muck (414)
  • lowest length 14 sumgram score common word: unscrupulously (624)
  • lowest length 14 sumgram score uncommon word: brachyphyllums (562)
  • lowest length 14 sumgram score hyphenated word: high-muck-a-mucks (540)
  • lowest length 14 sumgram score phrase: milky way galaxy (536)
  • lowest length 15 sumgram score common word: psychologically (701)
  • lowest length 15 sumgram score uncommon word: chylophyllously (637)
  • lowest length 15 sumgram score hyphenated word: high-muckety-muck (623)
  • lowest length 15 sumgram score phrase: roxbury waxworks (605)
  • lowest length 16 sumgram score common word: uncompromisingly (789)
  • lowest length 16 sumgram score uncommon words: hydroxylammonium, psychophysically (720-t)
  • lowest length 16 sumgram score hyphenated word: high-muckety-mucks (689)
  • lowest length 16 sumgram score phrase: burkwood viburnum (644)
  • lowest length 17 sumgram score common word: cryptographically (830)
  • lowest length 17 sumgram score uncommon word: hydroxylammoniums (786)
  • lowest length 17 sumgram score phrase: dum vivimus, vivamus (683)
  • lowest length 18 sumgram score common word: chlorofluorocarbon (987)
  • lowest length 18 sumgram score uncommon word: hypsibrachycephaly (858)
  • lowest length 18 sumgram score phrase: hydroxybutyric acid (810)
  • lowest length 18 sumgram score hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackals (788)
  • lowest length 19 sumgram score common word: chlorofluorocarbons (1053)
  • lowest length 19 sumgram score uncommon word: zygomaticomaxillary (930)
  • lowest length 19 sumgram score phrase: quillback carpsucker (844)
  • lowest length 19 sumgram score hyphenated phrase: knock-for-knock policy (824)
  • lowest length 20 sumgram score common word: compartmentalization (1284)
  • lowest length 20 sumgram score uncommon word: hypsibrachycephalism (1004)
  • lowest length 20 sumgram score phrase: quillback carpsuckers (910)
  • highest length 2 sumgram score common word: ae (198)
  • highest length 2 sumgram score uncommon word: ee (236)
  • highest length 3 sumgram score common word: tee (327)
  • highest length 4 sumgram score common word: teen (395)
  • highest length 4 sumgram score uncommon words: tete, ette (418-t)
  • highest length 5 sumgram score common words: eerie, tenet (486-t)
  • highest length 5 sumgram score uncommon word: teene (513)
  • highest length 6 sumgram score common word: settee (602)
  • highest length 6 sumgram score uncommon word: teetee (654)
  • highest length 7 sumgram score common word: entente (672)
  • highest length 7 sumgram score uncommon word: entetee (722)
  • highest length 8 sumgram score common word: teetered (748)
  • highest length 8 sumgram score uncommon word: teaettes (773)
  • highest length 9 sumgram score common word: reiterate (808)
  • highest length 9 sumgram score uncommon word: theetsees (835)
  • highest length 9 sumgram score hyphenated word: tete-a-tete (916)
  • highest length 10 sumgram score common word: entreaties (882)
  • highest length 10 sumgram score uncommon word: teentsiest (899)
  • highest length 10 sumgram score hyphenated word: tete-a-tetes (982)
  • highest length 11 sumgram score common word: teetotalers (953)
  • highest length 11 sumgram score uncommon word: tennesseean (979)
  • highest length 11 sumgram score hyphenated word: tetes-a-tetes (1048)
  • highest length 12 sumgram score common word: testosterone (1043)
  • highest length 12 sumgram score uncommon word: teetertotter (1125)
  • highest length 13 sumgram score common word: entertainment (1071)
  • highest length 13 sumgram score uncommon word: tetraacetates (1118)
  • highest length 13 sumgram score hyphenated word: teeter-totters (1191)
  • highest length 14 sumgram score common word: entertainments (1137)
  • highest length 14 sumgram score uncommon word: heteronereises (1200)
  • highest length 14 sumgram score hyphenated word: teeter-tottered (1277)
  • highest length 15 sumgram score common word: interpenetrated (1211)
  • highest length 15 sumgram score uncommon word: heterogeneratae (1267)
  • highest length 15 sumgram score hyphenated word: teeter-tottering (1285)
  • highest length 16 sumgram score common word: reinterpretation (1269)
  • highest length 16 sumgram score uncommon word: regeneratenesses (1353)
  • highest length 17 sumgram score common word: reinterpretations (1335)
  • highest length 17 sumgram score uncommon word: inattentivenesses (1382)
  • highest length 17 sumgram score phrase: interest lotteries (1420)
  • highest length 18 sumgram score common word: representativeness (1413)
  • highest length 18 sumgram score uncommon word: interrelatednesses (1454)
  • highest length 18 sumgram score phrase: set one's teeth on edge (1508)
  • highest length 19 sumgram score common word: extraterritoriality (1360)
  • highest length 19 sumgram score uncommon word: tenderheartednesses (1541)
  • highest length 19 sumgram score phrase: neither here nor there (1563)
  • highest length 20 sumgram score common word: internationalization (1450)
  • highest length 20 sumgram score uncommon word: representativenesses (1597)
  • highest length 20 sumgram score hyphenated word: testament-testamentar (1642)


longest transposal

  • common words: impressiveness & permissiveness (14)
  • uncommon words: hydroxydeoxycorticosterones & hydroxydesoxycorticosterone (27)
  • phrases: heisenberg uncertainty principles & heisenberg's uncertainty principle (31-t)
  • phrases: throw out the baby with the bathwater & throw the baby out with the bath water (31-t)
  • hyphenated phrases: generative-transformational grammar & transformational-generative grammar (33)

transposal, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: antiparticles & paternalistic (13)
  • uncommon words: cinematographers & megachiropterans (16)
  • phrases: inarticulatenesses & natural necessities (18)

transposal list, longest

  • common words: apres & pares & parse & pears & rapes & reaps & spare & spear (8-t)
  • common words: caret & carte & cater & crate & creat & react & recta & trace (8-t)
  • uncommon words: atles & elast & laets & lates & least & leats & salet & setal & slate & stale & steal & stela & taels & tales & teals & tesla (16)
  • phrases: angriest & angrites & astringe & gairtens & ganister & gantries & granites & inert gas & ingrates & rangiest & reasting & seat ring & stearing & tangiers & tasering & tea rings & tearings (17)

transposal list, highest ratio count / length

  • common words: apres & pares & parse & pears & rapes & reaps & spare & spear (1.6-t)
  • common words: caret & carte & cater & crate & creat & react & recta & trace (1.6-t)
  • uncommon words: atles & elast & laets & lates & least & leats & salet & setal & slate & stale & steal & stela & taels & tales & teals & tesla (3.2)

transposal list, quality

  • common words: caret & carte & cater & crate & creat & react & recta & trace (40)
  • uncommon words: anestri & antsier & nastier & neritas & ratines & resiant & retains & retinas & retsina & starnie & stearin & taniers (84)

nearly complete transposal list, longest

  • uncommon words: ate & eat & eta & tea & tae (3-t)
  • uncommon words: are & ear & era & rea & aer (3-t)
  • uncommon words: ani & ian & ina & nai & ain (3-t)
  • uncommon words: ail & ali & ila & lai & ial (3-t)
  • uncommon words: aes & eas & sae & sea & ase (3-t)
  • uncommon words: ary & ayr & ray & rya & yar (3-t)
  • ... and 3 others

transubstitution, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: transliterations => gastrointestinal (16)
  • uncommon words: centrifugalisation => intercartilaginous (18-t)
  • uncommon words: hypersophisticated => physiotherapeutics (18-t)
  • uncommon words: diphosphoglycerate => spectroheliography (18-t)
  • uncommon words: contemporarinesses => stenospermocarpies (18-t)
  • uncommon words: internationalities => tetranitroanilines (18-t)
  • uncommon words: anodoluminescences => uneconomicalnesses (18-t)
  • phrases: adenosine monophosphate => put an ape in someone's hood (22)


transdeletion, longest

  • common words: chlorofluorocarbons => chlorofluorocarbon (19-t)
  • common words: intercommunications => intercommunication (19-t)
  • uncommon words: trinitrophenylmethylnitramines => trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (30)
  • phrases: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphates => nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (41)

transdeletion, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: astrophysicist => psychiatrists (14-t)
  • common words: discontinuance => denunciations (14-t)
  • uncommon words: hypsistenocephalism => panmyelophthisises (19)
  • phrases: atmospheric inversion => comprehensivisation (20-t)
  • phrases: algebraic expressions => cerebrospinal axises (20-t)
  • phrases: Cutter classification => facilities contracts (20-t)
  • phrases: cutter classification => facilities contracts (20-t)

baltimore transdeletion, longest

  • common words: restates : setters & tasters & tasters & estates & restate & restate & tessera & tessera (8-t)
  • common words: discrete : dieters & recites & directs & directs & crested & deceits & recited & decries (8-t)
  • common words: discreet : dieters & recites & directs & directs & crested & deceits & recited & decries (8-t)
  • common words: emigrant : terming & migrant & minaret & garment & ingrate & migrate & teaming & reaming (8-t)
  • common words: ingrates : stinger & staring & nastier & strange & gaiters & teasing & ingrate & erasing (8-t)
  • common words: angriest : stinger & staring & nastier & strange & gaiters & teasing & ingrate & erasing (8-t)
  • uncommon words: pedestrians : presidents & sparteines & dispersant & dispersant & depressant & spreadiest & serandites & pedantises & pedestrian & pedestrian & panderises (11-t)
  • uncommon words: galanteries : generalist & generalist & sternalgia & sternalgia & snaileater & estrangela & tegenarias & legataries & gelatinase & galanterie & geraniales (11-t)
  • uncommon words: enteralgias : generalist & generalist & sternalgia & sternalgia & snaileater & estrangela & tegenarias & legataries & gelatinase & galanterie & geraniales (11-t)
  • uncommon words: ulcerations : cornulites & uranotiles & ultrasonic & recountals & recusation & alectorius & nuclearist & inoculates & ulceration & isonuclear & alectrions (11-t)

progressive transdeletion, longest

  • common words: misrepresents => misrepresent => enterprises => presenters => pretenses => presents => presets => steers => tress => sets => set => ts => t (13-t)
  • common words: imperfections => frontispiece => perfections => receptions => interpose => pointers => riposte => tropes => sport => sort => sot => ts => t (13-t)
  • common words: repercussions => preciousness => percussions => supersonic => conspires => princess => snipers => prises => press => reps => res => rs => s (13-t)
  • common words: chastisements => chastisement => anesthetics => aesthetics => esthetics => stitches => theists => testis => tests => test => set => ts => t (13-t)
  • uncommon words: superalimentations => presentationalism => malpresentations => malpresentation => presentational => septentrional => penetrations => pretentions => pertinents => pinsetter => strepent => pretest => strept => terts => test => tet => et => t (18)

no transaddition, shortest

  • common words: jury (4-t)
  • common words: flux (4-t)
  • common words: hazy (4-t)
  • common words: jinx (4-t)
  • common words: waxy (4-t)
  • common words: razz (4-t)

shiftgram, longest

  • common words: preserving & refractive [shift of 13] (10)
  • uncommon words: pentadactyle & precipitants [shift of 15] (12)
  • phrases: harlequin opal & presumptively [shift of 4] (13-t)
  • phrases: doppler effect & tertius gaudet [shift of 11] (13-t)

letters play

  • common words: indoctrinated => indoctrinate => interaction (13)
  • uncommon words: microcrystalline => intercosmically => myelinoclastic (16-t)
  • uncommon words: arhynchobdellida => rhynchobdellida => rhynchobdellid (16-t)
  • uncommon words: representational => transperitoneal => pretranslation (16-t)
  • phrases: palaeogeographical => paleogeographical => geographical pole (18)

isomorph, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: comprehensible & counterexample (14-t)
  • common words: discriminative & simplification (14-t)
  • common words: breathtakingly & chlorpromazine (14-t)
  • common words: demilitarizing & municipalities (14-t)
  • uncommon words: hygroexpansivity & hypermasculinity (16-t)
  • uncommon words: neurochemistries & postchlorination (16-t)
  • phrases: breakdown voltages & granulocytopenias (17-t)
  • phrases: knights commanders & meadow spittlebugs (17-t)

no matching isomorph, shortest

  • common words: ss (2)


isodeletion, longest

  • common words: chlorofluorocarbon & chlorofluorocarbons (19)
  • uncommon words: trinitrophenylmethylnitramine & trinitrophenylmethylnitramines (30)
  • phrases: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate & nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphates (41)

isodeletion, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: omnidirectional => antimicrobials (15-t)
  • common words: inappropriately => classificatory (15-t)
  • uncommon words: copolymerizations => malacopterygians (17-t)
  • uncommon words: superastonishment => obdiplostemonies (17-t)
  • uncommon words: unaffordabilities => chemosterilizing (17-t)
  • uncommon words: undersatisfaction => hyperconsciously (17-t)
  • uncommon words: whatyoumayjiggers => sulfonchloramide (17-t)
  • phrases: fractional equation => harbinger-of-spring (18-t)
  • phrases: mercury vapour light => crested guinea fowl (18-t)
  • phrases: ventriculographies => pigment bordeaux Ns (18-t)
  • phrases: norwegian elkhounds => plymouth porcelain (18-t)
  • phrases: topographic old ages => balance of payments (18-t)

progressive isodeletion, longest

  • common words: acknowledgements => acknowledgments => acknowledgment => grandiloquent => productively => speculation => smothering => emigrants => belaying => fowling => gratis => slump => bean => due => be => m (16)
  • uncommon words: immunohematologists => immunohematologist => immunohematologic => immunopathologic => immunopathology => micropathology => thermodynamic => productively => speculation => smothering => emigrants => belaying => fowling => gratis => slump => bean => due => be => m (19-t)
  • uncommon words: anthropomorphically => anthropomorphidaes => anthropomorphized => anthropomorphize => anthropomorphic => anthroposophic => phlorizinizes => pathfindings => workability => smothering => emigrants => belaying => fowling => gratis => slump => bean => due => be => m (19-t)

Letter Banks

letter bank list, longest

  • common words: aster : rates & stare & tares & tears & arrest & assert & easter & eaters & raster & raters & seater & stares & taster & teaser & tetras & treats & arrests & asserts & restart & restate & seaters & starter & tasters & tatters & teasers & tessera & esterase & restarts & restates & retreats & starters & treaters (33)
  • uncommon words: anoretics : atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & concertinas & constrainer & contrastier & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & cartooneries & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contrastiest & contristates & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & creationistic & cretinisation & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & nonresistance & nontransience & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narcacionteses & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & anticreationist & canisterisation & concretrisation & contesserations & interactionists & nonconsecration & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & seroresistances & tritriacontanes & aristocraticness & containerisation & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & containerisations & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists (181)
  • hyphenated words: anoretics : atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & concertinas & constrainer & contrastier & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & re-creations & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & cartooneries & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contrastiest & contristates & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & creationistic & cretinisation & cross-reaction & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & non-resistance & nonresistance & nontransience & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & cross-reactions & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narcacionteses & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & anticreationist & canisterisation & concretrisation & contesserations & cross-resistance & interactionists & nonconsecration & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & seroresistances & tritriacontanes & aristocraticness & containerisation & cross-resistances & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & containerisations & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists (187)
  • phrases: anoretics : atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & concertinas & constrainer & contrastier & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & nero anticos & re-creations & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & rosin cerate & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & cartooneries & caster action & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contrastiest & contristates & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & rosin cerates & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & carnation rose & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & coni arteriosi & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & contact series & container cars & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & cotton stainer & creationistic & cretinisation & cross-reaction & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & non-resistance & nonresistance & nontransience & race rotations & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & aortic stenosis & carnation roses & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & cotton stainers & cross-reactions & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narcacionteses & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & star connection & anticreationist & associate in arts & association area & attraction cones & canisterisation & cesarean section & cesarian section & concretrisation & contact serieses & contesserations & creation science & cross-resistance & interactionists & nonconsecration & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & seroresistances & socratic ironies & star connections & titanic iron ores & tritriacontanes & aortic stenosises & aristocraticness & association areas & caesarean section & cesarean sections & cesarian sections & containerisation & contract carriers & creation sciences & cross-resistances & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & association center & containerisations & creation scientist & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists & association centers (221)
  • hyphenated phrases: anoretics : atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & concertinas & constrainer & contrastier & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & nero anticos & re-creations & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & rosin cerate & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & anti-Socrates & cartooneries & caster action & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contrastiest & contristates & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & rosin cerates & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & carnation rose & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & coni arteriosi & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & contact series & container cars & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & cotton stainer & creationistic & cretinisation & cross-reaction & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & non-resistance & nonresistance & nontransience & race rotations & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & aortic stenosis & carnation roses & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & cotton stainers & cross-reactions & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narcacionteses & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & star connection & anticreationist & associate in arts & association area & attraction cones & canisterisation & cesarean section & cesarian section & concretrisation & contact serieses & contesserations & creation science & cross-resistance & interactionists & nonconsecration & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & seroresistances & socratic ironies & star connections & titanic iron ores & tritriacontanes & aortic stenosises & aristocraticness & association areas & caesarean section & cesarean sections & cesarian sections & containerisation & contract carriers & creation sciences & cross-resistances & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & association center & containerisations & creation scientist & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists & association centers (222)

letter bank unique, longest

  • common words: chlorofluorocarbons (19)
  • uncommon words: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
  • phrases: parallel chorisis or median chorisis when they are on (45)
  • phrases: western equine encephalomyelitis according to the regi (48)

letter bank is word, longest

  • common words: beginnings => begins (10)
  • uncommon words: paleogeologies => aegilops (14-t)
  • uncommon words: salpiglossises => aegilops (14-t)

letter bank transposes to word, longest

  • common words: characteristically => hysterical (18)
  • uncommon words: microspectrophotometrically => hypsometrical (27)
  • hyphenated words: pleasantness-unpleasantnesses => unstaple (28)
  • phrases: adenomyosis; (2) external endometriosis => amylodextrins (32-t)
  • phrases: omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis => tourmalines (32-t)
  • phrases: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis => dermatoglyphics (32-t)

letter bank ratio longest word to shortest, highest

  • common words: rode & orderer & reordered (2.25)
  • uncommon words: ku & kukukuku & kukukuku (4-t)
  • uncommon words: rta & tattarrattat & tattarrattat (4-t)
  • hyphenated words: at & ta-ta & tat-tat-tat (4.5)

letter deletion, longest

  • common words: unconstitutionality => continuously (19-t)
  • common words: intercommunications => micronutrients (19-t)
  • uncommon words: trinitrophenylmethylnitramines => methylmorphines (30)
  • phrases: parallel chorisis or median chorisis when they are on => encephalomyocarditis (45)
  • phrases: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => mountain plovers (47)

letter deletion, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: unconstitutionality => continuously (19-t)
  • common words: intercommunications => micronutrients (19-t)
  • uncommon words: trinitrophenylmethylnitramines => impersonality (30)
  • phrases: parallel chorisis or median chorisis when they are on => encephalomyocarditis (45)
  • phrases: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => mountain plovers (47)

progressive letter deletion, longest

  • common words: incomprehensibility => incomprehensibly => comprehensible => incompressible => compressible => compilers => implores => imposer => emperors => proms => props => ors => rs => ss (14-t)
  • common words: comprehensibility => incomprehensibly => comprehensible => incompressible => compressible => compilers => implores => imposer => emperors => proms => props => ors => rs => ss (14-t)
  • uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiatas => pulmobranchiates => balneotherapeutics => pleurobronchitises => counterelectrophoresis => neutrophils => nitrophilous => pultrusion => protrusions => protosuns => support => spurts => ruts => tutus => tut => u (16-t)
  • uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiata => pulmobranchiates => balneotherapeutics => pleurobronchitises => counterelectrophoresis => neutrophils => nitrophilous => pultrusion => protrusions => protosuns => support => spurts => ruts => tutus => tut => u (16-t)
  • uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiate => pulmobranchiates => balneotherapeutics => pleurobronchitises => counterelectrophoresis => neutrophils => nitrophilous => pultrusion => protrusions => protosuns => support => spurts => ruts => tutus => tut => u (16-t)
  • uncommon words: phenylthiocarbamides => encephalomyocarditis => hyperdimensionality => methylprednisolone => methylmorphines => omnipresently => reemployments => polystyrene => syntropes => syntropy => sporty => tryps => trysts => sty => ty => y (16-t)
  • uncommon words: psychogalvanometric => psychogalvanometer => electronystagmography => megaphenocryst => sphygmomanometers => phantasmagory => anthroponyms => protonymphs => nosotrophy => syntropy => sporty => tryps => trysts => sty => ty => y (16-t)
  • uncommon words: diphenylthiocarbazones => brachycephalizations => schizophrenetically => hyperpolarizations => proselytization => propylitizations => pyritizations => aryanizations => syntonization => ionizations => zionists => zoists => sizists => tzitzit => ziz => z (16-t)
  • phrases: computerized axial tomography scanner => computed axial tomography scanner => calcium hydrogen phosphate => multiple synchronous telegraphs => allegheny mountain spurges => lymphogranulomatosis => lymphogranulomatous => anthropomorphously => unsportsmanly => uranoplasty => rapturously => protylopus => puttyroots => upryst => trusty => yurt => tutty => yu => y (19)

Letter Sums

well-mixed matching letter sum, longest

  • common words: extraterrestrials & electroencephalography (22)
  • uncommon words: postzygapophysises & floccinaucinihilipilification (29)
  • hyphenated words: hystero-salpingo-oophorectomies & supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
  • phrases: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation & collateral chorisis when the parts are side by side an (45)

no matching letter sum, shortest

  • common words: a (1-t)
  • common words: b (1-t)

well-mixed matching letter product, longest

  • common words: procrastination & anachronistically (17)
  • uncommon words: reithrodontomyses & pseudosaccharomycetaceae (24)
  • phrases: creatine phosphokinases & as different as chalk and cheese (27)

no matching letter product, shortest

  • common words: i (1-t)
  • common words: c (1-t)
  • common words: g (1-t)
  • common words: r (1-t)
  • common words: v (1-t)
  • common words: u (1-t)
  • common words: k (1-t)
  • common words: q (1-t)
  • common words: z (1-t)


consonym, longest

  • common words: incontrovertible & incontrovertibly (16-t)
  • common words: incomprehensible & incomprehensibly (16-t)
  • uncommon words: diphenylaminechlorarsine & diphenylaminechloroarsine (24-t)
  • uncommon words: electroencephalographs & electroencephalographies (24-t)
  • uncommon words: microspectrophotometres & microspectrophotometries (24-t)
  • uncommon words: stereophotomicrographs & stereophotomicrographies (24-t)
  • phrases: transmission electron microscopes & transmission electron microscopies (32)

consonym list, longest

  • common words: rs & ors & res & airs & ares & ears & eras & ires & iris & oars & ores & ours & rays & rise & rose & rosy & rues & ruse & areas & arias & arise & arose & auras & erase & raise & reuse & rouse & years & yours & arouse & reseau (31)
  • uncommon words: rs & ars & ers & ors & ras & res & ris & ros & rsi & urs & aers & airs & aors & aras & ares & aris & arsa & arse & arsy & ears & eras & eres & eros & erse & ires & iris & oars & oors & oras & ores & oris & ours & rais & rasa & rase & rays & reas & rees & reis & reus & rias & rios & rise & roes & roos & rosa & rose & rosy & rous & rues & rusa & ruse & ryas & ryes & ures & ursa & ursi & urus & yars & yers & aeras & aeros & airas & aires & araus & areas & arias & aries & ariis & arise & arose & aruas & aruis & arusa & aryas & auras & aures & auris & ayres & erase & eries & erose & euros & eyers & eyras & eyres & ioras & iyars & ories & oyers & raias & raise & rayas & resai & resay & resee & resue & reuse & reyes & roosa & roose & rosea & roseo & roues & rouse & uraos & urase & ureas & urias & urous & ursae & yairs & years & yeres & yores & yours & aeries & araise & arayse & ariose & ariosi & arioso & arouse & aureus & aurous & ayries & euryas & eyries & ieroes & irayas & iyyars & oories & oriyas & ourous & raiaes & reseau & uraeus & urease & yarays & yearas & aieries & aureous (142)
  • phrases: rs & ORs & ars & ers & ors & ras & res & ris & ros & rsi & urs & IRAs & aers & airs & aors & aras & ares & aris & arsa & arse & arsy & ears & eras & eres & eros & erse & ires & iris & oars & oors & oras & ores & oris & ours & rais & rasa & rase & rays & reas & rees & reis & reus & rias & rios & rise & roes & roos & rosa & rose & rosy & rous & rues & rusa & ruse & ryas & ryes & ures & ursa & ursi & urus & yars & yers & aeras & aeros & airas & aires & araus & areas & arias & aries & ariis & arise & arose & aruas & aruis & arusa & aryas & auras & aures & auris & ayres & erase & eries & erose & euros & eyers & eyras & eyres & ioras & iyars & ories & oyers & raias & raise & rayas & resai & resay & resee & resue & reuse & reyes & roosa & roose & rosea & roseo & roues & rouse & uraos & urase & ureas & urias & urous & ursae & yairs & years & yeres & yores & yours & aeries & araise & arayse & ariose & ariosi & arioso & arouse & aureus & aurous & ayries & euryas & eyries & ieroes & irayas & iyyars & oories & oriyas & ourous & raiaes & reseau & uraeus & urease & yarays & yearas & aieries & aureous (144)

consonym, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: predicts & periodicities (13)
  • uncommon words: sephardics & sphaerioidaceaes (16-t)
  • uncommon words: subternatural & isobutyronitrile (16-t)

consonant-vowel pattern, longest

  • common words: incontrovertible & incontrovertibly (16-t)
  • common words: incomprehensible & incomprehensibly (16-t)
  • uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiata & pseudolamellibranchiate (23-t)
  • uncommon words: indistinguishablenesses & undistinguishablenesses (23-t)
  • phrases: transmission electron microscope & transmission electron microscopy (30)

consonant deletion, longest

  • common words: counterrevolutionary => counterrevolution (20)
  • uncommon words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (47)

well-mixed consonant deletion, longest

  • common words: authoritatively => throttle (15-t)
  • common words: artificialities => artefacts (15-t)
  • common words: irrationalities => irritants (15-t)
  • uncommon words: archaeoastronomies => orchestrinas (18-t)
  • uncommon words: archaeocalamiteses => reacclimatises (18-t)
  • uncommon words: supranationalities => supernatants (18-t)

progressive consonant deletion, longest

  • common words: constructionists => constructionist => constructions => instructions => interactions => entertains => iterations => rations => tens => anise => es (11)
  • uncommon words: disproportionatenesses => disproportionateness => disproportionations => disproportionates => disproportions => disproportion => dispropriate => superpurity => purport => repartee => uproot => ret => at (13-t)
  • uncommon words: unrepresentativenesses => representativenesses => representativeness => presentativeness => presentiveness => presentness => personations => arsonations => syntans => nations => tens => anise => es (13-t)


no matching vowel pattern, shortest

  • common words: nouveau (7-t)
  • common words: aliquot (7-t)

vowel deletion, longest

  • common words: counterrevolutionary => counterrevolution (20)
  • uncommon words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (47)

vowel deletion, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: straightforwardness => ignorance (19)
  • uncommon words: octamethylpyrophosphoramides => osteochondropathies (28)
  • phrases: look through rosy spectaclesglasses => sporobolomycetaceae (32)

progressive vowel deletion, longest

  • common words: autoradiographies => autobiographies => authoritative => associative => oligarchies => infallible => affirmed => writers => zephyr (9)
  • uncommon words: deinstitutionalizations => institutionalization => divisionalisation => fictionalization => misorganization => normalization => gravitation => dictation => garrisons => kilo => pock (11-t)
  • uncommon words: deinstitutionalization => institutionalization => divisionalisation => fictionalization => misorganization => normalization => gravitation => dictation => garrisons => kilo => pock (11-t)
  • uncommon words: antidisestablishmentarianism => antiestablishmentarianism => disestablishmentarianisms => establishmentarianisms => premillenarianisms => libertarianism => deactivating => maintains => inhabit => synaptic => psis (11-t)
  • uncommon words: reinstitutionalization => institutionalization => divisionalisation => fictionalization => misorganization => normalization => gravitation => dictation => garrisons => kilo => pock (11-t)
  • uncommon words: reinstitutionalizations => institutionalization => divisionalisation => fictionalization => misorganization => normalization => gravitation => dictation => garrisons => kilo => pock (11-t)
  • uncommon words: overindividualization => deindividualization => individualization => spiritualisation => visualizations => quantization => gravitation => dictation => garrisons => kilo => pock (11-t)
  • phrases: illegitimate recombination => illegitimate pollination => legitimate pollination => specific magnetizations => demilitarizations => militarization => irradiation => gravitation => dictation => garrisons => kilo => pock (12)

Morse Codes

matching morse code, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: artefacts & entailments (11)
  • uncommon words: i & pseudocopulations (17)

matching morse code, well-mixed, longest code

  • common words: rakishly & aimlessly (25)
  • uncommon words: i & pseudocopulations (48)

matching morse code list, longest

  • common words: babe & bans & bath & digs & nips & bates & deans & death & dimes (9)
  • uncommon words: pahs & pash & addis & pases & passe & pedis & pries & prise & withs & wuses & anases & aneths & pedees & penies & presee & emeries & emerise & weenies & weensie (19-t)
  • uncommon words: pah & axes & emfs & pase & pedi & pens & prie & wers & wins & with & aneth & pedee & penie & petes & wease & weens & wites & ettins & weenie (19-t)
  • phrases: DDS & DDs & xis & TFEs & nais & nasi & neds & tels & tids & tuis & tusi & nenes & telei & teres & terse & tines & tithe & titis & teenes & teethe & teetees (21-t)
  • phrases: BL & ThD & bai & bed & bre & del & did & dui & nil & Dine & bene & deed & dere & dine & neid & nied & teil & tiel & ts'ai & tsai & testee (21-t)
  • phrases: WFs & pah & axes & emfs & pase & pedi & pens & prie & wers & wins & with & aneth & pedee & penie & petes & wease & weens & wites & at ease & ettins & weenie (21-t)

matching morse code list, highest ratio count / length

  • common words: d & ne & ti & tee (1.33)
  • uncommon words: bai & bed & bre & del & did & dui & nil & bene & deed & dere & dine & neid & nied & teil & tiel & tsai & testee (2.12)
  • hyphenated words: xi & nai & ned & tel & tid & tui & nene & teed & tine & titi & teene & tee-tee & teetee (2.16)

reversed morse code, longest

  • common words: urgently & maintenance (11-t)
  • common words: fracture & intertwined (11-t)
  • common words: identical & internecine (11-t)
  • common words: preempted & intemperate (11-t)
  • uncommon words: e & pseudocopulations (17)

morse code, longest code

  • common words: specials & halftimes (23)
  • uncommon words: e & pseudocopulations (48)

iskot, longest

  • common words: nostalgia & lamentation (11)
  • uncommon words: m & pseudocopulations (17)

iskot, longest code

  • common words: nostalgia & lamentation (22)
  • uncommon words: m & pseudocopulations (48)

Isotel words

isotel, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: comprising & conspiring (10)
  • uncommon words: compurgator & constrictor (11-t)
  • uncommon words: reimbursing & reincurring (11-t)
  • uncommon words: ungossiping & uninspiring (11-t)

isotel, disjoint, longest

  • common words: amounts & contour (7-t)
  • common words: astride & brushed (7-t)
  • common words: astride & crushed (7-t)
  • common words: hotbeds & invader (7-t)
  • uncommon words: amoebids & bondager (8-t)
  • uncommon words: acacetin & cacafugo (8-t)
  • uncommon words: jingling & khoikhoi (8-t)

matching digital words, well-mixed, longest

  • common words: clovers & clobbers (8-t)
  • common words: parlays & parables (8-t)
  • common words: staving & stabbing (8-t)
  • common words: craving & crabbing (8-t)

reversed digital words, longest

  • common words: hovel & bobber (6-t)
  • common words: daimon & domain (6-t)
  • common words: debug & gabbed (6-t)
  • uncommon words: jararaca & maharaja (8)

digital transposal set, longest

  • common words: duos & inky & lens & lion & loin & nays & nobs & olds & snob & sold & alien & aline & audio & banes & beans & dales & deals & leads & liked & abased (20)
  • uncommon words: cours & holms & howks & marys & merls & merus & milor & mirky & mures & muser & orium & roumi & rumes & scour & serum & sowar & sucro & symar & syrma & yarms & abmhos & abohms & acrasy & almehs & ambers & aumrie & brames & breams & brecks & calori & carbos & carles & carobs & caroli & caryas & causer & cesura & cholas & clares & clears & coarbs & cobras & corail & corial & elmira & embars & erucas & hambos & hamels & himalo & holmia & huacos & kawrie & kowhai & lacers & licker & lorica & maholi & mailer & myaria & olchas & recals & remail & rickle & sarcel & sarcle & saucer & scaler & schola & sclera & shacky & uremia & acholia & baciroa & hamelia (75)
  • phrases: no-show & owner's & owners & resown & rowens & synroc & wenros & worsen & boronic & bromine & carneys & cedrols & censure & chounse & coaxers & cobiron & coenuri & cohunes & colders & coursed & crenels & demures & dibromo & die-work & dyermas & embrion & erineum & ermelin & erodium & hounces & melders & moldier & nochels & nourice & onychas & redowas & resumed & scenary & scolder & scoured & sombred & sourced & unireme & weaners & woaders & Bohemian & amberoid & anerobic & aneuches & awardees & boehmian & bohemian & brocades & carbeens & carbenes & cedrelas & cenobiar & chelonia & cheneaus & cinereal & coalshed & cordiale & declares & deer-lick & embreads & halidome & hieleman & necrobia & raceline & reliance & remailed & remedial & rescaled & saucered & shawanee & bridecake & abecedaria (77)
  • phrases: no show & no-show & owner's & owners & resown & rowens & synroc & wenros & worsen & air wood & boronic & bromine & carneys & cedrols & censure & chounse & coaxers & cobiron & coenuri & cohunes & colders & con brio & coursed & crenels & demures & dibromo & die-work & dyermas & embrion & erineum & ermelin & erodium & hounces & melders & moldier & nochels & nourice & onychas & red elms & redowas & resumed & scenary & scolder & scoured & sombred & sourced & unireme & weaners & woaders & wood ash & Bohemian & amberoid & anerobic & aneuches & awardees & bar codes & beni amer & boehmian & bohemian & brocades & carbeens & carbenes & cedrelas & cenobiar & chelonia & cheneaus & cinereal & coalshed & cordiale & day cares & declares & deer lick & deer-lick & due cares & embreads & halidome & hieleman & in a creel & necrobia & raceline & red scale & reliance & remailed & remedial & rescaled & saucered & shawanee & bridecake & abecedaria (89)

digital transposal set, longest all words of different lengths

  • common words: growls & squelch & allergic & algebraic (4-t)
  • common words: newts & client & dialect & abdicate (4-t)
  • common words: crypts & wiretap & halftime & fabricate (4-t)
  • common words: snout & unseat & beatnik & database (4-t)
  • common words: borrow & crueler & cerebral & reachable (4-t)
  • common words: myrtle & overact & bracelet & teachable (4-t)
  • common words: snouts & tinkles & beatniks & databases (4-t)
  • common words: worst & truces & article & bacteria (4-t)
  • common words: dropouts & peasantry & pasteboard & breakfasted (4-t)
  • ... and 6 others
  • uncommon words: cromolyns & coralwoods & leucodermas & melancholiae & cladoselachea (5-t)
  • uncommon words: plymouths & botuliform & amortizable & bicarpellate & acetabulifera (5-t)
  • uncommon words: splintwoods & spinulescent & nickelization & allodification & pseudoadiabatic (5-t)
  • uncommon words: ironworts & intermures & trachelions & heracliteans & atelorachidia (5-t)
  • uncommon words: tryworks & tremblors & alembroths & hackbuteers & halobacteria (5-t)
  • uncommon words: unstony & novation & intonable & allineated & abalienated (5-t)
  • ... and 22 others


matching sumword sum, highest ratio

  • common words: extraterrestrials & inconsiderateness (12.77)
  • uncommon words: pseudointernationalistic & tetraiodophenolphthalein (16.74-t)
  • uncommon words: intercomprehensibilities & tetraiodophenolphthalein (16.74-t)
  • phrases: respectively (1) positive dihedral or (2) negative dih & pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (26.66)

shiftword, longest

  • common words: fusion & layout [shift of 6] (6-t)
  • common words: steeds & tuffet [shift of 25] (6-t)
  • uncommon words: corocoro & wiliwili [shift of 6] (8)

multishiftword, longest

  • common words: lane => peri => shul [shifts of 4, 7] (4-t)
  • common words: yeti => flap => sync [shifts of 7, 20] (4-t)
  • uncommon words: purre => cheer => jolly [shifts of 13, 20] (5-t)
  • uncommon words: farre => sneer => toffs [shifts of 13, 14] (5-t)
  • uncommon words: boffs => hully => narre [shifts of 6, 12] (5-t)

multishiftword, most

  • common words: owl => god => sap => wet [shifts of 18, 4, 8] (3-t)
  • common words: fad => nil => tor => ups [shifts of 8, 14, 15] (3-t)
  • common words: aha => bib => nun => tat [shifts of 1, 13, 19] (3-t)
  • common words: ill => add => bee => loo [shifts of 18, 19, 3] (3-t)
  • common words: ilk => bed => qts => rut [shifts of 19, 8, 9] (3-t)
  • uncommon words: lun => cle => eng => foh => irk => pyr => rat => vex [shifts of 17, 19, 20, 23, 4, 6, 10] (7-t)
  • uncommon words: zex => cha => dib => gle => ing => pun => tyr => vat [shifts of 3, 4, 7, 9, 16, 20, 22] (7-t)

arithmetic shiftword, longest

  • common words: fracas & oblong [shift of 9] (6)
  • uncommon words: kahikateas & nemoricole [shift of 3] (10)

shiftword reversal, longest

  • common words: ravine & ravine [shift of 13] (6-t)
  • common words: lethal & shoals [shift of 19] (6-t)
  • common words: hitter & napped [shift of 22] (6-t)
  • uncommon words: tavering & tavering [shift of 13] (8)

rot-13, longest

  • common words: green & terra (5-t)
  • common words: creel & perry (5-t)
  • uncommon words: abjurer & nowhere (7-t)
  • uncommon words: chechen & purpura (7-t)

rot-13 reversal, longest

  • common words: ravine & ravine (6)
  • uncommon words: tavering & tavering (8)

typewriter shiftword single, longest

  • common words: decided & decoded (7-t)
  • common words: gutters & hitters (7-t)
  • common words: decides & decodes (7-t)
  • common words: excised & excused (7-t)
  • common words: birders & borders (7-t)
  • common words: decider & decoder (7-t)
  • common words: excises & excuses (7-t)
  • common words: debited & denoted (7-t)
  • common words: bitters & butters (7-t)
  • ... and 6 others
  • uncommon words: bitterweeds & butterweeds (11)
  • phrases: ferret badger & ferret-badger (12-t)
  • phrases: water skaters & water slaters (12-t)

typewriter shiftword double, longest

  • common words: bored & views (5-t)
  • common words: duped & stows (5-t)
  • uncommon words: escort & waxier (6-t)
  • uncommon words: gynura & humits (6-t)
  • uncommon words: mormyr & niente (6-t)
  • uncommon words: aguara & shists (6-t)
  • uncommon words: areito & stroup (6-t)
  • uncommon words: dumped & sybows (6-t)

multiplicative shiftword, longest

  • common words: grunt & shelf [factor of 25] (5-t)
  • common words: birds & fable [factor of 3] (5-t)
  • common words: baron & punch [factor of 21] (5-t)
  • common words: didst & rural [factor of 11] (5-t)
  • common words: dough & twain [factor of 5] (5-t)
  • common words: gully & senna [factor of 25] (5-t)
  • common words: grana & shyly [factor of 25] (5-t)
  • common words: divas & lance [factor of 3] (5-t)
  • common words: fella & tunny [factor of 25] (5-t)
  • ... and 8 others
  • uncommon words: dildoes & rubrica [factor of 11] (7-t)
  • uncommon words: cereals & kanauri [factor of 21] (7-t)
  • uncommon words: martels & mundari [factor of 21] (7-t)
  • uncommon words: forebay & pavings [factor of 7] (7-t)

onalosi, longest

  • common words: grass : brass & glass & gross & grabs & grasp (5-t)
  • common words: winds : binds & wands & wilds & wines & windy (5-t)
  • common words: posts : costs & pasts & poets & poses & poste (5-t)
  • common words: wisps : lisps & wasps & wimps & wises & wispy (5-t)
  • common words: clink : blink & chink & clank & click & cline (5-t)
  • common words: tents : bents & tints & teats & tends & tenth (5-t)
  • common words: boots : coots & blots & boats & boobs & booth (5-t)
  • common words: wanes : banes & wines & wades & wands & waned (5-t)
  • common words: crass : brass & class & cress & crabs & crash (5-t)
  • uncommon words: classes : glasses & chasses & clesses & clauses & clashes & classis & classed (7-t)
  • uncommon words: pasters : basters & pesters & palters & passers & pastors & pastels & pastern (7-t)
  • uncommon words: poppies : coppies & pappies & potpies & popsies & popples & poppits & poppied (7-t)

isolano, shortest

  • common words: upon (4-t)
  • common words: evil (4-t)
  • common words: epee (4-t)
  • common words: imam (4-t)
  • phrases: FCF (3-t)
  • phrases: WNL (3-t)

Letter Changes

full vowel substitution, longest

  • common words: patting & petting & pitting & potting & putting (7)
  • uncommon words: chacking & checking & chicking & chocking & chucking (8-t)
  • uncommon words: clacking & clecking & clicking & clocking & clucking (8-t)
  • uncommon words: halloing & helloing & hilloing & holloing & hulloing (8-t)
  • uncommon words: massiest & messiest & missiest & mossiest & mussiest (8-t)
  • uncommon words: rackling & reckling & rickling & rockling & ruckling (8-t)
  • uncommon words: tracking & trecking & tricking & trocking & trucking (8-t)

full extended vowel substitution, longest

  • common words: as & es & is & os & us & ys (2)
  • uncommon words: happed & hepped & hipped & hopped & hupped & hypped (6-t)
  • uncommon words: saring & sering & siring & soring & suring & syring (6-t)

full extended vowel substitution, shortest

  • common words: as & es & is & os & us & ys (2)

consecutive letter substitution, most

  • common words: bared => cared => dared => eared => fared (5-t)
  • common words: baring => caring => daring => earing => faring (5-t)
  • common words: hokey => holey => homey => honey => hooey (5-t)
  • uncommon words: jat => kat => lat => mat => nat => oat => pat => qat => rat => sat => tat (11-t)
  • uncommon words: jats => kats => lats => mats => nats => oats => pats => qats => rats => sats => tats (11-t)

consecutive letter substitution, longest

  • common words: porting => posting => potting => pouting (7)
  • uncommon words: portering => postering => pottering => poutering (9)
  • phrases: w chromosomes => x chromosomes => Y chromosomes => z chromosomes (12)

rotated, longest

  • common words: ate & tea & eat (3-t)
  • common words: asp & spa & pas (3-t)
  • uncommon words: aras & rasa & asar & sara (4-t)
  • uncommon words: doli & olid & lido & idol (4-t)
  • uncommon words: alan & lana & anal & nala (4-t)
  • uncommon words: aing & inga & ngai & gain (4-t)
  • uncommon words: anom & noma & oman & mano (4-t)

Head to Tail Shifts

non-trivial head-to-tail shift, longest

  • common words: devolve => evolved (7-t)
  • common words: emanate => manatee (7-t)
  • common words: griffin => riffing (7-t)
  • uncommon words: denunciate => enunciated (10)
  • hyphenated words: g-strophanthin => strophanthin-g (13)
  • hyphenated phrases: L'Apres-midi d'un Faune => apres-midi d'un faune, l' (18)

double head-to-tail shift, longest

  • common words: allocation => locational (10)

triple head-to-tail shift, longest

  • common words: outbreak => breakout (8)
  • uncommon words: manslaughter => slaughterman (12)
  • phrases: dye sensitizing => sensitizing dye (14)

quadruple head-to-tail shift, longest

  • common words: boathouse => houseboat (9-t)
  • common words: workhouse => housework (9-t)
  • uncommon words: backscratch => scratchback (11)
  • hyphenated words: overcrossing => crossing-over (12)
  • phrases: heir-presumptive => presumptive heir (15-t)
  • phrases: heir presumptive => presumptive heir (15-t)
  • phrases: sole corporation => corporation sole (15-t)

quintuple head-to-tail shift, longest

  • common words: houseboat => boathouse (9-t)
  • common words: housework => workhouse (9-t)
  • uncommon words: sextodecimo => decimosexto (11-t)
  • uncommon words: grasshopper => hoppergrass (11-t)
  • uncommon words: housemother => motherhouse (11-t)
  • hyphenated words: goose-barnacle => barnacle-goose (13-t)
  • hyphenated words: meter-kilogram => kilogram-meter (13-t)
  • phrases: sauce hollandaise => hollandaise sauce (16)

letter shift, longest

  • common words: statelessness => tastelessness (13)
  • uncommon words: adiadochokinesis => diadochokinesias (16)
  • hyphenated phrases: L'Apres-midi d'un Faune => apres-midi d'un faune, l' (18)

metathesis, longest

  • common words: certification => rectification (13-t)
  • common words: accouterments => accoutrements (13-t)
  • uncommon words: microspectrophotometers => microspectrophotometres (23)

swap ends, longest

  • common words: designer & resigned (8-t)
  • common words: deceiver & received (8-t)
  • common words: demander & remanded (8-t)
  • common words: decanter & recanted (8-t)
  • common words: detailer & retailed (8-t)
  • uncommon words: decommissioner & recommissioned (14-t)
  • uncommon words: demythologizer & remythologized (14-t)

non-tautonym swap non-word strings, longest

  • common words: inspect & pectins (7-t)
  • common words: ingrain & raining (7-t)
  • uncommon words: decimosexto & sextodecimo (11)
  • hyphenated words: yada-yada-yada & yada-yada-yada (12)
  • phrases: butabarbital sodium & sodium butabarbital (18)

reversal, longest

  • common words: desserts & stressed (8)

inside-out, longest

  • common words: backward & drawback (8-t)
  • common words: alerting & relating (8-t)
  • common words: presents & serpents (8-t)
  • common words: brawling & warbling (8-t)
  • common words: brawlers & warblers (8-t)
  • uncommon words: aminations & animations (10-t)
  • uncommon words: generation & renegation (10-t)
  • uncommon words: underparts & understrap (10-t)
  • uncommon words: underdraws & undersward (10-t)

changeover, longest

  • common words: determinations & exterminations (14-t)
  • common words: expressiveness & repressiveness (14-t)
  • uncommon words: attitudinarianisms & latitudinarianisms (18-t)
  • uncommon words: preacknowledgement & reacknowledgements (18-t)
  • phrases: eastern diamondback rattlesnake & western diamondback rattlesnake (29)

backswitch, longest

  • common words: ellipse & spilled (7-t)
  • common words: animals & laminar (7-t)
  • common words: redrawn & warders (7-t)
  • common words: nailers & reliant (7-t)
  • common words: animals & laminae (7-t)
  • uncommon words: levitators & rotatively (10)

switchback, longest

  • common words: regatta & wattage (7-t)
  • common words: assuage & degauss (7-t)
  • common words: dresser & presser (7-t)
  • uncommon words: metallics & oscillate (9)

deletion, non-trivial, longest

  • common words: acknowledgement => acknowledgment (15-t)
  • common words: preconditioning => reconditioning (15-t)
  • uncommon words: phenolsulfonephthalein => phenolsulfonphthalein (22)
  • hyphenated words: governor-generals-in-council => governor-general-in-council (25-t)
  • hyphenated words: governors-general-in-council => governor-general-in-council (25-t)
  • phrases: haemolytic disease of the newborn => hemolytic disease of the newborn (29)

interior double deletion, longest

  • common words: internationalize => internationale (16)
  • uncommon words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (47)

progressive deletion, longest

  • common words: restarted => restated => restate => estate => state => sate => ate => ae => e (9-t)
  • common words: cleansers => cleanses => cleanse => cleans => leans => lens => ens => ns => s (9-t)
  • common words: stringers => stingers => singers => singes => sines => sins => ins => ns => s (9-t)
  • common words: thrashers => thrashes => trashes => rashes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (9-t)
  • common words: stampeded => stampede => stamped => tamped => taped => aped => ape => ae => e (9-t)
  • common words: stampedes => stampede => stamped => tamped => taped => aped => ape => ae => e (9-t)
  • uncommon words: cantharidates => cantharidaes => cantharides => cantharids => cantharis => canthari => cathari => cathar => athar => thar => har => ar => r (13)

beheadment, longest

  • common words: preconditioning => reconditioning (15)
  • uncommon words: preacknowledgements => reacknowledgements (19)
  • phrases: asynchronous transmission => synchronous transmission (24)

double beheadment, longest

  • common words: unconstitutionality => constitutionality (19-t)
  • common words: incomprehensibility => comprehensibility (19-t)
  • uncommon words: indistinguishablenesses => distinguishablenesses (23-t)
  • uncommon words: deinstitutionalizations => institutionalizations (23-t)
  • uncommon words: reinstitutionalizations => institutionalizations (23-t)
  • uncommon words: undistinguishablenesses => distinguishablenesses (23-t)
  • phrases: go in at one ear and out at the other => in at one ear and out at the other (28)

progressive beheadment, longest

  • common words: slashes => lashes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (7-t)
  • common words: crashes => rashes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (7-t)
  • common words: flashes => lashes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (7-t)
  • common words: clashes => lashes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (7-t)
  • common words: trashes => rashes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (7-t)
  • common words: smashes => mashes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (7-t)
  • common words: swashes => washes => ashes => shes => hes => es => s (7-t)
  • uncommon words: prestates => restates => estates => states => tates => ates => tes => es => s (9-t)
  • uncommon words: renascent => enascent => nascent => ascent => scent => cent => ent => nt => t (9-t)

progressive double beheadment, longest

  • common words: immigrants => migrants => grants => ants => ts (10-t)
  • common words: fireplaces => replaces => places => aces => es (10-t)
  • common words: detractors => tractors => actors => tors => rs (10-t)
  • common words: extractors => tractors => actors => tors => rs (10-t)
  • common words: immigrates => migrates => grates => ates => es (10-t)
  • uncommon words: reafforestation => afforestation => forestation => restation => station => ation => ion => n (15)

curtailment, non-trivial, longest

  • common words: mitochondrial => mitochondria (13-t)
  • common words: hypochondriac => hypochondria (13-t)
  • common words: steeplechaser => steeplechase (13-t)
  • uncommon words: ginglymoarthrodial => ginglymoarthrodia (18-t)
  • uncommon words: palaeodictyopteran => palaeodictyoptera (18-t)
  • phrases: phthalocyanine green G => phthalocyanine green (20)
  • hyphenated phrases: human T-cell lymphotropic virus I => human T-cell lymphotropic virus (28)

double curtailment, longest

  • common words: disproportionately => disproportionate (18-t)
  • common words: unconstitutionally => unconstitutional (18-t)
  • uncommon words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (47)

progressive curtail, longest

  • common words: parties => partie => parti => part => par => pa => p (7-t)
  • common words: matters => matter => matte => matt => mat => ma => m (7-t)
  • common words: partied => partie => parti => part => par => pa => p (7-t)
  • common words: singers => singer => singe => sing => sin => si => s (7-t)
  • common words: pastels => pastel => paste => past => pas => pa => p (7-t)
  • common words: passers => passer => passe => pass => pas => pa => p (7-t)
  • common words: parsers => parser => parse => pars => par => pa => p (7-t)
  • common words: parsecs => parsec => parse => pars => par => pa => p (7-t)
  • common words: basters => baster => baste => bast => bas => ba => b (7-t)
  • common words: bathers => bather => bathe => bath => bat => ba => b (7-t)
  • uncommon words: centralest => centrales => centrale => central => centra => centr => cent => cen => ce => c (10-t)
  • uncommon words: corallines => coralline => corallin => coralli => corall => coral => cora => cor => co => c (10-t)
  • uncommon words: corallinas => corallina => corallin => coralli => corall => coral => cora => cor => co => c (10-t)
  • uncommon words: romanisers => romaniser => romanise => romanis => romani => roman => roma => rom => ro => r (10-t)

progressive double curtail, longest

  • common words: mythically => mythical => mythic => myth => my (10-t)
  • common words: needlessly => needless => needle => need => ne (10-t)
  • uncommon words: phosphorescently => phosphorescent => phosphoresce => phosphores => phosphor => phosph => phos => ph (16)

terminal deletion, longest

  • common words: revolutionists => evolutionist (14-t)
  • common words: gratifications => ratification (14-t)
  • uncommon words: preacknowledgements => reacknowledgement (19)
  • phrases: asexual reproductions => sexual reproduction (20)

progressive terminal deletion, longest

  • common words: ashamed => shame => ham => a (7-t)
  • common words: eclipse => clips => lip => i (7-t)
  • common words: beaters => eater => ate => t (7-t)
  • common words: bracers => racer => ace => c (7-t)
  • common words: demoted => emote => mot => o (7-t)
  • common words: blowers => lower => owe => w (7-t)
  • common words: craters => rater => ate => t (7-t)
  • common words: drawers => rawer => awe => w (7-t)
  • common words: amasses => masse => ass => s (7-t)
  • ... and 41 others
  • uncommon words: charoseth => haroset => arose => ros => o (9-t)
  • uncommon words: carousers => arouser => rouse => ous => u (9-t)
  • uncommon words: charosets => haroset => arose => ros => o (9-t)
  • uncommon words: charosety => haroset => arose => ros => o (9-t)
  • uncommon words: cocreated => ocreate => creat => rea => e (9-t)
  • uncommon words: abrachias => brachia => rachi => ach => c (9-t)
  • ... and 30 others
  • phrases: strainings => training => rain in => aini => in (10)

dismembered, longest

  • common words: preparations : reparations & preparation (12-t)
  • common words: particulates : articulates & particulate (12-t)
  • common words: prepositions : repositions & preposition (12-t)
  • uncommon words: preacknowledgements : reacknowledgements & preacknowledgement (19)

alternating deletion, longest

  • common words: craters => crater => rater => rate => ate => at => t (7-t)
  • common words: stoners => stoner => toner => tone => one => on => n (7-t)
  • common words: laments => lament => ament => amen => men => me => e (7-t)
  • uncommon words: carousers => carouser => arouser => arouse => rouse => rous => ous => ou => u (9-t)
  • uncommon words: rescripts => escripts => escript => script => scrip => crip => cri => ri => r (9-t)
  • uncommon words: abrachias => abrachia => brachia => brachi => rachi => rach => ach => ac => c (9-t)
  • uncommon words: ketamines => etamines => etamine => tamine => tamin => amin => ami => mi => m (9-t)
  • uncommon words: upraisers => upraiser => praiser => praise => raise => rais => ais => ai => i (9-t)

repeated letter deletion, longest

  • common words: adventuress => adventure (11)
  • uncommon words: multimillionairess => multimillionaire (18)
  • phrases: pharaoh's serpents' eggs => pharaoh's serpentses (20)
  • hyphenated phrases: human T-cell lymphotropic virus III => human T-cell lymphotropic virus I (30)

letter subtraction, longest

  • common words: worldliness => wordiness (11-t)
  • common words: adventuress => adventure (11-t)
  • common words: smatterings => mattering (11-t)
  • uncommon words: multimillionairess => multimillionaire (18)
  • phrases: chenodesoxycholic acids => chenodeoxycholic acid (22-t)
  • phrases: desoxyribonucleic acids => deoxyribonucleic acid (22-t)
  • phrases: knights grand commanders => knight grand commander (22-t)
  • phrases: le chatelier's principles => le chatelier principle (22-t)

progressive letter subtraction, longest

  • common words: estates => stats => tat => a (7-t)
  • common words: erasers => eases => ass => a (7-t)
  • common words: titbits => ibis => bs (7-t)
  • uncommon words: restarters => estates => stats => tat => a (10-t)
  • uncommon words: sputterers => putterer => puerer => purr => pu (10-t)
  • uncommon words: tetrasters => erasers => eases => ass => a (10-t)
  • hyphenated words: passe-passes => paepae => papa => aa (11)

delete-reverse, longest

  • common words: detracts => started (8-t)
  • common words: retracts => starter (8-t)
  • common words: demander => renamed (8-t)
  • common words: delivers => reviled (8-t)
  • common words: delivery => reviled (8-t)
  • common words: animates => stamina (8-t)
  • common words: replaces => scalper (8-t)
  • common words: assuaged => degauss (8-t)
  • common words: detailer => related (8-t)
  • ... and 7 others
  • uncommon words: kinnikinnick => kinnikinnik (12-t)
  • uncommon words: kinnikinniks => kinnikinnik (12-t)

progressive delete-reverse, longest

  • common words: spirits => strips => spits => sips => sis => si => i (7-t)
  • common words: streams => smarts => trams => mart => tam => ma => a (7-t)
  • common words: screens => sneers => seens => sees => see => es => s (7-t)
  • common words: deliver => revile => liver => evil => lie => el => l (7-t)
  • common words: spacers => recaps => space => caps => spa => as => s (7-t)
  • common words: despots => stoped => depot => tope => pot => to => o (7-t)
  • common words: seaport => tropes => sport => tops => sot => to => o (7-t)
  • common words: deports => stoped => depot => tope => pot => to => o (7-t)
  • uncommon words: decalogs => solaced => decals => laced => deca => ace => ec => c (8-t)
  • uncommon words: deifiers => reified => defier => refed => deer => ree => ee => e (8-t)
  • uncommon words: degreens => sneered => dreens => sneer => reen => nee => ee => e (8-t)
  • uncommon words: animates => stamina => animas => samia => aims => sma => am => m (8-t)
  • uncommon words: cinerins => sirenic => ineris => siren => neri => ire => er => r (8-t)
  • uncommon words: asarones => senoras => sarons => soras => sars => sra => ar => r (8-t)
  • ... and 51 others
  • hyphenated words: steppings => snippets => step-ins => snipes => spins => snip => pin => ni => i (9-t)
  • hyphenated words: sanitises => sestinas => snitses => set-ins => snite => tins => sit => ti => i (9-t)

charitable, longest

  • common words: boats : oats & bats & bots & boas & boat (5-t)
  • common words: shoot : hoot & soot & shot & shot & shoo (5-t)
  • common words: coops : oops & cops & cops & coos & coop (5-t)
  • common words: moats : oats & mats & mots & moas & moat (5-t)
  • uncommon words: pleats : leats & peats & plats & plets & pleas & pleat (6-t)
  • uncommon words: shoots : hoots & soots & shots & shots & shoos & shoot (6-t)
  • uncommon words: dearns : earns & darns & derns & deans & dears & dearn (6-t)
  • uncommon words: heards : eards & hards & herds & heads & hears & heard (6-t)
  • uncommon words: hairns : airns & hirns & harns & hains & hairs & hairn (6-t)
  • uncommon words: breest : reest & beest & brest & brest & breet & brees (6-t)
  • ... and 9 others

progressive charitable, longest

  • common words: bye : bye & be & by & ye (3-t)
  • common words: bay : bay & ay & ba & by (3-t)
  • common words: ass : ass & as & ss (3-t)
  • common words: ash : ash & ah & as & sh (3-t)
  • common words: ads : ads & ad & as & ds (3-t)
  • common words: bas : bas & as & ba & bs (3-t)
  • common words: aye : aye & ae & ay & ye (3-t)
  • common words: awe : awe & ae & aw & we (3-t)
  • common words: ams : ams & am & as & ms (3-t)
  • ... and 30 others
  • uncommon words: beens : beens & been & bees & bens & eens & bee & bes & een & ees & ens & be & bs & ee & en & es & ns (5-t)
  • uncommon words: aides : aides & ades & aide & aids & aies & ides & ade & ads & aes & aid & aie & ais & des & ide & ids & ies & ad & ae & ai & as & de & ds & es & id & ie & is (5-t)
  • uncommon words: amias : amias & aias & amas & amia & amis & mias & aas & aia & ais & ama & ami & ams & ias & mas & mia & mis & aa & ai & am & as & ia & is & ma & mi & ms (5-t)
  • uncommon words: deyes : deyes & dees & deye & deys & dyes & eyes & dee & des & dey & dye & dys & ees & eye & eys & yes & de & ds & dy & ee & es & ey & ye & ys (5-t)
  • uncommon words: coons : coons & cons & coon & coos & oons & con & coo & cos & ons & oon & oos & co & cs & ns & on & oo & os (5-t)
  • uncommon words: doons : doons & dons & doon & doos & oons & don & doo & dos & ons & oon & oos & do & ds & ns & on & oo & os (5-t)
  • ... and 49 others

hydration, longest

  • common words: enunciation : denunciation & renunciation (0.11)
  • uncommon words: evolutionists : devolutionists & revolutionists (0.13-t)
  • uncommon words: athematically : mathematically & pathematically (0.13-t)
  • uncommon words: irelessnesses : tirelessnesses & wirelessnesses (0.13-t)

hospitable, longest

  • common words: lens : glens & liens & leans & lends & lense (4)
  • uncommon words: cares : scares & chares & cadres & caries & carers & caress (5-t)
  • uncommon words: curie : ecurie & courie & cuirie & curnie & curiae & curies (5-t)
  • uncommon words: gamas : agamas & gramas & gammas & gambas & gamays & gamash (5-t)
  • uncommon words: heres : theres & haeres & heares & herbes & herems & heresy (5-t)
  • uncommon words: manes : emanes & meanes & magnes & mandes & manebs & maness (5-t)
  • uncommon words: pates : spates & plates & pactes & patees & patees & patesi (5-t)
  • ... and 2 others

charitable and hospitable, longest

  • uncommon words: abas : bas & aas & abs & aba & babas & abbas & abbas & abacs & abase (4-t)
  • uncommon words: amas : mas & aas & ams & ama & camas & agmas & amaas & amaas & amass (4-t)
  • uncommon words: anas : nas & aas & ans & ana & fanas & annas & anbas & anals & anasa (4-t)
  • uncommon words: anis : nis & ais & ans & ani & canis & agnis & andis & anils & anise (4-t)
  • uncommon words: ared : red & aed & ard & are & bared & acred & arced & aread & aredd (4-t)
  • uncommon words: amia : mia & aia & ama & ami & bamia & aemia & amnia & amiga & amias (4-t)
  • ... and 19 others

stingy, shortest

  • common words: zip (3-t)
  • common words: gym (3-t)
  • common words: wig (3-t)
  • common words: jib (3-t)
  • common words: zig (3-t)
  • common words: gyp (3-t)

hostile, shortest

  • common words: else (4-t)
  • common words: city (4-t)
  • common words: drew (4-t)
  • common words: flux (4-t)
  • common words: ahem (4-t)
  • common words: apex (4-t)
  • common words: ahoy (4-t)
  • common words: bosh (4-t)
  • common words: ebbs (4-t)
  • ... and 33 others

hostile and stingy, shortest

  • common words: ugly (4-t)
  • common words: idly (4-t)
  • common words: foci (4-t)
  • common words: razz (4-t)

lowercase upside down, longest

  • common words: dooms & swoop (5)
  • uncommon words: salades & sapeles (7-t)
  • uncommon words: pappous & snodded (7-t)

uppercase upside down, longest

  • common words: nos & son (3-t)
  • common words: mom & wow (3-t)
  • common words: ohm & who (3-t)
  • uncommon words: nonis & sinon (5)

length 3 linkade, longest

  • common words: tapered : tap & ape & per & ere & red (7-t)
  • common words: panther : pan & ant & nth & the & her (7-t)
  • common words: anthems : ant & nth & the & hem & ems (7-t)
  • common words: papered : pap & ape & per & ere & red (7-t)
  • common words: operand : ope & per & era & ran & and (7-t)
  • common words: operate : ope & per & era & rat & ate (7-t)
  • uncommon words: echinostomatidae : ech & chi & hin & ino & nos & ost & sto & tom & oma & mat & ati & tid & ida & dae (16)

length 4 linkade, longest

  • common words: charts : char & hart & arts (6-t)
  • common words: charms : char & harm & arms (6-t)
  • common words: amends : amen & mend & ends (6-t)
  • common words: honest : hone & ones & nest (6-t)
  • common words: covert : cove & over & vert (6-t)
  • common words: forest : fore & ores & rest (6-t)
  • common words: plated : plat & late & ated (6-t)
  • common words: latest : late & ates & test (6-t)
  • common words: plates : plat & late & ates (6-t)
  • ... and 13 others
  • uncommon words: macrochemically : macr & acro & croc & roch & oche & chem & hemi & emic & mica & ical & call & ally (15)

length 5 linkade, longest

  • common words: pasterns : paste & aster & stern & terns (8)
  • uncommon words: supranasal : supra & upran & prana & ranas & anasa & nasal (10)

snowball, longest

  • common words: temperamentally : t & em & per & amen & tally (15)
  • uncommon words: hexachlorocyclohexane : h & ex & ach & loro & cyclo & hexane (21)

reverse snowball, longest

  • common words: interventionist : inter & vent & ion & is & t (15-t)
  • common words: interventionism : inter & vent & ion & is & m (15-t)
  • uncommon words: acetylcholinesterases : acetyl & choli & nest & era & se & s (21-t)
  • uncommon words: dacryocystorhinostomy : dacryo & cysto & rhin & ost & om & y (21-t)
  • uncommon words: heterotransplantation : hetero & trans & plan & tat & io & n (21-t)
  • uncommon words: pseudocholinesterases : pseudo & choli & nest & era & se & s (21-t)
  • uncommon words: stereophotogrammetric : stereo & photo & gram & met & ri & c (21-t)

alternade, longest

  • common words: ballooned : blond & aloe (9-t)
  • common words: calliopes : clips & aloe (9-t)
  • common words: broadness : bodes & rans (9-t)
  • uncommon words: carpetweeds : crewes & apted (11-t)
  • uncommon words: curtainless : cranes & utils (11-t)
  • uncommon words: spallations : saltos & plain (11-t)
  • uncommon words: triennially : tinily & renal (11-t)

reversed word deletion, longest

  • common words: phenomenal : anemone (7-t)
  • common words: phenomenally : anemone (7-t)
  • uncommon words: listerelloses : sollerets (9-t)
  • uncommon words: listerellosis : sollerets (9-t)

two-way progressive word deletion, longest

  • common words: pilgrimages : grim & lag & pies & rim & gag & piles (11)
  • uncommon words: ethylenediaminetetraacetates : ine & amt & die & net & era & lacet & yat & the & es & ami & dine & nete & etra & lac & yet & that & ees (28)
  • hyphenated words: hystero-salpingo-oophorectomies : ing & poo & lop & saho & rore & tec & stomi & hyes & pin & alg & soo & roo & eph & tor & sect & yom & hies (29)
  • phrases: collateral chorisis when the parts are side by side an : hep & tar & ents & whar & ise & riss & oid & che & alb & ery & ats & lid & lea & con & nth & whee & spa & sir & rit & hos & car & ale & ers & tide & lab & lysi & ode & can (45)

three-way progressive word deletion, longest

  • common words: warplanes : plane & wars & lane & warps & plan & wares (9)
  • uncommon words: ethylenediaminetetraacetates : tet & ner & amia & dia & nec & leet & yate & eths & ine & amt & die & net & era & lacet & yat & the & es & ami & dine & nete & etra & lac & yet & that & ees (28)
  • phrases: industrial accident and health insurances : ident & cand & ache & alal & rit & thins & sura & dunce & ins & and & nth & idee & cal & lact & ahi & trins & sur & duan & nce & is & cid & cent & a and h & lea & alt & ihi & RNs & tur & san & duc & ines (37)

four-way progressive word deletion, longest

  • uncommon words: magnetophotophoresises : hor & ope & hots & topi & nese & mags & top & hoh & topo & eres & nis & mages & hot & pop & toho & ner & ages & mises & pho & toto & eph & nor & ges & ais & mes (22)
  • phrases: tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis : turn & nose & tat & mum & aut & ram & our & pin & milli & tes & mut & eta & osm & nur & turi & ann & muti & all & ori & temps & nos & ret & tum & nut & aam & utu & amri & porn & mil & telis & tan & u-turn & mose & atm & rut & oam & pur & mini & ell & tis (34)

five-way progressive word deletion, longest

  • uncommon words: magnetophotophoresises : phot & oop & thor & ees & agni & mses & hor & ope & hots & topi & nese & mags & top & hoh & topo & eres & nis & mages & hot & pop & toho & ner & ages & mises & pho & toto & eph & nor & ges & ais & mes (22)
  • phrases: godel's incompleteness theorems : enes & lets & compt & sinh & leo & erem & gods & plet & menes & ost & inch & else & odor & gems & comp & inlet & sen & less & ethe & dor & oem & gs & ten & lee & MPs & cos & nth & sie & lore & dem & gos & let & pen & ome & CSs & int & she & lor & dee & goms (28-t)
  • phrases: south american blastomycosises : blast & nom & cay & rico & mes & ais & the & sous & tomy & asco & BLs & ani & erics & hame & souts & stom & blay & NCO & icas & meri & has & ute & sos & blas & canto & rimy & mec & hao & outs & sises & sto & blam & cany & eric & mos & hai & uts & soes (28-t)

balanced compound word, longest

  • common words: troubleshooting : trouble & hooting (15-t)
  • common words: troubleshooters : trouble & hooters (15-t)
  • common words: sophistications : sophist & cations (15-t)
  • uncommon words: phosphatidylethanolamine : phosphatidyl & ethanolamine (24-t)
  • uncommon words: formaldehydesulfoxylates : formaldehyde & sulfoxylates (24-t)
  • uncommon words: trimethylenetrinitramine : trimethylene & trinitramine (24-t)
  • phrases: intercontinental ballistic missile : intercontinental & ballistic missile (32)

word torture, longest

  • common words: bash : ash & bas & as & ba & sh (4-t)
  • common words: bass : ass & bas & as & ba & ss (4-t)
  • common words: byes : bye & yes & by & es & ye (4-t)
  • common words: bads : ads & bad & ad & ba & ds (4-t)
  • common words: bels : bel & els & be & el & ls (4-t)
  • common words: ayes : aye & yes & ay & es & ye (4-t)
  • common words: bays : ays & bay & ay & ba & ys (4-t)
  • common words: emus : emu & mus & em & mu & us (4-t)
  • common words: ados : ado & dos & ad & do & os (4-t)
  • ... and 31 others
  • uncommon words: amusers : amuser & musers & amuse & muser & users & amus & muse & sers & user & amu & ers & mus & ser & use & am & er & mu & rs & se & us (7-t)
  • uncommon words: romanis : omanis & romani & manis & omani & roman & anis & mani & oman & roma & ani & man & nis & oma & rom & an & is & ma & ni & om & ro (7-t)
  • uncommon words: guloses : gulose & uloses & gulos & loses & ulose & gulo & lose & oses & ulos & gul & los & ose & ses & ulo & es & gu & lo & os & se & ul (7-t)

sliding subwords, longest

  • common words: bares : ba & bar & bare & bares & ares & res & es (5-t)
  • common words: fares : fa & far & fare & fares & ares & res & es (5-t)
  • common words: mares : ma & mar & mare & mares & ares & res & es (5-t)
  • common words: pares : pa & par & pare & pares & ares & res & es (5-t)
  • common words: mires : mi & mir & mire & mires & ires & res & es (5-t)
  • common words: sires : si & sir & sire & sires & ires & res & es (5-t)
  • uncommon words: morales : mo & mor & mora & moral & morale & morales & orales & rales & ales & les & es (7-t)
  • uncommon words: patrial : pa & pat & patr & patri & patria & patrial & atrial & trial & rial & ial & al (7-t)
  • uncommon words: damaras : da & dam & dama & damar & damara & damaras & amaras & maras & aras & ras & as (7-t)
  • uncommon words: reposes : re & rep & repo & repos & repose & reposes & eposes & poses & oses & ses & es (7-t)
  • uncommon words: amusers : am & amu & amus & amuse & amuser & amusers & musers & users & sers & ers & rs (7-t)
  • uncommon words: romanis : ro & rom & roma & roman & romani & romanis & omanis & manis & anis & nis & is (7-t)
  • ... and 4 others

anti-word torture, longest

  • common words: suck (4)
  • uncommon words: zyzzyva (7)

no subwords, longest

  • common words: zip (3-t)
  • common words: gym (3-t)
  • common words: wig (3-t)
  • common words: jib (3-t)
  • common words: zig (3-t)
  • common words: gyp (3-t)
  • uncommon words: juju (4-t)
  • uncommon words: jynx (4-t)

square word, longest

  • uncommon words: abatement : aba & ate & tem & ben & ent & amt (9-t)
  • uncommon words: abominate : abo & ama & min & bit & ate & one (9-t)
  • uncommon words: acetamide : ace & ati & tam & cad & ide & eme (9-t)
  • uncommon words: acetonide : ace & ati & ton & cod & ide & ene (9-t)
  • uncommon words: acetamids : ace & ati & tam & cad & ids & ems (9-t)
  • uncommon words: acetonate : ace & ata & ton & cot & ate & ene (9-t)
  • ... and 912 others

logogram, highest ratio

  • common words: belays : belay & lays & ays & bel & lay & ay & be & el & la & ys & y (2.66)
  • uncommon words: romanises : romanise & manises & romanis & anises & omanis & romani & anise & manis & nises & omani & roman & anis & ises & mani & oman & roma & ani & ise & man & nis & oma & rom & ses & an & es & is & ma & ni & om & ro & se & s (4.33)

bi-logogram, highest ratio

  • common words: dones : done & ones & don & one & sen & do & es & ne & on & s (2.8-t)
  • common words: tones : ones & tone & one & sen & ton & es & ne & on & to & t (2.8-t)
  • uncommon words: romanises : romanise & manises & romanis & anises & omanis & romani & anise & manis & nises & omani & roman & anis & ises & mani & oman & roma & ani & ise & man & nis & oma & rom & ses & an & es & is & ma & ni & om & ro & se & s (4.33)
  • phrases: sacramentalists : sacramentalist & sacramental & mentalists & sacramenta & mentalist & sacrament & mentalis & ramental & amental & ramenta & a-lists & amenta & mental & rament & alist & ament & crame & ental & lists & menta & ramen & sacra & talis & amen & arca & cram & ists & list & ment & sacr & sila & tali & 91sts & acr & ali & ame & arc & ent & ist & lis & men & ram & sac & tal & RC & ac & al & am & ar & en & is & li & me & nt & sa & st & ta & ts & t (4.53)

embedded pronouns, highest ratio

  • common words: ushers : hers & her & she & he & us (0.83)
  • uncommon words: ita : it & ta & i (1-t)
  • uncommon words: itas : as & it & ta & i (1-t)

bi-embedded pronouns, highest ratio

  • common words: ushers : hers & her & she & he & us (0.83)
  • uncommon words: asti : its & as & it & i (1-t)
  • uncommon words: sati : as & at & it & i (1-t)
  • uncommon words: ati : at & it & i (1-t)
  • uncommon words: ita : it & ta & i (1-t)
  • uncommon words: itas : as & it & ta & i (1-t)

embedded anagrammed pronouns, highest ratio

  • common words: theism : them & this & him & his & its & she & he & it & me & i (1.66)
  • uncommon words: euchromatins : another & certain & nother & theirn & theirs & other & thine & each & hern & hers & hisn & mine & more & most & ourn & ours & same & some & such & them & thir & this & thon & thou & tone & ane & che & her & him & hin & his & ich & its & mun & one & she & ten & as & at & he & it & me & so & ta & un & us & i (3.91)
  • phrases: white mangroves : whatsomever & whatsoever & otherwise & something & somewhat & whatever & whomever & whosever & another & everwho & neither & whoever & either & nother & theirn & theirs & whatso & other & there & thine & twain & where & whose & hern & hers & hisn & mine & more & most & same & some & thee & them & thir & this & thon & tone & what & when & whom & ane & her & him & hin & his & its & one & own & she & ten & who & as & at & he & it & me & so & ta & we & i (4.28)

sum pair, longest

  • common words: brief => tank (5-t)
  • common words: given => peas (5-t)
  • common words: fatty => guns (5-t)
  • common words: canal => doom (5-t)
  • common words: forte => ugly (5-t)
  • common words: flora => rags (5-t)
  • common words: glans => smog (5-t)
  • common words: circa => laud (5-t)
  • common words: dotty => sins (5-t)
  • ... and 17 others
  • uncommon words: exciton => calcic (7-t)
  • uncommon words: canfuls => dotage (7-t)
  • uncommon words: charpoy => kishen (7-t)
  • uncommon words: baghdad => cholee (7-t)
  • uncommon words: czarish => casaba (7-t)
  • uncommon words: mandira => normas (7-t)
  • ... and 4 others

progressive sum pair, longest

  • common words: cane => dos => sh => a (4-t)
  • common words: sank => toy => in => w (4-t)
  • common words: trio => lax => my => l (4-t)
  • common words: gaze => hae => if => o (4-t)
  • common words: vert => awl => xi => g (4-t)
  • common words: show => awl => xi => g (4-t)
  • common words: aloe => mat => nu => i (4-t)
  • common words: sols => hae => if => o (4-t)
  • uncommon words: lazzo => mazo => nao => op => e (5-t)
  • uncommon words: sande => tori => iga => ph => x (5-t)
  • uncommon words: abyed => cadi => dem => ir => a (5-t)
  • uncommon words: cymba => bloc => nar => os => h (5-t)
  • uncommon words: flori => raga => shh => ap => q (5-t)
  • uncommon words: khaya => sizz => biz => ki => t (5-t)
  • ... and 2 others

difference pair, longest

  • common words: eldest => shyly (6-t)
  • common words: coffer => nizam (6-t)
  • uncommon words: bonniest => mazedly (8)

progressive difference pair, longest

  • common words: onto => ate => go => r (4-t)
  • common words: lint => cut => ha => g (4-t)
  • common words: barn => aid => re => m (4-t)
  • common words: ohms => gut => la => k (4-t)
  • common words: pint => gut => la => k (4-t)
  • common words: sing => jug => on => a (4-t)
  • common words: gong => rag => qt => w (4-t)
  • common words: dyed => eta => ks => r (4-t)
  • common words: tout => eta => ks => r (4-t)
  • ... and 3 others
  • uncommon words: garni => fide => wey => rf => l (5-t)
  • uncommon words: minie => dued => ipa => so => d (5-t)
  • uncommon words: dardy => cine => tui => yl => m (5-t)
  • uncommon words: nards => mink => duc => ir => q (5-t)
  • uncommon words: oriel => wids => nek => it => o (5-t)
  • uncommon words: dowts => orca => wob => hm => u (5-t)
  • ... and 4 others

puzzle -ate -ition

  • common words: cognate & cognition (0-t)
  • common words: sedate & sedition (0-t)
  • uncommon words: superstate & superstition (8)

puzzle -ess -es, shortest

  • common words: assess => asses (6-t)
  • common words: caress => cares (6-t)
  • uncommon words: less => les (4-t)
  • uncommon words: cess => ces (4-t)
  • uncommon words: dess => des (4-t)
  • uncommon words: hess => hes (4-t)
  • uncommon words: jess => jes (4-t)
  • uncommon words: fess => fes (4-t)
  • ... and 3 others

puzzle -ess -es, longest

  • common words: adventuress => adventures (11)
  • uncommon words: multimillionairess => multimillionaires (18)

misc/taxonomy_of_wordplay.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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