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krewe:noms:kto-to [NPL Wiki]



I am a professor of Slavic Languages here at Arizona State, and was then too. I became interested in polyalphabetic homographs…precursor, in a way, to the work leading to new other-language word-processing fonts, and etc. I wrote an article on Russian-English Homographs and was looking for a place to publish it…in the course of this search of possible places I came upon the Puzzlers League organ, and, being a fan of jumbles, anagrams, and etc. I joined…though in the end I contributed little if anything, being simply too busy in those days.

Source: email from Kto-To.

[Kto-To] read about the NPL in Saturday Review World.

Source: npl-folk email Mercury, from the April 1975 Enigma.

First Issue: Feb 1975




My nom “Kto-to” is the English transliteration of the Russian word, with the -to indefinitizer affix, meaning “Someone,” which appealed to me also for its duplicative ”-to-to” sound and Slavic language connotations. I once authored a kind of scientific hoax…and one of the early bogus names I had on it was “Nick Tony Znayet,” a transliteration of the Russian phrase “No one knows.”


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krewe/noms/kto-to.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 03:42 (external edit)
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