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krewe:noms:loquacious [NPL Wiki]



I read the article in the San Francisco Chronicle about the 2000 NPL convention and I was hooked. I joined the NPL almost immediately but then became intimidated by the Enigma. When Hot invited me to the weekend morning Frank Lewis/Smokey Joe’s cryptic puzzle breakfast in Berkeley I said yes and there I began to learn how to solve the puzzles.

First Issue: If this means when did we first submit anything to the Enigma, my first flat published maybe in 2002. It was a combiflat with Hot, who was great with a terse versing of a charade on the word pronouncement, which I would never have noticed was a charade had it not been for the smokers. So, I am not a natural, but like so many addictions interests of mine, I worked hard at it and became good enough to be able to not fall on my face completely at every opportunity. (member since Jul/2000 / Webmaster)


mum née Camelopard, who was really difficult to recruit. I worked on her for years and years and years. Yeah, well… I would have, if I had been a member for years and years and years. It helped that she's my venerable offspring. Is this puzzle-thing genetic?

mum née Camelopard brought Picara to the Bay Area Krewe Sunday morning cryptic solving and I pushed Picara into the NPL with the lure of her first membership. First one's free, I always say.


Are you kidding? Try shutting me up. I'll say something when even I know I don't know what I'm talking about. They will adjust my meds soon.


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  • Okapi


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krewe/noms/loquacious.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/29 17:56 by loquacious
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