Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "st..l" will give you steal, still, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "..tum." will give you autumn/mutual, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: ".eat" will give you seat/eat/sat/set/sea, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "st..l" will give you teal, till, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "treas..." will give you treasure/reassure, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "g.s" finds "gates", "gassy" and so on.
This page does not correctly handle words with accents, so you may occasionally get
spurious entries in the results if you use the UK cryptics dictionary, or "all dictionaries",
which contains it.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "sl..e" will give you slop, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "st..l" will give you sill, seal and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "sn..l" will give you snail/nails, snurl/nurls, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "lens." will give you glens, liens, and so on. It will not return "lens", however; it assumes that the "." is supposed to represent a letter not in the list you provide.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: ".uppy" will give you guppy, puppy, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "st..r" will give you steer/stere, stair/tairs, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "li.ns" will give you lions and loins, liens and lines, and so on.
Note: wildcards will not work for padlock searches.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: ".ea." will give you dead/rear, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "..dded" will give you rodded/roe, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "t..d" will give you teed/deet, trad/dart, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "h.d.a" will give you hydra/tardy, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "st..r" will give you steer/stere, stair/tairs, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "st..n." will give you sterna/astern, sterno/noster, and so on.
Note: use a "." for a wildcard: "dre..d" finds "fodder", "red bud" and so on. This page does not correctly handle words with accents, so you may occasionally get spurious entries in the results if you use the UK cryptics dictionary, or "all dictionaries", which contains it.