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cons:1987:photos [NPL Wiki]

National Puzzlers' League -- 1987 Convention

Pictures From the 1987 Convention

Here is the list of noms and names for the photo:

Row 1: Mrs. Munro, Jo The Loiterer, Faro, Ai, Sluggo, George Groth Daughter, Nightowl, Hap, Junebug, unidentified, En, Dikdik.

Row 2: Corn Cob, Hot Arachne, Twisto, Val-U, Pap Ndrome, Ulk, Ubiq, Dada, Nola, Mr. Nola, Pen Gwyn

Row 3: Grams, Mr. Ditto, Ditto, Merlin, Treesong, Famulus, Avidan, Wagstaff, Mrs. Ai, Poi, Quip, Te-Zir-Man

Row 4: George Groth, Mrs. George Groth, Evita, Willz, Mehitabel, Macavity, Millipede, Millipede^Òs Friend, Philana, Mercury, Atlantic, Alf

Row 5: Blackstone, Micropod, Woodie, Uranus, 144, Windjammer, Manx, Mangie, Tweaser, Faro, Ajax, Not Insane!

Row 6: Triviac, Triviac's fiancee, Munro, Gadget, Hudu, Zyzz, Joker, Qaqaq, Senor

cons/1987/photos.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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