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cons:1993:photos [NPL Wiki]

1993 Convention of the National Puzzlers' League

Pictures From New York, NY

Here is the list of noms and names for the photo.

Row 1 (front): G,Ames, Eric, Junebug with Iambic, Val-U, Famulus, Mercury, Arachne with A-Plus, Banterweight, Gadjet, Ab Struse (in chair)

Row 2: Coach, Tihz Wa, Asobi, Vladimir Eld, Aesop, Btnirn, Finger, Twisto, Hot Fraz, Jo the Loiterer, Willz

Row 3: Boffin, Sluggo, En, Charts, Loophole, Sunshine, Luv, Spoonful, Ubiq, Dada (sunglasses), Wabbit, Ms Dos, Peri, R/Eds, Ai, Helene

Row 4: 317537, Abacus, Passerina (behind him), Smaug (in hat), Te-Zir-Man, Arepo, Pen Gwyn, Asteria, Melifer, Alice, Nina Kurzban, Pebbles, Endgame, Poi, Brillig, Avidan, Arbutus, Henry Gonshak With Baby Becky, Schuyler Whitman

Next rows, zigzagging left to right: Manx, Ed Bethea, Senor, George Groth, Tweaser, Qaqaq, Momus, 100 Down (farthest in back), Sanit, Treesong, Torpedo (Peter Gordon), Merlin (in tie), Minimus (in hat), Chainsaw, Mangie, Ditto, Atlantic (behind Ditto), Tyger, Munro, Beacon (Bearded), Squonk, Canon, Uncanny, Ulk (shadowed), Philana, Rom Dos (behind her), Tr Azom (sunglasses), Quip, Alf, Cubist

Also attending: Dr. Friz-B (Mark Danna), Eemij, Barry Hayes, Millipede, 144, Peabody, Rho, Sibyl, Windjammer, and Eileen Weiss; Wives Of George Groth, 100 Down, and R/Eds; fathers of Asteria, Banterweight, and Henry Gonshak; Jeremy Bagai, Sarah Bunting.

cons/1993/photos.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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