NOTE: When using plugins to generate content for pages, they must start with ~~NOCACHE~~ or the caching system will prevent the new content from appearing. /
This is note
This is note
This is an important note
This is a big warning
This is a tip
Syntax: ~~PAGEINDEX~~ or ~~PAGEINDEX=[[ID]]~~
Purpose: Adds a dynamic list of pages within either a specific namespace or the current one.
The INFO plugin is a standard in the Dokuwiki installation.
Booknav Navigation 2007-3-27 by
kiteDisplay Navigation Links.\nsyntax ~~booknav>prevID|upID|nextID~~ or ~~prev>ID~~ or ~~next>ID~~ . Based on Scarecrow's plug-in
Google Calendar Plugin 2007-05-01 by
Adds a Google Calendar iframe
syntax: {{cal>name@address[w,h]|alternate text}}
Iframe Plugin 2006-12-17 by
Christopher SmithAdd an iframe containing the specified url
syntax: {{url>[w,h]|alternate text}}
MEDIA_INDEX Plugin ver 1.0 2006-05-11 by
KiteDisplay a list of media files.
syntax ~~MEDIA_INDEX:[src=<namespace>;][:recurse=true|false]~~ .
<namespace> where media are found .
<excluded namespaces> are optional, start each namespace with !.
recurse controls whether or not subdirectories are indexed (default = false)
NPL_GOTS Plugin ver 1.0 2006-05-05 by
KiteDisplay a folder of GOTS pages. Derived from NPL_Enigma plugin.
syntax ~~NPL_GOTS:recursive=false~~ .
NPL_NOMS Plugin ver 1.0 2006-04-17 by
KiteDisplay a list of Nom pages.
syntax ~~NPL_NOMS:<namespace>[!<excluded namespaces>]~~ .
<namespace> where noms are found .
<excluded namespaces> are optional, start each namespace with !
OrphansWanted Plugin ver 2.2 2006-04-02 by
Doug EdmundsFind orphan pages and wanted pages .
syntax ~~ORPHANSWANTED:<choice>[!<excluded namespaces>]~~ .
<choice> :: orphans|wanted|valid|all .
<excluded namespaces> are optional, start each namespace with !
Page Index 2009-02-01 by
KitePresents an index list of files in the current namespace